Someone to watch. By Crossmanx at - - ideas & comments welcome A young man finds a place to spy on a strong woman. Someone to watch. Steven should have been at school, but as he was in the highest grade everyone just naturally assumed that he was busy studying, so he could get away with not being there all he time. He pushed his bike behind the large bushes out of sight and scampered through the tree line until he came to the large brick wall. Quickly he found the tree and climbed, a short way up and there was the hollow as he called it. This was because it was a hollowed out part of the tree! Since he was a small boy he had played in these woods on the edge of town, and this tree had been is den for many years. He squeezed in, he kept meaning to cut the opening away a bit more as he had grown up, but that would make his den visible from the ground, and he didn't want that. In the hollow he took out his camcorder and settled down. He moved over to the other side where he had made a viewing point, it was really just a hole that let him look out into the gardens of a dozen or so posh homes, without those being watched seeing him. But there was just one garden that really interested him. The one directly opposite, he checked the focus on the camcorder, he had only just brought it and hoped that today it would capture the reason why he still came back to his old den. Some 15 minutes went by with nothing, 'patients' he thought, then the patio door opened, well half opened as if someone had stopped halfway through. Then a man walked out, Steve's heart dropped. The man, James, walked out onto the patio and down to the pool, it was a hot sunny day and he couldn't be bothered to drive all the way to the city so he stayed at home to work. Well work would just be reading through a few legal documents ready for the developers meeting tomorrow. So he might as well do it at home in the sun and by the pool. James was 31, a property developer, he went to the gym 5 times a week, played Polo at the County Club, owned 4 cars, 2 sports, and had a wife that spent all his money. James took off his robe, laid out in the sun in his shorts and started to read through the first report. Steven carried on watching, the real reason he was there hadn't turned up yet. Another 10-15 minutes went by then the patio door was thrown open. Steve 's eye open fully, his heart started to beat faster as he watched the figure that stormed out of the house. It was her! He had watched her for years from that tree, he enjoyed the summers the best when she sunbathed in her bikini or even topless. She was 42, long blond hair that today was tied up, she was in a short white robe, like her husbands, that showed off her long and shapely legs. The woman was talking loudly, almost shouting at the man, she waved a piece of paper at him, Steven was too far away to hear fully, he could make out the odd word "money" "bills" "credit card"! She was not happy and getting more and more annoyed as she spoke, this was music to Steve's ears, the more pissed off she got the better the 'show' would be! This wasn't the first time that she had been in a bad mood with him and when she loses her temper! Well that's why there was a camcorder there now! The woman towered over her husband and he lay on the sun lounger "WHAT IS THIS?" "I ... I ... don't know what you mean dear" he tried to raise himself but SMACK! OOOOFFFFHHHHH! Her foot rose quickly and then stamped into his gut, with force. "THIS DEAR! Is the results of my solicitor investigation into your actions over the last few weeks!" "Oh!" "He informs me that you have somehow got hold of MY shares and a large part of MY MONEY! EXPLAIN?" "It's nothing dear ... I ... .I just needed a bit of capital for the project ... P ... Please ... ALL the money will be back next week ... .. two at the latest ... I ... It's all in the Swiss account ... ... you know the joint account ... ..I ... ." She took her foot off him, "PPHHEEWWW!" He breathed a bit better, he didn't want to raise his head and look at her he was too scared to! He knew it was quiet, too quiet OOOOOHHHHH! She grabbed the lounger and tossed it over, him as well, Steven knew she was upset, the fun would start now! James got onto his hands and knees CRACK! UUUUUHHHHHH! A sharp kick to his stomach sent all the air out of him. She grabbed him by a handful of hair, pulled his head up and CRACK! AAAARRRRHHHH! A hard punch straight to the centre of his face, blood ran from his nose CRACK! SMACK! Two more well delivered fists, she released her grip. He fell onto his hands coughing and spluttering CRUNCH! AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHH! Another kick, but this time to his ribs, she kicked his so hard he rolled over holding his side, she calmly walked over and STOMP! AAAAAARRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH! She drove her foot hard into his crouch! Steven winched at this, over the last few years, since the couple had moved into the house, he had watched her discipline and punish the man. She had fought his before, she always wins, but this time she was more ferocious. Each time Steve had watched them he would get more and more excited, she fascinated him, the ease in which she controlled and dominated the obviously younger and, to look at, stronger man. He felt his cock react to the sight of this woman and wondered ... 