The Generation Game By Crossmanx at - Comments and ideas welcome Where those of all ages come together for a bit of fun! The Generation Game Elliot scanned around the room and by the looks of the gathered people there he didn't think he would be staying too long here, "what's the matter, 'Oh' let me guess not enough woman here and the ones that are here are not up to you standard." Elliot turned to see a man who looked just as bored as he was "you know Harvey you got it in one." Harvey and Elliot where sales reps at the annual meeting of the confederation of ... ... well whatever 'association' 'foundation' or 'institution' it was this week. Both men where regulars at these meetings, attending a boring conference, trying to look interested and then taking their chances during the breaks, lunches and evening gathers to get that sales to meet their targets and get that all important bonus. These men where good at what they did, and had got to known each other over a number of years by attending the same conferences, exhibitions, seminars and meetings. So far this month had been alright for Elliot, having already reached his target and there was still a week left in the month, so he didn't need to 'work the room' to get more sales. He'd got two small sales from this event and next week he knew he could easily get two or three more, should he wish, so he could sit back a bit. After all, if he went too over his target for the month, then next months' target would only be set higher, he knew how to 'play the game'. This was the evening gathering to finish off the two-day event, and most of the delegates where now in the bar of the High Court Hotel. It was a classy countryside hotel and Elliot had planned to have a few drinks, chat up and score with the best looking woman here and then go for a round of golf tomorrow morning before heading back home to his wife. Unfortunately, the confederation of cardboard box manufactures didn't seem to attract too many women; well in fact it had attracted four women. The problem was that two of them where just plain ugly, one looked like a Russian shot-putter and the last 'woman' had a better moustache than his father! "Right I need to get to work" Harvey checked his supply of business cards, "still need a few orders for the month" and set off to charm the gathered people into doing business with him. Elliot finished his drink as was about to make an early nigh of it when the door opened and in walked a woman, immediately grabbing Elliot's attention, as she headed over to bar to ordered a drink. Elliot stayed where he was and studied her, she was about the same height as Elliot, and wore heels, dark shirt and a blouse, the skirt was tight fitting with a reveling split showing a shapely set of legs and a slim waist. The blouse was patterned and, like the skirt, fitted, the buttons where done up, or undone, just enough to show she had just as good a set of breasts as she had a set of legs. A pearl necklace gave you something else to look at part from the ample cleavage. But it was her face that Elliot was also drawn to, she was an older woman, much older than Elliot would normally have gone for. After all he was only 32 and she must be ... ... late 40's, at best, No! More likely older than that. Her face showed her age, but in a good, an attractive way, with only a few lines around her dark and intriguing eyes. Her face was thin, shapely and with an interesting mouth, her lips were thin, but not too thin, and as he now made his way over towards the bar he could make out the 'sophisticated' lines that came from her lips. She was wearing a set of dark rimmed glasses that she now removed and placed on the bar as she waited to be served. She had fair hair probably quite long, but, he reckoned, it had been put up in a hurry and had that untidy yet quite attractive look about it. Strange he thought how some women can spend hours doing their hair and you would hardly notice it, yet here, this woman, had taken a couple of seconds on hers and it looked really good. He didn't know what it was but there was 'something' about this woman, Elliot was good at reading people and she was, she was 'interesting!' If he had to use three words to describe the mature woman they would be alluring, assured and stylish. The woman snapped her figures, the barman instantly turned to moves to her. "That's a good trick, wish it worked for me" Elliot tried to broke the ice as he introduced himself, the woman replaced her glasses, looked the younger man up and down, then turned back to the barman "gin and tonic" "make that two". Elliot held up his wallet "on me ... ... after all I couldn't gain his attention that quickly." She smiled at his bit of charm, then she held out her hand "Evelynn ... ... Evelynn Abbott ... ... And you are?" First stage over, he now knew her name, "Elliot Standford, are you here for the conference, I don't think I've seen you before, I'm sure I would have