The Night Before Christmas By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. What will happen the Night before Christmas? The Night Before Christmas It was the Night Before Christmas and all through the house ... ... Or something like that! Well maybe not in this 'house', here it was anything but quiet, peaceful and organised, it was noisy, chaotic and in a right mess. But this was no ordinary house and Christmas was no ordinary time of the year, especially here. As Number 1 The North Pole was a very special house. It was tucked away out of sight of most people and once inside it leads you down into a wonderous world of magic and delight ... ... , Well kind of! Number 1 The North Pole is the home of one very jolly fellow by the name of Mr S. Clause, his long-suffering wife, Mrs Clause, and a house full of Elves, that no one really knows where they all came from. Yes, all the rumours and stories are true there is a real Father Christmas, and on Christmas Eve he was one very stressed out 'jovial old fella!' The place was alive with so many sound and so much going on, Elves rushing here and there, last minutes toys and gift's being sorted, made, painted, packed and put into the right sacks. Mr Clause was going over his list, yet again and Mrs Clause was baking mince pies as if there was no tomorrow. But this was normal here on this day, but somehow the 'team' managed to pull it all together and everything went smoothly on the big day, well most of the time! There was, of course, the odd one or two 'hiccups', well with such a large operation like this, you must expect the odd slight, little mishap, but it was never, ever, anything that big or that bad, well not all the time. This years 'hiccup' was just about to happen, when BANG! OOOOHHHH! Two of Santa's little helpers where rushing around, both carrying important piles of papers, list of naughty and nice people, not the children, the adults. Santa personally looked through all the lists of the children, but there were also lists of naughty and nice adults as well, 'bet you didn't know that?' Now these two list carrying Elves where in far too much of a hurry and ran, without any due care and attention, around a corner and into each other! There was a shower of paperwork that went up in the air and then came slowly floating down to the floor. The Elves looked at each other and 'Oppps!' The Elf in red was carrying a list of naughty adults and the Elf in green was carrying another list of good adults, and now all the lists where mixed up! The Elves knew this was a bad thing and quickly, quietly, scurried around collecting all the pieces of paper and making two piles. There was no time to go through them and sort them out correctly so they just hoped for the best. No one was going to admit to this or the 'Health & Safety' Elf would be involved, and no one wanted that! The Elf in red made one pile of papers and the Elf in green made another, hoping they each got the right pieces of paper! With no time to waste and so much to do, the two Elves rushed off with their 'new' lists. But little things like this happen, it was an accident and it was the busiest time of the year around here, and really was there any harm done, probably not! The Elf in red took his pile of paperwork to the clerk who looked after all the lists of 'Naughty' adults. When he saw exactly where this list of naughty people was from he just shook his head. 'No point in checking that list, if they were naughty and lived there, there was no helping them!' So, the list was filed until next year. The Elf in green took his list of 'Good' adults into Santa's office, as the big man didn't have time to check these lists he relied on his Elf's to make sure that any good list put in front of him was all correct. After all Santa had the children to look after, and they were more important. Now what is not generally know is that any good person gets something at Christmas, but the children get this most, they get the wrapped-up presents. After all they are children. What happen was when a list of good people was put in front of Santa, he would sprinkle some magic Christmas dust over the list and everyone on it would get a little something special. This was all a bit random, someone might get a small unexpected win on the lottery, someone might be a bit luckier and get a bigger win. Someone might find love over the festive season, someone might be reunited with family or a long-lost friend, that sort of thing. After all, if you've been good haven't you noticed that over Christmas some nice always happens? (Maybe you haven't been good then!) The list was put down, the Elf tried to look as guiltless as he could, knowing that maybe there might be someone in this pile of paperwork that just probably shouldn't be there! But he just didn't have the time to check it. Santa looked down at the pile of paperwork and saw just whereabouts this list represented, 'Oh that place!' The big man shook his head, well even this place must have some good people, and maybe the place was getting better, the list of 'Good' Adults looked bigger this year!' Santa sprinkled some magic Christmas dust over the list and so all those on it would get a little treat, a little bit of luck, a little