PAMELA By DanboyII I was 14 or 15 and was offered a ride home from school on a Friday afternoon with a carload of seniors. There were already seven people in the car so there really wasn’t any room, or so I thought. Finally I did get in and ended up sitting on Pamela’s lap. I hadn’t had much of a growth spurt yet so I only weighed around 135 and was about 5’7" tall. Pamela was a senior. She was a very pretty dark haired girl who was a star on the girls basketball team although she wasn’t unusually tall. She was about 5’6" with very large muscular legs and broad shoulders. She had big boobs and had the reputation of being a very tough chick. She must have weighed at least 180 pounds and I had always thought she looked just great. I sat stiffly at first, but she pulled me close and said that I shouldn’t worry because she didn’t bite. I couldn’t believe that I was being hugged against Pamela’s big beautiful breasts. It was not a long ride home, just about two miles. Before we stopped at a spot where most of us got out someone suggested that we meet back in an hour and all go to the nearby amusement park where a whole carload could get in for just $5.00. They included me in their discussions and very definitely expected me to join them. It was like a dream to be invited to hang out with all these seniors. I went home, changed, got some money from my mom and was back at the corner in plenty of time. When we loaded up the car again, I was in seventh heaven once more when they said we should take the same spots we were in before. Now I was going to be treated to a twenty mile ride snuggled on Pamela’s lap. I was squeezed against those breasts again and also had the opportunity to feel one of her arms during the trip. It was much harder than I had expected anywhere I touched it and now that she had changed into a sleeveless tank top, I could see as well as feel muscles that were much larger that I imagined they would be. When we got to the park we hung together in a pack for a while. At one point we gathered around a grip tester in the arcade and each of us had to take our turn. There was an arrow that moved up a scale that topped out at 100. There were also messages that lit up when you reached your own maximum and started to drift down. If you didn’t get up very high, you would get an insulting message branding you as a weakling and if you did well you got complimented. One of the girls got a "sissy" rating, I got a "warm body" rating and one of the guys got a "muscleman" rating. That’s all I remember except that Pamela’s arrow went off the scale and her message said, "overload, One person at a time please". No one seemed surprised that Pamela was so very strong. With four guys and four girls we began to drift apart some as pairs or couples. I was giddy with excitement and pinching myself because I was obviously Pamela’s "date". We walked around hand in hand, and I did my best to make it look natural so that all would see that Paula was my girl. People looked. People looked a lot a Pamela’s incredible body. I’m not sure they even knew that I was there. PART 2 We tried a game of basketball shooting. I was terrible but Pam never missed and won a giant bear. At first I felt embarrassed that she was so much better than me and then that feeling changed to one of pride and admiration. That feeling went away some too after I had lugged the stupid giant pink bear for a hundred yards or so. We wandered back to where the car was parked and found most of the gang sitting around a nearby picnic table. Someone had brought beer and sandwiches so we all gathered around for a small feast. One of the guys started wrestling one of the girls around. He got her down and straddled her and began squeezing her boobs. The girl began twisting and screaming for him to stop and get off of her but he wouldn’t quit. Suddenly, Pam went over to them and grabbed the back of the guys shirt just behind the neck. She twisted it tight and dragged him away from the girl. Pam let him go but he was really pissed. He came after Pam and said that Pam was just looking to get felt up herself and was probably disappointed because she’d found out that I wasn’t man enough to do it. Then he reached out and squeezed one of Pam’s big boobs! Big mistake! Pam grabbed his wrist and wrenched him around into a painful arm lock. Then from behind, she put her other arm between his legs and lifted him bodily face down, one arm at his crotch and the other holding tight to the hammer lock. I thought she was going to use his own weight to rip his arm from it’s socket. She dumped him flat on his face and I think, dislocated his shoulder. Too make it even worse, she didn’t let go of his wrist but bent his hand back in a horribly painful looking position. He began crying and begging her to let go. Without a word, Pam dropped his hand and turned to me. She took me by the wrist and we walked away from the group and into the crowd in the general direction of the rides. She led me to the Ferris wheel where she purchased tickets and we got in line. Still no talking. The wheel started and stopped a number of times as people were being unloaded and new riders took their place. Finally, we were near the top of the wheel, just sitting there but not talking. She put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me gently toward her. In a soft low voice she said, "you can feel my boobs if you want to."