Kingdoms Way By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. There is only one way, and that's the Kingdom way! Kingdoms Way Marcia and Gregg had only recently moved into their new home and they were delighted with it. It was a dream come true, they'd both worked hard, saved the money to put the deposit down, and as both of them had good paying jobs they could afford something a bit special. They'd moved in at the beginning of the week, getting all their possessions into the house and where now taking their time to get everything just as they wanted it. As this was now a long weekend, they could slow down a bit take their time and get everything just perfect. After all this was their new home and they wanted it all just right, so there was no need to rush. They'd already done quite a bit, got a basic shape to most of the rooms and put the larger object, furniture and stuff all into a rough place. Of course, there would be a lot of tweaking of items here and there, but the basics where all, mostly, almost done now. There were still a number of boxes, packing creates here and there, so there was still a lot that had been done. So, as it was a long weekend, and so far, the weather was hot, sunny and looking good, the couple could afford to slow down a bit and enjoy it all. But of course, they still needed to get it all done. Marcia and Gregg had moved into a nice area, Kingdoms Way was the name of the road and it was one of those no through roads, a cul-de-sac, a road that ended in one of those turning circle areas so people could move around easily. It was large turning circle at the end of the road and a road where the houses got noticeable, bigger, better and more expensive looking, as you went from the bottom of the road to the top and the large turning circle area. The further alone the road you lived the 'better' the house you lived in, which also was a good indication as to how wealthier you were. Not that there was any 'snobbery' here in Kingdoms Way, none at all! And the biggest house in the road, the house that looked as if it cost the most and the house that's seemed to dominate the road as you walked for the bottom end up to the top end was called, 'Kingdom House.' Marcia and Gregg had heard that there was a family, called Kingdom that actually lived in that house. Maybe the road was named after the family, who knows, but that was something for the couple to find out as they started their new lives here in Kingdom Way. But for now, there was still a lot of this unpacking and sorting out to do and who knows maybe by the end of the long weekend they would have finished it all! The couple had got up early, with all the good intention of getting stuck into the rest of the unpacking. But getting up, having a morning cuppa, then starting to sort out a few boxes, followed by another cuppa, their enthusiasm was started to tail off a bit. Sorting out the boxes and creates was taking longer as they got distracted more with what was in the boxes, than finding a home for it. Marcia was more interested in what she could make, bake and cook in her new kitchen, which she loved, rather than putting all those pots and pans away. The collection of cook books were being thumbed through rather than put on the shelf. And the only thing that was doing any real work in that kitchen right now was the kettle, as it went on again. Gregg had found all his weights, skipping ropes, gym kit and had moved all this out into the garden. He was going to just put it all in the large outbuilding at the bottom of the garden that he was going to turn into his own gym. But now with the sun coming down the garden seemed to become his new outdoor workout area and he pulled all the weights out of the boxes. So, it was a bit later and after Gregg had got one of his mats all rolled out on the garden's lawn. Now he was using those weight for what they were intended for, rather than storing them away. While inside the kitchen and Marcia had got around to pulled out all her spices and had placed them in at least three different places around the kitchen for their best 'effect.' At the same time, she was also halfway through writing out a shopping list as she'd had a dozen ideas already about what she was now going to cook. After all this there was, 'DING DONG!' The doorbell had gone, outside in the garden and going through another rep and Gregg was in his own world, he'd heard nothing. In the kitchen and Marcia wasn't expecting any visitors, but she couldn't help but smile as it meant she could put the kettle on and then go through the grand tour of their new home to this surprise guest. But as the woman opened the door to her 'visitors', 'Ohhh!' Stood there was someone that Marcia didn't recognise, someone new to the woman and someone who was surprisingly very attractive. The woman there introduced herself as "Ms Kingdom, Dominica Kingdom, welcome to my road!" Well she was the woman who lived in the big house at the end of it, so maybe as the names where the same, maybe it was 'her road?' Marcia was quite impressed, not with that fact that this was the woman who lived in the big house or that she had come here to welcome her and Gregg to the neighbourhood. But she was impressed with how lovely this woman looked, quite lovely, to say the least. Dominica Kingdom was a woman who looked as if she was in her mid 30's, not much older than that, but there was something about her, her look, that made you think, 'no she's older than that!' But she just didn't look it. The woman was a bit taller than Marcia who herself was a tall woman, but not too tall. This Ms Kingdom had fairish hair that was straight and long, down past her shoulders. There were a few darker roots so maybe it wasn't her true colour, difficult to be sure. Dominica had an attractive face, quite lovely really, but there were these one or two