Wednesday Night Out By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. What can go wrong on a Wednesday night out? A follow on to the stories - Friday Night Out, Saturday Night Out, Sunday Night Out, Monday Night Out & Tuesday Night Out Wednesday Night Out It was the middle of the week, a Wednesday, and halfway through the working week for some, but there was still half to get through before the weekend was here. And of course, it was the weekend when all the fun started, so being mid-week and a Wednesday it was a real 'nothing' kind of a day. But even so people still need to wind-down after a hard day's work and what best way than to go out with your mates. Go out and forget what's gone on earlier on in the week, what had happened today and what's going to happen during the rest of the working week! And on this Wednesday, there were three men who needed to forget what had happened so far this week and what was to come. These men where Oliver, Gavin and Beau. For these men the world of corporate finance could be a tricky one, especially when your department head wants the quarterly figures to say one thing and the management board have sent a clear signal that they should say something else! It was a situation that the three men had been squeezed into as they were all responsible for certain areas of the company's finances. And they would all have to come together and agree on what the final figures went into the quarterly spread sheet where. This of course was causing a bit of a dilemma for the men, their department head was, to say the least, a quite powerful, stern and very strict woman who didn't suffer fools gladly. A woman with a hard, unpleasant way about her and a hard, unpleasant face. She obviously had her own agenda with all this and these 'boys' as she called them, needed to work it out, her way! Well they knew she had her own ways of making them, her boys, look very bad to the management board, if it didn't go her way. Then these men could find themselves in quite a bit of 'hot water', well it was all about money wasn't it! The boys, sorry the men had until Friday to present all the figures to the board, which still gave them a couple of days to work it all out, to see what they were going to do. So, on this Wednesday the men after work decided they needed to go out sit down somewhere, quite where they couldn't be overhead or interrupted, have a drink and come up with a plan. They really needed a plan to get themselves out of all this. A Wednesday night in The City was in some ways just like any other night, there were enough places to eat, drink, dance, have fun. But of course, not everywhere was open or packed with people so it could also be a quite 'quiet night', but on the other hand ... ... this was, The City! The three men had met in the lobby of the firm where they all worked, then they set off out into the city centre to find a nice quiet place away from prying eyes and listening ears to talk this through and decide what they were going to do. Finding a 'quiet' place in The City, should be, but wouldn't be that easy, but it was a Wednesday, so this was their best chance of finding that place. They went into pub near to where they worked, it was OK, but there were too many people from work already there. So not the sort of place to have a discussion about how to fiddle the company's figures. Or maybe they would just stand up and give the correct figures to the board, but then their department head, the woman, would blame them for all this? So, what decision would they make? Being honest about all this was the obvious choice, but the men's boss, that woman, would then make it her mission to destroy the men, one way or the other. Well she'd already used that word, 'Destroy!', to each of the men earlier that day and somehow looking into her face when she said it, they all knew she meant it! So, it was onto somewhere else, somewhere quiet, that the men now headed too. Somewhere deeper and deeper into the heart of the city centre. Into the warren of streets, alleyway, side roads, lanes and dark passageways, the three men were drawn in as they sort out somewhere quiet. The further they went in the fewer people there were about the place, it was almost as if no one was in the centre of The City, well it was a Wednesday! Gavin was getting a bit frustrated with all this, he just wanted to talk it all over and come to a solution about what they were going to do. He wasn't interested in where they did this, 'did the place serve food, what kind of food, what beer they had?' He wasn't interested in any of that! The men had chosen a shortcut down this lane, then it was down that sideroad, where they turned into an empty alleyway. As his two friends walked on in front of him going through all the places where they could go, the sound of a tin can rattling across and empty street grabbed his attention. The man jumped at this sound, maybe because all this financial 'irregularity', with the chance of his name being put down on the paperwork, had him all tense and worked up. And maybe all the skulking around to find a quiet place to talk about it had made him even more jumpy than normal. But the sound of that can rattling around in the now dim alleyway they now found themselves in, and from behind him, had caught him off guards and maybe it had scared him, maybe just a little! But as Gavin looked around to were the sound