Millionaire Mayhem By Crossmanx at - Comments and ideas welcome A big win may not always get you what you want. But maybe what you deserve! Millionaire Mayhem John looked again at the number s on the screen and at the ticket in his hand, he had checked it a dozen times but still it hadn't sunk in properly, had he really won? Yes he had, plain old John Smith had indeed won! He went over and poured himself a very large drink, then another, still doubling the fact that in his hand was the winning ticket. He looked over to the phone and wondered if he should call someone, call everyone he knew, but even with all this excitement the sensible side of the man kicked in 'No wait until tomorrow after you've check again, too be sure!' That was very much the practical John, and after his final drink he went to bed, keeping that ticket nice and safe under his pillow. The next morning came, the computer went on, the website was visited and the numbers checked again for the umpteenth time, and yes he had still won and it was all just starting to sink in. When John saw just how much he had won he went and poured himself another drink 'How Much!' Which was very quickly followed by 'I'll never have to work again!' Monday morning came and being the kind of man he was he checked his numbers 'again' before making that call to his boss telling him how he could stick his job at the plastic tubing factory as he 'quit!' Unfortunately the boss was away so some young girl in HR got the backend of his tongue as he went into one about how bad the firm was and all that. He went on and on at her as he let rip with everything he hated about his job, when he was finished he slammed the receiver down. Then there was a sense of relief at leaving his job, finally, and then all the trepidation and fear as he hadn't confirmed or got his winnings yet. But he'd checked the numbers and he had won, he was sure of that. His next job was to get the money as so many ideas and things to spend it on all where whirling around his head. For the next hour or so John was on the phone in the process of 'confirming' his win, the numbers on the tick, the special security code on it, where and when he brought the ticket, everything. Finally all he had to do was to present himself and the winning ticket at the firms head office in the city. 'A trip to the city!' Now there was an idea, he could even make a bit of a break of it, treat himself, after all he deserved it and he was rich now! John knew exactly where to go, the perfect place in the city to stay, and start living the life of luxury that he was going to become accustom to. It was then off to bank, draw out lots of money as he was going to enjoy this trip away. There was a small bit of misfortune at the bank as the girl there needed so many forms of ID before she could give him 'his money!' This didn't go down well, so he closed his account there and withdrew everything, informing the girl just how bad the bank was, it was his money and all his winnings were going somewhere else as he wouldn't bank here again! This was followed by a trip to the railway station, and there John wondered to himself, as he got angry with the girl behind the screens about the time of the next train, if this money was making him more confrontational! 'No not at all' as he shouted at the girl tell her how stupid she was, how inept the rail service was and how he was going to buy his own train now, 'no not at all, money wasn't going to change him!' Later and John's taxi from the station pulled up outside the best hotel the city had to offer, The Excelsior. He got out looked around and liked what he saw, even from the outside this placed said class, he liked that a lot. Then he snapped his fingers at the kind looking, slightly older man that was dressed in an old style coat and top hat. Indicating to the doorman to pick up his bag and do his job, the doorman took John's luggage, knowing the type of man he probably was and escorted the new 'guest' inside the hotel. As they entered John looked around at the lavish style and luxury that was everywhere, he knew this would be an expensive short break, but 'hey he can afford it now!' Well he would be able to afford this new lifestyle once he'd claimed his winning, but for now he had all the money from his bank to get through first. There was enough in his wallet to keep him going for the next couple of days, at least! At the reception desk he slammed his hand down on the desk announcing that he was there and should be served immediately! An attractive blond drew herself away from her computer and started to deal with him and getting him booked in, when two stunning women also came up to the desk. A tall brunette and equally tall and attractive redhead, the blond behind the desk acknowledge the woman "Good day Mrs Forbes, Mrs Johnson how are you?" Both these women where about early 40's, same as John and looked stunning, they had Milf written all over them. There was one thing about this hotel it certainly drew the 'best' kind of