Uncle's Choice By Crossmanx at - crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk - comments and ideas welcome. Owen needed to make a discussion about nasty Nikki, either to run and hide or stand and suffer! Inspired by an idea from George V and a follow on from the stories Say Uncle & Man From Uncle Uncle's Choice As Owen stood there his heart started to race as the door handle turned slowly, then stopped, there was a paused, and a moment that seemed to go on forever. And only after that moment was the door pushed open and there in the doorway was Nikki! Uncle Owen couldn't take his eyes off his Niece Nikki, the plain looking, yet strong, forceful and domination girl, still dressed in her school uniform was a sight to behold. The man, Owen, the taller, stronger man felt his strength fade away, he felt his heart race and felt his stomach turn in knots as she now slowly made her way across the room towards him. Nikki looked at her Uncle Owen and moved towards him, she came in close, very close to him, he could feel his heart beating faster as the sassy schoolgirl was now there in front of him, then she moved even closer. Nikki took a drag on her cigarette in her lovely looking mouth and placed her free hand on his chest 'Oh God!' then she moved the hand up to his neck and around it, she looked directly in her eye and he could feel them delving deep into his very sole. She then blows smoke into his face and tipped toed upwards so he could kiss him! OOOHHHH! Owen woke with a start, sweat running down the man's body, it had been a dream, 'Shit, just a dream!' And he knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep and back into that dream, to relive it, to enjoy it! Own got up and walked around, the bulge in his shorts an indication as to how real the dream had been for him, he went downstairs into the kitchen made a coffee and went into the living room. The TV went on as he sat there trying to figure out his life and his Niece, Nikki, who was screwing it all up for him. What was he going to do about all this, what indeed? He sat there thinking, he couldn't carry on like this, he had to do something end all this, but how, or should he end it? He'd had that job offer to move up north, promotion of a kind and a new start somewhere else? He could take it and he could move, runaway from here and her, but she would find him, he hoped, he prayed. But if he couldn't get away that meant he would either have to stand up to her, take control back or submit to her and willingly let her dominate him, those where his choices! What a dilemma, but deep down he knew what he actually wanted! Or did he, it was all still too confusing. As he sat there the door opened and in walked Nikki, dressed as always in the school uniform of her that made her so dominant over him. She walked in a stood there the plain looking girl who hadn't full blossomed yet, but there was something so, so captivating about her, Owen just didn't know how she had this hold over him. The girl stood there in her smart sensible school shoes, with those short white socks, then upwards where her strong legs that he knew all too well. The legs that had gripped him and squeezed him, hurt him and pounded him. Still further was the pleated grey skirt that was just on the short side, to show off those sturdy legs of hers. The scruffy white blouse & school tie, with large knot, that always hanged low down and clearly showed all her top buttons undone. All finished off with the fine school blazer. His eyes moved up further to her face, that plain, yet so interesting and captivating face, that one moment could make her look much older than she was or young again by a simple turn of her head or grin. Her dark hair was still tied in pigtails that came out to the side and her plain thin rimmed round glasses added to the effect of 'how old?' and 'attractive or plain, not sure', but always unforgettable! Nikki stood there and looked, her cigarette came up to her pale lips and she took a drag then clicked her figures and pointed to the floor, Uncle Owen dropped down onto the floor and onto his knees. Nikki smirked at the control she had over her Uncle as she made her way across the room towards him as she got to him and he was there knelt at her feet he could feel his hart race ARRRRHHHH! The girl reached down, grabbed the man by his hair and yanked his head back so he was staring up at her, her smile said it all she was in charge. The schoolgirl Niece leaned forwards and blow smoke into her Uncles face, Owen coughed but it tasted so good, especial coming from her. Then the man's hand came up and he took hold of the school tie that hung down there in front of him, and he began to pull on it. Nikki took another drag on her cigarette and her smile broadened, her playful, teasing, inviting smile, as Uncle Own pulled his Niece Nikki down toward him. He dragged her down further and further until her grinning face was just above his, smoke drifted out of her slightly open mouth, as the man carried on bringing her face and her lips closer to his. He could taste the smoke as it gentle floated out her mouth and over his face. She tilted her head slightly so that they could kiss and as her lips came to rest on his OOOHHHH! Owen's body jolted as he suddenly woke up again 'SHIT!' Another dream, another frustrating dream where he was so close to ... ... The man sat up and put his head into his hands "what the hell am I going to do?" This wasn't the first time that Owen had had these dreams and each time they got more and more intense. All of this with his Niece was getting out of hand, she was controlling him, taking over and ruining his life, but each time he saw her, he just knew he had to submit to her (Reader may wish to read previous story's, Say Uncle & Man From Uncle). 