Training Camp By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. A training camp can be hard, hard work, but the benefits can be worth it! Training Camp The men in this small group where all, it must be said, excited! This group of four were more like schoolboys about to take on an exciting school project, rather than four men going to hone their skills. But it had been a long hard road, a struggle and tough fight, in more ways than one, to get to this potion. So, they could be forgiven for taken a moment or two to enjoy the fact that they were finally here! Well not quite, but almost, kind of. The men had only arrived here in this far away Asian country a day or so ago. Plus, they hadn't all arrived together so it had taken a couple of days before they would all be here together and met up, and until they were all here, they weren't going anywhere, just yet. So, there was a day, or two to wait around, depending on who you were and when you'd flown in, as to how long you had to stay in your hotel. But then when all four of them had arrived, where here, together, here in this far away Far East country and where ready. That's when the vehicle arrived to take them off to where they all wanted to be right now. The four men Kurt, Elliot, Leon and Oscar had all gathered their stuff, their bags, cases and everything they'd brought with them and needed for the next month or so. A month or so, that's how long they were here for and right now they were all packing their bags and cases into the vehicle to take them to where they would be staying for a month. A month was what was on offer to them, to stay at an out of the way training camp where each man could hone his skills and then ... ... ! Well, all four of them had the world campion title in their sights, of course they all did, they were keen, driven men with a goal of fame and fortune. So, the chance of some intense training away from prying eyes, distraction, likes wife's and girlfriends. Plus, all that interference from managers, promoters and those other 'suites' and 'businessmen' from the fight game. Well, a 'getaway' like that, would be a relief too. So, with the last of the bags now in the vehicle it was time for the men to get in and now they were finally there, well almost. They still have to drive out to the training camp, but they were almost there. Out of the Far East city which none of the men could really say they knew where they were. One thought it was Singapore, another thought it was further over and possibly Soul! The other two just didn't have a clue. But wherever they were the large amount of Asian, oriental people that they'd already met in the short time here. At least this gave the men a clear indication they weren't in Europe or America right now. Now going out of the city, whichever one it was, each of the men had a moment or two to now think about all of this and what had happened, and what was going to happen. Well, it had been a bit of a whirlwind experience, each man had only got the phone call four days ago, and now they were here on the other side of the world with a chance to ... ... ! Well, let's rewind a bit and find out what that phone call was all about first! It was four days ago when each of the men Kurt, Elliot, Leon and Oscar had all got a phone call, not to their managers or anything like that, it was to them. A call to their phones, so that all the businessmen, the managers had all been cut out from the start. And the call was about an offer, and it was an offer that none of the men could refuse! On the other end of the phone was an obvious Asian sounding man, and after a quick google of him, each of these men, each of these fighters, for that's what they were. Each man knew they were talking to someone who was influential and most importantly, he was rich. Rich enough for the men, the fighters to take an interest in what he was staying, what he was offering them, and what he was offering got each man's attention. The man on the other end, this Asian man, had a proposal for the men. Each man, Kurt, Elliot, Leon and Oscar were on the MMA fight circuit, those Mixed Martial Arts fighters that travelled all over the world, taking part in fights, competitions and various contests. Each man was good, and was crawling himself up that tough, greasy and steep ladder to success. Looking up that ladder to the top, and at the top of that ladder was where the Champ sat. This is where each of these men wanted to be! That thought was never far from each man's mind so when the Asian man on the phone was offering each of them the chance to get there! The man on the other end was obviously Asian and each of the fighters made up their own opinion straight away as to what he looked like, how old he was how rich he was from just the sound of his voice. Then with the help of google they each had a better idea about their new 'benefactor!' His name was Mr Tan, a Malaysian businessman, who over the past few years had done a lot of business in various different forms. Flying all around the world and slowly, surly and without too much fuss, he'd grown his business company into something quite large and profitable now. But that's all that google really had on him, he seemed to be a man who liked to stay just out of the main headlines when it came to business that is. There were a few photos of the man attending various sporting events, horse racing, motor racing, where he was important and rich enough to have had his own private box. Plus, there where the photos of him as various fights. Which is probably where these four men started to see where Mr Tan's interest in them was coming from. The photos where of him as he sat in the front row, enjoying the boxing, wrestling or MMA, that sort of thing. A couple of the fighters had also seen a few photos of the man with his family, 'Mr Tan accompanied by his wife Mrs Tan and their Daughter Hannah' that sort of thing. And the good looks of Mother and Daughter, Mrs Tan and Hannah Tan, didn't go unnoticed either! Some of the photos also showed another man who always seemed to be around the Tan family. A European looking man who dressed and looked like their chauffeur, which is exactly what Aaron was. Along with a few of his 'other duties' he had to perform! (Reader may wish to read the previous Tan stories A New Job, A New Job Pt2, Grand Prix Collison, Holiday Escape, To the Rescue and also appearing in Christmas Card Surprise). But back to that phone call. Mr Tan was expanding his 'interest' in the sporting side of life, he already had a race horse and now ... ... ! Well now he wanted to 'invest' in the fight game, and what better way than to 'buy', his words, four up and coming fighters to manage, train, promote and see win, and win big! It all sounded very interesting and Mr Tan had said not to rush into it, come to where he'd set up a new training facility, a camp where the men could stay for a month or so, see how they liked it sort of thing. If they could work together with his 'management team' and then maybe sign a new contract. All of this and with no obligation, well it all sounded too good to miss out on! Yes, it did all sounded too good to be true, of course Mr Tan made it clear, as a kind of incentive that it all depended on how they performed in the training camp he'd set up. Well, they had to earn their place on his 'books' and with his management team, didn't they. It wasn't like a businessman to give this all away for nothing. But there was no obligation to start with, and it didn't take long, a few seconds in fact before all the man all said Yes', to this generous offer! Then they were heading off to the airport where first class travel and accommodation in a hotel, before they all arrived had been arranged by Mr Tan. So, with the chance to training in a new complex, to get the attention of a businessman who was really interested in the fight game, it was all looking good for these men. Plus, as all these four men were having a few difficulties, problems, difference of opinions with their current managers it looked a good time to make that split. It was almost as if someone had taken their time to research these fighters, to choose them specially because they wouldn't be missed by their current managers, not missed at all! On the journey out to the new training camp, out of the city which some of the men, thinking about all this thought now that it might be Kuala Lumpur, but no one was really sure. Out and up into the hills, along the twisting road and then out into the area where the Tan family lived. The four men tried to engaged the driver, Aaron into finding out some more about this all, and about Mr Tan himself. Someone even asked about Mrs Tan and their Daughter, "what was her name, Oh, yes Hannah isn't it?" But the driver was quite tight lipped, he wasn't given anything away, which was a bit strange, it was almost as if he was afraid to say anything! They drove past some large gates and could look down, as the landscape rolled away into a large estate with what looked like a very nice-looking large main house with some outbuildings. 'Very Nice indeed' and somehow the four men all got the impression that this was the Tan's house, 'he is rich!' Past those gates and a little further along the vehicle now turned into another set of gates that opened automatically and they were now here at the new training camp! This had been the land, property, the house of the Tan's neighbour, but unfortunately the man had lost heavily on a business venture, in fact he'd lost everything. He had to sell his business, what was left of it, sell his land, his home. But being his neighbour Mr Tan had helped out! He'd brough the man's company, which would sit nicely into the already growing Tan business 'empire!' Plus, as he's had this idea of getting involved in the fight game this extra land next door would make the ideal plot to build his new training facility. So, it was nice and close by, allowing Mr Tan to keep an eye on everything! It had all worked out quite nicely, surprising that, but sometimes that's just how things sometimes go! Well to be fair, Mrs Tan and had had a few of her own ideas about all this and had maybe dropped one or two suggestions, like the training camp, and it being next door. Ideas that Mr Tan of course agreed with. Hannah the young and somewhat bit of a handful, at times, Daughter had also made a whole load of suggestions, most of which ... ... well we won't go there, just yet! So, the four up and coming fighters had arrived to try this camp out, for a month, or so. Then maybe they might be signing for a new manager, things were looking up for Kurt, Elliot, Leon and Oscar! The training camp, this one that had only recently been built from the remains of the old bulldozed neighbour's lovely house. This was all new and a first-rate facility. It was in an open area, in a kind of a U shape with single storey wooden buildings on all three sides. On the left side was four individual small buildings, these were the men's living quarters. Then along the far length, the top or bottom of the U, depending on how you looked at it, was a long single building. This housed the cooking, eating and a communal living area plus a few offices, for the running of the camp. This was the administration building. Then on that far right side was again another long single building which housed the gym, an indoor training area with its own ring. With large sideling wall doors, so the whole of the gym could be opened up. Plus, there was a sauna, massage