Halloween Conflict By Crossmanx at - crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk - comments and ideas welcome Angels and Demons come together to fight for control of man at Halloween! Halloween Conflict Halloween is a time when the forces of evil, the 'bad side' have their moment, have their time in the spotlight. The 'good side' have Christmas and other countless times during the year, to bring out the good in people, but the 'bad side' only have one, proper, full day, and that is Halloween. Even so the good side do what they can to turn this bad day into a just a kind of fun day, after all the bad side do have their plagues, wars and pestilence to keep them 'bubbling over nicely' on every other day. On this bad day, this day of Halloween, the bad side throw down the gauntlet and challenge the good side to a contest for the very sole of mankind. A challenge that is accepted and fought over in a hard and brutal way by the angels of the good side and the demons of the bad side. As in the countless years that have gone by, on Halloween the two sides meet, each time it is held in a different place and different location, but that does not really matter, what does matter is those that take part and who wins. Whoever does win then will hold the rains of mankind and 'guild' them along either the path of good or the path of evil, for another year. Over the many millenniums the path of mankind has changed from one side to the other and back again, but of recent years it has stayed the same. But today each side wants to take back their hold of mankind and take them down the path ... ... Well the path of enlightenment or the path of destruction! In the designated placed, which looked a lot like an old disused and falling down warehouse, the two sides met. The 'arena' was quite, and then there were footsteps as to the right, as the Angels of good entered and to the left the Demons of evil arrived. To start with there was silence as both sides took up their position opposite each other. There was a bit of distance between the two sides, they were close enough to be able to see each other clearly and get a good look at their opponents. But also, far enough away to be able to take their time to study their opponents before the 'contest' began! The Demons eyed up the Angels, on the left was the tall, blond and well-built male, he was handsome, broad and strong looking, a shining example of a perfect man. Wearing just his short white cloth skirt around his waist, as if he was some bronze adonise, well he was an Angel! On the right was the woman, the female Angel, she was just as perfect as the male, almost as tall as him with long flowing golden blond hair. Her shiny hair complimented her attractive face and her heavenly looks. She was indeed preety and had a matching attractive body, even though it was strong and she was a well-built woman she was still defiantly all woman. A true Angel to behold, especially dressed in her short white cloth skirt and a matching white cloth wrapped around her well-formed chest! The two Angels were quite a pleasant sight, and in their own way, so were the Demons. On the left and opposite the female Angel was the exceptionally tall male Demon, he was a brute of a man, of a Demon, with his muscular, powerful body, strong arms, leg and two large, sharp, horns coming out of his rough brutal looking head. The horns were an instant give away that he was a Demon, and as he was just dressed in a pair of tight black short trousers his red coloured muscular body was on full show. Which secretly kind of intrigued the female Angel. Next to this monster was the female Demon, she was stood in front of the male Angel who was, like his female companion, 'intrigued' with the female Demon and how she looked. She was the smallest of the four of them, but in no way, did that make her any less of a competitor. She may have been the smallest in height and build but her athletic and toned body was also hard and just as strong as the male Angels. Her face had a devilish, seductive and yet somehow cute and cruel look about it all at the same time, the smaller, but still sharp horns that she had, the long black hair also added 'something' to her look. As did the slightly deeper red tone to her well-formed body and the fact that she was dressed in a pair of tight and hugging black pair of shorts and an equally tight black top that barely covered her ample chest. She was a seductress who could break your heart with her looks and break you bones with her body, and somehow the male Angel, kind of liked this look! But it wasn't just the Angels who 'liked' what they were looking at, the Demons were also 'interested!' The female Demon, liked the pure look of the male Angel and knew she could use her body to corrupt him, given half the chance. Her eyes flicked over to the blond female and gave her the once over, the female Demon liked, the devilish smile that came across her face showed that! The female Angel noticed this and tried to ignore the female Demon, even if she was quite good looking, for a Demon. Maybe after this was over she could take the Demon girl in hand and give her some guidance in how to be good! A snort from the male Demon brought the good girls focus back to the current situation. The male Demon also liked the female Angel, his face was dripping with desire for the woman, good or bad he didn't mind, he would flip her over and take her, making her scream with delight and fright as he had her. That was how he liked his women, screaming as he pleased himself with their bodies. With the 'introductions' all done, if only in silence and now in each of the participant's own heads they knew it was almost time for this Halloween event to commence! That moment seemed to last a long time as everyone wondered 'who would make the first move?' But that was really a forgone conclusion, everyone knew 'who' it was going to be, the real question was 'when?' HISSSSSH! FLAP! FLAP! ARRRRGGG! FLAP! FLAP! The Demons of course made that first move, each of them jumped forward, and their bat like wings expanded to give them each that even larger and scarier look. The female Demon rose up into the air as she went for the male Angel who was taken by surprise as he'd been concentrating too much at looking into the woman's deep black, hypnotic eyes. He took a step backwards as her sudden move had taken him completely by surprise, he raised his arms to protect himself but