people. Some of all this style and luxury started to rub off on the man "I'm here for a few days as I've just won on the lottery and have a whole load of money to claim." Maybe not the best chat up line or the most subtle either but now that he was rich he could talk like that! The blond behind the desk just smiled at him and the two Milf's just ignored him, and John realised he probably needed to look more the part before woman would start to take notice as well. He would need some new cloths and expensive accessories, and he'd need them soon! As John finished his registration another woman appeared behind the desk, tall, attractive and very business-like, a bit younger than the two women she now greeted and was talking too, but someone who had a clear air of 'I'm in charge here!' DING! The blond hit a bell on the desk counter and a smart looking man appeared to take John's bags and show him to his room. Just as he was being shown to the elevator, two young lads also appeared next to the two women, both these where wearing old style bellboy outfit and both had very eager and board smiles on their faces. John liked a bit of tradition but wasn't that going a bit too far, well the boy's didn't seem to mind as they now escorted the two tall gorgeous Milf's to another set of elevators. As John got in his elevator and waited for the door to close he could see the two woman with the bellboys stood next to them waiting opposite for their elevators. As the doors started to close he looked, stared and blinked to make sure SHHHUD! The doors closed and the elevator started to move, but he was sure he saw the women; both of them place their hands on the arses of the lad stood next to them! Surly not, older attractive women groping young lads, boys, like that, it wasn't right! As John got off on his floor and was shown to his room, he wondered if he had seen that, well this was 'The Excelsior' and even he had heard the odd rumour about how 'liberal' this place could be, maybe there was some truth in those rumours? John settled into his room, that's very nice, he could get use to living like this. The room also has one very important thing, a safe. The cautious man places his ticket in the safe and locked it away, confident in the knowledge that his 'money' was secure. Time to start enjoying himself now, as he heads off into the city for a look around. It had been a long time since he'd been here and it had so much to offer he almost got a bit carried away. Eventually he found the offices of the lottery company and went inside to claim his winnings. He spoke to a number of interested people who all took down lots of information and had lots of advice to share with him. He registered his win and all that was reaming was to come back with his ticket, which would be checked, then double checked and they would confirm his win. John was a very happy man as he left the building, he could have gone there with the ticket and done it all today but, being the man he was he wanted to check things out first. Get all the paperwork and fuss out the way then confirm the win, allow everything to sink in over a couple of days rather than be hurried and pulled around as he expected they would do. He wanted to stay in control and not let the company rush him about too much. 'He would stay in control' after all it was his money all he had to do now was present the tick and the money was his, he felt good about that. As he made his way back to the hotel John felt a lot more relaxed, he even went into a bar and sat by the window watching everything and everyone go by, especially the pretty women. He didn't have a worry or care in the world, but also he didn't have a woman either, but now he had money he knew that would change and very soon! When he got back to the hotel the first thing he did was check the safe and the ticket, not that anything could have happened, but he liked to check anyway. And there it was the prize winning ticket, his prize winning ticket 'this calls for a drink!' John headed down to the bar, he past the reception desk and noticed that the pretty blond had been replaced by a very appealing redhead. He also noticed that the two older women, the Milf's from earlier on that day where making their way from the restaurant and they were being escorted to the elevators by two bellboys. He didn't know if was the same lads as before, as he'd only really noticed the woman, the first time, but these lads had large smiles on their face and seemed to be very eager on something. John stopped and watched as the bellboys and women reached the elevators, there was a short pause as the doors opened then the woman encouraged the lads inside by firmly 'tapping' their behinds. 