skin of our teeth by delicious a survival tale The smoke was in Hunter's eyes, the smell was in his nostrils, and shortly, the kill would be in his belly. But hungry as he had been, difficult as his hunt had been, this was a sad moment. He was not one to rememinisce. He simply could not reconcile all the complex emotions he felt. On the one hand, he was hungry, and eager to eat. This normally meant a single-minded effort to eat. But Hunter also experienced relief at having found food, after a very long period of near-starvation. Just as Hunter was not one to reminisce, he also wasn't one to think about things too deeply. But he was all alone with his feelings and his food. After the first wild gorging ripping tearing left him a bit sated, and less afraid, other impressions began to sing within him. There had always been others to share his meals. Who would share this kill? Who would taste, who would see, who would be fed? It was early: early in the first real thaw of the European Icecap, early in humanity's quest for better barbecue, early in Hunter's life. Memory was precious, because anything that was remembered was remembered in song. Hunter sang of his hunt, his kill, his dinner, dancing with the skin....his only dance partner. It had not always been this way. Hunter was full, but Hunter was not satisfied. How could he be, when he was so alone? Since the big fall, he had been alone. The big fall began, as a deep rumbling. He had taken a sibling in each hand, and begun to run. All three could not quite outdistance the avalanche that buried everyone he had ever known. Trees slowed the advance of the biggest ice chunks, but the snowflood would not be denied. By the time Hunter and his brother and sister were also buried, they were a long way away from everyone else, in what seemed to be a swirling white cave. Struggling, as though underwater, he came up, gasping for air. All Hunter had left of either child was a chunk of his sister's fur. He had turned back, wandering for a long time, before the cold finally beat him, made him surrender the search for traces of his family. There had been other caves, other kills, and other greasy smoke in Hunter's eyes. On those other occasions there had also been other men and women to share his meat. Now he danced alone, and his eyes, prompted by the smoke and the memory of other fires overflowed with the memory. The bellowed song and dance trailed off, as Hunter was overcome. Wait....Had he heard someone else sing? No. It could not be. Hunter was filled, but still was hungry, for companionship. He looked around, but the phantoms were nowhere to be seen: his friends, family, loved ones. So clear in his memory, they weren't present now, to share a bounty that would have been rich indeed. Hunter was almost as old as anyone of his line had ever been. He was mature enough to be wearing the signs of maturity: teeth that would one day be known as "wisdom teeth", a set of teeth that had recently come to him, as a bonus to replace all the teeth lost in early adolescence. Hunter was indeed old, to have received such teeth, having survived 20 revolutions of the Earth around the Sun. Astronomy was not something Hunter took note of, although he did see the star-shapes in the sky. But it would be a long time before anyone made sense of them as well. It had been a hard winter....all of Hunter's life, it seemed. He sighed into the silenced echoes of the cave. Hunter was alive, to outrun that avalanche because he somehow saved his food better than others in his family. No matter how much they all ate and shared, Hunter's body retained the richness of the kills, to sustain him for those long periods when he could not find meat. Like a wolf between kills, Hunter lived with a fire in his belly where he would have had meat, a fire of hunger. But somehow, a little bit of his kills was still left to him, to keep him alive until this moment. A glimmer that might have been the beginning of thought fluttered through Hunter. He somehow began to look ahead to the next hunt. While his stomach groaned with his conquest, as he tried to eat still more, he remembered the pains of hunger. Somehow, he knew that this good warm feeling of contentment could not last. It never did, he realized. How long until the next kill? He had no conception yet of future actions, only the certainty of what he had seen and the likelihood of more burning in his stomach when this fullness passed away. That too made him sad, made him want to eat more. How could this feeling stay? He remembered the bleak moments, crying children, howling winds, and empty snares reproaching him like the mouths of his starving brother and sister.... brother and sister....they were....? There was no word for what they were, where they were. He talked a moment to them, but there was no answer, of course. He looked at the wall of the cave, and wondered if he could hear their voices, continuing to sing somewhere, even after their throats ceased to breathe. Again, he thought he heard something. Surely. Not a voice singing, but a sound outside. An animal, game, coming to him? No, that had never happened in the cave, although game occasionally stepped into his snares. Their eyes met. A young person attracted by the smoke, that smell of meat, of survival, stood, just outside the cave, with a face that was an open demand to be fed. Hunter saw a form so gaunt he did not recognize her as female, for there was no curve to her at all. He tore the thigh from the roasted mass, and held it out as an invitation. She came forward. Later, as they huddled together, Hunter marvelled....he's so thin, he thought to himself.....he chuckled to himself, drifting into sleep, while the he who was actually a she continued to suck the fat from some roasted skin. The next morning, Hunter looked at the sleeping figure....something seemed familiar about this situation. There