unusual present this year all curtesy of Santa, for being good! The Elf in green took the pile of paperwork away and headed off to file it away, all nice and properly. As he looked down at the place this list represented he cringed to himself, 'please don't let there be too many naughty people that had slipped into this list by mistake, please, not for here!' A long way away in 'the City', and Santa's magic Christmas dust was starting to take effect, as some of the adults of the City where starting to get a surprise Christmas gift. A treat they would never have normally expected. But what 'surprises', 'treats', what 'presents' would some people get, what would happen when you mix up good and naught adults, would some of that goodness and some of that naughtiness rubbing off on each other? What might happen when naughty people with desires, strength and a passion for control where mixed up with good people with hope, sensitivity and an eagerness for something new. 'What indeed would happen? One of the first to find out the effects of that sprinkling of magic Christmas dust was Marc, he was just a normal man living with his wife on the east side of the city. He was a good man, not a saint by any means, but generally just a nice, good man, and so was his wife. This year they had done some charity work, Marc had run a half marathon and raised some more money for a local dog's home. They made sure their elderly neighbours were OK and did some shopping for them, and said hello to all those in the street where they lived. They recycled and even cycled when they could, that sort of thing, nothing major just nice, friendly, good people. But even nice people like this can have their secret thoughts and desires! Marc was at home, his wife was out, gone around to see her Sister about Christmas dinner tomorrow, or something like that. Which meant that the man was all by himself, DING! DONG! 'Wonder who that could be?' Marc answered the door, he wasn't sure who it could be and chuckled to himself that he didn't know that Santa used the doorbell, but as he opened the door 'OH!' The sight that greeted him wasn't Santa but it did fill him with a certain Christmas cheer! There was stood a quite striking and sexy looking young woman, a girl, a female that the man knew, but wasn't expecting especially dress like ... ... 'WOW!' Into the man's house, and out of the cold early evening air stepped Cassie, she was the man's Niece and dressed a bit too provocatively right now for him to think straight. And what he was thinking he should be thinking about his Niece! The girl, Cassie, was dressed in what can only be described as having gone through a major alteration to her school uniform. There was a pair of high heeled school, with laces going up and around her knee length white socks, then a grey and short, pleated skirt. Up further was an old off-white school blouse untucked and tied in a knot under her breasts, the girl's midriff on full display. The blouse was undone and young firm breast where thrusting forwards held there by a very obvious pink bra. All finished off with a Santa hat on her pretty head, well it was Christmas! This was quite a change for his Niece, quite a change indeed. Cassie was always a quiet, unassuming girl, one who never dressed up and was more interested in her studies than anything else. But now the natural good-looking girl had changed all that. The makeup was on, bright red gloss, blue eyeliner and under her Christmas hat her normal short fair hair had pink highlights, it was also scruffy, messed up and somehow made her look, 'Oh My God!' The normal 'good girl' the dedicated student now looked like a trashy, rebellious schoolgirl as she walked in dropped her coat, and a bag of presents on the hallway floor and sauntered through to the living room. Marc could only stand there and hope that his heart, which was beating so fast now, wouldn't burst! Although Cassie had, up to this moment, had always been a nice girl, she was a good-looking nice, good girl. But even so, Uncle Marc had, secretly, way at the back of his mind always wondered, 'what if?' He'd thought about her dressed up in this way, more than once, what he'd like to do to her, and for her to do to him, 'but how'd she'd know this was his wish?' It was all very strange, Marc shut the front door, rushed after the girl who was now stood there, hands on hips, looking 'OH MY!' Was Marc about to have his little secret wish come true? It didn't take long for the man to find out, a few minutes later he was laying back in the settee while Cassie was showing him what she could do with her mouth and his cock! As the saucy dressed girls bright red lips took his tool, Marc wondered if there was another man in this city that had a better Niece than what he had? And was going to 'have!' Well ... ... Over on the other side of the city and another Uncle was thinking about his Niece and how he also had his secret desires for her. But for Owen his situation with his Niece was a bit more 'complicated', he'd been fixated with Nikki for a while now, even when he'd been having the affair with the girls Mother, Julia, his Sister-in-Law! It was then that Nikki had found out about the affair and used it to blackmail her