Summer Getaway By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. A chance to getaway for it all and for everyone to have some fun! Summer Getaway It was a gorgeous day, the sun was high and hot, the sky was blue with not a single cloud to be seen, there was the slightest breeze that was coming in from the direction of the sea and to the woman it looked a perfect day. The double doors that lead out onto the balcony were pushed open and the woman whose room this was walked out into the bright sunlight. She stood there for a moment still holding onto the door handles of both doors as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the clean tropical island air. It smelt and tasted good, she opened her eye and looked out and down onto the grounds of the very stylish villa where she was staying. She was a mature woman, sophisticated and clever, a hard working woman who was careful, creative and diligent in her work. Some might have even said she was manipulative and untrustworthy, but those who would say that wouldn't say it too loud just in case they were heard! This idyllic holiday island she was on boosted a very well to do a classy hotel, The Utopia. But this woman wanted a bit more privacy and with the aid of a few 'contacts' she had managed to arrange a stay at the very luxurious villa of the very wealth and little heard of Mr Jonathan Mason. This villa came fully 'staffed' and allowed her, and her guests, to 'indulge' in some of their more private delights! The woman was dressed in her long silk purple dressing gown, as she scanned the villa grounds she could see that her 'companion's' where already up and out as they too enjoyed the various extra's that where available here. The woman looked back into her bedroom, the younger oriental woman was still asleep on top of the bed after her gruelling session with this woman. She would probably go back to the woman on her bed later, but for now she sat down at the table on the balcony, picked up the telephone and ordered tea. She would enjoy the sun, her tea and watching her guests, as she was sure something 'interesting' was sure to happen! At the rear of the stylish villa was the gardens, swimming pools, tennis courts, relaxation area and lots more. The main swimming pool had a number of smaller pools nearby, all of different sizes and depth, and all interwoven with the well maintained and stylish gardens. From high up it all made a pretty pattern, and for a relaxing and carefree environment. In the main pool was a lone swimmer a young blond woman who was just finishing her morning lengths of the pool, nothing like a good swim to exercise the body and keep it trim. With her last length swum she made for the steps, grabbed hold and pulled herself out. As she came out there was a great whoosh of water that fell about her, the sound and sudden movement on this hot lazy day was noticed by all those around the lush, stylish villa garden and pool area. The woman had made her present felt as she now made her way over towards a table with a towel hanging over a chair, as she got there, one of the men standing a little way away in attendance rushed forward, picked up the towel and handed it to her. The man stood there silent, straight and attentive as the woman rubbed herself down with the towel, he was one of a number of men that were in the area, all there at the beck and call of the women who were staying here at this 'special' villa. Currently there was a row of men all line up at the side of the large patio area by the pool, all waiting to be told what to do or how they could be of service. These men where the attendants and came with the villa, for special guests that is, their job, to attend to all the guests needs and requirement. These men were all very similar, tall, broad, well defined and strong looking. All of them dressed in a pair of white shorts and all in their late 20's, early 30's, black, white, asian, oriental it made no difference they were there to do a good job, look good and serve when required. Apart from a 'few' 'other' duties they were there to serve and otherwise not be seen or heard. For this man in particular, it was his first time this close to one of the guests staying here, and being just a man he couldn't resist the opportunity to take a good look at her. Of course it would have to be from the corner of his eye as he would not dare just stare at the woman and ogle her. Even if she was so sexy and that's what he really wanted to do. She was younger than him, early 20's, 21 maybe 22, at the very most? Blond with long hair, all wet and hanging down her back. She wasn't bad looking, nothing stunning, but just a good looking young woman, but she had a great body. A good curvy body, sturdy legs and arms, not fat, but a body that was used to sometime in the gym with the weights. Not overly muscular, just strong. She had good hips, a trim waist and best of all was her chest, she was a big girl, they were large and firm to look at and the man wondered just how they might feel in his hands? Add to all this her two toned white and pink bikini briefs and, tight, yellow bikini top and he felt quite nervous stood next to her. Unfortunately, the man was concentrating too much on her and not enough on his job, the woman had finished wiping herself down from her time in the pool and without looking his way she tossed him the towel. But he didn't