lines around her eyes, in the corner of her lips as she smiled that could be an indication that maybe she was indeed somewhat older that she otherwise looked. She was dressed in a pair of black open high heeled shoes, the kind where the straps go around and around the foot and ankles. Then there was a pair of tight leather trousers, black and quite tight indeed. This woman obviously had a very good pair of legs under them, these could defiantly be made out. Further up she had a trim, slender, tight waist with some exposed midriff, the woman's belly button on full show, and again it looked quite lovely. Then going up a bit more, she wore a crop type top, a quite girly pink colour with longish sleeves going down to her elbows. The top was off the shoulder and came down low in the chest to show that this woman had the 'full package', in the hair, looks, legs, body and the large breasts too. All in all, Ms Kingdom, Dominica was quite a 'welcome to the road' sight for Marcia to behold! Marcia was indeed quite taken aback by the sight of this woman on her doorstep, this very attractive woman on her doorstep. It took a moment of two before she even thought about speaking or inviting the woman in and as she did so and out from behind the woman appeared, "Oh these are ... ... their mine ... .' There was a pause as she said that, " ... ... ... , and they wanted to invite you to our little community here, on our road, personally!" Marcia hadn't noticed the two others that had been stood behind their ... ... Mother? She wasn't sure but guessed the young girl and boy who seemed to suddenly appear must be this Ms Kingdoms children, probably, possibly? As everyone stepped into the house and walked in, with Marcia holding the door and wondered why she hadn't noticed the boy and girl when she opened the door to start with. Maybe the sight of Ms Kingdom had distracted her for noticing anything else? But now that Marcia could see these other two youngsters, she took in how they looked, and she kind of smiled. Firstly, there was the lad, the youthful looking boy. He was tall, blond, fit, in a youthful way and quite cute looking if Marica did say so herself. He had this sort of sweet, quite delicious looking face. Innocent and cute but with defiantly a hint of boyish devilish about him, but also in a strange valuable kind of a way. And it was definitely a look that the woman liked on this boy. He was dressed in jeans and a tight white t-shirt, showing his boyish firm physique and Marcia couldn't help but smile, grin when she was looking at this tasty young thing. Secondly there was the girl, she looked about the same age as the boy, the one that was 'her Brother?' And Marcia guessed they were both about? Well it was difficult to say exactly but both these two where young and both had a quite scrumptious look to them, in their own way. This girl was smaller than her 'Brother and Mother' and by the looks of her, she had a more bash side to her. She defiantly had this this air of being more confident and outgoing than her 'Brother.' She had messy hair that was probably almost, but not quite, down to her shoulders. But it was tied up into two rough pigtails, hair sticking out in all differ directions as if she'd slept with it tied up like this and hadn't sorted it out yet. And the other thing about her hair was it was an orange colour, not what you'd see every day, but it added an extra something to her young, delightful, girlish looks. One other thing about her face were her eyes, big, blue, amazing and the kind of eyes that drew you in, made her look sweet and innocent. But even though Marcia had only just met this girl, she already 'knew' that innocent wasn't a word to describe this girl! Another 'interesting' thing about this girl was the way she was dressed, and it was just as noticeable as her good-looking face. She wore a pair of white open shoes, again ones with lots of straps going around her feet and ankles. She than had on a pair of cutdown, faded blues shorts. Her legs were quite fine, and the shorts showed these off nicely. Then the girl had on what looked like a bikini top, a turquoise green colour with white swirling patterns. The girl, looked as if she took after this older woman, her 'Mother' and was quite ample in the chest department. Again, Marcia couldn't help but notice how appealing this girl looked, she was quite a character, and like her 'Brother' both these young ones had made their impression on the new arrival to Kingdoms Way. "Now let's go and get to know each other!" The words of Ms Kingdom brought Marcia out of her little trance, and made the woman feel a bit embarrassed. As she'd being staring and taking in how these two young ones looked, a bit too much. And so, they all moved off towards the kitchen at the rear of the house. It was a short while later after they had all been introduced and the young girl had moved over to kitchens rear door, the one that led out into the garden. The door was open and the girl now just stood there, leaning against the doorframe and looking out into the garden. Out to where the new man of the house, Gregg was now putting himself through a bit of a workout. He'd got distracted by the contents of the boxes he was supposes to be taking out the house, up to the outbuilding and storing them there. And now he was using those weights for their intended use, by working his body. Gregg was in his early 30's, same age as his wife and was quite a fitness freak in many ways. Hence why he'd 'claimed' the outbuilding in their new property as his, and with all his plans to turn it into his own private little workout area, his own gym. But right now, he was doing all that out in the garden, the sun was out, it was getting into summer weather, so why not workout here. There was no point in wasting all this good weather, was there. He'd thrown one