Let's Talk By CrossmanX at crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk - Comments and ideas welcome A meeting with a mischievous schoolgirl & her mother leads to more than the teacher bargained for Let's Talk Melanie was having a good day at school, the fun loving young redhead had seen all her friends, flirted with some of the boy's and was coming to the highlight of the day, her Math's lesson with Mr Allen. As the students all clambered into the classroom and fought over where they were all going to sit Stuart Allen was pleased that this was the last lesson of the day. But first he had to deal with class 5C and was no mean feat in itself. Halfway through the lesson and everything was going to plan, the class was working on the task he'd set them and it looked as if this would be a trouble free lesson. That was until out of the corner of his eye, there was a flash of movement, a note being pasted around, followed by a low giggle, the sort of giggle that meant trouble. Mr Allen quickly looked over to the table, sat there was Melanie and three of her friends, it was one of those 'Oh no!' moments. If he didn't do something then they would only get worse and if he did speak to them it was only pandering to their craving for attention. But with still half the lesson to go there was still a very good chance that if he didn't do something these girls could easily make the last 20 minutes seem like 20 hours. "Right girls what are you up to then?" There were bright red faces all round and a silence that at any seconds could erupt into bursts of girly laughter. The piece of paper was in Melanie's hand, the obvious note that had caught his attention and was the cause of the girls giggling. Mr Allen leaned over and quickly snatched it out of the red headed girls hand, all the girls faces dropped into looks of horror, all except Melanie, but it was enough to tell him this was indeed the source of the girls distraction. "Right now back to work" he put on his firm voice and stood there as the girls now heads down started to work on their task sheets. He was quite pleased with himself 'nipped that one in the bud' and made his way back to his desk, sat down and was about to just throw the piece of paper in the bin, when something made him open it up and read it. The paper was full of the normal schoolgirl scribbles and drawings, but it was what was written in the centre of the paper that shocked the man 'How big do you think his cock is?' For the rest of the lesson Stuart felt a great unease, the girls on the table all kept their heads down, embarrassed that 'sir' had taken their note and seen what was written on it. Well not all the girls, Melanie, the confidant, brash, redhead was the only one that still had a smile on her face, still sat upright, still looking over at Mr Allen. She was still wondering what the answer was to the question written on the paper now in her 'favourite' teachers hand. Normally Stuart would have ignored such a thing, or maybe just had a stern 'do you think this was the right behaviour' talk, but there was something about Melanie that made him stop and think. It was obvious that it had been her that wrote it, it could only be Melanie, she was a student that stood out, for more that one reason. She was either a very mature young lady, being able to hold a very adult conversation, but then could change into the originally giggly schoolgirl in a flash, and sometime a mischievous giggly schoolgirl. Then there was her look, her very striking look, a tall girl, almost as tall as him, straight bright red hair that just about touched her shoulders. Her striking hair then drew you into her even more attractive features, her face, soft, eye catching, to him flawless. The only thing 'over done' was the bright red lipstick, but considering how it matched her hair she could be forgiven for this. Her other 'attractive feature' was her body slim, busty and all wrapped up in a school uniform made it very hard for 'Sir' to concentrate when Melanie was in his class. Stuart wasn't sure what to do here, should he just talk to all the girls and tell them all off, report them all as he knew he should do, after all this could be considered to be quite serious. After all Stuart was quite new to the teaching profession, he may have been 29 but only qualified 6 months ago and so he needed to stamp his authority. Especially when it came to the girls, but if anything he found it difficult to be strict with the girls. 'If I let her get away with this ... ... Then where will it stop?' He made his decision, at the end of the lesson he called the four girls to him, he put on his sternest voice "so which one of you wrote this the?" He held up the note, the three other girls all looked at Melanie, that was all he needed to know. He dismissed the three others and told Melanie this was not acceptable, he wrote out his own note and handed it to the red headed schoolgirl. "There's a note for your parents I would like a meet with one or both of them tomorrow after school." 