Uncle, for shoes, concert ticket, that sort of thing all paid for by Owen, she controlled his money. But she also found it just as easy to control him in a physical way, she beat him, she humiliated him, she spanked him, she was in total control of him. Owen had come close to being found out, Julia suspected there was something going on, she knew just how manipulate her daughter could be. Owen had also been so close to being caught while Nikki was playing one of her sadistic games with her docile Uncle. Nikki's Father, Owen's Brother, Guy, had almost caught them red handed, that had been a very close thing! All of that had been a bit too close for comfort and Owen had moved away, he had to get away from the influence and control that his Niece Nikki had over him, he had to run away from her. He'd moved to a different part of the city, but even as he tried to stay away, he couldn't, he'd caught a glimpse, seen Nikki, a couple of times. Even by accident he'd watched her as she'd 'played on of her sadistic games' with others. There was something about the girl, something that he couldn't explain, and somehow, she still had control of him. (Reader may wish to read the previous story about Niece Nikki - Say Uncle, Man From Uncle, Uncle's Choice, The Trouble With Uncle & Uncle's Torment) Owen sat in the car across form his Brothers house, Nikki's home, wondering why he was there, why after shopping he'd drove to this part of the city, down this road and parked across from that house? Of course, he knew, he just didn't want to admit it to himself, it was because of 'her', because of Nikki! Owen wondered if there was another man in this god forsaken city that had these sorts of thoughts about his own Niece? Surly not. It was Christmas and Owen though if could have one wish, just one it would be to ... ... BANG! BANG! BANG! The man jumped as the rapid knocking on the passenger window of his parked car, it gave him such a fright. There at the window staring back at Uncle Owen was his Niece Nikki, 'Oh Shit!' A frosty shiver crawled down the man's man spin, there was a twinge in his groin and the rest of his body just gave a quiver, as if someone had stepped on his grave! Seeing Nikki again, like this up close gave him more than just a shudder. It had been months since he'd moved out of the area, and in that time, yes, he'd driven past her school, past her home and spotter her a few times, and then there was that time on the train. But he was sure that she'd not seen him, or had she, had she'd known he was there 'out of sight' still watching her? That moment as the Niece stared at her Uncle through the window seemed to last for such a long time. But then Nikki stood up and slowly walked around the car. Outside it was cold, the early evening had brought a sheet of sleet with it, maybe there would be snow later, but that was the furthest thought from Owen's mind. He watched Nikki in all the mirrors as she moved around the car, then out into the road as she headed back towards her home. Halfway across the road she stopped, twisted around and looked back at Owen, her arm came up she pointed a finger at her Uncle then used it to 'beckon him to her!' Owen looked at her, took in the girl who was commanding him to come to her, his Niece Nikki. She was still the same schoolgirl, the same girl in charge and, surprisingly dressed the same, still in her school uniform. The way she was always dressed when she ... ... took charge of her Uncle! Nikki was a plain girl, a small girl, shorter than the man, a girl who'd not quite blossomed into full womanhood and still had a bit of that stockiness to her body. Yes, she was plain to look at, but not unattractive or ugly, just plain, and for her this plainness worked, it drew the boys at school to her and drew her Uncle to her as well. But there was something else about how she looked, it was as if one minute she did actually look like the schoolgirl she was, and then then next moment she'd look much older. Just like the expression on her face, one moment pure, innocent and then next, mischievous, even nasty. She still had her long dark hair tied in platted pigtails, which again made her look younger, then there were thin lips and those thin rimmed glasses she wore, when she looked through them there was the innocent schoolgirl, when she looked over them there was the mischievous Nikki! Why she was dressed in her school uniform Owen didn't know but he was so used to seeing her like this it wasn't odd. Dressed in those sensible school shoes and the short white socks, up further where her exposed stocky, strong legs and that shorter than allowed pleated grey skirt. Followed further by her white blouse, buttons undone and her school tie with the large knot hanging low down to cover the view of her pushed out chest, all covered over by her blazer. She was a quite a sight, what a sight, and Owen now couldn't help himself from going to her, following, obeying her. As he got out and now followed, Nikki turned back and headed towards her house. The tomboy who was still growing up, walked into the house, which was empty as her parents were out. They were in the process of rekindling their marriage, as Julia's affair with Owen had come to an end. Thankfully Guy, Owen's brother although he suspected 'something' never found out and now it was just him and Julia. They where away for the night and not due back for a number of hours now, and their stronger relationship had backfired on Nikki as now both her parent where 'on her case' most of the time. 