JJ's Celebration 300th Story By Crossmanx at - crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk - comments and ideas welcome. When everyone is out celebrating, some people are still working! JJ's Celebration It was the New Year, well almost, there was still an hour or so before the clock struck midnight and the celebrations could start. Not that the party's, or many parties, hadn't already begun, but the real celebrations start as the clock strikes midnight and the New Year is heralded in. But with the New Year approaching and everyone, well nearly everyone enjoying themselves and in the party mood and enjoying this, it was also the best time for a certain kind of person to be 'working!' Revellers, partygoers, those out enjoying themselves tend not to think about their places of work, after all they were all sorted out, tided up, locked up and secured well before Christmas. And nothing's going to happen on New Year's Eve is it, as everyone is out partying! Well as any good thief knows, times like New Year's Eve are the ideal times to go to 'work' even if there is security on duty, they're not interested. Who would be paying attention to anything work related on New Year's Eve. But it's not just thieves and bad men that like days and times like this, there was someone else here in The City that a night like this would be the ideal time to hide her 'activities!' Jasmin Johnson was a woman who enjoyed her 'work', a woman that knew the City and its seedier side and, in her own way, took matters into her own hands to do what she could to clean it up a bit. Jasmin, known to her friends and enemy alike as JJ was using this New Year's Eve to carry out another little job. The tall, strong, well-toned, well-formed black woman had come across some interesting information while she had been 'visiting' a not very nice man's house just before Christmas. (Reader may wish to read the previous stories about JJ - JJ's Mistake, JJ meets a Racist, JJ Works out with a Friend, The Rent Man 1 & 2, JJ Deal with a Bully, JJ's Weekend Break, The Challenge, An Accidental Meeting, JJ Take on a Job, JJ's Quiet Night Out, JJ Helps a Friend, JJ's Reward, JJ's Rescue, JJ's Task, Maid To Order & Park Run also City Take Over, Gym Visit, When Rivals Clash, Valentines Surprise, Fight Night & JJ Quiet Night - also in - Valentine's Day Ball, Special Christmas Delivery, City Take Over, Gym Visit, When Rivals Clash, Valentines Surprise, Fight Night, The Day After Christmas & 12 Suits of Christmas) The house had belonged to a man named Jonathan who had once before crossed JJ's path thinking he was good enough to defeat the woman in a fight, one of this woman's 'little games.' This game was were a man would challenge her to a fight, any method any style and if he beat her, he got her, the amazing woman JJ! But when she'd beat the man, or men, then they gave her ... ... ! Well various things, not money she could get that anytime she liked, but something of real value, information, property, secrets, the unique. But she would also accept as a forfeit in payment a man's gorgeous wife, his girlfriend or maybe a sweet, cute looking Son! She liked these 'challenges' and of course always won, so she'd claimed a lot of forfeits, as a true winner should! But Jonathan had not liked losing and tried to set the woman up, lure her to his home and was waiting there for her with his two Son's to beat her then take his prize, her! But it hadn't gone the way he'd hoped, JJ had seen through the charade and when she got there, she'd turned the tables and beat Jonathan, plus his eldest Son Terry, who'd also thought he could take the woman. But the youngest Son, Carl, who hadn't wanted to go along with beating a woman had been amazed when he saw the black woman, and as he was young and cute the woman had saved him from a beating, but not from a fucking! Seeing his Father and older Brother being beat to a pulp by the sexy black woman dress as Santa and then having her rape him, was 'WOW!' Having taken the woman and enjoyed her in that big bed and then having been joined by his attractive Step-Mum, Kara, as well, was 'Amazing!' It had all been quite a Christmas present for the young lad (Reader may wish to read what happened last time in the previous story - 12 Suits of Christmas - the 1st Suit of Christmas). But this encounter had also allowed JJ to use one of her other skills, not that of seducing a young lad, but it was always good to keep on top of that skill. JJ had also cracked the safe that she knew would contain something interesting, Jonathan was the kind of man that had information and used it. But now that JJ's hand had opened and been in that safe, she now had that information. It had been the next morning after spending the night in that bed with the young lad Carl and his Step-Mum, Kara, in that large bed, on the floor, over the various furniture and in the shower. After all that and finally when the black woman had got herself back to her 'home', a former public gym on the Merryfield Industrial Estate. A public gym that she'd 'obtained' and turned into her own private gym, where her challenges took place and also where a few other areas had been added so she could now live there. As JJ entered the building and was still flicking through the files she'd 'liberated' from the safe and a number of entries had caught her eye. So much so that at first, she hadn't seen what was going on in the full-size boxing ring that dominated one side in the large open gym area of her 'home.' But then a loud cry, a call of pain and hurt grabbed the woman's attention so she looked up. Inside the boxing ring was a woman an attractive blond woman with a good athletic body. She was the sort of woman you wouldn't miss due to her looks and body and