Milf Club By Crossmanx What happens in Milf Club stays in Milf Club! By Crossmanx at - Comments and ideas welcome Milf Club The taxi pulled up outside the Excelsior Hotel in the heart of the city, Peter the hotels faithful doorman stepped over and opens the door to allow it occupant to step out. He raised his old style top hat as the tall, elegant Marsha exited the taxi; she was quickly followed by Daniel the smaller and more nervous looking younger lad. As he got out a second taxi pulled up and Peter once more carried out his duty in holding the door for Joanne to also leave her taxi, again she was followed out by a very uneasy looking youth, Craig. The women speak to each other as Peter helps the two lads get the weekend bags out of the taxi and get themselves sorted out. Then when they are already the women say goodbye to the doorman and head off inside the hotel to the reception lounge. Peter watches as the two tall women, the fair haired Marsha and dark haired Joanna, walk off with the two lads bringing up the luggage at the rear. He knew the women, but had not seen these lads before, but that didn't matter, after seeing those women, the doorman knew it was going to be 'one of those' weekends here at the Excelsior! Inside and at the reception desk "why hello again ladies I hope you are ready for another enjoyable weekend here?" Walking up to greet the women is Ms Scarlet, the manageress or as she liked to be called Mistress of the Excelsior Hotel. She gave each of the women the double cheek kiss as they easily moved into conversation, which was not heard by either Daniel or Craig as they were too busy either looking at the tall smart, sophisticated and very stunning Ms Scarlet or where equally engrossed in eyeing up their Aunt! Daniel's eye's flickered from Ms Scarlet to his Aunty Joanne, from the tall chic, mid-thirties and attractive hotel manageress, Mistress, to his equally tall, mid-forties gorgeous Aunt. At the same time Craig's eyes moved from his tall, fair-haired striking Aunty Marsha to the just as tall and quaintly elegant dark haired Ms Scarlet. "These are our son's Daniel and Craig" the words shock the two young lads back into the present as Ms Scarlet tuned to devour them with her eyes. She peered over her stylish glasses, looking down at the cute lads and grinned, she was impressed with what she saw and held out a hand, took Daniel's leaned down and gave him a kiss on one cheek, then turned to Craig took his hand and kissed him similarly. The two lads just stood there in shock as she did this, but even better was that when she went to kiss each of their cheeks she also allowed the youths a good eyeful of her exposed cleavage as he leant down towards them. She then returned to her conversation with Marsha and Joanne as the two lad's minds began to relive the last couple of seconds again and again that had just gone by. Both Daniel and Craig knew that their mothers, Marsha and Joanne went away regularly for a girly weekend, leaving the lads with their fathers. But both had been surprised when out of the blue their Mothers had told them they were also coming away with them this weekend. At first it was a strange thing then they realised that their sexy Aunt would also be there, which started to make it a much better proposition! Both lads had thought that maybe, even with their Mother there, something could happen with their Aunty, nothing wrong with hoping! But when Daniel had seen Craig and Craig had seen Daniel, even though the cousins where normally good mates, the prospect of also having your cousin along sort of sealed the fate that nothing was going to happen with either of the lads and their Aunty. Or was it! "So ladies I have everything here for the entertainment later on ... " Ms Scarlet handed Joanne an envelope and keys " ... you are in your normal rooms and is there anything else I can do for you?" She looked over at the boys at this point. "Those two are taken care of for later thank you, but could you arrange some company for us for the event" Marsha enquiries. Ms Scarlet smiled "anyone in particular?" "Would you be so kind as to choose for us, you seem to know our tastes far too well" Craig wondered what his mother meant by that. "Of course ladies, and ... " turning back to the two lads " ... maybe I'll see you two handsome boys later!" The older women moved off towards the elevator, leaving their sons to manhandle the bags and follow on, each lad thinking 'what was mean by all that!' As Ms Scarlet watched the mature women head off, she grinned as she looked at the two now embarrassed and clumsy 'handsome' boys trotting off after their mothers. Ms Scarlet went behind the large reception desk pulled open her special draw and took out a large book, she paused and thought then turned to page 24 and looked up and down, 'no nothing there.' Turing over to page 25, 26 and 27 she carried on scanning the pages in front of her until on page 28 "Yes, perfect!" The hotel Mistress picked up the telephone and dialled, "yes hello I would like to place an order ... ... Yes I would like Suzie in the red number and also Kelly in the ... ... Yes, in the blue number ... " With the 'order' place Ms Scarlet went back to making sure everything was ready for the event later on. The elevator doors opened on the top floor of the Excelsior Hotel and the two women stepped out, quickly followed by their, still, bemused sons. The women set off down the corridor, and it's obvious to the lads that this is where their Mothers have spent their weekends away. Both from the earlier conversation and how easily the women knew their way around the hotel. Moments later and they are stood outside two doors facing each other, Joanna looks at her watch, "we had better get a move on the show starts