'What was he to do indeed?' That was the question that was constantly hounding Owen, if it wasn't that question that was keeping him awake at night it was the relentless arguing, nagging and questioning that Nikki's Mum, Julia, was giving him. Their 'secret' affair had been found out by Nikki who was using this little bit of information against her Uncle and to some degree against her Mother. Blackmail was such a nasty word but for Nikki it brought her lots of treats from her Uncle, from new shoes to concert tickets, and so no, it wasn't a nasty word. But what was nasty was the way that Nikki treated her Uncle, how she beat him, hurt him, controlled him and used him, and all with a smile on her face. Owen could do nothing but let Nikki do as she wished, the girl knew about the affair and had the photo's so she held all the ace's. But there was also that 'little bit' of the man that might, just, possibly, want and desire the girl to treat him this way! Whatever the real reason Owen was now shackled by the girl, not literally, but there was a thought! Even Julia, the one that seemed to still have some control over the mischievous Nikki, was finding it more and more difficult to assert her authority over the girl. Since that fateful day when Nikki had confronted her Uncle about the affair with her Mother and Owen's wondering eye with her good looking school friends, things had changed, and so had Nikki and Owen. The Niece, with that first blow, the elbow that had slammed into his gut, had stared to take 'control' of her Uncle, and then for fun she'd just beat him. And as for Owen he'd let her do it, he had no choice? Now Owen was in a bit of a predicament here, ok he was a single man and the affair, even if it was his sister-in-law, was just how he liked thing, lots of fun and nothing serious. But then Nikki had found out and was using this bit of information against her Uncle, and using it to her advantage. The problem in all this, well one of the problems, was that Owen was starting to 'like' the way he was being treated by Nikki. As for the girl, she certainly enjoyed it, especial when she chastised the man, her Uncle and the felling of power it gave her. She especially liked it when she used that cane she had 'obtained', were it came from Owen didn't want to know, or why she had it in the first place. But she used it well, she was good with it, too good and she made the man squeal so much! All of that had been one thing but there had been one very nasty little incident involving two men recently. One of whom was a personnel tutor that Owen had arranged to help Nikki with her studies and hopeful take her mind off him and the affair with her Mother. The other man was a delivery man who turned up at the wrong time with a pile of study books. That day had been a 'difficult' one to say the least. But with a lot of smoothing over and a few cheques signed and given out, that incident was all now done with and would not happen again! Owen had been surprised at how both the men had not protested as much as he'd thought about being beat up by Nikki, as well as her friend Jess. After all you don't expect to go about your normal lives and get jumped on by two schoolgirls who then thrash you and beat you, do you? But Owen wasn't sure if that had really been the end of it as he'd thought he'd seen the delivery drivers van parked outside of Nikki's house once, the Uncle had felt a touch of jealously as he wondered was it that same man just making a deliver around here or was he inside the house with Nikki? Was he indeed, just by accident, making a delivery or had Nikki been in one of her playful and mischievous moods and lured that man back so she could beat him again. Or worst of all, just like Owen, had this man gone back himself, seeking out the devilish schoolgirl so she could do it all over again to him? In all of this Nikki's Mum, Julia, had been less than impressed with it all, and still using what control she still had over her 'little' girl at the moment, Julia was making everyone's life hell in the attempt to try and keep this all quiet. If Guy, Julia's husband and Owen's brother found out about all this! That was Nikki's extra ace up her sleeve, she could let slip anything to her Daddy at any time and then the fireworks would fly, and everyone knew that. But at present Julia was also