Say Uncle By Crossmanx When you can't take no more and have to give in, just say "Uncle" By Crossmanx at - Comments and ideas welcome Say Uncle Owen pulled up outside his brother's house, he paused for a while before getting out and knocking on the door, not that he didn't want to see his brother, Guy, they were close, but it there was always that chance that he might see his Niece. Now it wasn't that this was a problem, or there was something going on between Owen and his niece, far from it, but over the past couple of years Owen had started to 'notice' his Niece, Nikki, in ways that maybe he shouldn't! He got out, walked up to the door and knocked, a few moments later and Julia answered Guy's wife and Nikki's mother. Owen smiled and went inside, instantly Julia gave Owen a deep and passionate kiss, which told him that his brother and Niece weren't at home and Owen and Julia where all along. Which just went to make the situation even more complicated. Owen was a tall man, in his early 40's a bachelor and had just the one sibling, his brother Guy. Guy had been married for nearly 20 years now and had just the one child, a daughter, Nikki. Owen and Guy where only 18months apart in age and had grown up together and always been close, Owen had even been Guy's best man at his wedding but for the past years or so he and Julia had become??Quite close! The affair had started after a 'harmless' kiss at the end of a night of much drink, food, music and dance. But that was just one of the complications in all this, and then there was Nikki, Owen's Niece. Nikki was still at school, having stayed on to do some extra exams, she was a small girl, and still hadn't fully blossomed into a women; well that was how Owen saw her. The school as quite strict, so even the older students still had to wear a uniform and maybe it was this that gave her that younger look. Owen would see her walking on her way to school most mornings as he drove to work, there she would be dressed in sensible school shoes, short white socks, a pleated grey skirt, which was maybe just slightly on the short side. Then the normal white blouse and school tie, with a large knot hanging quiet low down and finally the blazer. Then there was the girl in that uniform, when Nikki wore it she showed off strong legs with that skirt of hers, not chunky, but strong, well she did do a bit of sport at school. She was a plain girl, not an obvious good looking girl, but neither was she ugly, just plain, her face had a look of someone a bit older than she really was but also a youth face at the same time. On that plain face was sat a pair of thin rimmed round glasses, that one moment could make her look older or younger and also gave her an innocent but slightly mischievous look at the same time, they suited her well. And with her dark hair tied back in pigtails she also had one of those looks that made you think, schoolgirl?Are you sure? Then you took a second look and said 'yes of course she is, I'm sure!' Even though she was the plain girl she was never short of admirers, Owen would often drive pass and see her with a number of boys in attendance, And that was one of the problems, not the boys she attracted, but is truth be told Own at first was a bit over protective at that. But it was the fact that Owen kept on seeing her, day in day out as he drove to work. In the past when Owen was going to work and he saw Julia and Nikki on their way to school, he would sound his horn and toot as he drove past. But over the years as Nikki had then started walking to school herself and with her other schoolgirl friends the act of bibbing the car horn at a group of schoolgirls seemed to be a bit wrong. So he'd stopped, but every now and again when the traffic was slow she might see him in his car and wave and an embarrassed Owen would then wave back. He wondered what people might think about some random man in a car waving at a schoolgirl! To add to this sometimes he caught himself thinking about some of his Nieces' schoolgirl friends, 'that girl with Nikki is nice wonder who she is' especial as some of Nikki's friends where really 'nice'. And then he would think 'who's that boy with Nikki what's he up to' as he thought back to how he was as a boy at that age and what he was 'up to!' Maybe it was the fact that he saw his Niece most days as he went to work that made him think this way, and it didn't help that for the last year around midday he had to drive across town to the other office and would see her again as she made her was to the local shops during her lunch break. It was something that was really starting to bother him; the fact that he couldn't get his plain looking Niece out of his mind, what was wrong with him, was there anything wrong with him. He certainly couldn't talk to his brother about it and at the moment Nikki's mums tongue was far too deep inside his mouth for him to even