Neighbour in Charge By Crossmanx at - Comments and Ideas welcome When the woman next door is left in charge, anything can happen Neighbour in Charge Tommy unlocks the front door to his parents' house and steps inside, it had been a hard day at school and he was glad to be back home. "Arh! There you are" firstly it was the tone in his mother's voice and then there was the suitcase that he almost tripped over, that was his second clue that something was up. Alice, his mother, was rushing around "err, what's going on?" Obviously something was but Tommy wasn't sure what, but before he could find out what the door behind him opened and in walked Derek, his father "what going on here?" Tommy stepped out the way, not too sure how this was going to go, as for the past couple of years his parents had been going through a 'rough patch' in their marriage. "Arh! Your back as well" another step backwards 'best to leave them to it' Tommy thought. Derek had had a few 'worries' when he'd walked in and seen the suitcase there, but for both him and his son it wasn't as bad as they had first thought. "Right Aunty Beryl's had one of her turns, she needs rest and looking after, so I'm going to stay with her for a while ... ... " 'Phew!' That was a bit of a relief for both Derek and Tommy. "I don't know how long I'll be gone, maybe a week or two.." 'A week, Two weeks!' Derek was shocked, Tommy wasn't that impressed either "what going to happen to us? How's going to do the ... ... " With the look that Alice gave her husband it stopped him mid-sentenced, she was going to say something like 'well you can get one of the girls from work to ... ' But as her son was there she stopped herself, just. Alice picked up her suitcase and headed for the door "right there's a meal for tonight in the freezer ... " a 'look' towards Derek and " ... ... I'm sure you can look after the house and your son for a few days, can't you!" As she steps through the door and off to her car Alice turned back to husband and son, still with that surprised and bewildered look on their faces. She left them with her parting words "Oh and to make sure that the pair of you don't get into any trouble I've asked next door to come in and check up on you." With that she left, and a grin came over the faces of both the father and son and all due to those parting words 'next door ... ... The woman form next door!' Derek stepped over to the window and looked out, Alice was just pulling out and on her way and coincidently a car was just pulling into next doors drive way. It stopped and out stepped an attractive brunette, Terrie, tall, early 30's with a great body the ultimate 'Milf next door!' The smile on Derek's face turned into a dirty grin, this was a perfect opportunity to try his luck with Terrie. She had given him the eye before and now Alice had even asked her to come in 'look after him', a number of thoughts of exactly how she could look after him now ran through his mind. Upstairs and Tommy was in his room and also looking out of the window, he had also seen the sexy Milf from next door as she took shopping bags from the car and went into her house. He's often though, fantasised, about taking the shopping in for Terrie and then the woman 'thanks him' by giving him a mind blowing tit wank, then takes him there on the kitchen floor. But now his mother had asked her to come into his house and look after him, maybe, just maybe, he would be taking her in his kitchen! The young lad and the Milf next door "Thank you Mum, Thank you Mum!" It was the next day and also the weekend, Derek had managed to feed both himself and Tommy the previous evening, without any major problems. In fact the two men had got on and had an enjoyable evening, which was mostly due to each of them having their own private thoughts about what they were going to do to Terrie when she turned up. Both men were reluctant to go out that morning, they both wanted to be there when they had their first visit from next door 'checking' on them. The sound of a car door slamming and then an engine starting grabbed both Derek and Tommy's attention, both men rushed to the window nearest to them 'Shit!' Terrie was driving off down the road, Tommy, although disappointed; saw his chance to go out without losing the opportunity of seeing the woman when she eventually turned up. "I'm off Dad, just popping round to see Paul, get some stuff done for school." Derek was please that his son had gone out; he wanted Tommy out the way when she came round so he could try his luck! But as Terrie had also gone out he was now a bit pissed off! 