was too slow as the female Demon was in far too close now and lashed out at him SLASH! OOOWWWWW! Her hand came rushing around his beautiful face, her fingers extended and sharp nails slashed across him, ripping his cheek and drawing the first blood. Next to the male Angel the female was also facing her adversary, the large male Demon, with his wings fully out, he'd come at her fast and hard. Unlike the female Demon he'd stayed on the ground, using his natural large frame and expanded wingspan to frighten the female Angel as he came thundering at her. But she was a tough one, and although she quite liked his rough look, she was more focused on what was happening here rather than, 'what might happen later!' As the hulk of a Demon had come at her she had stayed firm, steady against his pounding hooves as he rushed her WHACK! OOOOOWWWW! She'd timed it just right, standing firm against him and at the right moment raising her strong sturdy leg and driving her bare foot right into his gut as he was almost on top of her, that would stop this Demon! The male Angel had been hurt by the female Demon slashing hand, his face stung and he was shocked that a woman, a female, even a female Demon could be this vicious. The strike, and the shock had made him take another step backwards, and also unsteadied him. His arms were out to the side trying desperately to regain his balance as he felt himself falling FLAP! FLAP! His own Angel wings came out to help him with his, he looked magnificent with his pure white wings out as if he'd just walked out of some old church painting, then THUD! OOOUUUHHHH! Still up in the air the female Demon saw her chance, flew in close, brought her legs up and back then slammed both her feet down and hard into the falling Angels chest, a painful blow that the female liked and also a knock that took the man off his feet and down onto his back on the floor. The male Demon was also on the receiving end of some female 'goodness!' After planting her foot into his gut with her sturdy leg the female Angel had also deployed her wings. Her large wings came out to the fullest span, she looked quiet stunning stood there, bright white wings out, a tall strong woman and with a large Demon in front of her, stopped in his tracks, by her! OK maybe there was a bit of showing off by her, a bit too much 'pride', but that wasn't a sin, was it! She might have stopped him, but she knew only too well this was a very temporally victory, she needed something a bit more permanent THUD! WHACK! The first blow had stopped the Demon, he felt it, he'd been doubled over by it, which now gave the Angel her next opportunity as she now brought her strong knee up into the male's chest, pounding him hard. This made him lurch backwards, bringing his horned head upwards and allowed the female Angel another target. Her clenched fist came thundering around and down, smashing hard across his rough face and sending the Demon down onto is knees. Close by and with the male Angel on the floor the female Demon smiled, more of a wicked grin as she now had the 'good guy' down and under her THUD! He was literally under her as she hovered above him, then she had dropped out of the sky, landing into the fallen male Angels gut with her two feet. Coming down hard into his body and hurting him, she looked down as his beautiful face screwed up in agony and she laughed. He looked even 'nicer', if she could use that word, when he was in pain. That was the thing about beautiful men, they looked so much better when they were in agony! The male Demon had to grin to himself after being taken down to his knees by the female Angels harsh blows, she was 'good' in more than one way! He coughed then looked up at the woman who stepped closer to him, there was a light behind her that gave her this kind of glow effect all around her. She did look very good, even gave her a look as if she was a ... ... What was he thinking she was a ... .. WHACK! The Demons distraction about how good she looked took his mind off the fact that she'd got close to the knelt man and again had thrown one of those strong legs his way. Slamming her firm thigh into the side of his face and dropping the Demon to the floor, where he belonged! Meanwhile the female Demon had her Angel still under her feet WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! She brought her leg up and slammed her foot 'delicately' into the male's gut again and again. Then for 'good' luck she pounding his chest as she still stood on him, and finally hammered his face with her foot. As she lifted her foot up off of his face she could see the blood running from his nose and lip, again the little Demon girls face had a wicked grin. That was the thing with Angels they always recovered, their injuries healed quickly and their good looks always returned. Which meant not matter how much she hurt him, her Angels beauty would always return. Unlike Demons, their injuries, marks and scares where permanent, but this little Demon was also a lucky girl she'd kept her seductive looks as no Angel or Demon had so far been good enough to take this little fiend down and hurt her. Not that she didn't mind a bit of pain now and again, so long as she could give it back twice as much later! With the hurt Angel, still under her feet, the Demon flew off, giving him time to recover, the man was grateful and after wiping the blood away from his face and getting up onto his knees. He took a couple of deep breaths then raised himself back onto his feet and wondered why his female adversary had been so compassionate and given him pity, THUD! UUUUHHHH! When he'd got back up onto his feet the Angel found out why, she was still up above him, up in the air, out of sight of the stunned and confused man, biding her time and allowing him to get up so she could attack again. The female Demon had swopped down as the man got to his feet, coming in from behind him so he didn't see her, sneaking up on the unprepared man like the little fiend she was. She came in feet first, but this time not to use them and hit him, she had other plans. She came down and slipped onto his shoulders, wrapping her legs and thighs around his pretty head. Then she gripped him OOOHHHHH! She crossed her feet over and held the Angels head in her firm vice like grip, her very surprisingly powerful thighs held the man's head and then she squeezed. The Angel panicked as he felt the powerful grip take hold of his head. His hands came