of his mats down and got the weights out of there boxes. He'd pulled off his top and was doing his reps there, in just his shorts and already he was getting a bit of a sweat on. The girl carried on watching the man, he seemed to interest her and then when she thought the time was right. She pushed herself off the doorframe and now strolled out into the garden and towards him. Gregg now saw her, she'd caught his eye, well why wouldn't she, she did have a bit of a look to her, that shouldn't go unnoticed. In fact, the man thought she looked a bit like one of those girls who do all the 'Cosplay' dressing up stuff. Not that he knew much about it but he'd see some quite nice looking girls do that stuff and this one making her way to him looked quite nice too. Defiantly nice looking to him and that's all that counted. Although he didn't know who this was, he'd never see the girl before, he took a guess that she was a neighbour or something like that, well he was kind of right there. But as she walked across the garden to where he was, obviously to wish him well in moving here, something else caught the man's eye and, 'What the Fuck!' Looking past the girl and back towards the house, through the French windows, those double set of doors that led into the large sitting room of the house. There was Marica, his wife and two others', who he also didn't recognise, but it was what they were doing that shocked the man. There was a woman a fair-haired one that the man had never seen before and some youthful looking lad, again all new to Gregg. But its what was going on that had taken the man's breath away. Gregg could see his wife Marcia was on her knees, behind her was this other woman who seemed to have her hands on his wife's head and was 'guiding' her head, her mouth towards 'What the hell!' Marcia's head was being directed, but not too forcibly towards the cock of the young lad who was stood in front of her. The boy with his trousers open and his tool now in the face of his knelt wife! Greggs wife was being 'forced' to take this boy's tool in her mouth! Well that's what it looked like to her husband, but if Gregg had stopped and looked properly, he would have, maybe, noticed that Marcia didn't seem to be putting up too much of a struggle. Well after all this boy's tool that her lips were now around was quite big and tasted good, there was no real reason for her to be 'forced' to enjoy it! But the man hadn't noticed this, all Gregg could think of was 'saving' his wife! He dropped the weights in his hands down to the ground and was just in the process of heading off, fast, towards those French windows, when, OOOWWWHHH! THUD! With his mind elsewhere the man hadn't seen that the girl, the one he'd only a moment ago been looking at and thinking, 'hmmm not bad!' He hadn't seen just how close she was, closer than he'd realised and as he'd gone to 'help' his wife, she'd put her leg out and tripped him up. Over he went, falling straight forwards, down to the garden lawn. The man had been caught out and again there was this shocked looked on his face as he turned his head to look back and check that it was as he'd thought, the girl who'd tripped him up. And by the cheeky look on her face, and her little giggle, he was right. He looked up and saw that she had one of her legs hooked up and out to the side and was undoing the straps of her shoe. With it all released her foot came back down, she flicked the shoe off and went to undo the other one, in the same way. Gregg swore tuned his head back, arms out, hands facing down onto the ground and was pushing himself up off his own lawn when, SMACK! OOOUUUFFF! With her other shoe off and now in her bare feet the now shorter looking girl had seen the man trying to get himself back up. She'd heard his cursing words and thought he was being a bit rude here. So, she let her leg go, sent it driving forward, sending her bare foot into the ribs of Gregg as he was halfway up. There was a loud slapping sound as the girl bare foot impacted into the man's bare upper body, and for a 'girl' it was a strong, powerful blow. One again this man wasn't prepared for that and the force of it sent him all the way over, back down to ground and onto his back. Gregg lay there for a second or two, catching his breath and trying to make sense of this, first his wife being forced to suck some young lads' cock, now some girl was hitting him, it just didn't make any sense to him. Then the men again showed his anger by slapping both of his arms down onto the ground, his hands open and quickly he began to push himself back up and onto his feet. But like this he couldn't keep an eye on that girl, but he thought to himself 'if she tries anything else, then ... ... !' But as he thought all that and as he moved quickly, for him, back up onto his feet, so he could deal with all this. As he moved, Gregg managed to turn his head, look over and saw that she had already moved too, he saw, watched her throw herself forwards into some kind of somersault, her whole body going around, all the way, not once, but twice and then as she came around WHACK! OOOOOWWWW! As the girl had come around and out of her tumbling somersault her bare leg and foot had come down and struck the man hard as he was pushing himself up off his garden. Down her foot had come, the sole of her foot, scrapping down the front of his face and then into his chest the heel of the girl's foot had gone. Causing him to call out in pain and then shudder with the pain that he now felt. He screwed his face up, dropped back down again, curling his body up, tucking himself up so he could deal with the pain. The girl was now back down on her feet and the look of the man as he rocked there backwards and forwards as he dealt with her move and the pain. This only made her grin with some pleasure that her gymnastic classes where paying