right now that body was wrapped up in pair of tight black shorts and a black crop top. So, Cindy looked very fine indeed. Cindy was JJ's close friend and some might call them 'partners in crime!' But that might cause the women to question you quite harshly over this 'statement' if they heard you say it! But right now, the blond was having a bit of a morning workout just to get her in the 'mood.' In the near corner as JJ walked up to the ring was a tall man, dressed as a boxer, with boots, shorts and gloves, but it was obvious that it was the woman, even without gloves who'd taken charge here. The man's face looked as it had already taken a number of hard blows and there was also a second man's unconscious body lying in the middle of the ring that would confirm that this woman was on a roll. The unconscious man was oriental and dressed in a martial arts gi suit, but still he looked as if he'd been battered badly. But all eyes were now back on the man, the boxer in the corner, the one with the swollen eye, a cut high up on his cheek and with blood running down from his swollen, fat lip and his broken nose. But there was also the look in his good eye, the look of panic, horror and fear that he had, especial as Cindy now, WHACK! OOOWWW! The blond woman's leg was up, a swivel kick as she got in close to the man trapped in the corner and drove her bare foot into the side of his head. He was already dazed and shock up from the beating he'd already received from this woman but that blow sent his mind into a numb stupor. This now gave the companion of JJ the opportunity to finish this one off too, THUD! UUUUHHHH! As she was already in close to him it was a simple move to drop her shoulder and them come up hard and fast with her fist and drive it with such power into the bottom of his jaw. The blow took the taller, but battered man up and off his feet. He went spinning around at the same time his mind went into darkness as he ended up lying over the top rope of the ring, and of course out cold! JJ smiled, applauded her friend and waited for the blond to come out the ring, down the steps and give her a hug, followed by a kiss, and ... ... ! The blond looked so hot in her workout cloths and how the sweat ran down her toned body, JJ was getting quite ... ... ! Hand in hand JJ and Cindy made their way across the gym to the showers and the changing room. Stepping over another unconscious body of a strong looking black man that obviously hadn't even made it into the boxing ring. JJ dropped the files off on a bench as they stepped into the changing room, making sure she marked the page that had already caught her eye, as it had given her an idea. But that was later, for now there was Cindy to see too! That page in the file that JJ had noticed was interesting and had led to another and another page of even more 'interesting' information. The kind that JJ liked to read and could use. All of this then led to an idea which became a plan and on New Year's Eve it was a job! In the business and administrative area of the City and on New Year's Eve this is where JJ now found herself. This part of the City was a busy and hustling area with a number of large offices and various bars and restaurants. But now as the offices had closed down for the festive season and all those officer workers were about to celebrate the new year the last place, they'd come back to enjoy themselves was where they worked! So, the area was quiet, there was of course a few people about, there always would be a few, but nowhere near the normal number of people you would find here on any other day. But being quite was a good and a bad thing, good that there weren't that many people that would see you and bad that you couldn't easy hide in a large crowd. But even so there were still enough people about as JJ arrived at Central Station, the underground station that serviced the business area of the City. Busy enough for her to even bump into a man who was obviously in a rush to get home. The man stopped, looked into the obvious cross face of the gorgeous black woman and nervously he apologised before rushing of to catch his train. With that over with, JJ made her way through the station and out into the business area. But keeping herself to the dark and shadows, not walking across any of the very open spaces. There were cameras everywhere and all it would take was one person on duty in front of those camera's to be awake and doing their job properly tonight and things could go wrong. She jumped onto and hid on the side of a small cleaning cart that was making its way across the last open space. The driver had his phones ear pieces in and was making a call, his mind was elsewhere so he didn't notice anything. As it got to the far side JJ jumped off and rushed over to a corner of the building covered in shadows and was now out of site. The cleaning cart had arrived at the right time as her 'target', this building, was positioned in a very open area and the woman knew she would have stood a chance of getting caught on camera at this point. But the cart had made that last part of her journey here much safer, and now she was here it was time to get inside and carry out her job. From her position in the shadows JJ could see the main entrance to the building, there were lights on and she could see people, a receptionist at her desk and a couple of men over at the security desk opposite. The sign at the front of the entrance read 'Charter House' and gave a long list of the different groups, firms, business and government departments that had offices here. It was very much a mixed building in that respect, various different public, private and induvial offices where all here. The large office block was home to a number of different