tables and of course a first aid room at the rear of this training building. But what really caught the men's eye was that open area in the centre of this U shape. Which had a mixture of various outdoor training equipment, it was full of bags on frames, posts, those training body mannequins. Plus, various other fitness and training machines all designed to be outdoors and of course, to be used. But it was what was right in the centre of all this that really made the men look of with envy. In the dead centre of all this was a real-life octagon cage, an open-air cage, just to make the men feel at home! It was all very impressive and reinforced to these men that Mr Tan, was taking this all very seriously as he'd obviously spent quite a lot of money on all this. The vehicle pulled up outside the line of rooms that were going to be the men's living quarters for the duration of their stay here. Just as there were getting out someone, a tall black woman, who the men now all noticed, very quickly. Came out of the last door in the long administration building that ran parallel to the living quarters. It was the door that led to the offices there and the woman was Kimberly. She'd been a secretary of the businessman Mr Tan and was the woman that was now in charge of looking after the sporting side of the company's portfolio. Well, the woman, Kimberly, had started off in Mr Tan's company as 'just a secretary' but she was a very determined woman and had soon been noticed, for many reasons! Mr Tan, with his new investment here had decided that this particular 'secretary' was just the right person, the right woman, for this new role and so she'd been promoted! Her normal office would be in the company's head office located back in the city where the men had just landed. But seeing how Mr Tan had invested enough in this new training camp, it only seemed sensible for the woman to have her own office out here too. Stepping out the office and now making her way across the open training area the men got a chance to take in how she looked and she looked fine indeed. Tall black and quite gorgeous looking, late 20's or so, with her long, long dark straight hair. Kimberly was indeed a woman who you would notice, from her attractive face, with those bright red lips, that matched her bright red framed glasses, to the way she dressed and the obvious fit body she had under those clothes. The 'secretary', for at this stage that's what the men thought she was, was dressed in high heeled black shoes. Then a smart, and tight around the arse greyish skirt with a good split down each side so her long and shapely legs could move with ease. Then going upwards, she wore a bright red silk blouse, short sleeved and with various front buttons undone to show she had a full, firm and round chest. The men all stood there smiling as she approached them and straight away, she was into her very formal, straight to business and straight down the line way of talking, to men. But to be frank she didn't really like to engage men in conversation, she only spoke to them when she had to. She handed out a folder to each man that she'd been carrying, which contained all they needed to know about the training camp, their routine here, their individual programmes and nutrition plans. It was all there in the folder and covered everything. Kimberly was known to be very thorough when it came to detail. She pointed out the camps training staff, the three men that no one had noticed so far. Who were stood over by the training building and seemed to appear out of nowhere? Then she adjusted her glasses as she looked down at her clipboard to check every had been covered. "Lastly I need your passports, local regulations state I need to register your visits here." That sounded reasonable so the men handed over their passport, "I will take them for safe keeping and you'll get them back sometime later when your allowed to leave." Aaron the driver at this point coughed in that way that people do when they've just heard something that they don't agree with! But at that sound the black 'secretary's' head and eyes came firmly and quickly over so she stared, with a hard intensity at the driver, Aaron. The look in her eyes said 'Quiet!' and in a way that made the chauffeur, look downwards as he didn't want to, even feared looking directly at the woman now having been caught out like that. But that cough might have had something to do with the fact that when Aaron got this job, out here and far away from his home town and country. His job as the businessman's chauffeur, his passport was also taken for 'safe keeping!' But in reality, it was just taken for him as a way of controlling him. With no passport, there was no way of escaping out of the country! Then when he'd tried to ask, demand his passport back that's when young Hannah, who'd taking a liking to her Father's new male European chauffeur. A liking that saw the girl try to get her hands on him, but she was young and every time Aaron had to force himself to say 'No!' But saying 'No' to Hannah meant it ended up with the young Asian schoolgirl showing him and showing him fully, that she was a girl who could take on a man quiet easily, and beat him! Beat him to win and beat him to hurt him and into unconsciousness, when she tried hard enough. So, with no escape and with Hannah there 'liking' him, plus 'using' him for her own 'training!' Well, if 'liking' him wasn't enough then there was also Mrs Tan who'd shown that she too was 'keen' that Aaron stayed and ... ... ! And so, the boss's wife was now showing her own liking for the man too, and it seemed to Aaron as if he was now being beaten, seduced, prayed on and controlled into submission by both Tan women. But also, on the 'quiet' so to speak, he was also being fucked into submission by Mrs Tan. It was luckily Mr Tan didn't know about what the chauffeur and his wife got up to, well the satisfying of Mrs Tan that Aaron did! Mr Tan knew his wife would beat the chauffeur and bizarrely he took the fact that his wife and his Daughter did regularly beat up the driver as quite 'normal!' So, when Aaron heard Mr Tan's new 'assistant', Kimberly tells the man about taking the passports, he thought that he'd heard this all before and knew where it could, might and probably would all lead to! And he'd coughed, was he trying to warn them of what might lay in store for them? Or was it a warning so that they got out and he and he alone stayed as the 'plaything' for both Hannah and her Mother! Had the Tan women 'won him over' was he now completely dominated and controlled by them, totally submissive to the two women and that he just didn't want any 'competition!' Whatever the real reason the cough was not picked up by the man, all four of them handed over their passports to the black woman, who grinned as if she knew something they didn't! Then Kimberly pointed out each of the men's quarters to them, told then about that evening's meal timing and said "training starts tomorrow, nice an early. So, get some rest, your work here starts bright and early tomorrow." The men turned and headed off towards their living quarters, and as they disappeared into their rooms the woman took a step up towards the driver still stood there and, THUD! OOOWWWHHH! Kimberly drove her fist into Aaron's gut, catching him out, driving the air out of him. As his head dropped down towards her shoulder and he gasped for breather, "if you try anything like that again and not only will I deal with you but I'll also tell your Mistress and her Daughter!" Aaron had been warned, now Kimberly turned and left and all the chauffeur could do was wait until tomorrow to see how all this was going to pan out and what was really going to happen here! As Aaron turned to make his way over towards the Tan's house, well to be precise the garages just past the large luxury main house. The line of garages where he had his 'quarter', his living area up above them, he had time to think. Think back to when ... ... ! He been offered the position and brought here as Mr Tan's driver because he was good at his job. No! In fact, he was better than 'good' he was a professional driver, a top rate chauffeur, a man noted for his skill, style and class, a man much in demand. So, when Mr Tan needed a new driver, a real chauffeur to carry out all those duties for him in his business roll and for his family, he only wanted and demanded the best. So, when Mr Tan hires someone who's this good, he likes to keep them, and keep hold of them for a long time! That's the Asian way, find, get, keep! Hence the taking away of his passport and the almost imprisonment he had to suffer until he'd been 'broken in' and submitted to the fact this was his life now until he became no longer what was wanted! Submitting to his new 'life' thanks to the Daughter Hannah, the schoolgirl who'd taken an unhealthy liking to him. Unhealthy for Aaron as she beat him regularly, beat him as she 'liked' him, 'wanted' him and was 'making him' like her too. Of course, he 'liked' her she was a young and good looking, plus cute in her own way, Asian schoolgirl and, in her uniform, there was a million fantasies that went through his western male head! She did have a 'nice', a 'good' look about her but, schoolgirl, young, boss's' Daughter, it was all wrong! So, until he 'liked her all the time', in the way she 'liked him', she'd just carry on beating him, until he came round to her way of thinking! The strange thing was Mr Tan knew this, he regularly saw his Daughter beating the family driver and said nothing. In fact, it was almost as if, 'No, it was in fact!' that young Hannah, his Daughter could do no, was doing no wrong! After all she was just 'playing', wasn't she? Then add in Mrs Tan the older and very attractive Asian woman, who'd taken her time but now she, just like her Daughter, had also got to 'like' Aaron. Like him in her own way, of course she beat him, that's what the family chauffeur was for, apparently it was in the man's contract, paragraph 17 in fact! But she also liked to fuck him too! Of course, that part was unknown to her husband. Mrs Tan was a harsh, rough and intense lover, it was more like Mistress and slave than lovers, and that's the way she liked it also. But she was also a hard and harsh Mistress and beating him, her love slave was also as enjoyable and fucking him, almost, and she beat him hard. The harder the beating she gave him, the more the passion for sex grew deep insider, until the passion became so powerful, she had to do something about it. Plus, the more she beat him, the more she fucked him, the more dominate she was to him, but somehow Aaron was getting use to this. In fact, it could be said he was even enjoying it! So, for Aaron life was ... ... , well it was complicated, it was lucky that the 27 year old was strong, tough himself. Strong enough to take the beatings the Mother and Daughter gave him and tough enough to still carry on with all this. But somehow, he was getting use to it and when it came to Hannah the man almost had feelings for her, but she was just too young, and Mrs Tan, well! That's a different story. But of course, there had been that one time ... ... ! The time that Aaron had gone to Hannah's rescue, when some bad men had come for her, even though the schoolgirl had taken care of herself, he had tried to save her. That's when he knew he'd been broken by the women into a submissive servant as he tried to save her and somehow, even if he was stood next to a plane, he knew now that he couldn't leave. Couldn't leave Hannah, this place, Mrs Tan and his 'job' here, they had broken him and now he belonged to the women. But as he'd tried to save the girl, he was rewarded for his loyal service in trying to protect Hannah. Mrs Tan had, of course unknown to Mrs Tan, had arranged it and turned a blind eye to the girls 'liking' of the man, just for one night and one night only! Then after that it was all back to the 'normal' kind of liking, with her eyes only and from a distance! Somehow for Aaron that 'blind eye' that had been turned, for just that one time, well it had only gone to make all of this even more complicated and more difficult for him. But still he stayed, it was 'him', himself that now couldn't bring himself to leave. 