Welcome to The Grove by Crossmanx at - crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk - comments and ideas welcome. 'A new job, a new location, a new home, but what's the neighbourhood like?' Welcome to The Grove The smile on Denise's face said it all, he was a very happy man and a little relived. Relived that the last couple of weeks had gone so smoothly. Relived that the rushed, chaotic and worrying couple of weeks had gone without a hitch. But then again, the last couple of weeks had been such a blur to him he hoped that everything had been done and everything had indeed gone smoothly. But if they hadn't he was sure that he'd find out sooner or later. He was in the kitchen unpacking one of the many boxes that where around him and not being sure where everything went. He stared out of the window of his new home. Out into his new garden and sighed 'it had all gone so quickly, too quickly, had he made the right decision, was it going to be all alright, only time would tell.' But for now, everything seemed to be just fine. Denise had just turned 41 and had been offered a new job within the company that meant, more responsibility, more work, more money, much more money and relocating to the city. The previous Head of Finance had made a 'few' wrong decisions, he'd also been caught ... ... well Denise wasn't sure what he'd be caught at, or with who, but he knew that 'he'd been caught!' Luckily for Denise he'd been involve in a number of the company's recent large successful deals and was in the ideal position to take over. So, when he'd been asked about promotion he'd naturally said 'yes!' "Good, you start at the beginning on the month and you'll be part of the takeover bid team for our move into Europe, of course you'll have to move, but don't worry about that the company will take care of everything!" And they had, the company had done everything, found a house in a very select area, just outside the city, a real step up the ladder when it comes to a home. Surprising enough where a few other of the companies' executives who also lived in this 'select' area. The company had arranged all the schools for Denise's two children, Eli and Eve, and of course, the company had got his old house all sorted and sold for him. 'Yes, it had been a hectic couple of weeks', just then the door opened and an excite large Labrador bounded into the kitchen after exploring the garden, followed by Cathy, Denise's wife. She shuddered, it was good to get back inside after the chilly breeze outside, and went quickly to make herself a hot drink. The area that Denise and his family had moved to was something quite upmarket and not what they were used to, maybe not so much a step up the ladder as oppose to a giant leap. But it went with his new high profile job and he wasn't complaining, nor was his family. The private estate they had moved to was set amongst a large wood, almost forestry area. Where private gated roads, allowed access, so long as you had the right pass fitted to your car. It was all really something special, posh, stylish. The houses here were all individual, unique, stylish, elegant, all spaced out and secluded, all very nice, and expensive. There was a communal area, that consisted of a quite spacious resident's community hall, known simple as 'The Hall' where functions were held and sporting activates catered for. Including a large tennis court area, where the yearly residents cup was played for, then a short walk away was the gold course. Nearly all the residents of this estate, known to everyone simple as 'The Grove', where members there and treated it as their own. But they did allow the odd one or two, none residents to be members, just to show they weren't bias to 'outsiders!' Yes, this was defiantly a different kind of 'estate' to live on, here on 'The Grove', it was a long way away from the council estate that Denise grew up on, and he realised that around here, he wouldn't be mentioning that in polite conversation! Two days after the family had moved in and with still far too many boxes not unpacked Denise got a visit from George. He was one of the residents here and also a 'fellow' executive at the company. George came around to welcome Denise firstly to 'The Grove', and to the company. There was also an invite to the resident's community centre, 'The Hall' as a 'little' welcome to The Grove party had been arranged for Denise and his family.' Denise was a bit taken aback by this, but this seemed to be the way they did things around here, so he could hardly say no, could he. So later on, and coming up to early evening Denise and Cathy went over to 'The Hall', and with them was Eli and Eve, their teenage Son and Daughter. Who had already been given strict instructions on how to behave and what to say, and more importantly what not to say! As they arrived at 'The Hall' the family got quite a surprise as this was more than just some small 'shack' in the woods this was quite a place. A well-designed, modern, fully equipped sports and social club would be a better description of 'The Hall'. Well-equipped indeed, with at least three bars and a snug, a large 'hall' for meetings and entertainment, an outdoor area and BBQ setup, sporting facilities and rooms, tennis courts, squash courts all that and more. The 'complex' even went underground for the squash courts, a small bar, changing rooms and some other facilities, so that it didn't take up 'too' much room up top and spoil the area! The main area in The