see this in time and fumbled his catch, dropping the towel so it fell down to the floor. The woman's head shot around and looked at the man in disbelief that he'd dropped her towel! There was a pause, a moment of silence where all that could be heard was that slight breeze coming in off of the sea, up on the balcony the older woman had been brought her tea and sent the attendant away to bring her some breakfast. As she sipped her tea the mature woman now watched intently at what the blond wound do next, WHACK! OOOUUUHHH! The young blond woman brought her fist around hard, clenching it and driving it into the side of the man's jaw. The blow made him stagger and wobble on his feet, his head went all dark black for a moment as the blow shock him and numbed his brain. As he tried to recover there was a second strike that came his way SMACK! UUUHHHHH! This time it was her fist pounding into his gut, winding the man and doubling him over at the same time. The blond woman moved slowly around to the side, reached out grabbed onto his head and THUD! She throws her thigh into the side of his head, making the man stagger and dropping down onto one knee due to the harshness of her treatment of him, just for dropping her towel! She moved, so he was now in front of her and still on his knees, this gave her the chance to now draw her leg back and let it fly forward, driving her foot into the man's crotch CRUNCH! OOOOWWWW! The other men looking on in silence, and at their posts, all winced at the man's obvious agony, but dare not show any emotion or go to his assistance. They were all too aware of their 'duties' to make any unauthorised move, that would surely not be welcome by the woman. With the man wincing and in agony there was only one thing left to do CRACK! Her knee came up and drove into his jaw, sending the man flying backwards further onto the patio area and out cold. She was a little disappointed at how that had gone, for a strong looking man he wasn't that tough! But it gave her an idea. Apart from the large pool there was a number of smaller pools of differing depths scattered about the large patio area and mixed in amongst the large pot plants and hedges that decorated the area. She snapped her fingers and pointed to the pool she was heading towards, the remaining four men all followed on, she made a circular motion with her hand around as she stepped into the pool and now each of the men took up a position on one of the sides. The pool wasn't too large or deep, but it was big enough for what she had in mind and as she stood in the middle of it turning around looking at each of the men around her. The water only came up to just below her knees, so not too deep, but deep enough for what she had in mind. All of this moving about, commotion and the little incident with the towel man had slightly disturbed the second woman who was out in the villa's elegant and relaxing grounds. This second woman was again in her early 20's in fact she was the older of the two women, a brunette, again long hair, with a slight curl, but this time tied back in a ponytail. She was an attractive woman, with very nice features and a good body to go with her good looks. Currently she was over by the shaded relaxation area by the patio and the pools, a seated area, large and consisting of long cushioned seats in a lager u shape. With the scattering of far too many soft cushions that anyone could want. All under a very large, stylish and well positioned gazebo, for when all that sun was too much, but it was far too nice to go inside the villa. This other woman was on the edge of this shaded area, laying down on a table getting a well-earned, relaxing massage. Attending to her and using his skilful hands was another of the male 'attendants', very much like the other men, but this one could also give a massage. He was dressed like the other attendant in just his shorts and was using all his skills and the oils to make sure the woman was relaxed. The brunette was face down enjoying her little treat and raised her head at the commotion, not too impressed at being disturbed. She watched as the blond moved over to the small, kiddies, pool and set out the other attendance around her. Being uninterested in what the blond was doing she placed her head back down and carried on enjoying her massage. By now the blond was in position and looking around at the 4 men that surrounded her, there was an asian man, a black man, a white one and an oriental man, a full set! She went from one to the other, sticking her finger out as she imaginary ran it up and down each man as she made her choice. First it was going to be ... ... "You!" Her arm stretched out and her finger pointed to the man she wanted to start with, 'yes he would do nicely.' Then man stepped forward, and strolled towards the blond, there was a smile and even a bit of a swagger in his stride as he'd been picked over the other men. The blond noticed this and thought to herself 'cocky one here', he stood just short of her, she stepped closer, took his hands and placed them on her hips, 'nice!' He was taller than her and she now placed her arms up high and over his shoulders, then around his neck, there were smiles as she now pulled him down to her, his lips to hers. As his lips got closer to hers she moved her body into his, the man felt her lips on his and her ample chest pushing against his. They