Thursday Night Out By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. What can go wrong on a Thursday night out? Thursday Night Out It was a Thursday and that meant that for Danny, Chris, Aaron and Kelvin it was a busy day at work, somehow Thursdays always were. Each of the men had to deal with numerous e-mails, phone calls that never seemed to end, there was even a few of those old fashion faxes that also needed their attention. And when the day's post arrived there was even more to deal with. But when you work for a large pharmaceutical company and the demands for medical supplies have just gone through the roof over the past few weeks, a month, then each day is a busy day! So, when it came close to the end of the day these men were glad it would be soon be over and that was good. Just time to finish off a couple of bits and pieces, then shortly the men would out of here, and they could all relax, get rid of all that tension. Go and have a good stress releasing workout, have a drink, some fun, enjoy themselves! Well they could have done all that if it wasn't for the fact that they were all married and had young families. Which meant they should all go home, straight away, and take over from their poor suffering wives! During the day, and these men's wives of course had all been at home looking after the product of these men's loving encounters, their children! So as soon as the men walked through those front doors these lovely kids would suddenly be their responsibility! Expressions like 'I've been stuck indoors all day looking after them" and "you've been out all day enjoying yourself, so now they're your responsibility!' Expression like that would be used by the wives as they then headed to the fridge and opened the wine. But you try saying 'we'll I've not been out; I've been at work all day!" Or maybe "it's been busy, off the chart busy and ... ... ' That's when the wives gave their husbands 'that look!' The look you don't want to get as a man, the look that says 'one more word, I dare you, one more word!' Danny, Chris, Aaron and Kelvin had all been there, had been on the receiving end of 'that look', and they all knew it all too well. So, at this time of the day they knew it was good to finish their 'hard day' here at work, but it did mean they had to go home, straight away and take over from those 'poor suffering' wives! But it would be nice for the men, if they could, once in a while, have a bit of time off from both 'work' and then going home to do 'everything else. Just a bit of time to themselves! With that in mind it also just happened that the men had found a nice little place not too far from where they worked where they could all sneak off to for a drink or two. And as the wives knew it was busy at their husbands work right now, the men had made sure they had been dropping the hints of just how busy work was. So now it was easy, easier for the men to tell their wives, maybe just a couple of times each week. That they would have to stay a bit later that evening as they needed to get through this extra work load. But it would only be an hour or so, it wasn't going to be anything longer than that, the wives didn't really like the sound of this. As it meant they had to keep control and look after the kids for another hour but through gritted teeth they agreed that their husbands could stay for just an hour longer at work. But it would just be an hour, no longer! This, of course was good news, for the men that is, the women had said it was OK to be late home, and the 'place' that Danny had originally found was also somewhere that no one else at work would go to. So, there was no chance of bumping into anyone they knew then someone saying the wrong thing and it making its way back to the office and then back to the wives! It was just the four men going for a quick couple of drinks in an out of the way, quite drinking den. What could go wrong with that? The only thing that could go wrong was if Kelvin forgot the breath mints for after the session! The place that Danny had found was a 'quiet' out of the way little bar, a sort of a little club so to speak. A club that also had a few of those lovely pole dancing girls. Not that this was why the men liked going there, of course it wasn't. But also, it wasn't that far from where they worked, with that added bonus that none of their other work colleagues went there. So, if all the men stuck to the same story, they were working late, then this was the men's 'winddown' time after work, before they all went off home to save their wives from their kids! And anyway, after a busy day in the office these men deserved a bit of down time, men time, didn't they? Just don't tell the wives. So, out of work the men went, they said a few goodbyes to some others that were leaving the office at the same time. But all four then hanged back a bit, waiting for these others to move off, out the way, out of sight. Before the men, turned left, instead of right and then nipped down the alleyway that ran by the side of their office building and in-between the next business premises. At the end of the alleyway there was a sharp right, across the road, down another short passageway and across another road. This party of The City could be quite a warren of alleyways, passages, lanes, twisting turning paths and narrow streets. If you didn't know this area, and know it