'Typical caring parents', making her study, making her tidy her room, no smoking being allowed, making her be nice, what a pain!' Owen knew Julia and Guy where away for the evening, maybe that's why he came around tonight and parked outside the house. As for Nikki, somehow with her parents away she was kind of expecting a visit, so when she saw her Uncle's car pull up and him sitting there watching she decided she was bored and it was time to have some fun! Owen walked into the house, it was quiet, empty, but he knew it would be, he walked through into the living room, and there was his Niece. Nikki stood with her back to him as he now stepped up behind her. She had a hand in one of the blazer pockets and her other hand was taking a cigarette out of her mouth. She blows the smoke out, Owen swallowed hard and wondered to himself 'why, oh why, have I come inside here and ... ... ' WHACK! OOOOHHHH! In a flash as that thought ran around his head, Nikki had moved, spinning on one foot she came around in a flash and struck the man. Even with her back to Uncle Owen she got the distance right, her sensible school shoe swung around, went up and struck, catching the side of Uncles head. The man staggered, the kick was hard and Nikki was back to her normal ways with him, just because he's her Uncle and he's besotted with her, don't think she going easy on him! As he stumbled across the room the schoolgirl jumped, hops onto her other foot, she flicks the cigarette into the staggering man's face, the burning objects makes him flinch. So, he didn't see her lurched forward, grabbed onto the almost falling Uncle of hers and WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! OOOFFFFF! Nikki drags him to her, at the same time she sent one of her strong sturdy legs upwards, her knee drove into her Uncle's groin. A sharp reminder to the man that she was Nikki, his Niece and she was in control of him, her Uncle, again! WHACK! OOOUUUHHH! Still holding onto him the schoolgirl, pulls him closer, twists her body and over the man goes, she tosses Uncle Owen over her hips, dropping the man down to the floor. Thrown by a schoolgirl, that should be humiliating enough for any man, but for Owen to be thrown over by a schoolgirl that was also his Niece, well for the man that was just ... ... ... ! THUD! OOOUUUFFF! As Owen was slammed down on his back a second went by and then it was as if some great force came down on his chest. He opened his eyes to see that Nikki was sat astride him, pinning him down to the floor. As he gasped for breath, the schoolgirl searched her blazer pocket, pulled out her cigarettes, drew out a lighter, lit the cigarette and looked down at Uncle Owen. The expression on her face was straight, no emotion, nothing to say what she was thinking, or about to do! Owen looked up at Nikki and felt a little worried, she looked down at him, blow the smoke in his direction and "hello Uncle, did you miss me?" A moments silence as the man was unsure what to say and "Did you come back to see how I was, Uncle?" The man looked worried, there was something in Nikki's tone of voice, that really did worry him! Nikki took the cigarette out her mouth and moved it down closer to Uncle Owen's face, was she being her normal mischievous self, playing with his mind? "So, Uncle, do we get to know each other again ... ... " her other hand moved up Owen's chest until her hand was close, but not quite touching around his throat. " ... ... do we Uncle, do we get to know each other all over again ... ... ?" There was fear in the man's eyes and an emptiness in the eyes of the schoolgirl! Much later as Uncle and Niece had 'got to know each other' again, after Nikki had beat Owen and hurt him, after the schoolgirl had made the man beg for mercy, after all that there was still more to come. Owen was laid out on the floor, breathing heavily, as he tried to deal with the pain. Nikki strolled over to the settee and reached back behind it, the man knew exactly what was coming next and there was a tear now in his eye. The girl pulled out one of those old fashion canes, the type used to inflict corporal punishment to naughty little school children, but now it was the schoolgirl who was going to use it on her Uncle! Niece Nikki tapped the floor with the cane, an indication for Uncle Owen to crawl across the room to her. The girl watched as the man creeped along the floor towards her and if Nikki was being truthful then she'd have to admit that she'd missed her Uncle Owen and how devoted he was to her. Her current man toy, one of her teachers, a new man at the school, David, he was good, but no one could 'beat' Uncle Owen, no, that was her job! She decided that her Christmas present to her Uncle would be to let him crawl back into her life, and his present to her? Well, she tapped the floor again to hurry him up, she had an idea or two about what that could be! At that moment, there were a thousand different thoughts going