remembered if I had." Not the best line and as soon as he'd said it Elliot thought to himself 'idiot!' There was a slight pause as the woman, Evelynn, looked a 'little unimpressed' to say the least, but then, thankfully, a slight grin came to her lips. But even so Elliot wasn't sure if it was a grin of indifference, irritation or a grin of slight amusement? "Is that your best chat up line?" still with that slight grin on her face "No I was waiting to use my best lines until after I had brought you a drink" She smiled, they both laughed, and with that the ice was indeed broke! Elliot found out that Evelynn was part of the conference, in a way, she was in fact the hotels conference co-ordinator, and although she didn't admit to her age, Elliot's reckoned his initial guess was probably right. She mentioned a daughter and a bad marriage so Elliot though she would now just be looking for fun rather than commitment and that suited him fine. A few more drinks where consumed and the tactile side of the woman came out as she laughed at his jokes, placing her hand on his arm and generally relaxing. And so the evening carried on in this 'friendly' way. Elliot had suggested a 'nightcap' back in his room, to which Evelynn had surprisingly agreed to. He'd not really been into 'older women' in the past, not since he'd been a spotty face school kid, but even back then his idea of an 'older woman' wouldn't have been this kind of old. Even so this 'mature' female really did have something and Elliot was hooked by her. Yes, she was older than him, maybe quite a bit older than him, but she was also very sensual and attractive. As they walked to the elevator he slid his arm around her slender wait, she felt firm, he body felt good even strong, no middle age flab there, which he liked. In the elevator he even stole a tender and intimate kiss, things were going well! By the time they had reached Elliot's room they were ready to rip each other's cloths off, as the fell through the door, literally, Evelynn already had Elliot's shirt off. As they tumbled onto the floor trying to get at each other Elliot at least had the presence of mind to use his foot and kick the door shut, for some privacy! On the floor the woman straddled the man, off came her blouse and bra, Elliot was impressed for an older woman her breasts still looked great, large and firm to the touch. They felt even better than his wife's, but it wasn't just her breast that impressed the man, it was also the rest of her body. Elliot's hands moved over firm breasts but also her well-formed legs and arms, her toned upper body, both front and rear and her defined muscles. She was incredible, again he'd not been into strong women before, but this woman was showing him what he'd been missing out on. This older, stronger and well-developed woman was amazing. For the rest of that night Elliot was put through his paces by a woman who knew exactly what she wanted, and how she was going to get it. She used every part of her body and her great experience to drain every last drop of pleasure out of the man, using her legs, arms, hands, mouth, tongue and breasts to get what she wanted. The woman made him cum and cum, he had done his best to please her, and he had succeeded, even if it had taken a lot out of him to do so, she gripped him hard and held him, even hurt him a bit, if he was honest, as she orgasmed and enjoyed herself. At some point he'd collapsed with fatigue, but it had been worth it, after again she had used her body against his to drain him. It had been one hell of a night for the man, but eventually exhaustion had taken over and he fell into a deep sleep with a great big grin on his face. Sometime later and Elliot woke up, he looked around, his cloths where scattered around the room, the bed looked as if a bomb had hit it, the mattress was half off the bed, half on the floor and Elliot was strewed across it, but there was no sign of Evelynn. The man was disappointed but also a bit relived as he struggled to get up and head for the shower, he didn't know if he could 'perform' again in this state. He looked at his watch, he might just be able to get a late breakfast, but he thought it best to forget the game of golf. As he staggered over towards the shower he kicked something, he looked down to see a book, a small woman's note book. Elliot examined it, on the inside it said Evelynn Abbot and gave her address. The man smiled, she must have left it deliberately to get him round to hers, to bring it back, and that meant another session of fucking the hot older woman. He showered, grabbed some breakfast, well needed nourishment, booked out the hotel, a quick call to his wife to say he would be late as he had a few deals that he needed to sort out and he set off towards the nearby town and Evelynn's place. Later on and Elliot found himself outside Abbot Tower, it was an old building that had been converted into apartments, well three apartments, each