well, then you could easily get disorientated, even lost. As they made their way to their favourite after work club, the men were all chatting, excited in a boyish kind of a way, a few drinks in the club, watching a couple of good-looking women dance for them. All on a Thursday night and after a hard day's work in the office, it was just what they needed. As they crossed the last road and where about to disappear down the last alleyway Aaron noticed something. Or should that be he noticed someone, maybe even some people. Well that again would be wrong as these weren't 'people', these were females! Crossing the road and heading back in the direction the men had come from, and going, probably towards the busier part of the city's central area, where three women. Well from what he could see these were three, younger women, three 'college' girls! Maybe? Aaron nudged Danny who was next to him, and the two men slowed down as they turned to look at these three. They were three black girls, one tall and dressed all girly in pink and white, tight legging and crop top, that sort of thing. She looked attractive, but with a scornful look on her noticeable face. Next was a slightly shorter girl, the sporty one, bright gym type clothes, again with bare midriff and a crop top that said 'kiss my abs' across it. She was also attractive, in her own way even if she had an unimpressed expression on that face. Lastly there was the smallest of the three girls. The one who was the fashion guru of the group and dressed for her role, in trendy jeans, bare midriff and colourful short top. Again, she had the looks but her expression was one of thunder. The men looked on wondering what had upset the girls, or did they always look that 'angry?' But they did look good and these men wouldn't mind 'bumping into' those girls in a dark alley! 'Could be fun?' But there was three of them and four of these men, so ... ... ? That was when Aaron and Danny realised that Chris and Kelvin where ahead of them, having not seen those girls, the other men where already halfway down the last alleyway. So, these men now ran after their friends leaving the three young black girls to carry on with their evening as the men carried on with theirs! (Reader may wish to read the previous stories in the series - Friday Night Out, Saturday Night Out, Sunday Night Out, Monday Night Out, Tuesday Night Out & Wednesday Night Out) As the four men came out of the last alleyway there was the shabby off-white building that was once a factory, a warehouse or something like that. With a grey, slightly damaged old metal door in the far left hand corner that was the entrance to their 'club.' The four of them all headed off in that direction but as they got closer to the door it was Chris who noticed it first. He noticed that the old noticeboard with the red framed glass shutter, which was the only thing that provide any 'splash' of colour around here. But the noticeboard was now empty, all you could see was the drab grey felt back of the board. There were none of the normal notices, flyers, posters, most of which were a week or a month out of date. But even so the colourful noticeboard did add to the 'charm' of the place! But they were now all gone, all gone apart from one small notice in the centre of the board that now as the men had got to the door, the entrance, they'd all seen this and where now looking at. The note in the now empty noticeboard was a hand written one note saying ... ... The factory club and bar is now closed, club is under new management & will be re-opening as a music venue in the near future. 'What no club?' 'No drinks after work?' 'No dancer?' There was a sense of shock and disbelief, this was their club, their after-work quite out the way drinking den, a place to slip away enjoy a chat, a drink and enjoy the dancing women! No one had said anything to these men, asked them if it was OK to close it, change it! This wasn't on, what the men should do was to ... ... "doors open!" Aaron was stood there, hand on the door pushing it half open, "perhaps this new music venue is now open?" Chris piped up "if there's music, there must be a bar, and maybe women too?" They now all looked at each other, 'sounded reasonable', so they all went in. Inside they went through the normal old small reception area that they all remembered. There was a pile of different sizes of wood, some tins of paint and a few other building type bits and pieces. Obvious part of stuff needed to changing it from a strip club to a music venue. There was no one here so the men carried on and into the main area of their old 'club.' It was dark inside, not too dark they could still see, but none of the main lights were on, just side lights and a couple of dim spotlights that probably had recently been put up. As the men stepped through the double doors there, they all had a quick look around. It looked as if somethings had changed but not a lot, not a lot at all to be truthful. The 'stage' was still there, the one where the dancers went through their routines and now obviously it was going to be where the bands that were booked would perform. Plus, there were some instruments and equipment set up there as if a band was ready to play. Yes, there were a few small changes, those extra lights for instance, the drum set and other instrument, but no big changes that really stood out. As the men carried on looking around, they could see that the place was empty, there was no one there. There were all those tables and chairs roughly set out across the main open area, but no one sat down, the place was indeed empty. Not a soul there, and no staff behind the bar so that wasn't good, but it was a sign that their old club was indeed closed! 