soon" and with that the women open their doors and entered the rooms. Daniel and Craig naturally followed their Mothers as they were the ones still carrying the luggage. The rooms where very plush, stylish decor, open planed and 'reeking' of 'this must cost a lot to stay here!' In each room the seen was much the same, the Mother points to a door and the son duly enters the bedroom to put the luggage down inside. The bedroom was again very stylish, consisting of a very large bed and a door leading off to its own on suite. As the lad came out and back into the 'living room' part the view of the city before them became fully apparent, it's a spectacular sight. The Mother goes into the bedroom, opens the luggage and rummages around, second later appealing back in the living room area and throws a pair of shorts at their son "you'll need them, you can change in the spare bathroom over there." With that the women, Marsha and Joanne, go back into the bedroom, close the door and get ready themselves for the upcoming event. The lads look around the empty room and slowly trot off to change into their shorts. Later and the women come out of the bedrooms, the lads where board having been staring out of the window across the city skyline for what seemed an age. Both lads where by now a little 'concerned' with what was going on, why did they need to come this weekend, what was this event/show and why the shorts? And the thought of where the lads were going to sleep tonight had also crossed their minds, after all it only had one bedroom, but the settee didn't look that uncomfortable they both thought. Marsha and Joanna simply told the lads not to worry, the event was for the women only and they would be spending sometime in the hotel swimming pool until the ladies got back. Although it all sounded very plausible the lads where still not fully convinced, something else was surly going on. After grabbing a towel each lad was pushed out of the rooms as the women realised how late it was now. The doors to the two rooms opened at the same time as both Daniel and Craig where shoved out into the corridor, followed by the now very sexily dressed older women. Both where in their 'little black dresses' and as both the Nephews suddenly saw their attractive Aunties in short, tight fitting black dresses towels where suddenly placed in front of their groins as the young lads desire leaves started to raise for each of their Aunts! Daniel was frustrated that his Mother and cousin where both there especially as his Milf Aunt looked so hot. Craig had never seen his Aunty Marsha look so Milf and just wanted her there and then, but his mum and cousin where also there! The youngsters couldn't take their eyes of their Milf Aunt, in those black dresses that clung to each of the older women's firm bodies, showing off long legs, sharply bodies and well-endowed chests. What could be better! PING! Just then the elevator at the far end of the corridor opened and two women got out and walked down towards the group of Mothers, Sons, Aunts and Nephews. Daniel and Craig where now even more thankful for the 'well placed' towels as they watched the two new women approaching, these two where shorter than the older women, younger, but older that the lads, maybe these 'girl's' where 20? However old they were at least half the age of the older woman, the one on the right was blond and in a figure hugging tight red dress, her long blond hair bounced up and down as she walked towards them, as did her large tits that the dress clung to. Her breasts matched her large blue eyes, you just wanted to dive in and lose yourself. The girl on the left was a bit taller than the blond, but not as tall as the older women, she was in another tight dress, blue this time and it seemed to have moulded itself to her very ample chest and shapely body. She had short curly dark hair, with a cute smile that just melted you as you looked at her. The boys looked on is awe as the girls walked up to the older women, stopped and "Hi I'm Suzie ... " " ... I'm Kelly, were your company for the show." The women smiled at each other "Ms Scarlet has outdone herself this time." The women laughed, then realising "Oh you two ... " then turned back to their sons, who by now had their jaws on the floor. "Here you are keys to the rooms ... ... " the women handed over the keys to their sons "now walk down the corridor, turn to the right and there are steps that take you up to the rooftop pool" Marsha explained. "We've made sure that that you will be ... " there was a pause " ... looked after and when you're done just come back to the room, now off you go." Marsha and Joanna pushed their sons off down the corridor "look after those keys; we don't want you turning up in some strange woman's room, do we!" The women laughed at Joanna's comment then they turned back to the girls. As Daniel and Craig got to the corner they looked back to see the Mums and Aunts, walking down to the elevators. Marsha was walking next to short blond, Suzie, the girls arm around the shapely older woman's waist, whilst Marsha's arm came across the blond and was gently rubbed up and down the younger girls bare arm. Whilst Joanna had Kelly, here both the woman and girl had their hand firmly placed on the others shapely behind. As they got to the elevator the doors opened and all four stepped inside, with Daniel and Craig still watching the older women turned to their new, younger friends, then leant forward and kissed them. The older women's mouths started to enjoy the girls as the doors closed. The boys stood there for a moment looking at an empty corridor and the doors of the elevator. The lads had always suspected that their Mothers had 'tendencies' but this was the first time they had seen it for themselves. Slowly