Playground Scuffle By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. Every kid has the odd scuffle in the playground, never hurt anyone! Playground Scuffle Dean looked out of the window to see if he could see his wife and young Son, if truth be known he was a bit worried, young Noah had only just started back at school and already Dean and Maggie, his wife, could tell something wasn't right! Dean thought he knew what it might be, the scuff marks on his new school uniform and the grazes on his knees where the obvious signs of some rough goings on in the playground. The man thought back to when he was that age and he was at school, and how back then there was this one particular kid at school who always picked on him, bullied him in the playground. Dean hoped his Son wasn't going through the same thing. Then he saw Maggie and Noah, his wife was talking to their Son whose head was down and body language said he was upset, poor kid. When Mother and Son got inside, Noah went straight up to his room not wanting to share his school day with his Father 'yes something else had happened!' Maggie explained that old Miss Jones, who Dean remembered as being an old woman who taught him at the same school years ago, she had told Maggie there had been another incident! Miss Jones didn't know who had started it but there had been a scuffle in the playground and little Noah had come off the worst, and was very upset. Without having to be told who the other kid was Dean knew it straight away, this had all started towards the end of last year and was now going on, again. Miss Jones had said back then it was just the children doing what all children do at that age, and it was the parents responsibility to bring their children into line! She would not tolerate this behaviour anymore and if Noah wanted to stay on at school he needed to play fairly in the playground, she was a harsh woman. Dean didn't like this, it wasn't his child fault, Noah was being picked on by this other kid and the 'Old Dragoon', Miss Jones, was doing nothing about it. He knew that this had to be sorted, once and for all and he wasn't going to stand by and let his Son go through these early years at school being afraid of another kid. The next day and he called up the school, spoke with the secretary, some welfare office and the head teacher. He let them all know in no uncertain terms he was not happy with all this and Miss Jones attitude to boot, he wanted it all sorted out, Today! He arranged to got to the school that afternoon after the children had all left and sort it out and he wanted the others kid's parents there too. As he got to the school he got a call from his wife to say that there had been another 'incident' in the playground, Noah was OK just a bit upset. He also had a voice message from the school saying that the head teacher couldn't make the meeting, 'coward!' but Miss Jones would be there and one of the other child's parents was also coming in for the meeting, 'Good!' Dean got out his car, the school seemed empty apart from a couple of cars in the carpark, he hadn't been here back to the school, properly, for a long time, and it seemed very strange as it was so quiet. He got lost a bit in a few memories about his time here, how old had he been 7,8,9? Then the memorises of being bullied himself came flooding back as he found himself wondering around the school, ending up in the playground. It still looked the same with the various netball and football pitched marked out on the concrete floor, the old fashion water fountains, that were probably now 'too unhygienic' for kids to use now, the tall black railings that enclosed the playground, 'yes all those memories'. There was a single battered drinks can laying around, obviously some kids had been using it for a kick about at the end of school. He smiled to himself, again remembering his time here in the playground, the good times and kicked the can CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! "You should know better and put it in the bin!" Dean turned around and saw who the voice belonged to, who was stood there 'Oh No, HER!' Suddenly a horrible feeling came over Dean, as he looked at the woman, recognised her and realised who she must be 'Not Her!' The woman was Deb's, a woman the same age as Dean, 32, which wasn't that much of a surprise as they had both be at school together, but more importantly she had been the one who'd been his nemesis at school, she, Deb's had been his playground bully! During those early days at school Dean had suffered at the hands of the 'little girl' Deb's in the playground, he never knew why she had picked on him, but she had! It had been a horrible time those early years, especially as he also had the put up with the strict Miss Jones as his teacher as well. But he'd got through it all, as Deb's had seemed to find other things to distract her and the bullying slowly faded away. But even so, Dean, had been wary of the girl as they moved through the different years at school, until they finally left and went their own separate ways. He not seen the girl, now the woman, for a long time and until Noah's bullying he'd forgotten about how horrible his younger school's day had been, all because of her! Although she was now defiantly a woman, Dean could still see that nasty little girl in her. But she was now longer little or a girl, Deb's was tall, and by the look of her, just like back when they were both at school, she was probably still taller than him even now. She was dressed in a pair of high heeled ankle boots, the black leather kind with bright chains all around for decoration. The extra height these gave her also added to her overall 'imposing' appearance. She then had on a pair of tight faded jeans, with a couple of well 'designed' rips here and there. Up