The Mail###s Here By Crossmanx The office routine is broken when the mail arrives! By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. The Mail's Here It was the start of Nicola's first week working at the insurance firm; it was a large firm with an impressive office near to the city centre, which made travel easy for the young woman. Nicola had just finished her business course at college and didn't really know what she was going to do now, so had applied for a few jobs to tied her over whilst she decided what direction to take in her life. She'd seen a vacancy for an Insurance Administration Assistant advertised, sent off her CV, job an interview and got the job. Not that she really knew what an 'Insurance Administration Assistant' actually did, but it was a job, easy to get to and the other women in her section all seemed nice, well most of them. It was coming up to midday as Nicola was sat at her desk, sorting out some paperwork and trying to get her head round what it all meant "everything OK?" Jenny the woman who sat in the desk just across from her on the other side of the walkway was really nice and helpful, she, like Nicola, had joined the firm just after college and had now been there ten years. She knew what was what and what it was like for a new person in their first week there, so kept popping over and helped Nicole settle in and get things right with her work. As Jenny had just finished showing Nicola what to do when the phone range on her desk, "Jenny Price, can I help?" A smile came over the woman's face, "OK thank you" and put the phone down, she turned to a woman sat two desks down "Sandy! The mails here." Sandy smiled and turned to another woman sat a few desks form her presumably to pass on the same message. Jenny turned back to Nicola "you should be alright with that now, I'll be back in a bit if you have any other problems." Jenny, set off towards the elevator followed by Sandy, Nicola looked around the large open planed office, that was covered with desks, partitions and workstations, that was home to around 20 -30 members of staff. But as Jenny made her way to the set of lifts about 6 or 7 other women from different parts of the office also seemed to be following Jenny, must be a lot of mail that comes in Nicola thought. Later as Nicola had successfully navigated her way around the set of paperwork in front of her Jenny and the other woman all stepped out of the lift and returned back to their desks. They all seemed to be in a buoyant mood, but subduing their obvious enthusiasm as that sort of thing would not go down well in the office with the others who worked there. Something else that Nicola noticed was that if they had all gone down for the mail then, as far as Nicola could see, why had none of them come back with any letters, post, parcels or anything? Everyone went back to their desks and work, Nicola though nothing more of it, until later on in the week. A couple of days later and the same thing happen "the mails here" and the same group of women went off, coming back later with no post in their possession! Each week this happened once or twice, and once Sarah didn't come back with the rest of the women, she turned up hours later looking a bit more flustered than normal; Nicola wondered what that was all about. As the weeks went by Nicola got on with her new job, she got to grips with the daily work and made some friends within the office, even going out for a few drinks after work with some of them. She had been there for a couple of month now and had settled in well, got to meet some of the other people from the different departments on the other floors and was feeling quiet good about working there. The only thing that was a bit of a 'mystery', as that was the only word she could think of to describe it, was when 'the mail's here'. As part of her job there she would have some dealing with clients and customers, some of this was by post, but all her mail was given out by her line manager, normally mid-afternoon. So she couldn't quiet work out why Jenny and some of the other girls went off for the mail, there was something strange about it. She'd been there for nearly three months now and was getting on really well with Jenny, the line manager was away on holiday and so Jenny had taken on that role as cover. It was 3 in the afternoon when Jenny came round and placed a couple of letters on Nicolas desk, now the inquisitive young girl took her chance to solve the mystery. "Oh I didn't see you go and collect the mail today" Jenny gave her a confused look "sorry?" "The telephone calls you get about the 'mail being here' then you Sandy and the others go and collect it ... Didn't see you get that call today." There was a pause as Jenny's face slowly turned from a serious look into a suspicious kind of grin "Oh no that's special mail" this made Nicola even more inquisitive "special mail?" Jenny had already turned to walk away when there was something in her friends tone of voice that made her turn back, this time the older woman smiled "yes ... we have a special mail delivery, would you like to see it?" What could be so special about a mail delivery that you would want to see it? But it was in Nicola's nature to be inquisitive, or as her mum would say, nosey, so "OK, I'd like to see it." Jenny smile broadened "I'll let you know when the next delivery is" and with that she walked off. Nicola noticed that Jenny had gone straight over to Sandy and the two women where deep in conversation, Nicola was sure that Sandy every now and again was looking straight at her and smiling, what was this all about? Nothing more was said about the mail, the next few days went by with nothing happened, the weekend came and went and it was mid-week when Jenny's phone went. She smiled and looked over to Nicole then to Sandy "Mails in", as normal there was passing of the message to the regular women in the group that went to collect the mail. Jenny got up and walked over to Nicole's desk "the mails here do you want to come and see what's been delivered?" Nicola smile "yes" by now she was so intrigued now by the 'mail's here' that she had to know what was going on. Moments later and Nicola was with Jenny, Sandy and the other usual women in the lift heading down to the