and without talking to each other the cousins now headed to the steps with a sign 'Rooftop Swimming Pool', a cold dip was probably be a good thing about now. At the top of the steps and through a door the lads stepped out onto, one of, the Excelsior Hotel 'secrets'. The afternoon sun was beating down and it was hot outside, like the rest of the hotel this was a 'luxury' rooftop swimming pool, beautifully decorated around the side with potted plants, climbing plants covering wooden frames, covered areas, open area, it had everything. And dotted around large comfy well-padded sunloungers and seating areas. The lads were shocked at how stunning it all looked, and even better was that there was no one there, they had the place to their selves ... ! "Hello Boys!" Daniel and Craig turned to where the sound of the female voice had come from, their eyes squinted due to the glare of the sun, and as they now focused they made out the figure of a woman gently raising herself up from one of the sunloungers. Not for the first time that day the lads jaws dropped as there was now sat up on the edge of the sunlounger a stunning woman. Even those she was sat down they could tell she was tall, with a toned, slim, and very shapely figure, just as good as either of their Aunt's. She had a tanned body, and that body was made even more noticeable and desirable by the white bikini she had on. She had short black hair pushed over her ears so you saw all of her attractive face and her deep powerful eyes and with a smirk grin, she looked incredibly sexy. Just then there was a sudden rush from the pool, the lads turned just in time to see a second woman shot herself up out of the water. There was a flash of glistening waterfall as the woman came up and then a splash as all the water came crashing down onto the floor by the side of the pool. Then there was just the woman there propping herself up on the side of the pool "you made it here OK then?" Without waiting for a reply she pushed herself out of the water and stood there, another tall woman, with a stunning, wet, body and with large breasts, all in a drenched multi-colour bikini. The woman pushed her sodden, long red hair back to show her good looking face and dazzling smile. The lads reckoned that these women were about the same age of their Mother and Aunt. The wet woman walked over to Craig took his hand and lead him to the sun lounger next to the first woman. Who stretched out her had as an indication to Daniel to take it, and he did. The two young lads were in a bit of shock at the moment, not too sure what was going on, why there where there, who these women were and what was going to happen next! Both of the woman were now sat down, and still holding onto the hand of the, now very nervous and worried, young lad that stood in front of them. "I'm Mrs Forbes ... ... " the dark haired woman said "and this is Mrs Johnson" indicating to the redheaded woman. "You're wondering why you're here aren't you?" Mrs Johnson said "well ... ... well yes!" Daniel managed to answer her. The ladies giggled and looked at each other, the dark hair woman then explained "this is Milf Club and you're guests here ... ... " She went onto enlighten the lads about 'Milf Club', this was a group of older women who came together to 'enjoy life', but they also at some point had to put something into Milf Club! She explained that the women, Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnson, had a few months again brought their young sons to Milf Club and both Marsha and Joanna and eagerly volunteered to introduce them to the club. On that night Mrs Frobes' son, Adrian and Mrs Johnson son, Charlie had joined Marsha and Joanna in a 'private party' in the Excelsior's Hotels Cocktail bar. There had been many 'cocks' and 'tail's' that evening, Marsha and Joanna had had Long Slow Comfortable Screw's Against the Wall, some Slippery Nipples, a few Suck, Bang & Swallows along with some Wet Spots and far too many Orgasms to count. They had even tried a couple of Cocktails as well! "You Mother's had been really good to our boys so we said when it was your turn to become guests then we would be more than happy to introduce you to Milf Club." Daniel and Craig looked at each other, not too sure if they were hearing all this correctly! For the women of Milf Club there were many benefits, whilst their Mothers where eyeing up two new 'guest' Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnsons boys where doing their bit for Milf Club. Adrian Forbes was currently round at Mrs Whitehead's house, her husband was away and Adrian was currently sliding his young eager cock in between the Milf, Mrs Whitehead's large tits. He would then be satisfying her all afternoon, which was good news for his Mother, as Mrs Whitehead was her line manager at work and a good seeing to from her son meant that this year Mrs Forbes annual bonus would be very substantial. Whilst Charlie Johnson was also currently making sure that his Mother benefited from his 'talents'. Today Charlie had been given Mrs Johnson's pet poodle to look after and take to the vet's, so at the moment he was doing the busty, blond veterinarian, doggie style of course! And he would be doing her again and again, so ensuring that Mrs Johnson's pampered poodle had the best care, at the cheapest rate. "But we do have some rules here at Milf Club for you boys to follow, firstly you will ways be respectful and courteous to any of the women you met here. Secondly you never say no to anything that is asked or demanded of you. Lastly there is no talking about Milf Club outside of Milf Club." The lads, still not sure if all this was for real just nodded as Mrs Frobes went through some more rules. "And boys if you break and rule ... " Mrs Johnson