less than impressed with Owen, as he'd mentioned to her, via a text message to start with, that he'd been offered this job up north and maybe, seeing how things where here it might be best to go for it! And for the first time in all this Julia had thought about beating Owen, hard, herself! Not happy with his 'runaway' attitude at all. It was the end of a busy day at work, a busy week, and he'd been asked again about what his intentions where about the new position up north. Owen had managed to side the issue and would let them know next week. But for now all he wanted to do was relax, it was Friday so time for a stiff drink and a couple of beers, followed by a microwave meal, some TV and a chance to forget about all this. As he reached his place he opened the door and went inside, where a peaceful, safe and warm feeling took over. He went through his routine of hanging up his coat, dropping of his bag on the kitchen table, loosening his tie and heading into the living room to pour himself a large ... ... ... "Hello Uncle." Owen looked up to see Nikki there, he swallowed hard at the sight of his schoolgirl Niece. 'She was here alone, with him, in his home!' Instinctively he had to get away so turned around sharply only to come face to face with Jess, Nikki's friends and the other destructive schoolgirl. The man felt surrounded and turn again as Jess was so close, but Nikki had come up quick behind him. So when Owen turned he had Nikki straight in front of him, now he was trapped by the two girl's! The Niece could see the look of horror on her Uncle's face at seeing the two girls, and that didn't please her, he should be glad to see her, WHACK! The girls fist came around and smashed into Owen's jaw, dropping him to his knees, 'now he would be glad to see her!' Even though his jaw hurt and he was on his knee, Owen knew this was just the start "Uncle dear ... ... " there was a touch of sarcasm in Nikki's voice " ... ... I hear you may be thinking of moving away" CRACK! The girl's knee shot straight up into the bottom of his jaw and sent the man flying backwards, she was obviously disappointed to have heard this 'Shit!' Owen, although in pain quickly realised that Julia must have kept his text on her phone and Nikki, being her normal devious self, had probably gone down the phone to find more juicy tit bits for her to use. As for getting into his place, Julia again! She had a key, as at the height of their affair he'd come home and found her waiting for him in his bed a few times. Now there was also relief that Nikki had not been like her Mother and at the moment was more interesting in beating him and controlling him, than maybe anything else! With all that worked out, all Owen could now think about was what was going to happen next ... ... UUUHHHHH! That was answered as Jess reached down and grabbed onto the man and hauled him off the floor and back onto his knees ARRRHHH! As she got him up she grabbed onto his hair and wrenched his head backwards so he was now looking up at her as she stood behind the knelt man. Owen recognised Jess, but this was the first time that he'd the 'privilege' of being manhandled by her. Like Nikki, Jess was a plain looking girl, someone who should not have stood out but, like Nikki, someone who did standout. She was the rougher of the two girls, as she liked the messy, unkempt appearance, her once nicely cut bob hair was now straggly and untidy, and with its red colour it gave her a fiery look, that she liked. Owen had seen that both girls where still dressed in their uniforms, which just added to their allure, even though he knew it shouldn't. As Owen looked up at Jess he could also appreciate that she did indeed have a 'interesting' look about her, one that he was quite ... ... THUD! OOWWWW! Nikki's shoe broke her Uncle stare on Jess and so his 'growing interest' in her, the nasty Niece gave her friend a look, one that said, 'remember he's mine, get your own Uncle!' Owen coughed and spluttered as he composed himself after his Niece's sharp kick UUUHHHH! Jess once more tugged at his hair so he was now looking back up at Nikki SMACK! Who slapped him hard across his face SMACK! And across the other side to make sure he was paying attention to her "now Uncle I don't like what I've heard and just to make sure you understand I'm not sure about you moving away ... ... " THUD! Her knee slammed into the knelt man's chest " ... after all who would I get to replace you!" Both girl giggled at that, and somehow Owen knew there was a serious side, something else about to that 'comment!' "But if you're having problem deciding let me show you what you'll be missing out on, or running away from, your choice!" With that Nikki reached down and both girls dragged the man up onto his feet SMACK! As he was halfway up the nasty Niece once more throw her leg up and drove her knee hard into her Uncle. Slamming his chest then his gut, hurting and winding the man THUD! WALLOP! Jess also throw her knee up into him and Nikki followed up with her fist, now the man was getting double teamed by the