further was her top, a three quarter length white tight top, displaying her belly button and with three quarter length sleeves. And its wrap over design gave her a plunging neck line and allowed her thrusting breasts to be clearly seen. The way she was dressed was defiantly eye catching as was her face and how she looked, Dean could still see that face of the nasty girl but it was now grown up and turned into an attractive woman. Her chin, lips, nose, dark eyes and long dark brunette hair was, for a moment, very distracting, then she smiled. It was like going back 25 years or so, she may now be a grown up woman but she still had the little girl mean smile of hers. The same look she'd had all those years ago when she beat him in the playground. So now after all those years it was now her daughter that was bullying his son in the playground, history was repeating itself and Dean was now, even more determined to stop this! The woman made her way slowly across the playground, sauntering her way towards the man, all the time there was that look on her face. A half grin, a slight smirk and a touch of a defiant sneer, finished off with smallest sign of a genuine smile. Dean's mind rolled back to when she 'really' smiled, when she laughed, he did remember that and how she looked and how he did like her. All those years ago as she sat on the other side of the classroom, smiling with her friends, a proper smile and then she would look around, see him looking at her and her smile turned into that other look of hers. The look she gave him in the playground as she bullied him, the same look she was giving him now! "Well, well, all makes sense now, your boy, my girl just like old time isn't it Deany boy?" She was mocking him, but he should have expected that from her, and now she was stood in front of him. He looked her in the eyes, nice eye's, but that was then this was now and he would sort this now. "Your little girl will stop bulling my boy, she won't bother him again." Deb's snorted, shock her head and her expression changed to one of uninterest, as the man had put on his firm voice and as he 'told' her. She now half turned as if ignoring him and finding what he'd said quite amusing, in a strange kind of way, which only made him now mad! He reached out grabbed onto the woman's hand, stopping her and taking back the authoritarian position here "I said your little girl will ... ... " SMACK! Deb's clenched fist had come screaming around and landed harshly into the side of Dean's jaw, rocking the man and making him wobble, making him stoop, he certainly hadn't been expecting that at all. As he steadied himself, and his head came back to look at the woman THUD! He felt her hands come down on him, grabbing him, then a sudden pain in his gut as something pounded into him, Deb's knee hurt and made the man drop down to one knee as he gasped for breath. This allowed the woman the rummage around in her pocket and produce and band so her could now tie her long hair back in a ponytail, it was obvious to her she would need to just sort herself out a little, before she dealt with the current situation WHACK! Dean was still down on one knee, trying to grab his breath when he was struck again, he made the mistake of screwing up his eyes as he'd dealt with the sharp pain from the woman's knee to his gut. As he'd steady himself, taking that deep breath, then moved his head upwards and opened his eyes, only to see a flash of blue denim. Deb's had swung her leg around and pounded her strong thigh into the side of Dean face as his head had come up and she'd hit him hard. Now the man was sent tumbling down fully to the ground, he went down face first and hit the playground floor just as he'd done so many times before, a long, long time ago. If that wasn't bad enough, the fact that it was his old nemeses, his own personal school bully that had done that all those years ago, and now she was doing it again to him! As he lay there everything went rushing around in his mind, it was like being transported back to another time and still being in the present all at the same moment. 'Why? Why? Why?' Why was all this happening to him, why had it happened in the past and why was it now all starting with his Son? He had to know why? SLAP! OOWWWHHH! His moment of thought was interrupted by Deb's, she didn't answer his questions, just carried on with her playground session. Her hands had come down harshly on him, grabbing the man roughly and hauling him upwards, whatever Deb's had been up to during those years since school, she hadn't lost any of her playground manner as was just as strong now, as she'd seemed back then. Dean was dragged up off the floor, which was quite frightening in the fact that he was not a small man and so she must be indeed even stronger than he first thought. As he came up THUD! THUD! THUD! Deb's let loose with her knee again, as it shot upwards and drive into his body, hammering him hard, hurting him and showing him that although somethings had changed over the years, the fact that she could still bully and beat him hadn't! THUD! Her last knee was well aimed into his gut, again, winding him and making the man cough and spluttered, for a split second Dean felt himself well up as if he was about to cry, just like he did back all those years ago whenever Deb's bullied him in the playground! But he didn't cry, he stopped himself, he was again more interested in getting his breath back now, but Deb's was more interested in playing some more! Still holding onto him she quickly yanked him backwards, making him shudder, then letting go so he now dropped down onto his knees. Then one hand grabbed hold of him, grasping a fistful of his hair, holding his head still, while the other fist came around and SMASH! Straight into the middle of the man's face, a