carried on " ... ... you break any rule or talk about Milf Club, then you are no longer welcome here, you're no longer a guest and get nothing from any of us, it that understood?" Again the lads just nodded. The ladies smiled at each other "good now to see if you're the 'right' kind of guest we want here!" With that the women reached out and grabbed onto the shorts of the lad in front of them and pulled them down "Yes, good so far!" The women were impressed with the semi-hard cocks that the lads already had, Mrs Forbes hand grabbed onto Daniel balls and started to gentle work them. Then leant over and ran her tongue over his balls and along the length his cock 'that felt so good' to both lad and Milf!' Mrs Johnson was already taking Crag's cock in her mouth, giving him long, slow, deep sucks so she felt him grow in her mouth, she was enjoying his cock, while he was enjoying her mouth. As the boys were enjoying being inducted into Milf Club their Mothers and full members of this 'special' club were now making their way to the 'event'. They had stepped out of the lift after enjoying their first kiss with their younger companions for that day. Then made their way to the event room, handed over their invitations to the security man and made their way inside, this was not the first time that Marsha and Joanna had been here, but for Suzie and Kelly it was all new and exciting to them. The room was quiet large, but only half lit so you didn't get the full idea of its size, at the moment this was very busy as a number of people milled around waiting for the event to start. Marsh and Joanna led their companions through the gathered crowd to their seats. The seats where set out in a circle which looked onto a large cage ring that dominated the centre of the room, the event was going to be a match, a fight, a cage fight! The audience for the fight was made up of all sorts, but mostly women, and as Marsha and Joanna looked around they recognised a number of different people there, some other members of Milf Club and some they had met at other 'events' held here at the hotel. Again most of the women there had a 'companion' close by and depending on their taste that day the companion was either a cute boy or a cute girl. Up on the rooftop the cute Daniel and Craig where still having their cocks worked on by the other ladies of Milf Club. Knowledgeable female mouths and tongues played with and enjoyed young male cocks, and giving the lads an experience that surly they would never forget. In the events room Marsha and Joanne spotted their good friend Carmela and waved, the woman acknowledge their gesture and made her way towards them. Suzie and Kelly where cuddled up to their Milf and stood there in silence as the three women now greeted each other and talked. Carmela was a tall black older woman, dressed in high heeled shoes that elevated her over both Marsh and Joanna, then a pair of tight fitting, leopard skin pattern leggings covered her long toned legs, further up she had on a leopard skin pattered bra top, that strained under the pressure her large breasts where placing on the garment. And covering the top of her, just, was again a leopard skin patterned, short sleeved, shawl, open of course to show off her strong upper body and large tits. She had a menacing look about her face, but strangely attractive at the same time, and all finished off with bright red lips and big, bold, short dark hair. There was a loud tap on a microphone and a man's voice asked those present to take their seats ready for the event, the woman kissed and Carmela returned back to her seat. She had noticed both Suzie and Kelly and was impressed, and was now kicking herself for not arranging some for herself. But the day had been very busy as she had been helping her daughter Naomi, for today was all about her, it was her daughters first time in the ring and the tall black Milf had wanted everything to go right today. Up on the rooftop the pressure was building, literally as the hot Milf's carried on with extra vigour as they knew that the cock in their mouth was almost at that point of delivering. Daniel and Craig couldn't take much more, they had held out as long as they could but these Milf's were just too good, there was a moan and a grunt. Followed my more enthusiastic Milf tongue action, then a cry and a yell as the lads gave up and shot their loads into the sweet Milf mouths. Mrs Forbes took Daniel's load, again and again and again, and Mrs Johnson swallowed hard as Craig shot everything he had at her. The lads legs buckled, their arses jerked back and forth as the Milf's gratefully received all the lads had to give them. Downstairs in the event room the audience had just about settled down when the lights when low and the ring now took centre stage as it was illuminated up. Music filled the room and the crowd slowly started to find their voice, Marsha and Joanna where now seated in their VIP seats, to the side of each of the Milf's was a smaller seat where their companion sat. Now Suzie and Kelly started to run their hands gentle and slowly over their Milf's very sexy body, giving the older women a tender massage as they sat there ready to enjoy the show. The music grew and suddenly two curtains opened and the fighters stepped out to huge applause and cheers. Both fighters, covered in robes with their hoods up, made their way to the ring and walked up stairs, through the steel cage door and ropes, and into the ring. Up on the rooftop the two lads managed to steady themselves and still stay standing, God knows how after that experience, they both thought at some point they were going to shoot their load and collapse at the same time! The Milfs were still enjoying the young cocks, licking, sucking and kissing them, as Daniel and Craig looked down there was more for them to be amazed at. As Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnson now turned to each other, but still with one of their hands firmly around their lads cock. The two women leant forward and the lads watched as the women opened their mouths, their tongues came out and entwined as the Milf's exchanging their young lads juices with each other. Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnson worked their 'cock' hands as they kissed passionately, each woman trying to get the full taste of the other lad out of their friend's mouth! Down in the event room the ring announcer quietened the crowd and introduced the fighter, in the green robes 'Tommy the Tank', the robes fell to the floor to reveal the male fight a short but stocky man, mid-thirties or so, in boxing boots, long green boxing shorts and a pair of fingerless green gloves. He was muscular and with a hard battered face, someone who had been in this 'game' for a long time. In the red robes, and appearing in her first fight 'Naomi', she didn't need a stage name! The red robes fell to the floor to reveal the young woman and Carmela's daughter, she hadn't even turned 20 yet but here she was in her first fight against a much more experience man. She wore a set of boots, tight shorts and a equally tight sports top, and fingerless gloves, all of which were in a zebra strip pattern and against her dark skin made her look fantastic. She was tall, not as tall as her mother, but tall, her body was toned and strong looking, she was attractive with very long platted hair, down past the middle of her strong back, and was decorated with brightly coloured beads. Yes she was quiet stunning, bold, black and busty, and the two Milf's, Marsha and Joanna liked, they liked a lot! Up on the rooftop the Milf's Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnson broke off their kiss, and it was time to swop, Mrs Johnson reached over and took Daniels hand pulling his towards her. As she did so she moved back further on the large comfy sunlounger. Mrs Forbes took hold of Craig's cock and gave it a long deep suck, then she very slowly started to kiss his young body, making her way torturously up his body. Mrs Johnson unclipped her bikini top as she pulled the young Daniel up and onto her and revealing her ample breasts to the lad, Mrs Forbes enjoyed the moans of delight and anguish that Craig made as she sucked and bit his tender nipples. Down in the event room the fighters were given their instructions, everyone was excited, Carmela was nervous for her daughter, while Marsha and Joanna were still having the eager hands of Suzie and Kelly running up, down and over their legs, body and, especially, their breasts. "Remember there are no rounds, this is a fight with no time limits, win by knockout only ... ... Seconds out ... ... !" Upstairs and Craig was now looking into Mrs Forbes eyes after she had kissed her way up him, and Daniel was looking at both Mrs Johnson nipple and her eyes as he lay there on her. The lads both membered the first rule to Milf Club 'be respectful and courteous', Craig said "May ... May I please kiss you Mrs Forbes?" She smiled; enjoying his nervous, croaky voice and puppy dog eyes "You may boy" they then had their first tender kiss. Daniel voice also had the appealing apprehension to it "May I please you Mrs Johnson?" She smiles "I insist you please me!" His tongue came out and started to move over her breast towards her nipple! WHACK! Down in the event room the first blow had been struck, there had been a flash of black and white and Naomi had gone at the man, she had listened to everything her Mother had told, learnt from everything her Mother had shown her and now she was ready for this man CRACK! Tommy was surprised; he tried to shake his head but all he saw was a flash of zebra and WOOSSHH! THUD! Naomi had moved too quickly she grabbed the man turned and thrown him down to the canvas, but the man was a seasoned fight and moved straight away, rolling, then pushing himself upwards, but WHACK! The woman's boot got him before he could get up; she'd connected with his jaw and sent the man rolling across the canvas in great pain. Up on the rooftop Mrs Johnson had rolled over and now had Daniel pinned to the sunlounger, her large firm breasts now hung there inches away from his face as she now started to grind herself into the lads crouch. The naked Mrs Forbes stood there allowing Craig to use his mouth and tongue over every inch of her body. He was knelt behind her, a hand on each of her firm round buttocks as he kissed every part of the older woman's gorgeous arse. Down in the events room Tommy had rolled out of the way and scrambled to his feet, he was against the ropes, dazed and in shock at how this younger woman had taken him down so quickly and easily. But it was time to fight back now as she was making her way towards him, smiling, enjoying the applause from the crowd, but he could see she had lost just a little too much concentration as the audience chanted her name WHACK! He struck out and struck her, catching Naomi off guard for the briefest of moments, but enough to make her now stagger backwards THUD! He struck again, hitting the woman harder and sending her backwards again, Carmela jumped out of seat in shock as a third blow landed on her daughter, now she was on the ropes and in trouble! The black woman leant on the ropes dazed and confused, Tommy saw his chance, his arm came back to deliver the final blow. But as he flung his fist at the woman she moved, his fist missed her as she twisted and spun around. As she turned her long platted hair twirled up and around, she was like some kind of spinning top as she quickly whirled around, but that was not the best