'Why was he doing this to himself?' But back to the here and now and all this new training camp. This had gone back to an idea of Mr Tan's to get more into sports. He loved going all round the world on his business trips and when he could, then going off to watch this or that sport, but somehow, he needed more! Aaron wasn't sure if either Hannah or Mrs Tan had dropped the idea of managing a fighter, or two, but once that 'idea' had gotten into Mr Tan's head there was no letting go of it, and so the training camp was born! Once the idea had be placed in his head or thought of by Mr Tan then things rolled on quickly, suddenly his neighbours land was 'up for sale!' It was soon brough at a knockdown price and the building of the training camp had begun immediately, almost as if the workmen where on standby to build it! Once that had been nearing completion, that's when Kimberly showed up! The tall black woman who'd been working in Mr Tan's city office as just a secretary but who'd now been promoted over a lot of other more senior people! The woman who's now been given the company's sporting portfolio to look after! Aaron had known from the start that she'd be trouble and he was right. Although there was a polite, kind of relationship between the three women here, Hannah, Mrs Tan and now Kimberly there was an unmistakable unlinking 'tension' between them all. And although the new woman who was somewhere about the same age as the chauffeur, she didn't 'like' him in the way the other two women did. Which was good for Aaron, as he didn't know what it would be like to have three women 'liking' him. But even so, her not liking him didn't mean he was safe, far from it. This woman not having time for the man also meant that she had contempt for him, which possibly made her even more dangerous to him. Quickly Aaron had noticed that she had her own agenda, he wasn't sure exactly what that was. But for now, it was to do her job to the highest standard, and that meant everyone around her needed to be working to that standard too! She didn't tolerate slackness, disobedience or anyone not pulling their weight. Aaron could see this and knew he just needed to stay out of her way, but of course there'd already been a couple of incidents where he hadn't quite reached her expectations. There was the time he was to pick her up for the office in the city and the heavy traffic, that everyone knew the city was famous for, delayed him by a whole minute. When he opened the rear door for her and stood there allowing her to get in, WHACK! Her strong driving fist into his gut had caught him out, made him cough, splutter and double over, "don't be late again!" That was all she said and he wasn't after that! Even out in public, by the road she wasn't afraid of making her point, in a straight forwards way. Then there was the other time back at the training camp while it was being built, the woman had already had a difference of opinion with the building manager. Who was laying out cold on the floor of the half built long administration building where her office was meant to all finished? Aaron had gone to give the woman a message and pushed open a door, that had swung open to fast and went flying into the woman! She'd turned instantly, showing her quick reactions by grabbing hold of the swing door, stopping it hitting her and then! Then she turned, spun, raised a leg, brought it around and smashed her foot, her shoe across the side of his face. Striking him as he stood there looking shocked after realised what he'd just done with the door! Her foot had dropping him down to the floor next to the other man that had annoyed her that day, teaching both men a lesson they wouldn't forget. Yes, Aaron had already had a few 'run ins' with Kimberly and he planned, as best he could, to stay out of her way. After all Hannah and her Mother were more than a handful for this man already! Who needs three women that can and do beat you up all the time? So, with Aaron walking back to his living quarters over the garage building and thinking about all this. He knew he'd just have to wait and see how things went around here with these four new men here. The ones here to train and show off, to impress for that chance of getting a contract with a rich manager who could help them up that ladder to becoming the champ! Aaron laughed to himself about that, he had an idea that there was something else behind all this training camp nonsense and that ... ... "Hello!" Those words stopped Aaron in his tracks, it was getting dark now, the light was already fading fast. The main illumination was now coming from the lights on the outside of the garage building, those back at the main house and from the newly installed lamp posts that lined the driveway from the main gate up to the house. He'd walked down the driveway to the garage so at least he was near to one of these new lights. All these extra lights gave off a hazy brightness that caused shadows, dark areas here and there, made the bushes over there, and those ones over there seem as if they were all moving! It all gave the place a creepy feeling. Well creepy for the man as he knew that voice! It belonged to the schoolgirl Hannah and not being able to see her, while he was outside, while it was dark and there was only limited light! This all gave him a very creepy feeling. Seeing Hannah in daylight could send a shiver down his spine, for a number of reasons. But right now, out here, when it was dark and not being able to see her, but knowing she was close by, well that almost, kind of, it scared him! Like a frightened animal he looking around, here, there, everywhere all the way around and quickly. Then quickly coming back to where he'd just looked, just in case she came out of the darkness behind him. As he didn't want to, he didn't dare not try and find where she was hiding. He looked, stared out into the darkness but he couldn't see her, he jumped around afraid that somehow, she'd sneak up behind him, but there was still no sight of Hannah. Then there was a giggling laughter, from over there, 'No' over there! The young girl was obviously amused at seeing the man, scared and panicky as he tried to find where she was. "What's the matter, just because I haven't seen you for a couple of days, don't tell me you've forgotten about me?" It was true, work for her Father had kept the man out of Hannah's way for a while. Out of harm's way for a few days and now, now she was obviously missing him! He turned his head again and suddenly there she was! Seeing here suddenly, even though he knew she was 'there', it still made him jump. Which again amused the schoolgirl, caused her to giggle as she'd frightened this real, big, strong man! A little girl like her had made a real man jump, that was funny. He was sure as his head had turned it was dark, black as night there, then he was sure of this she'd come at him suddenly, out of the darkness so he could see her. Just as if it had been some kind of horror film! And yes, it had, and she did, kind of scare him. With one very eery step she came out of the pitch blackness and now she could be seen, and it all felt very weird! But there she was Hannah Tan and seeing her, even though it had only been a couple of days gave Aaron a feeling of ... ... ! 'No, not that just, think straight and don't get ... ... !' Before he could remind himself what not to do, the girl was already coming closer to him. In the night air, with just the glow for the lights of the garage block nearby and the couple of lamp post that lined the drive way, in that limited light he took in how she looked. And she looked as she always did quite ... ... 'Stop thinking like that!' Hannah, the young schoolgirl with her good looks, that closely resembled her Mother's attractive looks. But somehow in a much cuter way! Now that she'd grown her dark curly hair, that bit longer, that it now came down to her shoulder she now looked even, sweeter! Hannah was of course dressed as she always seemed to be, still in her school uniform, which always added a sense of innocence to this devil child. Because that's what she could be at time, when the girl had that 'bit between her teeth', when she was giving the man here another one of her beatings! Her uniform consisted of a pair of smart black shoes with white socks, today it was the socks that went up halfway to her knees. Then past her lovely legs was her skirt, one of those pleated kinds, and also a bit short, with a red checked pattern to it. Up past that was a smart white school blouse with her school tie, which again had that same red checked pattern to it. All of this wrapped up in a dark blue blazer jacket with the school's badge on the breast pocket. But now here Hannah was, there in front of him, close to him and she had obviously been there near to his living quarter and had been waiting for him! So, now that he was here, 'what did she want?' Well Aaron knew what she 'wanted', it was him, but that would cause so many problems and ... ... ! Well, he didn't want to think about that. So, it was time to try and bluff this all out. Since Mrs Tan had allowed that one time for her to 'like' him, she just couldn't get enough of the man, she wanted to 'like' him again, and she had her plans! Aaron could see in her face she had 'plans' and that made him even more nervous and right now he was just getting over the shock of seeing her appear out the dark like that. He said his anxious 'hello', told her he'd just been working over at her Father's new training camp and ... ... "was she there?" an obvious reference to Kimberly and a question that Aaron tried to ignore, if he could. He had to chance it, took a breath and carried on walking, going past the girl as he headed towards the garages and his rooms there. As he was passing the girl, well he couldn't make a detour around her, that would only get her angry, and he didn't want that! So, as he walking past her, saying it was late and as he did so, her hand shot out and grabbed onto his wrist. Aaron felt her grip on him, his head turned in some shock as he turned to face her and looked down at the schoolgirl now by his side and holding him. This smaller schoolgirl who had a tight and strong grip on him, then, WHACK! UUUHHHH! As she grabbed onto him wrist as he went by her, as she stopped the man and they were now facing in opposite directions, she now turned. Spun, twisting her body, around and rearwards, turning her body, her back towards the man, at the same time standing firm on that one leg closest to him, and bring her far leg up, bringing it around. Hooking that leg as it came around and went upwards, backwards, and so, quite expertly, sending her revolving foot, the sole of her school shoe straight into the side of the family chauffeur's face. If