Monday Night Out By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. What can go wrong on a Monday night out? A follow on to the stories - Friday Night Out, Saturday Night Out & Sunday Night Out Monday Night Out As the Monday evening starting to roll in, the City was starting to move from its normal daytime busy hustle and bustle to its night time frolics and fun! But hold on, this was a Monday night and nothing really happens on a Monday night, does it? But this is the City and here, even on a Monday night, it can still be a night out full of fun! It was that time where the day meets night, not because of the light fading or anything like that it was, it was the time when work stops and fun begins! At this moment the Clifford family car pulled up it an old car park at the rear of a line of shops near to the city centre. It was one of those old pieces of land that was waiting for development, that was never going to happen and been a 'temporary' carpark for years now. First out of the car was Dwyane Clifford, the Father and the 'man' of the family. A tall black man, a strong man, an athletic looking man with his bald head, broad shoulders and handsome looks. He'd always been a confident man, very confident, and a man that was always well dressed in his expensive suit that said 'look at me & how successful I am!' Next out of the car was his wife, Marcia Clifford, again she was tall but not as tall as her husbands. A gorgeous looking black woman, with a slight afro hair style, and booming with an air of assurance, even arrogancy at times, with that look that said, 'don't mess with this bitch!' Lastly, and if it was so much of a drag to get out, was the youngest of the Clifford children, the Daughter, Delia Clifford. She was a bit smaller than her Mother, but with some of her Mothers gorgeous looks and her Fathers handsomeness, so a bit of looker. And quite noticeable with her larger afro hair style, she was also noticeable for her attitude and the way she dressed, messy and with that 'I don't care, I'm not interested and I'm bored' look on her face. The only one missing at the moment and not with the rest of his family, as he was finishing off a drink with his friends and then meeting the family here in the carpark, was Theo Clifford. The eldest of the children, he was tall like his Father, maybe just a touch taller and already an accomplished young basketball player. Tall, strong, and with good looks, he was a young black lad who had his Fathers confidence and his Mothers arrogancy. So, he knew he was good! And tonight, was the night that the Clifford family where having a family reunion and night out, all in celebration of the eldest child, their Son's return back form university. Theo had only been away for a month or so now, on his Sport Analysis course, or something like that. But he was already back home for a few days doing some research with the local basketball club, the one he uses to belong to and where he got his passion for everything sportified. As he was back for a few day's his parent had insisted on taking their 'university Son' out for a meal, the parents where very much like that. They liked to celebrate, even if they didn't really need an excuse to go out and celebrate, but it was always a good chance to show off at the same time! So 'going out to celebrate' meant that they would always drag along their 'academically' and everything, underachieving younger Daughter, Delia. There was 'never' a celebratory meal in her honour, unlike like her Brother, who 'always' had one. But then again this was Delia and she hadn't actually 'achieved anything, ever! This bit a of a mix match between Brother and Sister was the cause of some friction between the siblings, especially as Delia was constantly being dragged along to every one of her Brother's successes, and he did like to gloat at his Sisters misfortune! So yes, that just made him smile more and her frown and complain even more. All of Delia's lack of achievement had meant that her parents had tried everything to try and get the girl interested in something, so she could excel. But nothing seemed to work, so the youngest of the Clifford family, the Draught was taken, dragged along to a possibly a new school, to their fate just the other week. 'Maybe a new school was what Delia needed!' The fete that double upped as an open day looking for potential new students to this 'exclusive' school, Academy! The parents having tried everything was sure that a new school was the answer, and hoped it would do something to their Daughter to get her interested in her education. The problem with all this was that the fete, this school open day was being held at 'The Stern Academy!' It had been a very eventful fate! As soon as they had arrived a keen-eyed teacher, Miss Steel, had noticed the Clifford family and she knew that there was defiantly 'something' she could do with that girl Delia! The trip had ended up with the Father, Dwayne Clifford on his knees kissing the feet of certain girl called Petunia the schoolgirl that had broken and beat the man down to her feet! It had also ended up with Marcia Clifford sucking on the big white cock of the schoolboy Tom, after he'd broken her out of her smug ways and made her suck him off! And it had ended with Delia Clifford in the arms of Mrs Strickland, as this teacher introduced the