basement area, they all got out, down a long corridor, past the cleaner's cupboard and the storerooms. Then past the mailroom, now Nicola was even more confused, the group turned down a narrow side passageway with a single door at the end. They all went through the door; finally Nicola hoped she would find out what was going on, They had entered into a large basement room, dull grey brick walls, exposed pipes and cardboard boxes that lined the room. But they were not alone there was a number of other woman in the room, Nicola recognised some of the faces, they were woman from all the different departments and floors of the large office block. But they were all women, there were no men there that she could see, Jenny walked into the middle of the room and clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention, and automatically the woman all formed a large circle around Jenny. "Ladies thank you all for turning up and I have the pleasure of announcing that today the Male is here!" With that there was a great cheer, then Nicola could see a door open in the far corner, someone came out, a small part of the circle opened up and a man entered. He walked into the centre of the circle, the women still cheering, shouting and wolf whistling "Ladies!" Jenny calmed them down " ... ... and we also have someone you all know, here's Tricia!" Another door opened and another gap in the circle appeared as a woman, Tricia, now casually walked through, just as the man had. The man and woman stood either side of Jenny, which gave Nicola the chance to take them both in properly. The man was in his early 30's Nicola thought, tall with a rouged handsome look about him, he was dressed in a pair of red shorts with matching boots, like the type a boxer would wear, he also had on a pair of figureless gloves, again the type a fighter or sportsman might use in the gym. He had a good body, he looked strong and fit, with a tanned Latin look about him that Nicola quite liked. The woman was also dressed in similar boots and gloves, but was also wearing a more flattering pair of matching blue tight shorts and cropped top. She was a blond, mid 20's or so, with a firm looking body, no stranger to the gym Nicola thought. "Ladies today we have Marcia from accounts to thank for bringing todays Male in, her husband and Tricia's opponents for today." The woman all cheered again and Nicola noticed a woman opposite her that all the others where applauding and thanking, she must be Marcia. "Now then, remember the rules, take your opponent down, make them submit in any way you can and you win ... " Jenny spoke to the two opponents " ... and remember who every wins also gets to have the other one ... as much as they want!" "Ok ladies, the Males Here and the game begins ... " Jenny quickly stepped out the way WHACK! Tricia struck first; she hit the man who was unprepared for her quick assault CRACK! And even more unprepared for her second strike, she was pleased, so much for her fists 'now have this' she spun round, aiming to drive her foot into the side of his head. But the man was now focused and ready for her next move, he ducked down WOOOSSSHHH! Tricia's foot past clean over the top of him, giving him a clear open target of her exposed back THUD! He took the opportunity and smashing his fist into her, driving her forward and off balance, she topped forward, in pain, but also into the group of women that formed the circle they were fighting in. The women caught their friend, jeering the man at the same time, Tricia turned quickly she throw herself into a cartwheel move, aiming at the man. He was shocked by her move and how quickly she came at him, but this time didn't move quick enough CRACK! As she came out of the cartwheel move her foot came down hard and slammed into the man's chests, the rest of the women cheered at Tricia stunning move. The man was sent staggering backwards, but before he could fall too far Tricia followed up her tumble with another spinning kick. And this time she got it right, she caught his in his gut, the force of it making the man now hurtle backwards. He fell into the circles of surrounding women, who grabbed him and sent him tumbling back into the middle where SMACK! He ran straight into Tricia's foot, blood splattered out as the strike slammed into his face, the stunned man wobbled and staggered around THUD! The woman's fist now followed up her foot; she struck him again and again, the man took his punishment well she thought, 'let's see if he can take some more!' But she took too long to make her next move and the man saw this, he drew on all his strength, throw himself forward and stuck out, his fist found its make on the blonds jaw, knocking her hard, spinning the woman round and toppling her over THUD! She fell to the floor, the man had taken her down and it felt good, he raised his arms in triumph 'Yes I'm the man!" He turned around, looking at all the females around him, pumping his arms in the air, the woman where all jeering and booing him, and he loved it. He'd taken the woman down in front of all her friends,the all-female audience, 'yes it felt good to beat the woman' then WHACK! OOOWWWHH! A fierce pain gripped him, the bottom of his spine felt as if it was on fire and about to burst. In his moment of glory when he was showing off he'd taken his eyes of the woman he was meant to be fighting, thought he had taken her down, believed he'd won. But she had other plans, yes she'd been hit by him and knocked to the ground but that's where it stopped, no man was going to do that and get to boast about it. When he'd turned round she' got to her feet and WHACK! She had drove her foot hard into the base of his spine, delivering the most painful kick she could to the man. He dropped to his knees, the female audience cheered, he went to grab the bottom of his back to comfort the painful area, but the woman had other ideas. As his arms came round she grabbed them and held them, then CRACK! She drove her knee hard into the man's back, then pulling his arms backwards as hard as she could she pushed that knee further into his back. He cried out in pain, much to the female audience's pleasure, she had him in her hold, and applied the pressure. Tricia pulled him back and pusher her knee forwards