JJ's Rescue By Crossmanx The black Amazon comes to the rescue, in her own unique way! By Crossmanx at - crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk - comments and ideas welcome. JJ's Rescue In the heart of the city's business area was the Millennium Tower, here a number of different firms had set up their corporate emperors, as some saw them, and others just tried to survive in the harsh environment of commerce. One of the more successful firms was Toddford International Trading, who had its 'fingers in many pies' from haulage and shipping to design, manufacture and distribution. The firm had been set up many years ago by Derek Toddford but he'd died some years ago and now his wife, Marsha, had taken over. Through some reorganisation and prioritisation of the business' direction she had turned the once small local firm into a player on the international market. It had been hard work for the woman and she'd spent much of the past few years balancing her time between her family and the business, then romance had stepping in, in the form of Gordon, the new business director she'd hired, love followed and they had married a couple of years ago. Everything had been wonderful at the start, Gordon Marshal had been promoted to the chairman of the firm and Marsha had taken more of a backseat role, she wasn't in the office so much now days and was enjoying life as she had such a wonderful husband she could rely on now to take on much of the workload. Well that's what people thought. In the main office area the buzz of business was going around, everyone was focused on their jobs. Well they should have been but there were a lot of eyes now looking up from their work and onto the 'temp' that had arrived earlier that day as she made her way from one desk to the another gathering various pieces of finished work. The woman was stunning, tall, black, hot and with an amazing body, the men looked at her with lust and the women with jealously, well not all. "Hi there" a very good looking redhead suddenly appeared next to the black woman as she went about collecting completed reports "your new here aren't you I'm Jackie ... " Well not all of the women looked at the black woman with jealously, some, like Jackie, looked at her with the same lust as the men did! " ... ... what do they call you gorgeous?" The woman smiled, this redhead Jackie was quiet forward, but she liked that "I'm Jasmin, just started today only as a temp apparently someone's off sick and you needed an extra pair of hands." Jackie smiled as she took in the good looking black woman, "Oooh I can always do with an extra pair of hands!" Jackie obviously liked what she saw; this woman had long dark hair, a very attractive face and bright red full lips. Even though Jasmin was dressed in a simple black shirt and white blouse Jackie could see she had a firm sculptured body, she was a woman who spent time in the gym and looked after herself. Jasmin gave Jackie a smile, one of those smiles that keeps you guessing as to exactly what it might mean. Jackie was never someone to hold back "if you need anything ... ... Like from the stationary room, it's very private in there, just let me know!" She gently licked her lips, JJ knew exactly what this sexy redhead meant "maybe I'll see you around then" Jasmin carried on with her task and Jackie watched 'Oh honey you'll definitely being seeing more of me' the redhead almost said out loud her desirable thoughts. Now to most people the arrival of a very sexy woman in the office was always a good thing, and Jasmin was making the most of it, getting noticed by as many people as she could, especially the very obvious heavy's or 'security consultants' as they liked to be called that loitered around at the far end of the office area. Down there was a door that lead into the private offices of the chairman, Gordon Marshal, at the moment there was only one way into that area and that was through that door. That door, that area and Gordon Marshal, were what Jasmin was really interested in, because Jasmin was really Jasmin Johnson, or better known as JJ to her friends, and enemy's. She was the woman that some people went to for help and some people ran away from. Unfortunately for those who did ran, it always seemed as if they couldn't run far or fast enough, as Jasmin always found her man and when she did! And she was here for a reason! But at the moment Jasmin was doing the ground work, having a look around seeing how the land lied and already she had seen there were four heavies around the door at any one time and they were all armed, those bulges in their jackets weren't oversized wallets. Jasmin knew she could take the 'security consultants' down, but as soon as you give men like that guns, well their going to use them and in a crowded business office like this some innocent people could get hurt. JJ carried on with her menial tasks, all the time her eyes were on the far end of the open planned office area and the door that lead to the chairman's private offices. One thing JJ did notice was the redhead, Jackie, every now and again she would go up to the door get recognised by security and let inside, and each time she was carrying a red folder. After a few discreet enquiries around the office JJ found out that Jackie had the task of gather up the relevant information for the chairman, placing it all in the red folder and taking it though to him. Apparently the chairman