try and talk to her, not that he would. "Quick we don't have long" Julia grabbed Owen's hand and dragged him down the corridor towards the kitchen, there she attacked his trousers and released his excited cock. She dropped to her knees as she took him in her mouth and started to suck her brother-in-laws off there and then. She was always the impetuous type, grabbing what she wanted, when she wanted it, and right now that meant Owen's cock. As she worked him, Owen couldn't help but let his mind wander and he started to think about Nikki, maybe it was because there were photos of all the family covering the fridge that he was now staring at or could it be something else. As the eager tongue and mouth worked on him he wondered what it would be like to have Nikki now?? 'No he shouldn't think like that, he knew it was wrong and??! What was that noise! Owen was sure he heard something, a door opening maybe? Julia was too engrossed with her work to have noticed anything, 'no he imagined it' and closed his eyes to enjoy Julia's enthusiastic effort. But suddenly he thought there was a flash of light, his eyes opened and head spun round towards the kitchen door, where he thought he'd seen something; a cold shiver went down his spin as he thought he caught the briefest glimpse of movement. Had there been someone there, someone watching, someone wearing a dark coloured top??a jacket??a blazer??'Oh Shit it was Nikki! Or was it?' Julia carried on oblivious to the fact that someone, Nikki, her daughter, had possibly seen them, Owen stood there as a hundred different thoughts, scenarios and possibilities raced around his head. Suddenly the phone rang, Julia stopped her work "Shit!" at the same time there was a loud rattling of keys in the front door as someone noisily entered the house. There was panic as Julia got to her feet and quickly went to answer the phone, Owen, still shaken from seeing the blurred movement of 'Nikki' was hurriedly doing up his trousers and thinking 'Crap I hope I was seeing things.' Just then a nosily and blustering Guy came staggering down the hallway, carrying a number of files from work and the shopping that he'd stopped off to get. He came into the kitchen gave his brother a hug and waved to Julia who was on the phone to one of her friends. The brothers talked as coffee was made, and all the time Owen was now wandering 'was it Guy he'd seen, had he in fact seen anyone?' Julia came off the phone and they all talked, everything seemed to be normal and Owen was beginning to think that he must have imagined it all. That was until Nikki came into the kitchen. Owen hadn't heard the front door open so she must have been in the house already, or come in quietly, still in her school uniform Nikki poured herself a glass of milk. She stood there with her back to the fridge, drinking the milk slowly and her eye never left Owen, he was sure she knew something, had seen them. The look on her face was a half-smile of mischief and trouble "Oh Daddy I think there something you need to know?" Owens froze, was she going to say something? Just then the doorbell rang and Nikki rushed off to answer it, 'saved by the bell or what!' The was a lot of commotion as three more schoolgirls entered the kitchen all saying hello and all making a lot of noise. It was the normal girls that Owen would see with Nikki as he drove pass in his car, the blond, the brunette and the redhead all very good looking young girls and their presence now made Owen's concentration even more difficult to hold. There was Julia, the three very nice girls and Nikki, so the man didn't know where to look or what to think. He tries desperately to engage his brother in some kind of conversation but his thoughts drifted from schoolgirls to Julia back to schoolgirls and always there in the background was his Niece with that now permanent grin on her face. Eventually all the schoolgirls left, much to Owen's relief, but just as they did Nikki turned to him and with that young mischievous face of hers, looked down to his groin. She grinned, and then a slight wink he thought "enjoying yourself Uncle?" She said in a soft voice, then left, Guy and Julia where in conversation so didn't hear, but Owen did, she must have seen him and Julia, and probable saw how he was looking at her friends as well, this wasn't good! The only good thing was that Nikki didn't say anything else; she just left and didn't come back. But the consent giggling of schoolgirls that filtered through into the kitchen did become very of putting to Owen. He wondered if Nikki was telling the other girls what she had seen or that her Uncle had a roving eye for each of the young girls. Owen left as soon as he could, one more minute in that house with all those women and something was going to happen! Over the next few weeks he tried to keep a low profile, he managed to stave off Julia's messages to come round and have some 'fun'. And was very cautious when driving past the school, but even so he did get caught a couple of times and both times Nikki was with her group of friends and they all waved and called out to him. 