part. Now her hair was also spinning and as it was sent flying around it struck the man, the long platted strands with all those colourful beads attached now attacked, thrashed and whipped the man, and whipped him hard! It was like being flogged a hundred time all at once as the Naomi's long her attacked him, he was lashed across his body and face, the hair and beads struck his eyes, so blinding him and in places his skin was cut by the slashing of her hair. Unable to see for the moment he raised his arms to protect himself while he tried to get his sight back. The crowd where ecstatic at her stunning move, so Naomi stood there thrashing her head around to whip the man some more and so give the audience something to cheer about. Then she throws herself into a spin and ducked down then up again, so allowing her hair to whip the other parts of the man's body. Up on the rooftop young lads tongues where also busy lashing and lapping as the Milf's enjoyed the intimate attention that these eager young lads where dishing out. In the event room Naomi finishes her whipping and gabs onto the man, her strong hands hold his head and she controls him, bringing his head and body down, then THUD! THUD! THUD! She drives her strong knee up, pounding it into his torso WHACK! then into his face! His nose explodes and his head and body is sent staggering backwards, but he falls against the ropes, giving the black woman the chance to grab him again and WOOSSHHH! THUD! She turns and throws the man, driving him back into the canvas, another demonstration of young, black, female strength and skill over older, white, male weakness and futility. The woman reaches down and drags the man up onto his knees by his hair, the canvas and the man's face is full of blood and the crowd go wild for the perfect picture of the young black woman, in her zebra outfit stood there holding onto the broken older white man now on his knees. Naomi enjoys the moment and pulls Tommy upwards, she's going to give the crown what they want, and as the crowd chant her name they call out they want to see her destroy him CRACK! Up on the rooftop and Craig and Daniel are both laid out on one of the sunloungers as they are now being ridden by a sexy Milf. Mrs Forbes is straddled over Daniel, while Mrs Johnson is grinding herself well and truly into Craig, the women are out to destroy these two lads, but in the nicest possible way! Tommy, the older, larger and stronger male was up against it as Naomi once more struck out, her powerful arm swung around and drove her hard fist into the man's jaw CRACK! He went flying back against the ropes with the 'zebra' woman closely following on, as he fell against the ropes WHACK! Another blow THUD! Naomi grabs the man by his hair, steps onto the bottom rope and now launches Tommy's face over the top rope and into the side of the steel cage, the cage that has him trapped inside with the furious female fighter SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The young woman slams his battered face again and again into the steel cage, much to the delight of the audience, battered, bloody and bruised the man is broken, wrecked and humiliated, but it's not over. More hard blows follow as the black woman now beats the white male along the ropes and into the corner, she has him trapped, there's no escape for the last great white hope! With nowhere to go the younger woman sets about thrashing and pounding the older man, her fists thrust and drive hard into him and her knees pound and rush powerfully into him. Every strike she sending into him hurts and breaks him some more. Up on the roof top and the young lads were also on top and thrusting away, but this was an altogether more enjoyable pounding that was going on. In the events room Naomi is still on her man, throwing in good hard punches, driving in solid, firm knees and injecting a whole new world of pain and humiliation into him. It was at this point that a loud "NO!" could be heard over the roaring crowd. Carmela looked up to see a man run towards the steps and gate of the steel cage, the older black woman recognised him straight away it was the trainer of the male fighter, Tommy. The man rushed through and passed a number of people to get to the cage door, a towel in his hand. He was trying to 'throw in the towel' and so end the fight and save his man, even though the rules where clear this fight could only end in a knock out, nothing else. But Carmela could see that this man would spoil her daughter's victory and she had to stop him. The trainer got to the steps and had started the clamber up to the cage door when WALLOP! THUD! ARRRRHHHH! The tall Carmela had reached out and grabbed him, her strong hand had gripped him and thrusted him up into the air then she had slammed the man into the floor next to the ring! There was also a crunching sound of something breaking and moans of hurt coming from the man she'd just pounded into the floor. Marsha and Joanna had seen their friends interjection and where suitably impressed, they were also very impressed with the zebra clad Naomi as she carried on pummelling the man, knocking his head from one side to the other with each of her strong fists, draining the man of his remaining strength and energy and taking away the last of his self-respect as she went about beating him. Up on the rooftop the two lads where also being drained as they delivered more and more satisfaction the Milf's, Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnson. The women were determined to swop lads again, as they were building up into a real frenzy, eager for even more young cock! In the events room the destructive Naomi had pounded Tommy down onto his keens, much to the delight of the very excited audience and outside the ring her