was a bit old fashioned like that he wanted it all in a special folder, on paper and being delivered by an attractive secretary rather than reading it all of some computer screen. JJ saw here opportunity to get the other side of the door and to see if she could find what she was here for. As Jackie gathered up the last of the up to date reports and placed them inside the red folder Jasmin step up next to her "any chance you could show me that stationary room?" she said in that well practised seductive voice of hers. Jackie smiled and there was a faint red blush to her face as she quickly looked around and then down at her watch, she smiled "follow me you sexy hussy" she said grabbing the red folder and leading the way to a quiet side corridor. Halfway down there was a door with a sign 'Stationary Room' there was even a key pad by the side of it, security was tight here. Jackie keyed in the entry code, which Jasmin made sure she saw and remembered "everything's security around here, only thing is the same number opens most door ... " 'Interesting' JJ thought, the door opened " ... Now let's see what we have in here." JJ pushed her new 'friend' into the door, inside the black woman took control she pushed the redhead up against the nearest set of shelving, moving her sexy body closer and into Jackie's adorable body. JJ leaned forwards and placed her large red lips on Jackie's, 'time to have some fun before she went onto the next part of her plan!' Later and Jasmin appeared from the stationary room, the red folder now in her hand, inside a bedraggled, worn-out and fulfilled Jackie lay there gathering her thoughts and strength after a very intimate encounter with the gorgeous JJ. The black woman made her way down the corridor, quickly adjusting herself, and then made her way to the far door and the entrance to the chairman's private offices. As she approached the security men soon moved to block the door and her entrance "what do you want?" came a abrupt demand from the tallest of the men. Jasmin smiled and played along, for now, "I'm to deliver the file to the chairman" she held up the prominent red folder that Jackie used. "Your new here ... Where's the redhead?" the man conversation skills weren't the best in the world JJ thought. "She's come over all a quiver and has had to a have a lie down ... " In the stationary room Jackie, who was no stranger to a good intensive session with the opposite sex, or even the same sex, was just about pulling herself together after the thoroughly exhausting encounter with JJ. The man's eyes moved for the very attractive Jasmin to the familiar red folder, 'same folder just different girl' he thought. "OK in you go third door on the right and don't go anywhere else." He turned to the key pad and keyed in the entry code, JJ smiled at the second man that was staring at her, but out the corner of her eye she could just about see the code being keyed in and by the looks of the man's hand movement it was the same code as for the stationary room, Jackie was right. The door opened and JJ walked through, she was sure the code was the same, but it was difficult to see the man keying in the code fully, as she was trying not to be noticed whilst looking, she didn't want to raise anyone suspicions, just yet. Through the door she stepped into a long corridor, she walked slowly down it taking in everything she could. First door on the right was opened and there where men sat around as if it was the security teams office, first door on the left was closed, she carried on, second door on the right, again open and it looked like an office with a couple of people working. A man was walking down the corridor towards her, he turned to go into the second door on the left, and again it was closed. JJ stopped to adjust her shoe; the man opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Jasmin only managed to get the briefest of looks inside, but it seemed to be an apartment, there were settees, tables and it looked like living accommodation. But the main thing was that Jasmin got a brief glimpse of someone sat down in there and he looked like the person she was here for. "You, with the folder, where's Jackie, your late with that report!" There was a loud, shouty, voice coming from the chairman's office as this 'junior' made his way towards JJ. She smiled nicely at him "sorry Sir, Jackie's suffering from fatigue and I brought the folder along as she' resting, I ... ... " The man snatched it from JJ "the chairman's been calling for this, go on, off you go, if there's anything else you'll be told." He turned and headed for the third door on the right 'Hmmm very nice, might have to replace Jackie with her!' he thought as he rushed to give his boss the important folder. JJ turned back; she had seen all she needed to, now to get ready for the next part of her plan. JJ hung around for the rest of the afternoon to get herself familiarised with the layout of the building, Jackie finally got herself back into a state where she could carry on with her work. She thanked JJ for delivering the folder as she would have been in big trouble if it hadn't turned up and pestered Jasmin to go out with her that night. "I'm working late tonight but would love to meet up with you later!" Any other time and JJ would have, but she had her own 'work' to do that evening. The gorgeous black woman wrote down her number and placed the slip of paper between the redhead's