around Owen's head, one was 'in this city was there another Niece taking charge of her Uncle?' Back over on the other side of the city and Marc had been stripped, pushed back into the settee and now had his Niece, Cassie, sat astride him. She was giving him a very special present, she was getting into her rhythm as she worked herself up and down on Uncle Marc's cock. What a wonderful Niece she was to her Uncle, he'd be sure to give her something back in return! The Niece was down to just wearing that school tie and the Christmas hat as she pounded her Uncle's tool, riding him hard and fast and hoping to god that Aunty Abbie didn't come home early and catch them! This was certainly turning out to be a very different Christmas! Next on the list to fall under the spell of the magic Christmas dust in the City was also connected with the events of this Uncle and Niece, sort of ... ... ! While Marc and Cassie where enjoying some Uncle, Niece time there was also an Auntie who was looking for a Christmas kiss for her Nephew! Abbie had gone to see her Sister, Helen, on this Christmas Eve. She'd left her husband Marc at home, he was not the best person to bring around her Sister, he wasn't the best person to take anywhere. In any case she'd got a call from Marc's Sister to say that Cassie was going to come around and drop off present, so someone had to be home. As far as Abbie was concerned her Niece Cassie was such a wet swot, and Abbie couldn't bear the thought of having to make small talk with her. The girl was just a plain, boring schoolgirl so Marc was welcome to her! Abbie was in her Sister's kitchen and Helen had just poured her out a large glass of wine, which was very welcome. The two women sat there in the kitchen and talked, about Christmas and how busy it all was, about how it was them, and no one else that had organised it all in each of their household. So much for the men in the family doing something to help! Abbie said that boring Cassie was coming around and she was glad to be here and having to miss that. Abbie wondered if she'd remember to tell Marc that Cassie was in fact coming around, then she laughed to herself 'well it will be a 'nice' surprise for him!' "Can you imagine it Marc and Cassie together trying to have a conversation what a total bore that would be!" Helen laughter imagine being a fly on the wall and seeing those two trying to interact with each other! Both women laughed at that, just then the rear door of the kitchen opened and in walked two young lads, Bradley and Michael. Bradley was Helens Son, Abbie's Nephew and Michael was the friend. The two lads smiled and said hello as they got rid of their boots and coats. Loaded up with bags they had just been out and done all their present shopping on Christmas Eve. The women just looked at each other, typical men leaving the shopping to the last moment. Helen started first and made fun of her Son "have you got my present in there?" that sort of thing. But something made Abbie start "what did you get me Bradley, underwear?" But it was the tone in her voice, Bradley went a bit red and both the women noticed, but the lad got out of it by, "come on Michael let's get out of here." The two lads went off to Bradley's room, to get away from the women. As they left Helen had a friendly go at her Sister "were you trying it on with my Son?" Abbie just took a sip of her wine and smiled, both women burst into laughter, there followed a Sisterly chat about men, sex and how boring married life was. One of the women made a comment about 'a younger model might fire up the engine!' Abbie said "well there's two young bucks in the house and two women in need of ... ... !" Helen splutter at her wine "well I can't have my own Son so that means Michael's mine!" The conversation stooped as both the women wondered where this was all heading, and just at that moment Bradley came bounding down the stairs and went into the living room. Why she did it Helen didn't know, it wasn't like her, but it was if 'something' had stirred inside her, made her a bit more daring than normal. It was now that Helen said "so if you go and see Bradly, I'm off upstairs to see Michael!" Helen got off her stool and looked at her Sister, Abbie at first was shocked at her Sister 'suggestion.' But again, there was something different about her tonight, but something deep inside said 'Yes. Why not?' Helen now went towards the stairs and slowly went up them, heading to her Son's room where the quite nice-looking Michael was probably rummaging through the large record collection there. She had this idea that she might 'rummage' through Michael's trousers! Downstairs and Abbie took in a dep breath and a large swig of wine before she walked into the living room, and there was her Nephew. The tall, slim, lad that although she'd done nothing about it before hand, she did like how he looked, how his body looked and had thought what it might be like to hold that body, enjoy that body. After all her Nephew did have a cute arse! 