'Oh well, might as well get on with sorting that car out!' A dejected Derek resigned himself to the fact that this morning was not going to be his chance to chat up Terrie. So he went off into the garage and worked on that car engine that was causing him so many problems. A couple of hours had past as Derek made his way back into the house and into the kitchen, he quickly washed his hands and grabbed a cloth to dry them "I hope that will end up in the washing and you're not going to use it from drying kitchenware!" Derek turned round, there behind him, in his kitchen was his neighbour, the woman from next door, but it wasn't the attractive Terrie! This woman was Mrs Bossman, the woman, the neighbour from the other side of Derek's house 'Shit!' Derek should have realised that his wife wouldn't have left him alone with Terrie, but Mrs Bossman was a different thing altogether. Mrs Bossman, Cathy, but no one ever used that, even if they knew it was her name in the first place. She was an older woman, older than Derek, Alice or Terrie, and had a 'certain air about her', confidence, Derek always though it was arrogance, an air that said I'm here! And now she was there in his house with that hard-nosed look on her face, the look she normally had. Just then Tommy came rushing in through the kitchen door, he had rushed home after seeing his friend, he wanted to make sure he didn't miss the chance to see Terrie when she came round, but 'Shit!' Now Tommy was looking at the real next door neighbour that his mother had arranged to check up on him and his father 'thanks Mum, why couldn't it have been Terrie?' There was that awkward moment of silence, as both Derek and Tommy realised that there wasn't going to a Milf around the house but an older, tough, mean woman instead! "What the matter Gentlemen you look somewhat disappointed?" She knew exactly what they were thinking "I see that you managed to look after yourself last night" the woman eyes feel onto the pile of washing up that was still waiting to be done from last night's meal. She folded her arms and an uneasy feeling came over the men, she looked uncompromising as she stood there. Mrs Bossman was an older woman; probably about ... ... Well neither of the men could real say just how old she was. Derek guessed that she could have been somewhere in her 40's and probably late 40's at that, even older. She was quite tall maybe a fraction bit taller than both Derek and Tommy, now that both the men looked at her they realised that she didn't look that bad, for an older woman that was. Not exactly attractive, not like Terrie, but not bad, for her age, whatever that was. Her short, fair but full hair suited her as did the faint lines around her face and those thin lips, that gave her a sophisticated, yet arrogant look, one that made both men pause for a bit whilst they looked at her. She had a good body, strong looking body, broad shoulders but still very feminine, long legs in a pair of tight blue jeans and a long sleeved top that showed off an ample bust. Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as they first thought, Derek and Tommy where starting to have a change of heart towards Mrs Bossman.She has an air of uncertainly about her, an air that tells both men they just don't know what was going to happen next, and that's worrying. But with this stern, harsh exterior both men were noticing an exciting even erotic side to this woman. It was the younger of the two that felt this the strongest, as he'd started to feel a 'certain twinge', so knew it was time to get out of the kitchen before things started to show. "I just need to get on with some homework" that was always a good excuse to get out of anything, Mrs Bossman smiled "good, and make sure that you tidy your room I'll be checking it later." Tommy was shocked but said nothing and just got out of the kitchen 'check his room ... ... Right as if that's going to happen!' As the lad went up to his room, and adjusted himself, he thought about this woman from next door, she had always been there, never one to be that friendly, the woman next door that he'd always been wary of. Back in the kitchen and a number of thoughts were also running around Derek's mind, this woman had been living next door when he and Alice first moved into the house and that was when Tommy was a baby. She had always been the same, the woman that was always there but in the background, never too friendly and you always knew she was there even if you never saw her. Derek had never seen a 'Mr Bossman', in fact no one had ever seen her husband and no one ever spoke about him! "So Mrs Bossman how did you get in here" the woman just grinned as she held up a key, 'has Alice given her a key or ... ' "Your wife's been away