was no question in his mind. An instinct as sure as the need to urinate or breathe took him. He wrapped the fur around the sleeper, and went off, to look for game in his snares as though this were his brother or sister, mother or father. The first trap held a limp rabbit. A thank you to the spirits of the wild passed quietly across hunter's lips.... not something we would recognize as a thank you, nor even as a song of praise. It was more a sort of expression of delight at the gift in the snare. Hunter, at the Holy Communion of The Wild, finding the rabbit, said a quiet "nyum" to the Divine One who presented this tender and tasty morsel. Coming to the next trap, Hunter found a black furry creature that had stopped struggling hours ago. Again, Hunter nyummed his Song of Praise to the Divine One. It continued this way through the morning. Hunter could not understand the bounty, the continuous parade of delicacies in his traps. The migration brought on by the thaw was not anything he would understand. And to Hunter this was a blessing from the Divine One. Hunter continued to be more and more mindful of the Goddess with every delicious discovery. But now, as before the avalanche, there was a purpose to the hunt. Hunter brought his kill home eagerly, presenting every trophy at the feet of his companion. And with every gift from the goddess, and with every thought of his goddess, the closer her incarnation came, the nearer to being the Divine One she came. One day, Hunter was presenting yet another tender morsel to the weak person, hoping he could encourage her to eat as ferociously as he did. At some point he was watching her eat. Yes, he saw a feminine shape. The teeth were bared savagely, and she was eating as wildly as he. But somehow Hunter wanted to feel their bite. Her arms were young, strong, but curved, as a layer of fat began to smoothly cover the sinews underneath. For every small beast sacrificed to her wild appetite, a little more fat covered her thighs, arms, cheeks, back. Without any notion of goals or purposes Hunter relentlessly went back and forth, harvesting the bounty presented by the Goddess for the Goddess, as though the Divine Mother was feeding herself. And so one day, Hunter enters his cave, to discover The Divine One, The Goddess, living for him. The fox slung over his shoulder was almost forgotten, at the sight of the growing creature in his life. She was perhaps the same age as he was, but now exulted in a belly, partly grown from the hunt, partly her burgeoning fertility, in the presence of her horny young consort. Hunter had never seen so much health before, so much clear and holy fertility. Her stomach was the largest stomach ever seen by a human in all those thousands of years of ice. No one had had more than mice and a few occasional foxes to eat. No one had ever known satiety, contentment...not since the migrations from the hot climes long forgotten. He fell to his knees, forgetting his latest kill, as he reached, to touch this unlikely shape. When had a woman ever been so wide in the middle? No bones were visible anywhere. Flesh actually moved on the surface of her stomach, softly shifting with the fluidity of breast flesh. Was there pride in such a gathering of game? She pushed forward as astonished as he was, in this unprecedented growth. There was no surprise that he had to touch, had to then taste this rich white mass of Divinity. He, too, had grown, as well-fed as she. But her size was before him, a dream of white softness. And she allowed his curious but reverent touch. This was not the first time Hunter had touched her, of course. Her growing body was a comfortable part of his life, warm and eager to be touched. On one of Hunter's forays, this one, not into the forest, but rather, into her forested darkness, he had not killed, but created life. Was it an immortal spirit or the warmth of the spring sunshine that brought her forth, naked chested in the afternoon, to greet her partner in feasting? Her first labour was less than a month away, so that her breasts were bobbing, achingly pert before Hunter's eyes. Hunter was stupefied....When had the Goddess blessed him by deciding to visit? He did not question, for questions were still far in his and humanity's future. He celebrated, worshipped, delighted, feasted. He sang with his face deep in the softness of that growing stomach, and she, in turn, crooned a Divine accompaniment. As she snoozed, full of berries,berry juice, and roast hen, Hunter wanted to sing and dance. He was quiet with reverence, and wanted to watch her sleep, that rising and falling of a belly that seemed to rise higher and higher with every breath, as though growing visibly. But Hunter would not touch. He put his hand to the wall, thinking of her, and danced....he danced on the wall with his hands, with the berries. His hands pressed the berries into tribute of hunts, and of her growing curves. He made the horns of the great deer, and of the goddess curves, fed by those deer. Ahhh, he looked at the deer, and felt in his stomach a reverence for that slippery smooth taste of deer. He had not eaten deer in awhile, and wanted her big with deer. How he loved that grin when her face filled with feasting, chewing sounds driving his passion higher. They could dance a noisy slurpy dance, that sounded like feasting, when the only feast was between them. He shaped her belly and breasts on the cave wall. Again the smoke found his eyes, but there were no tears. A recollection of other songs dimly came to Hunter, but there was no desire to sing a dirge. Quietly, before any child came, Hunter crooned to his own child consort there by his side, while yumming his thanks for plentiful game. The goddess provides for herself, Hunter thought...yes that is it, she has come, and food is plentiful, and so she grows, nurtured by game. He would not look back again.