Kelly too much for hubby By Jay Croushore Sexy, strong house guest takes control Kelly had taken over the house, in a matter of less than two months. She was a guest in our downstairs living quarters, as a favor to my wife's best friend who asked us to put her up for a couple of months before she was supposed to enter the Army, but she seemed to be dominant topic of conversation with my children and wife. "You should see Kelly do pushups," my son Kevin said on more than one occasion. "She can do 200!" "Man," my wife Jennifer said in astonishment. "That Kelly can play basketball. And she can throw a football, too." "Kelly's fun," my second-youngest daughter and all-around athlete Ellen said. I rarely saw Kelly because I work nights and she worked from around 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. as a dispatcher at the state police department and then she would come home and go to bed. I was usually on my way to work by the time she got up around 1 p.m. for her afternoon jog and swim. I also understand she taught an aerobics class in the afternoon. Our paths would cross occasionally but we rarely spoke. She was attractive to look at, to put it mildly. Short blonde hair. Cute face. I'm guessing she was 5-9, maybe 5-10 because she could look me square in the eye, but I had no idea what she weighed. She was always wearing sweat pants and oversized T-shirts. But other than work and sleep, it seemed she spent the rest of her time working out. I could only fantasize about how she really looked under those shirts. One day while cleaning the basement, I found a pair of 35-pound dumb bells down in her room. I asked Jennifer what they were doing down there, if Kelly used them as door stops, and she just shrugged her shoulder. "Kelly's in great shape," she said matter-of-factly, as if she really knew. "What's does that mean," I said. "You're not trying to tell me she lifts those weights, because I can barely lift them." "I don't know," Jennifer said. "Why don't you ask her. But I think she does some arm and shoulder work with them." Kelly and I rarely spoke, but I've got to admit when I did see her my heart would start pumping and my legs would get a little soft because she had an air about her. She was quietly intimidating, as if she ruled the house. And apparently she did. Jennifer said Kelly would routinely fix things, work on my wife's car, work in the yard, as payment for rent. "It's like having a real man around," Jennifer said, not realizing that she was insulting me. "What does that mean?" I asked. "Oh, you know, Kelly takes care of us when you're not around," Jennifer said. "She takes care of things." One night it all came to a head. It was late summer and our two older children spent the night over at friends. I was in charge of watching the younger girls when Jennifer, Kelly and a few other ladies when out for the night. I was proud of myself for getting the younger two to bed early, and I spent the rest of the evening cleaning up. Jennifer loved it when I cleaned up, and I figured after a night on the town, it might put her in the mood for a little love-making. They left around 6 p.m., but it was almost 11:30 before I heard the giggling and the fumbling of keys at the backdoor. I popped up to open the back door, and there was my Jennifer on Kelly's back, getting a piggy-back-ride from the car to the house. "She's had a little too much too drink," Kelly said. With that, she let Jennifer slide down her back and then she scooped her up in her arms like a little kid. "I'll take her to her room," Kelly said. I followed Kelly as she hauled Jennifer over her shoulder and laid her down on our bed and gently kissed her on the cheek. Kelly then nudged me to leave the room. "You better let her sleep. Maybe you ought to sleep on the couch tonight, buddy," Kelly said, outside the room. "She's pretty wasted." Kelly followed me to the kitchen, where I fixed myself a glass of water. "Got anything to eat," she said. "I'm hungry." "Didn't you guys eat?" I asked, a little angrily. "You sure were out long enough." "Hold on there bucko," Kelly said. "Don't tell me about being gone too long. Maybe if you were around more ...." "Around more, what? I said. "Well, bucko, Jennifer and I have become pretty good friends, you know. She likes what I do around here. We enjoy each other's company." With that, Jennifer staggered into the kitchen. "What's going on?" she said. "I'm just telling your husband that we've become good friends and how a woman like you needs a real lover, someone who can really satisfy her." I didn't know where this was headed, but I was stunned. I knew Kelly had this allure about her, but I never dreamed that she had drawn in my wife. But now, there I was, standing in the kitchen with them totally unprepared for what was about to take place. Kelly was wearing a pair of bicycle shorts and one of her oversized long- sleeved shirts, but she proceeded to peel off the shirt. She unveiled a body that I could only have dreamed about. She was wearing a T-back than unveiled a set of shoulders and arms that set my heart to raced. She stretcher her arms, flexed her biceps a little and looked me in the eye. "We need to settle this once and for all, Jennifer," Kelly