of the tin can had come from, he caught sight of some people there at the end of that alleyway and behind the men. It was obvious one of these had kicked that can that had made him jump, but that was just him being silly. But there was something about these people, maybe it was because there was four of them and they were all women that made the man just stand there for a second or two and stare. Even though they were a bit of a way away he could still make out that they were all, youngish looking girls. Teenagers they must have been, but what age, he couldn't guess, probably all four of them would find themselves back at school or at college in the morning. So, about that age! Yes, they all did look as if they were school or college girls, but they wouldn't be going to school dressed like that Gavin thought. There was a blond girl, a brunette one, an Asian or was it oriental girl, he never knew what was the correct term to use was. And finally, there was a black girl, a good mixture he thought. Then he thought 'was there school tomorrow, was it the holidays?' He wasn't sure, didn't know, he didn't have kids. But even so these girls wouldn't be going to any school dressed like that! Each of them was dressed in a sort of funny, different way, almost as if they were going to a fancy-dress party. There was colour, there was shorts skirts and tops, there hats and even a scary, they did look a bit crazy and bit funny. But there was something else here there was a confidence about these girls in the loud way they dressed and walked with purpose across the top of the alleyway entrance and then out of sight. Torn jean and attitude, that was what they had as well. Maybe they were a gang, a group of young girls, nasty, loud, bright but also a bit rough. That made Gavin smile, he then gave a bit of a laugh, 'imagine a gang of girls!' Chuckling to himself the man turned back and carried on down the alleyway, jogging a bit to catch up with his friends and still smiling, 'a gang of girl's!' Still it was the only thing that had made him smile in a while so he should be grateful for that. A few seconds and he was back with Oliver and Beau and all those thoughts about their current 'problem' came flooding back. Further on down the alleyway and there was a turning that went off to the left and another one to the right. This was the first of many junctions down the alleyway. Offshoots that lead into a labyrinth of smaller, larger, longer, shorter, narrow, wide alleyways, lanes and passages. This was a strange kind of area juts off the main city centre, a place crammed with small one off, independent shops. Quaint shops and stalls, novelty kiosks and boutiques, tattoo parlours, a few small arcades, a couple of specialist garages, gambling dens, bars and doorways that led into some of the seedier and rougher places here in, The City. It was an area that you didn't want to walk through in the dark and even in the lighter evenings. Out of normal opening hours and daylight, this wasn't the area to go walking around, it wasn't a good idea unless you knew this part well and were known around here! But as they came up to this first junction, the men all stopped as Oliver was saying they should go now to the left and Beau was saying no it was to the right. There was a bit of a 'discussion' at this point as to which way they should go, which just got Gavin more frustrated as all he wanted to do was get this over with here and now! But at this point all the men seemed to now noticed something else, or was that someone else! Down the main part of the alleyway and further alone to the second junction there was stood a woman, a young girl, and as she wasn't that far away, the men could make her out quite clearly. She was obviously a young woman, a girl and blond with what looked like hints of pink in her hair, but even from this moderate distance the three men could all see that she was a very noticeable female for a number of reasons. Young and quite short, and by the looks of her she probably still had a bit of growing up to do, mostly upwards as there where parts of her that already seemed to have grown quite nicely already. She was also noticeable for how she was dressed as well, in a pair of high heeled shoes, pink shoes with lots of straps and the kind of shoe that would make a defiant 'clicking' sound when she walked. Going upwards and around what looked like a nice pair of legs was a pair of three-quarter length tight-fitting black leggings. Past the leggings was a bare midriff with a sparkling piercing in her bellybutton, and above all this was a white crop top. Which was tight and stretched over her well developed, for a small girl, chest. Over her body she had on a pink jacket, the fluffy, furry kind that was waist length. It was also unzipped to show her body off and to show she had confidence about who she was and how she looked. And she didn't mind if you looked too, but don't stare! She wasn't an object for some man to lust and ogle at as he liked. She certain wasn't that kind of a girl, she was there to be noticed, looked at and admired, that was all. The girl's name was Chantel, but these men didn't know that, and for a long time the girl had been teased about her name, as little girl's do, that was until she'd learnt to fight back, and from then on, she seemed to be fighting all the time. She was blond, with some pink highlights in it, her