large cleavage, she kissed her and told Jackie to call her in a couple of days if she wanted another 'encounter' with her "But I must warn you on the second date I'm even more demanding!" Jackie smiled 'Oh yes and this time she would be ready for what the sexy black woman had to offer!' That evening and it started to rain as Jasmin sat in her car and watched as the last security sweep of the premises was done and the men made their way back inside. She could see the lights on in the chairman's area, the offices and the apartment that were up on the 13th floor. She picked up her phone, quickly dials and had a brief conversation " ... ... Yes I'm sure it's him ... ... ... I'm going to have a look round tonight and hopeful everything will go to plane ... ... Will call you later OK!" On the other end of that conversation was Marsha Toddford, even though she had married Gordon Marshal she insisted on keeping her previous name, after all it was her business! Things had gone wrong in the marriage and with the business, Marsha had though she could trust her new husband but he'd taken a lot of her power away from her behind her back. He was now in charge and when Marsha had had enough and threatened him with a business irregularities and misconduct investigation Gordon had stopped her in the only way he knew how, he kidnapped her son. Adrian was a young lad who had been taken by Gordon and was now living in, or as Marsha put it was 'held prisoner' in Millennium Tower. He was in the private apartment part of the chairman's area, and that's who Jasmin had seen earlier, even if it had been very briefly. Marsha couldn't go to the police as Gordon had made it quite clear what would happen if she did. In desperation the mother had turned to some of the more seedier people in the city and after being pointed form one person to another, eventually she had spoken to Dave. Now Dave's the kind of guy that can get you anything, the friend of a friend with all the right contacts, and one of his contacts is a lovely woman called Jasmin Johnson. Dave had taken Marsha around to JJ's private gym to introduce the women. As Marsha had entered the gym she instantly got a good feeling about the black woman. There she was inside a boxing ring in the middle of the gym, dressed in a set of white martial arts trouser and just a tight blue crop top that showed of her stunning strong, firm and desirable body. She had on a pair of fingerless gloves that where being pounded into the body of a tall man, who was obviously in great pain and distress. The man was on the ropes in the corner as the black woman went to work on beating him. The man was dressed in a full martial art suit and also had on gloves, but by the way the woman was laying into him Marsha doubted that he'd laid even one of his gloves on her. Jasmin stopped her pounding of the man, he staggered, grateful she's stopped, but then JJ grabs the man by his jacket, she falls backwards, taking him with her and at the same time brings her foot up into his body. She rolls back and flips the man. Throwing him clear over and across the ring, he lands with an almighty thud that echoes around the gym. JJ flicks herself back onto her feet and goes over to the thrown man; he tries to push himself up but WHACK! A strong black foot smashes into his face and he drops back down to the canvas. JJ grabs him by his hair and hauls him upwards, but the man's out cold, she releases her hold and his face drops, bouncing off the canvas to announce his defeat and JJ's victory, again. Marsha is very impressed, not only with what she has just seen but with the three other men that are strewed around the gym, Dave and Marsha step over a Asian looking man lying on the floor, but his face is quite battered so she wasn't too sure. Then there's a man, also in a martial arts outfit lying over the steps that leads up to the ring and finally the last unconscious man is hanging through the bottom ropes of the ring. "Hey JJ" Dave announces their arrival, Jasmin walks over, she steps through the ropes and jumps down. Just as she does the man who's lying through the ropes moans WHACK! JJ's fist smashes into his jaw, quieting the man and sending him back into darkness. "This is the woman I told you about ... " Dave introduces the woman " ... if you listen to her I think you might be able to help ... ... " JJ had listened to the woman's story, of how after re-marring things had gone wrong and how Gordon had not only taken over her business but taken her son. Marsha was an attractive older woman and Jasmin sympathised with her predicament. "OK Dave I take it from here, if I need anything else I'll call" that was Dave's cue to go now, JJ wanted some privacy now. "Why don't we talk about this in my room over here, tell me about your son, do you a photo ... ... " But now JJ had done all her recces and planning, now it was time to find the young lad, Adrian and rescue him from his step-father. She got out the car and into the rain; it was coming down quite hard now, which was good, that would keep everyone inside, no chance of meeting any security men out here. She made her way to the building and round to the delivery area, it was dark and she kept to the shadows and away from the CCTV cameras. At the rear delivery entrance there's a door with a key pad 'here goes!' She typed in the key code for earlier, there's a buzz, a click and the door was open, she smiled if only every job