'Dame!' So, looking at each other the men knew that their club was really closed and they would have to find somewhere else, if they wanted a drink and wanted a place to go to after work. But just then "excuse me! But we're not open yet." The men all turned towards the voice and now there stood behind the bar, out of nowhere was a woman, 'where did she come from?' The woman looked familiar, as she'd worked here behind the bar when it had been the strip club. She was plain, 30 and fair-haired and although he'd worked here for longer than any of these men had actually been coming here, none of them had talked to her except to order a drink! And now they all looked at her and though 'who's she?' even if they kind of recognise her, maybe! She, Kerry, stood there waiting for a response form the men, she'd recognised them but she wasn't here to be friendly, just to serve drinks and they weren't open yet. And she was annoyed with the new manager who'd obviously forgotten to close the front door properly after going out that way. Which of course had allowed these men to just walk in and disturb her while getting setup. It was Kelvin who broke the silence by asking "when are you open?" Kerry sighed as this was all she needed, so in a way, that she thought the men could understand, she slowly, briefly and a bit louder than normal, explained. 'Old strip club closed down', pause 'new music club opening', another pause. 'Opening tomorrow, not today', pause 'door left unlocked by mistake', last pause 'please leave as I have a lot to do before tomorrow.' Hopefully they would all understand that, but as she looked at their faces, she was now wondering. Just at that moment as the men where taking all this in, behind them on the stage area and the members of the 'band' that were booked for the opening night of the new music club appeared. They'd came out of one of the side doors, leading from the 'dressing room', the door that the 'dancers' would appear when it was the men's old club. These band members came up the steps and were now moving to the equipment and instruments that where set up on the stage there. They were obviously going to practice their session, making sure that everything was just right. As this was the band's first real and paying gig, so it was important to get it all right and the members of the band, 'Control of the People', that was their name, were more than a bit excited about all this. As the four men were listening to the barmaid and, trying to take this all in, at least one of them, Aaron had now noticed that the band members where on the stage. And he was now more interested in what was going on behind the group of men and on the stage, rather than listening to the barmaid. As all the members of the band there, were female, a group that was all females, and by the looks of it, they were all young and female! There was four, no five of them. Five young women, five members of this girl band. So, of course, the man could only think that there were five girls and four of them, and so ... ... ! Well he smiled as he was having a few thoughts now. He took a second or two to take in these girls, well he'd seen them first so that meant that he had first pick, well those were the rules! And of course, five women and four men that meant that one lucky man got two women! Now that did bring a dirty grin to Aaron's face. And the first girl he noticed was DC, not that he knew she was called this, but she was and why DC? Well those where her initial and like the other girls in the band they all called each other by their initials. It was a silly thing but as the girls had known each other since kindergarten, it was just something they had all grown up with and there was no changing these girls when they got into a habit like this. They were a quite diverse group of young females and the man had first noticed the white blond girl, for no other reason that she was closer to him up there on that stage. So, DC it was and of course she was the blond of the group, the girl that stood out not just because she was the closest, but as she was dressed in quite a bright and noticeable outfit. Well this was the bands 'dress rehearsal' and they wanted everything to be just right. The blond's hair was that bright it was almost white, again another noticeable thing, about her. Her hair was long, to her shoulders with a wavey curl towards the ends, she was a pretty, even cute looking girl and one who looked as if, well she was a youthful girl, maybe college age, who could tell? She was wearing a pair of white knee length boots with a soft pink twirling pattern, then going up a pair of tight white shorts, again with the same pink twirling pattern. Which as she bent over made her arse look quite lovely to Aaron. Moving past this was a three-quarter length crop top, where the piecing in her belly button could just be seen. The top again with its three-quarter length sleeves also had the soft pink twisting swirl going all the way around it. She, DC, looked good and instantly Aaron took a