The Age of Adversaries By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. When experience & wisdom meets youth & skill who will triumph? The Age of Adversaries The local Downham Green sports club was a place for likeminded competitors and participants to take part in the various different sports and activities on offer in a friendly and good natured manner. It was all about the taking part and not the winning, so long as everyone had a good time ... ... Well that was the idea! That was apart from the C's and the D's, the C's where Colin and Clair Cunningham and the D's where Derek and Dianna Duggan. Each of the men were ultra-competitive, they belonged to as many of the sports teams as they could and wanted to be the best at everything they did. That was all well and good, to a point, but it was also these men's desire and hunger to be the captains of each team they belong to that caused the friction between them the most. Plus the men had different views on how each team should, play, train, prepare and execute each game and match they took part in. Which just added to the tension that was brewing between them. Colin had a view that hard work out on the training ground, come rain or shine was the key; his years of involvement and the wisdom he had gained over the years had told him that. His key players would all be from the older men on the team, the ones with experience. As for Derek he wanted to use all the latest methods, diets, machines and equipment to exercise. The modern way, train those muscles and develop those skill using science and technology. Derek's keys players would all be the young men, those willing to accept new ideas and change. The men's two different approaches and philosophies where often aired during time spent at the sports club whether it was on the playing field, on the courts, in the changing rooms or when in the social lounge. But also with all this was the men's wives Clair and Dianna, both women were eager to back their husbands and they almost seemed to enjoy making 'comments and jibes' to each other. "I see you've been baking again, Derek looks as if he's put on a couple of pounds recently!" and "I see Colin taking his doctor's advice and slowing down now days." Today was a 'normal' day at the club when the Cunningham family walked into the social room, Teddy the club's Honorary Secretary looked up to see Colin and Clair enter. The couple where in their 40's, Teddy couldn't remember exactly how older but Colin was around 47 and Clair about 43 he thought. Both where quiet tall, Colin the tallest and both had great bodies for their age, the couple were always at the club using the facilities and pushing themselves in whatever they did. With them was their son Freddie, he sometimes accompanied his parents and would be off to college soon, or was he already there, Teddy could never keep up with the clubs members and their families. The Cunningham's soon settled into their normal seats in the room and a young waiter went over to take their order. Colin took his son over to the large trophy cabinet where the latest cup was on display that one of 'his' teams had won at the regional finals. The waiter set out the mats for the drinks that he was going to bring over and while no one was looking Clair ran her hand up the young lad's leg and gave him a little squeeze. No one but Teddy saw, in this place he might not know everything about everyone but he knew about peoples 'activities!' He had been at the club, in one capacity or another for a long time and was almost part of the furniture, which was why most people forgot about him or didn't really see him, even when he was there. The waiter came away to get the drinks as Colin and Freddie returned back to their seats, as they sat down the doors opened and in walked the Duggan's. 'Here we go again' Teddy thought as he watched the younger black couple as they headed towards their normal seats. Derek was 24 and the oldest in this couple, but only by one year. They were about the same height, and a little bit shorter than Clair, this was something that the Cunningham's loved to take advantage off. Grabbing any chance to stand next to one of the Duggan's and look down on them. But Dianna and Derek knew this and tried to keep their distance, not given the Cunningham's any opportunity to get one over on them. The Duggan's were a young family, no children and were also into their sports, fitness, and their looks, and both of them did look very good indeed. Both were attractive, both wore fine cloths and they both looked after themselves. They were known for trying any new fad that was out there, whether it be fitness, nutrition, diets you name it. And of course all the latest equipment, gizmos,' gadgets and machines, if it was on the market then they had it. As the younger couple made their way to their seats, Dianna moved Derek out of where he was going to seat so she could have that sport. Teddy moved himself around to the other side