two mean schoolgirls. They flowed this up with more blows that hurt and weakened him, and with one girl on one side and the other on the opposite side, the girls grabbed onto the man and WOOOOHHHH! THUD! They grabbed, gripped and swung him over and around, turning, spinning him over, summersaulting him and then slamming him into the floor. Pleased with the move, which they'd not done before they girls high fived each other over the man as he lay on the floor, in more of a mocking way than anything else. Jess went over to the sofa to sit down and watch as Nikki dragged a hurt and stunned Uncle Owen up on to his feet and SMASH! The redhead girl lit a cigarette as she watched Nikki and her Uncle 'play' THUD! The nasty Niece slammed her fist, throw her knee and pounded her foot into the man, she aimed and hit his chest, his groin, his face and his gut and any other part of his body she could get to. She knocked him down to the floor then went over and swooped with Jess, Nikki took the cigarette and sat and watched as it was now just the redhead girl and the man. Jess hauled Owen back up and got his to his feet, only to drop his again and again with her kicks and punches. This other plain girl had shown the good-looking older, taller man just what a girl can do CRUCNH! OOHHHH! After another girl versus man session Owen was once again 'handed' back to his Niece so she could once again give him a good going over. She swung round and drove her shoe into his body making the man wobble before grabbing him and tossing him over and back down to the floor. And then back up again he comes so she can do it all over again, just for fun. As Nikki slapped her Uncle hard Jess's phone rung, she recognised the number and went out in the hallway to take the call, as Owen's moans and groans where now growing. Nikki seeing that her Uncle had had a 'good' session off the girls dragged him up onto his knees again. He knelt there drained, hurt and wearily watching as she walked around the man "so Uncle have I made my point about what you would miss?" Just then Jess came back in the room "come on the boys are waiting for us down at the youth club!" Owen heard that and knew that the girls, Nikki and Jess would now leave him, all alone, Nasty Nikki started to walk over towards the door then stopped. She turned around and walked back over to her knelt Uncle and looked at the man, there was a disappointed look on his battered face, was it the thought of her leaving, of course it was. She stopped, her leg rested at the jaunty angle to give her an even more appealing look that her Uncle liked so much. The girl reached into her blazer pocked brought out a packet of cigarettes and lit one, all the time keeping eye contact with her weary, hurt and beat Uncle. She stood with one hand on her hip and the other attached to that cigarette, she looked stunning to him. Then placing the cigarette to her lips, she took a long drag on it and then blow the smoke in his direction. Uncle Owen shuffled on his knees to her, he couldn't keep away. His eyes fixed on her face all the time until he got to her, she just looked over him and forward, ignoring the man. As he got to her and looked up, she flicked ash in his direction, but he didn't care, he knew what he would miss if he went for that job and moved away. "Now Uncle I want you to think long and very, very hard about what you do next!" As he knelt there he then bravely and without thinking, placed his hands on her lower legs and slowly moved them upwards, over her firm calf's then onto her sturdy thighs. She was of course ignoring him, but to Owen it felt so good, that he lost it a bit and went a bit too far, he wasn't thinking straight as his hands carried on up further. His hands went up and under her short skirt and onto her pert buttocks 'Oh God!'. Nikki then looked down at him, Uncle Owen had lost control of himself and gone too far, literally, she drew smoke and blow it at him. His touch was good but he'd not asked permission to go that far up, whether it was bravery, stupidity or plain just not thinking didn't matter, he'd made a mistake and now WHACK! Her knee shot up into the bottom of the man's jaw, sending Uncle Owen hurtling across the floor and making the schoolgirl giggle as she sent him backwards and flying. As he landed on the floor, for the last time, Owen also fell into unconsciousness, Nikki smirked and walked over to her fallen Uncle. She called out to Jess and the nasty Niece now posed over her Uncle, the redhead giggled as she took a picture, a souvenir, Nikki then turned and left with her friend. She'd made her point, Uncle Owen had taken a beating and done well, he'd also got brave at the end as she had tempted him. Of course she had to put him down for trying too much and going too far without permission, but she had to admit to herself that Uncle was indeed getting more and more interesting to her. But for now she and Jess had the boys at the youth club to play with and that was going to be a lot of fun! It was much later when Owen came too, he was still lying on