hair that was all over the place and it was long, going over the jacket she wore and all the way down her back. Lastly there was her face, which was a bit of a disappointment compared to the rest of her, you looked and said 'Hmmm not that good!' but there was a little, 'something going on' with her bright pink lips and large round glasses, pink of course. Yes, she wasn't 'that good looking', not even really plain, she was a bit, well not too good in the looks department. Ugly, that would be taking it too far, pug face maybe, but not a looker by any standard. But still she did have a something going on, a very nice, very good body and a bit of a pink thing, so it wouldn't be a surprise for the men to find out that she was a bit of hit with the boys. But of course, she was only a young girl and just like that 'gang' he'd seen earlier Gavin thought again that this one should be going to school or college tomorrow. That would be if he could remember if schools and college where still open, or was it the holidays? But the strange thing in all this was that this girl was just stood there, stood still, looking back down the alleyway towards the men. That's why they could see her so well, but why would she be just stand there and stare at them, all very strange! Then suddenly from one of those ventilation pipes high above in a wall near to the girl there was churning, clunking sound and then a great puff of smoke bellowed out of the vent. For a second or two the whole of that junction up ahead was engulfed in a white smoke, which then slowly disappeared and the men could see that the girl in pink was gone. Weird, maybe the smoke had frightened her and she'd run away, well that's what Oliver and Beau thought, it made them laugh and it also gave them an idea. The two men knew where they were going so Oliver went off to the left and Beau goes to the right and the men would see who could get to their destination first. They each had their own idea which way would be the quickest, and so this had now turned this into a race for these men. Or was it just a couple of boys having a laugh. But it was no joke to Gavin who was getting more and more frustrated that they all couldn't just all sit down and sort this mess out. And before he could shout at the men to grow up, they were off already running in their own private little race. Beau running down the right-hand side alley and Oliver sprinting down the that left lane. Both the men left Gavin stood there, annoyed, fed up, angry and pissed off with his 'colleagues!' Then just to finish it all off and getting the man's anger rising even quicker the same steam vent blow another cloud out and covered him in that thick and smelly cloud of smoke. He chocked, coughed and flapped his arms around, staggering around in circles to get that smoke away from him. As it slowly cleared the man stopped and stood still, he looked around and realised that these alleyways now all the looked the same. It took him a second or two to realised which way he should be facing, such was how this labyrinth, this part of The City could play tricks on people's mind, get them confused, disorientated, get them lost! Gavin looked down both side lanes, they were empty he couldn't see either of the men, his colleagues, 'Shit!' He had to find at least one of them as Gavin didn't know where they were heading, where the pair of them had planned to meet up. Meet up and hopefully, finally, sort this mess out! So, he just set off, a quick jog down the side land he was closest too and not being sure which of his 'friends' had gone this way. He set off to find him and then 'please to God, they could all just sit down and sort this bloody mess out!' He ran and sped down the alleyway, following it around as it bent round to the left and then carried on. He'd forgotten all about the gang of girls he'd seen earlier and that single girl in the pink, this was all tuning into too much of a mess to think about women, girl's now. Then he stooped as he came to a three-way junction, with lanes going straight on, to the right or back the way he'd come? But which way was he to go, which would be the ... ... , CRASH! Down the even narrower alleyway to his right there was the sound of something metal crashing into ... ... or something crashing into metal. And something made Gavin looked down here, but it was dark, even so he thought he could see something happening further down there and again for some reason he found himself taking a few and then a few more steps down there to see what was going on, and ... ... 'Shit!' As it became clearer what Gavin saw was at best unbelievable, at worst impossible! He blinked, but no it was still the same. This man closed his eyes, tight, for a good second and then opened them again, but the sight before him, just further along this smaller alleyway was the same. Nothing had changed, so it must be true, 'but how?' There was the girl in pink, the pug face girl, the girl who was not that good-looking, but the girl with the good body, and the girl with that 'something' about her, the girl that was now beating up Oliver. There was the man he'd come to find, well he'd found him now, but Gavin never thought he'd find him while he was on the receiving end of a good female beating! Gavin stood there in some shock, watching, staring in disbelief at what he saw, as if he was unable to move as he had to look at this and try