taking up a floor of the block. At the door Elliot noticed the three buzzers and name spaces Flat 1 - Jess, Flat 2 - Natalie, Flat 3 - Evelynn. He presses flat 3's bell, there was a buzzing sound and Elliot pushed the door letting himself in, as he entered the building 'Yes! She'd left the notebook for him to return to her, the dirty old ... ... Oh nice looking apartment block' Elliot was impressed with the inside, the old building had been done up very nicely there was even its own old style elevator, which he took. On the third floor landing the door to the apartment open, it was Evelynn, she was simply dressed but still looked great in a pair of tight dark trousers and a white top. "Oh!" she was surprised to see him, but due to his eagerness he didn't pick up on that to start with "you left this behind." Elliot held up the book and handed it over. As she took it, he moved closer and slipped his hand and arm around her and kissed her cheek "what are you doing?" The woman was shocked and cross at his action and Elliot was confused and surprised by her response. "The book, you left it for me to bring round so we could ... ... " " ... so we could carry on from last night, is that what you mean?" There was a silence that made Elliot feel slightly small and embarrassed "last night was just a bit of fun ... well it probably was for you more than me." He was taken aback with what she'd just said 'what did she mean by that, surely she enjoyed last night like he had!' "I don't ... ... " She gave him a confused look, then "Oh my poor boy you really think that I'm going to fall into your manly arms and let you take me" she gave a little laugh as she turned around to go back into her apartment. Elliot was now annoyed more than anything else with this woman, he reached out for her arm "now then why ... ... " She stopped, not due to the man holding her but 'because' he had reached out and held her! Her head turned slightly towards the man behind her "you had better let go of me!" Her voice was cool, calm and authoritarian, but Elliot ignored this he wanted his say "Look here I ... ... " THUD! OOOUUUFFF! The woman's free arm had come driving backwards, Evelynn had slammed her fee elbow back into the man body, taking him by surprise, she'd struck him hard, winding him and hurting him at the same time. The shocked Elliot doubled over and gasped for air, the woman's hard blow had certainly done it trick, he released his hold and was stopped in his tracks. Now she could have left it there, he had learnt his simple lesson, possibly, but she was now infuriated with him and wanted to show him just how annoyed she was. The older woman took a step to the side and WHACK! Her other elbow came thundering backwards, but this time it was aimed somewhere else, his face. The man was doubled over, due to the first strike, and now his head was just in the right position for the woman to 'make her point, again!' As her elbow hit home Elliot staggered and wobbled, a second powerful strike that had now injured the man as blood started to trickle from his wounded nose. The stunned man was now at her mercy, he was too dazed to react, so he was hers to do with as she pleased. Another step to the side and Evelynn's arm came around and grabbed the man in a headlock, she flicked her foot rearward and up WHACK! OOOOWWWW! Her aim was spot on as the heel of her shoe went heading into his groin, pounding into his 'tender area' and again inflicting more pain into the man. Her leg came back again, but this time it wasn't 'just a flick' this time she put some force behind that, the man called out again and once more his cries of pain echoed around the hallway as stairwell as she pounded the heel of her shoe into him some more. With his attention full focused on her now, and still with him in that headlock, the woman turned sharply and fully around, dragging the man, by his head, as she went around. Elliot went over, around and across, was taken off his feet, tossed over her hip and down to the floor THUD! If all that wasn't bad enough then came her other foot, pounding into his body as he lay there on the floor, kicking and stomping the man, sending him rolling across the floor until the doorway into Evelynn's apartment stopped him going any further. But now she was starting to enjoy the man, or was that enjoying what she was doing to the man? Elliot felt a strong hand come down and drag him upwards. It was painful being hauled up by his hair, but that pain soon disappeared as another took over THUD! Something hard, strong, powerful slammed into his chest as he was coming up, it completely took his breath away and when the second blow struck his chest, he thought he was going to die ARRRRHHHHH! The second time she drove her knee into the man was also when she released her hold on him, it was amusing to see him go flying backwards after that strike, and to see him wheeze and splutter for air as he'd gone backwards and was now