kissed, that felt very good, as did her exceptional large breasts were now pushing hard into him. Then he felt 'Oh Yes!' As her tongue slipped into his mouth the moment was perfect, then ... ... THUD! OOOHHWWW! That perfect moment was short lived as the 'distracted' man was taken down, her leg had swept his, at the same time grabbing hold of him, slightly turning and taking him down into the kiddie's pool SPLASH! The three other men watching had for one second beforehand been so jealous, but now had to stop themselves from sniggering at his fate. The man spluttered and splashed around in the water that came around him as he lay there on the bottom of the small pool. With most of his body in the water but with his head out of it he wiped the water from his shocked face 'what the ... ... ' WHACK! UUUHHHH! On the balcony the older woman was just starting on her breakfast that had been brought to her, still with one eye on what was going on down by the villa's pool. The younger blond woman's foot had slammed into the man, defiantly putting an end to any silly idea the man had had that 'she' might be available to him! As absurd as it sounded she believed that this man, the one now in real pain in the shallow water at her feet, had actually, had that thought! The busty blond reached down grabbed hold of a handful of the man's hair and dragged him upwards. At the same time, she clenched her other hand and brought it down hard into his face WHACK! Reinforcing her original 'think again' message she'd just given him. Now and still with a firm hold of the man by his hair and after stunning him with that punch she now 'revived' him, pushing his spinning and hurt head down into the water of the small pool. She held him under the cool clear water, shaking his head backwards and forwards as if rinsing out something, then brought his head up and out the water and examined him. 'No! Still a slight blood mark for his nose', back under the water to clean him off and then out again he came. This time the blond was happier with his look, SMACK! But still annoyed that he'd had the cocky look on his face when he'd first come to her, she would make sure he dared not do that again SMASH! A couple more hits into his face and the dazed man was seeing stars already, so he wasn't fully aware that the young woman had dragged him back up out of the water for the last time and also brought him back up onto his feet, THUD! But her fist into his stomach must have told him she was now aiming somewhere else. The blow made him stagger backwards, which only gave the blond her next opportunity as he fell away from her. She grabbed hold of his arm, his wrist, spun around, taking his arm over her shoulder, she pulled hard, bent forward and took the stunned man completely over her shoulder. Slamming him down into the shallow water and straight into the tiled floor at the bottom of the kiddie's pool, the water now started to have a slight red tint to it! There was a loud splash, water went everywhere and the brunette still enjoying her 'peaceful' massage was again disturbed, she looked over to see two men dragging one unconscious man out of the kiddie's pool whilst the blond was smashing a tall black man down to his knees in front of her. The brunette knew the slightly younger blond was only having a 'bit of fun' in the pool, but still her playful activities had disturbed the peace and quiet of the place! But again the brunette went back to settling down again and enjoying her massage, OOWWWW! The brunette's masseur had also been distracted by the goings on in the smaller pool, and seeing what the blond woman had done to the man currently being carried away. And so being 'distracted' by all this he'd placed his hands in the wrong place and given the woman a nasty twinge instead of a delightful massage, big mistake! The brunette half turned herself around to stare at the man who had inflicted this uncomfortable pang into her, as she did so the man took a step backwards and the broke another rule by speaking first to the guest "I'm sorry it was a mistake, I was ... ... " WHACK! Now the brunette had swung completely around and brought her leg flying round and smashing it into the man. He was taken by surprise, but shouldn't have been as he made a mistake and really should have realised there would be consequences! As he tumbled down to the floor the women jumped off the table, she stood there for a second looking quite sexy in her pink with the white polka dot bikini, quite sexy indeed. Especially as she, like the blond, had such a stunning body. But she was the taller of the two women, her body was just as good as the blond woman, in its own way, slender, trimer and her breasts were just as large, just as firm and just as desirable. But she was the one with the slender, trim body, with the long legs and arms, the kind that the men there would have enjoyed haveing wrapped around them! As if that was ever going to happen! The buxom brunette had the same attitude to the men here as the busty blond, they were there to serve them and that was all. But these men were also there for another purpose, one that the blond was enjoying as she knocked her second man back and out of the pool to fall on the floor and not get up again. Now the brunette was going to join in this other past time they had here at the exclusive, private villa WHACK! She kicked out at 