Gotham Nights By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. As night falls the fun begins! Gotham Nights When night fell Gotham was a dark and dangerous place, a city under siege from elements of the criminal underworld. As soon as the sun set and darkness covered the tall buildings, the streets, the houses and alleyways it was a different place. And not a nice place to be! During the bright hours of daylight, the city of Gotham was a nice, pleasant, friendly and prosperous place. It was a city where people liked to work and to call their home. But at night time, it was all different. When night drew in it seemed to suddenly become a dirty, dismal, depraved and of course dangerous place. And then later the sun would come up, it was the next day and everything seemed to be right again. Unless of course you were a victim of the night before. The local police department with Commissioner Gordon in charge did a fine job of protecting the citizens of Gotham, during the day, but at night, when the criminals came out to 'play' it was a different story. No one was safe, well it really wasn't 'that' bad, well maybe not, but the criminals did their very best to make it seem that way. And over the past few months these criminals had done a very good job of making night time in Gotham look very bad indeed. During the day the Mayor of Gotham, Mayor Campbell, did her best to take full credit for how the city's prosperity and growth was continually improving, under her good leadership, of course. But then she was quick to blame the police and its Commissioner, for the break down in law and order during the hours of darkness. There was talk of the Mayor overruling the police Commissioner, even sacking him, if things didn't improve when darkness fell. But it was only talk, the Commissioner was after all a good man doing his best in a bad city, bad at night, but he did have his allies Batman, and that sidekick Robin to help him. And the people of Gotham did like Batman and all that he did for them. But Susanna Campbell was a typical Mayor and a typical politician, hard talking and dedicated to the people of this great city when the press where around. Talking up everything she'd done and then when the questions moved onto the subject of crime, the increases in robbery and murder, levels of kidnap, high rates of theft, carjacking's and arson ... ... the list went on. But when all this was mentioned the 'politician' came out and the blame was placed squarely away from her, well what else would you expect? And of course, Gotham, its people, its police department did have that one extra thing going for them in this ongoing fight against crime and the criminal element of the city and that was Batman. Some people liked to called him a vigilantly, some, a few, thought he was just another criminal himself, some thought he was just some mad freak running around in a costume. But for the most, people realised he was just a good man trying to make a difference, trying to beat the criminals at their own game, and in their own way. Batman didn't have to follow all those rules about how to treat criminals, like the police had to. Having to be nice to them when they were arrested, giving them a cup of tea and biscuit, making sure they had a really good lawyer, that sort of thing. And of course, they 'might' be a criminal but they still had their rights and these need to be observed at all times. Well that's what the leaflet that everyone in the police department had received, the leaflet that came out of the Mayor's office, as she appealed to all those prison reform voters. No, in fact Gotham had two extra things going for it, there was that sidekick of Batman's, that boy, the young lad, what was he called again, Sparrow or something like that ... ... No, Robin, that was it, silly name really! But even though the city had these dynamic crime fighters to protect them, there were still this group of people that thought both Batman and his sidekick were a nuisance. And one of the people that believed this and told other people this was the Mayor of Gotham. Mrs Susanna Campbell, Mayor Campbell was a strong, determined woman, a female who was sure that this 'Batman' was just a self-promoting, over pompous, male who had ulterior motives. The Mayor thought, was sure Batman was after her job, she also suspected that Commissioner Gordon had his own designs about getting to sit in the Mayor's office too? 'Mayor Batman' was this who this masked vigilante, wanted to be? But who was he, why did he hide his true identity, why did he hide behind that mask? Mayor Campbell was sure, she was positive that this Batman was after her job, why else would he dressed up like that and fight crime, if that's what he was really doing? Yes, Mayor Campbell had her own ideas about this Batman and she didn't like him. Commissioner Gordon didn't fare any better in all this, the Mayor didn't trust any of these police and crime fighters. She was the Mayor and she was going to keep her job; no one was going to take it away from her, no one. No one was going to take her City away from her! This was very obvious whenever they met, like today as there was a meeting of the Gotham City Police Committee, held in the city's government building. It was a mixture of members of the police, local government and members of the public. The Mayor of course attended these meetings as there was always the chance of a good photo shoot for the papers. Batman also came to these meetings, mostly so he could support his friend Commissioner Gordon. Mayor Campbell was always smiling and sort of 'polite' to the caped crusader, as she knew that many voters, members of the public also supported and liked Batman and what he was doing. So, through gritted teeth and for the press, Mayor Campbell had to show she also, 'kind of', supported the crimefighter! At the meeting the Mayor sat there staring, at least this Sparrow, or was it Robin, boy looked kind of interesting! The woman's mind was wondering as she looked down the long table with everyone sat around it, her mind wasn't on the meeting taking place it was more on the young lad stood at the far end. This Robin boy who was stood up, away from the table like a good little sidekick, he looked like a nice boy! All dressed up with that mask across his cute looking face, from what she could see of it, his hair was short at the side and with a cute flowing fringe that the woman would like to run her fingers through. Then there was how he was dressed in that red, yellow, green costume, she giggled to herself, it was so boyish and yet so cute to. But the main thing she 'noticed' was that this 'boy', he was a nice young one, he did seem to have a quite nice looking bulge, and in just the right place. In those green costume pants of his, and she did like the thought of that bulge! But close to the boy was the Batman, the one that she was sure was after 'her job, after her city!' Batman was stood at the far end of the table, commanding the meeting in his own way, and just as he normally did, the woman was so unimpressed by him. Robin was still stood off to the side as Batman spoke, the boy, the youthful crimefighter was use to this. Used to Batman getting all the attention, so there was nothing new in all of this. But as always and being only the sidekick, Robin's eyes started to wonder, and now he couldn't help but notice the striking female at