floundered on the floor. That second hit had sent the man flying through the doorway and into Evelynn's apartment, which was a bit upsetting as she hadn't meant to 'invite' him in! If Elliot had been in any state to notice he would have seen that the apartment was well suited to the woman, it had a stylish and classical look of wood and fabrics to it. There was impressive and expensive looking traditional furniture, some elegant antiques and stylish paintings along with classical wall coverings, graceful drapes and well-chosen accessories. Chic and stylish, both the apartment and the woman, but all Elliot could focus on was the pain right now WHACK! UUUHHHHH! This strong woman set about him with her shoes, hitting him hard and making him suffer, he was powerless to do anything, she was too forceful, too ruthless for him. Elliot had never known any woman like her, which was a kind of a refile but didn't help him in his current situation. Evelynn had about had her fill of the man now, enough of him and it was time for the man to leave, she grabbed him by his hair and dragged Elliot along the floor and out of her apartment onto the landing. She throws her fist into his body a couple more times, just because it felt good to be able to do that to him. Out on the landing she drags him up onto his feet WHACK! A hard blow that he although didn't see it come his way he thought it felt like her shoe had just collided with his face. He was driven backwards, staggering around like a drunk, then WHACK! Another harsh blow and Elliot tumbled back even further, he even dropped down to one knee but some inbuilt reaction made him push upwards as if he was trying to wobble and regain his balance. But as he attempted to get back up WALLOP! An even harder blow struck, all Elliot knew or could feel was a sense of flying through the air, there was this muffled sound as he went 'floating' then THUD! It all went silent and black for the man. Evelynn had knocked the man towards the top of the stairs and even though he'd not come up that way he was now going down that way! Her last blow had taken Elliot off his feet sending him flying backwards and tumbling down the stairs. There at the top of the stairs the older woman now looked down at his body in a heap on the next floor down. The woman then just turned, satisfied he'd leant his lesson and went back into her apartment leaving him lying there. It had been some time later, how long he didn't know, when Elliot started to come too, his aching, hurting body reminding him of what he'd been through with that older, stronger, woman! Then there was another woman's voice, but thankfully it wasn't Evelynn's "Oh! You poor man, what ever happened to you?" He was helped up by this woman who then supported the man as she led him into what was obviously her apartment there on that first floor. The apartment was quiet contemporary, sleek lines on the furniture with modern fabrics on the sofa and chairs, a scattering of bold and colourful cushions and curtains along with fashionable paintings and art work. But all of that was lost on Elliot as he was helped into the bedroom by the woman and placed on the bed. The man lay back and rested and fell into a deep, healing and restful sleep. When eventually Elliot awoke it was semi dark, but as his eye adjusted, "your awake then?" It was the voice of the woman who'd come to his aid. He could see her clearly now and she wasn't that bad looking either, with shoulder length mousy coloured hair that had probably been more reddish when she was younger. An attractive face and about the same age as the man, maybe a year or two older, but that was all. She was sat on the side of the bed in a bathrobe, but it was open enough to display some full cleavage, which was a very nice thing to wake up to! The woman had a quite attractive and captivating smile "I'm Natalie, I take it you had a bit of a run in with that women from upstairs?" Elliot now started to go a bit red, embarrassed with the fact he'd suffered at the hands of 'that woman', and the fact that somehow she'd managed to get one over on him and with what she'd done to him. "Don't worry it's not the first time and you'll probably not be the last to fall foul of her, but let me see if I can 'sooth' your injuries." With that Natalie stood up, undone her bathrobe and revealed her firm, athletic, naked body to the man 'Oh God!' She looked stunning, a strong, toned body with firm, large breasts! It was now that Elliot realized that he was also naked, this woman, Natalie, must have stripped him whilst he slept, but with how good she looked he wasn't complaining. As the woman now climbed onto the bed and onto him, Elliot wondered how long he had been here, what time it was, what day it was, was his wife missing him and worried, of course she was! But in a second all those thoughts had gone as his hand now grasped the woman and moved up her toned body. Just as it had been with Evelynn and