was this easy. Inside and JJ's glad to be out of the rain, she makes her way quickly down the corridor; she'd studied the layout of the building and knew where she was going. Down another corridor, up a short flight of steps, through a door and JJ finds herself in a small reception area, she sees the time and moves out of sight around a corner. Just then one of the security guards enters the reception room through a far door, he looks around, and everything seems OK. But as he was just about to leave he notices something on the floor, he goes over to investigate. Kneeling down he can see there's water on the floor "how'd that get there?" He looks up to the celling then all around, his eyes fix on a mirror and the reflection he can see in it, there around the slight corner is stood a woman. She's a tall black woman and dressed in black boots, tight leather trousers and then a black leather crop top that not only shows off her ample breasts but also reveals her toned, firm and strong body. Her muscular arms are also exposed and with her long wet black hair she looks quite a sight. The wet hair matches her leather outfit, obviously this woman has been out in the rain and the water on the floor has dripped off her. The man takes this all in a split second and is about to turn to where this woman in hiding when WHACK! The man could never have known that the woman would have been that fast, he's only half moved his head towards her when she came out and delivers her boot into his head, the pain's intense as he goes flying. JJ's onto him as he tries to push himself up, her strong arm goes around his throat, as her other hand grabs his head. Despite the pain he tries to struggle as the woman manhandles him up off the floor and into the right position, he grabs hold of the arm around his throat, he can feel her well-developed arm as she tightens her grip. He struggles even more trying to pull the arm away, his legs start to kick out as panic sets in, then JJ gives a quick twist and CRACK! The sound echoes around the small room as the man suddenly stops struggling, JJ releases her hold and he drops to the floor. She quickly drags him out the way and behind a desk, then moves onto her next phase of her plan. Out the far door, down another corridor, where at the end is a door. She goes in, there's a large electrical circuit board, she flips the switches on numbers 7, 10 and 14. Then heads back to the loading bay area, all the exterior lights are now out, back out into the rain and JJ makes her way to around to another door. Suddenly there's a flashlight on her and "Hey you stop!" Running feet can be heard as a brave security guard rushes towards the intruder, brave as in the face he's out in the rain, as he gets to JJ the woman goes into a spinning leg kick. She goes round too fast for the man to even see, and then her powerful boot comes down hard, the blow knocks the man to his knees. She brings her leg up high again, this time the wet boot comes crashing down on the man's head. He falls into a puddle of water, his body jerks once then is still. JJ can't be bother to hang around, it's raining and she's got a job to do, these men had better stop getting in her way or she's not going to be happy! Jasmin finds the door she's looking for, the lights being off where meant to stop her from being see, but the other switch she flipped was to turn power off to this one particular door. She opens it 'good it worked', out of the rain and inside, she's now in the maintenance area, JJ makes her way down a corridor full of storage boxes and large exposed pipes. Then as she came to the end and turns the corner, unfortunately there's one of the security men, he'd sneaked off for a quiet smoke and was about to light up when JJ appeared. He's shocked to see her, but his reactions are fast, he strikes out at her, but unfortunately for him her reactions where better and faster. She blocked his blow, grabbed his arm and throws him against the far wall THUD! He bounced off and as he started to fall forward WHACK! Her boot shots up and high kick that struck him hard in the head stunning the man. JJ moves again, turns and grabs the man's arm again, then WOOSSSHHH! THUD! He went flying over her shoulder and pounded into the concrete floor CRUNCK! JJ's boot came down next, driving hard into the man's head, sending the man into unconsciousness. These men suddenly turning up are really starting to upset the black beauty. She carries onto the service stairwell that goes to each of the floors in the building, and more importantly goes up past the 'chairman's private office' area. She finds the service door and enterers the stairwell, she looks up to see there's no one about, then quickly and quietly she makes her way up to the 13th floor. Just as she made her way up to the 13th the door to the corridor opens and a tall blond security man steps almost straight into the black beauty, instinctually JJ hits out CRACK! Her fist comes up and smashes into the jaw of the unprepared and unsuspecting man, the tall woman seizes her chance with the surprised man, both her hand shot up and grab him by his head. Then with that tight hold on him she quickly pulls her hands down, pulling the man's head downward and straight into her upcoming knee WHACK! His nose breaks and blood splatters out, JJ follows this up with three sharp thrusting knees into the man's gut, she winds him, hurts him and stuns him. She