companies, organisations and even some local and nation government offices, there was also a good selection of shops on the ground floor, a gym and spar facilities on the second floor. And of course, all this would not be complete without the conference facility! Before making her entrance to the building JJ stepped away from it, but still stayed in the shadows and looked up 'Charter House'. She could see there was still a number of lights on, but this could be anything, it didn't necessary mean there was anyone in these offices. But JJ would be ready if there was! But first there were the cameras and CCTV to take care of! Deep into the shadows near to JJ was a large metal gate that lead to the security area for the building. The woman swiped the card she had lifted out of the pocket of the man she'd 'bumped' into at the underground station when she'd first arrived here. The security card opened the door and the woman stepped inside. Ten minutes later and JJ was back out through the door and closing the metal door behind her, she'd left the coat she'd been wearing behind the door as she was now dressed ready for action! She looked at her watch and right on cue the lights flickered in the main reception area and then went out. Thanks to a friend that JJ had, Dave, a man who 'knew people' and could get things. The 'devise' that the woman had installed into the electric's cupboard, safely tucked away in the security area, was now working. As the lights and power all went out in the reception area, but they would only be off for a short while. So, would the CCTV, cameras and the security locks on the main doors, but it would only be off for seconds, so JJ now rushed up to the main doors. As the dark beauty moved quickly towards the mains doors, well just to the side of them where the security door was. In a flash it was opened and JJ slipped into the buildings unlit lobby, there was shouting from the security men who sounded as if they were in a panic. JJ slipped past these men and headed towards the reception desk with the good-looking woman sat behind it. As the lights had gone out the receptionist had stood up in shock, this had never happened before and then out of nowhere she felt two hands take hold of her face, pull it forwards and then she was kissed! Succulent lips had met hers and there was a kiss. Instantly the blond woman had though it was one of the security men who was taking advantage of the sudden situation. But then as the woman felt those lips on hers and could feel the kiss, 'that was no man kissing her!' And this blond receptionist should know what a woman's kiss was like! The blond closer her eyes and enjoyed the ... ... ... Then a second later the kiss was broken and the lights came back on again. The blond opened her eyes and looked around but there wasn't anyone there, 'dame!' The two security men were at their desk and checking everything as the CCTV monitor all now flicked back on. They went through everything quickly and where happy that it was just a glitch in the electric system and everything was all OK. The only one who was a bit suspicious was the blond receptionist, and all she was interested in was finding out who the woman was who given her an early New Year's kiss. Yes, she was very interested in finding out who that woman was! 'That woman', JJ, had already made her way across the lobby area and opened the door on the far side that lead to the emergency stairwell. With the door still slightly ajar she waited as the lights came back on and the security men settled down. The images on the CCTV monitors showed the moments before the break in power, now all on a loop and before these men would realise anything, she would have completed her job. That just had left one last interesting thing in the lobby area, the receptionist, JJ couldn't resist the kiss and she sneaked by and also ... ... But there might be time for that later, yes, maybe later! But now it was time to get on with her job as the woman made her way quickly up the stairs, up to where she needed to get to. Up the stairwell JJ went until she came to the 5th floor and there she quickly checked the list of companies and organisation with offices here all displayed on the board next to the door. Having got the right floor, the black woman now stepped through the door and into the corridor. The 5th floor of Carter House contained a good mixture of local and national government agency and private, civilian companies. Most of these government agencies covered such things as transport, maintenance, buildings, care facilities. Areas where there was a lot of contract work required. And surprisingly the majority of companies also on this floor dealt with transport, maintenance, buildings, etc. And the papers that JJ had found in Jonathan's safe listed a large number of overpriced contracts that had been drawn up. Money was being spent, wasted, going into the back of a lot of people's pockets, including Jonathan's, and that money wasn't going to the hospitals, care homes, maintenance and schools that it should have. JJ didn't like that and had decided something needed to be done about all this, that's why she was here. And the best time to sort this out was a nice quiet night, like New Year's Eve! So here she was inside the building, undetected and free to move around and to get the job done! But this was also a good time for those that she was after to 'tidy' up their work. The news that Jonathan's had been involved in an 'accident' and that his safe had been opened had caused a number of men that he'd been 'working' with to now get worried. The police had said it was a simple burglary that had gone wrong and that Jonathan and his eldest Son Terry had disturbed the intruder and it had all gone wrong. On the