'Dame the traffic!' It could be slow along that road at times and he drew some attention from various pedestrians as s group of young schoolgirls were waving so enthusiastically at a middle aged man in his car! It was now just over two weeks since he'd been caught and nothing had been said, but he'd stayed out of the way as best he could, managed to keep away from his brother's family. That was until he received a text message, it was from Julia 'I think he knows you must come round now we need to talk.' "Shit!" That's all he needed his brother knows about the affair "SHIT!" Then a second message 'come round now we have to talk, there's no one else here.' This was all he needed; he was on his way to the other office so went for a quick detour and soon was pulling up outside his Guy's house, no car so no brother about 'good!' He quickly nipped round the side of the house and in through the kitchen back door "hello?Julia!" 'Where was she!' Owen carried on calling and wandered further into the house, he walked into the living room and 'Oh Fuck!' There was Nikki stood there waiting for him, in her school uniform, hands in the her blazes pockets, one leg slightly bent to give her an even more innocent look, but with still that mischievous smile of hers. "Hello Uncle where you expecting Mum to be here?" Her tone had a sarcastic edge to it that worried Owen, then Nikki took out a mobile phone from her pocket and showed it to him. "I think Mum must have forgotten this today, lucky I found it, don't want Dad reading all those text messages do we!" 'Dame I told her to delete everything off that phone!' Owen started to feel that things had just got worse. She placed the phone back in her pocket and stepped closer to her Uncle, "I know what you and Mum have been up to, but you knew that already didn't you? And I've seen you've been a naught boy by looking at my friends in 'that' way." She smiled as Owen went bright red "Tut! Tut! Uncle what would Mummy say about that and what would my friends parents say about you looking at them in 'that' way??" She started to walk up and down in front of the now very nervous, embarrassed and worried man. "And Uncle what would Daddy say about you looking at my friends, more important what would Daddy say if he found out you've been fucking Mummy?" It wasn't just what she said, but also how she said it, her tone one moment innocent then sarcastic followed by slightly threating. Owen realized he was in deep trouble now, or was he! The mischievous smile changed, slightly, to a cheeky one, which wasn't very comforting to the man in the least! "But maybe we could do something to sort out this little mess you've got yourself into Uncle" he didn't want to ask but had to "what do you want then Nikki?" "Oh Uncle I thought you'd never ask" that didn't sound good either! Nikki carried on walking up and down and around in front of Owen, twirling and tilting her head to the side as she made a quip or comment "well Uncle I would like a few things?? Firstly I would like to know what's so special about Mummy that you have to fuck her when she's already married to Daddy?" 'Arh not a good question.' "??Then I want to know why you look?'In that way'?at my friends and lastly why don't you look like that at me?" Owen had to think fast here, he stepped closer and held up both hands in a passive action "now Nikki I do like you?" She smiled "just like you 'like' my friends and 'like' Mummy?" 'Oh Crap!' "?Look ? yes?No?I mean? yes you're my Niece and?" OOOOHHHWWW! Nikki had swung round, moving that bit closer to her Uncle and as her back was to him her elbow had shot back and drove hard into his gut, winding the man and doubling him over. As Owen gasped for breath the schoolgirl Niece started to circle the injured man "now Uncle I think we need to start a fresh and get a few things straight, firstly, you are going to be in a very difficult position if people find out about you staring at my friends?" 'That was true' "?secondly I think Daddy is going to be even more unhappy with you if he finds out you and Mummy have been at it together?" 