the floor, the room was dark and the house was empty. He dragged himself over to the sofa where he flicked on a side light and looked at the clock, 'how late!' His body ached and he managed to pull himself together to stagger into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water that he downed in one. He gasped as he swallowed the last drop, 'God he needed that' he pulled out a chair and sat down by the kitchen table. As he sat there he contemplated what had happened to him, he'd been beat up not by one but by two schoolgirls, one his own Niece, in his own home! Could it get any worse ... ... Could it get any better? It was now that he noticed his phone, it was where he'd left it when he'd got home, on the kitchen table by his bag. He also noticed that there were a number of text messages waiting for him that had been send at various times during the evening and there where images attached. He was now a bit nervous, but had a nasty feeling he should open the messages anyway. The first was a photo of Nikki striking a victory pose with one foot on Owens cheat as he lay there on the floor out cold, and a message 'Hi 'Uncle' look what your Niece can do to you!' 'Oh Crap!' But the more he looked at the photo of the schoolgirl showing off how good she was over his fallen body the more it became 'interesting' to him, he might have to keep that to look at later! But there were also other photos and messages, photos of both Nikki, Jess and both pf them with boy's, lots of different boys. They must have been taken at the youth clubs and showed the girls all happy and smiling with these boys. 'Having fun with the boys at the youth club' one message said, as if to confirm what he thought and other similar messages that somehow seemed to taunt Owen, and then there was photos of both girl kissing various boys! Owen felt his gut churn at these, they didn't go down well with him at all. There where even a couple of photos of some boys obviously laughing at something as they looked at a mobile phone. He wondered if the girls had shown these boys that photo of Nikki's victory pose, but knowing his Niece the answer was probably yes! 'What was he to do?' ... ... What was to do indeed. For now, he made sure the doors and windows where secure, he didn't want any 'late night visitors' and went to bed, double checking that he was indeed the only person there, and then fell into a deep, deep sleep. That night was not the best for Owen as his dreams took over and he was again at the mercy of Nikki and Jess, not that the two girl showed him any pity as they tossed him around and pounded him, and not in a good way either! And at the climax, of his beating, he would wake in a cold sweat, his heart racing and his blood raising. In one dream Nikki was slamming her fist into him with one hand whilst she carried on enjoying a cigarette in the other hand. Each time she hit him she would them grab him, pull Uncle to her and blow smoke in his face, then she would grin. It was a different grin each time, and each with its own message ... ... 'I like you Uncle' or 'I hate you' even 'I want you.' And each time she blows the smoke at him and he saw that grin, her fist would then slam into him again. She did this over and over again, each grin different, each massage different, each hit to somewhere new on his body. And when he woke from this dream he was sure he could taste the smoke in his mouth, he had to put the light on to make sure that Nikki wasn't stood over him blowing it into his face. But she wasn't and he was kind of relived about that, even if the bulge in his shorts said something else! Another dream had Jess reaching out and grabbing onto him as he crawled along the floor, the schoolgirl then dragged up upwards so she could grip him with her legs and squeezed him hard. She used her strong thighs like a vice to hurt him, only releasing him when he'd suffered enough and begged her enough. Then he would again try to crawl away, she would let him get so far then slowly she would come after him, then she'd reach down and grab him again. His hands would grip hard into the floor as she dragged him towards her and her crushing hold, his figures would leave deep marks in the floor as he was pulled towards her, he tried but couldn't grip and hold onto anything to prevent being dragged to his agony. When he woke from this one Owen found he'd ripped the pillow next to him the shreds, his hands were almost locked in some claw like grip and slowly as he calmed down his hands relaxed as he realised he was in fact safe from her. His last dream, before he realised it was pointless trying to even attempt any more sleep, had him alone in what looked like a boxing ring. There was a spotlight on him as he stood in the middle of the ring, then a light came on and lit up the blue corner, were Jess was, another light lit up the red corner and there was Nikki. A bell sounded and the two girls came out towards him, both girls were in their uniforms, which was of no surprise, and as they came towards him the lights went on around the