'her' man on the floor, she would teach him to be more gentle with her. As the brunette set about her man, the blond was onto number three CRUNCH! The blond's knee went up high into her man, whilst the brunette slapped her one as she dragged him up off the floor SMACK! Two men being beat up, one by a busty blond, the other by a well-endowed brunette, that was why this was a paradise island get away! THUD! The blond's, man tumbled down, falling down into the pool, as he hit the water the blond jumped on him to finish him off. CRACK! The brunette sent her masseur flying backwards and spinning around as she drove her fist hard into his jaw. Unfortunately for the brunette's victim he didn't fall that far, as he was spun around he went straight into another man coming the other way CRASH! This man carrying the women's drinks had, just recovered from being 'told off' once for spilling drinks when the women arrived last night and so this time was extra careful. But a bit too careful, he wasn't looking where he was going, or what was ahead of him, as he just concentrated on the drinks and trying not to spill anything. So he didn't see the brunette, sending her masseur flying and knocking into him. Both men fell, the drinks went flying and now the brunette was really annoyed, a painful massage and now 'No drink!' WHACK! Her foot went straight into the jaw of the masseur, sending the man out cold and rolling across the floor, this now allowed her to grab hold of the waiter and SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! She was really annoyed! She slapped him, smacked him, punched him, the brunette was on the waiter, holding him and knocking him down to the ground so she could hold him there and pound him some more. The waiter tried to protect himself on the floor shielding himself from the brunette as she lashed out at him THUD! She dropped down on him, come down, sending her knees onto his stomach, her fists still raining down on the man to teach him his lesson, as she now knelt on him and hammered him again and again! Her fists pounded into his upper body and face, the man couldn't protect himself from the stronger woman and he felt the darkness taking over as he was fading away. The blond was having just the same 'success', she already tossed her third man out of the pool, and called the last to her, now a very nervous man tentatively approached, ready for her to introduce him to her kind of fun WHACK! OOOHHHH! Back with the brunette and her man was about to slip into a state of unconsciousness due to the battering he was receiving, when OOOOOWWWWW! The woman, the brunette, was suddenly the one in trouble, something, someone had grabbed onto her long pony tail and yanked her backwards. She was furious, one, because someone had dared to stop her and two, because being pulled back by her hair was painful! She was then dragged back further, off the man and unable to finish him off, she struggled and manged to turn around to see who would dare to do this to 'her!' She's been dragged off the man and was on her knees as she looked up into the face of a young lad who had her long ponytail wrapped around his hand and had control of her. She was so livid and it showed in her attractive face, she knew this lad who stood over her, she knew him all too well! She scoured at him, hissing and grunting, her anger to this young male and his brutal action, it was clear by her taught body and glaring stare, she was angry. But she didn't hit out at him, she didn't defend herself, she didn't break his hold or retaliate in any way. This youthful male, this lad stood there, her long hair wrapped around his hand, then he set off towards the seated area, he yanked on her hair again, to 'encourage' her to follow on after him. Which surprisingly she did! But not before throwing her foot back and straight into the face of the man only a few moments again she was on top of and beating to a pulp. Her foot connected with his jaw and sent the waiter out cold as she now scurried off on all fours after the lad, as he dragged her along. As he got to the cushioned seated area he stopped, turned around, still holding the woman by her hair and looked down, she still had a look of anger on her face at being treated this way. But the fact that she had just beat two men for only slightly upsetting her, and yet she had let this young lad hurt her and lead her around meant that he did indeed had some strange way about him, even some control over her! He was wearing a pair of long shorts and a t-shirt, he let go of her hair, which she grabbed and stroked, he now removed the t-shirt and looked back at her again. She knew what was now expect of her, she moved herself up a bit as her hands reached out for the younger lad's shorts. She unbuttoned and unzipped them, brought them down and now was ready to take the large young cock that was in front of her. The brunette hands moved onto the lad's tool as she began to fondle and touch him, to stroke and caress him, to play with him and work him. As she manipulated the lads cock he responded to her touch and soon the large cock was firm and ready for her to take in her mouth 'Hmmmmm, that was good!' The young woman, the brunette was soon engrossed with the younger lad's hard cock, as she sucked, kissed, licked, and ran her teeth along its length. She knew what he liked, and how to please him, the fact that she