he hadn't turned his head when she gripped his wrist that shoe would have gone straight into the centre of his face, so he should be thankful for that! The grabbing and then the striking were clear indications that Hannah didn't want her 'mantoy' to leave just yet. The sudden blow to the side of his head made the tall, stronger man shudder. But then again as he was getting used to the way the Asian Schoolgirl treated him, so he should have expected it. As the blow made him shake and he only half closed his eyes, but it was dark so that didn't help him. He didn't see the girl as she moved now, but knew she still had hold of his wrist, she still had hold of him. So, she still had control of him, she wasn't going to allow her 'pet' to run off in the dark and get lost. She 'liked' him too much to let that happen to him! So, still with her grip, she moved she twisted back, spinning on that one leg she stood on. Those gymnastic classes in the private school her Father paid for were coming in really handy now. As she came back to her original position, her leg coming down, she now used her arm, the one holding her man's wrist. Using her schoolgirl strength to twist not just his wrist but the lower part of his arm up and around his back. That kick to the side of his face allowed her to move the man and get a better hold on him with his arm secured like this, because of course she hadn't finished with him yet. At the same time, she used this new hold she had on his arm to force Aaron forwards. To bend him over and that's what he did, so as her leg carried on coming back from striking the side of his face and now went forwards and up. Swinging all the way around, from backwards to forwards, she bent that leg and in doing so sent her knee now up into his falling upper body, THUD! Her leg had nearly gone full circle and she'd hit him twice with it, same leg and with her foot and knee, into his face and his chest. 'Not Bad!' She was pleased with that; the sharp fast move had worked out quite nicely. The blow to his chest had of course hurt, the smaller younger girl had got a good swing on her leg and there was some force behind it. But Aaron was 'used' to this, even though she liked him, she never held back when it came to beating her mantoy. His body had shock, then shock for a second time as the girl had sent her knee back up into him. And with her still holding his arm around his back, the girl moved once more, not to hit him, this time. But to spin herself away from the man and around, her hold of his wrist changed, and so did the position his arm was in. As when she'd moved, she'd spun, his arm and he had to move too, WOOOSSSHHH! THUD! Out there in the dark and the man couldn't see exactly what she'd done, after all she was fast too for him. But he'd felt it, felt his arm twist back, felt his arm get pulled out, then he felt that same arm falling down on 'something.' Then he felt the rest of him going up, followed by that feeling he knew all too well of flying through the air and then! As always happened, he felt himself fall. He dropped heavily down to the ground there, as once again he'd been toss over the schoolgirls shoulder, not for the first time had Hannah thrown the man, had the girl chucked this man over like that. As Aaron went over and hit the ground, his body falling hallways across the driveway and the grass area. As he landed on his side and it hurt, he also knew had had to move and quickly. Being on the ground with the schoolgirl Hannah around was not the best place to be. So, as he landed a second later and he was rolling, trying to get away, rolling away from, ... ... THUD! UUUHHHH! As he went over once, then a second time, getting away from her, or so he though. Suddenly he was stopped in his tracks, bluntly, harshly and painfully. He was stopped instantly by the schoolgirl, getting her timing just right and in that poor light. As he was moving rolling away from her, she'd moved even quicker than him, and as he rolled onto his back, she brought her foot down and landed her school shoe right there across his throat! The foot, shoe coming down, obviously hurt and scared him, so much, having her foot thumping down on his windpipe. Well, who wouldn't be scared of a schoolgirl who could do this? Now as he lay there, in pain, in panic, he was looking upwards to what now seemed a much taller Asian schoolgirl. As she towered over him with her cocked leg and foot on his throat? Somehow it seemed very frightening and also very tempting all at the same time, but Aaron knew he shouldn't think like that, not about Hannah! Now as she leant that bit forwards, so she bent over him there on the floor, as she placed her elbow on her bent knee, add a bit more pressure. Looking down into his scared eyes, twinkling there in the night light, and as he looked up and she put a slight extra bit of pressure on his throat with her foot. He was sure he could see her smiling, that wasn't good, not at all good! Then, as she smiled a bit more ... ... "Hannah!" It was the sound of Mrs Tan's voice, the girl's Mother and the other woman that in this stage of Aaron's life, who had her own kind of control over him. "Hannah ... ... " the voice was clear, louder now as the Mother was now closer to her Daughter. " ... ... stop playing with your pet now and come inside, your Father wasn't us all together." The young girl wasn't impressed, she huffed, stamped her foot, luckily taking it off of Aaron's throat first, as her Mother came down the driveway. "Hannah! Indoors now, Please!" The disappointed child who'd just had her 'play time' stopped by her Mother screwed up her pretty face showing her frustration that she had to go in. The devil like schoolgirl looked down one last time at her mantoy. "Later! Maybe tomorrow but I'll come and find you later lover, so we can play some more!" It was quite a chilling message she was sending him, then again, "Hannah!" The girl now moved away, as she stormed off back to the main house. Pasting her Mother just a bit further up there on the driveway, who stood there with her arms crossed showing her disappoint in her child. Mrs Tan head turned, following her Daughter all the way up that driveway until she reached the big house, and then ... ... ! Then, the Mother, the Asian older woman, Mrs Tan, turned back to where the man, the family chauffeur was laying out there on the floor and ... ... ! As the chauffeur took a good deep breath and then rolled himself over onto all fours so he could finally push himself up. As he moved, THUD! OOUUUHHH! A foot, a shoe came down on the back of his head, driving his head and face down into the ground and holding him there. Aaron now got the horrible feeling this was a new foot, not that of the schoolgirl but of her Mother! "Has the house pet lost sight of who his Mistress is?" Mrs Tan voice was scolding then as she took her foot away, his hair was grabbed hold of, harshly by her. Then the driver was viciously dragged upwards and onto his knees. All the man saw as he was being dragged up was the high heeled shoes with those straps that laced around her ankles. Then there was her firm, smooth, and as he already knew, strong legs, then as he'd been hauled up and onto his knees. A place he been many times before when in the presence of Mrs Tan. In this position she let go of his hair and then she moved nicely to a position where he could get a good view of the rest of the woman, how she was dressed this evening and it looked like she was ready for bed already! Which was really nice to see. The older Asian woman, the one who was 41, or that's what Aaron had overheard, but somehow, he thought she was older than that. She was a woman who had an attractive face, and look about her, something her Daughter had obviously inherited. Plus, with her stylish shoulder length dark hair and her slender, trim, fit body, with her obvious large assets, she had this air of sophistication and even superiority about her. She was the ultimate Asian older woman, fit, gorgeous and a woman who knew, yes, she 'knew' just where she belonged. She belonged on top, at the top of everything, and that included when it came to Aaron, she was always on top there! Like now he was on his knees and his boss's wife was stood there, looking down at him, like her Daughter had done a moment ago. Only dressed a bit differently, as Mrs Tan, apart from her shoes, was dressed in a quite lovely pink and silk short robe, a night gown that gave her an incredible sexy look. The robe was tied sharply around her slender waist with its cord, but not so much that her larges breasts couldn't be seen. Then under the robe she wore some white and flowery pattern night shorts and top pyjama garment, but stylish, expensive pyjamas. Aaron wasn't too interested in that as the rest of her looked so amazing just this way. The woman was holding a glass of red wine in one hand, she obviously had been trying to have time to herself and had to come outside to find her Daughter. Which in one way had been good for him, but now he was alone with her as Hannah had stormed off back to the house. As he looked up at her, the Mother ... ... ! Well, the man was more than just a chauffeur, he did that of course but he was also her 'plaything' too. Like the Daughter, the Mother enjoyed knocking this one about, the difference was that when she finished get physical with him, then she got even more physical! She'd fuck the man, took her frustrations out with him, with his cock and satisfy herself. Which she did over and over again, until she was, fully satisfied! But right now, she wasn't after that kind of fun, well her husband was close by, back in the house and her Daughter to. So, any 'satisfaction' that the woman wanted would have to wait until the driver and his boss's wife were alone! But there was something else she could do; something else she and the man could do together and no one would bat an eyelid at. She could still get her hands on him so to speak and, SMACK! On his knees there, looking up at his boss's wife, at Mrs Tan, how she looked in the haze of those driveway lamps and the way it made her look so ... ... ! She struck him, tuning her body, lifting her leg, letting her silk robe flow open, just enough so that mature and firm female thigh of hers came up, around and smacked the man there straight across his sweet looking face. It was a harsh, strong blow, typical of this woman, she didn't care how much she hurt him, so long as when she finished, she got what she wanted. But tonight, with Mr Tan and Hannah just over there in the main house, she wasn't going to get any of that so it didn't matter how hard she hit him. The thigh sent his head flying backwards, but it didn't get that far as the woman towering over him with her quick reactions reached out and grabbed hold. Took hold of him by his hair, and then WHACK! The older female, who'd never been a real fighter, but knew how to treat men, had jumped form one leg to the other and now had sent that second leg up so her knee went pounding into the bottom of his jaw, as she still had hold of his head. Aaron's upper body shock at this blow, the knee having sent its strike, vibrating through his jaw into his head and around the rest of his body too. The blow was hard and hurt him, so much so that he didn't notice the splash of wine from Mrs Tan's shaking glass. The wine that as she'd made that move, had spilled out her glass she was still holding and had fell on his face. The strike to his jaw was followed a second later by another even