liking to this blond girl, the one in white, with a pink twist! At this moment and Chris noticed the girl band that was now on the stage, the five girls there and the first one that he noticed was JP. She was the dark-haired black girl in the group and again she was the one that stood out for her own reasons. The way she looked and the way she dressed were both very noticeable. But first it was her hair and face that this man had seen, she was attractive with full red lips that matched the red beads in her hair. Her long dark hair that had a dozen or so dreadlocks, where the beads where, of course. Again, she'd be about the same age as the blond. This girl wore, a pair of high heeled red boots that went up just past her knees, then followed her dark-skinned thighs that went into a short red skirt. There followed more midriff on this girl as she had on a short crop top that started just under her boobs. The red top had sleeves that went down just to before her elbows and then the girl had on a pair of long, silk looking red gloves, that came up to just below her elbow. The black girl all in red, and a bright red so she would always be seen. Of course, Chris saw her alright, and she, JP, the black girl in red was well to his liking. It was also about now that Kelvin's attention was drawn to the stage, the girls up there getting ready and again his eyes seemed to fall on one of these in particular. She was LV and she was the redhead in the group, the one with the long, just part her shoulders hair with that frizzy twist and look to it, the hair that was messy, all over the place. But somehow the hair that looked smart on her and suited this one. The girl with good looks, the freckled face and the beaming smile, the pretty, and kind of sweet looking one. Who again you couldn't put a finger on just how old this young one was? The redhead had her own way of dressing, of showing off, a way that had already got her noticed. Black and leather was her look, tight, black and leather to be precise! High heeled black shoes, that made her the tallest girl there, tight three-quarter length black leather trousers, followed again with more delightful bare midriff up to a short leather crop top. A top that had long sleeves down to her wrists and a zip at the front that was only partly pulled up to show herself off. She was LV, the redhead in leather and Kelvin's eye couldn't get enough of this young beaty. The last man to turn his attention to the stage was Danny, and instantly as he turned, his eyes fell on the brunette of the group, AB. Like the rest of her group she was a girl of an indeterminate age, but she was young and like her friends she was a looker, in many ways. But she was also the very cute one, very cute indeed. Perhaps it was her dark glasses, that gave her an intelligent, with hint of sexy look, or her cheeky smile, along with her natural good looks and long brunette hair tied back in a ponytail. Her fresh, innocent look, but a look you knew was covering a different kind of a girl deep down. The brunette also had her own, cute way of dressing, which had that hint of sexy too, well maybe more that just a 'hint!' There were big, thick, black ankle boots, with a pair of dark blue long socks, long that went on past her knees to the bottom of her thighs. Past those bare thighs was a short grey and beige checked skirts, up to her bellybutton. Past this was bare flesh to a long sleeved dark blue cop top that started just under her full chest. A top that went up to her neck and shoulder, but hugged that upper part of her body. The brunette AB, had certainly caught Danny's attention. That just left one girl in the band who was only noticed by the men lastly, mainly because QT, who was the smallest, of the girls and had been at the back setting up the amplifier. But now she came forwards and they all saw her and they all thought the same thing. Five girls, four men that means 'I can have two!' Each man had chosen his first girl and now that they'd all seen this last girl; they all chose her too! A dark-haired girl with an obvious oriental look about her, this was QT. The stereotypical petite and quite lovely looking girl with that Far East look. An intriguing looks on her, where her eyes smiled just as much as her mouth. The girl had short and very dark, in fact jet black hair, but of course it suited her all too well. But not only did those eyes smile in their own curious way but they drew you into her, into face. Her delightful and quite playful looking face. With that look that 'butter wouldn't melt' but at the same time in her mind she was scheming something up, that sort of a look! Again, she had her own look, own style of dressing, starting with high heeled brown suede cowboy boots, going to her knees with a deferent green lace that went all around the outside and up to the top. Then a tight suede skirts, that looked as if it was made of single strips of beige, green, red strips of cloth, all moving individually as she moved too. Past her bare lower body was a cowboy style waistcoat, crop top, no sleeves and short, plus showing even petite girls can have good full chests. Topped off with of course a cowboy hat, or should that be cowgirl? And all the men could think of was riding this cowgirl! So, this was the band, the girls and suddenly the disappointment of their club closing was overshadowed by the girl band now setting up on the stage to practice their session. The men were concentrating on the band and had all forgotten about the woman behind the bar who'd been trying to get them to leave. "You have to go. Go Now!" Raising her voice brought the men's attention back to here, "you can't stay, were not open and its women only in here from now on." "Pardon?" The barmaid sighed with frustration, 'men! Why can't they just listen and do as they're told?' Again, she sighed and spoke slowly, "Go! Not open", pause "women only allowed in here now", blank expression on all their faces. So, "it's a lesbian bar now!" Maybe they'd understand now. 