Photo Shoot By Crossmanx at - Comments and ideas welcome Beware of what jobs come your way! Photo Shoot It was getting late when Alexander raced up the steps that lead into the office block, the lift door had just shut so he had to take the stairs. But that didn't bother him after all he was fit and it would probably be quicker using the stairs anyway. He was in a good mood today as he quickly negotiated the stairs at least two or three at a time and in flash he was up onto the third floor and heading towards the offices of 'Faces' the agency he belonged to. He opened the door to see Moira the faithful secretary "your late! He's almost finished for the day and you know how I lock up on time, no waiting around, you need to be more ... ... " 'Faithfully' secretary yes, but also someone who could talk the back legs off a donkey when she got going. "I'll just nip in and see him then." He got out of that conversation quickly and Alexander headed straight for the door that lead into the personal office of Oscar. The 'Theatrical Agent to the Stars!', or that's how he described himself. Oscar was indeed a theatrical agent, but maybe not to the stars, and he'd been running the Face's Agency for a long, long time, with some average success. Alexander had been on the agency's books for a few years now, mostly doing modelling shoots, advertising campaigns, a number of adverts and some background acting jobs. He'd even had a talking part in one of those soap's, even if it was just ordering something in a café, but it was all part of learning the trade as he was always being told. Alexander or AJ as he was known in the, business, as his middle name was Jeromy and he didn't like it too much, he'd had a call from Oscar earlier that afternoon to come over as soon as he could. He'd finished his shift on the taxis, well he couldn't relay on 'acting' to pay all the bills, and got round to Oscar's office as soon as he could. "Arh there you are my boy, got a job that may suit you here ... ... " the unorganised man hunted around on his desk for AJ's file and was obviously having difficulties trying to locate it " ... ... now where did I put ... ... " Just then Moira came in with the distinct green folder in her hand and placed it in front of Oscar "there it is I knew it was here somewhere!" Moira just gave AJ one of her looks to say 'nothing would get done around here without me' and she was probably right. "It's a photo shot over at Moorlands, and their after a ... ... ... what does it say here, Arh yes, good looking, tall, physically fit man, around 30 -35, strong features and build, preferably black and with some knowledge of martial arts." Oscar looked up for file to the tall 34 year old black man that stood in front of him. AJ had done modelling before, he was a handsome enough man, with a good physique, and as his file said, had done martial arts before, "perfect!" Oscar gave AJ all the details he had and two days later he was heading over to the south side of the city down to the river where one of the old disused warehouses had been taken over and converted into the Moorland Studios. It was a large old building that was now sectioned off and used not only for photo shoots but also filming, recordings and some digitalised this, that and the other. AJ had been here before on a number of occasions, modelling for catalogues, adverting photo shoots and even some filming. So he knew what to expect. He's brought his old martial arts suit with him, as he knew all to well even with clothing shoots half the time nothing fits properly and you normally end up having a dozen pins stuck in you to pull the clothing into the right position to make it looks as if it fits ok. But this time he would be prepared, it had been a couple of years since he's last wore the gi, as his acting and modelling now took up nearly all his spare time, but it still fitted him ok, so that was all that mattered. And although he had to stop the martial arts he still made time for the gym, after all in the 'business' he had to rely on his physique and looks to get these jobs. AJ had a quick chat with the woman who was manning the reception desk as he booked himself in and gave her his best 'I'm here on a modelling job' smile, but she had seen so many 'models' come and go through this place. He was kind of alright, but not really her type, now the blond girl who was here half an hour ago, that's a different story all together, she was cute and defiantly her type! AJ made his way to the stairs and took a quick look back at the girl on reception, he though he did all right there and had made a good impression on her. When this shoot was over he'd try again with her, see if he could get her to go out for a drink with him, 'Yer no problem, she'll go out with him, after all why wouldn't she?' As he made his way up to the top floor where the shoot was taking place AJ wondered what it was going to be all about, as usual there was never enough information. The companies doing these things just sent out their requirements to all the agencies, the agents like Oscar just tried to get their people into these jobs as quickly as possible. Obviously the fact that they wanted someone with a good physique and some martial arts knowledge could only mean it was some sports or fitness promotion; there were a lot of these going on at the moment so AJ thought it must be something like that. On the top floor AJ found studio 14 which had a board outside saying 'Black Belt Enterprise - Photo Shoot' and todays date by it, this must be the right place, so he opened the door and peered inside. It was one of the larger studios and