harder blow as that same knee went pounding into his chest, CRACK! UUUWWWHHH! She now twisted her body to stand side-on to her kneeling chauffeur. Pushing her leg forward, so her pink silk robe fell away exposing more, smooth yet firm thigh. Exposing it to the night air and at the same time dragging his head, his face, his lips to that soft female flesh. So, he could do his duty and kiss her thigh! Which of course Aaron did, after all he'd already kissed every inch of her body already, as part of his special chauffeur duties! But what was a bit pf pleasure with Mr Tan if it didn't involve some pain first of all! As the younger man's eyes closed as his lips moved across her thighs, her soft, firm flesh and the pain in his head was now starting to be smothered by this feeling of ... ... WHACK! There was a new and sudden pain to his head, a blow that he didn't see but certainly felt, followed by SMASH! The woman tossed her glass away as she now needed both hands free to carry on with her 'playtime' with the family's chauffeur! Now with free hands she followed up with more blows into him. Fast sharp fists that came raining down into him as he was worshipping his Asian Mistress, Mrs Tan. But the woman was frustrated that she didn't have the opportunity to rider her driver so instead she'd just have to beat and hurt him to get her satisfaction! As her fists went in, the chauffeur on his knees shuddered. He should be used to getting hit, punched, struck by this woman, but still his body reacted in a way that pleased the woman. As she knew her fists were doing their job, CRUNCH! Which was followed up by her knee back into his jaw, and with that blow his head, and then body went flying backwards. He went toppling over, falling down to the ground to the well-cut grass lawn by the side of the driveway. Now as he lay there on the floor, on his back in some pain, but with him knowing it could get worse and with her knowing that he could still take a lot more. With that in mind and now with the woman getting quite into the 'mood' for ... ... , THUD! Mrs Tan now dropped down too, coming down onto her knee, a knee that she aimed directly into Aaron's chest. She dropped herself down, come down on him and not for the first time! But this time it was with a desire to hurt him, well at least to hurt him to start with, and then, maybe ... ... ? As her knee went into his chest, as his body shock and then UUUUHHHH! The older woman hand went thrusting and gripped at his neck as his head had shot upwards, and her fingers tightened around his throat. The tips of her sharp nails starting to dig in deep into his skin, into his throat, deeper and deeper. At the same time, she started to get even more 'excited', her leg swung over his leg, so it was now pushed against his groin. Excited, her leg now moved up and down somewhat against the man, 'her little pet!' Even as her hand gripped his neck tighter and tighter, her leg could 'sense' that her man wasn't totally disliking what was happing to him! Then just as Mrs Tan was getting a bit more enjoyment out of all this and she was feeling just a bit more ... ... "Mummy are you still there? Daddy said you need to come in too!" It was the devil Daughter Hannah, and now it was here turn to break up 'playtime' with the chauffeur and get this family member back into the family home, where she belonged! A turning the tables by the Daughter here! Mrs Tan was disappointed as she was just getting ... ... THUD! UUUUHHHHH! The woman's leg, there between his legs, now took its frustration out, and it went back and then a knee was sent into him, just because she was now 'irritated'. That she couldn't do what she liked, what she was now thinking of, to the man, and about now she did 'want' to do something to him! If you know what I mean? The Mother having to go outside to get her child in, was now being called in by her child! Getting her fun with the chauffeur spoiled for her. Mrs Tan knew that it was probably her Draught who wanted her in and away from Aaron, more than her husband. After all Mother and Daughter did have many of the same likes and dislikes, and they both 'liked' Aaron! Mr Tan knew all too well that his Daughter 'played', beat up, the chauffeur, but that was part of his duties. To be there for and to serve the family! So, Hannah beating up Aaron, that was all just part of the girl growing up. But as for his wife, well her beating the man was just the woman's way of letting go of some her daily frustrations. After all she did run the Tan family home, so that was a big job and she needed an escape from it all. Well Mr Tan would never had suspected there was anything more in all this, not from his wife and Daughter! With her Daughter's words, calling her inside, running around inside her head, Mrs Tan, just a 'bit' annoyed now, pushed herself back up onto her feet and again stood over the man on the ground there, WHACK! Her foot went swinging and crashed into her driver, her private plaything. There was frustration in that kick that pounded the side of his head and sent the chauffeur rolling over and over on the ground there. Rolling until he came to a halt and now lay there, somewhat unconscious, as a now uninterested Mrs Tan turned and made her way back to the main house to garb and other glass of expensive wine! It was sometime later, and even darker, when the close, clammy night air had given way to a drop or two of night time rain, when the man started to come too. He lay there for a moment or two, as the rain started to get a bit and then a bit more, stronger as it came down. But still he lay there as he pulled his body together, so he could gather the strength to crawl over to the garage building and where his living quarters were. So, he could rest for a few hours before his job here started all over again! The morning came and Aaron was again dragging his weary body into the shower and into his work suit for another day of back to his 'normal duties' as the Tan family chauffeur. Another day of picking up Hannah and taking her to school, hearing all those 'suggestive comments' that she'd make. How she teased him, how she led him on, how she tried to make him take that 'move!' How she would watch him and he would look back at her in the rear-view mirror as they drove to her school. How he would have to tell himself 'No!' Remind himself every minute he was alone with her that he shouldn't think that way and he certainly shouldn't ... ... ! The when he got back after dropping off the tempting daughter, he would drive back to the Tam house and there would be Mr Tan ready to be driven to wherever he was going today. To the office back down in the city, over to some other office for a meeting, maybe going to visit a business colleague or a friend for lunch, or just take in a sporting event. Aaron would drive him there, and of course then it could all change. Maybe he'd have to wait for Mr Tan, even all day, maybe he would just have to drop off his boss and then go off and do some errands. Or maybe he wasn't needed anymore and would be sent back to the family home to see if his wife needed him for 'anything!' Like taking her shopping or maybe ... ... ? Maybe sometimes, like today and Mrs Tan would just be there waiting for him! Whether she was there in the kitchen, or in the house gym or by the swimming pool but she'd be waiting for him to come back. Waiting so that she could ... ... ! Like today and the older Asian woman had been in the house gym, working up a sweat and when Aaron came back after her husband off at the city office, WHACK! Mrs Tan was ready for him, she was there waiting and as Aaron moved around the house, as quietly as he could trying to find out where she was and to see what mood she was in? That's when Mrs Tan had come out of that door, as quietly as she could and seeing her man, her chauffeur moving as carefully as he could down this particular corridor in the house. That's when she came up behind him and hit him hard in his kidneys, taking him down onto his knees, catch Aaron out as he was trying to keep out of her way. Well, if he was going to sneak around playing games, so would she! Remembering how frustrated she'd felt the night before she now wanted to make up for it, SMACK! OOOWWWHHH! Remembering how 'worked up' she'd gotten, THUD! ARRRRRHHHH! Remembering how wanting she'd become, CRACK! Then after beating her mantoy and getting herself in the mood, again, she raped him, she had him there on the floor, she took her 'property' and did what she wanted, what she needed with him. Satisfying her needs and when she was finished ... ... ! Mrs Tan went off for a shower, after her second workout of the day, after satisfying her needs she left a hurt, but somewhat contented man there on the floor. Leaving him there to recover, before he went back to his duties. Went off to collect the devil schoolgirl Hannah from school and then went to pick up his 'boss' Mr Tan from his office. Then as the evening drew in and the day came to an end, who knows what else was in store for him? But this was all in a day's work for this driver! The next few days were quite 'normal', taking Hannah to school as he did each morning. Avoiding her advances, keeping his thoughts on the straight and narrow! Then back to the family home to take Mr Tan wherever he wanted to go and do whatever needed to be done. Followed by whatever Mrs Tan required for the rest of the day, those beatings and fuckings, again depending on what mood she was in too. Finishing off with picking Hannah back up after school and then an evening of avoiding Hannah, and getting beat up by Hannah. With Mrs Tan always there in the background ready to step in and have 'her way!' As these few, normal, days went by, Aaron took the opportunities when they arose, or when he had to escape someone clutches. To make his way just over the way and to where this new training camp had been set up, had been built and was now being used. Staying just out the way and looking on, so he could see the four men that had been chosen Kurt, Elliot, Leon and Oscar. As they started their induction and then got into their routines. Working hard, training and all under the careful and scrutinizing eye of the tall black woman Kimberly! Aaron tried to stay out of her way, hanging back so he could see what was going on here, watching the men going through their routines out there in that area in front of all those buildings. The large sliding doors of the training building were always opened so anyone could walk in and out of the building holding all those other training facilities. The four men where all kept separate as they did their own individual training, with those 'staff' members, either assisting or watching over them. And always there was one of the men in that octagon cage that was the main focus of this whole area. A man in there going through his paces, in the cage, practicing, getting fitter, getting better. In all kinds of weather too, sunshine, rain, wind, hot, cold, good light and bad, always someone training there in that cage. And for what it was worth, after each time Aaron came here and watch, the driver had this uneasy feeling that these men, like him who'd already had their passports 'kept for safety!' That these men were going to regret taking this amazing 'opportunity' to enhance their careers in the fight game! Aaron was convinced that while for the moment it all 'looked good' for them, things ... ... would change, and not for the better! This watching of the men and their training went