Mother Carmela was also engaged in some heavy male pounding as she showed the trainer how wrong it was of him to try and interfere with her daughters fight! All the time Marsha and Joanna were cheering on the women and the girls, Suzie and Kelly, were carrying out their companion duties, happily still engrossed in massaging their Milf friend's bodies. In the cage both Naomi and Tommy knew how this fight was going to end, the man was now drained, hurt, bloody and bruised, the end was very near for him. The younger black woman reached down at the white man on his knees and at her feet. She grabbed hold of his head and with one final great show of superior female strength she wrenched him up off his knees, spun him around and over, and flung the man into the centre of the ring. The crowd senses her victory is near, they screamed and yelled out for her to finish him. At the same time outside the ring Carmela slams the trainer against the side of the cage and drives a backhand across his face that sends him flying and out cold at the same time. The Mother wants to enjoy watching her daughter's first victory! Naomi, with a very sexy wiggle sauntered over the centre of the ring where the man lay, he's broken, sobbing and in soft worlds he's begging for her to stop. But she doesn't listen, the young black woman reaches down and grabs him by his hair and pulls the wretch of a man up onto his feet. She steps backwards to look at how miserable and pitifully he looks, then WOOOSSSHHH! THUD! She spins around; her boot comes flying towards him and smashed into the side of his head. There's silence as the man now falls, almost in slow motion, then a BANG! The sound fills the room as he smashes into the canvas and is knocked out. There's a second of silence, and then the room explodes and erupts with jubilant celebration at the woman's victory over the man. On the rooftop there were more blasts and cries of ecstatic joy as the two lads Daniel and Craig once more delivered the goods, and the women, Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnson are overjoyed with the performance of their two newest and most favourite guests to Milf Club. After the fight Marsha and Joanna went over to congratulate Carmela on her daughter's victory, the women talked and were soon joined by Naomi as the excited winner couldn't wait to enjoy the moment with her Mother. After some more conversation Naomi had a quiet word with her mother before she was whisked away to her dressing room. As the audience starts to disappear and things quietened down a bit Carmela told Marsha and Joanna that Naomi had asked if the women would join her in her dressing room for a celebration, which the two Milf's were very happy to do. As Marsha, with Suzie's arm around her and Joanna with Kelly holding on her arse head off towards the dressing room Carmela watched, she had a good idea about what her daughter's 'celebration' would be like but this black woman wanted her own kind of fun. She again cursed herself for not arranging her own 'companion' for that day, but being worried about her Daughter's first fight had distracted her too much. But she shouldn't have worried, Naomi had shown with her dominance of the man that she was indeed ready, she was good and she was a winner! Then a thought came to the black Milf, she smiled and headed towards the exit door. A short while later and there's a knock on the dressing room door of Naomi and Marsha and Joanna walk in, followed by a very flush and happy looking Suzie and Kelly. "We thought we would come and congratulate you 'personally'!" Naomi gets out her chair in front of her dressing table to greet her 'friends' "I was hoping you would come!" She is dressed in a very short silk white dressing grown and on the floor of the room, lying face down it the unconscious body of the man she'd just beat, Tommy. "Don't worry about him he's a sort of extra, put there so that he can 'thank' me personal for beating him when he wakes up." Marsh and Joanna step closer to Naomi, who has now moved over towards the much nicer and large cushions seating area of the room. With a sexy Milf either side of her Naomi smiles "why don't you ladies help me celebrate then, I'm sure we don't need him!" Marsha kisses the side of Naomi face whilst Joanna's hand is already undoing the cord of the silk dressing gown "I think we will be just fine without him, just fine" then Joanna kisses Naomi. Up on the rooftop and Daniel and Craig are each resting on one of the sunloungers, the women, Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnson are back in their bikinis. They kiss the boys and say how wonderful it has been but they have a show to go to and are already later. The lads are so disappointed, but as the women walk off towards the door someone else appears, there is a meeting and some talking, the two Milf's turn and wave goodbye and this new visitor walks into view. Stood there at the foot of the sunloungers, where the naked Daniel and Craig are laying, is Carmela. The tall black Milf looking stunning and frightening as she removes her shawl and stands there, a black powerhouse in her tight leopard skin legging and matching bra top, 'Oh My God!' Down in the changing room Naomi is laying back on the comfy seats with Joanna one side of her gently running her tongue up and down her neck, whilst Marsha runs her tongue over the girls shoulder. Just then there is a moan from the man lying on the floor, Suzie and Kelly who by now are out of their dresses and down to their underwear walk over to the now recovering man. The young girls each grab onto one of his arms and pull him upwards, when he is high enough they let go! Tommy crashes face first back into the concrete floor, his head bounces and blood splatters, and once more