of the bar as he suspected why Dianna had wanted that particular seat. Just then the waited returned to the Cunningham's with their drinks and was drawn into conversation with Colin, over by the Duggan's a second waited was speaking to Derek. With the men distracted the women now looked at each other, and Teddy was in a position to notice that Dianna had on her normal unemotional expression as she looked at Clair. But then the attractive black woman's eyes moved slightly across to where Freddie was seating and Dianna smiled, 'a Duggan smiling at a Cunningham, that never normally happened ... ... ' Unless there was something going on, maybe that was why Dianna had wanted to sit in that seat, because of the view?' Teddy smirked 'if that were so, then the cat would be truly be put amongst the pigeons'. The young lad also looked up and caught Dianna looking at him, he went bright red, but Clair had noticed as well and the look on her face now was a picture She was just about to say something to her son when the waited interrupted and put her drink down in front of her. Freddie saw his chance to escape and said to his Dad that he was going for a quick look around and was gone. Clair watched her son's hasty exit, wait till they all get home she's got a few questions for that young lad! Just then Robert, the club president came into the room with another man, they stopped, spoke briefly and then shook hands. This other man then headed for the main door, but as he left "you should hear about you're clubs new activity registration by the end of the week, goodbye." Immediately the ears pricked up of both Derek and Colin 'New activity registration ... ... A new team?' Just what Robert didn't want as both Derek and Colin got up and made their way over to him "A new activity Robert, what is it?" Derek was keen as always, as he had proposed a number of different sports to be catered for. "So who's going to be in charge of this new team, Robert, who's the best man for it?" Colin didn't even want to know what the activity was just that he wanted to be in charge of it. For the next couple of minutes or so Derek and Colin battered poor Robert with question after question and giving him suggestions and making comments "OK gentlemen OK, the club is looking at reinstating the old boxing club, after all we have the facilities in the old club building across the road and it's been a number of years since the old coach left so we thought we would try it again to see how things go." By now the three men had been joined by the wives, who were also joining in the 'conversation' "so Robert have you got the keys with you?" Colin asked "keys for the old building, why yes, but why do ... ... " "Good lets go and have a look at the place." With that Robert was whisked away by Colin to go and have a nose around 'his' boxing club! Clair quickly followed and not to left out Derrek and Dianna rushed after them. As the Cunningham's, Duggan's and Robert all left a nervous looking Freddie popped his head around the corner "don't worry lad they've all gone off on one of their little mad capped schemes ... " he looked relived " ... ... and if you'll take my advice ... ... Don't get caught!" Again he went bright red and slipped away, Teddy laughed to himself, 'what it is to be young' he pulled himself off his stool and slowly made his way over the road to the old building, 'if you don't poke your nose into stuff around here you never find out anything.' The old building was exactly that, and was across the road from the main club building, it had been a number of different things over the years and came into the possession of the club many years ago when they were planning how to expand. But the tennis courts had been put elsewhere and the building had been left for a while, until one of the clubs old boys had tried to bring it back to life as a boxing club. It had been pretty successful for a while but the swimming pool development and then the multi gym rooms, saunas and everything else had meant that interest had fallen off. Once the coach had left there was no need for the boxing club anymore and the place had been shut and locked up. But now the committee had felt that it should give the place another try and see what they can do with it. Robert unlocked the large double main doors and everyone quickly moved inside to examine the place. Colin and Derek where like kids in a sweet shop, their eyes wide open as they took in the smell, sound and look of their surroundings, of 'their new boxing club!' It was a large building, high walls, no ceiling just the roof, which gave it a grand look and also made the acoustics great. The room was long and oblong, a full size boxing ring stood in the middle of the top three quarters of the room with down at the bottom quarter was an area set aside for training, with an array of bags, mats, mirrors, benches and other stuff. Both Derek and Colin could see the potential but from different angles and both the men