Hall was full and took both Denise and Cathy by surprise that so many people had turned up, also that there were so many residents in this woodland paradise. George came over and took control as he started to introduce the couple to their new neighbours, and so the welcome to the neighbourhood party began. Denise and Cathy were introduced to everyone with a "you must come over and have Tea", "what's your handicap or are you more of a tennis and squash man?" Along with "were a close-knit area and everyone knows everyone here", comments like that made the husband and wife think that life here would not be a 'quiet' one. As for the 'children', sorry teenagers, Eli and Eve, they were not left out as there were other youngsters that had been brought along by their parents to make sure everyone was made welcome. As Denise looked around he noticed that the residents of this exclusive area could be, generally, put into two groups. Firstly, the more elderly group, those who looked as if they were about to retire or who had already done so, and where living here as a reward for all those years of hard work. And the second group, this was where Denise and Cathy fitted into. This was the group of '40 something's', those currently working hard and who wanted that good lifestyle now! The men in this group where all, like Denise, company men, dedicated to their firms and the salary's they brought in each month. Plus, there was more than Denise expected in this group that also worked for his company as well. All of these men had a wife with them and it seemed, as far as he could make out, that George hadn't introduced him to anyone who wasn't married here. The women, the wives were all good looking or stunning, and all a little reminiscent of 'The Stepford Wives!' But there was something else, Denise noticed, that as he spoke to these women, each good looking, attractive, they all had a certain 'something else' about them. A certain glint in their eyes, the slightest hint of 'attitude', or had he imagined that? Whatever it was, Denise ignored it, forget about it, as he was introduced to yet another couple. The welcome to the neighbourhood event went well, and by the time that they had all got home it was late. Denise had enjoyed this, he'd seen his wife met lots of the women and they all seemed to get on, while he was ambushed by all the men talking about golf or work. Even his two kids, Eli and Eve seemed to have had a good time, they had mingled with all the other 'kids' and the woman. There were smiles all around and it had been a tiring, but good evening, now it was time to sleep. The next day and it was the last day to get the house sorted out before he had to go into work, so it was up early and straight into the unpacking and sorting out, DING! DONG! But for most of that morning and beyond, not much got done due to a string of interruptions from visits by numerous of their new neighbours. Although very nice and kind of the people to come and visit it did mean that Denise was getting a bit frustrated having not completed or even halfway through the unpacking. Just as Denise and Cathy had thought that everyone had made a visit and finally they could get on with some work around the house DING! DONG! This time it was Donald and surly this had to be the final visit of the day! Denise's new friend and new executive colleague came in and chuckled to himself as he asked "how many neighbours have interrupted your day so far?" Denise stopped himself from say 'hopefully you're the last' but realised that this was probably just a friendly area and so he shouldn't be too upset at having his day mess up by good intent welcome visits. George had brought his family with him so everyone made their way towards the kitchen, which was the most organised of the rooms so far and the kettle was put on, again! George had a similar family to Denise, his wife Anna was about the same age as Cathy, and they had seemed to hit it off at last night's gathering. Also, there was George's kids, Harry and Brittany. Harry was the same age as Denise's Son, Eli, and both lads where the youngest in this gathering, and seemed to get on which was good as they would be at the same school together. Then there was Brittany, she had caught Denise's eye last night and now she was here he could get a closer look at her. The girl, the young woman was maybe 19 or 20, so a year or so older than his own daughter Eve, and again the oldest of the 'children' in each family. And this girl and a certain 'sparkle about her! As the two families gathered, drank tea and talked in the kitchen, Denise's looked around. Donald was talking to Eve about life here in 'The Grove' and about the sports and outdoor pursuits that went on. Eve was, surprisingly taking some interest in all this, maybe this move, this new life would give his children some new interests, that couldn't be bad. Next to them there was Anna, the tall and quite attractive redhead was talking to Eli about the local school and what the lad would be doing when his finished his education. Next was Cathy, who was chanting away with Harry and again the conversation was about education of some sort. That just left Brittany! "Hello, so what do you do in my Dad's company then?" Denise couldn't help but smile as the girl, the young woman came up to him and started off her conversation with him. As they talked he noticed that the girl was a confident woman, and she defiantly had a 'something', a sparkle about her, he