to take it all in. Stood there was the smaller girl, the one in pink. She was stood in front of what looked like quite a battered and bruised Oliver, who if the state of his face was anything to go by, he'd been on the receiving end of a few good solid blows already. The girl, Chantel was a kind of a boxer's stance and, WHACK! Her clenched fist shot out, probably not for the first time and struck Olivier's face squarely in the middle of it. It was a sharp, hard blow that sent the man's head juddering backward and made him stagger rearwards, this was then, and very quickly followed by, SMACK! The girl's other arm and fist came around and was driven just as hard, just as forceful into Oliver's jaw. The strike made him only stagger some more but also made his body jolted, and after a second had passed and almost as if it was an afterthought Oliver's body dropped down on one side. Almost as if one of his legs, just one, had given up, but the other legs was still trying to keep him upright. The man's hand went out to try and steady himself, his hand tried to come down on one of those old metal dustbins that was nearby. But it slipped and the lid of the bin was knocked off and fell to the alleyway floor. There was again a clattering metal kind of sound that filled the air of the whole area, Oliver staggered some more, taking another couple of steps, one this way, one that way, THUD! There was another blurred blow that struck the man in his face, he wouldn't have seen where it came from, not in his state. Even Gavin who was glued to this action, open mouthed and wide eye trying to take this all in, found it difficult to see clearly all the girls fast flying fists as they moved, CRACK! Even though he was starting at all this he didn't see which of her fist came out and made contact. SMACK! Another strike, 'but surly she couldn't be that quick, she was just a girl!' All that Gavin did see clearly was his friend as he shuddered after each blow struck him. Then Oliver began to wobbled like some kid's toy that was about to topple over. But somehow Oliver did manage to stay up right, stay on his feet, he was leant to one side so maybe he now had a firmer hold onto the old dustbin, maybe it was that, that was keeping him there on his feet, WHACK! ARRRRHHHHH! There was a shocking sound of the girl now bringing the back of her hand across this hurt face, a strong driving backhand. If the sound of her giving him a 'good slap', if that sound wasn't piercing enough, then the cry the man let out as she hit him sent a freezing cold and sharp, nail biting feeling down Gavin's spine! It was a horrible almost scary feeling, that made him just stand there and watch what was going on, it stuck him to the sport, unable to move. Gavin was incapable of running to help his friend, the girl down that alleyway was that fearsome to him. And for good reason, THUD! UUUHHHH! The girl leant forward and with one hand grabbed onto Oliver's head, gripped him harshly by his hair and pulled him towards her. As the man came staggering forward the pink girl drove her free hand, her clenched fist into his oncoming gut. From where he was even Gavin felt that blow, and defiantly so did Oliver, the man coughed and spluttered as he gasped for breath. Chantel looked down at the bent over man she held, she wasn't impressed, her head shock from side to side to show her disappointment. Then the hand that held him by his hair tossed him away from her, sending him back so he clattered back against those bins. Hurling him away, as if he didn't matter and showing that she wasn't satisfied with how he'd 'performed' here. All this did was to impress on Gavin that there was something about this young girl that frighten the man and he really didn't want to go anywhere near her. So, he just stood there and watched. Watched the girl in pink as she now took a step backwards from the wobbling Oliver, still trying to keep himself up against those bins. She looked him up and down, she shook her head again, showing her disappointment. Then the girl's arm, hand came up as she pushed her pink tinted hair back and away from her face, and then she, THUD! OOOOWWWW! Chantel jumped up, even wearing those high heeled shoes she managed to jump, went up high and shot her leg forward and upwards. It went up hard, fast and high. It went up straight and the pink girl's pink shoe caught the man square and solidly under his chin. The well aim strike took Oliver off his feet, the girl's foot and leg carried on up until her leg went almost straight upwards. This girl had a supple body to say the least to be able to do that, she also had a powerful body as the blow she'd just landed on the man was a devastating one. Oliver went up, taking him fully off the ground, up into the air, and as he went up, his body shook, violently and with some force. Then it went twisting around as it carried on flying through the air. Twisting and turning in mid-air this was quite a sight from Gavin to watch, a horrible sight but still quite a mesmerising one. But as Oliver's body went up it would have to come down, and down it came, hard and with a shattering, clattering sound as the man landed, fell, dropped down sharply on not just the one but a number of old metal dustbins that where near to him. The sound of this man being dropped onto all these filled the air and seemed to echoed through the narrow lanes and alleyways of this part of The City. But eventually the sound faded away, but there was still the girl there and the man, Oliver. Her victim, laying amounts a load of knocked over, toppled metal bins, with rubbish scattered all around and over the man. A man who was now out cold and had been defeated, by a girl! Gavin couldn't believe it, even though he had come down that alleyway and seen it for himself, he still found it difficult to believe, 'how could this happen?'