told Robert their view of how the new club should be run. "We should leave it like this, yes clean up by everything is perfect we ... ... " "No strip it all out, down this side we can have all the latest training equipment so we can maximise ... ... " "Keep the place tradition, go back to the old blood, sweat and tears approach that's how you get results and ... ... " "We need a modern, technical and scientific approach here to ... ... " "Gentlemen, gentlemen this is all too much we haven't even decided who's going to oversee this and ... ... " Robert was again hounded by both men and now the women joined in as well. "Will you be allowing women to use this facility, after all women can use everything else in the club and ... ... " plus "They even have female boxing in the Olympics now so we can also have it here and ... ... " There was no rest for Robert as he was set upon by all four of them, as they now went about 'pointing out' their own view point on who should be in charge. "SHUT UP!" Everyone turns to see Teddy, who had finally made his way over to the old building "what do you ... ... " "Shut up I said" Dianna does as she's told, for a change, as everyone is shocked at how 'old' Teddy has been so forceful with them all. Then he tells them what he thinks "you two are too competitive and you're stuck up wives are just the same ... ... " "Now look here I ... ... " "I said shut up and I won't say it again." The Cunningham's, Duggan's and Robert are seeing a different side to Teddy and they all quieten down to let his finish. "Good, now then, you two want to run the new team, God knows why as between you, you run all the teams and groups here and you're both a pain in the backside. So here's how to sort this out." Teddy grabs an old stool, stands it up and sits down "you want to run a boxing club then the pair of you fight it out and whoever wins is in charge, end of story!" 'Now that's not a bad idea' both the men thought. "Hell, to make it more interesting your wives can even join in ... ... " Dianna and Clair look at each other, even they liked that idea. "On week from today at 2 O'clock, we'll get the cleaners to give the place a once over, make it tidy, you four come back here for a private match, no one else here just you four. And the two that come out of that ring the winners are in charge, a husband and wife team in charge, how does that sound?" There was a moments silence as Clair and Colin looked at each other and Derek and Dianna also turned to gauge each other's thoughts. "It's a deal" Colin and Derek said together, as both men now relished the idea of fighting and defeating their closest rival that the club. The Duggan's and Cunningham's looked at each other, rivalry, contempt and loathing in all of their eyes for their opponents. One week to prepare for the ultimate challenge, the two couples then left, not a moment to lose in preparing for the fight. As they left Robert went over to Teddy "what have you done?" Teddy just smiled "I don't know but it'll shut them up for a week at least!" During the next week the couples went through their own training schedules, the Cunningham's where up at 5 O'clock out in the rain and cold for a 5 mile warm up run. Then straight into the local park for exercises, shuttled runs and as many pulls up on the children's climbing frame as they could. Meanwhile the Duggan's where up at 6, a nutritious breakfast followed by some relaxing Tia Chi to get in the mood before getting into the gym and pushing those weights and hitting those machines. Derek and Colin worked themselves hard but Dianna and Clair pushed themselves even further, as they were now involved in all this the women where sure that it would not be them that let their side down in the upcoming fight. The Cunningham's practiced at home, in the park and in a boxing club in the next town, just to get the feel of what it would be like. The Duggan's went to the gym used every piece of equipment available, watched videos and studied strategies, until they were fully prepared. The week went past quickly and a lot of blood, sweat and tears, along with plenty of tactical study, conditioning and nutritional intake was undertaken by the competitors. It was the day of the fight to decide who would win the fight and who would be in charge of the new team. Robert and Teddy where both there, they showed the Cunningham's to their dressing room and the Duggan's to theirs. Then once everyone was in a settled the men left, they headed across the road to the club and to the bar, by now after seeing the intense looks on all the competitors face, even Teddy was having second thoughts about all this. In the dressing rooms the couples changed and as 2 O'clock approached they made their way inside the main hall to the ring. The clock on the wall had been wound up and sounded its chime as 2 O'clock arrived and the two couple where now in the ring. The Cunningham's in the red corner and the Duggan's in the blue. In the red