on for a few more days, with everything going to 'plan.' With the gorgeous black Kimberly stood there, mostly by the door to her office, with her clipboard in her hand, making notes all the time. Then every now and again she'd take a walk around, go up to where one of the men was training and stand there and just watch, without saying a word. Then she'd make a few more notes and walk off back to her office. Somehow this all seemed very intimidating, even for these strong fight men! But then it came to 'that' day, the men had been here for a week now and after Aaron had gone through his normal duties of dropping Hannah to school, Mr Tan to his office and taking Mrs Tan into the city to meet up with one of her friends. Leaving him free of a beating, for now. The chauffeur went over to stand in 'his spot', out the way, to watch what was going on in the training camp, and today it all started to change, just a little! Aaron could see the four men out there, training. Two of them, Elliot and Leon were inside the training building, the sliding doors were open and he could see each man going through his session workout. One man, Kurt, was in the outside area, that central part on the middle of the U shape building layout, and again he was practicing his moves on the training body mannequins there. Finally, the last of the men, Oscar, was inside the octagon metal cage, doing some light sparing with one of those men, the training assistants, the ones that seemed to fade into the background when they weren't required. Kimberly came out of her office and moved over to where the man, Kurt was working out with the training mannequins. The man slowed down his work rate, then stopped, turned, smiled and said hello to the gorgeous woman. Kimberly who didn't like to engage in conversation with these men, unless she had to, or most people for that fact just ignored him. But Kurt was getting tired of just the other men to talk too and so he carried on and still he was ignored. Kimberly wrote a couple of things down and moved on, "what about that young girl, she's been coming down here, looking! How about getting her to come and have a chat with us, she looks as if she'd enjoy a chat with a man!" Then he just laughed. In the cage and Oscar heard this, he also stopped and looked over, he grinned at Kurt's 'comments' and then "Oi lady, what about our passports you still got them right, shouldn't we have them back by now?" Kimberly stopped, stood there for a moment, scribbled something down, turned, pulled out her phone and made a call as she headed back to her office. The two men laughed as if they'd scared the woman off, but over to the side, out the way where Aaron was stood watching. He had this feeling that things were about to change for the men out here at the training camp! It was the next day and as always Aaron went through the ritual of taking the devil child Hannah off to school to start with. As he stood by the open door, he was holding for her, WOOSSHH! THUD! UUUWWWHHH! The girl smiling as she came up to the open door, spun herself around, quite cheekily, brought her arm up slightly, clenched her fist and dove it into her plaything chauffeur's gut. She'd caught him out as he'd been stood there looking over at Mrs Tan and Kimberly who were stood at the front of the main house, 'talking!' Which was quite unusual as they hardly ever spoke, it was almost as there was a bit of power struggle that went on with those two. But now suddenly they were talking and that kind of worried Aaron. Not that he'd done anything wrong to be worried about, not that he knew off but it still worried him all the same. So, seeing them 'talking' had distracted him and Hannah seeing that 'her mantoy' wasn't looking at her, paying attention to her. Well, she decided to tell her pet off, in her own way! He doubled over slightly as he'd been caught out as his head drooped, Hannah tip toed up took hold of the side of his head, pulled it down a bit and whispered into his ear. "You weren't looking at my Mummy was you? That would be naughty of you, and you don't want to be naughty do you ... ... " there was a pause " ... ... you want to be a good boy don't you?" Then Hannah pulled away and still just gently holding onto the side of his bent over head, her tongue came out and she licked down the side of his face. The schoolgirl giggled and now hoped into the back of the car ready to be driven to school! As Aaron straightened himself up, took a breath, closed the door and moved round to his side of the car he looked over and there was Mrs Tan and Kimberly both just stood there. Having stopped talking and now both looking his way, 'Shit!' The chauffeur got in the car and drove off, hoping to God he just hadn't upset anyone or he really was in trouble now! After an incident free dropping off of the schoolgirl, Aaron came back and took Mr Tan off to the airport. He'd be away for two days, that was all and gave instructions as to when he was to be picked up and driven home on his return. 'Dame!' that meant there was just Mrs Tan and Hannah at the family home for the next two day! This wasn't looking good for Aaron. On his way back to the Tan family home Aaron got a call. It was Mrs Tan with instruction to pick up Hannah and one other from school friends as she was finished for the day. Strange, Mr Tan away, Hannah finishing early, now the man felt very, very uneasy with all this. Then when he got to the school, pulled up in his designated slot in the very well to do and expensive school, there was Hannah waiting for him and with her was, 'Oh No!' With Hannah was the 'one other' to bring home, and it was Hannah's cousin's, Kim! Both girls were the same age, height, with the same quietly lovely bodies and of courses there was that obvious similar and family trait in their looks. Yes, both girls were a lovely pair to behold! The main difference was that Kim's hair was a lot longer, straight and she had a good strong, bold redness to her hair, the girl had wanted to colour her hair for a long time, nice bright colours, but this was as much as her Mother would allow her! Kim was dressed a bit different, as she went to a different school, but one that was close to Hannah's school. Kim had gone to Hannah's school but there'd been an 'incident' and for the best Kim had moved onto a new school! She was dressed in a pair of short brown soft boots, she didn't feel comfortable in 'normal' school shoes, and was a girl who liked to be comfortable. Then there was a long pair of white socks going up to her knees, with dark blue rings at the top of the socks. Past these was her short, pleated skirt, like her cousin's it was a checked pattern skirt but this time it was white and light blue in colour. Then a smart white school blouse one with one of those short criss-cross ties, which was again the same checked pattern as her skirt. Over her blouse was a dark blue navy blazer with white trim on the edges. This was Kim, the cousin and a girl, just like Hannah who had her own 'awkward side!' When she wanted to be stubborn, or uncooperative she could be! But like Hannah, Kim also had a 'playful side!' And Aaron had already had some close encounters with this girl! But Hannah made sure that Kim and Aaron where never left along or too long. After all Hannah knew what her cousin as like and couldn't trust her alone with her mantoy! So, when Aaron tuned up and it was both girls there waiting for him, there was lots of girly giggling and 'comments' made! Even though there was now two of them he also knew that Hannah wanted him all for herself, so he was pretty safe ... ... Maybe? But then again this wouldn't be the first time that Hannah had 'invited' one of her schoolgirl friends to a 'play session' with Aaron. There'd been that time at the race track, and another time after that. When Hannah and her friend, Joy, a nice young black schoolgirl had 'had their fun' with Aaron and beat him hard! So, the driver was mindful that 'anything' could and might happen to him, when Hannah was around! The chauffeur got the girls back to the Tan estate as quickly and as safely as he could, mostly for his own safety! When they arrived the girls got out, there was more comments made. Kim got out and ran around the car, managing to catch Aaron by surprise, as there was now two of them, to keep an eye on. As she got close, she jumped up and smack! a kiss on his cheek! Surprised Aaron shook a bit, then relived it was only a peck on his cheek. Then as he turned and looked down at Hannah who he was holding the door open for, 'Oh!' The look on her face wasn't good! Kim stood there giggling at what she'd done, so an annoyed Hannah grabbed Aaron by his tie, pulled the man's face down to her and ... ... ! Out came her schoolgirl tongue that she run up the centre of his face! Now it was Hannah's turn to smile and Kim to be annoyed! "Put your pet down and come on!" Mrs Tan was coming out the main house, she'd seen the car arrive and now Hannah and Kim went skipping over to the woman like the two young schoolgirls they were! Aaron breathed a sigh of relief; Mrs Tan wouldn't be happy having seen what 'he'd allowed' the Daughter to do to him! But he hoped she wouldn't be 'too' unhappy about it! And he was also glade that Hannah and Mrs Tan hadn't seen the fact that Kim had also, when she came around to kiss him. She'd also grabbed him, got a good handful of his arse as she come behind him. Her strong fingers making sure he knew she'd grabbed him! He just hoped that all this didn't mean more trouble for him! But that was soon forgotten as he now saw that Mrs Tan, dressed in her boots, black leather tight trousers and a pink silk blouse with buttons undone. That her and the two girls weren't going inside the house but instead heading away from the house and to ... ... ! Well, they were heading off down the pathway that led away to where the training camp had been built, and seeing this Aaron got a feeling that with Mr Tan away ... ... ! The driver had to see what was going on, what was going to happen. So, he waited a short while then followed on. Making sure he hung back enough so he wouldn't be seen, noticed. But he could still spy on what was going to happen over there, as he was sure something was indeed going to happen. In the training camp area and the men where back in their routine, two men inside the training building with the sliding doors opened, one man working out in that general central area and the last of the men inside the octagon cage. It took Aaron a few minutes to get into a position where he could see what was going on and, of course, make sure he couldn't be seen too. He looked out onto the training area, with the four men training as would be expect. Also, here today and now were the four women too, they were all stood near to the administration building and all talking to each other. Which again was all strange, Mrs Tan, Hannah and Kimberly all talking to each other, plus also there was Kim there too. So, to Aaron, who had a 'bit of experience' when it came to these women, it looked to him as if they were all planning something! Then after a minute or two the women stopped talking, and Kimberly stepped over towards that central outdoors training area where she called the men to her. It looked as if she was going to make an announcement and Aaron knew he'd have to move if he was to hear what was going on, 'Dame!' But he had to know what was going on so he had to move. A minute or so later and he was in a new and closer position. The four men