ring. Suddenly there was a huge audience who suddenly all started to shout and cheer as the two girls got to him and SMACK! WHACK! Owen was then double teamed by the girls in the ring as they hit him, they pounded him, he was dropped down to the floor, dragged back up again and slammed back down. The girls took him on one at a time, then both together, they flipped him and throw him, they punched him and smacked him. The girls went about destroying him, and all the time they smiled at him! And all the time the crowd cheered and shouted out for the girls and not for him. He woke from that dream as they were coming down on him, their eyes bright and alive as they were about to rip his apart. After that dream he forgot about anymore sleep, he didn't want to contemplate what the next dream might hold for him after that one! But it was now the weekend, maybe he could, try, and relax. His phone buzzed as a text message arrived, it was from Julia, cautiously he opened it, afraid of what might be in it. But to his relief it was just a message, 'come round this afternoon, everyone's out, we need to sort this out about Nikki, and talk about this move of yours!' He knew she was right, they did need to talk, even if he didn't want to face up to all this, he knew he should. Reluctantly and later that afternoon, Owen arrived at Julia's, his head was full of 'this and that' as he walked up to the door and rung the bell, he then started to wondered 'where would Nikki be this afternoon ... ... " OOHHHHHHH! The door suddenly opened, an arm reached out and grabbed him and the man was viciously hauled over the threshold of the door and pulled inside. He went flying into the hallway and landed with a hefty thud on the floor BANG! The front door slammed shut and Owen had a very, very bad feeling about this! His eyes slowly moved upwards, first she saw a pair of shoes, some white socks, fine but sturdy legs and short pleated skirt ... ... ... 'Oh Shit!' Suddenly he was looking up into the smirking face of Jess! OOOHHH! THUD! A second later and the redhead had grabbed onto the stunned man and pulling his upwards at the same time as flinging him towards the livingroom, Owen had been flung from the hallway, through the door and landed in a heap a few feet away from Nikki! Although he didn't realise she was there at first, he soon found it out, as WHACK! A sharp and familiar kick struck the side of his body, a blow from a shoe he could identify, from a foot he recognised and all attached to a certain girl he also knew! The shoe and foot struck him again then a strong hand grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked the man upwards, and as she did so he could now see her for himself SMACK! As she brought him up onto his feet her free hand had come swiftly across his face, to gain his attention! The man wobbled a bit, the shock of being struck so hard, but that was only the start THUD! OWWHHH! CRACK! ARRRRHH! Nikki struck again, twice in fact, one fist into his gut that winded him and doubled him over, and as his head fell forwards the girls other fist had come up and driven hard into his jaw. As the struck Owen staggered backwards, Nikki was ready, she reached out with both hands and grabbed onto the man's top, then stepping forward and pulling him to her at the same time CRUNCH! OOOUUUUU! As she pulled him close to her, he could see the grin now on her face as she shot her knee up into his groin, pounding his tender area. His face screwed up in agony and only made the girls grin turn into a smile as now she again pulled him closer to her. Still with her two hands gripping onto his top, and WOOSSHH! THUD! The schoolgirl turned, swivelled around and still gripping her man she tossed him over her hip and back to the floor. As he slammed into the carpet there was a giggly laugh from Jess who was leant against the door frame watching her friend as she dealt with her Uncle WALLOP! Nikki carried on with her Uncles beating and Jess enjoyed watching, the redhead lit a couple of cigarettes and held one out for her friend SMACK! Nikki had pulled Owen up on to his knees and left him there as she took the cigarette and enjoyed it. Nikki took a mobile phone out of her pocket and shakes it to show Uncle Owen, it was her Mother's phone, Julia's phone 'Shit!' That explained all this, Nikki had tricked him again, how stupid was he? The two girls now chatted as they looked over towards him. The battered Owen couldn't hear they clearly but he knew they were mocking him, but somehow he didn't care. Then Nikki made her casual way back over to her Uncle. Owen still on his knees looked up at Nikki as she carried on enjoying her cigarette, almost ignoring him, and with her free hand on her hip that made her blazer open up and gave the man a good look at her, she looked awesome to him. He so wanted to grab onto her tie and pull down on it, so bringing his Niece down towards him so he could kiss her, 'Yer, Right, as if 'she' would let 'him' do that!' He realised that both girls where in their uniforms, 'Why, it was a weekend?' But these two