'That should put the fear of god into her!' But to his surprise the attractive girl just took the note "Mummy will be very pleased with this, I've told her all about you." With that Melanie left, it hadn't gone quite as he planned, the schoolgirl was still her normal buoyant self. He thought the idea of getting her parents into school would have horrified her, but it hadn't, 'and what had she meant by Mummy will be pleased ... I've told her all about you?' Those words stayed with him as he tried to get some marking done, but he just couldn't concentrate. "OK Mr Allen, you working late again?" It was Cartwright the caretaker "everything's locked up just pull the fire door closed and check it when you leave!" It had become the normal thing now, Stuart got as much work done as possible while at school, which meant sometime working late, Cartwright would lock up everywhere. Locking Stuart inside and he would just slip out through the fire exit when he was finished. But before he left he thought that he would call Melanie's parents and make sure his letter got back to them and he could sort this out once and for all. He quickly found the schoolgirls details on the computer, dialled the number and waited "Hello!" a very nice voice answered "Hello Mrs Hammond ... ... Oh sorry Miss Hammond ... .." The voice on the other end was soft and very pleasant to listen to, "did you receive a letter from me that Melanie should have brought home?" She had and although she couldn't speak right now she would very much like to come into school to discuss Melanie's behaviour. Everything was sounding good here, Miss Hammond would come in after school, she would be there about half five or so, she would bring Melanie with her and they could all talk this through. Stuart was feeling more positive now, but it was her last comment "yes Melanie's told me all about you and I'm looking forward to seeing you." But there was something in that last comment, something that Stuart couldn't put his finger on. It stayed with him all that night, always at the back of him mind, it didn't 'worry' him it just made him feel a bit ... ... Well he wasn't sure how it made him feel, and that did start to worry him! The next day and he didn't have class 5C, even so he couldn't get the thought of Melanie and the impending meeting with her mother out of his mind. At lunch he was looking out of the window of the staff room, there across the old playground was Melanie with her friends "what you looking at then?" He jumped as his friend Matt stepped next to him "oh I see, like the redheads do you ?" "Get stuffed you know that ... " as he tried to defend himself his mate just laughed "so easy to wind up, you are." Stuart looked back to Melanie, was that it, did he have a 'thing' for her and not realise it? The more he thought about it that afternoon the more he realise that actually she was hot, sexy! But a schoolgirl, then again she wasn't that young and ... ... 'No he shouldn't think like that' he was getting a bit 'excited' and that was wrong, he had to stop thinking about 'Her!' Before Stuart knew it, it was the end of the day and he was packing up, all that was left was the meeting with Melanie and her mother. Cartwright had done his rounds and as usually finished off by Stuarts classroom. "Mr Allen I have these visitors for you" the caretaker had found Melanie and her mother wondering around the school and he'd shown them to Stuarts room "I'll be off shortly and lock up as normal, will you show your visitors out?" "I'll show them off ... ... " Stuart stopped mid-sentence as he turned round to face the door and saw Melanie and her mother for the first time 'WOOW!' " ... ... Yes. I'll show these ladies off the premises, you can lock up no problem" he smiled, the moment her saw her face he knew where Melanie got her looks from, and it wasn't just the schoolgirls good looks that she had inherited from her mother. "Mr Allen I presume?" "Yes ... Yes that's me ... ... please come in and have a seat." The sexy schoolgirl with the red hair sat down first then her mother; Emma Hammond was 41, mature, looked her age but in a very attractive way. She had long curly hair that went down just past her shoulders; it was a fair colour with a hint of red to it. Stuart guessed that in her youth her hair was probably the same as her daughters, like mother like daughter. He smiled as she sat down, it wasn't just the hair that they had in common, but also their good looks and fit bodies. Emma was a little taller than her daughter, maybe a inch taller than Stuart. The older woman had a great body, slim and busty, but instead of being wrapped up in a school uniform this body was wrapped up in a smart dark business trouser suit. The jacket was undone, the blue blouse was unbuttoned quiet a way, maybe a bit too much and certainly revealed and ample bust. Emma was an attractive woman an older version of Melanie and now as the two women sat there in front of him there was a stirring in his groin, a feeling that he could not ignore. "You wanted to talk?" Emma Hammond brought the silence to an end "Yes sorry ... It's about Melanie" the mother looked over to her daughter, a slight look of confusion "is there something wrong then?" This was always going to be the awkward part "well the other day I took this note off a group of girls that included Melanie and as you can see the ... er ... main part of the note was written by Melanie." He handed the mother the note, well that had gone better than he thought, now it would be the bit where the embarrassed mother chastises her daughter and apologies. Well that's what Stuart had expected so when Emma said "so how big is your cock?" For a moment he thought he had missed heard, but then realised he hadn't, the older woman just sat there as if she had asked an everyday normal question. "Sorry ... !" He was shocked by her attitude "sorry but what did you ... " She stopped him "look, Mr Allen, as you can see Melanie here is a fully grown girl ... ... " She certainly was " ... She has told me about you and now that I've seen you I can understand her interest in you and ... ... " He had to stop her there, this was now getting too wired for him "look Mrs ... Miss Hammond I don't think you realise.." But it was now his turn to get stopped in his tracks. Emma looked at him her tone changed, like her look, to a stern one "I have not finished" there was silence as the man had been put into his place. "As I was saying, Melanie has showed an interest in you, you seem a bit rough round the edges, but we can sort that out." 