liked that. She had inherited her Mother's beauty, but she had her own charming look, with her long hair, with its slight curl and slight reddish tint to it, she defiantly had a captivating look about her. The other noticeable thing was that both Anna and Brittany had good bodies, even wrapped up against the cold outside, this was obvious, and again this caused Denise to smile. It was much later when George and his family finally left but Denise wasn't too unhappy about that, it looked as if they had made some good new friends and the rest of the unpacking would get done at some point. The next day came and he was off to work, George picked him up, just so that he could get his bearings and Denise was on his way to his new job. That week was a bit of a blur with everything going on, but by the end of it a lot had seemed to be achieved. The boxes where all unpacked and the house was set up and now starting to look like a home. Cathy was happy and getting to grip with life as one of the 'wives of The Grove', with the help of Anna. Eli had started school and was making friend with Harry who was showing him around. Eve was looking at her career options and had started a new lifestyle of health and fitness, spending a lot of her time with Brittany. As for Denise, he was getting on at work, it was all going well and him and George was hitting it off outside the office also. In fact, it had been one of those weeks that when he got home there was either, Anna, Harry or Brittany somewhere in the house. A couple of times there was all three of them, but that didn't both Denise, it was good to see his family making friends and getting on in their new home. Plus, seeing the attractive Anna or the quietly lovely Brittany each day had its other benefits, for him! But finally, it was Friday and Denise pulled up outside him home after his first full week at work, and now it was the weekend, his families first full weekend here in The Grove, so what was on the agenda? When Denise got home there was a house full, even George had pulled up behind him and came in, to have a quick one, to celebrate Denise's first week at work, things were very sociable. Denise got a couple of drinks for him and George, the kitchen was full with Cathy and Anna who were talking with Eli and Harry, also Eve and Britany had just come through the rear door into the kitchen after finishing their run. His daughter running? Denise was a little surprised with this new healthy living and fitness regime of Eve's. It was good, yes, and he was pleased that his Daughter was so keen on something, but still it was a bit surprising. There was another 'benefit' to this and that was Brittany who was accompanying his Daughter in all this, as she, Brittany, looked hot. Not just from her run, even if there was some sweat running down her, but she looked sexy and hot! Pink trainers, white, tight, legging and a blue long sleeve, tight top, 'Oh Yes, she looks hot!' The girl, the young woman defiantly and a great body, and one that Denise was finding very difficult not to stare at, so he just sneaked a few quick looks! But unfortunately, at one point Brittany caught Denise looking as she finished of her long cool drink. It was one of those moments that no one else saw, just him and her, but she'd caught him looking 'Shit!' But surprisingly Brittany just smiled, grinned, then she winked at him! Denise was shocked, 'had she really ... ... ' But then he'd been drawn into the larger discussion about the weekends activities, he again flicked his eyes over to Brittany who was just talking away as if nothing had happened. Denise was confused, but glad, that the girl had said nothing, strange that she hadn't, but, why hadn't she? The kitchen discussion about the weekend went on for a while more, drinks where had and plans were made. Also, Denise managed to sneak a couple more looks at Brittany, and he got caught by her again, at least once, looking. But still the young woman said nothing just gave him a grin, a slight smile, and Denise wondered? The weekend was here and the two families' plans were put into place, Saturday morning started with Eve and Brittany going for another jog, Denise met up with George and they headed off for their first game of golf together. Eli went off to The Hall to look the place over properly and see what was there, while Cathy stayed at home as she had to quickly catch up on doing the laundry. Meanwhile Anna was heading off for her normal manicure and Harry ... ... Well he was off somewhere else! This young lad Harry found himself at the rear door of one of the exclusive homes in The Grove, he looked around, as if checking, then went inside. The kitchen he walked into was empty but he heard a sound and made for the door to the utility room. Inside there was a fit looking woman bent over as if sorting through some stuff on the floor. Harry grinned walked up and placed his hands on her well-formed rear "OH!" The woman shot bolt upright in a flash, but then as the hands of the eager lad move over her body and up to her large breasts where they were, grabbed, gently and then squeezed, delicately. Cathy gave a sigh, then a slight moan as the young Harry now started to tenderly kiss her neck and massage her ample chest. Cathy slowly gave into her toyboy's amorous attention, his lips were tender, his hands were exciting her, and as she felt the bulge that was pressing against her arse getting bigger, she knew that life here in The Grove was going to