positive side the man's youngest Son, Carl and his new Step-Mother, Jonathan's new bimbo wife, had both been found safe a well in the bedroom after the tragedy of the burglary going wrong. While other people were focusing on what the Step-Son and Step-Mum, Kara, were doing in the bedroom, Jonathan's now ex-partners where worried about the fact that the safe had been found open! What these men needed was a quiet moment or two, where no one else was around to sort out a few things, get that paperwork dug out and destroyed, get those computer files deleted. To get rid of anything that could connected them to the money that was obviously involved in all this. And what better time to get this done but a quiet time like New Year's Eve when there was no one else around in the offices! For these men to come into work on New Year's Eve just showed some great commitment to their jobs and no one would question that, so they all got into the building easily, no questions asked. But now it was a race to get everything done and then maybe some of them might be able to slip away and get to a party after all! So, on the 5th Floor and JJ was making her way down the corridor to her first mark, whose name was in fact Mark! He was a senior member of the local government highways and road's agency, working closely with national government, and contractors. One of his main jobs was dealing with new road builds and current road maintenance. Well, all those potholes weren't going to repair themselves and there was ample money to allocate to get them all sorted. But this would be surprising to those who drove around the City, as there always seemed to be far too many of the dame potholes everywhere! Mark had been giving contracts to his relative's firm for years and agreeing long term contracts at overpriced tenders to other firms as well. Even so that still left a lot of money that Mark put here and there, to this and to that project and of course some, a bit, also found its way into his back pocket. And considering JJ had recently had a few tyres and rims damaged due to potholes, she wasn't impressed! JJ moved down the corridor and passed a door with a light on inside, she could hear some 'interesting' sounds coming out of that office. The dark beauty was about to investigate when a man appeared out of a door further down the corridor. It was one of the security men on his rounds, of course JJ knew at some point she'd come across these men. But she'd hoped it would be a bit later, at least after she'd completed some of her jobs, but here goes! For the man it was just another day walking around the building checking on doors and rooms, it was just a pain that it was New Year's Eve! As he came out of the room, he'd just been checking there in the corridor was someone he didn't know, and somehow, he instantly knew this woman shouldn't be here. The woman was tall, black and very attractive, that he instantly noticed, but it was also the way she was dressed that gave away the 'she didn't belong' bit. And the way that JJ was dressed did give it way, in her long black boot that went up to her knees then the very tight-fitting leather dark blood red catsuit that she had on. The catsuit that clung to her very shapely, toned and well-formed body. The suit with a deep v that came down from her neck and allowed her large breasts to push out and to be seen. Her normal long dark hair was tied back in a ponytail and her succulent lips still had the bold bright red colour to them. The woman also had a dark backpack on, the security man had seen all sorts of things here in the building after working hours, people having fun and all that. But this was different, he could defiantly tell that this woman was up to no good. As the woman looked like this, the security man realised she must be an intruder and went for his radio, but already JJ was on her way down the corridor, fast, to silence him! As the radio came out its leather pouch and he moved it up to his ear ready to ... ... WHACK! UUUFFFHHH! JJ came flying through the air towards him, her leather boot crashed into the security man's gut taking him off his feet and sending him tumbling backwards and down to the floor. The man was stunned and shocked, the blow was hard and at this point he didn't show any signs of feeling the pain that she'd inflicted, JJ was disappointed in that. But she was pleased with the look of fear now on his face! He tried to push himself up off the floor and looked around for his radio. He had to get help, yes, he was scared, he'd never thought, he'd actually have to confront an intruder before, especially one who would hit him! He saw his radio an arms stretch away and reached out, has his hand came down on the radio, JJ's boot came thundering down on the man's hand. He winched, then cried out in pain, and that's what the black woman wanted to hear. The man's face was screwed up as now he could feel the pain from the first blow and the agony in his hand. As he looked up at the woman and opened his eyes, SMACK! a flashing dark fist came pounding down into his face. The man felt his nose explode across his face, for a moment he couldn't breathe then had to gasp for breath through his mouth. All of this and the taste of blood at the back of his mouth told him that he was in trouble! JJ stepped off of his hand, much to his relief even if it felt as if he had something broken there, but still it felt better than being stood on. But it wasn't over for him, JJ reached down, grabbed him by his uniform with two strong female hands and wrenched the man upwards. As he got to his feet the woman spun around, taking the man with her and then flung him across the corridor and into the far wall. He was driven into the wall with force, making him shudder and sending