. The girl Chantel took a step towards her fallen man, she looked down at him, and then moved her leg closer to his head. Her foot, her pink shoe, the one that had dropped him, moved the unconscious man face and head from side to side to check that he was indeed out cold. Which of course he was, after that blow no man would still be conscious. Satisfied that this man was out the girl now stood up straight and she turned. Now she was looked up the alleyway to where Gavin was stood. Stood there at the end of the alleyway looking at the girl and this gave the man a really bad feeling, the look on her face, the way she held herself. Folded her arms and was looking back at him, 'Oh Shit!' Gavin had to force his body to move so that he could get out of there, and get out of there quickly as the girl was now making her way down the alleyway towards him. 'Fuck if she gets hold of me ... ... !' Gavin had to get out of there and that was what he was doing and as fast as he could, he wasn't going to hang around, not with the girl now coming for him! He turned, he ran, back down the alleyway, then turned that way, followed the lane as it moved around in this direction and before he knew it, he'd stopped suddenly as he looking around, 'Fuck!' He was back at the junction where he'd started, with the steam, he was sure this was that junction, wasn't it? Gavin looked all around, then thought he could here, footsteps, a clicking sound of high heeled shoes coming from, 'which way?' The sound was echoing, it seemed to come from every direction, WOOOSSSHHH! Suddenly a bust of steam came pouring out of a vent near to him. Covered in smoke he was confused; he coughed, flapped his arms around to clear it away quickly. He stumbled around and thankfully soon the smoke was gone. But the sound of clicking footsteps was still there, echoing around him. But now he could tell which way the sound was coming from, so instinctively he now ran off in the opposite direction, to get away, fast. He ran and ran, down another narrow lane, then he turned right, or was it left and he turned left again, or was it right and soon he was ... ... lost! Gavin stooped, looked around, realising he had no idea where he was, but at least he was safe, or so he thought. Now he slowly shuffled along as he caught his breath, time to take things slowly, gather his thoughts and think this all through. He turned a corner as all these weird, strange images flashed around inside his head, as his thoughts tried to deal with all this, and then, 'Oh Fuck!' Gavin was stopped in his tracks as he was now looking down another narrow lane and there a short distance away was his other colleague Beau. But it looked as if he too was on the receiving end of a good beating from another female, a woman, no a girl and it wasn't another girl, it was the same girl ... ... 'No! How was that possible, how could the same girl now be here and beating up his other friend? How could she have got over here so fast, before he'd got here and was now be beating up another man. How did she do that, it just didn't make sense. There was Beau, a battered and hurt looking Beau who was still on his feet, just about, as his legs did look somewhat wobbly, but he was still upright, CRACK! THUD! Two fast fists where now sent into the man's body by the smaller, younger girl. Beau's body took the blows and jolted with each strike, then she turned, spun around and, WHACK! Her leg went out, up around and her shoe came flying in and strikes the already stunned and hurt man hard across his face. The heel of the shoe cut his face while the blow drove Beau hurtling backwards and sent him hard into the wall of the small, narrow lane that the pair of them where fighting in. Well the lane where the girl was the only one who was doing the fighting. As the man hit the wall, as his back drove into that hard brick wall the girl's arm and hand came up, she pushed her hair away from her face and then she twisted her body. Turning and bringing herself, her body back and at the same time sending her leg out. Out and up high so her swivel kick came thundering around and she drove her foot, her shoe into the other side of Beau's face as he leant there against the wall, CRACK! UUUHHHFFF! The girl's strike made this second man's body shudder violently and then slowly he seemed to just drop down onto his knees, there in front of her. Again, all Gavin could do was to stand there a watch as he was once more glued to the spot, captivated, in some strange way by this girl. As he watched her in actions ... ... But wait! There was something wrong here, something different, but what was it? This was his friend Beau getting his arse kicked, or should that be getting his face kicked by a girl, and it was the same girl. There was the small, pug faced and not that good-looking girl beating this second man. The same girl dressed the same way in in her high heeled shoes with all those straps, the pair of tight