enjoyed it just as much was an added bonus. As the brunette carried on pleasing the lad the blond over in the small pool was now not a happy woman. She was on her fourth man, she had beat him just as bad as the three before him, but the sight of the brunette satisfying the lad, had really pissed her off! WHACK! Her fist slammed into her last man for the final time, he dropped down into the pool and she leapt on him, holding him down under the water as she now watched the brunette suck off the lad in front her. The young blond was fuming; it should be her sucking on him not 'her!' Frantic bubbles drifted up from the man being held down as he tried to struggle, in a total panic for his life as this woman who held him in that water seemed 'distracted' and oblivious to him. Almost as if she wasn't going to realise him! The more the blond watched the lad being satisfied by the brunette, the more annoyed and frustrated she became. Finally, she'd had enough, she brought the man's head out of the water, 'thank God!' But then grabbed the back of his head, turned him and, taking out her annoyance, she slammed him, face down, into the bottom of the pool. With only a very slight feeling of satisfaction the blond left the man there, stepped out the pool and made her way over to that seated area. She stormed over and as she got to there THUD! THUD! She pushed the brunette out the way and shoved the lad back so now he was sat on one of those large comfy cushioned seats. At first the lad's face was one of annoyance at his pleasure being disturbed, but then he grinned as the blond undone her bikini top, drop to her knees and took his large, hard cock in between her very ample tits! As for the brunette, she was fuming that the blond 'tart' had pushed in and was now pumping the lads cock with her breasts and steeling him from her. But two can play at that game! The brunette moved up onto the seated area, whipped her top off and thrusted her large tits in the youngster's face, so he could enjoy her! The brunette shivered as the lad's hand touched her and his tongue lapped over one, then the other of her breasts, as he now started to feast on them. If any of the men, the attendants had been in any state to look on, they would have been shocked at how these two women were trying to outdo each other for the attention of this even younger lad! The blond and brunette may well have been the men's Mistress', but the lad was defiantly the women's Master! There is now a lot going on it that seated area as the three guests at this private villa start enjoying themselves! A little while later and up on the balcony and as all this carried on, the older woman had finished her breakfast, it was currently being cleared away by the last, conscious, attendant in the villa. But just as everything was going well for him the man made a mistake! He was clearing away the breakfast things when a butter knife wobbled and fell off the woman's toast plate! She looked up at him in shock at his poor performance, the man froze, plate in one hand, cup and saucer in another and the knife on the floor by the woman's foot! She rises from her chair a look of total loathing on her face at his action, he still stands there, petrified at what will happen next. The woman's hands move to her silk dressing gown, undoes the cord and lets it fall to the ground, the man is shocked as she reviles her stunning, mature but incredible body to him, Her shapely, curvy, smooth, succulent body with her firm and fabulous large breasts. She steps closer, and his jaw drop as she reaches out and lets her hand run over his shoulder and to the back of his head, then WHACK! UUUUHHHHH! Using her superior strength, she pulls the man head down, slamming it hard and sharp, straight into her breakfast table, smashing his face into it so hard that everything still left on the table jumps up. But this is just the start! Back out in the grounds of the villa, away from where all the other attendance lay and on the large cushioned seating area the busty blond and buxom brunette are now being seeing too by their young lad. They have worked him up just right and now he is going to make sure each of these women gets, exactly, what they deserve! As he moves from pummelling the blond to pounding the brunette there is the sound of a scream followed by a dull thud, as if 'something' had fallen from a height! A reminder to him that once these two women are taken care off there might well be another, that requires his skills! Sometime later and after he'd had the blond again and again, after she'd been bent over those comfy seats and taken from behind, after she'd tapped his cock between her tits and drained him and after he'd exhausted her with his pummelling of her. And after he'd also enjoyed the brunette, taking her body and using it for his own gratification, after she'd ridden him hard and long, after she'd sucked his cock over and over again, after he's pounded her until she could take no more. After all this the two woman where strewed across the seated area, tired, asleep, shattered after trying to keep up with the lad. After all this the youthful male grabbed his shorts, pulled them on and headed over to the large pool. He dived in and enjoyed the refreshing cool water as it washed away the sweat that covered his body, it was a very relaxing feeling as he lazily swam up the pool a couple of times