a shockwave through his entire body. He juddered and fell forwards away from the wall and straight into CRACK! OOOOWWWW! As she throws him away from her, JJ went into a twirling spin, there was a flash of blood red and then black as her leg came up, her boot came around and was slammed into the side of the head of the security man that was falling back towards her. His body shock violently, the blow twisted, turned his body so he summersaulted all the way around and landed in a heap on the corridor floor. His body was still as JJ reached down gripped the man and dragged his body a couple of doors down and tossed the limp security guards into one of the cleaning cupboards. She took the guards keys and radio, locked the cupboard and broke a key off in the lock, not wanting his body to be found too quickly. Now JJ was ready to carry on. She moved up to the door of local government highways and road's agency, it was time to pay Mark a visit. The door to the set of offices behind it was locked, but a faint light told the woman that the man she was after was there trying to cover up his 'work!' The security man's keys worked and JJ was inside, there was selection of smaller offices, and there was light coming from the far one, Mark's office. So, that's where the woman went. Inside his office and Mark was getting on with getting rid of any connection he had with Jonathan and all those shady deals and contracts. The sound of the shredding machine had drowned out everything and the way Mark's mind was worrying he didn't register and sounds from outside. But now as he turned around sat in his chair and with his back to his desk his mind was trying to decide which files needed to be dealt with next! So, it was very much a shock when his eyes moved across the room, from one set of filing cabinets, over the door with the woman stood there, and across to the second set of filing cabinets still deciding what needed to be got rid of next? 'Hold on, woman in the doorway!' Mark's head and eyes shot back to the door with JJ stood there, "Shit!" In that second, he knew that the woman stood there meant trouble, even so his reflects were good as Mark now turned. He went to his side to reach over to the bag there he had on the end of his desk, but, WHACK! JJ came forwards and her boot once more went out and struck her new target, she caught Mark's hand just as it grabbed onto the bag. That hold was broken as the boot struck his wrist and he was stopped from getting the bag, which now tumble and fell off the desk onto the floor. At the same time Mark dropped out of his chair and onto his knees as the pain in his wrist was agonising. Out of the bag a gun appeared, so that's what he was after. What was it with boys and their toys, women just needed their fists and feet! The man held the wrist that had gone for the gun, the blow from the woman's boot had caused damage, or maybe even worst. But at this moment all Mark was concerned about was the pain. As she tried to deal with this JJ reached out to a pile of files on the desk and grabbed the top one. She quickly flicked through it and could see at once that this was one of those files that showed enough to 'condemn' this man! She flung it over towards the floor near to the shredder, as presumably that's where the man was going to take it anyway. Then tuning back JJ reached down, grabbed Mark and pulled him upwards, THUD! THUD! THUD! The strong black woman drove her leather clad knee hard into the man as he was raised up off the floor, pounding him viciously with each blow, hurting him as she sent a message into him, 'it's time to be afraid!' But Mark had already received that message the moment he realised that the woman was stood at the door, he feared that this could happen one day, but never thought it would be a woman that would be the one to ... ... THUD! CRUNCH! ARRRRHHHH! That last knee might just have cracked a rib, but there was no time to think about it as Mark was also thrown back by the blow and into his desk. His back slammed against the hard wooden desk and caused more hurt to his already hurt body. He closed his eyes as the pain shot up his back so he didn't see the tall black woman reach out grab him again and pull him back to her. At the same time, she spun him around so he was now facing away from her and, UUUGGGHHH! JJ's leather covered arm was thrown around Mark's neck, while her other arm and hand grabbed hold and held his head in potion. Then the woman's arm tightened around his neck, she flexed her muscles, gripped his throat tightly, his windpipe and slowly and very forcefully squeezed. Her strong, powerful arm closed the man's air supply off, Mark could feel himself suffocating which scared him. But just before the man was about to pass out there was a sudden movement and jerking of his head and, SNAAAP! Mark's limp body was released and dropped to the floor of his office, to lie there in a heap. JJ now went over to the filing cabinets and began to empty them. She pulled out a number of files, knowing which ones she was 'interested' in. Some files, the interesting ones went in the woman's backpack, the others that would still be of interest to the police and other agencies were scattered across the office floor and around the man's still body. Having completed this part of her job the woman left the office and locked the door behind her, again not wanting anyone discovering this, just yet! Back in the corridor JJ made her way back to the office she'd passed when she was spotted by the security guard, where she'd heard those noises! The sign by the door gave the name of a company and their role as an import and export firm. But the sounds coming from inside gave an indication to a different kind of 'importing and exporting!' Making