'Yes, not a great thought that one.' "??And lastly you've not been that nice to me as you have shown all the other girls attention and not me." He knew something was coming next! "So Uncle?" there it was "?if you start to pay me more attention I might forget a few things." He straightened up as he got his breath back "so shall we begin?" the schoolgirl smiled, Owen didn't know what to do nervously he tried to talk his way out "well I don't know if??" THUD! OOOWWWWW! Nikki had stepped closer to her Uncle and in a flash she grabbed him, hard, twisted and taken her Uncle round off his feet and thrown him to the floor. The schoolgirl had flung the man over, Niece had taken Uncle down easily. It was a hard fall, painful and shock Owen up, "Uncle you'll have to do better than that, that's not the standard I expect" her mocking tone hounding him as she circled the fallen man. Owen clumsily pushed himself up onto one knee as he took in a deep breath, she'd caught him good and he wasn't happy, but she knew too much for him to have a go. Having got his breath back "forgetting you just hit me, then throw me?" he said now using his sarcastic voice "what had you in mind?" A question he didn't really want to ask, but he had no choice but to try and work his way out of this situation. The schoolgirl Niece took a step closer to her knelt Uncle, and looked down at him, to his surprise the sight of Nikki looking down at him, that plain looking girl in her uniform had a bit of an effect on him. "Well Uncle I like to get the boy's I know to either tap out or submit when they can't take anymore, but somehow I think you're going to last a lot longer so why don't we say 15 minutes to start with." He wasn't sure if he'd heard her right "what?" "Better still rather than submit you can say 'Uncle' I got that from some American TV show, quite apt isn't it having my Uncle saying 'Uncle'!" Owen wasn't sure he understood, well hoped he didn't "you mean to?" "Yes Uncle, you've already seen I'm quite strong?" 'Lucky' he thought "?If I can make you say 'Uncle' in under 15 minutes then I get to tell one of your 'secrets' if you last more than 15 minutes then??I know, you can have Mum's phone back how that?" "Ok you're on" he said 'If I can last 15 minutes without submitting I'll gets the phone back, sounds easy, but how's 'she' going to make 'me' submit?' it was laughable he thought? WHACK! UFFFFHHHH! Before he could attempt to get back fully to his feet Nikki and quickly stepped forward, swung her leg round and smashed her firm thigh into the side of the knelt man's face. Owen was stunned by the blow; he swayed and his head hurt and spun "here you go Uncle I know you've had a sneak look at them before? Now have a feel?" WHACK! She slammed her other strong thigh into the other side of his face, the sharp flesh blow came round hard and knocks him over, down to the floor again, he's shocked and stunned by his 'innocent' Niece's actions. The schoolgirl reaches down and grabbed her Uncle by his hair, then manhandling the disorientated man up and into position on his knees and ARRRRRHHHHH! She slaps on and places a reverse standing head lock onto Owen, the young firm, strong thighs squeezes tight against the side of his face, causing the man, pain and discomfort. She loosens her grip to allow Owen to breathe and recover, just enough to then squeeze again, but even harder. Owen's hands shot up and hold onto Nikki pain delivering thighs, but no one gave him permission to do that. Nikki reaches down and grabs onto each of her Uncles hands then she overbalances and fall to the floor, still with that tight grasp on her Uncles head the niece takes him down with her. With the painful, tight grip around his head and the falling sensation Owen heads spins and disorientated he finds himself back on the floor. His hands let go as the pair fell and now Nikki has a firm hold of them, keeping them away from her legs. The legs that now squeeze even harder than before, forcing Owen to cry out in anguish, and then the schoolgirl smiles as she begins to rock from side to side so increasing his suffering. The man hasn't submitted, hadn't said 'Uncle', yet, so she releases her grip. Owen is relieved the pain and discomfort has stopped, but it's not for long as THUD! UUUHHHHH! Nikki rolled to the side, as her Uncle moves around she waits for the right moment and the right position, and then she clasped her legs around his body. A bit of movement to get her grip just right and those strong legs once more squeeze, but this time it's his torso that's on the receiving end. She flexes those strong legs around him, and then released them, but just a bit so Owen can catch his breath, and then applied the pressure again. It gave a whole new meaning to the expression 'schoolgirl crush!' as her legs again tightened around him. She carried on with this again and again, and each time she increased the force she applies, his face goes red, his eyes bulge as she tried to see if she can make him cry. And those eyes were getting redder and redder with each squeeze she lets him have. But still he wouldn't submit, Uncle Owen wouldn't say 'Uncle' to her, so she squeezed some more ARRRRRHHHHHH! "My, my Uncle you are good were nearly halfway through and you still haven't said 'Uncle' to me yet, we'll have to see what we can do about that?? won't we!" She gives him one last big squeeze that makes him yell before releasing him and rolling away. Owen lays there drained and exhausted, how can one girl be so strong and hurt him, draining him of his energy so quickly and so thoroughly. 