up and grabbed onto those firm female thighs, but she was having none of that, no touching unless she said so! Her hands came down, grabbed and held onto each of his wrist and pulled his hands away. Then she took off, her bat wings flapped and she took the man off his feet and into the air, still holding onto each of his hands, and still with that firm grip on his head with her thighs. Up in the air and with the panicking Angle fully under her control she squeezed even harder, she hurt him she made him cry out in pain and she was really starting to enjoy this Halloween! Down below and on the floor, under the suffering male Angel and his dominating female Demon, the female Angel and the male Demon where also still at it. The Demon had been dropped to the floor, but at the feet of the good girl he didn't stay long. The male drove himself up and at the female Angel, his intention was to drive those sharp horns of his straight into the woman and finish this, but she had other ideas! As he came up quickly from the floor the woman reached down and grabbed onto each of those horns with her strong hands. There now followed a struggle as the male Demon tried his best to push himself up, desperate to drive those horns of his into the woman. The woman held her own, and held onto the Demons horns tight as she showed just how strong this Angel was, she held the Demon, holding him in his half upright position, she was giving no ground and not letting the beast up any further. They struggled against each other, him pushing upwards, her holding him there, his drive, determination and power, his desire to hurt her against her focus, willpower and strength, her resolve to overcome and subdue him. The more he pushed and tried to thrust himself upwards the more she held him and pushed against him. Eventually she not only held the Demon there, she forced him back down onto his knees, her overwhelming strength proving too much for the male Demon. He gave one last thrust upwards, all his strength was behind this, but as she looked down into his defeated face she knew he try something and was ready. So, when he did throw every he had left into his last move SNAP! SNAP! The Demons horn broke off, she'd tore them off, under the pure overriding superior strength of the woman that held them, 'His horns, gone!' The Demon was shocked; he just couldn't believe that a female Angel could do this to him 'what the Hell was ... ... ' ARRRRRHHHH! ARRRRRHHHHH! Before he could even start to take this all in the woman had made her next move, as the horns had broken she had no hold on the male so he'd come up and was now half way back onto his feet. But in fact, he'd stopped himself going all the way up as he stared in disbelief at the horns in each of the woman hands, she now used this to her advantage. She'd twisted her hand around and now holding onto those sharp horns she plunged one pointed end into one of the man's thighs and the other horn into the side of his stomach on the opposite side. The male Demon let out a cry of agony, but both the Angel and Demon knew these, little scratches, wouldn't kill him, they would just hurt like Hell, WHACK! OOOHHHHHH! With the pain in his side and thigh distracting him the Demon did not see the Angel pull back her arm and, still holding his horn, she let loose with her clenched fist into the side of his face, knocking the Demon back down to the floor in front of her. Up in the air and the female Demons control and slow crushing of her Angel with her thighs was still going on, the male was in so much pain now he felt as if his head was going to burst at any moment. The female still had hold of each of his hands, making sure he could not try and break free from her. She could tell she had sapped him of his strength and there was nothing left of this male, she realised her hold on him. Allowing him to slip from between her firm thighs and so plummet down to the floor, he didn't have the energy left to open his wings and even try to fly, so just fell and THUD! He landed hard onto the concert floor and lay there a broken heap, a fallen Angel. The male Demon was also at breaking point as the female Angel had used his horns against him again and again, jagging them into his body, ripping his flesh, smashing his bones with her strong hands and keeping the Demon down on the floor before her. There was nothing he could do, she was too strong, she towered over him, she had broken him, and now she was making sure he would never forget how an Angel and female had taken his horns and defeated him. With both of the men on the floor the woman now completed their victory over them, the female Demon came down from the sky and landed next to her male Angel. She dropped down onto him pounding her knee into his chest, pinning the man to the floor so she could finish him off, pounding him with her fists. The female Angel raised both her hands and brought down the two horns into the chest of the male Demon, who let out a screaming roar of pain. Then she tossed the horns away as if to finally humiliated the Demon, disguarding his pride and joy, then she beat him some more. The two women completed their own conquests of the men, the female Demon looked into the battered face of her male Angel and could see a humbling, submissive face looking back at her. She knew this look all too well and it was one that pleased her, she was satisfied with her work here. The female Angel stared into the defeated and humiliated face of her male Demon after she'd ripped the arrogant male of his pride and joy. This gave the woman her own sense of pride, as she enjoyed her man's demise. The two women stood up and looked at each other, there was a begrudging acknowledgement that the contest was over and it had been a draw. Each woman reached down a grabbed onto the hair of her defeated male, then dragging their 'prize' away with them as the females left the arena. The women had plans, the female Angel would show her rouged Demon just how 'good' she could be and the female Demon would so enjoy being very 'bad' with her beautiful Angel! And so, for another year the forces of good and evil had fought it out and no one had won, good had not won nor had evil. But maybe that wasn't the point after all the women had won, the men had been beat, well and truly, maybe that was how humanity was going to go from now on. Some good, some evil, but always with women in charge? Until next Halloween's contest ... ... !