by a quick look around at what was there told the man that this was defiantly the right room and it was going to be a martial arts shoot alright. The room was big with a high ceiling and large old fashion windows that allowed lots of natural light to come in. The walls where all white washed and fresh looking, which added to that feeling of a large and open room. There were a couple of matted areas already placed out in the room and around the side was a selection of different equipment and kit that could be found in any Dojo or training room used for martial arts. There where punch bags, posts and dummies of all shapes and styles, and then there was a rack full of different sticks, nunchakus, knives and even swords. Next to that was a pile of pads, gloves and other equipment, whoever was running this had certainly brought everything they could have for this. The only thing that could have been missing was people, but even that had been taken care of as there were a number of individuals milling around in the room already. As AJ stepped further inside he quickly scanned the people in the room, there was a dozen or so and by the looks of them all women! Apart from some young looking lad who had his back to the rest of the room as he sorted out some lights and cameras on a table on the far side. The rest of the occupants where defiantly all women and all but one was dressed in some kind of martial arts or sports outfit. AJ couldn't get a good look at each of them as they seemed all busy, but from what he could see most of them where 'average' but a few of them where good looking. But most of all, despite any looks, all these women seemed quite fit as they moved, starched and practiced around the room. The one woman who was dressed in 'normal' cloths also seemed to be the oldest of the women, she had a camera around her neck and was also looking around the room, stopping every now and again to look, take aim, focus and take a shot at whatever her 'subject' was doing. Whether it was doing stretching exercise, practicing a move or using one of the posts and dummies to hone their particular moves and strikes. It all looked pretty impressive, AJ wondered if there were any other men here, he carried on looking but couldn't see any ... ... "You! Who are you?" It was the woman with the camera "why are you here, what ... ... " she stopped mid-sentence as if she had recognised him or worked out who he was "You're the one for the ... ... er ... photo shoot aren't you?" AJ smiled and introduced himself and the woman asked him some question about his modelling experience and also began to study the tall black man and his face, and at the same time AJ had a good look at her. She was a middle age women, 40 something, quiet tall and with fairish hair that had probably been red in her youth, she wore a tight pair of brown trousers and even tighter green top, which displayed, even for this older woman a well formed and shapely body. As AJ looked at her some more he also noticed that she wasn't that bad looking either, and maybe he'd even try out some of his 'lines' on her if it didn't work out with the receptionists down stairs. In turn the woman, Phybie, also took in the man she was talking too, she had wanted a tall black man, quiet well build and with a certain handsomeish look about him and she got just that. She wasn't too struck by his goatish beard but then again each to their own she though, he would do. As they talked AJ got the distinct impression that Phybie was not only the photographer here but also the one in charge, she was the manager, director, photographer, overseer and producer all rolled into one. She broke away from her conversation to tell a couple of the women to do this and that which allowed AJ to get a better look at some of them. The man's initial observation had proven right most of the women seemed ordinary enough, they ranged from early twenties too mid-thirty he guessed and mostly looked like housewives, not models! Nothing wrong in that he supposed but some just looked a bit plain he thought, especially for a modelling job, as if the where 'real people!' But then there was the two or three really good looking women, even though they were a little way away, he could still tell they were attractive. "What's in the bag?" Phybie came back to AJ and got his attention, he explained he had his own suit and was it OK to wear it, as it would make him feel more comfortable. Phybie agreed and went to show him were the men's changing room was, as they headed across the room AJ saw that the lad who had been working on the lights and camera's came walking across the open floor, there was one of the good looking woman nearby, dressed in a set of white gi's and a black belt around her trim waist, who was knelt down on the floor finishing off what looked like some breathing exercises. AJ saw as the young lad went up to the woman knelt down, placed his arm on her shoulder and squatted down next to her. The woman's head turned towards the youth and she smiled, even from where AJ was he could see how her whole face light up as she smiled, then surprisingly the lad leaned over and kissed the woman. Now he was just a lad, probably not even shaving yet and she was a woman at least 28 or so, and attractive with her long fair hair tied back in a ponytail to show off that good looking face with the deep dark eyes. 'And they kissed!' It wasn't a 'peck on the cheek', it wasn't a 'just good friend's kiss' or anything like that, it was lips on lips 'lucky bastard!' 