'What the hell did she mean by that?' "So it seems reasonable for her to know what your like and how big you are if your to be her little puppy." Stuart was again shocked at what she had just said he stood up, astonished, surprised and a bit angry at how this meeting was going. "I think that we need to ... ... " Emma stood up, her action stopped him mid-sentence, 'why had she ... ... ' WHACK! Stuart was knocked backwards by a sharp blow across his face. He hadn't expected or seen anything so the woman's harsh backhander had taken him completely by surprise. He grabbed his sore jaw unsure of what had just happened CRACK! Her second blow was even stronger than the first, the man hadn't seen that one either, but certainly had felt it. "As I said ... " SMASH! " ... a bit rough round the edges ... " THUD! " ... but I think we can knock him into shape" WALLOP! CRACK! He staggered backward knocking into a set of desks, gabbing hold to steady himself, and stopping himself from falling down 'what the hell!' The stunned man turned, still bent over clutching onto the desk, he look up at the woman SMACK! He was met by her strong thigh as it drove hard into his face; her powerful blow knocked him fully down. The young schoolgirl giggled as he fell, her mother was doing a good job. Stuart was dragged up onto his feet and again the older woman began to set about him again SMACK! A powerful uppercut that sent the man flying back followed by more blows. Stuart was knocked back further and further by each blow that the mother sent his way BANG! Until he was knocked against the wall, she dished out two high swivel kicks, each foot crashed into the man, each foot sent pain and hurt his way. His head a spinning mess, and unable to understand what was happening to him, he slid down the wall. "Oh no you don't" Emma grabbed the man with both hands and with great strength she yanked him up and away from the wall, throwing him across the room THUD! Stuart landed awkwardly into a group of chairs, he cried out in agony, Melanie called out to her mother "he's not hurt is he Mummy?" "Don't worry dear, men can take a lot of pain, I'll show you." He heard that and didn't like it SMACK! OOOHHHHH! Her boot flew into his jaw sending the man's head spinning again and his body rolling across the floor. Emma pull her daughter's teacher up off the floor, Stuart's arms flapped around to try and protect himself WHACK! She soon put paid to his pathetic attempt, dragging his up she drove her knee into his body again and again, winding the man, driving the air out of him, making him gasp for breath. She removed her suit jacket, if Stuart had been in any decent state he would now been looking at a even more revealing view of Melanie's mother, she really did have a great body CRACK! Her feet carried on with her lesson in how to smoothen his 'rough edges!' Feet, fists and knees all went into Emma's physical lesson and they also all went into Stuart. Unknown to him the mother was showing her daughter exactly how a man should be treated SMACK! Another harsh blow and he staggered backwards "now make sure you watch carefully." Emma told her daughter as she grabbed Stuarts arm "remember dear it's all about position and movement" she pushed his arm up, turned into him, brought his arm down over her should and WOOSSHHH! THUD! The man went flying over that shoulder and landed in a heap just in front of the schoolgirl. There was a round of applause from Melanie, she was really enjoying watching her mother's lesson, but the schoolgirl so wanted to have her own go! A few more moves and throws and Stuart was a broken man, defeated and demolished by the sudden onslaught from this older woman. She hadn't given him any breathing space, he hadn't stood a chance, he fell to the ground, hoping, praying that this would stop. Emma garbed the crushed man by his tie, pulling him upward so he was looking into her face "so I think we have an understanding now don't we" he swallowed hard, how could he disagree after the pounding she'd just given him. "I think we can now talk about you and my daughter and how things are going to be!" "Mummy is it my turn yet?" those word pieced his brain like a hot knife 'her turn!' The schoolgirl stepped forward, she felt confident after watching such a good demonstration by her mother, and there was a look in her eyes of hunger a look of 'now to see what I can do!' Emma smiled at her daughter enthusiasm to get stuck in. Emma pulled Stuart up and pushed the man to her daughter CRACK! It was now Melanie's turn to learn how to dish out the pain, the schoolgirls first blow was hard, sharp and to the man's jaw, sending his twisting round and crashing to the floor. "Well done dear first hit and he's on the floor" the mother was pleased, very pleased. It was now the schoolgirls turn to pull up the man, thrust her clenched fist into his body, hear his moans and cries and now he was hers to play with WHACK! The mother was cold, calculate, strong and dominate with him, now her daughter was keen, eager, tough and now in charge. The mischievous schoolgirl could not help but be her normal cheeky self, as she pulled him up and to her, she moved her mouth close to his ear then whispered "if I can hurt you this much ... ! THUD! Her fist shot into his gut "just imagine what I'm like when I please you?" She pushed him away CRACK! Another blow to that battered body. He was where she wanted him, she jumped up, kicked out and connected CRACK! Her boot sent him stumbling "not bad, but you need to loosen your foot ... " Emma demonstrated " ... like this" WHACK! The older woman kicked out and connected again smashing into Stuart, the mans knocked about, he staggered around, still on his feet, somehow. "I see Mummy ... " the girls words echoed around Stuarts head, then " ... Like this!" She jumped up again, kicked out and WHACK! Connected! Stuart was send spinning by her furious kick, around and off his