for less than a day and already this place looks like a pig's sty" she was looking back at the pile of washing up. "And have you hovered or cleaned the rest of the house so far this morning?" Her comments started to annoy Derek 'who the hell did she think she was?' "Well thank you for coming in but I think I'm more than capable of looking after ... ... " The man went to snatch the key that she had in her hand, he certainly didn't want just anyone to have to ability to come and go in his house as they liked. But as his hand came to grab the key Mrs Bossman's reaction where too quick she pulled her hand out of the way, making the man miss by miles and look stupid at the same time. As his hand went speeding pass her he lost his balance and started to topped over, and then out of nowhere THUD! Mrs Bossman had grabbed the wrist of the hand that had flew past her and in a sharp movement, that showed just how strong she was, she yanks his arm behind him, spinning the man around, twisting his arm up behind his back, then after whipping him around so easily she pushes him, throws him, into the large fridge that stood out along the kitchen wall THUD! 'Crap, That Hurt!' The woman had flung him into the fridge and it was painful, then Mrs Bossman increased his discomfort but forcing his arm higher behind his back ARRRHHH! She then pushed her body hard into his, squashing him against the fridge "Well, well Mr Moore, you do have a bit of a temper ... Don't you!" She yanked his arm up even further ARRRHHHH! "Get off me you Bitch!" Derek's now pissed with this woman SMACK! OOOWWWHHH! Mrs Bossman didn't take kindly to that, her free hand grabbed him head and smashed it into the fridge "watch your tongue Mr Moore or I might have to do something about it." 'God that hurt' she released her grip on his arm; he quickly pulled it out the way. It's numb, he tries to shake it, but now the feeling of her large breasts that are pushing against his back grabs his attention. 'Now that's a better feeling ... ' ARRRHHHH! Mrs Bossman's fist now slammed into Derek's kidneys, a second fist to the other side and she winds the man sending him down onto his knees, the older woman grabs Derek by his hair and drags him away from the fridge. "Right when I come back tomorrow I want this kitchen clean and tidy, and then I'll inspect the rest of the house." With that she throws his head down and casually walked off, she leaves by the side kitchen door, as Derek gasps for breath. By the time the man's managed to catch his breath she's long gone 'Shit!' Derek's angry and annoyed with himself, annoyed that some woman, some older woman could have so easy done this to him 'Thank God that his son hadn't been there to see what she had done.' As he sorts himself out he thinks better of going after her, she might have caught him off guard just now, 'yes she had done' but he knew now she was unusually strong for a woman, and after all he didn't go around hitting women. Upstairs and Tommy's looking out of the window, he watched Mrs Bossman walk over to her own place, she had quite a sex walk, he was beginning to see this woman in a new light, there was something about her. He'd thought he'd heard a couple of cries from downstairs and some banging around, 'had something happen when Mrs Bossman had been in the kitchen with his father!' When the son eventually made it downstairs he noticed a dent in the fridge 'strange, never seen that before' he was going to say something but noticed the look on his father's face and though better of it. He saw the mess still next to the kitchen sink and went over to start tidying it but ... ... "Don't!" Derek snapped at his son "but I thought I'd just tidy it up after all Mrs Bossman did say ... ... "Leave it, whatever that woman said forget it!" Tommy knew from his father's tone that everything was not quite right! The next day and as the light starts to drift into Tommy room the lad is still in bed, in a deep sleep and enjoying a very special dream ... ... Tommy's in the kitchen and Terrie's also there with him, in fact she's seducing the young lad, Tommy's in the process of having his hard cock being surrounded and smothered by the brunette's large tits ... Even though the lad's just entering that stage when he knows it a dream, and trying desperately to hang onto being asleep as this is just so incredible, and so realistic. But even so every now and again the face of Terrie changes to that of Mrs Bossman, and each time the intense feeling around his cock grows. That doesn't bother him as this is such a mind blowing dream, then just as he's about to cum, and he knows he can't hold himself any more BANG! A sudden sound jolts him out of his sleep and out of his dream, just at the wrong moment CLICK! These another sound, the half-asleep youngster looks around, the rooms empty but he's this strange feeling that someone had been there. The bed clothes are all over the place and he's lying there naked, his young hard cock fully ready 'had there been someone in his room?' 