'Lucky young bastard!' WHACK! The sudden sound of one of the women in a set of yellow gi's striking out hard at one of the large dummies over on the other side of the room brought AJ's mind back. Then "you can get changed in here" Phybie showed AJ the men's changing room and the tall black man went inside, still amazed at how the young lad had been so bold to kiss that woman. 'But she kissed him back, so she wanted to kiss him!' Didn't make sense to him as he went over it a couple more times in his head while he changed. Outside and if AJ had been there a few other things wouldn't have made sense either, firstly there was another loud WHACK! As the women in the yellow gi struck out again, but this time 'the dummy' fell down to the floor, the woman stepped forward and looked down as she now loomed over the fallen oriental man that was at her feet. She looked disappointed as she reached down and grabbed the man by his hair and started to drag the battered guy towards one of the far doors. At the same time the young lad had moved over to where the older woman was and placed one of the cameras down on the table near to her. Then he moved over to her and placed his hand on her firm backside and waited there. The older woman turned and smiled, she gave the lad a hug and kissed him passionately and as they finished "you go off now, I'll tell your Mother you've been good today and earned your pocket money." He smiles "thanks Aunty, do you want me to come round tonight?" She placed her hand on his cheek and lovingly stroked him "Of course I do, what would Aunty do without her gorgeous bed warmer to keep her company all night. And as you've be good today I'll have a treat for you." His grin turned into a smile "I might even bring a friend home with me tonight." The eager lads smile broadened as he looked around at the other women in the room "Oh no you don't get to choice, it'll be a surprise, now be off with you. I'm sure you have homework to do before you come round mine tonight." They kissed again and the happy lad went off wonder what other delights tonight would bring! Phybie also smiled, but first things first, she had work to do now, she clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention and gave them a quick chat, and then she turned her attention towards the men's changing room and the man inside, AJ! There was a knock on the changing room door "are you ready?" AJ tied the belt around his jacket and waist, looked at himself in the mirror 'you look so fine my man!' and headed for the door. As he stepped out into the main area, ready for the photo shoot, it was about now that he started to wonder just what was going to be involved in the shoot. There was obviously a martial arts theme, but was it to advertise the sport, a club, or a shop or was it more of a sales shoot, but he was sure he would find out soon enough! As the door to the male changing room closed behind him AJ stopped, he was back in the same room as he had been a short while ago, but it was now different. The mats on the floor where still there, the equipment and kit were still situated all around the room, but still it was different, it was the people, the women! A dozen or so women where all now knelt down, sat under the large windows along the side wall. Each woman sat in silence with her hands resting on her thighs and they were all looking up and over to AJ, it gave the man a very unnerving feeling as if they were all waiting, looking and expecting ... ... But what? Although in reality this only lasted a couple of seconds, but it seemed much, much longer to the man, until "good you're ready!" Phybie stepped forward and now caught the man's attention, she still had the camera around her neck and this time there was also a strange kind of smile on her face "so who do you want first?" The older woman indicated towards the quiet women all knelt down by the window and all looking intensely up at him, the confused look on AJ's face prompted Phybie to clarify her last statement "who would you like to conduct your first shoot with?" AJ was pleased that the woman had explained herself a bit better "Oh! Errr ... ... " he wasn't sure as in all the photo shoots he'd done before he'd been told exactly what to do, where and how to stand and even what emotion he had to put across to the camera. So being asked who he wanted to work with was different, to say the least, he wondered what else would be different about this session than those he'd done before! As AJ didn't know any of the woman, had never worked with any of these 'models' before he just nervously said " ... ... her on the end will do nicely, I think!" Phybie turned to the woman at the end and nearest to the two of them and nodded, the woman instantly shot up onto her feet, took a step forward and grabbed onto the black belt around her waist. Phybie lead the way over towards the first set of large blue mats that was on the floor "right you stand over there" 'now came the direction and being told exactly what to do' AJ thought. The man stood where he was told and the woman took a position in front of him, which allowed AJ to get his first real look at the woman he'd 'chosen.' She was a young woman, maybe early 20's, not overly attractive, but not too bad either with long dark brown hair that had a kind of messy curl to it. She was dressed in a normal white martial arts suit and stood there staring at him, as if totally focused on something. It was a little unnerving but, maybe she was new to modelling and a bit scared he thought. AJ was halfway turning towards to Phybie to ask what she wanted in the shot when WHACK! The young woman's foot came up, around and struck the man hard across his face; the strike had obviously taken