no sound JJ sneaked inside, she was interested to see what was going on here. There was a light on in one of the internal offices, a sign by this door said 'Managing Director', the door was slightly ajar so the tall black woman could spy inside. There on the large desk was a youthful looking lad, a cute and naked looking boy who was laid out on the desk while on top of him and riding him with some great enthusiasm as an attractive oriental woman. The lad was Kyle who'd recently inherited the company due to his Uncle's recent 'accident!' The orphan Kyle was the only relative his Uncle had and even though his Uncle had been involved in some very shady activities the company was all legal and now belonged to the boy. Being an orphan Kyle had no one else in the world to help him with this sudden inheritance that had come his way, but then there was Hoe. She'd been the Uncle's secretary and knew everything about the legal business and something of the shadier side of the Uncle's 'work!' (Reader may wish to read the pervious story 12 Suits of Christmas - 9th Suit of Christmas). Hoe was determined to teach her new 'boss' all the in's and out's of the business of importing and exporting! By the way Hoe was moaning she'd taught him a lot already and he was very quick and thorough learner and very skilled in practicing what he'd been taught! JJ smiled as she watched not knowing who these where, but she knew when a 'couple' worked well together! Kyle hands moved up Hoe's stunning body, up, over, around and onto her large breasts, this lad was really getting to grip with running the company now! JJ left them to it, she was very tempted to join them but still had some of her own work to do first, so maybe later! Up onto the 6th Floor and Jasmin was now looking for her next target. The corridors seemed empty on this floor, no security guards patrolling here. So, it didn't take long for the woman to move around and find the door she was looking for, the Government Audit Office. It was in here that many of the contracts that Mark had 'arranged' should have been checked, picked up and queried. But when the main man working here, when his name also appears in 'certain files', that's when everything was just automatically approval! That man was George and he, like Mark, had heard about what happened to Jonathan, the empty safe and knew it mean trouble! George was a nervous, jumpy man at the best of times but now he was shaking like a leaf at the slightest noise, or anything out of place. So, he'd chose a nice quiet time, like New Year's Eve, when no one would be around so he could clear away anything that tied him to all those contracts, schemes, policy's and plans that had already be 'approved.' He was doing well and had cleared a number of different files of anything that connected him. But there was still a lot to go. He decided to take a break from his 'work', was going off to the restroom to throw some water on his face to keep himself going. He got up off the floor where there were large piles of files all in neat rows ready for him to go through. He went over to the main door, reached out and grabbed onto the handle, turned it and started to pull the door open towards him. At the same time, he could now see the silhouette of a figure through the frosted glass on the other side. As he took this all in, he was still pulling the door open as his brain tried to work this all out, so when the door was half open, he could now see who was on the other side of it. There was a woman, a tall black, attractive looking woman, who was dressed in ... ... WHACK! UUUFFFHHH! That was all he could really remember, what happened next was just a painful blur, that had started with the woman's fist coming thundering towards him and striking him in the centre of his face. There was a burning, throbbing and very painful feeling that filled his face and his head. George didn't realise that he'd gone flying backwards, that he gone tumbling and fell down onto those neat piles of files that where laid out. The files, papers scattered across the man's office as he was now lying in the middle of this mess of documents and records. But he wasn't there long, not that he would have known that his head was still buzzing with the hurt and shock of being hit. So, he was unaware of being grabbed and yanked up off the floor by JJ, but he felt the slap across his face from her furious backhand that seemed to bring his attention back, so that he was sure to have felt, THUD! Her driving fist into his gut that forced the air out of him and made George gasp for breath. As he tried to take in some air, SMACK! There was a sharp blow to his face and a numbing feeling took hold, and with his eyes shut tight to deal with this he didn't realise that he'd been then spun around and flung away by the woman. That he was catapulted away from the attractive female and sent flying back and straight into, THUD! George was sent stumbling out of his office, through the open door, out into the empty corridor and slamming into the far wall, his back felt the force of this as he'd been thrown into that wall, and it hurt. The pain was intense as he now staggered off and away from the wall, he took a step and then another, his legs wobbled and then SMACK! A boot came around and collided with his face as he stumbled there. As the boot that had struck him carried on around the man was sent spinning around and went crashing back, this time face first, into the wall. At the wall his body jerked, just the once as JJ's hands had already reached out and grabbed onto George. Her strong hands wrenched him back and at the same time the woman twisted, turned and as if he was a rag doll the man was flung over her body and slammed down into the floor. She literally