be just wonderful! At the same time, Denise was well into his game of golf, the course was quite splendid to say the least and he was really enjoying himself. Elsewhere Eve and Brittany had finished their run, but there was much more to do today, so both girls had rushed home to shower, change and get on. Eve was so focused on what she was up to she rushed indoors, up to her room, showered, sorted out some new cloths and changed. The Daughter was too engrossed in her own world, she also had her headphones on with 'music' playing so was oblivious to the noise coming from her Mothers room. Cathy was also in the shower, but she was no alone! Harry was busy holding onto the soapy arse of the older woman as he drilled her from behind, living out every young lad's fantasy of taking a Milf in the shower. Cathy was also enjoying her deep desire of finally, after such a long time, getting a good large cock to fuck her hard. As far as Cathy was concerned the way forward from now on was young cock and if Harry kept this up he would have a permanent job as her pleasure toy. On the golf course the game was over, George had won this one but that didn't bother Denise he was just enjoying the game, the course, and being here in, The Grove. They headed off to the club house and Denise thought to himself that he would have to pinch himself, life was so good here. Anna was back home after her manicure, she was sat down on the settee in her living room admiring her nails, pleased with how they looked and how sharp they felt. Then she reached out and slowly and deliberately she ran her nails up the naked legs and thighs of the youth stood in front of her. Eli winced as the older woman's sharp claws left red marks up his body as her hands travelled towards his well-endowed region. When she got there Anna grabbed the large young tool and pulled the naked lad closer to her so she could enjoy him. Eli shuddered as this cock was consumed by the wonderful moist mouth of Anna, the lad knew that this woman, in public, was a nice, friendly, charming woman. But in private she was showing herself to be a real bitch, and somehow that made him even more excited! With the golf, all done Denise and George had had a quick drink, talked and then parted company. George had a few things to deal with but they would meet up later that day, this was fine as Denise had wanted to go over to The Hall and check that place out properly, so the two men for now went their separate ways. As George got home he flicked the switch in his car and the electric doors of his garage slowly started to raise. As they did the man got his fist glimpse of what was waiting for him! There was stood Eve, high black boots, tight torn jeans and a long sleeve, tight white top, with her ample charms clear to see. The girl looked a little annoyed, as if she'd been kept waiting, she held out her arm and used her finger to 'beckon' him to her, an almost 'come here, Now!' sign! At 'The Hall' Denise looked around the outside, it seemed the perfect place for an outdoor summer BBQ, a large party, but it was a bit too chilly for anything like that now, so he went inside. He had his sports bag with him as he'd already arranged a couple of games of squash with Graham, another of the local residents, who was going to also show him around the place. Denise was shown most of the facilities, the main hall, bars, changing rooms and of course the courts, he was also given his own locker and now Denise was really starting to feel as if he belonged here. After changing and a couple of games Denise was ready to call it a day, he'd done a lot so far and thought it best to be heading back home to see how everyone else's day had gone so far! Graham was joined by another of the residents and carried on playing while Denise headed off towards the changing room. He'd got a bit of a sweat on and as he moved down the corridor towards the changing rooms and showers he pulled off his t-shirt and wiped his face, just then "Hi there!" Denise stopped at the sound of a female voice, dragged the t-shirt down his face and turned around to see Brittany stood there, smiling at him. 'Well this was a coincidence, or was it?' A few 'little thoughts' rushed around his head as the older man smiled, in just his trainers and shorts, his t-shirt in his hand and, even if he said so himself, his strong mature body on display. Was he deliberately trying to show off and impress this young woman as he stood there half naked, he wasn't sure. But by the look on her face, whatever he was doing, deliberate or not, he'd caught her eye, or so he thought. Brittany was dressed in just one thing, a long white bath robe, full length, so all he could see was her bare feet and ankles and her face. She looked as if she'd been doing something here as her hair was all up and out the way, apart from an odd strand or two that had fell down. Even though she was completely covered she somehow still looked very nice, maybe even quite sexy! Denise, casually, walked over to where Brittany stood, the smiles on both their faces now very evident, "have you seen everything you wanted to do around here?" Brittany grinned, and Denise saw his opportunity to 'test the water', "is there anything else for me to see?" Brittany turned around and walked off "if you follow there maybe something else here to interest you!" Denise eyes widened, he'd heard that correctly and wasn't going to miss an opportunity like this, so he followed. The robe covered Brittany