'A lesbian bar, and dyke music venue', 'well that was different.' But of course, being men and once it had all registered it only caused them to smile and even giggle. Danny and Aaron had already looked back to the stage and where staring at the women there, wondering if the band were all ... ... ? As all this was going around inside their little head, the grins and smiles on the men's faces got bigger and bigger and now the other two had joined them in turning around. Now all four men were staring at the 'Dyke band!' Staring and making up their own thoughts about all this. It was now that the black girl JP who was near to the front of the stage noticed the ogling men stood there, all with a stupid look and grin on his faces. Not impressed with this she called out to them "Yes! Can I help you!" there was a sharpness to her voice, a tone of sarcasm too. Chris carried on grinning, even more now, even if this was the girl that he liked, but now started to look as if she might be a bit annoyed with the staring group of men. "Well if this place is anything to go by, maybe its me that can help you out, if you know what I mean!" The other men all laughter, at Chris's comments, laughed a bit too much at it, as they all had the same idea. Give these lesbian girls a real treat, make them into real women, that sort of thing! And then again, they'd all had another similar thought, five lesbians, four men, so one of them still gets two lesbians to 'play with!' Two girls to turn back to being real woman, those kinds of thoughts! That really was a great thought to have, of 'having two of these girls, these lesbians!' Their obvious first favourite one and of course also the petite oriental girl too. Now that would be a nice threesome they could have, but really, they weren't fussy any two girls would do! Quiet a thought to have indeed, which of course made each man grin stupidly, and it was a thought that lingered for a bit too long inside each man's head. It probably did linger far too long, as the looks on their faces told the girl JP all she needed to know about what these men were thinking. Then again if men could 'think', think properly, then maybe things would be different. Maybe they would have realised by the look on all this girl's face, then the men would realise that they'd crossed the line here. But they didn't think, so there were still some spluttering schoolboy giggles going on, especially from Danny, that really got the young black girl wound up. So much so that she now jumped down off the stage and was storming over to where the nearest of these men stood and the one who'd made that comment, Chris. Then as she got there, SMACK! The black girl JP had struck Chris a swinging right hook, her fist coming around going crashing into the side of this giggling, grinning man's face. The girl had had enough, she didn't need these men coming in here, wasting her time, making 'comments' like that and basically being rude and annoying. But isn't that what men normally do! At the same time as the black girl's fist connected, as the man quickly shut up and wobbled as he stood there the other girls from the band also jumped down off the stage and joined their friend, joined in with ... ... WHACK! THUD! CRACK! All the girls following their friends' example too. It was Kerry the barmaid stood out the way who got the best look at this, and it did make her smile! Chris had wobbled, that blow from the black girl JP had come out of nowhere, it had been hard, fast, had hurt and had also caught him completely off guard. But a simple blow like that wasn't the end of it, now JP reached out grabbed onto the man with both hands and in a simple sharp move, she yanked him to her. At the same time raised a leg to send her knee abruptly into his groin. Chris now juddered as the force behind that strike went deep inside him and it hurt! It took his breath away and all he could do was to close his eyes, screw his face up and try to deal with the pain until it washed away. But the girl wasn't going to wait, so THUD! Another knee and more pain went into this man, to teach him! Close by and Kelvin was the target of the redhead all in leather LV, the one he'd had his eye on and who was now coming for him, SMACK! This man hadn't seen it, he'd been watching in shock what had happened to Chris, that's when the redhead had struck him. A straight punch as she'd got close enough, a fist shooting forwards and into the centre of his face. Not only had he shuddered and taken a forced step backwards, but it felt as his whole face was griped by a throbbing fire. Her left fist had done a good job, now it was time to see what her right could do, WHACK! Another strike, another step backwards, more shock and even more pain, this