girl to an importune lesson on 'how to kiss a real woman!' The teacher had broken the girl out her 'I'm not interested' attitude to 'learning new skills!' Now Delia was very keen to learn as much as she could here at the Stern Academy, she'd finally found something at last she was interested in and good at! (Reader may wish to read the previous story the Clifford family appeared in - A Stern Fate.) But since that fateful day very little, almost nothing, had been said in the family about the events that had happened! Nothing about how Dwayne had been beaten up by a schoolgirl, the same girl who was still texting him and nagging about how unfair her life is all the time! How she got his number the man didn't know, but now every time his phoned beeped he jumped. Nothing was said about how Marcia had took that white boys' cock in her mouth and enjoyed it so much. Or how Dwayne had seen on a few occasions a different lad, each time, in the Stern Academy school uniform leaving is home as he arrived back from work! Nor was anything said about, or to, their Daughter Delia and her wish, that she got, to move and enrol into the Stern Academy. Nothing said about how the girl had a 'new' interest in 'learning new skills and such like' and all those 'extra lessons' she stays behind at school to attend! No, nothing was said, but everyone knew. That was all a few weeks ago when Theo was still at university. But when Theo had got back from university the other day he'd thought he noticed something, everyone was acting a bit 'different', a bit quiet? He couldn't put his finger on what it was, why they were quiet, what was wrong, if there was even something wrong. Maybe he was just imagining it, after all he'd been away for a month and he was sure it was nothing! But for now, all that was forgotten about, as tonight it was a chance to get back to some kind of normality and a family celebration. A chance for a meal out to welcome the university lad back home, even if it was only for a short 'working' break back home. With everyone out of the car and stood there, they all looked around to see where and if Theo was around the area yet. Dwayne like the rest of his family looked around the open carpark towards the rear of the line of shops, trying to see if he could spy Theo. But at the same time, he took the opportunity to look back up the road behind him. The road he'd just drove down, but at this point he wasn't looking for his Son. No, Dwayne was taking a sneaky look back at the two women, the girls he'd just drove pass, the two that had caught his eye! As the car he was driving came around the corner and into the large open area of the carpark Dwayne had caught sight of the two girls walking on the sidewalk and up the raod. And the man had liked what he'd seen. He caught sight of them because of the way they looked and how they were dressed and using his side mirror he'd also got a look at each of their tasty rears as they carried on walking. With his wife sat next to him in the car he had to be crafty with how he caught his sneaky glimpse. Even though, and it wasn't talked about, Marcia had been getting somewhat friendly with some of the schoolboys from his Daughters new school, the man knew better than to get caught looking at other women. As his wife had a sharp tongue that could give a good lashing! Some of those lads from the Stern Academy knew just how good Marcia's tongue could be at giving their cocks a lashing. But for this man, the husband, Dwayne, the only lashing he'd be getting would be a very hash, nasty, verbal rebuke and foul telling off from her tongue! That's all he'd be getting! But now the man could see the two girls again as they stopped and crossed over the road, a car pulled out the carpark and drove passed the girls bibbing its horn, the girls waved. Dwayne guessed they had been dropped off by a parent or suchlike and now the girls were heading towards the part of the City centre where there were a number of bars. A moment or two earlier when Dwyane had driven passed the two girls, he'd noticed how they looked, young and dressed the way they where they'd be heading to the bars. But he was a bit surprised as he imagined that tomorrow both of them would either be in school or at best in college that next morning! 'Out drinking on a school night, what every next?' But then thinking about the new school that his Daughter now attended, he got rid of that thought! The first of the girls was tallish, back and quite attractive, for a younger girl, the other was much shorter, an oriental girl but again she looked good, pretty. But it was also how both the girls dressed that had really caught the man's attention. The taller black girl was dressed in a pair of high heeled ankle boots with chains and buckles attached, then a pair of military camouflage trousers, but not the plain green and brown camo colours. No, this camouflage pattern was more colourful, with orange, beige, black and grey, no use on the battlefield but as a fashion item? Then up further and what made her really stand up was this bright red, long sleeve mesh top, or was it just a string vest, just more fashionable? The holes where large and her body looked good through them, slender, firm, fit, she also had a black sports crop top holding up her full chest! Around both her wrists where a number of bangle and band and