'Now the time had come, those secret thoughts where now fully there in the front of her mind as she walked into the room, just him and her! Bradly was busy gathering up some wrapping paper that was stored in the side cupboard when Aunty Abbie walked in, he looked up and stopped what he was doing. There was something different about his Aunt. It was her, she still looked the same, and he did like what the saw, of course he did, Aunty Abbie was blond, good-looking and busty so why shouldn't he? But there was something different about her, that look on her face, as she got closer to him, there was this stare she had, her eyes where focused on him, in a strange way! The lad stood up as she got to him, Aunty Abbie pulled out some mistletoe from behind her back and held it up high, having picked it up from the kitchen when she headed this way, as she'd come for her Nephew.' "Got a kiss for Aunty Abbie?" Bradly was a bit shocked he didn't quite know what to say and started to mutter something "I ... ... I ... don't ... ... " But the Aunty didn't wait for her Nephew to finish she just grabbed hold of him and dragged him to her so that their lips met! Upstairs and Sister Helen already had her lips working and her hand full as Michael was unzipped and pulled out ready to receive his Christmas present! Over in another part of the City and another Aunty was also 'indulging' her young Nephew, Clair was an older woman, in her 40's a tall woman with short dark curly hair, dark eyes, a soft complexion and a pair of red, desirable lips. Attractive, maybe even quite gorgeous, certainly to a young lad like Jason, her Nephew, she was, and with her toned body, that curved in all the right places and a large pair of breasts, she was any lads desire. She was also desirable to men, a lot of men and as the woman who owned and knew how to 'use' a judo suit, she now enjoyed mixing the effect she had and the suit she owned and knew how to use! Every so often, maybe quite regularly, the woman would have access to the local community centre, it was all hers to use for the evening. And when it was hers, there would also be someone else there who would turn up to join her there. This would be a man, he might be tall, short, broad, strong, black, white Asian, whatever, whoever, but the man was there for one reason only, to pit himself against the woman. This was her little bit 'fun' that she had, a challenge, a sporting conflict, a contest to see who was better, the older woman who knew her martial arts or a man. It didn't matter what skills the man brought with him, how old or young he was, how strong he was, the challenge was simple, just try and beat her! Many had been invited to take part in this and so far, none had come close to taking this woman down, but still there was a list of men willing to wait their turn to try! And now Clair's Nephew had also been dragged into this world, where men challenge woman, got beat up and lost! The Nephew who like so many, who have an attractive Aunty, fancied the woman. But Jason knew she had some kind of a secret and had followed her here to the community centre, eager to find out what it was all about. He sneaked into the building, hid out of sight and watched, watched his sexy Aunt beat a man, 'so that was her secret!' But he'd been caught and now Aunty had use of her Nephew. (Reader may wish to read the previous stories Aunties Secret, Aunties Private Club, Aunties Visitor & Aunties Addition.) Aunty Clair used her Nephew, in a couple of ways, he was her 'events coordinator!' Which meant when a new man's challenge had been accepted, Jason's job was to arranged everything. Set up the community centre, meet the challenger, show them to the changing room, then out into the 'area' and leave. This was where he would sneak off up onto the viewing gallery, into the shadows to his vantage point and watch her. Watch Aunty dominate and beat the man, defeat him, then she would inflict his last humiliation by milking her foe and leaving him there. Later Jason would help the defeated man back to the changing room and get him away, after he'd recovered. Jason's other duties where to be there for when Aunty wanted someone else to beat up, someone else to humiliate and when she required a young lad to ... ... ! This might all have been great after all it was just his Aunt's little secret, but then again! Clair had 'introduced' Kim, Jason's Mother into her secret and then there was Jenny, the Mother of Elliot, Jason's friend and of course Rory. Now there was a 'club' with three older women, and three young, horny lads. A club where women beat up men, lads who were now servants and sorted everything out and then there might be time for some 'fun' in the shower, or on the mats or somewhere else! This was now Clair's, Aunty Clair's growing 'Private Club', a club for strong women who liked a physical challenge and for eager boys who wanted to serve and could also take a 'physical challenge', when required! But tonight, on Christmas Eve it was the 'club's' Christmas Party, an extra event that had been laid on for the ladies to enjoy, the men had been invited to test themselves and as for the lads, they were there to work, and maybe later ... ... who knows? The main hall of the community centre had been laid out for the party, there where four small mattered area and the eight men that had been invited had all been greeted by Jason who'd showed them to the changing room to get ready for tonight's