time with a drop of blood weeping form his nose. Nearby and Danny had also been too engrossed with what else was going on to see the cute looking brunette AB, the one he liked, now heading his way, CRACK! Getting close the cute girl in glasses had hopped, jumped up slightly and thrown a leg out his way. She wasn't that high up but it was just the right height to send her heavy boot out and into this man's kneecap. The suddenly hard hit caused him to jolt violently, flinging his arms out in horror and leaving him open to another strike form her. Still up in the air the brunette in glasses brough her arm around, coming around fast, making contact with Danny's falling head as in came forward. Her forearm pounding into the side of his face to cause even more pain. Lastly it was Aaron who found himself on the receiving end and again it was the girl that he'd first seen and taken a liking to. As now DC the blond in white and pink was taking on another smirking male, Aaron! As she came to him, she went around, spun herself so fast that it just caused this white blur, so this man didn't see the leg being raised, that boot that was heading his way or when it struck him. But he sure felt it, but somehow, he only jolted, didn't move, so it was time to do it all again. This time the blond went around, spinning herself there in front of him, but going the other way, CRUNCH! A second blow, second boot, second high hit, this time to the other side of his face, and this time he did go staggering backwards. At the bar and Kerry liked this, in fact she poured herself a beer and stood there watching. But this also meant that one of the girls from the band had been left out. Now that wasn't right, but it wouldn't be for long! The oriental cowgirl QT wasn't going to be left out, she went for Chris who'd staggered backwards after those strikes to his groin, so he was now swopped! Now he was QT's to work on, SMACK! The back of her hand went straight across the doubled overed man's face, now he had something else to deal with. The strike made him shudder and jerk his body upwards, which exposed him to the smaller girls' next move. The cowgirl spun herself around, all the way and brining her leg up she now sent her suede boot into his unprotected gut, THUD! A driving blow that sent Chris quite forcibly staggering backwards, straight into one of those sets of tables and chairs that were dotted around the open area. This meant that JP the black girl had also moved on, and was heading for the hurt Kelvin. Having gone backwards and more concerned with his throbbing, bloody nose he didn't see the black girl come his way. The girl who'd now kicked out into the side of his kneecap making him shudder and drop down onto one side. Falling towards this new girl whose arm came swiftly up and around his neck. Now using her other arm and hand to get a firmer grip on his head, she now flexed, tightened her arm, still around his neck, pressing against his throat. Squeezing hard, putting fear into the man, as she applied pressure. Then just as Kelvin was panicking, she twisted, turned, let got and flung him away and down to the floor. This also allowed the redhead LV, to move onto Danny, see what she could do here. Having taken a couple of hard blows already, his head was buzzing. So, when the leather covered redhead came his way he didn't see, was unprepared for, WHACK! A full-on blow, a fist, driving into his temple, making him shake and hobble even more as already he was unsteady on his feet. Then side on the girl reached out, grabbed onto him, pulled him further forwards and downwards so he was bent over. Then she got in closer to him so she could, THUD! THUD! Twisting her body, raising her leg sharply, driving her knee up into his bent over body. Pounding his bent over upper body hard, causing him more pain, more hurt. This just left Arron to be dealt with by a second girl, the brunette, AB who'd come over and was now taking charge of this one. She came in behind the man who was already unsteady on his feet after a couple of hard boots. So, he was unready for, THUD! AB's own boot went into the back of his kneecap, sending him down, painfully onto his knees. Now behind him she moves in, grabbing and pulling his head back so he was bent rearward and now looking straight upwards. So, he could see her come in even closer, raise her arm and then brings in down. Down and drives her elbow straight into the man's bent back, looking up face, CRUNCH! A blow that made the whole of his body shake with shock and agony. Again, Kerry still off to the side was now enjoying her beer and the extra show that the girls of the band where putting on, enjoying it a lot. In fact, the barmaid was enjoying it so much she came round the bar, jumped up on it so she could sit there, finish her drink while carrying on watching the rest of it, before going back to work. Now with each man having been hurt, beat and injured by a couple of these girls, it was now a free for all, four men, five girls. A bit of an unfair fight but still it was going to be fun, and now as the girls doubled up against a man each, it was also going to be twice as painful, for the men, that is! But then again, the men had all thought about a threesome, but this certainly wasn't what they had in mind! The first of the men to get a double hit, so to speak was Aaron, the man who was stumbling