would probably spend all their time dressed this way, even when they got older. They both knew exactly how their looked dressed this way, and also the effect it had on members of the male population, these girls knew how to use what they had, and boy did these two have 'it!' Nikki flicks her finished cigarette at her Uncle and clicks her fingers, then uses one to indicate 'get up on your feet', the man does as he's 'told'. He now stands there, a bit shaky and wobbly as his Niece looks him up and down and smiles. Owen stands there, wondering and waiting as to what she will do, what mood was she in now? Then schoolgirl steps closer and Owen tenses up as she gets nearer, he knows all too well what she's capable of even with her hands just tucked into her blazer pockets and a slight smile on her 'innocent' looking face. With 'that' smile she looks the picture of virtue, as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but Owen knows better than that. He knows Nikki, he knows his Niece and he knows just what she can be like, and innocence isn't something he would associate with her. She moves even slightly closer to him, holding his gaze with her deep blameless looking eyes, his body tightens up as if ready for her to strike. But still she has that look, that smile and Owen starts to think 'maybe she's ... ... ' As his body relaxes for a split second Nikki's hand come out of her pockets quickly as she grabs onto her Uncles arm, she twists, turns sharply and leans forward at the same time. The taller, large man is easily taken off his feet by the schoolgirl's move and sent over her shoulder and down towards the floor, CRASH! He lands with a heavy thud into the floor, a sharp pain shots through his body as the girl slams the man down to where he belongs, on the floor in front of her! "Oh Uncle for one moment there I thought you were actually thinking I would do nothing!" THUD! OOOHHHHH! A sharp kick to his gut is in order to make sure that he gets the point that she must be taken seriously at all time WHACK! UUUUFFFF! And another for good measure, there's more giggles from Jess, she liked the way Owen was taken in by Nikki's 'innocent' act, 'how stupid could he be?' CRACK! Nikki's foot slams into his jaw and Owen is sent rolling over the floor in agony, as he comes to a stop and lay's there trying to deal with the pain, he's aware of talking and moving about, then there's silence, he dare not look up. The silence continues for what seems like a very long time, then movement again and THUD! THUD! He feels the floor move as if two heavy objects are dropped down and waits, that's the awful bit! OOOUUUCCCHHHH! A hand comes down and drags Owen back up, the man is roughly handled by the girl and put into position by the frim hands of Nikki, she places him exactly where she wants him. Then she flings him down onto his knees, Owen is tense and nervous, he cowers on his knees and only after a while does he move his head up to look around the room. 'Oh Crap!' Owen looked over to see a sight that shocks him as well as devastated him, there on the other side of the room, on the floor knelt down with heads bowed where the two men that Nikki and Jess had so cruelly beat and dominated not so long ago, the tutor and the deliveryman! The girls must have been playing with these two before he'd arrived there! But Owen knows only too well that he couldn't blame these men, when Nikki had got her hands on them something would stirred deep down inside them. And with Jess joining in they would have had no other option but to surrender and lay themselves before the two schoolgirls, so that Nikki and Jess could do with them as they pleased. How the girls had done it he didn't know, didn't want to know, if these men had come back looking for the girls to do it all over again to them? Or had the girls gone out and found the men, after enjoying their first bout with them? Whichever way, the men hadn't stood a chance, not with these girls, not with what they did, not with how they dressed, and not with how good it was. One touch from these girls and you were hooked, you knew it was wrong, you knew it had to stop, you knew it would only hurt you, but still you could not resist! Nikki could see the destressed look on her Uncle face as he took in the scene, she knew he'd worked it out, that she now had more than just him to play with from now on, and of course that only went to amuse her even more. Owen's head dropped, partly in anguish at the thought of Nikki having 'other's' to play with instead of him and partly due to relief that she did have others she could work over and control. But there was a large part of Owen that felt 'I've lost her!' Even though he knew he never ever had her, or if he even wanted her! His mind was full of confusing thoughts that just wouldn't go away. Nikki walked up to her Uncle, that smirk of 'oh what fun this is' lighting up her face as she looked down on Uncle Owen. Jess moved between the two knelt men from behind them. Then reached down grabbed onto great handfuls of their hair and yanked their