releases her grip on him, she staggers and wobbles, disoriented and hurting, the black woman takes a step backwards to give herself enough room and WOOSSSHHH! CRACK! A spinning high kick that pounds into the side of the man's head, taking him off his feet and sending him flying, he's catapulted through the air and sent crashing down the flight of stairs that JJ has just come up. He smashes into the concrete landing on the stairwell, his body bounces, judders and is then still, the woman looks over to the door that say '13th Floor' then down at the fallen man. She can't resist mocking her victim "not your lucky number is it!" She goes to the door that has closed shut and locked during the brief encounter, no problem JJ keys in the code and there's that familiar buzz and clicking sound as it opens for her. She now steps out onto the 13th floor, but this time she's at the far end of the corridor from when she entered to deliver the red folder earlier that day. The corridor was empty as she quickly makes her was down it. Looking into each of the room as she passed them, all empty, as she came to Gordon Marshal's office she heard the same shouty voice and moved on, the security room at the end of the corridor was empty 'good!' Now to find Adrian, she returned to the door where she'd seen him through and carefully opens it as she did "hey!...What the hell!" There's another of the thugs standing the other side of the door, the skilled woman throws the door open; it slammed into the man, who's obviously stood too close to it, knocking him backwards. But a strong black hand reaches out grabs the man and drags him back. Her powerful hold of him almost made it seem as if he was flying through the air as she pulls him to her and out through the door into the corridor. As the stunned man comes flying towards JJ, she puts up her knee allowing the man to crash into it THUD! Then two strong hands now grab the man as the woman delivers a number more powerful knee thrusts into the man's groin, gut and, as he falls forward, into his chest and then his face. The man drops to his knees as the powerful black beauty delivered a final sharp blow that broke the man's face, taking him out and dropping him into a heap. Another security man taken care of, Jasmin quickly grabs the man by his feet and dragged him back through the door, back into the apartment, closing the door after her. The rest of the room is empty, there's another door on the far side of the room, and she heads for it. Opening the door she finds a bedroom and there on the bed is the young lad she'd caught a glimpse of earlier, yes its Adrian. JJ enters the room, the lad pushed himself back along the bed away from her, he looks scared, frightened to see an unfamiliar face, even one as attractive as hers. It must have been a frightening experience for the lad, his father's death, then a few years later his mother re-marring, the arguments they had and then being forcefully removed from his home whilst back on his first holiday from college by the thugs that now guarded him. He's been kept prisoner in this apartment for a month now and suddenly a strange woman, a black woman dressed in leather and dripping wet had suddenly burst into his room, yes he was frighten and a bit excised as well! "It ok my names Jasmin, I'm here to help you" the lad wasn't quite sure whether to believe her or not, Jasmin looked at the frightened lad, he was quite good looking, young and a bit of a cutie. She smiled as an idea came to her as to how she could win his trust, the sexy, leather clad beauty strolled up to the bed. Adrian pushed himself further up it as she approached, then Jasmin dropped to her knees and grabbed the lad by his legs, her tight grip and strong arms then pulled the lad back closer to her, until her was now at the end of the bed. "Now why don't I convince you that I'm your friend and that you can trust me." JJ's hands moved up his legs and onto the lads crouch, Adrian couldn't speak, after what he'd been through this was the last thing he expected. He froze as her hands undone his belt, trousers and slowly unzipped his fly, then she dived in to see what this young lad had to offer. 'Oh my!' Jasmin was impressed, even though he was scared he was also very pleased to see her, which was plain to see. 'Oh yes, large young white eager cocks ... ... She could do them all day!' Jasmin let her hands get to grips with the lads excitement "I met a new friend today and I'm sure she'd love to meet you too!" Then the black beauty stopped talking as she explored what Adrian had to offer with her mouth and tongue. 'Oh Christ!' Adrian couldn't believe his eyes as this stunning woman was now sucking his cock, does it get any better than this! Suddenly Jasmin stopped, she looked up at Adrian "oh yes it does" the lad looked confused, 'had he said that out loud?' Jasmin leaned back, then her hand went up to her soaked leather crop top and pulled down the zip at the front of it, 'Oh God!' Jasmin's large, firm, exquisite breast where now out, she looked at the lad straight in the eye, not losing eye contact at any point. She cupped each of her breasts, leaned forward and wrapped her magnificent large tits around his eager cock. They were cold and wet, also firm and soft to the touch, it was a magnificent feeling for the young lad. An electrifying shiver went up his spines as the cold, wet flesh of her breasts touched his cock, and then she