'Surly not there was only him and Dad in the house!' Down stairs and Derek curses as he picks up the broken pieces of the dish that he dropped, he hopes that Tommy didn't hear it, after yesterday when he'd snapped at Tommy, after being pissed off by that woman he didn't want to upset his son today. "That was a bit silly wasn't it" Derek looked up, he knew the voice but even so when he clapped eyes on Cathy Bossman stood there in the doorway to the kitchen he felt a knotted sensation in his stomach. She saw the look on his face as he looked up to her, that only went to amuse her as she strolled into the kitchen as if it where her own place, "I think I'll leave Tommy for a while he's probably got his 'hands full' by now", her tone told Derek that she meant something by that. As Mrs Bossman steps closer to Derek she noticed the state of the kitchen and her whole character changed. "I thought I made it clear that I wanted this place cleaned" Derek had had enough, she might have caught him 'off guard' yesterday by now ... ... "Look here I don't care what you want or what my wife wants, it's what I want and I want you out of ... ... " SMACK! Mrs Bossman had not taken kindly to Derek's outburst or the fact that he had not done what she told him, her strong hand had come flying round and slapped the man forcefully across his face. A stunned and shocked Derek was knocked a few steps across the kitchen towards the large centre island worktop that dominated the kitchen. He grabbed hold onto it to steady himself; she was a powerful woman to have almost knocked him off his feet. The man runs his hand over the side of his face, just to make sure that it's still there, 'Christ that hurt!' "What the hell was that ... ... " WHACK! OOOFFFFF! The older woman's clenched fist now drove hard into Derek's gut winding him and doubling him over, she smiled, amused at how easily a women, even a strong one like her could hurt this man. Derek coughed and spluttered, he takes in a good lung full of air, his hand still grips the worktop as he now tries to stand up straight. But as he raised his head SMACK! Cathy Bossman strikes again, but this time it was a harsh, sharp blow, a backhand from a clenched fist that smashed into him, but this time he grip on the worktop was broken and he's sent flying across the room and crashing into the fridge that he had got to know quite well the day before. Upstairs and Tommy thought he heard something downstairs, he was heading to the bathroom and a shower, but his thoughts soon returned to the very real dream that he had enjoyed that morning. His face broke into a very broad smile. Downstairs in the kitchen and the woman from next door was really starting to enjoy herself now CRACK! Derek went flying again, but this time there was nothing for him to grab onto or to fall into, so down to the floor he fell. Mrs Bossman smile was now permanent as she walked up to the fallen man "I've never been one to kick a man when he's down!" THUD! "Sorry ... ... I lied, I am!" She was enjoying this. Upstairs Tommy stepped into the shower to clean himself up then it would be time to get some breakfast. In the kitchen Mrs Bossman had pulled the father up onto his feet, she pushed him back against the fridge and then pressed her firm body against his. He was hurting and drained, well not all of his body was like that, as Cathy's hand moved down and grabbed him. "My, My, Mr Moore you are 'stressed', you need to relax, let me help you." Derek had no idea what happened next, he just felt the pain as he landed with a thud on top of the worktop in the centre of the kitchen. The stronger, yet older woman had garbed him, tightly, turned and pushed him upwards at the same time, she had used her incredible strength to send him off his feet, through the air and throw him down square onto the worktop THUD! CRACK! ARRRRHHHH! Her ability to almost 'power drive' him into the large wooden framed stand was amazing, if only Derek had been in a position to appreciate it. "Think you might have broken the worktop with your 'fall' ... " Her tone was mocking " ... Now then, let's see what we have here." Upstairs Tommy was just finishing his shower, which had drowned out the sound of the 'activities' going on downstairs. In the kitchen Mrs Bossman slammed her arm down across Derek's