picked him off the wall and tuned the man over, hurling him over and into the floor, again face first! As he hit the floor his body bounced once and then was still. There was no final jerking of his body it was just still! George had been a weak man, both in his ability to resist taking a backhander to miss what he should have been here to pick up but also, he was physically weak. George had been simple enough for JJ to deal with as she dragged him back into his office and throw his body down amounts the files on the floor. She spent a few moments to collect a number of these, that 'interested' her, and where placed into her backpack. But it was now time to move on, after locking the door and braking off the key, JJ headed off to the next floor. At the end of the corridor on the way to the stairs JJ could see a light on in one of the last offices in that hallway. As she approached the black woman heard a sound she recognised, the sound of a man in pain! Again, the door to the office was slightly open and the sign outside said these offices belonged to a law firm. Interested JJ slipped inside the large room and could see the light was coming from another office inside. Moving up to this JJ could see through the glass door and into the room, she smiled as she liked what she saw. There in the office was an older looking woman, dress smartly, and with the air of a dominate, sexy Milf. She was sat down in a chair casually looking down at a man that looked as if he'd had something of a beating. The man was breathing heavily and there was blood running from his nose as if he'd been struck a number of times in the face. Next to the Milf, the female lawyer, stood by her chair was a tall female, a woman with long blond hair and again dressed smartly. But unlike the older woman in her quite sexy business attire, the second woman was dressed in what looked like a chauffeur's grey suits. So presumably the cap that was on the side of the desk belonged to this blond. JJ liked what she saw but what she didn't know was that indeed the lovely Milf was the lawyer, the blond was her devoted chauffeur, that was obvious but the man was the lawyers 'client!' Well the man had hired the woman as he'd been accused of some problems with his tax's, everything had seemed pretty straight forwards that was until the older woman had done some further digging and found ... ... ! The man had been asked to come to the woman office just for a quick chat to sort out one or two finally issues, which he was pleased to do as it all sounded as if it was going all OK for him. But when he got there the lawyer, the Milf, had wanted to know why he'd lied to her about quite a few money issues and a few bank accounts he had in secret! This was when the lawyer's chauffeur came in, she was a forceful woman at times, especially times when her boss was being lied to, I mean who would lie to a lawyer! (Reader may wish to read the pervious story 12 Suits of Christmas - 7th Suit of Christmas). With the man down and hurt, having apologised profusely and begged to be left alone, at this point the Milf lawyer grabbed onto her chauffeurs' jacket and pulled the blond down so their lips met. Watching her driver beat a man always turned the Milf lawyer on, WHACK! The chauffeur throws her leg out and drove it into the man on the floors face, sending him rolling over the floor and out cold. Now the blond throws her leg over the chair and was sat on her boss's lap as the two women carried on kissing. Yes, JJ liked these two women, but still she had work to do, so maybe later! The attractive black woman now made her way up to the 7th floor where she stepped through the stairwell door and into the corridor. On this floor was the offices of the local council finance department, well with all these contracts being allocated, with the plans getting approved the last stage was making sure there was no 'problems' with the 'payments!' This was a two man operation, and so Derek and Wesley where also taking advantage of this 'quiet' time to get rid of all the incriminating evidence that lead back to them, and there was a lot to get rid of! But even so the two men in the accounts department where getting through it all and it was going well, that was until there was sound that came from outside the room. The men stopped, looked at each other and where dead quiet! There it was again, a sound from the corridor, as if there was someone outside the office, someone out there listening to them! Wesley raised his finger to his lips and moved quietly to the door, while Derek, the older one of the two stayed still. Wesley took hold of the door handed took and dep breath, yanked the door open and almost jumped out into the corridor. Derek, held his breath, then there was the sound of feet moving and sound of something being hit, a muffed cry from being hit and then Wesley came flying backwards into the room. He came thundering down onto the table set out with all the paperwork the men had to get through. Landing squarely on the table which broke under the force of the large man dropping, hammering down on it. The man fell through the table and the piles of paperwork went flying up into the air. When Wesley had opened that door in order to surprise whoever it was out in the corridor it was him who got the surprise. The man had seen JJ, he saw it was a woman, how she looked and the expression on her stunning face, a look, a grin, a smile that said she was ready for this. JJ moved, spun herself around and slammed her boot into the man as he carried on out into the corridor. With him going forward and straight into the woman's boot the force of her strike sent him instantly back into the room. Taking him up off his feet and through the air, the fact he'd landed on that