the man is out cold. Now Suzie and Kelly can join the others, after all they don't want a 'man' disturbing their fun, do they! On the rooftop the scared lads are still looking at the woman there, Carmela, their heads tell them she looks frightening and to be worried, whilst their cock's react in a different way, all they can see is how hot she is. "Hello Boy's, I need someone to play with, but why play with one when I can play with two?" She moves onto the sunloungers and up towards the boys, her hands reach out and grab both the young cock in front of her. "Let me show you what a real Milf can do!" A short time later and Naomi is laying there with Marsha is playing with one of her breasts, sucking the nipples whilst Joanna is licking and kissing her other breast. And Suzie and Kelly are kissing, licking, biting and sucking on any piece of female flesh they can get their mouths near! On the rooftop Carmela is laying back on the sunlounger while Daniel is pleasing one of her breasts and Craig is worshipping the other. It is going to be a long and satisfying session for all those concerned. Much later ... ... When the exhausted boys have come too it was just them on the rooftop and the evening was well and truly set in. There was no sign of Carmela; she had gone on a hunt around the hotel for any of the cute bellboys she could find to have her way with! The boys fumbled around on the floor for their shorts and room keys and headed for the stairs and to find their rooms, even if they didn't have the energy to put their shorts on at least they had them. Daniel and Craig stumbled along, down the stairs and into the top floor corridor; it was empty as they began their slow stagger back to their rooms. Around the corner and they found the rooms, well the keys fitted so it must be their rooms, with what energy they had left the boys said good night and headed inside. Now earlier the boys had noticed that there was only one bedroom and one bed in these rooms, they had obviously thought that they would have the settee and their mothers the bedroom. As both lads got inside they noticed that their Mothers where not there, just as well with no shorts on! The doors to the bedrooms where open and the large comfy bed looked so, so, inviting. When their Mother's got back, from where every they were then the lads would be kick off and sent to the couch, but for now there was a comfy bed and the fact they were so tired ... ... Soon both Daniel and Craig were fast asleep on top of the only bed in the hotel room. Neither of the lads knew how long they had been asleep when there had been some banging noise and the doors to the hotel room were opened to allow a floor of light to come in and then suddenly it closed. The door to the bedroom was still open so when a shady figure moved across the living room and put on a side light all the lads could see was the blurred outline of their Mother coming back. Then panic set in as both boys remembered they were naked and laying on their Mothers bed 'SHIT!' But there is something different about the outline of the female figure that is walking towards the open bedroom door, then the boys realise! The women flicks on the soft bedroom lights and "Aunty Marsha!" "Aunty Joanna!" In a flash the boys realise they had each picked up the wrong keys and were now in their Aunts room and lying naked on their Aunts bed! "Well, well I didn't expect to find you here" Marsha looks down at her young Nephew. "Oh my, are you meant to be here or is this a happy accident?" Joanna says as she admires her Nephew. At the same time both women said "this wasn't what your Mother and I had planned for tonight, but as you are here!" And both lads though 'what did she mean by that?' Aunty Marsha walks up to the end of the bed that Nephew Craig is lying on "I can see that you like your Aunty, you really are a naught Nephew aren't you, you gorgeous boy?" Her hands reach behind her and the Milf Aunty unzips her dress that falls to the floor. Aunty Joanna walks up to the side of the bed where Nephew Daniel is lying "I did warn you about ending up in a stranger's room, but then again were not strangers are we! She sits on the bed next to the lad and pushes her dresses strap off her shoulder. Craig watches and his cock reacts as his sexy Aunty Marsha moves onto the bed, she has a dirty smile on her faces and her mouth is heading one way, towards his cock. When her mature lips engulf him and take him, Craig once more fins himself in Milf heaven. Daniel swallows hard as his Aunty Joanna reviles her large firm tits to her Nephew and her hand moves onto his cock. The older woman starts to encourage and work the lad whilst he leans forward to savour, enjoy and adore the delights of mature breasts. For the rest of that evening the woman, guest and friends of Milf Club are having fun and enjoying themselves ... ... Mrs Forbes and Mrs Johnson are in a secluded room of an exclusive club enjoying the delights of 4 women providing 'private' dances for them! Carmela is busy with two of the hotels bell boys, and when she breaks one another will be sent as replacement! Suzie and Kelly and busy with Ms Scarlets in her office, as they get to know how the Mistress like her hotel to operate! Naomi is getting her 'personal' thank you from Tommy for beating him, and if he doesn't perform then she will really thrash him! And finally Nephew Craig is pleasing his Aunty Marsha and Nephew Daniel is banging his Aunty Joanna, for the lads their introduction into Milf Club has been a very memorable one. But there are many more Milf's for the Daniel and Craig to satisfy and for Marsha and Joanna there are many more guest to try out and enjoy. But remember what happens in Milf Club stays in Milf Club, so don't say anything ... ... !