with her attractive face and full, bold, bouncy shoulder length hair she was very 'noticeable!' The black girl's friend, the oriental girl was also noticeable, for the same reasons, her looks and how she was dressed. Even though she was the smaller one out of the pair, you still couldn't miss her. This girl had on a pair or white and red trainers, being the shorter of the girls she could have done with the high heeled boots like her friend, but then again, small is beautiful! This girl, like her friend had also gone for the military look with her own camo trousers, but again these stood out. With a mixture of purple, pink, white and black, in their 'camouflage' pattern! But there was a military green belt around her slender, trim waist, up some more and there was again a bright colour long sleeve mesh top, another string vest! This time it was bright yellow and through those holes her body was again slender, fit, shapely, and on show. The sky-blue crop top was wrapped nicely around her well-formed breasts. Her face was pretty even slightly cute and her long dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, and it was long, going all the way down her back till the ends on her hair touched her nice round arse. And for a second time the man Dwayne liked what he saw! As Dwayne still pretended to be looking around for his Son, watching out for his arrival, the man grinned as the sight of those two young, and very sexy girls filled his head with a 'few' thoughts! "There he is!" Then the moment was broken as Marcia, the man's wife finally saw her Son coming through one of the side alleyways that passed down a number of the shop's leading from the high street to the rear and the carparking area. 'Oh well maybe another time!' Dwayne's throughs now left the two girls who had crossed the road and where heading away in the opposite direct and towards the bars and club area. So, now he could concentrate of his Son and enjoy the celebration meal, it looked as if a good night was instore, even for a Monday! A minuet or so later and Theo had come through the alleyway and across the carpark to where his family was waiting for him. There was a bit of talk about the friends he'd met, the ones he'd gone for a quick drink and catch up with, then with all that done they decided it was time to set off towards the restaurant where the table was booked. Just as they all set off in the direction of the restaurant, there was a sound, a cry in the distance and from behind them. They all stopped and looked around, the carpark was empty of people just the couple of dozen parked cars that there where there. There was the cry again, a shriek as if someone was in trouble, afraid, hurt! But still all four of the Clifford family looked around, they looked everywhere but couldn't see anything. Theo and Dwayne both moved a bit closer to where they thought they'd heard the sound coming from. But it was difficult to pin point exactly which direction the sound was coming from, as the carpark had three sides to it, it was also getting dark and there was an echo that distorted the sound. ARRRRHHH! Another even louder cry, but this time it seemed to be coming from, "over there!" Dwyane pointed to the alleyway his Son had walked through earlier, where he'd said goodbye to his friends before meeting up with his family. Another cry of hurt, of agony brought everyone eyes now to the same place, and it was defiantly that alleyway that Theo had come down earlier, and just then 'Oh Shit!' As all eyes were on the alleyway as a figure came tumbling out of it and into the lit-up area, thanks to the light that shone down from an overhanging lamp at the rear of one of the shops. The figure, the man, that came falling out the alleyway was Miller, one of the friends that Theo had met, had a drink with, and then said goodbye to him a short while ago at the top of that alleyway in the high street. Following the lad Miller as he stumbled was a second figure, but this was a woman who walked casually out of the alleyway. A woman dressed all in white, but at this distance she couldn't be made out that clearly. All that could be seen was that she was young looking as she made her way towards the staggering male, Miller. The lad almost fell down to the floor, but he put his hand and arms out, dropping down onto one knee, but with his hand on the floor he'd managed to prevent himself from going fully down and hitting the floor, WHACK! OOOWWWHHH! Amazingly and shockingly the Clifford family all watched as this unfolded as Miller had prevented himself from falling all the way down and then the young woman who'd also appeared casually strolled up to the lad. Once there she was cold and calculated as she sharply throws her leg forward, and slammed her white boot into Miller's gut, as he was there on all fours. She hurt him with the blow and sent the injured youth spinning over, tumbling around and then dropping him down onto his back onto the solid concrete floor! 