full blown smack in the face that produced stars flying around his head and now a trickle of blood running from his nose, just like old time, again! Dean brought his hands up to try and swat away her clenched fist, just as he'd tried to do back then, but with the same result WHACK! She once more punched the man, just as back then she had punched the boy WHACK! WHACK! SMASH! There was a good blow, straight into his eye, that would end up in a nice bruise! More hits came down as she hammered him, bringing even more of those memorise back and all the emotions with it. The pain of his younger years here at school, and the misery of it all. "WHY?" Dean couldn't defend himself, he was trapped back in the school playground being bullied again by the same girl who'd ruined his younger year's, but why? Deb's looking down at the man, still gripping him by his hair and with her fist drawn back ready to let fly again, but she stopped. She'd only hit him a 'few' times and already his face was showing the signs, marks, bruises and a bloody nose, it was so like old times, and that faint redness around his eye's as if he was about to cry, again. She smiled "why? You want to know why I did this to you all those years ago?" Dean just nodded as his throat was all tightening up as he tried not to blubber like a schoolboy. She smiled, and it was that smile he knew from back then, that smile he liked about her, how she smiled when she thought he wasn't looking at her. "Don't you know anything about little girls at school, they hit the ones they like!" 'What she liked him! That was what this was all about, she liked him!' Dean was shocked for a moment, but as it all sunk in it was obvious, she liked him, so she hit him, that's what girls do. He was then scared of her so she hit him some more to get him to like her! 'Oh God, and they say relationships are complicated when you're an adult!' Somehow it all made sense now "and now I'm doing this for two reasons ... ... " WHACK! " ... ... One, my Daughter now likes your Son, so you had better tell him to pay her some attention, and ... ... " WHACK! " ... ... and secondly, you and me here back in the playground, well it's nice to relive the old days don't you think?" WHACK! Deb's struck him for the last time and at that moment let go so he dropped down, back to the playground floor, he thought he forgotten just how it tasted as he spat of a couple of bits of gravel. The same gravel that cut his knees many time before and caused him so much pain and misery. As he lay there trying to take all this in there was a sound that now filled the empty playground, a sound he'd heard before CLIP! CLIP! CLIP! CLIP! It got louder and louder and then stopped, there was a moments silence then another familiar sound for the past "well, well, well, what do we have here then?" The voice belonged to Miss Jones the strict teacher who both Dean and Deb's knew from the old days here, "Debora and Dean fighting the playground, again! Will you two never learn, and now your offspring's are carrying this on even today, not really good enough is it?" Dean pushed himself up so he could now see Miss Jones stood next to Deb's, there was that same tone of dissatisfaction in her voice that Dean remembered and she looked just the same as she had all those years ago. Miss Jones was a tough, strict woman, the kind you were sure didn't actually like children in the first place, she was quite tall, or had seemed to Dean when he'd first met her as a child. Even back then she was old and dressed in a very formal and old fashion way. Now he looked back at her, nothing had seemed to have changed. She was still dressed the same way, in the same cloths as far as he could remember, a pair of high heeled brown ankle books, that gave her that distinctive sound as she clipped clopped around the school. Then a long black skirt that ran down from her waits well past her knees, Dean noticed for the first time the split down the side, not too long but long enough to notice her long legs. Up further was her usual starched white blouse, all lacy around the collar and sleeves, with the line of black buttons, all done up, all the way up to her collar. But now Dean noticed how the button curved around and over her large chest, that seemed to stick out even further than he remembered. Finally, there was her face and how she looked, older maybe but it was still the same old Miss Jones. Now she must have been 50ish, he guessed, but somehow she hadn't become some worn out old hag, in fact she'd hardly changed, at all. She looked surprisingly good, even if she had been that strict horrid teacher back then, now she looked strangely very good, very good indeed. Her face hadn't changed much, it didn't look that old, but she must be, it was long and kind of pretty, in a peculiar way, with her red lips, high cheek bones and red blusher. Her dark eyes that where always looking over her old fashion half rimmed glasses that balanced on the end of her nose. The kind of glasses with a chain around them so that they could hang down and rest on her large breasts as she leaned over to examine a child's workbook. That imagine, of her leaning over and looking at him, suddenly became very clear to him. She had dark hair, full, bold and long, tied back in a ponytail but with a great tuff, curl of hair just above her forehead. And all finished off by a pair of long sparkly earrings, that gave her a bit of a stylish, if old fashion, look. The sudden appearance of Miss Jones should have been a God send as this would save him from Deb's but somehow on seeing his old teacher all Dean could think of for a second was 'Wow she looks good!' Miss Jones stared down at Dean, and again he was transported back all those years as she still had the disappointed look on her face, as she always did with him! Deb's now appeared in Dean view as she stepped up close to Miss Jones and now both women were looking down, disappointedly at him. "Will you never learn Dean?" Deb's turned to her old teacher "he was never a quick learner was he?" The teacher looked back at her old student "a disappointment at best and by the looks of things he hasn't improved much." The two women nodded and looked back down at Dean who was trying to make some sense of all this. "Will you give him a 'talking-to' now?" Deb's asked, Miss Jones sighed "looks like I have no other choice, he needs to understand the errors of his ways." 