the other end of the room. At the bottom of the meeting table. She was sat just back from the table as if she wasn't fully involved in what was being disgusted. Which in many ways was true, Mayor Campbell disliked any kind of meeting where the press wasn't there to take a photo of her. Of course, Robin had seen the Mayor before, but he'd never been properly introduced, that was always Batman's job to mix with the important people. But even so the boy wonder couldn't help but notice the woman, for many reasons, she was of course the Mayor, the one in charge of the city, but she was also a real Milf of a female. Susanna Campbell was a woman in her late 40's, married to a bit of a thin, small, weak looking man, but a quite wealthy one who was a lawyer. He was a lawyer who was known for representing the criminal types and was quite successful in getting a lot of them off! But his wife Susanna, the Mayor of Gotham, was something else. Tall, bold and fair haired, she was also a woman with broad shoulders and even though she was an older woman, she looked a kind of strong woman. Her light hair was shoulder length, and was big, bold and bouncy, a bit like her in many ways. But she was also an attractive woman, very attractive some might say, someone like a lusty youthful lad would find her so temping, so desirable, so sexy in a very Milf like way. And yes, she was attractive, this older woman, with her alluring looks, her seductive ways and her just down right hot appeal, well the boy wonder thought so! Susanna Campbell, Mayor Campbell, not only had the looks she also had the body, and it showed. Long firm legs, a slim waist and a big chest, all wrapped up a stylish, business and slutty way. High heeled black shoes with straps round her ankles to make her even taller, black fishnet stockings, the type with the larger wholes, then a short leather skirts with suitable slits up both sides, giving room for her firm legs to move. Finished off with a white blouse, a quite tight blouse with a kind of frilly front to it and open, displaying the Mayor's ample chest, especially to the boy wonder who like this sight a lot. And it seemed that the Mayor had also noticed this crimefighters stare, she moved the pen in her hand placed it in her mouth between her bright red lips and sucked on it. Then the pen came out and down it went, down and in-between her deep cleavage. Robin went a bit red as he was looking at her, and he knew he shouldn't be looking, and she was just looking back at him, but she knew she wanted to look at him. Almost as if she was trying to 'tell him something!' But before his 'excitement' showed too much the boy had to look away, 'focus on the meeting going on and not the Mayor's gorgeous tits!' Robin told himself this but didn't know if he could fully concentrate, on just the meeting! All this of course amused the Mayor, who now went back to paying some slight attention to the meeting going on. She had a slight smile on her face, she liked the attention of the boy wonder and also noticed a bit extra now in that bulge in his costume! The meeting carried on but Mayor Campbell was becoming boarded, Commissioner Gordon now stood up and took over and went through how over the last few months the crime levels, during night time hours had dropped. Mostly due to Batman, and of course the boy wonder, as they had apprehended a number of the major underworld criminals. The Commissioner went through the names of all these that had been arrested recently and where safely behind bars, Joker, Catwoman, Penguin, Riddler, Mr Freeze, and a few more. There was a smile on the Commissioners face as he shot a look over to his greatest critic, the Mayor. It was always good for the police Commissioner to get one over the Mayor in a meeting like this. And Mayor Campbell saw the look on his face as he went through the list of arrested criminals and she didn't like Gordons look one bit! In a few months there would be an election for the position of city Mayor and Campbell was sure that Batman and Gordon were the ones that could oppose her in this election. She was sure that at least one of them posed her a threat in keeping her title of Mayor Campbell, and she liked being called that. But if Batman stood there was a clause that said everyone who stood for election had to do so under their real name, so the woman thought this would probably stop him from standing, as he'd then have to revile his true identify! But that left the Commissioner and, in some places, there was talk that he could probably make a better Mayor than Suzanna Campbell! Mayor Campbell had heard these rumours, she hated them and so she wasn't too pleased with the Commissioners success, even though most of it had actually been achieved by Batman and his cute Robin, in fighting crime in 'her' city! But it wasn't really the Commissioner that had put Mayor Campbell's position in jeopardy, it was all down to 'Batman!' He was the one who was bringing all these criminals to justice and making the streets safer at night. The woman's hand moved again and that pen went back up and was rolled around between her lips as she thought. 'If Batman fails, then the Commissioner looks bad and so she stays as the Mayor, simple really!' But then again, the Mayor had already had a plane for Batman and how to keep her city, hers still! The woman smiled as her eyes moved around the room and caught the young boy Robin looking back at her, again! She grinned, yes Robin and of course that meant Batman, and Batman was the key to all this. But then something else caught the woman's attention as the Commissioner carried on about not being complacent as there was still work to be done. There were still some of these main criminals' followers out there on the loose. The Commissioner went through a few names, Harley Quinn the Jokers female associate, Kit & Kat, Catwoman's young female apprentices, Candy & Tracey the Penguin's assistants. Gordon went on talking about all the other low life thugs still out there. But these criminals needed leadership and most of these 'leaders' where now in jail so the thugs would easily be taken in over the coming weeks. But Mayor Campbell's interest had now been raised by all this! The Mayor's grin turned into a smile as the Commissioners words went around inside her head, 'Hmmmm interesting' she wasn't sure whether that was a reference to what she'd just heard or to what her eyes had fallen on, Robin's bulge, but the woman was defiantly 'interested!' For the rest of the meeting Mayor Campbell pay attention to what was being said, she even grabbed a note pad and wrote some of all this down, now that was a first. Suddenly the meeting of the Gotham City Police Committee became interesting, very interesting! But more interesting was the next piece of information the Commissioner had to say. Just before the meeting the police had received some information form an informant who was still out there with all these criminals but really working for the police. The Mayor, very interested asked who this was, Gordon just tapped the file on the table in front him, "his identity has to remain a secret from even the people in this room, we have to protect our informant." But the news this informant had passed on was worrying and relevant to all those here in this room, there was a plan to kidnap one of them here! There was shock in the room, 'a kidnap plan!' The information