corner stood Clair and Colin, the man in his red boots, dark coloured tight shorts and boxing gloves and the woman in a matching red boots, tight dark shorts and equally tight cropped top. The mature white couple looked good, their fine bodies a testament to good living and hard training. And in the blue corner the Duggan's, the younger black couple, again they had gone for a matching outfit of yellow boots, tight white shorts, and a tight white cropped top for the lady. Which all went to show off their youthful toned and well-formed bodies. There was a couple of minutes of just staring at each other trying to work out what their opponents had been up to over the last week and how they would approach this fight. Plus also it gave each person a good look at the other couple, at this stage the men thought that maybe the tight shorts had not been the best idea as the woman they were looking at, and not their wives, looked dame hot! The women were also quite impressed with the hunks of meat in the opposite corner as well! The silence was broken by Derek who took off his boxing gloves throwing them down onto the canvas of the ring and "shall we make this more interesting?" Colin smile 'Yes he liked this idea' and his gloves were off in a flash, soon the women followed suit as the four of them, with just bandaged hands made their way to the centre of the ring. Colin was stood opposite Dianna, with Derek stood opposite Clair, but the men were not interested in who they stood opposite as their eyes were fixed on each other "so how is this going to work then man verse man or what do you ... ... " WHACK! Before Derek could finish Clair had given him his answer as she let her fist fly across and straight into the black man's face, Dianna was shocked as her husband staggered backwards she had not expected ... ... THUD! Now a strong white male fist lashed out and caught the black woman off guard and across her face. Now she fell back under the sharp blow that struck her. The Cunningham's plan of attack had worked, Colin went to give Clair a high five, pleased that his strategy to strike first had worked so well and to take their opponents by surprise and above all ... ... SMACK! WHACK! The Cunningham's confident opening move hadn't been followed up and the Duggan's had come back with a vengeance. Derek had slammed his fist into the white woman whilst Dianna had got her own back and struck hard at the older white male, now it was the Cunningham's that were on their way to the ropes. The fight had begun! Colin and Clair didn't make it as far as the ropes before they steadied themselves; they looked at each other, annoyed that the Duggan's had managed to strike back. Clair was also 'slightly' agree with Colin that he had done that stupid high five instead of carrying on after the Duggan's! Time to hit back WALLOP! THUD! The Cunningham's moved forward, and quickly, Clair kicked out sending her foot straight into the black man's gut, he called out at the shock of being hit so hard and having the air driven out of him so quickly. Colin flew himself at Dianna and grabbed the woman around her torso, then took her down to the floor, his strong arms and hands all over the toned black woman's body as he now wrestled with her on the canvas. Clair moved in on the stunned Derek grabbed onto his broad shoulders and dragged him downwards, at the same time she throw her knee upwards to pound it into his body SMASH! She drove her leg up again, smashing her knee again into the strong man's body, now she cupped her hands and pulled them over and around his neck, so she could keep him bent over and control him. On the floor Colin was 'enjoying' himself a bit, his legs had gripped around Dianna's body and his hands seemed be everywhere as he tried to subdue and overpower the feisty woman. As Clair sent more vicious knees up into Derek's body, she managed to look over at her husband and was not best pleased as she noticed he had hold of the woman around her chest. Dianna had an impressive chest and Colin had a good hold of it! Clair stopped her pounding of the man, then throws him to the side, releases her hold of him and flinging him downwards, the man stumbled, fell and tumbled to the floor and straight into Colin and Dianna, so breaking the white man's lusty hold on the attractive woman. Colin looked up to see what had happened and was now staring at his very 'unimpressed' wife, she would be having words with him later about his wondering hands. Now the white woman made her way to Derek who was on the floor, she moved her concentration back onto him as she went to grab onto him WHACK! OUUUHHHH! But Derek shot his foot up and into Clair's stomach now, winding the woman and stopping her in her tracks. Colin winced as she saw what Derek had done, 'he would ... ... ' ARRRRHHHHH! Suddenly a strong elbow was brought down hard into his gut as he lay there looking up at his hurt wife. Dianna had caught her breath, rolled over and struck him, she was