three-quarter length leggings, covering her good, fine legs. Then her open, bare midriff with the sparkling bellybutton piercing, above this that crop top, holding her full chest. And over all this she wore her fluffy, furry jacket that came down to her waist, unzipped, of course so her trim, toned body could be seen by everyone who was looked her way, like Gavin. Even though he saw all this it took a second or two for the penny to drop. As it was now that Gavin saw what he had previously missed, the colour, that was what he had missed in all this. The shoes, the jacket where purple, the legging where a red colour and the crop top was yellow. And there were some differences with the girl's face, her hair was again blond but there were hints of purple in it, her lips where again purple and those large round glasses she wore ... ... ... , yes, they were purple too! It took a second or maybe a few more for all this to sink in and for Gavin as he carried on and watched all this. But now he realises that this was a different girl, her 'colour scheme' gave that away. But she was also the same girl, in a round about way, the girl in pink and this one in purple both looked the same! Although he didn't know it this girl, the purple one was Angie and she was Chantel's twin Sister ... ... There was two of them a pink girl and a purple girl. A second later this all seemed to become somewhat a bit clearer to the man, 'they must be twins!' This sudden realisation now messed with Gavin's head, two girls beating up his two colleagues, this was more than a coincidence, 'wasn't it?' These girls couldn't have planned this could they, 'but why?' Then all of a sudden, his mind was brought back to the here and now when, CRUNCH! The purple Angie leant forwards, grabbed onto Beau's head as he knelt there before her. Then she brought her knee up, twisted herself over to the side, swung that leg out, hooked it and drove her knee into the side of the man's head. Pounding him in the temple, making Beau's whole body quake quite violently and then suddenly as she let go his limp body fell, dropped rapidly to the narrow alleyway floor and into a heap. The girl took a step back after she'd struck to give the man enough room to fall at her feet, almost as if she liked the man to be in that position. With Beau now also down and out cold it looked as if this girl's 'job' here was done, she turned to walk away and that was when she caught sight of Gavin stood there, watching her! And for a second time Gavin got a really bad feeling about all this as the purple girl now stared back at him, giving him the same look that her twin Sister had earlier. Then she started to walk slowly towards him, and there was that clicking sound of her shoes on the narrow lane floor, 'Shit!' Gavin forced his legs to work, he turned and headed off, ran away for the second time and from another young, small girl. And another young, small girl that scared him. Gavin ran, he turned this way and that way, he followed the lanes, alleyways and passages around to the left and right as they seemed to twist and turn, and all the time he was getting more and more lost. But at least he was getting away from the purple girl. A short while later and Gavin stopped, caught his breath as he tried to sort this mess out in his head. He leant against a nearby wall as he tried to slow his almost bursting heart from exploding, as he was almost ... ... , WOOOSSSHHH! There was a cloud of smoke that covered the man, he panicked and flapped around as the cloud had just made him jumpy and frightened him again. And as it started to clear Gavin, could hear a clicking sound, no more than one clicking sound. Then he saw the outline of, ... ... ... THUD! CRUNCH! It was sometime later when Gavin began to come too, his eyes slowly starting to open and his head began to come out of this blackness that had engulfed him. Slowly his surrounding became clearer, and he was able to focus and see objects and people! He was now also aware of not just where he was, but also the dilemma, he now found himself! In a couple of second the man took in a lot and realised that he was now inside, by the looks of it, some kind of a warehouse, workshop or what looked like an old garage. It was a messy place with a certain smell to it that the man could now make out as he came too more. In fact, this was one of those many small units, used for 'this and that', in one of the many alleyways, that were dotted around this 'labyrinth' area of, The City. Then as Gavin's head was clearer, he could take in more, he could look around this place and, 'Oh Shit!' Over to the right was his friend Beau, but it didn't look good for the man who was on his knees. His body looked as if it had been through yet another beating as his clothes where ripped, dirty and he looked ragged. But Gavin couldn't see the man's face as the head of this knelt man, who was leant forwards was currently trapped between the firm legs of the girl dressed in pink. But what Gavin could see was the 'trapped' man's body shaking as this girl was obviously applying a great deal of pressure, through her strong legs, to his head. Making him shake uncontrollably with her punishing treatment of him by this younger girl. If that was a bad place for Beau to be in then Oliver was also suffering, but in a different way, and now as this man moaned due to his own agony, Gavin turned his head to