now with Natalie it was the woman who controlled the sex, as she straddled him so she took charge and fucked him. Natalie pinned Elliot to the bed and rode the man for all he was worth, but to his credit Elliot rose to the challenge, even though he was still tried and hurt from his encounter with the older woman he was determined to give this new woman all he could. Forget the beating he had received, and how he so wanted to forget it, how often do you get a chance 'to fuck' two stunning women like Evelynn and Natalie? Or in his case 'be fucked' by two awesome women like Natalie and Evelynn. After God knows how long Natalie was finally content and fell asleep, much to Elliot relief as he didn't know how much more he could keep this up. So he too drifted off into much needed rest and sleep, he would worry about what excuse he would come up for his wife later, and so he slept. Much later and he woke up, it was light so it must be daytime, there was no sign of Natalie but he could hear a shower going in the background so assumed she must be in it. He found his clothes, pulled on his boxers and nervously pulled out his phone from his trousers 'Shit! What? It was WHAT day! How many missed calls and text messages? SHIT!' He sat back down on the bed and quickly texted a message, 'had to stay on to sort out a deal, no power in battery, couldn't find phone for a while' and some other crap. He hoped he could talk his way out of this one, just then Natalie came back into the bedroom, dressed in just her underwear, she looked good, very good. Elliot's cock took over as he reached out and grabbed onto the woman's to drag her over to him so they could enjoy some more fun, after all he was in enough shit with his wife so being a few more hours late wouldn't matter! "What are you doing?" Natalie had a look of shock and surprise as she stared down at him, but Elliot just smiled back up at her "well I thought we might have some more fun before I go?" The woman's face become a little irritated at this "I've had what I wanted so you can now go!" Her words were straight to the point and emotionless, Elliot was the one who was now annoyed as he griped her arm and "now that's not very ... ... " WHACK! The 'irritated' woman now showed the man that she wasn't in the mood for this, her leg had swung around and ploughed into the side of the man's head, breaking his hold on her hand and shocking him. Then she took a step closer to the stunned man and SMACK! She'd brought her leg around again, but this time raising her bent leg up even higher, so that the side of her knee could now slam into the side of the dazed man's head. The blow was on target and powerful, sending him, painfully, off the bed and down to the floor. On the floor and Elliot tried to shake himself around, 'Surly this couldn't be happening to him again could ... ... ! ARRRRRHHHH! Whilst down on the floor, trying to clear his head, a pair of strong hands come down on him, grabbing his wrists, both of them, the man was dragged up onto his knees by the woman who was now behind him. Then THUD! a sharp knee had been placed in his back, as his arms were still being pulled back harshly! The woman wrenched his arms back, pulling hard and driving a sheathing pain down his arms, shoulders and back. She yanked back on his arms, pulling harder and harder, the more he cried out the more she heaved and jerked his body backwards, whilst also pushing it forward with the point of her knee. In Meadville times this would have been considered torture, but now days and to some it was just 'role play' or something like that! and to Natalie it was just a way of inflicting her will over 'this man!' To Elliot it was just too painful to bare, as he felt his body being almost ripped apart by this surprisingly strong woman. Then suddenly she let go and the pain stopped, Elliot lurched forward, instinctively his arms came out to stop him falling to the floor, but as he did this the pain once more shot through his throbbing arms. As his arms came down to stop him and the pain shot through them his body once more naturally jolted, so he was now knelt upright and WALLOP! OOOOOHHHH! There was a painfully, sharp blow to the side of his head, whatever she'd done had not been seen by the man, all he now knew was a dizzy sensation and the fact that he was now face down on the floor, again. As he lay there, more sharp and painful blows were inflicted, this time to his exposed back as the woman brought the heel of her foot down, crashing into his spin. She stomped on the man, hammering her foot into him as if trying to extinguish a fire or destroy a horrible bug ... ... Maybe that was indeed what she was trying to do THUD! THUD! THUD! Her foot came down and down again, pounding the man until he thought she was surly going to break him and he could take no more, then just as a tear started to roll down his sorrowful face, she stopped! There was nothing only silence, for some reason