AJ by surprise, he'd not been expecting that to happen. AJ had been jolted and took a step backwards to steady himself, it wasn't a total hard blow, but it was hard enough "WHAT THE ... ... " Before he could finish Phybie had her say "again and this time with more Oomph!" SMACK! The woman's foot came around again and struck the man for a second time, and this time there was defiantly more 'Oomph' in it CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! "That's it, and again." Phybie encouraged the woman some more as she stood there taking more photos of the woman's foot as it slammed into AJ's face for a third time. The man staggered backwards some more forcing the woman to move forward so she could get her fourth strike in and on target SMACK! Again the older woman carried on clicking her camera and taking shots as she moved around to get into the best position to capture the 'action' as it happened WHACK! Five good shots had gone into AJ's face, five high kicks from the younger woman, and five feet that had been pushed into his face and knocked him backwards. But it had all happened too fast for AJ, he'd been totally unprepared and hadn't expected anything like this to have happened. The older woman with the camera carried onto directing the action as she pointed to the stunned man's stomach as an instruction to the women where to aim for next THUD! Her foot came up and drove into the man's gut, winding him and dropping him down to his knees. Phybie was pleased with that and indicated to the younger woman to go and sit down against the opposite wall to where the remaining women where, which she did. AJ steadied himself and caught his breath back, and as he slowly started to get back to his feet Phybie indicated to the next woman knelt down under the window it was her turn to come over! The first women went off to the left whilst the next woman came in from the right as they swopped over and as AJ fully got to his feet and took in another deep breath he was now faced with another woman. This one was another young woman, maybe the same age as the first or a year younger, she was dressed in a black set of gi's which made her blond hair stand out even more. She was again OK in the looks department, nothing spectacular and not ugly either, but she also had the same focus look in her eyes that the first woman had had. But AJ wasn't interested in her, he was angry and hurt, he rubbed his face as he once again went to turn towards Phybie to protest and say his bit when WHACK! The new woman strike out and stopped him, and stopped him hard. As AJ's head spun he realised he should have been watching the second women, but had just wanted to know what the hell was going on here? There was a loud clicking sound near to him then the sudden sharp painfully blow to his side of his face and jaw. Phybie had got in closed for the spinning kick as the heel of the blond woman's foot had collided with the black man jaw. The older woman's camera went into over drive as it clicked away capturing every movement as AJ's body jolted from the impact of that blow. AJ's head was filled with a burst of sound, noise and most of all pain! SMACK! But the words of the photography were becoming even sharper to him as she called out her instruction to her 'model.' "That's it, now strike the body and then the head." AJ heard that alright but was not quick enough to react, THUD! The woman's foot came pounding into him, flat into his gut, so he took the full force of her strike. There was a pause which seemed to last a long time as he clenched his whole body to deal with the harsh blow and before he could realise it, the woman had spun around and WHACK! Her foot now pounded his head, sending the man staggering and tumbling, but before he could fall to the floor the blond woman had reached out grabbed onto his arm and ARRRRRHHHHH! She'd grabbed him and put him into an arm hold, then wrenched his arm backwards and down, AJ felt the pain in his wrist, elbow and shoulder, it almost felt like she'd pulled his arm out the socket! As he called out he was also aware of the camera that was now in his face and capturing yet another image of him in agony. The women carried on controlling AJ using that hold as she now slammed her foot into his body as she made him crawl around on the floor. Phybie had got down onto the mats so that she could once more get the best shots of the man's screwed up agonising face. When the photographer had enough shots at that angle the blond woman was told she could release him and make her way to where the first woman was now sat down. Then Phybie called out the next woman to take to the floor, but at least this allowed AJ a much needed brake and breathing time, and also allowed the next woman time to make her way over so that she could provide Phybie with her next selection of shots! This woman was older than the previous two, and like her predecessors she was dressed in a martial arts suit, blue this time. And like the first two women this one wasn't going to set the world on light with her looks, in fact she was the plainest looking out of all of them. But that wasn't the first thing that AJ had noticed about her, no the first thing he noticed was WHACK! How she kicked like a mule, and how it hurt like hell! She got her bare foot up high and into his body, she could hold and balance on one foot while that other foot was flicked around and slapped his face, then it shot out into his jaw and dropped the tall black man down onto his knees. The shocked and stunned AJ tried again to protest and even fight back, but again and again female feet where sent into his