began to move them up and down, rubbing against his eagerness 'Oh God!' Water started to run from her drenched hair down over her gorgeous face and cheeks, down onto her chest. The droplet all seemed to head towards the gap between her breasts and where his cock was now happy being massaged. His heart raced as she rubbed her breasts up and down against his cock, stopping every now and again to use her mouth and tongue to excite him even more. Adrian's young hands gripped onto the bedding, he dug his fingers hard into the bed cover as Jasmin manipulating his young, large, eager cock. The experience black woman took the youth to the height of physical pleaser and then brought him back down to earth. She played with his cock with her tits, her mouth and her tongue; she took him to heaven and back again and again. He had a lot of staying power and Jasmin was very impressed, most 'men' would have been broken by now, and JJ was worried that one of the security men would walk in at any moment; she kept an ear open for any sound behind her. At the moment the only sound was the moans of the ecstatic lad laid out on the bed. But JJ could break any man, physical and sexually, and Adrian was no exception, she could feel that her techniques where work and the lad would soon be showing his gratitude for her work. Adrian's body started to shake, he couldn't hold back any longer; JJ knew this and leaned forward to kiss his cock one last time. He couldn't take any more, he buckled and exploded there and then, the exhausted lad delivered, collapsed and passed out, falling into a heap on the bed. She had sexual dominated the boy and made him lose consciousness through the carnal power she had as the most exciting and erotic women he had ever know, even in his short life. He had a lot to offer, Jasmin was always delighted to see what young white boys had for her, and Adrian delivered and delivered, he showed his appreciation for the black woman's skill, gorgeous looks and stunning body. Jasmin set about 'tidying' Adrian and herself up, replacing his cock and doing up his trousers and zipping up her crop top. All clean and tidy, now all JJ had to do was to get the unconscious lad out of there and to her car. She easily picks him up and over her shoulder he goes, then she heads for the corridor, its empty 'good.' JJ makes her way to the far door and towards the service stairwell she came up in. But as she came to the chairman's door it opens, the light shines out into the dimly lit corridor there was also a volley of verbal abuse. A frustrated, annoyed, angry Jackie stepped out and closes the door behind her, but it didn't stop the obvious shouting that was aimed at her. Her eyes where close tight as she took a deep breath after the berating the chairman had given her. Then as she opens them, through her reddened eyes, she sees Jasmin with the unconscious Adrian over her shoulder. Jackie took in the sight, then smiled, she held the red folder in her hands close to her chest and blow Jasmin a kiss the said softly "maybe see you later?" then walked off. The black woman smiled back and carried on down the corridor to the far door, she opens the door to the service stairway, its empty, and makes her way down the stairs, stepping over the fallen man from earlier. At the bottom she goes through the door and into the corridor, nearby is another body of another security man from earlier. But suddenly she heard footsteps coming from around the corner; a man calls out obviously trying to find his friend. JJ puts Adrian down carefully against the wall, he's still out for the count, and the exhausted lad will sleep for a while yet. The woman makes her way quickly to the corridor corner just as another security the man steps around it, and as he does so WHACK! He saw nothing just felt the most devastating blow strike him hard; he staggered backwards, but before he could even take in fully that he'd been hit there were more forceful strikes to his body THUD! CRACK! SMACK! He's knocked down and hits the floor hard landing on his back ARRRHHHH! Suddenly a great weight lands on him, and then his head, face and upper body comes under attack, as a torrent of harsh, painful and shattering blows rained down on him. He's pummelled by powerful objects hammering down on him, unable to defend himself from this vicious onslaught he's soon out for the count. In reality he had walked around the corner and straight into JJ and she'd struck first, striking the man in the face, as he staggered she'd let rip with more destructive blows, knocking the man off his feet and to the floor. As he fell she'd jumped up and landed on top of him driving her strong and powerful body into his and hurting him at the same time. Then as she'd straddled the man her fists had rain down on him, a torrent of female muscle hammering into him until he could take no more and surrendered to the darkness of a lifeless heap of defeat male. Satisfied Jasmin returned for Adrian, picked him up and made her way back to her car, without 'bumping' into anyone else! As she placed the lad on the backseat a thought came to her, she just had enough time and it wouldn't be difficult now. She closed the door and headed off ... ... Later and Adrian starts to come to he's lying on a sofa in a very upmarket and stylish room "your awake then?" He looks around to see the black woman from earlier, she's changed into a pair of tight jeans and an even