table was a nice touch, seeing all those papers going up into the air and then slowly float back down to cover the man on the floor. As Wesley had crashed through the table and onto the floor Derek's eye moved over to the door and there was a woman stepping through it and heading towards him, WHACK! UUUHHHHH! She was quick and on him, sending her strong fist into his face at the same time and for a second time a man was sent flying backwards. This time it was into the computer workstation that was directly behind Derek. As he slammed back into the workstation Derek's body jolted and UUUUUHHH! JJ was again on him in a flash, her hands grabbed onto him, and she gripped him hard. Derek's eye opened wide as he was now looking, staring straight into this woman eye's and what he saw scared him ... ... THUD! CRASH! ARRRRHHHH! The man held the strong woman's gaze for less than a second but it was long enough for him to be more terrified at that moment than at any other time in his life, and for good reason. JJ hands moved, spun the man around, one of her hands held him by his arm, the other hand gabbed onto his head and she drove his face down into the computer display screen in front of him! The crashing sound filled the room, there were sparks, a sudden electrical flash and a few crackles. Derek's body juddered and then fell to the floor. Well he was the computer 'expert' the one who could hide anything in the systems, now he was in the system! JJ turned back to Wesley who was moaning and groaning as he lay on his back after dropping through the table. The piles of papers had all floated down and where laying all around and over the man. JJ used her boot to flick away those papers that covered his face, so she could see him and he could look up at her. As the papers moved and his eye focused on the woman towering over him, looking down, Wesley swallowed hard. His eyes widened as he saw the woman raise her leg, then he started to scream as the sole of her boot came rushing down and ... ... CRUNCH! There was a sudden shudder of the man's body, JJ then wiped the bottom of her boot over the man's shirt to clean the mess off and the last of her men, for tonight, had been dealt with! The woman again had a look around and found the files she was after which again went into her backpack, so everything was done! The door to the account's office was locked, the key broken off and now JJ was making her way down the corridor, after a good night's work. In the corridor a sound caught JJ's ear, a sound of ... ... ! In an office with sign saying City Schools Inspector there was a light on, the tall black woman recognised the moaning sound she could hear and went to investigate. Slipping into the school's inspectorate offices JJ could see a light on in one of the far inner offices. The door to this was half open and from where JJ was, she could see inside and liked what she saw. Inside the office was the delightful sight of a sweet young lad who was leaning back against the desk there while the gorgeous older woman on her knees was licking and sucking on his big boy cock! Yes, JJ did like the sight of this. What she didn't know, but she would very much like, was that the lad was getting a blowjob off his Aunt! The 'relationship' between Aunt and Nephew had stared just before Christmas, when the lad had taken the plunge and booked a hotel room at the City's top hotel. He was a crafty lad who was sure his Aunt 'liked' him, he hoped she 'liked' him, and had managed to use his Uncle's credit card to pay for it all, after all how would his Uncle explain paying for a hotel room! The lad had sent his Aunt a saucy Christmas card inviting her to join him at the hotel and was shocked, overwhelmed and excitably nervous when she'd actually turned up with a smile on her face! Now that stay in the hotel had brought the Aunty and Nephew closer together and now, they were very close! In fact, they couldn't get enough of each other and if there was someone else there to join them, they liked that too. Tonight, the lad was meant to be staying around a friends for New Years' and the Aunt well she'd told her husband, the Uncle, she had to go into work, it was an emergency and it couldn't be helped! Well it was an emergency, she really needed her Nephew's cock! And the lad really wanted to do his Aunt in her office too! (Reader may wish to read the pervious story 12 Suits of Christmas - 6th Suit of Christmas). What the Aunt didn't know was the lad had got hold of his Uncle's credit card again and booked another room for later on that night, for another night of rolling around in a big luxury bed with his sexy Aunt! JJ smiled as the woman carried on running her tongue up and down her Nephew's cock, but maybe later! Now the black woman moved away and then was out of the office and back in the corridor. Now in the corridor JJ thought to herself, all her jobs here where done for tonight, she had what she came for, the men had been dealt with and she had some extra valuable information. Plus, the next lot of men, she needed to 'deal' with could wait a couple of days, they weren't going anywhere! So, she looked at her watch it was almost Midnight, it would be the New Year soon. As she hadn't been discovered yet she had a chance to celebrate the New Year and celebrate in a way that JJ would love to celebrate ... ... But with who? JJ could join the Aunt, enjoying her Nephews big boy cock? JJ could indulge herself with the Milf lawyer and the good-looking blond chauffeur? JJ could join in a lesson with the young 'boss' lad and his sexy secretary? JJ could run her lips over, all over, the blond receptionist? Now JJ grinned, smiled as she'd made her choice and went to join ... ... , to start with, she went to celebrate with ... ... !