face and body. And always there was that constant clicking sound of the camera as Phybie moved around taking more pictures of the punishment that was being dished out to this man. This woman had an accurate and hard kick, and when Phybie said "now to the side of his face" that exactly where her foot landed. And when she said "I want to see the pain on his face this time" the blow was that hard that AJ's face screwed up in such a way that all you could hear was the delight of the photographer and that dame clicking of her camera. Once more AJ tried to protest, complain, plead with these women, he even tried to resist and fight back, but the older woman in blue was having nothing of this as she lashed out with more fists and feet into the man WHACK! SMACK! THUD! She pounded him as if to say 'just stand there and be hit, that's why your here' and the photographer carried on taking her pictures oblivious to the fact that these women, and the one in blue in particular where real hurting the man WHACK! CLICK! ARRRRHHH! As another high kick landed in the man's face, sending him spinning around and inflicting even more pain into his battered body. The older woman in blue carried on with her harsh treatment of AJ, with pounding his body and smashing his face with her feet THUD! She stepped backwards and swung her foot up high, 'god she must have supple joins in her legs!' Then when her leg was almost straight up it came crash down so the sole of her foot collided into the man's face. AJ could almost taste the dirt on her foot as his mouth and nose took the full force, and he could defiantly taste the blood in his mouth from his cut lip. The man was almost taken down and off his feet by the force of the blow as he wobbled and staggered backwards. But this woman was quick, far too fast for this man, she dropped down and got into the perfect position to swish her leg around. Now her leg came thundering round and crashed into the stumbling man's leg, the force of her strike now took AJ completely off his feet and made him fall back and down onto the floor. The room echoed with the loud thud as the man was brought down with a heavy bang! As she had dropped the man to the floor the woman in blue was replaced by the photographer, who'd now chosen the first of the attractive women to step up. Well AJ would have thought she was attractive if he had been in any state to think straight at this stage and being in any fit state to appreciate the 'delights' of the Filipino woman in her late 20's that now stepped up to him. She wore a white suite with black trim and a black belt, which suited her, she had long dark hair, tied up in a ponytail and numerous strands of hair hung down across her attractive face. She was quite a stunning woman who had an equally stunning kick WHACK! She'd taken over from the woman in blue and hit out straight and firm into AJ's face the man had only been back on his feet for a couple of second before this new woman had sent him wobbling and then a second kick sent him back down to the floor. AJ lay there a now beaten mess of a man who was desperately trying to gather what strength he could, he'd gone pass the stage of wondering what was going on and the continues clicking of the camera that was drilling into his brain now. It was as if each click of the camera meant a foot or fist was heading his was, to dish out hurt and pain and provide the photographer with an image of female dominance and power and also an image of male submissiveness and weakness. AJ was bought back up and the Filipino woman lashed out at him, driving her feet hard round to pound his body, she was also flexible, supple and had that glint in her eye that meant she could and would try any move on him to achieve a result. And the result was that she managed to hurt AJ a lot, she got close to the tall man, real close, her leg shot up, straight and high then THUD! Her foot slammed into his lower jaw, knocking the man back, then the next second and the woman had moved, spun around and brought her other foot into play, now driving the heel of that foot down even harder into the man's upper body and again AJ staggered. The woman moved again, she spun and this time drove her food hard into his gut, adding to the pain, misery and adding to the collection of marks and bruised on his body. . The camera clicked as the woman pounded him, AJ was like a man in a stupor now, he'd didn't know where he was or what was happening to him, even though he could certainly feel it! Phybie could see now that the Filipino woman was all this man could take for now, she let a few more kicks go in before nodding to the woman indicating that is was time to end this session. The Filipino woman stopped she pulled her jacket down and took a few steps backwards, then she ran at AJ as he just stood there wobbling and swaying. As she ran at her target she jumped, her foot came out and WHACK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! THUD! The woman outstretched foot drove into AJ's face, taking his off his feet and sending the man crashing down to the floor like a dead weight. All the time Phybie's camera was going as she got the great action shots she wanted. AJ was dropped and out cold now, and it would be some time before he came around. When he did came round AJ found himself back in the changing room, still in his martial arts suits, he felt bad after what had been a very strange photo shoot. He got himself off the floor and onto his feet, everything seemed quiet and he wondered how long he had been there for, still not thinking straight he grabbed the door and step outside. "Arh your awake are you, got some great shots yesterday, are you ready for the next session?" 