wasn't that clear but someone here in this room was going to be kidnapped. It appeared that with all the main criminals in jail there was someone new out there trying to bring all the remaining low life thugs together into one new 'gang' to terrorise Gotham. No one knew who this new 'Mr Big' was but he had a plan to kidnap a member of the Gotham City Police Committee! Commissioner Gordon informed everyone that after this meeting there would be police officers assigned to them to protect them, so no one had to worry. In fact, even the Commissioner would have his own protection until this new 'Mr Big' had been caught. Mayor Campbell asked if Batman was going to get police protection, this caused a bit of a giggle around the table. But Batman would be out that evening looking for 'Mr Big' and he promised everyone there that, "Mr Big won't be so big when I find him!" A bold statement and one that Batman knew he could deliver, after all he'd already put all those other criminals in jail. The only problems he'd had had been with Catwoman, as she'd been the only one who'd beat this crimefighter to a near pulp. She wasn't just an incredibly sexy female criminal, she was also a stronger, tougher and more skilled woman. Better than a mere man like Batman. But the crimefighter had been lucky as Catwoman had slipped as she walked away from Batman's beaten body, slipped, fell and knocked herself out, but that was another story. Batman never let on to anyone about how Catwoman had beat him and he'd got so lucky, not even Robin who at the time had had his 'hands full' with Harley Quinn, but again that was another story! So, the meeting came to an end and each member of the Gotham City Police Committee was assigned police protection officers. Each person had to hand over details of where they would be as Batman had said he'd go around during the evening double checking on everyone until he'd brought Mr Big to justice. At the end of all this Batman was talking with the Mayor, her eyes moved passed the tall, big, tough crimefighter to the smaller, sweet, cute boy wonder, who stood behind him. She did like the boy! As for Mayor Campbell, she would be in her office her in the government building for most of day and evening, "working, planning and putting those plans, for the city, into action, it never seems to stops Batman." Batman didn't know if he liked, trusted the Mayor, but she had been voted in by the people so that all that mattered. The Commissioner also looked on, he knew he didn't like the woman, he hadn't voter for her, in fact he didn't know of anyone who had, so he was always dubious of her! As they all left the room the Commissioner went to retrieve his file on the informant, but it was gone, 'strange, who would have picked that up?' It was later on and daytime was over, the sun had gone down and night had fallen over Gotham, the city all seemed like a very different place. During the day, while it was light, nothing had happened, just as everyone had expected, but now it was night! Those members of the Gotham City Police Committee where all feeling somewhat more nervous. Batman had been around to nearly all the members of the committee as night had fallen, to check on them, there was only two left and everything had seemed normal. Nothing was going on, no reports of anything going on, it was starting to look as if this was going to be a quiet night and then the clock in the city centre where Batman was struck 11 and his radio burst into life. Reports where coming in from all over the city, from all of the police protection units assigned to the committee members, all hell was breaking loose by the sound of it. But Batman had expected something like this and he listened carefully after all the intimal calls it all seemed to calm down a bit. By the sound of it, it was just a load of juveniles going around making trouble, noise and harassing the police, no one had been kidnapped, no one was hurt. But the police weren't taking chances and were sending extra units to all these location as it was still somewhat confusing, it was almost as if ... ... ... ! Batman realised it was all a distraction, to tie up the police and move them away from their other duties ... ... ... ! The Commissioner, The Mayor, they must be the kidnap targets as there was nothing coming over the radio from these and that was where Batman had been going to check before this had all started. The caped crimefighter was half way between the government building where the Mayor's office was and also Police HQ. Mayor Campbell was still working in her office and Robin was there on hand to help out if needed. And about now Commissioner Gordon should be leaving Police HQ to go home for the night, but Police Chief O'Hara was there with the Commissioner. But then a voice came over his radio, "Batman ... ... " It was the Irishman Chief O'Hara, then the radio went dead. Batman knew where he had to go and set off, heading towards Police HQ. The dark knight of crime fighting arrived at the rear of Police HQ, to the compound and carparking area and already, he knew there was 'trouble' here. Three policemen were down on the ground, laid out across the carpark, out cold at best, but they weren't moving. Batman came down onto the top of the high security wall around the compound and scanned the area, always best to look, observe, before moving in. Just then Commissioner Gordon staggered out of the rear door that lead from the compound to the main HQ building. He looked as if he'd been roughed up a bit, been in a struggle, but managed to work his way free and out. Batman was down off the wall and rushing over to the staggering and hurt look Commissioner in a flash. As he got to his man "Batman, inside its Harley Quinn and she'd got O'Hara!" The crimefighter grabbed onto the Commissioner and eased him down to the ground, making sure he was alright then rushed inside the building. At least he knew who was behind all this, and what to expect 'Harley Quinn!' The Jokers sadistic young female sidekick, a girl that could be a rea handful when she wanted to be and had a knack of letting Batman know 'if he was good to her!' then she could 'be good to him!' But all too often she also liked to be bad to Batman, really bad! Inside and Batman was in a kind of reception area with a desk and bank of CCTV monitors. On the large screen in the middle of all these was the image of Harley Quinn in total command of Chief O'Hara on it. In the main corridor there was the big, strong Irishman, Chief O'Hara, who'd been caught by surprise and swiped by Harley. Swiped, hit by that red and white baseball bat she sometimes carried around with her. The blow, out of nowhere had caught the much bigger man out and made him stubble hurt down onto one knee. A second swipe from the bat sent the man down to both knees and a third dropped the Chief to the floor of the corridor. Putting him down, face first to the floor Harley Quinn was on him instantly, jumping up into the air and coming down with force onto his back. Chief O'Hara screamed out in pain, the girl was much smaller than him, but she came down with both knees into the small of his back, and that hurt like hell! As she came down, O'Hara cried out in agony, the man also lurched upward. As his back arched, his arms went out to the side, the pain was intense and at that moment the young Harley Quinn used this opportunity to slip that bat of