festivities. Then Elliot had shown the men into the hall, here Rory had told which men to stand in which area, two men per area. Once this was done, Paul, a new boy and friend of the other lads, another addition to the 'club' opened the door to the other changing room and in came the women. Jason's Aunty Clair led the way, dressed in her normal white traditional judo suit and white belt so she gave nothing away. She was then followed by Kim, Jason's Mum, a blond older woman and dressed in tight leather, boots, trousers and a sleeveless waistcoat, with a leather bra under it. She was a woman who did rather enjoy the feel of ... ... Leather! Behind Kim was Jenny, Elliot's Mum another woman of maturity and noticeable for not only her looks but also her long, bold fiery red hair. She was also very noticeable for the way she dressed an all in one rubber catsuit, it was tight and with built in high heeled boots! Today it was red like her hair, or maybe because it was Christmas! Last to come out the female changing room was the newest lady of the 'club', Ling, an oriental woman, small, petite, 30 something with very long straight jet-black hair. She was the woman that lived next door to Paul and was doing him! She wore a very short, silk oriental robe. Dark green and covered in images of dragoons all in gold. The four lads where all in the same year at school and knew each other's, the women were also all friends, this made the club quite 'cosy!' The ladies were all that bit older, mid-30 to mid-40, all mature, attractive and had an eagerness to enjoy themselves, and the lads were eager to please, so everyone fitted in quite nicely here at the club. As the women entered they made their way over to their mats, Aunty Clair with her tall stocky black man and tall white man waiting for her. Kim to her blond Nordic man and her dark skinned Mediterranean man, Jenny to her Asian and Indian man and Ling, to her stocky white man and tall black man. Each lad stood near to his area, where the woman he was 'assigned' to was ready to start. Jason near to Aunty Clair's area, Elliot close by Kim's area, Rory by the side of Jenny's area and Paul next to Ling's area. Each lad set back against the wall, silent, still, head bowed low, like a servant waiting to be called to do their duty. Jason blow a whistle and Auntie's Private Club Christmas Party had begun, SMACK! THUD! WHACK! CRUNCH! Aunty Clair's foot swung around and slammed straight into the jaw of the black man, she turned, changed feet and drove her leg backwards and foot straight into the groin of her other man trying to rush her from behind, SMACK! Kim almost dived at the blond man, driving two clenched fists into him, smashing his face with one hand, sending him flying with the other. Then turning, spinning to her other man, her boot flipped up into his groin, THUD! Jenny flew herself into a handstand, brought her leg up, over and down, dragging her long heels slashing across her first man's face as he went for her. Back on her feet she turns and thrusts herself at man number two! WHACK! Ling went high with her leg into the taller of her men, sending her bare foot up into his chin, then spinning around she dropped down, swishing her leg around and taking her next victims legs away, dropping him hard. CRUNCH! Each boy watched 'his' woman, his female fighter as she sets about and beats the two men set against her. Each lad glad it was not them getting a beating and at the same time jealous it was not him getting the beating, but maybe later? Aunty Clair grabbed the white man, turned and sent him tumbling over, down, slamming him into the floor, then quickly she spins around, jumped and flicked her foot out into the advancing black man's face. Kim's fists were working hard, pounding one man, the darker one, his face, body and low hits to his groin, then it was back to the blond. More hard hits, more, hurt, more pain and bruises, followed by blood dripping from her victim. Jenny spun, turned, sending her legs up high and her high heeled boots sharply into each man, they tried to grab her, but couldn't get a grip, not with her in that suit. Her heels cut, pierced, stabbed the men, her fist pounded and hurt them Ling jumped, kicked out again and again at the shorted man, slamming bare feet into his bloody face. Then changed victims, even though she could reach the taller man's face with her feet she went in low, pounding his tender area with driving fists The boys stood, watched in silence as their fighting 'mistresses' destroyed each man put before them. The lads could see the women were getting warmed up and enjoying themselves and knew it would be their turn next! But first the men had to be completely humiliated. Jason watches his martial arts Aunty knock the last of her men down to the floor, and to finish them off she drags the two men together, knells between them, hooks out their pathetic dicks and now she milks them. With a cock in each hand she humiliates them, pumping them until she makes each man shot his mess all over himself, which marks his final defeat! Elliot also watches, he watches the leather clad Kim finish her men. She takes a man at a time, sits his broken body up and works his prick. She makes the man explode and