said. "I want to take hubby on. Winner gets you." I was stunned by the direction this evening had taken, but I wasn't about to back down against some 19-year-old know-it-all. "Bring it on," I said. She did. We had barely cleaned off room in the den when Kelly rushed at me and grabbed me around the chest with cast-iron arms. She held me off the ground and I flailed my legs to no avail. "We can stop this right now," Kelly said. "Just say I give and move downstairs. There won't be any humiliation." My feet kept flailing but I was not giving up. Kelly let me down and looked at me again. "I will humiliate you in front of your wife," she said. "I do 5 sets of 15 reps with the dumb bells you saw down there. I had four brothers teach me everything there is to know about rassling." "Come on," I said. "I'm not giving up." Jennifer stood in the doorway mouth agape. Her husband and her girl friend were going at it, and there was little doubt who was going to prevail. And Jennifer was not rooting for me. Kelly and I circled in the room for a few moments. I'm going to guess, now, she weighed 145-150, but it was all muscle. She had a nice figure, but her shoulders were so well-defined you hardly noticed the size of her breasts. I tried to be the aggressor this time, using an old college wrestling takedown move in attempt to grab one of her legs. But she straightened her legs and swung her body around behind me in a cat- like move. Suddenly, I was on my knees and Kelly was on my back. She planted her legs between my legs and drove her arms underneath mine in a full nelson. Soon, I was on my chest, my legs stretched out behind me, my arms twisted back with my head tucked against the ground. "I'm a little disappointed in you," Kelly said. "I've had girl friends put up tougher fights than this." That got me angry. I rocked back and forth, and I was able to get to my hands and knees, which is exactly what Kelly wanted. Now, she planted her right arm behind my right hamstring and took her left arm around my left shoulder and hooked her arms up. She wheeled back on her back and pulled my legs in the air with my shoulder flat on the ground in a perfectly executed cradle hold. The only thing left moving was my left leg. It was going back and forth like a windshield wiper, but she quickly stopped that, taking her legs and scissoring that leg, leaving me with no movable parts. "You got him now," Jennifer said, excitedly. "He can't get out of a cradle. I know that." It's true Jennifer, a solid and beautiful woman in her own right, and I had wrestled many times in bed, and she could apply a wicked cradle. But it was only after I allowed her to. This time, I was being cradled by the enemy and I was trying my best to get out. "Jennifer, your husband isn't as strong as I would have thought," Kelly said, starting to lose interest in the proceedings. "I think you're stronger than him." With that, she tightened up an already suffocating hold and issued an ultimatum. "Ok, buddy," she said. "You can give now and go downstairs, or I'm going to start cracking some bones here." With that, I tapped her shoulder in a signal of defeat. She tightened her hold even stronger now and whispered into my ear. "As long as I live here, and I'll stay as long as your wife can satisfy me, you're going to live downstairs and I'm going to stay with your wife. Understood?" "I had no answer to Kelly's command. So she tightened her hold to a point where I thought my neck was going to crack." "OK?" she asked.. I nodded. Kelly released the incredible hold and then scooped me up like a baby and carried down to the basement, where I was now going to live. She placed me a chair and told me sit. "Now," she said. "I'm going to show you how many times I can make your wife to orgasm in one night." Kelly used her deft tongue and incredible flexibility to bring Jennifer to one climax after another. Jennifer must have come five times and she was begging for more, something I could never do. Then Jennifer would go down on Kelly, satisfying her like no man could ever hope to. I watched in disbelief, a prisoner in my home, held hostage by a beautiful women who was so strong and sexy I could never match her. I could only do what she told me, and I was the one paying the bills. When they were done making love, glistening with sweat and excitement, Kelly picked up her dumb bells and went through a series of curls, military presses and butterfly exercises that defined an already incredible physique. Then, completely nude, Kelly flexed every muscle she had and got up right in my face, showing me a body that wouldn't quit, but a body I would never touch. "I want you to pull your pants down," Kelly said. "Am I exciting you?" My dick was hard and my heart was pumping as Kelly went through a series of body-building like poses. She would occasionally whisper in my ear about great Jennifer was in bed, and how I would never get to have her again. After a few minutes, I came without being touched. Kelly sneered at me, took my semen and rubbed it in my face and shook her head in utter disdain at me. "She's mine until I decide to leave," Kelly told me. "And, when's that's going to be?" I asked. "Not for a long time." And there was nothing I could do about it.