the left to where this groaning sound was coming from. Gavin could now see what had become of his other friend who was at the mercy of the girl in purple. There was a large, solid old wooden work bench and laying on it was the girl. She was lying on her back, and also laying on his back and on top of the girl was Oliver. OK it would have been better for him to be laying on top of her and facing her, that would be much better, but it wasn't like that for this man. The girl had the man in a good position, with her legs around the man's body, her legs crossed over and across his stomach, where she was squeezing hard with her legs. These Sisters were obviously both strong in the leg department! Also, the purple girl had her arm around Oliver's neck and was throttling, choking him, just as hard as her legs where squeezing him! The girl in purple arched her back to pushed Oliver upwards and apply extra pressure on the man's body through her legs and tightening her arm on his neck. This devastating move was having the right effect, for the girl, not the man, she was hurting him, and making him suffer ... ... But all Gavin could think of was, 'Why!' Gavin couldn't stand by and just watch this, he had to do something. He forced himself forwards so he could help his friends, but ... ... ! But he only moved a short way as he suddenly stopped and for a second, he was confused, 'why couldn't he move any further, what was stopping him?' Gavin's eyes looked up to his left arm and then his right and now he could see that he was chained, restrained but his wrists, 'Shit!' In fact, the man was handcuffed to a pair of chains hanging down from the building's roof. He was hanging, handcuffed to the thick chains and there was no escape for him. At this point the girls both turned their heads towards him, the clanking of the chains had grabbed their attention. The girls both looked at Gavin hanging there and suddenly he felt very scared. The girl in pink, Chantel, gave a twist of her hips, her legs followed and Beau made a muffle cry as his body jerked and was then still. Loosening her grip on him and Beau's unconscious body dropped to the floor and the girl moved towards the now conscious man, Gavin. On the table and the girl in purple, Angie, tensed her arched body, her legs around Oliver's body and her arm around his neck. The man's body jolted and then he was still, the girl rolled to the side, released her hold and dropped Oliver over the side of the table and down to the floor. Then slid herself off the table and made her way towards the man hanging there, Gavin. The sound of two pairs of shoes clipping along filled the room as the girls made there where to where Gavin was hanging from those chains. As the girls got to Gavin, Chantel reached out and gripped the man tightly with her hand around his throat. At the same time Angie's hands thrusted forward and grabbed the man in the groin area. Now the girls had his full attention! "Mummy said you where the ring leader of this little group!" 'Mummy! What the hell?' Chantel's words rang around inside his head as her hand tighten around his throat. "You friends seem to see things our way, Mummy's way, now. So, it's your turn to come around to how Mummy wants things done!" Angie's words also filled his head as her hand tightly turned as she gripped his groin area. A fearful Gavin realised these girls, the twins, Chantel in pink and Angie in purple, where in fact the Daughters of his boss at work. The woman who wanted these men to alter the finical report, that quarterly return, that the board was going to see. The men's department head, the woman with a hard, unpleasant face and way about her, these were obviously her Daughter's as they had her looks and her way about them. This was bad for the man; he'd seen some of what the girls had done to his friends and now it sounded as if it was his turn! They released their hold on him and then quickly their hands went up to his handcuffed wrist. He tried to struggle, but it was useless, WHACK! CRUNCH! UUUHHH! A quick couple of high knees into his body stopped him from struggling and then, THUD! He was now on his knees on the floor with the girls stood there next to him, one on either side of him. Having released his wrist from the handcuffs he dropped to the floor and he was now all theirs, it was now play time for the girls! SMACK! WHACK! A few playful slaps to get the man's attention then he was dragged up onto his feet and, THUD! WALLOP! A hand from each girl went into his chest, pushing him rearwards, then with him just far enough away from them, the girls both smiled, turned, twisted themselves around and CRACK! SMACK! Two small pug girls, one pink, one purple, with their spinning kicks, two shoes driving into his body and Gavin went off his feet and was sent thundering back into the brick wall behind him. He was slammed, hard, into that wall, it hurt, hurt like hell as he began to slide down it, UUUHHHHH! Gavin was grabbed, pulled, yanked back towards the girl, still smiling and WHACK! THUD! The girls had only just started with their 'persuasion' of this last man, letting him know what their Mummy wanted. Well this man couldn't say 'No' to these girls, could he? And the girls were going to make sure that he didn't say 'No', but it would take a long time for the man to get the message, they would make sure it took a long time, a very long time ... ... !