at the same time pushes his body over, his head downwards so he fires into his own face. A fitting end to both her weak men! Rory squirms as he can imagine, feel each twist and turn of Jenny's heels as they grind into the groins of each of her fallen men. Twisting each manhood and pair of balls with her boots, heels, until it can take no more and has to burst, she's the woman whose boots were made for more than just walking! Paul stares at Ling, the small woman whose dropped both her men, and is now sat on one mans face while her feet are 'massaging' the other man's cock. Grinding her arse into one man's face while working the others cock with her feet. When he shot's, she'll change position, so both men get the same treatment! When the last man is humiliated the lads will drags their limp bodies out and into the male changing room, dump them there so the 'men' can have time to recover. As the lads have watched these men finally humiliation it always amazes them that for 'men' their cocks are much smaller than these 'boys' tools. Maybe that's a reason the women here like these 'boys' so much? Once the 'men' have been hauled away, then the boys return and must now provide the entertainment for the rest of the women's party! Jason will get hit, thrown, tossed around by the older woman. His sexy Aunt who controls him with her martial arts, as she practices her skills on him. When she grabs her Nephew, he's then heading only one way, for a very hard fall! Elliot is dominated by the leather loving Kim; her fists and boots can hurt and make her boytoy beg for mercy. The sound of her strong, young lad pleading with her just makes her smile, so she does it all over again! Rory will get crushed by the rubber covered legs of Jenny and then once she has him where she wants him, shell walk over the lad. Boots and heels will now do their work on the boys hurt body, until he can take no more! Paul can not escape the small oriental woman, her petite, but firm frame, her strong body will break him. She'll give him pain and please at the same time till he can't tell which is which, then she'll make him worship her feet. Jason is thrown to the floor, landing hard on his back and winding him, instantly Aunty Clair jumps on her Nephew and is there straddling him. The older woman pulls at her gi jacket and rips it off her, she's got nicely worked up now and her Nephew now need to do what Nephew's do best, 'he needs to please his Aunty!' Already Jason's Mum, Kim, is working herself up and down on young Elliot. While over on the other side Jenny is happily having her catsuit pulled off her by Rory so he can do his duty and perform for her. Finally, there is Ling who has her legs wrapped around young Pau's head and guiding the lad to where he can best do his work! When the lads have done their 'work' and the women are satisfied, for now, Clair orders the boy off to the female changing room and they are told to each get into one of the shower cubical, get the hot water on, and wait. This is still the club Christmas Party and there is still more fun to come! The lads would be joined soon enough but this time it was a bit of a lucky dip. The women didn't know who was in what shower, lots would be drawn and there would be one woman, to one lad, in one shower, but who? In his shower Jason the hot water starts to flow over his aching body, He wonders who he'll get, this could be quite a good extra Christmas present! Would it be Aunty Clair? Jenny? Or maybe Ling? As he heard the woman all enter the changing room he realised there might be a fourth option 'OH!' A moment or two later and the door to his shower cubical opens, the hot water had been running for a while, the steam had built up and takes a second or two to clear. But in that time the naked woman had entered the cubicle and there she was in front of him. The steamed clears a bit more and now he can see who it, Jason was now looking at ... ... ? Back over in another part of the city and some other older women, an Aunty and her Sister, where also having their own extra Christmas fun ... ... . Michael was enjoying himself as he bucked and thrusted his body, backwards and forwards, as he drove his cock in-between his best friends Mom's large tits. Helen was knelt there having the most electrifying time as she pushed her larges breasts together and allowed the lad Michael to fuck her tits! 'God if he excites her this much just 'playing' with her breasts what would it be like when she throws him on the bed and mounts him?' Downstairs in the living room and Helen's Sister, Abbie was giving her Nephew Bradley a special Christmas blowjob. Her hand moves up onto his big full balls and the older woman knew her Nephew was just about ready to give Aunty a present of his own. This was the season of giving and receiving and Aunty Abbie knew that there would be plenty of that between her and her Nephew this Christmas! Around the City there was a lot more extra Christmas giving and receiving, thanks to the bit of magic Christmas dust that some normally naughty people had got this year. Christmas was still young and there were a few 'other' people who would benefit from the Christmas dust over the coming day or two ... ... ? Story to continue ... ... !