~ Yvonne and Adolpha ~
Created by
Dark Phoenix
Edited by Michael-Leonard
Feedback appreciated:
An unplanned sequel to The Phantom Muscle, but that's a good thing!

This story is not intended for anyone under the age of 18 (21 in some locations). This story depicts extreme female muscularity, animal muscularity, and some sexual situations. If any of this offends you, then do not read any further. You have been warned. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the story!

I have contemplated just putting in new human characters. But then I figured I would have to do a sort of backstory to establish those character(s). So I went back through my previous stories and saw the perfect one to link this to! This story quite literally picks up where The Phantom Muscle ends...on a beach! It's different than what I normally do. This story came about when I saw these two pictures that I thought were really cool! I essentially had another stroke of inspiration and the following story is the result. To be quite honest, I didn't expect it to be a sequel to The Phantom Muscle. But like I said, I didn't want to invent new characters just to feature the dolphin. That and it fit in so well. In the end, this ended up being a developing story for one of the luckiest guys in the world. Anyhoo, just read and see!

* * *

William Lloyd made a choice that had paid off handsomely for him. He decided to move to California to expand his law firm business. That's where he moved into a new home and met his first muscle-bound beauty. But there was only one problem: she was already dead. After helping her settle her leftover issues by making love to her in the most otherworldly sex he has ever felt, she was finally happy and moved on.

This experience had given him the courage to go out and meet his ideal (and still living) woman. And sure enough, he had his chance when he met Yvonne Strzechowski, a female bodybuilder with a most impressive physique. They spent the better part of the afternoon chatting up a storm over lunch and getting to know one another. Eventually, it got to the point where they decided to have dinner together as well. They got seats in an isolated part of a beachfront diner to avoid stares. Will was so happy to be connecting so well with Yvonne. And this is where the story resumes.

"So tell me Yvonne, what's your secret to those incredible muscles you've developed?" Will asked.

Yvonne giggled and seemed to blush a little. "Oh you wouldn't believe me if I told you!"

But Will was so enamored by her sexy body that he felt there was nothing she could tell him that he wouldn't believe.

"Just try me," Will offered.

Yvonne looked around to make sure that there was still no one else nearby.

"All right then, but you've got to promise me you won't tell anyone. Normally I wouldn't even be telling you this, but you truly seem like such a sweet and considerate man that I'm taking a chance with you," Yvonne said.

After a brief pause, Yvonne took a deep breath and leaned in close. "It's spinach."

Will found himself about to eat
his words. That did sound rather farfetched. Oh sure he was familiar with the Popeye stories and the spinach he eats to become super-powered. But to think such a thing was possible in real life was something he never once considered. Yvonne's expression became visibly disappointed and even sad as she looked downward.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me," she said.

But Will was really liking Yvonne a whole lot; at this point, would let himself give her the benefit of a doubt if she said she could fly. He reached over and gently lifted her chin so she looked at him again. Yvonne took his hand and held it.

"I'd like to know more. Please, tell me more," Will said with a smile.

This warmed Yvonne's heart and she was feeling happy again. So she told him how she has eaten spinach her whole life as a snack, for lunch, dinner, and that she began her pursuit of bodybuilding at the young age of ten. Her parents were against it in the beginning, but she was determined to prove that she could make a name for herself in the profession. She discovered quite by surprise that whenever she ate a full can of spinach, her strength and muscle soared to unthinkable heights. She was at a loss to explain it. She soon realized that she was mixing
in her own unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and even herbs to enhance the nutritional value of the spinach to an unheard of level. That combination has enabled her to not only achieve the superhuman strength and mass that Popeye was known for, but it even led to long term benefits of increased speed in muscle gain as she worked out. And looking at Yvonne, he believed it. She then told him that her strength has benefited even more in the long term. She had tightly kept the secret that she was immensely strong by human standards. Even her already enormous muscles failed to emphasize how strong she was. But that was nothing compared to how strong she got whenever she ate a can of spinach. She once did just that and found that she was able to lift the bed of an auto transport loaded with cars that were being transferred to a car dealer. And it still felt light to her!

This story naturally had Will's heart racing! To hell with belief, he was hooked and wanted to see this strength for himself!

But what really got Will's attention was how she has shared her super spinach with others and managed to keep it on the low-down. She told him that she had her ways of keeping her secret among her inner circle and winked when she said this.

Will found himself loving every bit of her story. He took her hand and kissed it.