hers around and across his neck. Holding onto both ends of the bat the, smaller, weaker girl now pulled back, flung herself rearwards so she could wrench that bat back against the man's throat. Pulling it against his throat and throttling him, crushing his windpipe, hurting the Chief of police, putting fear into the big strong man, she liked that last bit the most. She pulled back even more, the Chief's body shuddered, he tried but couldn't struggle or do anything he was totally at the mercy of Harley Quinn, and that wasn't a good place to be! Chief O'Hara felt himself starting to fade and knew this was probably going to be the end for him, 'Shit, brought down by a girl of all things!' But just as the girl was going to add the Chief of Police to her tally of successful take downs, another notch in her bat, just at that moment, THUD! As Harley Quinn pulled herself and that bat of hers back even harder for possible the last time. At that moment something came flying through the air, slammed into her. The hold she had on that bat across the Chief's throat was broken and she was sent flying off the man she was on top off. The young female criminal was knocked off by Batman as he'd come running into the corridor from the CCTV room and thrown himself at the costumed villain to save the Chief of Police. Harley went off and crashed into and then went through a nearby door, close to where she was sat on top of the Chief. With her gone Batman could quickly check on O'Hara, and thankfully the man was OK. He was still alive, gasping for breath, coughing, spluttering, but he'd be fine after a good rest. Just as Batman now lifted his head to check where that criminal Harley Quin had gone, THUD! The young girl in her quite striking red, white and purple coloured outfit, with those ripped black fishnet stocking, an outfit that showed off a bit too much of her young supple body. This young girl, in her costume, even if it was a bit silly to dress up like that, came flying out of that room that Batman had sent her crashing into. Out she came, her fair hair in those two ponytails also flew outwards, one on each side of her young, pretty, but covered in white makeup, face. As she came at Batman, she was swinging her bat again and as she swung it, it struck once more. This time it was the crimefighter, in his dark bat costume that was on the receiving end. A good solid strike, a hit to the Bat by the bat, Harley liked that thought. As the strike made Batman shuddered and took his concentration away for a moment the young girl of crime took the advantage this offered her. Grabbing the wrung end of the bat with both hands she twisted herself one way and then she twisted her body back. Coming back with that bat raised then bringing it down hard and fast, driving the base of the bat, its handle into the middle of Batman's shoulder blades. The pounding strike made the crimefighter shudder even more violently. Batman staggered and was now on his knees the strike from the girl's bat had done its trick. Having hurt Batman, slowed him down and put the man into a position where this girl could take charge. The bat was once more slipped around a second man's throat and the girl using two hands pulled back on it and started to choke her newest 'victim!' Harley Quinn raised her leg, put her knee into Batman's back and that bat was again forcefully pulled back on Batman's windpipe and he could feel himself struggling for breath. Was this the end for Batman ... ... ? Of course not, he's Batman, but to be fair he was feeling a bit ... ... warry just now, this 'girl' was good and had quiet easily got him on his knees and was trying to finish him off. Why was it that this big, strong, manly crimefighter always seemed to have some 'problems' when it came to dealing with the female kind of criminals? But Batman still had strength in reserve, his hands came up grabbed upwards and behind him, onto Harley's arms and then, WOOOSSSHHH! THUD! The girl was brought all the way over the knelt man and dropped there to the ground in front of him. Batman was now free of that bat pulling back against his throat, but he wasn't going to be free of that girl. Harley had gone over, but she was a very resourceful kind of a girl. So, as she went over and landed on the other side of Batman the girl carried on and rolled, and in a second or two she was back on her feet and now stood there in front of the crimefighter. Then she, WHACK! The girl twisted her body, raised her leg and shot her boot, that knee high lace up, leather boot, the red boot, or was it her purple boot? She sent that boot straight into the face of Batman as she was on his knees just in front of her. The boot in his face stunned and hurt him, drew blood from his nose and the fact that Harley could do this to him made her giggle and then laugh. Then all of a suddenly and finally the alarms in the Police HQ all went off, a bit late but at least now they were working. Harley Quinn looked around, smiled, laughed some more and "Bye, Bye Batty I'm off to have some fun. Mr Big said it was OK for me to go out and play tonight. So, I think I'll go and steal all I can carry for the Gotham National Museum ... ... Or am I going to borrow some money from the Gotham Central Bank?" She laughed some more and then hopped and skipped off down the corridor and away from a hurt Batman. As she went off the still stunned Batman watched as a policeman came out one of the side room with his gun in hand ready. Harley was fast and garbed the man, her hands gripping onto each of his wrists, stopping him from bringing the gun upwards. She was surprising strong for a girl and spun the policeman around, threw him against the corridor wall, holding his hands against the wall at the time, securing him them so he was unable to move. Then the girl twisted her body, her hips, brought her leg up and drove her knee hard into his stomach. Pounding this man some more, hurting him, again and again, until he slid down the wall in agony. Batman watched then tried to get himself together and push himself up onto his feet so he could ... ... , But as he got upright the girl had gone, Harley Quinn was away and the policeman was down on the ground unable to chase after her. The caped crimefighter cursed himself for not being able to get her, one of the few real criminals left out there running around, so to speak and literally. And he 'let her go!' But now Batman thought about what she had said, where she was going, what she was going to do, to carry out her criminal activities. She'd told him two locations she could be going to and what crimes she was going to commit, but why? Then it all dawned on him, with the police tied up, looking after, providing protection for the Gotham City Police Committee members, resources where pretty thin on the ground. That had also left the Police HQ undermanned and allowed Harley to carry out her 'attack!' Batman had another though, he rushed to the control room here in the building. When he got there is was just as he suspected. The room was mess, the bodies of the four men on duty here where scattered all over the room, plus one extra man lying outside in the corridor just near to the control room door. Each screen, computer and CCTV, was smashed, wires had been pulled out, there were sparks and a couple of small fires going on in some of the machinery. There was one of Harley's large mallets in the room