'What would it be like too ... ... ... ' Back in the garden the woman removed her foot, and WACK! AAGGGHHHHHHHHH! Kicked him in the side of the head, she turned and removed her robe, it fell to the floor "get up!" Stevens jaw dropped she looked fantastic, she may well have been an older woman but her body was firm, shapely, smooth and every inch that of a woman. Her large breasts crammed into a white bikini "I said GET UP!" She wouldn't wait and dragged him up to his knees THUD! WHAM! CRUNCH! Each time she drove her knee hard into his chest OOOOOOFFFFHHHHHH! Each hit drove out more vital air from his body, she step back and CRACK! AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEE! Her knee was drive hard into his jaw blood and teeth splatter out. He dropped to the floor, the woman was physically very strong, as well as physically very attractive. She easily dragged the man over to a set of wooded chairs, dumping the limp body into one. This was no act of kindness, it was so that he was in a position where she could still carryout her attack on him. CRACK! THUD! BANG! SMASH! TWACK! She delivered and series of punched to his head, WALLOP! SNAP! An almighty clenched backhand, Steve could clearly hear the SNAP from where he was, he hated to think what she had done to him. Even this did not stop her, she stood looking at the beaten man, "good bye DEAR!" WOOSSSHHH! CRACK! A roundhouse kick, delivered by the mature beauty, she connected just in the right place the man was knocked straight out of the chair. She smiled, she was pleased with that kick. Steve was shocked; he could not believe what he had just witnessed. Yes to pair had had fights before, she had always won and he had been hurt, some times quite badly, but not like this. He still could not tear himself away from watching. She went over to her husband motionless body, picked him up, she really was quite strong, and over to the swimming pool PLOP! She dropped him in, and as if she had just tidied up some rubbish she calmly walked over to the table and picked up the phone, sat down and made a call. Steven tried to look into the pool but couldn't, the angle was all wrong. He sat there for a while thinking about what he had just witnessed! Had she ... ... Was he alright ... ... What should he do? All he knew was that his heart was pounding and his cock was so hard, he though he was going to burst. He packed away the camcorder and headed off home. That day and the next he couldn't stop thinking about what he had seen, the sexy woman, how she had beaten the much younger man up! What had happened to him, should he go back to his den again! He watched the footage he had shot, it wasn't that greatest and some of it was either out of shot or focus. But each time he watched it he got excited! The next morning he had gone for a run, to try and clear his head, getting back he again watched the footage, again he was excited "Steven!" He almost jumped out his skin, his mother calling him! He hid the camcorder and finished dressing. Downstairs, "right young man you've nothing planned for today so you can go round to your Aunty Sharon's, takes these books that I've been promising her and collect the ones she has for me". Aunty Sharon! That felling in his cock started to come back, at just the sound of her name, his father's sister had had this affect on him for a long time. Later he was stood outside Aunty Sharon's house, he rang the bell, a nervous and exciting felling came over him, his heartbeat quickened. The door open, the beat got even quicker, there stood a mature 42 year old woman with long blond hair, tied up. She wore a short white robe; she was the woman that he had watched the other day, the one that had beaten his step-uncle James! She was his Aunty Sharon! "Come in Steven" they walked into the lounge and out onto the patio. His mouth became very dry, he tried to look into the pool "m ... mum ... ... mum sent me round with ... ... " Her robe dropped to the floor revealing that gorgeous strong body in that white bikini. "Your step-uncle has had a bit of an accident and is in intensive care, apparently we had a break-in and he was attacked by the burglar." "Th ... ... that's ... ... that's terrible news ... I ... " "Steven ... Steven ... your mother told me about your camcorder and the film, but she did enjoy watching me dealing with James, I only married him, after your real Uncle's sad accident, for his money and he was much younger and fitter. But now I have a very good insurance policy and I now need a younger man for my ... ... particular pleasures! Me and your mother know about your little tree house over there, we've know about it for years and that you've been spying on me in the garden". She smiled and took a step closer to him, he stepped back but straight in to the table, there was no more retreating. "I quite liked the idea of my nephew spying on me ... . Do you like my body Steven?" she was enjoying teasing him, his mouth was so dry he couldn't talk, he just nodded. "Good ... ... lets have some fun!" A million though went through his mind, his heart was racing like mad, his cock was so hard, his mouth dry, and he was even shacking! She stepped closer! 'What was her idea of fun'!!!!