just to take a bit of a breather from all that 'hard work' he's just been involved in! He made his way to the side of the pool, grabbed on the edge and was about to pull himself out when a foot suddenly appeared. Instantly he knew who it belonged to and instinctively he pushed himself up just enough to lean over and gentle kiss it. Then he looked up and saw the older woman who had been watching, everything, from her balcony. The mature woman with her shoulder length auburn hair and gorgeous face looked down at him, she was dressed in a green bikini, a muilt-coloured sarong, that her long lush leg poked out of. Then a matching multi-coloured half sleeved lose half top, just to keep a bit of the sun off of her soft desirable flesh. But even so her well-endowed chest was pushing out as if trying to grab as much sun as possible. She held a wide brimmed straw hat in her hand, the lad liked what he saw a lot, and the woman knew this. As the lad tried to push himself out of the pool she moved her foot, put it on his young face and pushed him away, back into the water SPLASH! Sending him back in the pool was quite amusing as she now turned and looked around the tables and close to the seated area, as if searching for something. Behind her she could hear the lad scramble back to the side and get himself out, then the sound of the wet feet making their way towards her was also clear. With her back to him and hearing him getting closer, WOOOSSSHHH! THUD! The older woman came spinning around and sent her foot high, catching the approach lad just right, 'good timing' she thought! Driving her foot into the side of his face and dropping the lad down to the floor. With the youth on the ground she went back to searching, and soon 'Arh! Found them!' Sunglasses, whether they belonged to the blond or brunette was immaterial, they were hers now, just as the lads was hers! 'Talking of the young male!' She turned to see him trying to push himself upwards, WHACK! Another foot was sent in and he went rolling over the patio floor. When he stopped rolling THUD! Her foot came down hard onto his chest pinning the lad down "you've had your fun ... " she indicated to the blond and brunette over in the seated area " ... ... now it's time for you to earn you keep and why I brought you out here on 'my' holiday!" The lad smiled, it was now his turn to have this older woman, SMACK! But maybe he'd misunderstood as she flicked her foot from his chest into his face, knocking him, smacking his jaw with her foot. "Not now boy, when I want you, not when you want me, remember that!" A reminder he was there to serve her and that was how it will always be. "Get up to my room, now, lay on my bed naked and have that cock ready and hard for the moment I walk into that room, whenever that might be, Understand!" Her words where harsh, her tone commanding and he knew not to underestimate or upset her. The older woman kicked the lad back onto his feet and sent him scurry away, a delightful grin on her face. A groan for one of the attendance now grabbed her attention, the woman moved over to the man, grabbed him by his hair and dragged him along on all fours towards the side entrance and out onto the villa's drive way. This man would now drive her to the islands hotel, The Utopia, she fancied a trip out and to see what other delights she might find there, plus she had a few little 'things' to do there, all part of this holiday getaway for her! As she dragged the man along towards the front of the villa, she looked back into the villa's garden. The lad was rushing up a set of outdoor stairs that lead up to the open air corridors and the bedrooms. He would soon be on her bed and with his cock ready, which was good to know that he would be prepared for her when she got back. Maybe she would be back in an hour, or maybe six or even the next day, who knows, what she might find in the hotel to 'distract' her? But he would be ready for her, on her return, that was all that mattered! Then the older woman remembered the oriental woman, the lads step Mother was still in her bedroom, on her bed! She laughed, that would be interested the ravenous step Mother would be all over him, but would he hold out against her, after all a greater prize was waited for him, her, the older woman and his Madam! Would the lad choose his stunning oriental step Mum or keep true to her, his dominant Aunty! That dilemma would tear the 'poor little boy' apart, and that pleased the mature woman, made her smile. Now the older woman's eyes moved over the pool areas, she would have to order some more attendance for tomorrow that was for sure. The blond and brunette women where still recovering in the seated area, and the older woman knew her two daughters would appreciate a fresh delivery of suitable men. Maybe not your 'average' holiday, but not an average family, a family and a holiday where everyone had their place, the attendance, the men, had their Mistress', the two daughters, to serve. The busty blond and buxom brunette had their Master, the lad, to satisfy, and the Nephew had his Madam, his shapely Aunty, to worship. And she also had her bit of oriental delight on the side, so everyone was happy. So far and the first full day of her family holiday here and everything had seemed to have gone quite well, so far. Now it was time to go and see what the hotel, The Utopia had to offer her ... ... !