"I'm really glad I met you Yvonne. You are every bit my most ideal woman: bulging with muscles, a real sweetheart, and full of surprises!" Will said from the heart.

Yvonne blushed and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and looked deep into his eyes, "Thank you Will. You don't know how happy you've made me feel saying that. I'll be perfectly honest, I have dated other guys who liked my muscles. But it always felt like they just wanted me to perform for them. You on the other hand are the first guy who has complimented me on something besides just my muscles. I...really...like..."

Her voice trailed off as she closed her eyes and kissed Will on his lips so tenderly and lovingly. Will returned the kiss and caressed her cheek as he did so. Will felt her foot start to rub against his penis under the table, which made him feel very horny. After a good minute of this, they finally pulled apart and looked lovingly into each other##€###s eyes. Yvonne seemed a bit nervous.

"I... I hope I'm not going too fast with you. I swear you are the first guy I have connected with so intimately on a first date. I was beginning to lose hope that a sweet man like you even existed," Yvonne said.

The feeling was most mutual. Will was normally reserved around women. His past experiences have been less than kind to him. A part of him was reserved even now. But his heart told him to pursue Yvonne with all that he was.

"You aren't going too fast, beautiful. I have waited for this moment my whole life. Do you believe in love at first sight?" Will said, blushing a great deal at a rather unoriginal question.

Yvonne giggled. "I'll say this much, you really are unlike any man I've ever met. But I mean that in a good way. I think it takes courage to bare one's self like that. But yes, I do believe in love at first sight. I just don't want this to be a dream. I want to make sure you know the type of woman I am. I'm much stronger than you and I'm not the typical curvy type. I just need to know that you weren't just talking
when you said you liked muscular women."

Will understood fast where she was coming from. He reached over and put a hand on Yvonne's bicep.

"Can you flex it for me?" he asked.

Yvonne smiled. "Sure baby."

She flexed, and her bicep stretched and grew to amazing size right in Will's hand. He could feel a large vein bulging from her peak as she poured on the power. Will felt himself being very turned on by the hardness and size of her rock-hard peak. He literally had a tent forming around his groin. Yvonne could see the lust in his eyes.

"I guess I shouldn't have doubted you. You really are turned on by my muscles," she said as she grinned.

She saw a couple people a few feet behind Will who were staring. They didn't seem in any hurry to avert their eyes. Yvonne looked at Will.

"Perhaps we should collect the check and get going," she said.

Will looked behind him and saw why. "Good idea. But please, let me pick up the tab. It's my treat."

Yvonne held his hand. "That's very sweet of you. Thanks!"

And so, after leaving the diner, they decided to take a swim together. People were leaving the beach
and the shoreline farther up had almost no people in it. Yvonne wore a bathing suit under her shirt, which she removed. Will was ready to faint from pleasure overload. She was ripped to shreds! Never before had Will seen anything like it, even in Shelly. Her muscles really did look like they were trying to bulge off of her body. Yvonne saw Will's slack-jawed stare and proceeded to give him an impromptu show. She went into the front double biceps pose, the side chest pose, the back double biceps pose, and finished with the Superman pose. Will was so aroused that he had a prominent tent more noticeable than ever in his wet pants. He didn't think he'd be in the water, but right now he was far from caring.

"Are you asking me to molest you?" Will said jokingly.

Yvonne bent forward, showing her muscled cleavage. "Maybe I am. And once we go back to your place or mine, I'd like to see just how you would molest me,##€## she said smiling

Will was surprised at how much she opened up to him after he expressed
how much he felt for her. She seemed literally liberated. She ran up to him and took his hands and led him into deeper water.

"Come with me; there's someone special I want you to meet. You're actually the first person I am introducing her to," Yvonne said eagerly.

"Her?" Will asked more to himself than Yvonne.

But he said nothing as he let himself be guided into the water until it was up to his chest. Yvonne let him go and turned around.

"Adolpha!" she called out and whistled loudly.

She started to splash her hands on the water as she called out again. It wasn't long until the snout of a bottlenose dolphin appeared above the water. Will was intrigued. He had always wanted to see a dolphin up close.

Yvonne gestured him to come closer. "Come on, she won't bite you

Yvonne started petting the dolphin's head. "I call her
Adolpha. Yeah, not exactly original, but I felt it suited her well. Isn't that right Adolpha?" she said cheerfully as Adolpha splashed a bit playfully, making her characteristic chattering sounds.