tighter t-shirt, but it's still the same woman the one gave him the most wonderful ... ... "How are you feeling, do you remember who I am?" Jasmine goes on to explains, how his mother hired her to get him away from his step-father, to rescue him, as she finishes telling him there's a knock at the door. Adrian looks around and out of the large window, it appearances this is another apartment or plush hotel room, but he feels a lot safer here and with her. Jasmin opens the door and Marsha, Adrian's mother, walks in, there's a touching reunion between mother and son, and then Jasmin goes through what happened that night. She might have left out the bit about the bringing her son off between her tits, but everything else's was there, well almost. "You must have been so scared Adrian ... " looking at both her son and JJ " ... how ever did you manage to convince him you were a friend after he's been through so much?" Adrian started to go red and Jasmin just smile "Oh I just managed to persuade him to cum with me." Marsha instinctively knew something was not quite right as she looked at her son and the sexy black woman, but she wasn't going to push it. "There is one last thing ... " JJ said as she handed over a set of keys to Marsha "keys to my gym where we first met, if you go there you'll find something worthwhile." The older woman looked puzzled, Jasmin looked her straight in the eye as she placed the keys into Marsha hand "you go, Adrian will be safe here I'll stay and look after him, you need to go a see this!" Later and Marsha unlocks the gym door and steps inside, there's an echo with each steps she takes to find the light switches, as they flicker into life she wonders what all this can be about. Her eyes get use to the bright light and as she looks around she see nothing it all looks the same as it did before, but hold on ... ... ... ! There in the middle of the boxing ring, where she first saw Jasmin defeat that man, in the centre of the ring is a chair with someone sat in it, or rather tied to it! Marsha steps closer to see that not only is the man tied to the chair but he is also gagged, but best of all she can see that it is her husband, Gordon Marshal! She makes her way up the steps, through the ropes and enters the ring, she walks up to her husband, he's franticly struggling to free himself, but can't. He looks helpless. She likes that, he also looks hurt, there are marks and bruising around his face, his suits is torn and ripped and there is fear in his eyes. "Jasmin my dear you've done a very good job." Marsha is overjoyed and now understands why JJ had been so insistent that she come here tonight. Back in the hotel room JJ steps out of the shower and pull on a short white bath room, she makes her way to the bedroom, at the door she stop and looks inside. There is Adrian, naked and laid out on the bed ready for her, she smiles and undoes the robe that drops to the floor. In the gym Marsha undoes her fur coat that drops to the floor, the attractive blond older woman is wearing a very fetching red and black basque with stockings. She had hoped to 'thank' Jasmin 'personally' for rescuing her son, but the older woman knew that she would get the chance to do that later, but for now the gorgeous black woman had not only saved her son but gifted her an opportunity for revenge on her husband, soon to be ex-husband! SMACK! She slapped the man hard across his already battered face, and it felt good "excuse me." Marsha turned, out of the far door day there was a woman walking towards the boxing ring, as she got closer Marsha thought she recognised her. "Mrs Toddford, my names Jackie, I work ... ... I worked for your husband ... " The redheaded woman approached the rings and climbed up the other sit of steps and stood by the ropes "I believe we have a mutual friend in Jasmin". Marsha smiles, she had a feeling things were going to get better. " ... ... She said that these might be of use to you ... ... " Jackie stepped into the ring and handed over a number of red folders " ... ... I think you'll find the information in these very interesting." Jackie looked at the tied up and scared looking Gordon Marshal then back at Marsha, "I like the outfit maybe later we can share fashion tips and anything else you care to let me have!" Marsha grinned 'Oh yes defiantly one of Jasmin's 'friends'!' The sexy redhead looked back at Gordon "may I?" she asked. Marsha indicated with her hand to say 'be my guest" WOOOSSHHH! THUD! The redhead spun and kicked out, her boot slammed into Gordon's chest sending him toppling back still tied to the chair THUD! It hit the canvas floor and Gordon was looking straight up at the lights, then two faces appeared over him, they smiled and then all hell broke loose ... ... ... ! Back in the hotel room ... ... THUD! Adrian went flying back into the bed, after a bit of light foreplay Jasmin was eager to see what this lad had to offer, he was ready for her now, but still knew that she would drain him of every last ounce of his energy. But he was now better prepared for her and determined to give as good as he got. The stunning black woman clawed her way up his body, she grabbed his arms and pinned him to the bed, the dominant, strong black woman was like a hungry animal. She was going to devour him and gorge herself on this young white boy until she was fully satisfied and fulfilled, she smiled at him and then all hell broke loose ... ... ... !