that must have been used to smash the equipment up. It was a mess and now the police had no control room to organise its forces! This was bad! But there was work to be done, Batman checked on Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara, who were both being seen to by medics that had just arrived at Police HQ. These men would OK and then they would get to work trying to sort this mess out. With all this now under the Commissioners control Batman now had time to think. Harley Quinn had mentioned 'Mr Big', there was that names again, but who was he, who was this new villain and the obvious man behind all this? But that was for latter, it was now time to check in on the last of the committee members that was under threat, Mayor Campbell. Robin was over at the government building on duty, Batman called him up on the Batradio. But all that came over was 'UUHHHHHH!' Followed by some low moans and groans, it sounded as if the boy wonder was in trouble, "Oh No! I'm on my way Robin, hold on buddy!" Batman rushed out of Police HQ, around to where the Batmobile was parked. Then he was off to rescue his partner in crimefighting, the boy wonder, over at Gotham's government buildings, and the Mayor's office. Coming around a corner at speed there was a crippled, bent over old woman crossing the road right in front of the Batmobile. Batman slammed on the breaks spun the car, followed by a thud sound as he'd hit the old woman crossing the road. This was turning out to be a very bad night for the crimefighter! Quickly getting out the car Batman went to help the old woman he'd just knocked down, 'Dame! Driving far too fast, I should have known better!' But as he got to where the woman had fallen, where Batman had injured an innocent citizen of Gotham City, there was no one there. Nobody lying in the road after being hit, no injured old woman! All there was lying on the floor was an old shawl. Batman bent down examine it, but it was just a dark, large and shabby, shawl. There was no blood, and certainly no body, just a piece of clothing and no injured woman, 'so, where was she?' Just then Batman heard laughter from behind him, his head turned instantly and there stepping out of the nearby dark, damp, dirty alleyway was Candy. The stylish, sophisticated woman who was one of the Penguins assistants and a woman defiantly not to be trusted! Batman moved back up onto his feet as the woman stood there, smiling at him, mocking him with her laughter. But then again maybe this crimefighter should have expected something like this, especially from her. "What's the matter Batman, lost something or someone?" This had been a setup of some kind, there wasn't any old lady that he'd run down, it was all a trick and performance set up by Candy to make the crimefighter fell guilty about his actions. She did have a flair for the dramatic! Batman knew this was all some kind of perverted trap to get inside his head and make him feel guilty, something like that. But he was in a hurry to get to the Mayor's office and save Robin so he had to act fast. As he took a step forwards so he could deal with this woman, Candy, he ... ... ! He suddenly had another thought, so this was Candy, but then where was Tracey the other assistant, or was the correct term a 'moll', of Penguin's, so, where was she? WHACK! Before Batman could fully think this through, to try to contemplate and work it out, he'd been hit from behind. Struck from behind meant he'd not seen who'd done this, but he didn't need to see who it was to know who it was, Tracey, Penguin's other 'moll' that had done the deed. The strike was hard, fast and effective, sending Batman stumbling forward and straight into SMACK! Again, as he tumbled straight ahead, he was looking down at the ground when that other strike landed so he didn't see who it was. But you didn't have to be a genius to know it was Candy this time. Two blows, rear and front and the crimefighter went staggering down onto his knees, frustrated, annoyed and angry Batman didn't have time for this, he needed to be somewhere else, and he needed to ... ... , CRACK! THUD! At that moment both women had got close, spun themselves around, brought two quite lovely legs up, strong female legs and slammed their feet, their shoes into opposites side of Batman's head as he was down there on his knees. The double blow to his head was quite devastating, shattering, any thoughts going around inside his head at that moment were instantly blown away. At the same time this formidable numbing, hurting feeling, hurting like hell feeling, took over. The double blow made the knelt down crimefighter shudder and this seemed to amuse the two women who now were in position of control over the tough man. Candy was the dark-haired woman, who's skin was also that bit darker, as she could possibly have come from a Latino background, and wore smart rectangular glasses that gave her an extra sexy look. Her friend Tracey was white and with white hair, not fair or blond, but white, both women were attractive, very attractive, not just in their faces but also in their bodies. Tonight, they'd gone for their normal look, the look of a sexy female associate of a criminal master mind. Stylish, sophisticated, sexy and devastatingly destructive. Each woman had shoes that not only had class, but when the women had to fight, they were practical and tough as Batman had just found out. Then each woman's long, firm, legs were covered in fishnet stocking that went up to a similar dressed that each wore. A short sleeve dresses, with a kind of gangster and gangster moll look to it. The dress' were short, showing off nicely those good legs, and also tight to again show off these female's fine forms. With low plunging necklines, to fully show that Candy and Tracey had plenty of cleavage. Candy's dress was black with white pinstripes style stripes of various widths, going down the sleeves and outer part only of the dress. Then with white trim around the sleeves, white suit style collars which enhanced the view of her cleavage, all finished off with a white belt. Tracey's dress was the same, expect it was grey in colour, with black stripes and trim on the sleeves and collar, again this enhanced her large sort white breasts on show. And all completed with a black belt around her trim waist. But right now, Batman was in no state to appreciate just how good the women looked in these dresses. He'd of course seen all this before and knew just how tempting they were, but they were also both criminals and no matter how sexy they were they were still bad women! But those thoughts would have to wait till later as now WOOSSHHH! THUD! UUHHHH! The two women grabbed one of Batman's arms each, yanked him upward and flung him backwards so he went crashing into his Batmobile. As he went backwards into the vehicle the two women each spun around, legs where raised and those women's shoes, went into Batman's body. WALLOP! SMASH! One shoe into his chest the other into his gut, even though the crimefighter was a tough man these women knew how to hurt him. There was a second spinning kick from each woman and this time, WHACK! CRUNCH! A shoe to the area of his throat and another to his crouch, one way to take your breath away. The smart women defiantly knew how to treat this man, well any man really. This was followed by more twists and turns and more female hard-hitting strikes. Batman's body receive