'Those women must like their toyboy's' John thought, which brought him back to what was he going to do about some 'company?' John moved to the bar, time for that drink, time for everything to sink in. The barman, George, was very good; making sure that John looked after, chatting to him and as all good barmen do, listening. A few drinks more and John noticed he was the only one in the bar that was by himself, he looked at the people around him, how they acted, how they were dressed and how attractive they all seemed. John defiantly needed a new wardrobe, if he was going to impress and fit in with this new life style he could now afford. George kept coming up and making sure that John was OK, "no company tonight then Sir?" The barman indicated to a group of young looking ladies at the far end of the room, John smiled 'so this is how it's done in 'polite' surroundings?' George was just going off duty but managed to arrange a few things, a short while later and John was met at the elevators by a good looking petite oriental girl. She was dressed in one of those traditional tight dresses and had a couple of bottles of Champaign in her hands. Soon they were in John's room, they lay on the bed as the girl poured the bubbly into his mouth 'this was defiantly the new life for him!' The next day and with a bit of a sore head and not too sure about what happened last night John got up and sorted himself out. The girl wasn't there so he checking on the ticket in the safe, 'everything was good.' He looked at himself and decided that he needed to fit in better and that some decent clothes, shoes, watch and anything else he could buy where needed. Breakfast followed by a smile at the blond behind the reception desk and then he was off shopping in the city. Just as he was about to leave the hotel there was George just making his way back up to the bar and resultant area. The men talked and George asked if John required any 'company' on his shopping trip? A few moments later and the man was met outside the hotel by an attractive young black woman, who would be delighted to accompany John on his shopping trip and help him. The 'couple' went from expensive shop to even more expensive shop, time whizzed by and before he knew it they were back in his room with arms full of shopping. John then enjoyed some more Champaign on the bed, 'this was defiantly the life!' It was also a tiring life and he was soon having his afternoon nap. When he woke the girl was gone, the ticket was still in the safe and he realised he'd missed his visit to the lottery company. But he called them, they were a little concentred, but he would be there tomorrow, he was getting use to calling the shots, and liked it. That evening was another trip to the hotel bar, for a few drinks and good long chat with George, along with a few more drinks. After the drinks and chat John left for the evening, he was met at the elevator by a tall redhead, who brought her friends, a couple of bottles of Champaign. She escorted the man to his room and onto his bed where she enticed him with the delights of the bubbly, John decided that he was never going to leave this hotel it was incredible. The next morning came and a very tired and weary John awoke late, his head was pounding a bit and he was still a bit sleepy, 'Oh yes the Champaign from last night!' As he moved around the room, there was no redhead 'Damn!' and there were none of his new clothes either? He suddenly awoke fully as he scoured the room, his new clothes had gone, his new watch and jewellery, his wallet, all his cash, all gone! 'SHIT!' He checked the safe, the ticket was there safe 'Thank God!' But he'd been robbed and he wasn't going to stand for this. John stormed off, now with the ticket safely with him, to the reception desk and when he got there he let the blond girl have it with both barrels. He raised his voice and was about to let rip again when along came Ms Scarlet, the Mistress of the hotel, well it was a more apt title than 'manage!' She'd been the stylish women he'd seen before with the Milf's but now she was someone in charge for him to have a go at! "Is everything to your satisfaction?" She asked, John looked up at the tall, smartly yet elegantly dressed dark haired woman, she looked immaculate and stunning, authoritarian and sexy. Especially as she looked over her glass at her 'guest'. 'No it's not alright' but something about the woman's manner made him calm down, a bit, but he still ranted and raved. "I've been robber!" "Your staff set me up with a thief!" Holding up his unofficial letter from the company to say his win was being instigated "see that, that's me I'm the winner, I'm rich." Ms Scarlet stopped him, "we didn't allowed women like that in here", "we don't have a barman named George" and with her stern look "If you did take 'someone' back to your room, that's your responsibility!" But still John went off on one "Don't lie, you have a barman here called George ... ... " he went into one about the barman and how she was lying, much to Ms Scarlett's annoyance. Her eyebrow raised and the blond knew that was not a good sign. John carried on with more " ... ... I've got more money than you'll ever see in a lifetime and I tell you ... ... I want the police, if you don't call them I will!" Ms Scarlett's face was like stone as this 'man' carried