'Where did she learn to do this' maybe that was best not knowing, he closed his eyes for one brief second just to try and regain some of his sapped strength then CRASH! UUUUOOOWWW! In that brief second his eyes where closed he didn't see what happened, but there was a sudden sound of something falling then a pounding on his chest. Nikki had taken her moment well again, she launched herself up and landed on her Uncles chest, she grabbed him and pinned him. The classic schoolgirl pin from an exceptional schoolgirl! Owens face screwed up in pain and went the brightest red colour so far, due to the sudden evacuation of all his oxygen. And with his arms pinned Nikki started slapping the poor man's face until he gasped for new breath. She laughed; amused at the funny faces Uncle Owen was pulling as he tried to take in as much air as he could. Owen looks up into Nikki's smiling face; he can see that she's enjoying this which makes it all the more embarrassing and demoralising for him. Then he sees her lift her arm and how she's about to grab behind her, he winces as he thinks she going to grip at his crouch. But she looks down at him, her face now a bit sterner "No Uncle, I won't?? as I think you might enjoy that" SMACK! Instead the arm and hand come down and slap him hard across his face. Again the schoolgirl rolls of him, his quickly breaths before being dragged up into a sitting position by his hair. Nikki is quick, she comes behind, gets down and her legs wrap around his gut as she plops down behind him and OOOOHHHHH! Powerful legs grip hard and once more are clamped around her Uncle's stomach, his arms immediately jumped up and waved around as the schoolgirl applies the pressure to make sure her Uncle knows she has him trapped. Those firm legs are locked around and squeeze, his arms flap, she grabs the arms and pulls them backwards, it hurts like hell, but he just knows it's going to get worse. Then she throws herself back against the floor, she lies flat, flexes those strong legs, grips his arms then starts to rock from side to side and increasesing the pressure her legs applied with each turn. She hurts him, a lot, as she lays flat still gripping him hard and flexing even more, then she shows off with those strong legs as she now hauls the man's body up into the air. The schoolgirl squeezes those thighs of her hard and then even harder, Owen's in a whole new world of pain and hurt, it's so intense and more than he thought she could deliver. She sits up, dropping Owen back down to the floor, 'Good that hurt!' he breaths, but Nikki throws herself backwards again, the thighs tighten, Owen is hauled back and off the floor again and the pain returns. Finally he can take no more, the schoolgirl has hurt him, drained him and worn him down, he has to give in, he calls out "Uncle??UNCLE??UNCLE!" The reluctant schoolgirl releases her hold on him, she was just starting to enjoy herself but Uncle Owen did say 'Uncle' so she should probably stop 'Dame!' Nikki throws him off her and to the side, Owen just lays there shattered, physically and mentally the schoolgirl, his Niece has broken him. Nikki looks down at the wreck of a man, she can see a tear rolling down his face and she's pleased she made him cry. Through his tear filled eyes he can see the young face looking down at him, the innocent face that's hiding a manipulative mind. "Well Uncle you lasted longer than any of the normal boys I play with?? 16 minutes, so I'll give you this one." She took out her Mum's mobile phone from her pocket and chucked it down onto Owen's chest. "I'm sure you'll like to give it back to her won't you!" He let out a sign of relief at getting the phone with all those incriminating messages on it back. "But Uncle?" the tone of Nikki voice meant this wasn't going to be good as the schoolgirl took another phone out of her other pocket "??now we have to do something about the photo's I took of you and Mum in the kitchen the other day!" 'Fuck! Nikki was there that day and she did take a picture! CRAP!' With that Nikki walked over to the settee and reached down behind it, she retrieved something from the rear of the seat, then stood there. Owen swallowed hard as the schoolgirl Niece now standing there with an old fashion school cane, the dominant, mischievous schoolgirl looks even more terrifying. "So Uncle tomorrow we'll see if you can go for longer without saying 'Uncle' if you can last, let say 30 minutes, I'll delete the photos, if you can't I'll send them to my Dad?" Owen felt his stomach churn and his whole body quiver at the thought of holding out for that long against his schoolgirl Niece! She smiled as she stood there with the cane 'What the hell had she planned in that devious mind of her for next time!' "So what do say Uncle??!"