'Yesterday! Next session! What was ... ... ' Before he could react or do anything someone had grabbed him and thrown him towards the middle of the room. AJ went tumbling and was soon back on the blue mats, to his right the ladies lined up, and those who didn't get a go yesterday went to the front of the queue Before AJ could do anything the first woman had stepped up to him WHACK! CLICK! AJ went through his second session and second lot of female beatings. The first woman was a long hair brunette who showed all the same intensity of the previous woman to hurt him and pound her feet into him as hard and much as she could. She did a good job of softening up the man and getting him ready for the other women that where to follow, taking him down a couple of times before being replaced by a fierce redhead. The new woman was dress in an army camouflaged pattern martial arts suits, that gave her an even more menacing look and she was very determined to give the photographer the best shots. She pounded AJ's face again and again and again, until she was happy that the she had given it her best shot. She followed this up with some body blows and then she went back to smashing his face just to make sure she got it right! Then there was the oriental woman, a good looker in a red martial arts suit, with the fighting knives! Although she had only used her feet to pummel him she held one knife in each hand and looked so menacing, she had scared AJ so much. On the other hand the look on the frighten man's face and the woman with the knives had provided Phybie with some great shots. Lastly, for this session, there was the woman in the yellow trousers and the black crop top; she also had on a pair of boxing gloves, bright yellow to match her trousers. She had a rough look to her, her scraggily fair curly hair was all over the place, so where her feet and gloves as the thundered and ponded every inch of his body, until a stunning move with both fist and feet struck at the same time sending AJ out cold, yet again. In all of this session like the first the camera had been going all the time, and for now Phybie was more than happy with what she had. Much later and again AJ woke up with a start, but this time he was still lying in the centre of the main room on the blue mats, but he was alone. He was alone and that was such a relief, the equipment and stuff was all still there but, more importantly, there were no women. Despite his bod hurting like mad AJ gather himself up and his things and got out of there a quickly as he could. It took time and effort but eventually AJ got himself home and collapsed on his bed. The following day and the sound of AJ's phone eventually got the weary man awake and back into the land of the living. He fought for energy to answer the phone as he recognised the number it was Oscar, "great news AJ they loved you on that photo shot and I've had a request for you to go back there next week to take part in some more sessions. They must have really liked you there!" the words cut through AJ head like a sharp knife 'Go Back There!' Although his entire body screamed out 'NO!' something in his brain didn't take that in as he said "yes. Ok I'll do it", he put the phone down and wondered why had he agree to this 'WHY?' Secretly was there something about those session that he'd liked 'No surly that couldn't be the answer?' Back in his office and Oscar was pleased that AJ had been so popular, that always meant more work coming his way. Then the agent wondered how John was going to get on? Oscar had received a request for the same woman who had wanted a tall black martial arts man for a second man, this time a tall white martial arts man. Luckily for Oscar he not only AJ on his book he also had John who fitted the bill perfectly for this 'second order!' It was about this time that John, carrying his own martial arts suit in a bag stepped out onto the top floor of the Moorland Studios and found himself outside studio 14. He opened the door and stepped inside, as he did so a women was stood in the empty room examining a camera in her hand, she looked up and "are you here for the photo shot?" John smiled eagerly "yes that's me; sorry I'm a bit early that's alright isn't it. Where do I change then, I brought my own outfit I hope that's OK?" The woman smiled back and had a quick chat with John as she showed him where to change, when he was nicely settled into the changing room she went over to the far door in the large open studio room. She opened the door and when through, on the other side was another much larger and plush changing room that her ladies used. "Well the next ones here, he's early so obviously keen, so which one of you wants to be first then?" A tall black woman dressed in a pink gi stood up, a broad grin on her face "I believe it's my turn!" as she made her way to the door, she was then followed by a Thai looking woman dress in red boxing shorts, a yellow crop top with 'Boxing Queen' written across it and carrying a pair of red boxing gloves. These women where closely followed by a young looking girl in her traditional white suite and black belt and then a young woman with auburn hair dressed in combat style bottoms and a black crop top, with fingerless gloves that were holding onto a thick chain hanging around her neck. More women followed and each of them had that determined and focused look on their faces and in their eyes. Phybie took a couple of shots as the woman moved out into the large room; she could tell this was going to be another good session ... ... !