Will waded
over to Adolpha and slowly reached over to pet her. She remained still as he quickly got comfortable with her.

"Does she understand us?" Will asked.

Yvonne smiled. "Oh, definitely! People don't seem to understand just how intelligent dolphins are. If dogs are man's best friend on land, then dolphins are man's best friend in the sea.
Adolpha and I met a few months ago when I was swimming and she just started playing with me and swimming in circles. It was like she was showing off for me. She hung around long enough for me to grab some fish and feed her. From that day on, we just became close friends. And even though she can't speak in our language, we seemed to establish a means of communication just by how much fun we had. If I was happy, she was happy. If I was feeling down, she'd hover around me as if lending an ear for me to talk to."

"Amazing," Will said.

Adolpha dove back under the water, then leaped and
flipped in midair, and then disappeared under the water. After reappearing, Yvonne petted her a little more and said goodbye for now. Yvonne waded through the water toward the shore.

Yvonne pointed down the shoreline at a port in the distance. "Say, let's go check out that cruise ship. I have this thing for going on cruise ships and it's hard to be able to afford to go on one. Do you mind?"

This time, it was Will who took her hand. "Not at all!"

And so after Yvonne put her shirt back on, they made their way down the shoreline towards the port. The sun was
setting and the scenery was looking especially serene. They walked hand in hand, their feet in the warm wavelets. After half an hour of walking, they finally reached the port. Yvonne gazed up at the massive ship.

"Have you ever been on a cruise before?" Yvonne asked.

"Actually, I never have." Will said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. But that didn't mean he couldn't go on one now, since he now had someone to take with him on

Yvonne's attention turned to the front of the ship. Will followed her gaze and saw that a tugboat was slowly pulling the huge ship out from the dock to another dock where a large building sat
. No doubt the gathering place for passenger boarding. Both of the newly formed lovebirds watched silently as the tugboat displayed power that defied its size. Suddenly the tugboat just stopped, and the cruise ship along with it.

"Hmmm, I wonder why they stopped?" Yvonne asked to no one in particular.

Will heard her and wagered a guess. "Engine trouble perhaps? Couldn't the ship just go from there to there
under its own power?"

Yvonne looked on in concern. "I'm afraid not. There are regulations for cruise ships in areas like this. Their massive size makes it hard for them to corner very tightly. And, for
that reason, tugboats are necessary to safely move them within the port. This also is necessary of course when the ship in question is disabled. Though it seems to me that the tugboat itself is disabled."

The two watched as worried workers scurried
about trying to figure out how to move the monstrous ship without it crashing. Yvonne absentmindedly put her hand in her shirt where she kept a can of spinach. Her face lit up when she felt it in her hand.

"I have
an idea!" Yvonne said excitedly.

"What is it?" Will asked.

Yvonne giggled and leaned in to talk more quietly. "You want an effective demonstration of just how strong my spinach makes someone?"

Will's heart skipped a beat. "You mean... are you going to use it to pull the ship to its dock

Yvonne was all giggles. "Oh no, not me! I want to save myself for something even greater!"

Will was confused. "Then... wait a minute. Do you mean##€##?"

Yvonne grinned as she turned and nonchalantly looked to confirm no one was paying any attention to them, walked out into the water where it was deep enough, and patted on the water.

"Adolpha!" she called out softly and whistled.

Within a minute, the dolphin appeared from the water once again.

"Don't tell me you're..." Will said in surprise, now knowing what she was up to.

"Why not? She's best equipped for this. And besides, aren't you the least bit curious about seeing a muscular dolphin?" Yvonne asked.

Will wasn't sure what to think. But then again, he was having such a wonderful time with Yvonne that he didn't want to start creating any awkwardness now.

"Sure, why not. But just so you know, I'm really hoping to see you eat it and show me just how strong you can be," Will said with a smile.

Yvonne smiled back. "Not a problem, baby; I promise, you'll get just that. But unlike Adolpha here, I would be more noticeable here. No one is going to know about this, much less be able to make sense of any of it."

Will looked back toward the port in the near distance. Indeed, no one seemed to notice they were there. Everyone was too wrapped up in trying to get the tugboat functional again.

Yvonne leaned down and started talking to Adolpha. "I'd like you to do me a favor. You think you can push that cruise ship to that dock
right over there?"

Adolpha started to chatter and
shake her head, as if wondering if Yvonne was out of her mind. But Yvonne pulled out her can of spinach and stroked Adolpha's nose.