Kurt, Elliot, Leon and Oscar all dressed in their sports and training gear where now all stood together there in front of the tall black woman who was already talking. All Aaron could hear was a few loud words, 'passports', 'contract', then the men spoke too, 'you can think again woman!' that wasn't a good thing to say to any of those women there! Nor was 'we've got rights you know' and 'you can stuff this you little ... ... !' followed by 'or else!' and 'No!' that was said a few times and by the sound of it by Kimberly. It was soon all getting a bit heated, enough for the other three females, Mrs Tan, Hannah and Kim to all move closer to where Kimberly was stood in front of those men. The chauffeur was getting this feeling that ... ... SMACK! and then it happened, just as he thought it would, Kimberly had had enough of this. Her arm had gone out and she'd slapped, quite hard, by the sound of it, one of the men, the one who'd been 'shouting' at her the loudest, Leon. There was a sound of shock, gasps of surprise from the men there, and then being fighters, it was Kurt who reacted first. Lunching himself forwards and straight at the black woman, WALLOP! But Mrs Tan had now stepped in too and stopped him with her fist! It was all looking as if it was going to end up in just one way. And then, a second later, it did go that way, CRACK! SMASH! WHACK! THUD! The four women all now struck out at the four male fighters, it had all started and all Aaron could do, from his place of safety, was to stand there and watch! There was a mixed melee of people, men, women, girls all together fighting, slogging it out, and of course it was all going just one way. It had been the females who started it all, and who had the advantage here, plus who were controlling the 'game' they were now playing. The females who were in charge! After a second or two, each woman here had seemed to have made her choice and was now dealing with 'him!' Each woman had taken on one of the male fighters, spreading themselves out, for a bit of space, to get a better swing at their opponents. Plus, it also meant that the watching Aaron now got a better view of all of this too. The black woman Kimberly had ended up with Leon the broadest of the men, but also the shortest of the fighters. The tall, fit black woman against the short stocky white man, SMACK! Her purple satin covered arm came flying around and caught the man, her chosen one, hard into the side of his jaw. It was a blow he wasn't prepared for and it was, for a woman, such a forcefully blow. He'd never been hit so hard, so strongly like that, by a woman, or by few men come to think of it. The blow made him take a step backwards, then he took a second, a third as Kimberly, struck him again, a second and third time. Both her fists now coming into play to show this man she was stronger than even he thought she was! Plus, she had a few extra surprises for him too, CRUNCH! UUUWWWHHH! The girl Kim was nearby and she'd picked on Oscar the darker skinned, Mediterranean looking man, and of course much taller than her. Well, he was a real grown-up man, so he should be, but that wasn't going to put this schoolgirl off taking him on. She'd shot her foot out, driving her soft boot, but her hard foot into his kneecap. The sudden blow had caught man number two out and made him, shudder and judder, falling down to one side and so allowing the schoolgirl to, WHACK! She spun herself around, brough her leg up, round and now drove her other shoe into his head as be bent over to the side. The blow she'd given him, sent a sharp pain through his head, took him completely over balance and dropped him down to his knee there. Down in front of the schoolgirl Kim. Next along was Mrs Tan, the oldest female in this group of lovely ladies and as Kurt the tallest of the men, and the youngest at 'only' 24, found out a woman who still knew how to fight. Even if her first strike was just a simple left jab to his upper body. But it got his attention, turning his head to look down at where she'd hit him, then as he's turned back to look at her, 'Shit!'. The older Mrs Tan was rushing up and towards him, up in the air she went, twisting, turning her upper body so as she came in real close to him, THUD! Swinging her arm around and pounding her forearm into his face, as he turned back to her. He shuddered then, WHACK! Her leather covered knee shoots up, into his quaking body, a second quick, sharp, painful blow, sending the younger man toppling backwards and over. That just left Hannah and of course Elliot, the oldest of the men at around 28, and a similar age to Aaron, so maybe that's why she picked him? She went in with a swivel kick to start with, high and fast, striking this one across his upper body, his chest. Then drawing her school shoe across his falling jaw too, for good measure. As the leg came down, she instantly carried on twisting around, as she now swapped and was stood on that leg. Spinning herself and brough her other leg hurtling around to drive the back of this other shoe into his stunned face. He didn't see the second move, she was too fast, nor did he see her now drop downwards and, WALLOP! Her clenched fist shot straight forwards, straight into his groin. His whole-body shock, the pain was intense, and as she twisted her fist, it got worse! Aaron saw all this form his hiding place, but he wasn't too shocked by it all, it just went to confirm what he already thought would happen, at some point. That these men would get some form of proper 'welcome' from the women here, and bringing Kim in just meant that none of the men got left out! With the full 'hellos and welcomes' now over and done with it was now time to get things started properly here. Each stunned man was gagged by his 'woman' and as they took a moment or two to get themselves together the woman all pushed, kicked, flung, tossed their 'man' over this training ground and closer to the large octagon cage in the centre of the main area. Almost as if the woman had something in mind for what they were going to do next! As the stunned men went tumbling and stumbling over the training ground, that over the past week or they'd gotten to know so well. As they fell towards the cage, as they tried to clear their heads and get over the shock or what was happening to them. They each knew they would have to act quickly to get out of this and turn the tables on these 'women!' The ones that had jumped them, so easily, but now it was the men's turn to act, so 'watch out women!' But of course, as the black woman Kimberly, the schoolgirl cousin Kim, the manipulative Mrs Tan and her devil Daughter Hannah. As the woman were behind their men, kicking them up there, they knew these 'fighters' would be sorting their heads out by now and the ladies were ready for them. So much so that there was a bit of moving around with the women, so when the men 'did' start they were facing someone new! Kurt was the first of the men to get his head together, having stumbled along with Mrs Tan's boot up his arse after she put him down. He was on all fours and having picked his moment, he now made his move. Twisting himself around and upwards at the same time, looking like a wide animal that was pouncing up to it pray. But as he turned to launch himself up there at Mrs Tan, 'Oh!' Instead, there was the tall, black and younger woman, Kimberly who was looking down at him with this almost mocking grin on her lovely face. This 'change' caused him to almost pause in mid flight as he was now going for the wrong woman, but CRACK! But it didn't put Kimberly off, as her new man came up, her arm came around. At the same time, she came forward, her arm still coming around and with her keen eye for detail, she made sure her fist connected! Her strong clenched black fist slamming into the side of his face as he came up to the 'wrong' woman. A hard pounding blow that sent a thundering shockwave through his head, deep into his brain to mush it up and make him wonder 'what the hell just hit me?' As if that wasn't enough for him, then the black woman followed up with, THUD! The split if her otherwise tight skirt allowed her leg to move, giving her the room to bring her keen up sharply and drive up into his falling jaw. A blow that again shook his head and sent him shooting over to the side, over and down to the ground, and in so much agony, WHACK! UUUUUHHHHH! At the same time and Leon who originally been beaten down to the ground by the strong black fist of Kimberly was ready to face her when he'd now also got his head sorted. As he bounced up onto his feet, spun around ready for some fisty cuffs with the women, but he was now facing, 'Oh!' He had to look down as there was the much smaller and younger schoolgirl Kim, the man's arms dropped, slightly, as he relaxed, just a bit, at seeing the quite pretty, smiling, cute schoolgirl who, WALLOP! But she was also a deadly, pretty, smiling and cute Asian schoolgirl whose leg and foot had shot out his way and caught him, just right, in his groin! It hit defiantly in the right, or wrong place, depending on your point of view. Leon's body shacked as the pain seemed to go up and down his body and then come back down to his groin area. This gave the schoolgirl Kim her next opportunity to move in, grab onto the now doubled over man by his head. Get her arm around his head and neck, twisting her body, still with a good hold. Then she dropped herself down to the ground, taking him, by his neck, with her. Those wrestling programmes she'd been watching had given her far too many ideas! As she and he hit the ground 'his' body shook violent, thinking he'd just had his head ripped off by the girl who was now quickly back up her feet. As she wanted to see what the man looked like as he was shaking and quivering there on the floor at her feet now, and she was pleased with the result, CRUNCH! OOOOWWWW! Elliot was the next man, even if it had only taken an extra second to get himself ready to 'strike back!' As he'd just gotten into a position to hit back, pushing himself up and around to face that young schoolgirl, the hot looking Daughter of the man who'd brought them all here. The girl who'd got lucky, then nasty getting him in the groin, but it was his turn to strike now and, 'Oh!' Now there was the older woman there, the girl's Mother. Seeing her, and that she was half smiling at him, made him think, 'First the Daughter now the Mother!' As he thought that, WHACK! Because he hadn't seen her boot coming round at him. A blow to his side, but a good strong blow that hurt and made him flinch, then she moved. In a split second the oldest woman here was now stood on her leg that had just hit him and was already having another swing at him, with her other leg that was coming around and fast, THUD! Another blow, this time to his chest, another painful blow and, WHACK! Again, she hoped form foot to foot, having struck him, the half-raised man stumbled backwards. But the older woman was fit, fast, moving quickly for foot to foot, sending more blows into his body, CRACK! That last blow went into the side of his face, it caught him good and took him down to his knees, SMACK! Another blow to his face as Mrs Tan was now in the full swing of things, throwing her legs, feet into his body, face, he slipped further down onto his arse, now he was in real trouble, SMACK! ARRRRHHHHH! The last of the men to sort himself out was Oscar and he was angry, that little girl Kim who 'somehow' got the better of him, but he didn't know how! But that didn't matter