on with his threats. " ... ... ... plus I want compensation, I want the best room in this hotel and I want it now!" Ms Scarlett's expression hadn't change during all of this, she just turned to the blond and "I'm raising this guest to room 101" the blond's eyes widened "yes room 10" "is that the best room in the hotel?" John was pleased to see this woman was now taking him seriously. Ms Scarlett turned to the annoying man "the best room in the hotel is reserved for the owner of the hotel who is due here tomorrow, I have our special room for you and am sure it will suit you very nicely." "It better had, Oh and by the way you're a woman of the world how about sending up some special company as a bit of extra compensation for me, someone who isn't going to rob me this time. Sure you can arrange that can't you?" She stood they in silence, looking at the man in 'that' way, which did sent a bit of a shiver down his spine, she snapped her figure and one of the bellboys appeared out of nowhere. "Room 101" she handed the boy the keys, turned and walked away, the bellboys eyes widened as he looked at the key, the blond receptionist nodded at the lad, as if to say 'yes it's ok', and sent him on his way. On the top floor the elevator stopped, the doors opened and the bellboy put his head out as if he was making sure it was all clear, the stepped out and made his way down a couple of corridor to the far end room. On the door it said '101' 'strange all the other rooms are numbered differently, this must be special, but there was something about '101' that was bugging him, something niggling at the back of his mind. The bellboy opened the door "that's OK off you go I'll be alright." The lad was off, almost as if he didn't want to hang around 'very strange' as he entered the room John looked back down the corridor, the bellboy was almost at the end of the corridor when suddenly a door opened and a half dressed woman seemed to step out grab the boy and drag him into her room, and slam her door shut! 'This place was defiantly living up to all those rumours.' Inside and John found the light switch after a brief bit of hunting around, two dim wall lights came on, it was a large room, he could make that out but he couldn't see much detail 'this is one of their best rooms!' John was just about to go down to reception and start shouting some more when KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! 'Arh, better, this should be his other 'compensation!' He grabbed the door handle, opened the door and WHACK! Something hit the man hard and sent him crashing backwards into the room, he tripped and fell down. Light poured in from the open door, he could make out a blurred image, or was it two by the door, then it closed and the room was dark again. There were footsteps and CLICK! Suddenly a main light comes on and the man could see 'Oh!' His eyes focus in on a person, a young woman, oriental and the woman from the other night! But there's a difference to her now, it's the way she's dressed, the tight, sexy Far East dress has been replaced by something very different. Now she wore leather, black leather that had its own shine to it and covered in buckles, studs, loops and clasps. There was a pair of long boot that went halfway up her thighs, then a pair of fishnet stocking and a very short leather skirt, a large leather belt with some skull & cross bones buckle and a tight fitting waistcoat. Which displayed toned arms and a large chest, due to the plunging neckline. She looked quite stunning and a bit scary he thought WHACK! The girl kicked out at John, still on the floor and in a bit of shock at being put on his arse in the first place. He rolled over in pain 'why had she done that?' But he recovered quickly and, thinking straight, he knew he had to get up and sort this out with whoever she was. As he went to push himself up off the floor John the saw another figure, another woman, this time a black woman and the one from yesterday. Gone was her stylish dress, which had been replaced by yet another leather outfit, this time it was a dark blue colour and sort of matched her, cool and cold, as he would find out. She had the boots, but these where only up to her knees, then a pair of trousers that hugged her legs, a thick belt with a buckle in the shape of a snapping crocodile. Up top was an equally tight leather top with full sleeves and the zip undone to display her full figure. The woman stepped to the side of the girl in black and forward so she could THUD! Her boot now shot into John and sent him back down to the floor, so much for trying to get up. He was now getting, annoyed, angry and ever so 'pissed off!' He'd been kicked twice, for no reason and it was time to stop this and sort it, after all he was the one in charge around here! As he attempted to get up again, another young woman appeared from behind the oriental one. This time it was a tall redhead, John was beginning to see a bit of a pattern here, these three where the three he had 'encountered' since