'What where these women on about, it was him that ... ... ' Dean couldn't get to grips with what he was hearing, nothing of this was his fault and as he was about to speak, he stopped, the two women had turned back to each other, leaned over and kissed! 'What!' Deb's, his old nemesis, and now the attractive 30' something was kissing this old teacher, the strict 'old dragon' the, good looking 50 something! 'What the hell?' He couldn't believe it, 'Deb's, Miss Jones what was ... ... ' OOOWWWWWW! The woman had finished their girly kiss and now Miss Jones had reached down and grabbed Dean by his ear, "time you and I had another talk about how to behave in the playground boy!" With that the man was dragged away, watched by a slightly chuckling Deb's! Dean scurried around on all fours as Miss Jones pulled him along, dragging him across the playground and into the school. She wasn't gentle at all and it was a painful reminder just how strict his old teacher had been, and still was. He scampered along the corridor to Miss Jones classroom, just like a naughty dog, or schoolboy. The door to her room was pushed open and in she pulled him, up to her desk, where she grabbed a chair, sat down and now HHHUUUU! As she released her hold on his now very sore ear she'd quickly and sharply grabbed hold of the man and dragged him up and over her lap as she sat there, if this wasn't embarrassing enough then more was to follow. In another very quick and skilful move Miss Jones now seized onto Dean's trousers and was wrestling them down and off of him. Dean struggled but a firm hand gripped him, clutched the back of his neck, hurt him and held him down, Miss Jones took control and forced the man to stay where he was as his trousers came down around his legs and his pants where also wiped away. Now his bare bottom was on display and ready for Miss Jones. "Boy's your age need a different kind of discipline! You need to be told off and punished in a harder way!" 'What could she mean?' Now that Dean was much older she could inflict a very different, but effect form of punishment WHACK! OOOWWWW! She spanked the man hard WHACK! UUUUHHHH! "I will not tolerate bad behaviours in the playground ... ... " WHACK! OOOOOUCH! " ... ... and naughty boy's will be punished" WHACK! With Dean held down across her lap and his bear arse up in the air the old teacher gave him exactly what he deserved, a good spanking! She brought her bear hand down again and again across him, smacking him hard and filling the classroom with his whimpering moans and the sharp sound of a firm female hands slapping his bare male arse. It was almost as if she was enjoying it as she didn't stop until his arse was red raw and she could hear him blubbering like the sorrowful little boy he really was, WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! ARRRRRHHHHHH! With the two dozen and more firm smacks delivered Miss Jones was finished, with the spanking that was. That just left one 'other thing' to take care of. With all this older woman punishment and Dean's bare arse on show there was also something else that was 'exposed!' Plus, when you add into all this, the quite attractive older woman who administered his punishment, the fact she was his former strict teacher, how her hand constantly touched his arse and how his body was jerking around and against her with each hit, Dean had got a little 'excited!' Miss Jones was not impressed, 'why was it every time she put a man over her knees the same thing happened?' She moved Dean around into a better position, still controlling him, forcing and holding him down "now what do we have here?" OOOWWWHHH! She grabbed hold of his cock, Miss Jones had a good, solid hold on him as she now started to work him "pathetic little man aren't you?" Dean didn't know, his head was spinning, his arse was on fire and he was so confused and humiliated he didn't know what to think. But the teacher wanted her answer "aren't you?" her nails dug in, deep and hard ARRRRHHHH! "yes Miss ... ... Yes Miss." More tears fell down Deans' face as Miss Jones carried on with her milking of the man, her former awkward boy, who was now her current naught man! She stroked and manipulated him, she pumped and jerked him. Like the expert she was, in this kinds of situation, she controlled, chastised and worked Dean, and in a moment or two, she knew his total humiliation would be complete. She always enjoyed this point, when a man was finally and totally humiliated by her. Dean also knew he would not be able to hold out much longer as her forceful hand went backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, gripping him, grasping him, working his throbbing cock. Her hand quickened its pace "if you dare to shot any of the man stuff out, I'll make you clean it up with your tongue, then I will punish you for it!" Her hand got faster and faster, he was going to shot his load, 'God if it goes over her shoe or leg what will she do to me?' She pounded his cock until ... ... UUUUOOOOWWWW! "You dirty little boy, look at the disgusting mess you have made! Miss Jones will now have to punish you so more for your filthy behaviour" there was a pause, then "Won't I boy ... ... ?"