now getting her own back. Now it was the Cunningham's on the receiving end as the Duggan's took control, Derek again shot his foot into Clair stomach, giving him some extra breathing space to get to his feet and WHACK! A sharp backhand sent the woman staggering backwards as she fell into one of the corners, then Derek rushed her and THUD! He drove his body hard into her, using it to press against her and push her hard against the corner post. Meanwhile Dianna had moved slightly, raised her leg and WALLOP! UUUUUHHHH! She brought the heel of her foot down hard into Colin's groin; no one gets a free grope of her! The black woman then manhandled the hurt white man in position and OOOOWWW! She slapped her legs around his head, getting the man in a painful and secure head lock, she grip him hard and firm, there's no escape her hold. As she held him there, enjoying how she was overpowering him, and now she could see how her husband was enjoying pushing himself against Clair. Now it was Dianna's turn not to be impressed at how her husband was enjoying thrusting his body into the white woman's, and he was 'thrusting' her a bit too much for her liking! Still with a firm hold and control over Colin, Dianna, twisted and turned the poor struggling man so that he rolled over and WHACK! Dianna flicked the man so that Colin's legs flew around and now slammed into the back of Derek's legs, just at the right moment during his thrusting so that the sudden knock to the back of his legs surprised, whacked and jolted the black man. Derek had been concentrating on his thrusting too much, so the shock of being shoved in the back of his legs had stunned and overbalance him THUD! He fell back and onto his arse, which pleased Dianna no end, she was so happy with her move, but she lost a little too much concentration as well and loosened her grip of her man and WHACK! Colin broke her hold and lashed out, hitting the woman and freeing himself at the same time. Clair also saw her chance again and returned the compliment by thrusting her foot forward and down to where Derek lay, but she didn't aim for his gut, she had a better place for her foot to slam into and make her point. Derek called out as he now rolled around in agony, next to him Colin was scrabbling to his feet but Dianna was still close enough to shove her foot into his arse and send the man sprawling, allowing her time to get to her feet and into a better position to carry on the fight. With both men on the floor and now both women stood up Dianna and Clair looked at each other, it was an intense stare, nothing was said but it was as if there was some female connection and understanding. Both women now looked down at the men on the floor and together they WHACK! CRACK! They both kicked out and Derek and Colin where again in pain. Colin was then dragged upwards by his hair by the black woman and ... ... OOOUUUUU! She used her strong legs on his again, this time in a standing headlock, squeezing hard and enjoying his pitiful squeaks and cries. Clair also reached done and pulled up Derek, then when he was on his knees WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! The white woman held him with one hand while she pounded his face with the other. The fight had now taken on a different look, it was no longer the Cunningham's versus the Duggan's, it was now the men versus the women! And it seemed as if it was the women that where the ones that were on top SMACK! Dianna's releases her man then spins, her foot came whizzing around and struck Colin hard THUD! Clair drags her man up onto his feet, grabs onto his arm and now throws the man clean over her shoulder and down to the floor. The door to the old building slightly opened as both Robert and Teddy peered in, they had wanted a sneak look at who was winning, the Cunningham's or the Duggan's. So were shocked to see Dianna dishing out high swivel kicks and knocking Colin in one of the corners where she now had his trapped and could dish out even more. Then there was Clair who was knelt on top of Derek as she pounded him with her fists, driving the injured man further and further into the canvas with each blow. "Oh Teddy what have you done here?" The two men quietly closed the door and went away, 'the club would never be the same after this!' The women carried on with their beating of the men, Clair dragged Derek up and throws him into a corner so she could carry on beating him, but upright his time. Whilst Dianna has perched herself on the ropes either side of the trapped Colin so she could be up high and rain down her fists into him. The women looked over to each other, seeing they were in opposite corners, then that female telepathy started to work as an idea formed. The women then stopped and grabbed the men by their arms and swung then out into the middle of the ring. The battered men were sent hurtling, and like some well-rehearsed wrestling move they go slamming into each other SMACK! They staggered around as the impact