walked down the corridor, towards and through a red door, that Denise had thought was some maintenance room but actually lead to and set of stairs, going down. The man was a bit confused he realised that the changing rooms and squash courts where under the main building, but had thought it was just one level underground. As the girl descended the steps he realised there was another lower level, what could be down there? So, he quickly followed to find out. At the bottom of the stairs was another corridor, Brittany headed to yet another red door and opened it, turning to grin at Denise as she stepped through the door. The man was getting quite excited with all this, was he really being 'lead astray' by this delightful, charming and sexy young woman, and what was waiting for him inside this room? "Oh!" As the grinning Denise walked into the room with a lot of devilish thoughts running wild in his head, he was taken aback by what he now saw as his eyes moved around the interior of the room. It was not what he'd expected, even if he wasn't too sure what he had actually expected. The room was quite big, considering it was underground, unusual and hexagonal is shape and on each wall, was two panels, one plain white panel then a large floor to ceiling mirror panel. Then the next wall was the same, a plain white panel followed by a mirror panel, and this went on all the way around the room. A bit strange he thought, not what you would expect. Also around the room was a few long benches placed against the walls and then in the middle of the room and grabbing Denise attention was a boxing ring. Boxing ring, wrestling ring, call it what you like, it was a ring! Very strange indeed, but then again this was a sporting facility, so maybe not so odd. As Denise took all this in, Brittany had moved herself into the ring, it wasn't that high off of the floor and she was in there in a flash. "Do you want to join me?" Denise looked up at Britany, just at the right moment to watch the young woman remove her long white robe, and 'WOW!' Brittany' rob fell to the floor to reveal, 'Oh, My!' Denise felt his mouth go instantly dry as he looked at the gorgeous girl before him. She was dressed in, well not much, she had, what looked like a white thong, pulled up high well over her hips. Then up further was a one-piece top, it covered her ample round breasts, but only just, and there was a large hole in the centre of this 'boob tube' that showed off her mounds of female flesh. The 'top' had 3, 4, strands that went up to a sort of collar around the woman's neck, also the top went off, on one side and formed one, but only one, long sleeve down her right arm. This 'outfit' was pure white but there were a few sparkly bits here and there, and as Denise took this all in, how good it showed off Britany's long shapely legs, her firm body, her large breasts, he realised something. This was the type of 'outfit' that a gymnast might ware for a show or event, but a very sexy gymnast! Maybe Brittany was a gymnast, she certainly had that sharply body, and she was indeed sexy and looked spectacular in this, quite stunning in fact. Brittany picked up her robe and throw it over the ropes, then beckoned to Denise to joined her in the ring. The man didn't need a second invitation he was in there in a flash, as he got in the girl took his t-shirt off of him and throw it out "you won't be needing that" as her other hand moved across Denise's chest. Then she turned and walked over to the rope, turning back to face the man as she got there, again with that grin on her face and a sparkle in her eye. Denise was wondering what all this was about and hoping that it would all be something quite 'special' for him, well it was so obvious that she wanted him. And there was something to that, but it should have been 'what did she want him for', that should have been the question going around Denise's head! Brittany pushed herself off of the rope, pulled the sides of her thong up even higher and strolled over to the smiling man, and as she got close to him WHACK! OOOOOHHHH! The young woman kicked out sending her foot up and into the unprepared man's gut, the sharp blow caught him totally unprepared, drove the wind out of him and sent the man doubling over, both hurt and shock. As well as the sudden pain and lack of air there was 'what the hell!' going around his head, but that was soon forgotten as 'something' else grabbed his attention. Well it was Brittany that had grabbed him, his arm and spun the man around, sending him stumbling across the ring and into the side ropes. As he fell back against the ropes Denise looked up to see a growling Brittany launch herself at him and SMACK! The girl had thrown herself up into the air and drove her knee up and into his already hurting stomach. Forcing the remainder of the air out of him and making him now stagger around as he gasped for breath. Which again was short lived as the man was grabbed by his arm and OOOOWWWW! THUD! As he fell away from the ropes Brittany had grabbed him again, two strong young female hands came crashing down on him and she'd used his momentum and her skill to flip the man over. Sending him somersault through the air, twisting him around and over then watching as he dropped quite harshly down to the rings canvas floor. He lay there on his back, stunned for a second, as he tried to take this all in, 'he'd been expecting ... ... ' SMACK! She slapped the side of his stunned looking face as she reached