a good number of strikes, more hits, and hard shoes, all designed to hurt, injure and weaken him, as well as please the women too. Then it was his kneecap that was hit so he slipped down the Batmobile, followed a second later by a second shoe that went thundering into the centre of his masked face. Batman was on the floor now, taken down by Penguins two female molls, or was that assistants? Tracey throw something into the open Batmobile there was a small bang and then lots of smoke. That would disable the vehicle for a good while. Even though he was on the floor, battered and hurt Batman had seen this, and although he was in pain he could still, kind of, think straight, and knew immobilising the Batmobile was a bad thing, for him. He was breathing heavily, trying to pull himself together, so he could make a move against these 'women', before they set on him again and make things even worse for him. Tracey brushed her hands after throwing the device inside the vehicle, just then Candy walked up to her, grabbed onto the short white hair of her friend and dragged Tracey's face to her, so the women could kiss. Beating a man like Batman always gave Candy a taste for something soft and lovely, like Tracey, and Tracey always had a sweet tooth for some Candy kisses! The women broke off their kiss then looked down at the dishevelled, hurt Batman, they laughed and Candy spoke. "Well Batman we'll like to stay and play some more but Mr Big said its time to go to work. Not that this hasn't been fun, believe us it has been. But we need to rob the Gotham City Jewellery Department Store now." Tracey puckered up and gave her dark hair friend another kiss, then turning to Batman she added "Farwell Batman, a girls best friends are diamonds and other girls so you're not invited as we may drop off at the Gotham Diamond Depositary instead. But it won't affect you, you're not coming, your definitely not coming!" Arms where slipped around each other the two sexy, classy women walked off to go and have some other fun. Leaving Batman there to quickly get his strength back, and push himself back up to his feet. As he came back up 'there is was again 'Mr Big' the mastermind behind all this and now Batman was in a dilemma. His Batradio couldn't raise the police, his vehicle was out of action, so no going back to brief the police on what he'd found out and now he realised where he was. It was almost as if it had been planned, this 'ambush' by the women. Batman was now exactly in the middle of all the locations these women he'd encounter had told his about. Harley Quinn saying, she was going to rob the Gotham National Museum or maybe the Gotham Central Bank. Then Penguins Molls letting him know they were heading to the Gotham Diamond Depositary or the Gotham City Jewellery Department Store. And he was now right in the middle of all these places, these possible criminal targets. But also, he was the same distance away from the main government building, where the Mayor's office was located, where Robin was. Batman use the Batradio there were just some more low moans, poor Robin couldn't even get to his radio. That was it, Batman knew he had to go and save his crimefighting partner. So off he went heading off towards the government building and the Mayor's office. A short while later and Batman arrived outside the government building, there was a policeman laying on the steps leading up to the main large old double doors. One of which was slightly open and there was another police officer down on his arse, leant back against the door and out cold. Batman moved forwards and carefully went inside the building; he stepped over a third policeman laying in the entrance area. Then a couple more steps inside and he could see the last of this special protection squad in a state of 'unconsciousness' and draped over a chair near to the reception desk. It all looked as if 'someone' was already here to kidnap the Mayor and they'd already taken out the police protection assigned to the mayor. The crimefighter moved further inside, there was a large open reception area that was covered in darkness, the kind of darkness that only a criminal would find comforting. The only light coming in was from the large round glass ceiling high above, darkness, shadows and dim light made this all the idea place for another 'ambush.' But this time Batman would be ready, of course he would be! Batman's eyes moved across this central area of the building that was used to show off the city with displays, stands, presentations and information to all those who visited here. Right now, there were two large displays one advertising an Africa environmental event and the other an Asian cultural exhibition all taking place in the city. The central area was covered with a large display for all this, fake trees, bushes, a small fake jungle, then there was a fake 'Great Wall' and some of those, and again fake, Terracotta Warriors. Everything was quiet and everything seemed to be in place, apart from the police protection squad scattered all over. There was even a fake lion there as part of that environment stand, plus the woman dresses as a snow leopard and the other one dressed as a tiger and ... ... ! Batman's eye shot back to where the two women, who really shouldn't have been there, where stood. The dark crimefighter instantly recognised these two, two more females for the man to pit himself against, that was obvious. These two were Kit & Kat the younger female apprentices of Catwoman, and for Batman this, these two, just meant more trouble for him. Kit was the woman on the right an oriental, Asian woman, smaller than both Batman and Kat but don't be fooled by her smaller stature, there was a real jungle animal deep inside her dying to get out. So, the tiger pattern outfit she was wearing tonight was quite appropriate. Then on the left was Kat a taller black young female a girl of deep colour and a cold heart, so the snow leopard outfit she was wearing also suited her quite well. The women's outfits were similar, but not full version of Catwoman's costume, after all these girls were just trainees so they hadn't progressed to the full catsuit yet! Both outfits where the same, boots, long that went up to each girls' knees, then a pair of tight shorts that hugged those quite lovely young female arses. There was dark skin and oriental skin on show as both girls had bare midriffs, then up top were crop tops, the fuller kind with sleeves that went down to the girls' elbows. All this was finished off with a thick collar around each girl's neck and a pair of ears on top of Kit & Kat quite attractive heads, yes ears. It was something that Catwoman insisted on! And yes, both the oriental Kit and black Kat where indeed young attractive and with their great, firm, strong, supple bodies, each girl was both very sexy, very deadly. These 'outfits', costumes where finished off with a pair of those fingerless gloves. But there was more to these gloves as they had claws fixed to them, a clenched fist meant there was three sharp points sticking out that Batman would have to be very careful of. Very careful indeed! The only difference was of course the pattern of each girl's costume. Kat, the tall black girl, was the cat with the snow leopard pattern, and this did make her look lovely, sexy, scary. After all she did have a very firm look and stare on that attractive face of hers. Kit on the