off. The man's cry of pain had reached inside the house, one of those doors, as the weather was so good, was open and the sound had of course drifted in. But for Marcia she had other things on her mind and defiantly had something else in her mouth that was taking up all her concentration right now, 'God this boy's cock is so big and tasty!' And although she didn't really 'need' the encouragement, Ms Kingdoms hands still had hold of the roads new residence and making sure she was using her mouth correctly. Even so for Marcia, this being 'forced' to suck cock, being held like this, well it was all kind of exciting, in a strange but enjoyable way! Back out in the garden and it was now the injured Gregg who was also being taken hold off too. The girl reached down and gripped on his head as she now encouraged him to get back up on his feet. The girl's hand and fingers took a very tight hold of his head, so much so that Gregg was sure he could feel her nails almost digging into his flesh. Maybe it was because he was a little disorientated or maybe it was because this 'girl' was much stronger than she seemed but the man was pulled, dragged, forced upwards quite easily. He stumbled as he came up, and THUD! UUUFFFF! A knee, and some more encourage that the man obviously needed, went into his body. The girl wasn't having anything of this man's lack of concentration to what she wanted, if she wanted him up on his feet that's where he was heading. He shuddered, the knee she gave him was hard and well aimed as it drove a good amount of the air, he desperately needed, out of him. He coughed, splattered, double over and he still wasn't all the way up. Still holding onto his head, she threw it upwards. Tossed his head up, making Greggs body thrust upwards and getting the man rapidly upright, back onto his feet. As he came up higher, WHACK! As she had tossed his body upwards, she'd released her hold, brought her arm back across her own body and now let go with it. Sending her arm back and towards that man, driving the back of her clenched fist so hard across his face. Gregg shuddered once again the blow was forceful, powerful, making his head fly off to one side, before it came bouncing back. It also shocked him and made him drop down onto his knees now, it was one hell of a strong hit, from a girl! Back inside the house and Ms Kingdom was still in control of this new experience that Marcia and the young lad where having. The new arrival to the road was now grabbed by her hair by one of Ms Kingdoms hands. Will the dominate woman in her other hand had the large tool of the boy who was still stood in front of the knelt woman. Ms Kingdom was slapping the big boy tool across Marcia's face, "is this what you want then?" And of course, Gregg's wife wanted that boy tool, now all she had to do was beg for it! On his knees and Marcia's husband was having his own rough time, there was a trickle of blood in the corner of his mouth there, the girl's strike had indeed been that hard. His head was spinning and there was a slight vacant glint to his eyes, CRACK! Then girl's knee went up into the bottom of Gregg's chin, sending the man's head flying backwards, then, and only a second or two later, CRUNCH! OOOUUUHHH! The girl leant slightly backwards, to the side, brough her leg up and around and drove her bare foot into the side of Gregg's face as the knelt man's face started to bounce back and forwards after that earlier strike had been delivered. This second blow sends him tumbling over, back down to his garden, down to the grass and dirt. The strike to the side of his face sent Gregg's head spinning around and around, and also sent everything into slow motion. There was this sound, it was dull and slow noise, probably the girl talking to him but his head just couldn't make any sense of it. Then there were these blinding flashes of bright white light. This was the girl slapping him across his face, to try and get some response as the dazed and confused look on his face told her he wasn't paying attention to her! His head carried on like this for a while and then there was, SPLASSSSHHHHH! OOOOUUUUUU! There was a sudden sharp shock as a bucket of cold water was thrown over him, which caused him to revive somewhat and cleared is head so he could now take in what was going on. He shook his head and looked around, there was the rear of his house, he blinked again and again to focus his eyes and 'Oh!' Gregg could see through the open door into the living room there was his wife was leant over and across the coffee table. She was facing the young lad and still had his cock in her mouth while he had a hand on her head and was thrusting backwards and forwards as he was fucking her mouth, and she again wasn't objecting to any of this. But behind his wife was that other woman who'd lost her pink top now and was bent down, currently removing his wives nickers, she'd already by the looks of it lost her jeans. With the nickers down this other woman leant in with her tongue and ... ... 'OOOOWWWWHHHH!' Gregg was shocked his wife was being ... ... !' UUUUUHHHHHH! Suddenly his head was yanked upwards and something clamped, hard, tightly around his head. The man's hands went up to try and free himself and somehow it felt like there was a pair of legs around his head. His hands could defiantly feel a pair of legs and then his groping hands were grabbed and pulled off and away from the girl's legs, "No touching." The girl had control of Gregg and she gave a slight squeeze of her thighs, not too much to start with, after all they still had plenty of time for all that. In fact, there was no need to rush, they still had the rest of the day, to enjoy! "Oh, by the way, welcome to our road, I'm sure you're going to fit in just nicely here ... ... !" ARRRRRRHHHHH. This was obviously the way things were done around here ... ... ... !