down, and now with a tight grip of his hair she yanked him, painfully, up off of the floor making him scramble quickly back onto his feet. As he came upwards she twisted her hands and his arm, she over balanced the confused man, making him fall over and land on his back on the floor. As he crashed back down to the floor, Britany jumped up and drove her foot back down into Denise's stomach. He cried out in agony and his whole body shuddered and jolted as he grabbed onto his sore, painful and now very hurt body. The man instinctively rolled over as he held himself as he tried to deal with the hurt he was experiencing. But this just gave the young woman a clear shot at his unprotected back and CRACK! Her foot slammed hard into the bottom of his spine, causing him to jolt, winch, quake and cry out so more. She grabs hold of his arm, pulls it up and away from him, he's too hurt, shocked, to even try and stop her and at this point doesn't realise what she's planning to do. Holding his outstretched arm, she now places a foot firmly into his body, under his arm and, with a smile on her face, she falls backwards. Holding onto his wrist and arm, holding it tight as she now falls onto her back and at the same time pulling on his arm with her strong hands and pushing hard with her foot into his body ARRRRRRHHHHH! Denise cries out, it feels as if she's trying to wrench his arm completely out of its socket, it hurts like hell, but she'd not finished. Just for fun she now rolls from side to side, pulling hard on his arms, inflicting more misery, and pain, into the man. His face glows red as he calls, screams out for her to stop, but she carries on, the more he cries the more she pulls on his arm. But eventually she stops, her foot comes away and she releases her hold on his arm. Denise is so grateful that it's all stopped! Or so he thinks, his arm is numb and he reaches over with his good arm to pull the hurt, damage arm to him to nurse it. But this is only short lived as suddenly, OOOUUUHHH! Denise is grabbed again, but this time it is a pair of strong thighs that came out of nowhere and gripped him hard around his head. Brittany's thighs, legs, wrap themselves around the man's head and holds him, grabbing him roughly by his hair. She can feel his body shudder, 'is it with trepidation of what might happen next?' She hopes so. There's a moment, a brief second or two, as the man lay's there his head held firmly by the woman's thighs as he contemplates 'what's next?' Then, UUUHHHHH! Brittany begins to roll around and around the ring, and still with that firm hold she has on him, he can only follow. Denise is taken on a journey around the floor of the ring, rolling this way and that, his face pushed and rolled into the canvas floor, going over and over and he's sure his head will never stop spinning, and nor will he! Then just as suddenly as she started, she stops, but Denise's head carry's on turning, so at first, he doesn't notice. Brittany release her hold, rolls over, again and is back on her feet, a few moments later and the man is once again in her grip as she pulls him back upright, WHACK! OOOWWW! A simple, but effected closed fist into his gut as he comes upwards, then when he's completely up, SMACK! Another simple, but again effective, backhand across his face, that sends the unsteady man staggering across the floor and towards the ropes. He can just about focus on the ropes as he falls into them, reaching out to try and grab onto one to steady himself, as he does so SMACK! The sound of Brittany's foot slapping hard into Denise's gut fills the room as does his cry of agony. He almost jumps back due to the hard blow, but before he can fall to the floor, the woman is onto him. She grabs him and moves herself in close, then she drops her shoulder, get closer, tucks herself into the man and HUUUUUUU! Brittany lifts the man up onto her shoulder, even in his current state Denise realised something else was happening to him now. The strong young woman nestled and settled the man up on her shoulders, she's stronger than she looks, then she started to spin around, and around. Denise's head was again having problems keeping up, that was until he felt himself go flying as Brittany spun and released him, throwing him off of her shoulders and sending the man through the air and back down to the floor THUD! He landed hard, bounced and as he came to rest there, SMACK! OOOWWHH! Anther sharp kick into his body from the girl. Denise went through another session of being dragged up onto his feet and thrashed, hit, smacked, kicked and sent flying again by Brittany. She grabbed him by his hair, slammed his face into the corner post, she kicked his legs away and made him tumbled backwards to the floor, she ran, jumped and slammed her leg down across his painful stomach and she generally abused, hurt, humiliated and dropped the man again and again. For him it was degrading and hurt like hell, for her is was exhilarating and entertaining, if only she'd had an audience to enjoy it with her! SMACK! The sharp blow across his chest sent Denise staggering backwards and spun the dazed man around. He dropped to the floor, landing on all fours in a state of shock. Denise raised his head and caught sight of Brittany in the mirrors, she was running up to him but due to too many mirrors too many angles he couldn't make out from which direction she way ... ... WHACK! "OOOHHHH!" He felt the hard slap to his gut, and now knew where she was! The sound