'What the hell was going on!' As the Clifford family tried to understand what they had just witnessed there was another cry that they all heard and another tumbling male figure came out of that alleyway, instantly followed by another female, again all dressed in white! This second lad was Charlie and another of Theo's mates that he's been with earlier, and this time the second male didn't get the chance to head downwards before, WOOSSHH! THUD! UUUUHHHH! This second woman and one who looked, at this distance to be somewhat older than the first female, had quickly reached out, and grabbed onto Charlie before he'd had the chance to fall backwards and down to the floor. Once she had hold of him, she spun herself and Charlie around, then she'd slammed the lad, hard. Pounding his back into the wall of the rear of the shop that ran away from the exit off the alleyway. Being grabbed, and slammed into the wall send a visible jolt of pain through Charlie. The Clifford's all shuddered almost as if they'd also felt the pain that had just ripped through the lads back, and even at this distance the family could all see the lads screwed up face and knew 'God that must have hurt!' With the shock of all this only slightly over both Theo and his Father now reacted and ran over to where this had all taken place, at the entrance to the small alleyway. As they got there Dwayne and Theo skidded to a halt now a bit unsure of what to do next. Charlie had already slip down the wall and was sat on his arse on the floor, his face still screwed up with the pain and looking as if he was barely conscious. Miller was still on the floor and on his back and by the look on his face he was out cold already. Both the Clifford men's eyes then moved up from the floor to the two women who'd obviously caused all this, but why? The woman stared back and moved a step closer to each other as they now, well it looked as if they were now eyeing up their next opponents! It was a look that Theo knew from the basketball court and one that Dwayne knew from his time down the gym and in the boxing ring. But both men thought the same 'were these 'women' really going to try something with them!' But in a couple of blinks the four of them did just that, they 'eyed up their opponents!' The woman where now stood next to each other, which gave the two men a chance to finally get a good look at these women. The first of these women dressed all in white was the younger of the two, she had a pretty face but she was young, and again for the second time that evening Dwayne found himself wonder if this girl would be in school or in college tomorrow morning? The girl was white and she was the taller of the two females as well as the slender one out of the two women, with an athletic looking body. She wore a pair of high heeled boots, the kind that went up her knees. Then going up her good-looking legs was a short skirt that did nothing to hide her shapely thighs. Pass that was some bare looking midriff, soft yet firm looking female flesh. Even if the weather was turning cold now, this evening it had seemed to warm up, in more than one way! The men's eye moved upwards to her crop top that held a pair of nice, large round, lovely looking tits. Her body was good, very good, well there was enough of it on show to confirm that, her body also had a bit of a tan to it, maybe she'd been away or under the sunbed, but it all looked good. This girl had long fair hair, pushed back and then went all the way down to the middle of her back. With her young body, her pretty looks and dressed all in white like this, she was quite something. Yes, there was defiantly 'something else' about her, the grin on her face and the fact that her lips were also white in colour gave her defiantly 'something else!' She was an athletic looking, good looking younger woman with white lips, now there was something lovely to look at. Next to this young girl was the second woman, and she was indeed a 'woman', obviously older that her 'friend', double the younger girls age, probably even a bit more, but a mature woman to say the least. This woman was the smaller one, but she had the more developed, sturdy, shapely, solid body, not unattractive, far from it, she looked very good, but she was the stronger female here. Again, the older woman, like her younger friend was white and again dressed all in white, with maybe a few changes. The older woman wore a pair of high heeled shoes, the kind with straps going all around her ankles. Then a tight pair of 3/4 length leather trousers that hugged her legs. Pass these was again some delightful firm female bare midriff to view, going up to a white boob tube top, which was straining as it held her ample, full breasts there. The way she was dressed showed her broad shoulders and toned bare arms, as well as how lovely she looked. Her hair was a bit darker than her friends but still generally fair in appearance, but it was also a lot shorter, cut into a bob and down to her ear line. The other different between her and her younger friend was the mature woman's lips where a succulent red colour. She was a strong looking, good looking mature woman with red lips, now there was something sexy to look at. Dwyane and Theo took this all in, the younger girl and her older friend, they looked ... ... well quite stunning and defiantly sexy, if the young girl was the lamb, the older one was the mutton, but either way they both looked very tasty! There was also another similarity, not just good looking and dressed all in white, they had a certain look in their faces, maybe they were Mother and Daughter, possibly? Or Aunt and Niece, maybe! Dwayne still thought back to the younger one being back at school tomorrow, how about teacher