shocked and disorientated them. Dianna garbed onto Colin and slapped on a sleeper hold, she enjoys the feeling of draining away the taller, stronger man's supply of air and sapping his resistance out of him. It gave her a great sense of power and was a very erotic feeling; she was really enjoying this boxing club thing! Meanwhile Clair used her fists on Derek hitting him hard, again and again, she could see how her clenched fists were hurting him, marking his face and body. It gave her the strangest feeling as she hit him, as she hurt him. She could see exactly what she was doing to him, she was destroying him and she liked it and how it made her feel. After a few more well aim hits both Derek and Colin fall down, the women had put them on their knees now and they looked down at the men, pleased with their new found female superiority. But not yet satisfied that they had completely won, Derek and Colin were once more dragged up to their feet and THUD! THUD! At the same time both the women lashed out at the men, Derek was sent spinning around, blood splattered from his swollen, battered face as he wobbled and stumbled. Colin toppled and fell against the ropes as Dianna's harsh blow slammed into him, virtually drained the man of everything he had left. WHACK! Derek was once more knocked backwards; he staggered under the severe blows and ended up falling back into one of the corners of the ring. Clair wiped the sweat from her brow and slowly made her way over to where the black man had fallen and was trying desperately to rest and recover. But the older white woman had other plans CRACK! As she got just close enough her leg came up and around, a lazy but effective swivel kick straight to the battered man's face. But not happy with that one, Clair puts all her energy into throwing herself into a swivel kick that again slammed into him THUD! The blow pounded the man's head and took him, finally down and into the dark depths of unconsciousness. On the other side of the ring Dianna strolled over to where the white man was hanging off the ropes, which were the things that were keeping him on his feet. The black woman gritted her teeth, lurched forward and grabbed Colin by his head, then spinning him around and taking him off his feet she throws him into another corner post. The man groaned in pain as his back slammed into the post, then cried out in agony as Dianna followed this up with a kick to his gut WHACK! She winds and hurts him, and then grabbing him and getting closer, she now enjoys pounded him with her knee, as he slowly slips down exhausted and broken CRACK! Her knee shots up into his jaw, finally taking the man out and completely down for the last time. Both men have fallen and are out, the women finally smile, then realised it's just the men that are down; they turn around and look at each other. Clair can see the black woman standing over her defeated husband and Dianna stared at her beaten husband and the victorious white woman. Begrudgingly the women had to admit that the 'other' woman was quite good and probably deserve to win, there was some mutual respect there, but neither of them would admit it. As for their husbands 'performance', well both women are bitterly disappointed, and this would not be forgotten. The fight could go on, Clair verses Dianna, but without having to say anything the women knew that that was enough for today, at least. Without taking their eyes off of each other the women reach down and grab onto the man at their feet, pulling them both upwards by their hair and slapping them into some kind on semi consciousness. So that the woman can then make their way out of the ring as the winners and head back to their dressing room, dragging their 'prize' away with them. Again without speaking the women had come to an understanding about the fight, what they had achieved and what they now claimed. Maybe the next 'discussion' the men could have shouldn't be about experience verses youth or wisdom verses skill, no maybe the next discussion should be about women verses me! And maybe the women should now take over the role of team captain's; after all they had just displayed how good they were! Terry did say whoever came out of the ring as the winners would then run the boxing club! Yes the women remembered that and liked the sound of that, now it was their competitive side that was come out. Much later as Derek and Colin began to recover fully and they both came to, the men noticed they were back in the changing rooms, but something was different it wasn't their changing room. "Arrh you're awake!" The older white man was now looking up at the attractive black woman in her short bath robe and the younger black man was gazing up at the stunning older white woman wrapped in her towel. As the robe and bath towel hit the floor the two men were now put through a 'different activity' that would challenge their stamina and skills, as maturity and youth collided in an 'alternative sport' ... ... !