this was even more scary to Elliot, he'd so wanted her to stop, but now she had it was 'slightly' worrying OOOWWWHHH! But this moment of grace by the woman was short lived as she now grabbed hold of him by his hair and pulled him up and along. She now dragged the man across the floor and out of her apartment, this all seemed very familiar, as if he's been here before! Natalie dragged Elliot out of her apartment and on to the landing where she hauler him up onto his knees and WHACK! OOUUUHHHH! The woman brought the back of her hand crashing down across his face, the strike cut his lip, adding to his injuries and bruises, SMACK! Her fist now came down and dropped the man cleanly to the floor, just right for her to THUD! Now her foot slammed into the side of the man, knocking him along the landing and towards the place that she had planned for him WALLOP! UUUFFFHHHH! More hard kicks followed as the man was driven along and to the top of the stairs, just where she wanted him! As he realized where he was a horrible thought came over him, Elliot brought up his arms to try and plead with her not to ... ... WHACK! OOOHHHHH! THUD! He should have known his begging wouldn't work just from the look on her face, contempt at best, disgust and loathing most probably! As she stood in front of the begging man there she jumped up, the kicked out, her foot shot forward into his pleading face and drove the man over the top of the stairs, making him tumble, fall and bounce down the steps all the way to the ground floor and back into unconsciousness, again! The man's cloths were thrown down the stairs after him and the woman went back into her apartment, leaving Elliot there laying on the ground floor of the apartment block. Time went by and finally he did come out of his dark sleep, he remembered what had happened to him, as his body again told him that. He realized he'd been through hell yet again at the hands of a different woman this time, he'd expected to find himself at the bottom of the stairs, but as his eyes started to focus he was sure he was somewhere else! He was most certainly not on the floor in the main hallway of the apartment block, no, he was in a room and large room, a living room of some kind, but where? The room was pink! and covered in posters of boy bands and such like. The floor was covered in an array of different and colourful rugs and mats with a scattering of bean bags and other such lazy furniture, a real 'girlie' type room. But that though gave the man an uneasy feeling as he realized he was laying on the floor of this room still in just his boxer's. But before he could do anything about it there was the sound of a key being used from the outside on the main door to this room and then it was opened. In walked a young woman, a girl and from the way she was dressed Elliot surmised a schoolgirl. There were the shiny black buckled shoes and white shock, then a pair of sturdy legs and a shortish grey shirk. Up further was a scruffy looking white shirt that was untucked and looked as if it could do with being thrown away from the faded ink blots on doddles on the sleeves. Her top buttons were undone and there was some cleavage on display, which gave the man the impression she was a senior schoolgirl and also an attractive one. The bit of grown up make up she had on did nothing to hide her natural good looks, all finished off by her, messy but kind of cute, short red hair. As she came in the girl stopped and looked down at the man, in just his boxers, she then smiled "your awake then?" The girl turned to the side and throw the satchel and tie she had in her hand over to a small desk with a scattering of books around it, obviously her 'study area.' Then she strolled over to Elliot, who thought it best to just carry on laying there until he could find out 'what the hell was going on here!' The girl stopped just in front of him, close enough for him to make out his own blurred appearance in her shiny shoes. "I'm Jess, I found you outside on the floor by the stairs yesterday." 'Jess that name had been on one of the buzzers when he'd first entered the apartment block, so now he was inside the bottom apartment with this schoolgirl, Jess!' "Did those terrible women from upstairs do this to you, was it one or both of them, which one was it and what did they do to you, did they ... ... " The schoolgirl went on at him, she talked fast and without taking a breath as she questioned him. But Elliot was more interested in the fact that she had said she found him 'yesterday', he'd lost another day! His wife would kill him! Then he saw a pile of his clothes by the side of the door, 'his phone!' Elliot ignored the girl and pushed himself up off the floor and staggered over to his clothes, all the time the schoolgirl was still questioning him " ... ... what did she do to you, or was it both of them, did they take you into their rooms and ... ... " One hand grabbed onto the door handle whilst the