other hand the smaller of the two, had a look of 'what is she going to do next?' A cunning and patient look on her striking face. She was the cat that again stood out, a fierce look in her tiger pattern. It took Batman just a second or two to take this all in and then the girls moved, they each clenched their fists, those cat claws where now in a position to do some damage as the girl headed towards Batman, to do that damage. After a couple of steps from each of the 'Cat's' the girl then rushed the man, Kat ran, jumped and threw herself towards Batman. While Kit dived and went low ready to get this spoilsport of a crimefighter. Batman was ready, sort of, for Catwoman's trainees, he jumped too, but he went backwards, out of the way as each girl when they were almost within range and having brought their clenched fist around with those claws, SWIIISSSHHHH! It was a near thing, very near and Batman just managed to get out the way before those claws came rushing towards him. These girls weren't holding back, they where here to get Batman, to do their best to take this man down and out, and out in a big way! The girls moved again and again they where both quick, very quick. Kit jumped up, her arm came around, her clenched fist and those claws were aimed at his head. Kat dropped low, her arm went out, straight, true and hard, heading, claws first into the crimefighters groin. Again, and with a bit more urgency, Batman jumped backwards, out the way as quick and as sharp as he could, before anything sharp got him! That was two close calls Batman had had, two chances that Catwoman's assistances had to take the interfering crimefighter down and two times that Batman had narrowly escaped 'those claws of death!' Staring at his assailants he saw the two girls move, raise themselves just slightly and he knew they where going to make their next move. But he was going to be one step in front of them, one step ahead of these 'assistants!' Batman moved first, he was going to get out the way, quickly, well out the way and as he moved, THUD! Unfortunately, this bat didn't have eyes in the back of his head so didn't see the chair that was behind him and as he went back, he tripped over the chair that was there, and over he went. Tumbling fully all the way over, then falling down on the other side of the chair that now wobbled and then fell on its side, just as Batman had fallen. As he lay on the floor after stumbling over the chair there was a second thud sound as the smaller of the girls Kit went up in the air and with her cat like skills came down onto the toppled over chair. She paused there waiting to pounce on the crimefighter looking down at him with a harsh snarling look on her pretty face. As Batman looked up and saw this, as he was about to move out the way before Kit could pounce down on him, WHACK! Kat struck. The crimefighter was so caught up by the sight of the smaller trainee, the Asian tiger Kit, leaping up onto that fallen chair and her look. So, he'd forgotten about the tall, black snow leopard, Kat! But she wasn't the kind of young female you should forget about, her boot that drove hard into the side of Batman, told him he'd made a mistake in forgetting about her. As he jolted from the hard boot, he tried to roll away to the side to get away but as he did, UUHHHHH! Kat stood on the caped crusaders, cape! Her boot on the cloak stopping him, instantly, in his tracks from getting away from her. It really was a silly thing to have a costume with a cape! Then the black female snow leopard brought her arm and claw hand down, Batman turned his head to look up at the right moment to see this and, RIIIPPPP! The claws sliced through Batman's cape, separating it from the man. There was laughter from the female assistances and Kat was pleased with her 'trophy!' As the crimefighter carried on rolling, THUD! UUUHHHHH! It was now Kit's turn to join back in, the tiger girl jumped up from perched there on the side of the chair and came down, on all four 'paws' onto the man trying to roll away from them. The pouncing girl dropping down knocked the wind out of the man, it gave Kit a second or two to step off him, bring her leg up and, CRACK! She brought her boot down on the side of his face as the smaller girl towered over the much bigger man, and then, CRUNCH! Again, her boot came down on Batman's face and drew blood this time, WHACK! Her leg went up and was slammed down a few more times, each time the sole, heel of her boot found its way into the side of Batman's face. The last drive down caught onto the side of his cowl and ripped the garment, and again more blood was appeared, this time a deep cut across his cheek. The cut hurt but that was the least of Batman's worries as he felt hands come down grab onto him and drag the man upwards. He knew both Kit & Kat where close to him, they'd both grabbed him, he thought 'he'd wait till he was fully up then he'd use his bigger stature, his masculine strength and his superior intellect to make his move'. He'd easily be able to grab these girls, scare them, they were just girls after all, a couple of trainees, he'd easily over power them and take charge of all this. So, as he came upwards WALLOP! THUD! OOOWWWHHH! But these girls, these trainees, they could handle a Bat! They'd moved first, not waiting until he was all the way up, they'd struck when he was in just the right position, for them! The girls moved, jumped back a bit so Kat could send her leg up and boot into his gut at the same time Kit lurched forwards and slashed out with her arm, hand and claws, that came around and cut across his chest. Not too deep, but just enough, he was cut, his costume slashed his chest bleeding from the three open claw marks now across it. Batman went staggering backwards and fell against the large display of the Great Wall, and once more Catwoman's girls, her trainees struck. Kit had spun around, raised her leg and shot her boot across Batman's face, knocking the crimefighter to his side and straight towards Kat. The tall black girl dropped herself down, both her hands came down criss-crossing over each other and over Batman lower body. Luckily for the man it was still above his groin! Once more his costume was cut, his flesh slashed, just deep enough to draw blood, to make it sting and hurt like hell and of course to let the 'man' know these 'girls', these 'trainees' knew how to fight! Batman went back against the mock-up of the Great Wall, it wobbled and then THUD! THUD! Two boots slamming into him and sent the man through that display, through and over onto his arse on the other side of the 'Great Wall!' There was laughter and giggles form the girls. Kit & Kat where enjoying this, but Batman had a second or two to scrabble away, get way, crawl, run away from these girls. He scurried away from that central area on the government building, away from those girls, Kit & Kat. Now in the dark corridors of the government building Batman tried to escape and hide. He rushed down a corridor, turned a corner and WHACK! Kit's leg went up, up high so that her tiger boot slammed into the bottom of Batman's jaw sending him tumbling back and back into the darkness. More laughter filled the corridor as the crimefighter, pulled himself along the floor up onto his feet and carried on running, away! He managed to scurry and get to one of the smaller staircases and up he went, he still had to 'rescue' Robin after