in an attempt to hurt the man as much as she could. Her hold was good; he couldn't get out of it and his pain was too much "submit ... SUBMIT!" He cried out and the audience cheered, Tricia released her hold and took her bow, she'd won. Nicola was shocked, amazed, thrilled and even a bit envious of Tricia and what she had just witnessed. After watching the contest she now got it 'The Males Here!' and not 'The Mail's Here', now it all made sense, well sort of. Some of the woman from the circle now grabbed hold of the defeated man, they brought him back up onto his feet and took him away to the door that Tricia had entered the room from. Jenny stepped forward and hugged Tricia "go and enjoy you victory" the blond smiled and set off to where the man had been led. Jenny went over to Nicola "now Tricia has some time to enjoy her victory and to enjoy him, after all the winner takes all here." With the fight over the woman now headed back to their offices, desks and jobs, Nicola was almost in a state of shock for the rest of the afternoon, had she really seen a fight between a man and a woman. Had it been as violent as she had thought and had the woman really won? As work finished that day Jenny and Sandy came over to Nicola, they invited her to join them at the gym where they trained and practiced for these 'Mail ... Male deliveries.' Nicola went along, she had always enjoyed going to the gym and she still needed answers to a number of questions floating around her head ... ... In the gym and "were ... were do all the men come from?" Jenny gave a chuckle "we have our own supply and sometimes we invite the men down from the sales department for a ... ... party! And there is the other option of bringing in your boyfriends and husbands!" Just when Nicola through it couldn't get any more wired 'boyfriends and husbands!' Jenny smiled and laughed at her naive friend "Oh yes last month my boyfriend was here, entertaining us" Nicole looked shocked " ... and the Male next week, that will be my husband." Shocked turned to almost disbelief 'husband next week!...and boyfriend last month!' "Obviously we have a rule that you don't go up against your own boyfriend, husband, you just bring them in as a present for one of the other girls, I know Paula has always fancied my husband so they will fight next week, though it would be good to set them, should be a good match." "So would you like to take part or just watch?" Sandy asked the question that Nicola knew someone would ask ... ... The next week and Nicola watched as the tall black woman, Paula, from HR entered the circle of women, in her white boots, gloves, shorts and cropped top and stood opposite the new 'Male's Here!' Jenny's husband was as tall as the woman; he was a broad man, in his early 30's and a man who trained hard, and was going to fight hard. It was a bloody contest as fists and feet flew from both the man and woman SMACK! The man's fist landed on the woman's jaw sending her flying THUD! The woman's foot pounded into the man's gut doubling him over. The fight was long and hard and, he had the upper hand, then she came back and had was dominating, then he would be on top. It went from him to her and back again, until the superior determination of the black woman triumphed and the man was put down more and more. As a small trickle of blood ran down from the woman's lips she grabbed hold of him WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! She powered her knee up into his stomach; she deliberately avoided his groin as she was going to win and wanted his cock ready and in one piece for her. The woman drained the man of his strength and energy, at the same time hurting and injuring him, she exhausted him so he was no longer able to fight back and defend himself any more. She finished him off by using her strong arm around his neck and squeezing hard, cutting off his supply of air making him tap out before finally making him pass out. Nicola was even more excited by this fight than the last, she wanted to be part of this, and as she watched the downed man being dragged off ready for the victorious black woman to claim her rewards, Nicola could see the other benefits of the contest apart from just winning. Over the next few months Nicola went to the gym after work and met up with several of the woman that attended the 'Males Here' events, she trained with and learnt from those women. Nicola toned her body and developed her muscles, she learnt skills and improved her strength and was becoming a different woman. She was ready and soon her turn had come, one day at work and early in the morning Jenny came over to her desk "he'll be here today, are you ready?" A nervous Nicola nodded, the rest of that morning went very slowly for the woman until Jenny told her to go and get ready. A short time later and Jenny informed Sandy and the rest of the girls that 'the Male's Here'. As normal the women came from all the different floors and departments, meeting up in the basement room. Nicola was off in the side room already changed into a set of yellow boots, shorts and cropped top. As she pulled on the fingerless gloves she could hear the cheer from the next room that told her that her opponent had entered the circle. The woman took in a deep breath and headed for the door, she was met by a wall of sound, and her heart beat a lot faster as she made her way through the women and into the middle of the circle. There was Jenny and the man, a tall black man, he was the husband of Sandra from Administration, The man was taller than Nicola, but she didn't care, he was well built, strong, with a good firm body, Nicola liked, a lot. She bounced up and down a couple of times and shook her arms. "Ok ... " Jenny started things off "you both know the rules, take your opponent down in any way you can, make them submit and you win ... " The woman all cheered again "remember the winner get to take the other ... as much as they want!" Nicola looked the man up and down 'yes she was going to have him' Jenny turned to the audience "Ok ladies, the Males Here, the game begins ... " Nicola struck first, hard and fast, her fist drove into the man's face, she wanted to win, she wanted to beat him, she wanted him and she was going to enjoy it ... ... ... WHACK!