and student, 'Hmmmm?' In those few seconds the two women had also eyed up the men, the older black man, tall and strong looking, with his broad shoulders and bald head. Smartly dressed in his expensive suit, and with an air about him, a kind of misgiven confidence where he actually thought he was something special! Then the younger black lad, the one who was slightly taller and obviously related to the older man, a youth that dressed casually to try and look cool, but had an air of being a bit sporty about him. But mixed in with a look of slight arrogance as well, in his stance and his stare! The two women weren't impressed at all, "what the hell did you do here?" They ignored Dwyane as he now took control of the situation and demanded answers. It was obvious they weren't listening as they now stepped forwards, Theo now spoke up, pointing down at his friends on the ground "they're my friends what did you do that for?" Ignoring the Father as they did, these two weren't going to now speak to the Son, where they! So, now the women moved in-between the two men, pushing them to the side, out of their way, as there was something else they had seen that had defiantly caught their eye! Maybe the two women in white hadn't been eyeing up their next opponents while they had stood there. Maybe they had seen passed the men and where looking at something else' that they ... ... liked! Yes, the two white women had seen something they liked, the two black women, Marcia and Delia. The females of the Clifford family had moved closer to the entrance to the alleyway, they been drawn closer to all of this. Was it to support the males of the family as they went forwards to sort this out, was it so they could help the two obviously injured friends of Theo? Or was it to get a better look at the two women dressed in white who had caused all this, the two sexy looking women. Was it that Marcia and Delia wanted to get a better look at these women? As Dwyane and Theo where shoved to the side to make way for the woman to carry on towards ... ... ... The men almost spun around as they were both quite forcibly shoved out the way. The older woman throwing here open hand into Theo's chest, easily sending him away to allowing her to pass through. While the younger woman's hand went driving into Dwayne's chest and almost effortlessly clearing him out of her way. A second went passed after the men had been shoved out the way to make way for the two women in white, and they had taken a couple more steps towards what had interested them. It was at this moment that the Father and his Son now both made their move, Dwyane and Theo reached out and grabbed onto the woman that has crudely, and so easily, pushed them aside. Theo's hand went down onto to the older woman shoulder and at the same time Dwyane's hand reached out and grabbed onto the arm of the younger girl. This was the men's second mistake, the first was coming up to the women in the first place, so, WHACK! OOOWWWHHH! SMACK! OOOUUUCCCHHH! Both women spun around instantly they'd been touched, it was an instinctive, natural reaction to having a man place a hand on them. The older woman twisted around, lifted her arm up and drove her elbow around and into the side of the younger black lad's face. Shaking him instantly, hurting him and making his hand jump up off and away from her shoulder. At the same time the younger girl had also made her move, also spinning around, which broke the hold the older black man had on her arm. Releasing her arm so she could swing around drop down low and then send that same arm forward. Attached to the arm was her clenched fist that was now driven hard into the man's crouch area! Looking on was the two Clifford women, Delia couldn't help but chuckled a little at seeing what the older white woman had done to her Brother, she though it was good for Theo to be on the receiving end of something bad for a change! As for Marcia, she looked shocked at seeing the young white girl pound her man like that, in that area! But at the same time the woman couldn't resist a kind of smirk breaking out across her face, 'that will teach him for looking at those girls earlier on!' Theo had staggered backwards and away from the older woman, who had now fully turned around and facing her new much younger opponent, then, CRACK! She throw her fist into this young bucks face, just as his hand came up to rub the sore side of his face that her elbow had just struck. It was a double whammy to his face and maybe it was going to mess up his good looks, but did that really matter! At the same time the older woman's younger friend was also at work with the older man here. Having been struck, really hard in his groin, Dwayne had shuddered, stopped and taken in a large deep breath, at the same time his body had slowly stared to fall forward. It was an ideal opportunity for the young white girl to, THUD! She quickly grabbed onto the taller man's head as it dropped forwards with both her hands. Now she moved in closer to him, she forced his head further down and straight into her the path of her knee as she shot it up and straight into his falling face! The female's actions sent both men, the Father and his Son staggering backwards with bloody, sore and hurt faces. It was only a few steps that the men had taken before they both managed to steady themselves and