around holding onto his hurt face. That was until he was grabbed by the well stretched out, reaching hands of the black girl JP. Who gripping the man dragged him to her and also into the path of redhead LV, THUD! The redhead jumped up and pushing her leg up and knee out, so she could drive this into the man that was being flung her way. As that knee struck and the man jolted, the black girl still holding onto him now twisted her body, now raised her leg and drove her strong knee into the man. So, it was a double knee strike for this man. The next man to be set about by a twosome was Chris, set upon by a blond and a brunette. AB the brunette had reached down, taken hold of the man as he sat there on the floor by the table and wrenched him upwards. Up off the floor he came and at speed, straight into, SMACK! His body went tumbling forwards and his face went into the boot of the blond DC. He was only halfway up, when hit, when his body shock, then a second later he was stuck again, this time from behind. AB had swung her body, send her boot into his back, into his spine. More pain as his body violently shook, as another man who'd 'enjoyed' a girly duo set on him. Close by and Kelvin was about to have his own double trouble. He managed to stumble halfway up off the floor, his head spinning as he tried to get away. He staggered along and, THUD! Straight into the brunette AB who turned to see this one staggering her way and, SMACK! A sharp hand, plus a raised knee sent him tumbling back and into, THUD! A second girl he'd bumped into, the small but shapely QT who like her friend wasn't impressed so a raised swirling leg was brough around, striking and again sending him backwards and into, THUD! This was girly 'ping pong', with Kelvin as the ball, as they knocked him backwards and forwards. Last was Danny, he was wobbling around trying to get his breath back, but then and in front of him was stood the black girl JP. He'd raised his head, seen her, tried to turn to get away and, WHACK! As he'd turn there was the blond DC who sent a clenched fist into his body, making him jerk back. His arms flew outwards and one was instantly grabbed by JP who was now stood to his side, WALLOP! Holding his arm up, out the way she sent her fist into his body. At the same time DC grabbed onto his other waving arm, holding this out the way, she struck again with her fist. Now held by two girls and going nowhere, he was all theirs. Nearby, Kerry was still sat on the bar, watching all this and enjoying it. Enjoying it so much so that she leant back, and even though it was awkward, she still managed to pour herself another beer. So, she could carry on watching the show! As Kerry drank her beer, carried on watching, she had an idea. Maybe they could put one night aside a week, and instead of music there was some other kind of 'entertainment!' Something put on for those girls, women here in The City that had a different point of view towards men! Now there was an idea and one that the new management here at the club might well find interesting! Sat there, drinking her beer, watching, looking on as the five girls from the band now went around in one's, two's, even three's and 'dealt with' beat these men. Kerry carried on with her idea in her head as she enjoyed the new show. 'A new type of club, women only of course, but a different kind of club?' Different things going on, music, of course but then maybe a few more 'physical' types of 'events' too! An interesting thought, some events for the women but also involving a man, men v's women events, something like that. Something that was 'interesting' in its own way. By the time Kerry had almost finished her beer and the four men had been pushed for one of the girls to another and another and back again. They had all been hit, slapped, kicked, thrown, punched and tossed around the open area in front of the stage. And right now, it was almost coming to an end as the men looked as if they couldn't take much more. Over to that side and there was Danny, the man who was battered, hurt and who was now on all fours. Having been put down there by the small oriental girl. Which was just as well as on his back and 'riding' the man was indeed the cowgirl QT. The oriental delight who was digging the heels of her boots into his body to make him 'giddy up!' While her thighs squeezed her 'horsey' to get this stud moving! Nearby and Kelvin and Aaron were stood back to back, keeping each other upright, while stood there in front of Aaron was the brunette AB, smacking him, drawing blood with her hard fists. While Kelvin had the redhead, LV stood there pounding her black high heeled shoes into his face. Both men barely keeping each other upwards while the ladies had their fun, then the girls moved around and tried out the other man, just because they could! That just left Chris, who was right now the one who was having two of these girls, or were they 'having' him? The black girl JP and the blond DC, the two girls who were double teaming this one, with fists, knees and feet. Driving, hitting, pounding his body, so that the man was getting beaten 'black and blond', so to speak, by these two band members. The girls of 'Control of the People' were certainly controlling the men here. But this was just a normal Thursday night out here in the City. You should see what goes on, on the other nights out here ... ... !