right now as he was going to forget she was a 'little girl' and he was going to, 'Oh!' As he spun himself around and was getting himself up off the ground. But as he turned, he was looking at a different 'little girl', this time it was Hannah and for just a split second the man though, 'Oh this one won't hit me like the last one!', SMACK! But of course, he was wrong! Well, this little girl was Hannah and as if Hannah wouldn't hit a man, come on its Hannah after all! The hard foot and soft boot of one schoolgirl was replaced by the soft foot and hard shoe of another, she sends her foot, her shoe into his body as he tried to raise himself upwards, One, two, three and more blows all went in, one foot then the other pounded him. Making it hard, difficult, unable to get back upright properly, and then it stopped, he was relived, but not for long. He felt himself being jerked fully up by his hair, upright. Then his arm was grabbed, harshly and WOOOSSSHHH! The fighter went over, tossed over the shoulder of the smaller, weaker, 'little girl.' Over Hannah sent him, her ability to toss a big man was well know, now this fighter could say he'd been tossed by the small Asian schoolgirl too. Over her shoulder she'd sent him, flying over with a good sharp, clean movement, one she'd practiced a lot and now another man had gone over, THUD! ERRRRHHHH! Aaron was still watching all of this; he saw how each man was getting a second go with another of the women here. He did wonder to himself who he'd get if he was out there, but that wasn't a really good thing to think about. The four hurt, shocked men, who were now, maybe, a bit worried, a bit ... ... scared? Well, they'd never expected anything like this to have happened to them. They were, having been hit and knocked around, all now that bit closer to the octagon cage and the driver had a rough idea about what was going to happen next here! With the men there on the ground of the outside training area and all close to that centre part, the octagon metal cage. The four females who'd all done their bit to make the men now think, 'what the hell have I gotten myself into?' But that thought would have to wait still before it was answered, as there was still 'work' to be done. As the women moved in closer now and around, as if they were picking who they were going to 'try' next! It was the young Kim who made the first move now as she'd caught sight of Elliot, that was his name. The one who'd managed to pulled himself together enough to attempt to drag himself way. Well, that was until the small schoolgirl had noticed this and acted! CRUNCH! She almost hopped, skipped over to where he was crawling away and taking one large leap. She then brought her foot down, harshly, firmly and sharply into the middle of his back. His body shook at the blow, it juddered and quaked, but he'd stopped trying to escape, which is what the girl had intended it to do. Then stepping off she Kim reached down for her new man. The schoolgirl grabbed him by his hair and cruelly yanked his already hurt body up off the ground. She pulled and as he came up, she dragged him around and along with her. The man's half raised body scurrying after her trying to reduce the pain she was causing him. Then suddenly and to his relief she'd let go, 'that's good', Elliot tuned his head to see, 'Shit!' Km was already halfway through a spinning move and all this man saw was the schoolgirls leg and boot come around and, WHACK! Straight into him and sending him flying backwards, clattering into the side of that octagon cage, pounding into that metal, hard wall. Kimberly was next to choose her man, and it was the Mediterranean looking man, Oscar, that got her attention. As tall as the woman he was, but down there on the ground as she walked up to him, it was her who was the tower 'fighter' now and not him! WHACK! She kicked out and of course she caught him, struck him, hit him with it. Her shoe digging into the side of his leg, sending an almost knife-like pain through him. He shuddered, his body almost jumping, and of course, away from the woman as much as he could. But he couldn't get away, the tall black woman was now next to him and ready to halt his escape. Her hand came down and, UUUHHH! Straight to his throat, her hand gripping tightly, and against his windpipe. A powerful grip, a hold that Oscar just 'knew' he couldn't break free of. Then she raised that powerful arm, hand, so he had to scramble upwards and onto his feet. He had a look of shock horror on his face, he was scared, Kimberly smiled, as she liked this look. Then as he came to his feet the woman, twisted, turned herself around and Oscar felt himself going backwards. Then her hand holding him thrusted him rearwards and CLANG! Oscar shook as he was 'thrown' forcefully backwards and into the wall of the octagon cage. Leon was next on Mrs Tan 'list' of men to 'do', 'do' in her own unique way, that older Asian woman way, that she had, the way she delt with men! Leon had already been at the feet of the schoolgirl Kim now he was at the girls Aunt's feet. He now had this feeling that made him shake slightly, a feeling that it was still going badly for him. The older woman could see the man looking up at her as she approached and even though he was a hurt man, the look on his face was one of contempt, but that was good, it meant he still had some 'fight' left in him, WHACK! But her foot swinging into that look on his face would get rid of it! That foot to his face, of course hurt him and made Leon roll over onto his back, making the man think that his face was on fire. But it was all going to get even worse for him, ARRRRHHHHH! Mrs Tan's hand came down, fast, harsh, she gripped him viciously deep into his groin, her fingers like a vice. She now quite savagely pulled the man upright by her tight hold she had on him, he couldn't even think, about resisting her, as it hurt so much. Then up on his feet she let go! 'Thank God!' SMACK! UUUHHHH! Mrs Tan's swinging clenched fist now went into his jaw sending another man falling back against the outside of the octagon cage. This just left the schoolgirl Hannah and the last of the male 'fighter', Kurt. He'd just seen how the other men on the ground all around him, how they'd all been dealt with and knew it was surly 'his turn' now! And to make that point even clearer to him, he was sure, positive he could hear, the sound of footsteps coming towards him as he lay there on the ground. In a panic he found the strength to push himself upwards, at the same time his head, just had too, spin around and look out for, 'Crap!' He saw the schoolgirl Hannah, the pretty girl strolling slowly, steadily his way. He froze, for just a second, in fear as he saw her and, CRACK! It was a second too long as Hannah took another step and was now in striking distance, and then she'd struck. Well, her leg did, she throw it around and her shoe went colliding into the man as he'd stopped while scrambling up to his feet when she struck. Her shoe into the side of his body that for the briefest moment took the man completely off the ground. But he came down, kind of and was still crouched over, halfway up. So, THUD! A second kick into him, his body, was also followed by, WHACK! A third schoolgirl shoe and the man went tumbling over, backwards and, CLANG! He went face first into the metal wall of the octagon cage. As this had happened it had also just started to rain, just slightly, now as the four men were laying hurt against that metal wall of the fight cage. Then the four women all stepped up close and were now stood, each of them, in front of one of the men, as if on guard making sure their man couldn't get away. But of course, as Aaron had thought, there was a plan going on here and after a second or two, after the men had all fallen against the cage wall and had a moment to take this all in. Then the woman, all as one, moved onto a man each! There were clear signs the men filched as the woman came at them, reached out and down at them. Well, there was a sense of fear coming from the men now. Aaron from his hiding places couldn't now see what was going on too clearly but after what looked like a short struggle and some manhandling by the woman, it was done. Each man was now secured to the cage, an arm pulled upwards and now handcuffed to that metal chain link wall. Handcuffs! Aaron hadn't seen that coming, well the women must have all had a set on these about them, to have done this. So, this had been thought through by someone, but who? The rain was coming down harder now, and the chauffeur just hoped that this idea of handcuffs! Well, he hoped that it didn't suddenly give the Mother and Daughter, Mrs Tan and Hannah any ideas when it came to him! With the four men handcuffed now, Hannah made her way to the door of the octagon cage, opened it and stepped inside. She twirled around as if she was now performing and this was her stage, and with the rain coming down harder now. With her now getting wet, with small puddles starting to form on the cage floor. Which was all kind of worrying for the driver who was watching all this. Then the, now quite wet, young schoolgirl, now stepped over to the far wall, where on the other side, on the ground the men where handcuffed. Her hand was moving and to Aaron it looked as if she was doing some kind of, 'iny meany miny mo ... !' Choosing a man for? She pointed to one man and smiled; it might have been Leon. Then Kimberly and Kim went for him, there was some struggling as he was unshackled by the black woman and the small girl, who were roughly manhandling him. They now dragged him up and it was Leon, and brought him, still struggling towards the cage door. Where he was about to obviously get thrown into the cage and locked in with Hannah! So, was this now all a case of these 'women' here, having their own private fight camp? Somewhere where they could beat a man, in a cage! A man who was now a prisoner here in what he thought was a training camp? What would Mr Tan say about all this too? There were too many questions going around Aaron's head, the women were talking as they dragged the 'fighter' to the cage door and the driver wanted to heard what they were saying so he'd have to get closer. He also wanted to see the now wet schoolgirl up close too. The rain wasn't bothering him, as he just had to hear what was being said now, and see this all up close. He moved along a bit, put his foot down and, 'shit!' OOOWWWHHH! His foot slipped on the now wet ground under his foot. He went to grab hold onto one of the trees he was hiding behind, but missed and now fell. Over he went and then rolling over and over, through a small bush and out into the open. 'Dame!' Now Aaron suddenly realised he wasn't behind those bushes and trees anymore, he looked up and there in the cage was Hannah, looking like a wet, annoyed schoolgirl! And she was looking over towards him. Kim was also looking his way; she had a firm hold of Leon who was now down on his knees, as she held him there. But as for Kimberly and also Mrs Tan, they were both now making their way over to where he'd fallen out of his cover. He'd been seen, caught and now he was going to suffer! But what would the women do to him? Well, 'he was dead' he knew that. All he could think of now was that cage and Kimberly, Kim, Mrs Tan and Hannah, what would they do to him, 'Oh God what would they do.' He just hoped it wouldn't be all four of them and just him in that cage all at the same time, anything but that, who would want that ... ... ?