chest, the hurting man in no state to resist her after being driving into the worktop. He's held down by the strong woman arm. Her other hand was free to unzip the man and whip out his excited cock "not bad, but not quite the same as your son are you." Her words where lost on him, the pain had taken over, and even the 'thrill' of being milked by the amazing woman was almost totally lost on him. But the experienced hand of Mrs Bossman was far too skilled to be ignored; she soon had Derek fully hard as she began her humiliating milking of the man. Tommy was feeling hungry, he dried himself, throw on a pair of boxers and an old t-shirt, Mum wasn't around so it didn't matter how he dressed. He made his way to the stairs. At the same time Mrs Bossman's manipulation of Derek's cock was near to completion, she knew a man's response to her experienced hand and Derek was just right to OOOOHHHHHH! Derek shot his load "so Mr Moore I believe we now have an understanding don't we!" The man just gave out a groan "Oh Mr Moore do you want some more?" But before he could answer Mrs Bossman's attention was grabbed by the arrival of a very shocked looking Tommy, there was his father laid out on worktop, and the next door neighbour had his father's cock in her hand! 'What the hell was going on?' Mrs Bossman smiled in a way that worried Tommy, she let go of the father and walked over to the son. The older woman was wearing another tight long sleeved top that showed off her firm body, a zip ran the length of the top at the front and now as Mrs Bossman approached Tommy her hand was pulling that zip down in a hurry! "Good morning Tommy, you have something I want, but don't worry I won't Bite!" He didn't believe her for one moment the look on her face told him she was lying! She grabbed him and dragged him along after her towards the living room, the lad managed one last look back at his father laid out on the worktop ... ... 'What the hell was in store for him?' Sometime later and Alice decides to call back home to make sure that her husband and son are managing without her, even though she had asked Cathy Bossman to pop in and check on them she couldn't resist checking up herself. The phones seem to ring for a long time before it's picked up "Heeel ... ... Hello ... ... Oh hi Mum ... " Alice speaks to her son "what's wrong, you sound out of breath?" "OOOhhhh nothing Mum just come in from a ruuuunnn!" The young lad had been pushed back, hard onto the couch, he's now looks down, his heart's pounding as the woman who's more than double his age is now knelt down in front of him. She's smothered his young hard cock with her marvellous large breasts "Hmmmm ... ... much bigger than your father and just what I need." Tommy's trying to listen to his mother but not doing a good job "what ... ... Oh Dad ... No I think he's out ... ... " In the kitchen Derek is still lying on the worktop, drained and exhausted from his encounter with Mrs Bossman. The buxom older woman is an expert in using her large assets and the young man is near to breaking point "Mrs Bossman ... ... Yes she's been round ... She's got everything in hand! ... ... Looook Mum, got to goooo ... ... Have to deliver something ... Bye!" He almost slammed the phone down, he could feel himself on the brink of shooting his load, but he also knew that he had to try and hold out for as long as he could, but it was so difficult. She knew he was almost ready and couldn't help herself from teasing him some more "don't cum yet, or I won't play with you anymore!" The experienced woman knew exactly what to do to his young, eager, large cock, and he was doing his best to hold himself, but it wasn't long before he couldn't take anymore, he tried, he tried so hard but he just couldn't help himself, she knew he was about to cum, and cum he did. The lad closed his eyes embarrassed and ashamed of himself having not being able to hold himself, but she was so good 'Oh was she so good and her tit's so large and fantastic!' He finally opens his eyes and now looking into Mrs Bossmna's face that's now covered with what the young lad had to 'offer' her 'Oh God!' How could he have been so disrespectful to her, but then he saw the look on her face, at first it send a shiver down him. Then the woman runs a finger across her face, she wipes his cum off her, then places it in her mouth and sucks it dry. A grin comes over her as her tongue now comes out and runs over her lips, lapping up what the youth had delivered to her. "Right, I have the taste for you now ... so you had better produce some more!" The young Tommy's nervous as the strong Mrs Bossman now grabs him and pulls him down towards her ... ... !