he'd been here at The Excelsior! The redhead had also gone through a bit of a change in her appearance since he last saw her, she was now in red leather, quite appropriate. There was a pair of ankle red stiletto boots, just to give her some extra height, not that she needed it. Then a pair of three quarter length leather trousers, a thick bright red belt with a flaming motorbike buckle, and a tight leather sleeveless crop top. Again with lots of cleavage on display and all finished off with a pair of long red leather gloves that went up to her elbows. She stepped to the other side of the woman in black, and not to be outdone SMACK! OOOHHHH! Her boot found its mark and John was on the floor for the third time. Any other time and three attractive young woman dressed in tight leather would have been an enjoyable, kinky and very satisfying experience. An experience that would be only possible due to either having a very 'understanding' girlfriend or a lot of money. As John didn't have a girlfriend he thought that the hotel manager, that woman, must have misunderstood and ... ... UUUUHHHH! Before he could even try and sort this all out in his head the woman in blue had come in close and grabbed onto the man, as he was a bit stunned and confused she found it easy to pull him up off the floor. Even if she did hurt him a little doing his WHACK! OOOOWWWW! Then she hurt him a lot, as once he was up she throw her fist firmly and forcibly into his gut, the blow caught him off-guard, winding and hurting him. The black woman then throws her knee up into the man and sent him tumbling across the room towards CRACK! The oriental woman was next, her boot shot out as he fell towards her, it connected with his knee, the man jolted and fell. As he began to tumbled over she came in close and quickly, her fist raised up high and then it came hammering down and into John's face. There was a muffled cry of pain and blood splattered as he collapsed onto his back and onto the floor, ready for CRUNCH! Now the redhead came in and down onto the man, her knee drove down into his groin, 'that hurt!' John's body bolted upwards due to the sharp attack, allowing the redhead to grab onto his shoulder and pull him further up and towards her. As he came up she threw her forehead forward straight into his upcoming face and across the bridge of his nose that exploded and broke. There was another loud cry of hurt and pain that filled the room and John rolled around on the floor in agony as the three women now walked around him deciding how to hurt him further? John was pulled up off the floor by two sets of hands and then once up he's quickly hurtled across the room towards, the woman in black, the oriental judges her time as John staggers and gets closer. Then she grabbed him, turned and WOOSSHH! THUD! A harsh takes down as she threw the man over, dropping him hard into the floor and hurting him some more. Downstairs in the lobby and Ms Scarlett sees the barman George making his way over to the bar ready to go on duty. She coughs, the barman stops, turns and sees the Mistress of The Excelsior looking at him, with that glare in her eye "over here George I need to speak to you about one of our guests!" In room 101 and John is wrenched off the floor by two pairs of hand, when he's on his feet he's flung over toward the next woman waiting, the one in blue. The dusky woman spins, gets her timing prefect as he stubbles towards her, her boot comes swinging around and pounds into him WOOSSHH! CRACK! A powerful blow takes John off his feet and drops him hard. Down in the lobby George has rushes over to the Mistress, he looks worried, she likes that. "I've heard about our annoying guest, good choice of ladies for him, well done." He's relived he did a good job, she turns, looks at the blond receptionist "see Carol later, she'll give you a well-deserved spanking for you effort!" Back in 101 John is hauled up again, he bloody, bruised and hurt but the two women happily throw him forward to the waiting woman in red. The redhead is ready as he stumble she draws her arm back and WOOSSHH! WHACK! Her fist thunders forward into John's oncoming gut, the blow is so solid and thunderous that the man twists, twirls and flips over, then falls, drops to the floor. In the lobby the Mistress looks around, everything seems to be running smoothly. She snaps her figures; suddenly out of nowhere a young bellboy appears next to her. She looks down at him, 'a sweet one, good!' She places her finger under his chin and guilds him towards her office, 'time for a special staff appraisal!' In room 101 John is going through his worst nightmare, he'd being controlled, overpowered and dominated, he's at the mercy of others, and the fact that these 'others' happen to be three sexy women in leather is just an added bonus! He's struck hard by the black woman, flipped over by the redhead and pounded by the oriental. The man's mushed up brain can make little sense out of all of this 'who are they? Why is this happening?' A couple of days ago and he was the happiest and luckiest man alive and now it was all going wrong WHACK! The redhead's uppercut slams into his jaw. 