feet he crashed to the ground, he body hurt like hell as he rolled around in agony. It was now time for the mother to applaud her daughter "well done Melanie, now see if you can throw him." Emma had already pulled the man up off the floor, he was in no state to try and prevent her from pushing him towards Melanie. As he hurtled to her she grabs him, turns and flips the man over and to the floor, a good hip toss that brought praise from her mother "well done dear, now try something different." THUD! Stuart went flying again, the schoolgirl had a made a good start to her new 'past time' of controlling a man WHACK! A very good start, the man went flying over her shoulder THUD! Emma could see great potential in her daughter. She was manhandling her teacher well, maybe she didn't have quite the flair, the style of her mother but this young girl had great possibilities. Emma smiled, this teacher was definitely bringing the best out of her daughter. The schoolgirl grabbed her teacher with both hands, her leg came up, her foot squarely in his torso, she fell backwards and somersaulted the man over her, sent flying upwards, then crashing down onto his own desk THUD! OOOHHHHHH! The speed and strength she showed with flipping the man over her and the force with which he smashed into the desk pleased the watching mother. She beamed with pride at her daughter's achievement CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! "Well done Melanie" The older woman walked over to the desk "well Mr Allen ... ... " Emma circled the desk that Stuart now lay on, he's body felt wrecked but his mind was still working, just. Her footsteps rang in his ears as she walked around him "How did I do Mummy!" The eager daughter was keen to get her mother's approval "Oh Melanie I think you've done a very good job here ... " the young girl applauded herself at her mother's words. " ... .And I think you've made a very good choice here, so let's see what he has" ZIPPPPPPP! Emma's hands grabbed his trousers and unzipped him, a hand dived in and soon his large and stimulated cock was pulled out. "Melanie you have made a very good choice here" Emma was obviously impressed. Stuart was unable to do anything, his body had no strength left in it, well one part of his body still had enough energy left! Emma held him in her hand, and the man, being only a man, could not help but respond to her female charms. "Come over her Melanie and let me show you what you can do with a man's cock ... Especially a big cock like this!" The daughter watched as her mother worked the defeated man's cock, Stuart knew what was being done to him, he felt humiliated and embarrassed as the older woman milked him. A tear rolled down the man's face, as the woman worked him hard, she, and her daughter had broken him, hurt him, crushed him. But now this woman was ruining him, putting him through the final degrading episode and unable to do anything about it. He could feel Emma's hand working him and hear Melanie's gasps and cries of delight, he had always been proud of his size and how the women were impressed with him. But this was a whole new experience for him, "is her going to cum Mummy?" "Oh yes, he'll be there is just a moment" he knew he was about to explode, and explode he did, his whole body shock as he shot his load. Again the young girl applauded and 'whooped' with joy at how her mother had milked the man and what she had got out of him! Stuart's mind now closed down, darkness took over as he slid into unconsciousness. Much later the man slowly came to, it was dark and cold, he was still laid out on his desk, his cock still outside his trousers. The lights where all out, everything was quiet, he pulled his body off the desk, but it hurt him, the mother and daughter must have turned off the lights as they left. It was almost midnight, he'd been out cold for hours, Stuart managed to drag his body through a window, over to his car, then the slow painful drive back to his flat. By the time he collapsed on his bed he'd relived that nights events a dozen times over, but to his shame it excited him each time he thought about it. The next day and Stuart managed to call into the school and say he was sick, there was no way he could have gone in, not in his state. It was a couple of days later when he did finally return to school, it was a day that he didn't have class 5C, so that was one good thing. By the end of the day the man was feeling a bit better and bit more positive. He couldn't bring himself to sit at his desk, each time he looked at it, and the 'new' thin crack down the centre of it, this very strange and stirring feeling came over him. Day over with and he'd just opened the door to leave his classroom when BANG! He bumped into someone coming in; he froze as teacher Mr Allen now looked into the excited face of student, Melanie Hammond. He found he couldn't move, couldn't speak, there was only one part of his body that could move, and it did! "Hi Sir" the bubbly schoolgirl was her 'normal' self "good to see you up and about, I had heard you where ill." She pushed the man back into the empty classroom and closed the door behind her. Stuarts heart started to race, he began to sweat and he was already excited. "Mummy said that you where to come round tonight, she said it's now your turn to come and talk to her!" 'That didn't sound good at all!' She placed a note into the top pocket of his shirt "there's the address, Mummy said to come round at 6" she leaned over and gave a kiss to the man on his cheek. He jumped back in fright; she giggled at him "Oh you are silly ... " Melanie turned, opened the door and was about to leave, but before she did, she looked back at him. Her express changed, her tone was sharp " ... And Mummy said don't be late, she has plans for you and you don't want to disappoint Mummy and Me ... ... !"