other rummaged through his cloths, but he couldn't find his phone 'Shit!' He pulled the door open, grabbed his trousers and was about to pull them on "hey mister you're going nowhere I ... ... " An angry, confused, annoyed, with himself more than anything, and scared, at what his wife would say, man, snapped at the overzealous and talkative girl. "Where's my phone, have you seen it?" The happy, smiley chatty schoolgirls face now dropped, she was not impressed with this man who'd raised his voice to her. She stepped closer to him as he fumbled around with his trousers WHACK! He wasn't looking at her so didn't see the irritated look on her face or her fist that came around and slammed into the side of his jaw. Elliot's head spun, jaw ached, legs buckled and trouser dropped back down to the floor, now the schoolgirl pushed up her sleeves ready to THUD! OOHHHH! She'd grabbed onto the wobbling man's head to steady him whist she shot her knee up into his body, THUD! Again her knee came up into him, this time she drove the air out of him, as the thought 'NO! Not Again!' echoed loudly in his head. The schoolgirl Jess now garbs Elliot, turns and throws the man over and back down to her floor THUD! He falls face first into one of the many rugs on the floor, only to then feel great pain as, now, a younger females hand comes down and grab a handful of his hair to lever him back up onto his feet OOOWWWHHH! She gets him back upright then grab each of his arm, she's stronger than she looks, she quickly looks behind her and WOOSSHH! OOOUUUFFF! THUD! The schoolgirl falls backwards dragging Elliot with her, then shots her foot up into his gut and as she falls down onto her back, she flips the man over and through the air. He goes flying, sent hurtling through the open door of the girl's apartment and out into the hallway, where he lands on the hard floor with a hard, loud bang. As he rolls around in agony on the floor there is a new sound, not the sound of his moans and groans but of footsteps. The sound of two pairs of feet coming down the stairs from the apartments above. As the footsteps stop Elliot can see up the stairs, his heart sinks even further as there is stood both Evelynn and Natalie! Both women are smiling, which isn't good for Elliot, "so Jess what do you have here?" The schoolgirl is now out of her apartment and also looking up at the other women, Jess didn't look to happy to see them "you know who he is Granma, both you and Mum have already had your fun with him and kicked him out!" 'Mum! Granma!' Suddenly it all made sense, the name of the building 'Abbot Towers' the older woman Evelynn Abbot. Mother, Daughter and Granddaughter all lived in the same building, just on different floor with their own apartments. Three generations of Abbots, 'how stupid could he have been not to realise this?' "I found him so he's mine now!" 'That didn't sound good either' Evelynn and Natalie looked at each other and sort of had to agree that Jess did have a point. "She does tend to go for the waifs and strays doesn't she?" Natalie noted "Hmmmm and after all she has been asking for a pet of her own as well!" 'This defiantly didn't sound good at all.' The two women grinned at each other, as if they had already 'planned this!' "We'll tell you what Jess, you can keep him ... ... " The schoolgirl face beamed at this " ... ... if you do Grandma and me one small favor." Jess' face dropped as if she knew what was coming "what do you want?" Natalie now beamed "just a few 'things', if you get me that new supply teacher of your and you get Grandma those two lovey boys' you've been hanging around with lately, then you can keep him, deal?" Jess huffed "I suppose so" then she went storming off in a sulky mood to get the 'thing's' her Mother and Grandmother wanted. 'It was always the same Mum and Granma get what they want all the time, me I have too ... ... ' And off Jess went! That just left Elliot, alone, with the older Abbott female, Evelynn and Natalie, the older woman's foot rolled the man onto his back so he was looking up at them, as they now stepped off the stairs and around him. But the look of shock and 'mild' terror on his face was quite amusing to them. Natalie held up a phone that Elliot recognized, his! "Now then, I've spoken to your wife, we had a good chat ... ... " 'OH SHIT!' " ... ... let's just say you don't have to worry about getting in touch with her anytime soon, and when Jess comes back with our entertainment for the weekend we'll going to have to hand you over to my daughter ... ... " "and my granddaughter ... ... " The women, now stood either side of Elliot looking down at him, each towering feamle placed a foot on to the man's chest, he could feel their shoes and heels now pressing down on him. " ... ... so let us explain fully the rules of the Abbott residence and how you are to behave. We will make it very clear to you, so there is no misunderstanding, exactly what we expect ... ... !"