'What had he done wrong, ok he may have gone a bit power crazy and shouted at a few people, women, but then again he was rich' SMACK! The oriental's high kick slammed into the man sending him spinning backwards. Surly these three women, weren't those women, the ones he'd, maybe, been a bit rude too CRUNCH! The black woman hip tossed John taking him over and thundering him down to the floor. He couldn't remember what any of them had looked like but surely these three could be those women THUD! ARRRHHHH! The woman battered and beat him until he was down and almost out, and then they made him crawl to them, they made him crawl across the floor so he could kiss each of their feet. He was dragged to one end of the room and beat, slammed and pounded by two of the women whilst he agonisingly crawled across the floor so he could kiss the third woman's boots. He crawled backwards and forwards across that floor, he was made to do this six times so he could kiss each of the women's boots, so that he could be made to suffer. Eventually John passed out, it could have been from a hard hit for the black woman, or a swivel kick from the redhead or even when he was down on the floor being kicked for not kissing the oriental's boot properly. Whenever it was, whoever it was and however it happened he would not remember his brain was so messed up, his body so hurt and injured it was a wonder he was still in one piece. Much later and eventually John came too, it was a very slow process as his body screamed at him not to move and just stay there. But finally he had regained some strength and was sat up in the middle of that room, the women had gone and only the two dim wall lights where on, but at least he was in one piece, sort of. Suddenly the door flew open, a light switch was flicked on and Ms Scarlett step inside "so you're finally awake!" The man had jumped, his stomach had gone up into his mouth at the woman's sudden entrance and now as she slowly walked around the man sat there on the floor and he panicked and shock with fear. "The police have been, but that was two days ago, as you never showed up at the lottery office. We told them you had left as you had only booked in for a couple of days. They seemed satisfied and left." ARRRRHHHH! Ms Scarlet was stood behind him, she'd reached down grabbed him by his hair and ripped his head back so he looked up at her "I am disappointed you told the office where you were staying, we will have to discuss that a bit further but later. For now I have something for you." She pulled his head around so she could look at him better, her hand moved from holding his hair to gripping his jaw, then she produced and held up his winning ticket! "Recognise this?" Ms Scarlett smiled as she then slowly pushed and forced the ticket into his mouth. Her grip on his jaw tightened as she commanded him to "now eat it!" 'His winning ticket in his mouth and he was forced to chew it up, to lose all that money'. His jaws slowly moved, then where assisted by Ms Scarlett manipulating hand and the man chewed, he eat his winnings, he consumed his money. She even forced him to swallow it. Her hands worked his throat and jaw, covered his mouth and nose until he had consumed all of his precious ticket, and now he had nothing left, nothing at all! Ms Scarlett released him, John fell to the floor in tears, he sobbed as now everything had been taken from him, his money and possessions, his ticket, his wonderful tick, all his 'new' wealth had gone. These women, had taken it all and broken him at the same time, but for the girls and Ms Scarlett it was had just been another good days work! With everything gone, plain old John Smith now had nothing, so there was nothing else they could do to him, he was at his lowest point now, they could do nothing more to him, or could they? Ms Scarlett moved away from the sobbing man, there was silence then WHACK! John looked up 'what was that?' With the light on and the fact that he wasn't being hit now, meant that he could take a second to look at this room, room 101! 'Oh God.' He could now saw the room properly for the first time, the large wooden St Andrews cross with chains attached to it on it on the far wall, the tables that the Mistress stood next to that were full of more chains, sticks, canes, bats and God knows what else. A large spike covered 'thing', then the cages and next to them a strange looking rack type contraption. This was more like a torture chamber than a hotel room! Ms Scarlett turned back from the table, in her hand was a large bull whip CRACK! Her arm moved, effortlessly, and the whip cracked, and by the looks of it she knew exactly how to use that thing. Then she turned to the man who though it could not get any worse "now then we need to discuss how rude you were to me the other day. And let me warn you I don't tolerate men who are disobedient and rude ... ... " CRACK!