heads back sharply ARRRHHHH! UUUHHHHHH! Their two snivelling faces now looking up at the redhead girls who face was a mixture of contempt and an ever so slight 'wicked' grin. Jess, still holding onto both their heads then leans down and runs her long tongue, roughly over the face of one man, before turning to the next and doing the same to him. Her wet tongue left a tail of moist delight across both their faces as she now released her hold and stepped forward. The men looked up at the girl as she moved forward in front of them, then she turned, now her face, her look was one of sharp focus, determination and of wrath WHACK! OUUUUWWW! CRACK! OOWWHHH! A foot shots out into each of the knelt men, the girl had struck hard and sent both the males down to the floor and to her feet. Nikki giggled 'that girl is getting good!' But now she turned her attention back to her Uncle, Nikki stepped closer and grabbed onto the man's face, she gripped his jaw and forced his head up to look at her. "So Uncle are you still thinking about moving away then and leaving me?" As Owen stared up at Nikki all he can think about are those dreams he's been having about her and how he so wanted them to ... ... 'No, can't think like that!' "If you do go 'Uncle' ... ... " her tone was sharp " ... ... don't worry as you see ... ... " she looked across to the two fallen men " ... ... I'll be well looked after!" The girl tossed him to the side, her hand flung his head away from her as if rejecting him as she turned away from Owen. It was a horrible moment for the man as if he'd been thrown out by her, just as a child would discard a toy they no longer wanted. Owen reacted without thinking as he reached over to grab onto Nikki to stop her from walking away SMACK! As he reached out his hand grabbed onto Nikki's arm, although he only managed to get a very gentle grip on her it was too much, her rules and 'he did not touch her!' The girl had swung around as she'd been grabbed by him, 'no one touches her without permission!' Her clenched fist had driven hard, pounded, into the side of Owens face, knocking him clean down to the floor and sending his head spinning and into a burning ball of fire as well as giving him a taste of blood in his mouth WALLOP! The schoolgirls shoe followed up, several times as she hammered into him, and now went about teaching Uncle Owen a lesson in manners! She beat him hard, his face was bruised and blood as she landed the last blow and he lay there on the floor. a wreck of a man. She leaned down and grabbed onto Owen as he lay there, a look of mild delight on her face at having beat him so hard. "I 'may' consider forgive you Uncle, I don't know yet. I do know you could not bear to not have me around and that pleases me ... ... But!" She grabbed him hard " ... you ever grab me again and you might even live to regret it!" Now that she had made her point about that 'issue' it was time for Nikki to approach another subject WHACK! She kicked Uncle Owen so he rolled over onto his back. The schoolgirl placed her shoe on his chest and looked down at him "Now Uncle what are you going to choice then, do you move away and this new job, or do you stay here, under my foot?" 'What a choice to make, escape or stay?' "Let me help you with your decision, I could insist you stay so that we can still enjoy some time together from time to time ... ... " Nikki looked over to Jess who was sat down on one of the men still in a heap on the floor " ... ... even Jess might want you to stay." Nikki pretended to whisper "I think she might have taken a bit of a shine to you Uncle!" then giggled. "But ... ... " Owen didn't like her tone now " ... ... maybe I ... ... we, don't need you anymore, after all we now have two men to play with, so ... ... " Niece Nikki leans forward and quickly grabs onto Uncle Owen's jaw, forcing him to look up at her " ... ... what use are you to us now?" That comment drove through Owen and made him shiver, Nikki stood up and walked over to Jess who was also now on her feet, Nikki tuned back to the man. "So Uncle time to make up your mind, do you move away to a new job and new life, or do you stay here and try to get back into my good books?" That shiver now took hold of his whole body and he watched the girls walk to the door "Mum and Dad are out all day tomorrow as well so if you're going to stay come around tomorrow and be ready to impress me, or move away, your choice!" Owen hated himself now as he couldn't choose "we're off to the youth club now, for some fun! Mum and Dad will be back in half an hour so tidy up here before you leave" Nikki indicated to the mess and state of the living room and the two bodies of the unconscious men still on the floor. As the two girls left the last words he heard from Nikki were "see you later Uncle ... ... Maybe?" then the front door closed. Owen lay there his head spinning with question after question but with no answers 'what to do? Move and new job or stay and work his way back into Nikki's favour? Either run and hide or stand and suffer!' What was he to do ... ... ?