stop. They stopped themselves, took a deep breath and pushed they bodies upright so now they were standing tall again. Both men were angry now, not only had they been hit, but it had happened in front of their families and that wasn't good! But it wasn't just the fact that they had been hit, even hit hard, but it was the fact that they had been hit by a woman! Old or young female it didn't matter, but they had been hit and that just shouldn't happen, not to either of these men! At this point Dwayne should really have thought back to what happened to him at the Stern Academy and the schoolgirl Petunia! Yes, but maybe he thought there wasn't another girl that could dominate him so easily as that schoolgirl had. But then again maybe he was going to find out there where other girls out there that could take him down, just as easily! As for Theo he'd never experience any female that could match his speed, strength or stamina so this was all too new to him. But if his was being honest, this older woman that stood before him was someone he was already wary of, maybe even a bit worried of! But pushing all those thought to the side the younger of the male Clifford's knew he could take her, he hoped he could. Both the men now moved forwards towards the women, ready to show these females they just couldn't ... ... , WHACK! SMACK! But the women had another idea about what was going to happen next, and right now it was the woman that seemed to have the right idea. As Theo had moved forwards towards the older of the women she throws herself into a spin, turning away from her younger male 'friend' and bringing herself around fast. She put her leg out and up high, but not too high, so that when her foot came round and hit, it would strike just where she wanted it to, WHACK! OOOOHHHH! The older woman's foot caught the younger male high up on his arm, the blow was hard and hurt, it made his arm go numb. Theo jolted, his natural reaction was to bend his body forwards and down to the side that the woman had struck. As he moved it also caused the youth to take his eyes off the woman, so he didn't see her as grabbed onto the tall male as he bent forwards, her hands, her arms wrapped around his head and WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! She brought him to her, dragging his body closer so she could now thrust her knee upwards into his bent over body, rapidly slamming her knee hard into his gut, his body, hurting him, driving the wind out of him and controlling the lad. At the same time the young girl also went to work on the taller older black man. As he came to her, she went for him she ran, leaped, jumped up, all in one movement. The young girl went up high, Dwyane saw this and stopped his advance on her, he looked up and further upwards as she rose above him, then THUD! OOOWWWWW! The girl up high, came down and thrusted her knee into Dwyane's chest, at the same time her hands grabbed hold of his head and held him tight. The man staggered backwards from the blow to his chest and now with the girl on his shoulders, on top of him, hanging around his neck he was soon feeling as if he was going to overbalance and fall. But the girl would make sure she was the one that did that, she'd sent him over, all in her own way! Now she leant backwards, she fell back, and with her she took the man she was hanging onto. Taking the tall man over, off his feet as she went back, flipping Dwayne over with her gymnastic move, giving him the sensation of flying as she somersaulted the pair of them completely over and around. The young girl and the tall older man went revolving over, with the girl about to slam the man around, over and down to the floor and onto him back. As that was happening her older friend was also sending her 'man' down, after she throw her last keen up into his body she gave a 'tap' with that sturdy knee to his groin. Just for good measure, to hear him cry out with a girly shriek due to the intense pain she'd just caused him! Now grabbing, holding him firmly she moved, twisted, turned and over Theo went. Thrown over the older woman's hip with a classic judo move that sent the black buck tumbling to the floor, close to where his Father had also fell. There was a gasp from the onlooking women, Marcia and Delia, who had come even nearer to the action as if something was drawing them closer to all this. But maybe their gasps weren't ones of shock horror, maybe more like gasps of thrilled surprise, at seeing how the women in white had taken down the men this way! With both men on the floor the women in white might have seemed pleased with themselves and that would be the end of it. But these men had grabbed them, touched them and that now needed to be address, these men now needed to know that wasn't a good thing to have done! It was also at this point that the women in white decided to swop over and try out each other's 'man!' The older woman moved over reached down and grabbed onto Dwayne's jacket and started to haul the man back up onto his feet, ignoring his wimpish cries of anguish about his poor hurt back! Nor did the younger girl in white listen to the almost pleading babble that was coming out of Theo's mouth, she moved over to him as he was now almost sat up, trying to shuffle away from her and imploring her to leave him alone. This it must admit did amuse both Marcia and