echoed around the room as Brittany had run up to the man on all fours and shot her leg forward, sending her foot in and under towards his belly. Again, he went spinning, turning over and now rolling across the floor of the ring and away from the woman, he was exhausted, beat and just couldn't go on any more, 'Please this had to end!' SMACK! That last kick to his body was delivered and it was, for now, the final one, the man could take no more and just lay there unable to move or feel any more pain. As the echo of that last kick faded away even he knew it was all over. Denise had been put down by a girl, a young woman who'd beat him, hit him, kicked him, slammed into him, smacked and thrashed him to the point he was a beaten, defeated and broken, by a girl! Denise lay there on his back, breathing heavily as he tried in vain to pull his hurt body together. It had been a very painful and embarrassing experience, for him, and not what he'd first expected when Brittany had removed her robe, not at all what he'd expected. Now the young woman strolled over to where he lay and placed her foot onto his chest, a final act of humiliation for the man as she made her victory pose. The only crumb of satisfaction that he had, was that at least no one had seen this, there had been no one watching his defeated at the hands of a woman. The exhausted man's head rolled over to the side as he could not bear to look up at the victorious Brittany smirking smile. But as his head came to rest 'NO!' A cold, horrible feeling now came over the man as he lay there, a feeling of total shock and disbelief, as his eyes where now fixed on the walls of this room. Suddenly he'd see that the 'mirrors' that had been there when he first walked into this room where gone. The mirror effect had vanished and now there were just large plain sheets of glass, and on the other side of that glass was someone who'd been watching what had happened here in the ring and watching the girl kick his arse! At the flick of a switch the 'reflective' effect on the two-way mirrors had evaporated and they were now clear, and they revelled ... ... Well they revealed quite a lot. The 'wrestling room' in the depths of The Hall had been designed with a number of rooms around it, all facing inwards with a two-way mirror, which allowed the occupant of the room to watch what was going on and not been seen. But now the mirror effect was gone, washed away, a shocked Denise could see into all the six rooms that surrounded the hexagon wrestling room. In each room there was a female sat on a large comfy sofa looking, staring at him. He recognised the faces of the women from the party and the visits to his house, and two of the faces where very recognisable! Anna was one and Cathy, his wife, the other! This was worse than embarrassing or humiliating for Denise, this was devastating! But there was even more, each woman looked as if she was only partially dressed, at the most, and they were not alone. Each woman had a youth, a lad, with her, not watching or looking into the wrestling room, but carrying out their duties in pleasing the woman they were with. Eager young bucks pleasing and performing for the older woman that had chosen that particular lad to service them, properly! Cathy smirked at her husband, closed her eyes, leant back and allowed the young Harry to carry on kissing his way down her body, currently he was tickling her belly button with his tongue, and she liked that, a lot. Anna had lost interest with what was going on in the ring as young Eli was stimulation her nipples quite nicely and getting her worked up for another hard session. Denise felt as if his whole world was falling apart around him and ... ... Just then the door to the hexagon room opened and in walked Eve! At the same time the 'mirrors' in the room frosted over and became reflectant again, hiding the watching older women and their youthful servants, 'god knows what was happening in those rooms now!' Completely ignoring her injured Father on the ring floor Eva spoke to Brittany "you have 10 minutes left then the room's mine remember." Brittany laughed "I'm sure my Father's looking forward to it, remember don't be gentle with him." With that Eve left to get her 'wrestling partner!' Brittany reached down grabbed Denise by his hair and started to pull the confused and broken, both physically and now mentally, man upwards. She looked him in the face "we still have ten minutes to 'kill!' and then after that I have a some more ideas!" Denise wasn't sure that all the meant apart for a hard time for him! As Eve made her way down the corridor to 'fetch' George, so she could have her first match, she had a very board smile on her face. She was enjoying life here, much more than she had anticipated, and was sure it would only get better! As Eli's mouth moved over to Anna's other large breast, to excite her some more, the lad was finding all this hard to believe, but he's determined to enjoy every second of it. Even when, Anna's sharp nails dug into his arse! As Cathy lay there enjoying the passionate attention of the young lad Harry she wondered how she ever got by in the past without a lad to satisfy her needs. But from now on there was room only for her toyboy in her bed! As Denise was dragged up onto his keens by the stunning, sexy Brittany, he wondered just how much of this 'idyllic life' here in The Grove he could take! And, as Brittany grinned at him he wondered what she was going to do next ... ... !