"You and I trust each other, right?" she asked

Adolpha eagerly nodded her head. Yvonne popped open the can.

"Then will you eat this? I know you don't normally
eat vegetables, but trust me. You'll like this one." Yvonne said with persuasion.

After a moment, Adolpha let her mouth hang
open. Yvonne smiled and poured the contents of the spinach into her mouth. After thoroughly chewing and swallowing it, Adolpha seemed to recoil in mild disgust from the taste. But then she went completely silent and dipped back below the surface and out of sight. All Will and Yvonne could do was wait at this point.

What they didn't see was that Adolpha began to revel in the steadily increasing feeling of immense strength that swelled within her. Her whole body began to become huge with thick and densely packed muscle. It wasn't long until she was the muscular
equivalent of a great white shark! She felt like she would explode from the sheer strength that buzzed inside her. And it felt so good.

Yvonne saw the water stirring as, from
nowhere, Adolpha shot out of the water straight up into the air like a missile until she was a hundred feet in the air. She did several fast spins in the air and came back down with a streamlined splash. She reappeared on the surface where Yvonne and Will could see her huge muscles. It was a hypnotic sight for them both. Yvonne reached over and felt the muscles all over her body and invited Will to do the same. Will felt embarrassed in that he was actually feeling turned on by this. Though Will was not into bestiality, he quickly reasoned that it was the supernatural muscles themselves, and not the dolphin, that provoked this reaction from him, and did his best to shake it off.

Yvonne leaned in close to Adolpha. "So, you think you can push
that ship now?"

Adolpha nodded and chattered
most excitedly and took off like a torpedo through the water toward the two ships. Yvonne and Will decided to take cover nearby to avoid being seen, but still watch events unfold. To actually see what was happening amazed not just Will, but Yvonne too. Adolpha made noticably high leaps in the air as she made her way over to the cruise ship. She looked in the direction and distance she had to go and went to the side of the ship and pressed against it as she turned on the power.

Within seconds, people everywhere took notice of this sight that left a lot of them speechless. From where they all stood, the cruise ship was clearly moving sideways on its own. And the tugboat still sat off to the side where it drifted a little. What's more, the tugboat was being pulled now right along with it! Eventually, t
he cruiser ship was now facing in the direction of the open sea where it could move out safely on its own.

Will just couldn't believe his eyes. This was something that just had to be seen to be believed. He had just seen it and he still didn##€###t believe it!
Yvonne glanced at him and smiled as she gently lifted his lower jaw up to close his mouth.

Nothing was said as the two watched Adolpha. She pulled away from the ship, submerged again, and
then gave every last person there a sight to remember. She shot out of the water on the other side of the cruise ship so fast that she seemed to take flight. Her hugely muscled body propelled her all the way over the highest point of the ship and back into the water on the other side where she disappeared from their sight. After that, Adolpha was gone... for now.
It took several seconds, and then everyone watching exploded into thunderous applause and loud exciting speculation amongst themselves. Yvonne and Will decided to make a discreet exit while they still remained unnoticed.

After crossing the street, they reached Will's car. Will looked warmly at Yvonne. "Wow Yvonne, you truly are one-of-a-kind."

Yvonne blushed as she leaned in and gave Will a loving kiss. After pulling away, she put a hand to his face.

"I'm... I'm in love with you, Will," she said most seriously.

Will took her hand and kissed it. "And I with you. My life feels complete now when I'm around you. I don't think I'll feel complete anymore when you aren't with me."

Yvonne smiled and gave his hand a mildly strong squeeze. "What say you take me back to your place so you can... molest me?" she said with a wink.

Will was more aroused than ever. "You didn't drive here?"

Yvonne giggled. "Are you kidding? I don't need a car to get around, not with these legs," she said as she flexed her thighs as they swelled into the most massive legs of steel Will had ever seen. He began to think she could run faster than his car. He was struggling not to have an orgasm on the spot, she was so intoxicating. But to see her flexing her unnaturally huge muscles drove him wild.

"We won't make it back to my place if you keep flexing here like that," Will said.

Yvonne kissed him on the lips as she walked by him and climbed into the passenger seat. "You haven't seen anything yet, baby."

Will could feel the blood gathering in his face. If she kept this up, he swore he might have a nosebleed! He got into the car and started it up. He took a moment to look at his newfound love. He looked back and reflected
at his decision to move here...

...it was the best decision of his life.

~ THE END...? ~