Delia, seeing the two 'men' almost begging to be let off! But the girl and the older woman just didn't listen to the gibbering men. The girl shot her foot straight into the lad's groin as he tried to shuffle backwards out of harms way. A loud cry went out from Theo as the younger girl's white boot struck, followed quickly her grabbing onto a hand full of his hair as she now steadied herself to move her boot into the proper place and, AAARRRRHHHHH! Screwing the heel of her boot into Theo's groin, she made the lad scream even louder and cause Delia to giggle out loud at her Brothers torturous discomfort. For Theo it felt as if a knife, both hot and cold at the same time was stabbing into his groin as the girl carried on twisting that heel of hers down into him, well that's what it felt like to him. Not to outdone the older woman had a plan for her new man too. Getting Dwyane back up onto his feet the older, smaller, but obvious strong white women shoved both her open hands into the tall black man's chest sending him staggering backwards, but considering it wasn't half as bad as he'd expects Dwayne was quite pleased to just have had that done to him. In fact ... ... WOOSSHH! CRACK! The push back was just her way of getting the man into the right position, the right distance away from her so she could make her next move. All the man saw was a flash of white as the older woman throw herself around into a spin, she was fast and the man didn't see the leg that she had raised and that in fact it was coming straight for his ... ... ! But Dwyane felt the blow as it struck the side on his head, he felt how his head throbbed and almost exploded, well that's what it felt like to him! The man wobbled on his feet after that strike, then as he raised his head and opened his eye again there was another blurred flash of white and, WOOSSHH! CRACK! The woman struck again with another spinning kick, again her aim was good and the big man shock. After a second, he dropped down onto one knee, stunned confused, numb and unable to ... ... WOOSSHH! CRACK! A third spinning kick for the older woman and the tall man was dropped fully down to the floor. Before Dwyane hit the floor his Son, Theo was also finished off by the young white girl. Having held him up in that siting position where she twisted the heel of her boot into his groin she then, THUD! OOOWWWFFF! Useing that same leg, the one attached to that boot pushing down in his groin, she now drove that leg forwards, slamming her knee into the bottom of Theo's jaw. Releasing her hold on his head at the same time and sending the lad backwards, down fully to the floor and out cold. It was a couple of minutes later, even though Dwyane didn't know that, when his body shock and his eyes kind of tried to open. The older woman's high kick had indeed taken him down, hurt him and knocked him out, well almost. But he was a strong man, and although he was down and couldn't get back up again he was still trying desperately to fight against falling fully into unconscious. With his eyes half open he tried to take in a deep breath but somehow even that hurt. His head fell over to the side as he took in that painful breath and then ... ... 'Oh Shit!' Dwayne's eyes slowly managed to focus and what he saw, as it started to become clearer didn't make good viewing for him. There nearby was Theo, laid out cold, his big sporting Son had clearly also been taken down by the women, then pass the boy there was one of the cars that were still there in the carpark area. But this car, the closest one to the entrance to the alleyway had 'something else' going on around it. Against the car was leant Marcia and Delia, the Mother and Daughter who were trapped against the vehicle, they were being held there by the two women that had beat up the men. The older white woman was pushing herself against the young black girl, stopping Delia from escaping. While the young white girl was pressing Marcia hard against the car, preventing the black woman from breaking free. But as Dwyane's eyes now focused properly he could see that, maybe, he might have got this situation slightly wrong as now saw that his wife was kissing the young girl dressed all in white very passionately. The black woman's hands had a hold of the white girl, Marcia's hand where under that short skirt and had a firm grip of those white cheeks. The black older woman had a good hold on her young white girl and wasn't going to let go, or stopping kissing her! Next along and Delia was also in a hot embrace with the older white woman who had her young black girl pinned against the car. But Delia didn't mind at all, she was enjoying being in the older woman's arms, and the young black girl certainly was enjoying the older woman's mouth and tongue as they kissed seductively. The young black girl lifted her leg and hooked it around the older woman's arse, pulling the pair closer together, so they could get more intermate with each other! At this point Dwyane gave up, his face dropped down to the floor and he just faded away into unconsciousness, that was him done for this evening. As for the women, well for Marcia and Delia it was 'all white on the night' and they all had the rest of the evening to enjoy. So maybe, Monday nights weren't that bad in the City after all, some people obviously knew how to get the best out of them ... ... !