all. It was even darker up here and as he reached the top he was again grabbed, Kat was waiting in the shadows and jumped out on him. Grabbing the man, turning and sending him up off his feet, over he went. The snow leopard had grabbed the bat and tossed him over her, sending him down to the floor, and with a loud thud. Once more a weary Batman managed to pull, drag himself away but again, he wasn't being chased after, where these girls just now 'playing with him?' Batman made his way up two more flights of stairs and on each floor, he was 'attacked' briefly again by the girls. Kit & Kat taking it in turns to lurch out of the shadows and strike. Their cat like claws ripping into the crimefighter, tearing at his costume, cutting his flesh. They had their Batfun before melting back into the shadows and 'allowing' Batman to struggle on, but each time he was hurt that bit more. But these girls were playing with him, moving catlike around the building, waiting in ambush and striking out at him before slipping away and laughing at him. Finally, he reached the top floor and this was where the Mayor's office was located. A moment or two later and with no sign of the two female trainees, Batman was outside the Mayor's office. From inside he could hear the low moans of Robin who was obviously suffering at the hands of 'God knows who' there inside that office. The hurt Batman didn't know who it might be, but believed it could even be this 'Mr Big' himself, and he'd soon find out. Batman fell against the door, still in pain and some agony, as he had to carry on to save his friend, his young sidekick. He pushed but the door was locked, there was another moan, and a groan, Batman used the last of his strength to slam his body against the door, breaking the lock, sending himself flying through the now open door. Batman staggered and fell into the room. After what he'd been through tonight with all these females his body didn't want to carry on, but he knew he had to. Bursting through he dropped to the floor of the Mayor's office, but at least he was now inside. On the floor Batman lifted up his head and looked over to the large desk, the Mayor's desk and from where the sound of these moans and groans where coming from and ... ... 'Oh!' Lying on top of the large desk of the Mayor was Robin, laid out and naked, now that was a shock and he was moaning not due to having been beaten and hurt. He was moaning and groaning due to what the half naked woman, the firm gorgeous Milf that was Mayor Campbell was doing to him, in a very pleasurable way! The boy wonder, lying on that work desk having lost his costume, apart from his mark, well what's life without being a bit kinky, and the boy was being 'pleasured' in one hell of a way! The Mayor, Suzanna Campbell had her blouse ripped it open, had her large breasts out and now had them wrapped around this 'boy's' quite large crimefighting cock! Mayor Campbell had hold of her fun bags, had them clamped tight around the boy wonders more than well endowed boy tool and she was pounding some hard Robin cock. Up and down she rammed her tits working the boy to with an inch of enjoyment of his young life. It was an amazing, fantastic and thrilling experience for the youthfully crimefighter. Never before had he had to restrain himself from not delivery the goods as quick as he could. But he was very good at this, Mayor Campbell was having to work hard to get the result she wanted, but it didn't really matter as this was working out to be so much fun, for both of them! But the arrival of Batman had disturbed Mayor Campbell and her 'fight' with the boy wonder's cock. The crimefighter dropping in to 'save' his partner made the Milf Mayor stop her banging of his youthful cock, stopped her hammering his tool between her 38's. So, Robin wasn't happy, no way was he, and Mayor Campbell was fuming with Batman. She released the boy's tool, much to his anguish, from her mounds of joy, stood up and turned towards the Batman who was by now trying to push himself up off the floor. The woman took a step closer to the hurt 'man, her hands on her hips, her blouse ripped open, bra gone, if she'd had one in the first place, and her large breasts fully on show. She was annoyed at being disrupted but even so Robin certainly wasn't going anywhere so he'd be willing and waiting for her to return to milking him with her tits. And as Batman was here it did mean that now she could also reveal something else. "So, you came to save your friend, but no need to worry he's in 'good hands!' So, to speak!" Her hands came up pushed her large breasts together and grinned, then back down with her hands onto her hips as she carried on. "You did make it this far then Batman. I did tell my girls not to be too rough on you, I did want you to get here at some point so you could find out what was really going on" Suddenly there was a look in Batman's eye's, one that Mayor Campbell could see and she laughed at this. It was the look of a man who'd just worked out what was going on. "Your ... ... your 'Mr Big'!" The Mayor laughed, "well of course Batman who else would it be? But have you worked it all out, have you worked out that it was me who allowed you to run around at night cleaning up the city, getting rid of all those criminal leaders, putting them all in jail. And then when they were all safely locked up, that just left their lovely young sidekicks, a bit like you sidekick ... ... " She indicated to Robin still laid out on her desk, " ... ... but these criminal sidekicks are all young woman, all lovely woman, just waiting for another full woman to come along and take hold of them. A woman who can shape them, use them, mould them, give them some new pleasure and enjoyment. And yes, Batman that means in bed as well as in their chosen careers as criminals!" Well Batman wasn't expecting that the Mayor planned all this, get rid of the criminal leaders so she can now lead the remaining gang members, the female ones, in her new lesbian criminal gang! Who saw that coming! Just as all this was sinking in behind Batman the members of Mayor Campbell's all female gang now made their way into her office. Harley Quinn, Candy & Tracey and of course Kit & Kat. The only thing that Batman didn't understand was if Mayor Campbell had organised all this, used her position to create a new super all female lesbian gang in Gotham to reign supreme in the criminal world. If Mrs Susanna Campbell was a lesbian, poor Mr Campbell, then why had she been working the boy wonder Robin over in such a way? And as if Mayor Campbell could read Batman's mind, "Oh the boy, well come on Batman my ladies here ... ... " at that moment Harley Quinn, Candy & Tracey and Kit & Kat made their way and stood around Batman as he was still there on the floor. " ... ... we all hate men, of course we do, but a boy like Robin, with his big cock, you didn't think a woman like me wouldn't want that, did you? He's well worth kidnapping don't you think Batman?" 'So that was who was going to be kidnapped ... ... and what of the 'informant?' Surprisingly the crimefighter could see a discard file, the Commissioners file on the informant was on the floor of the Mayor's office next to the desk. So much for the police informer being looked after and safe, it had all been a setup, Mr Big, Mayor Campbell had planned this all from the start!' Mayor Campbell now turned back to her desk and the boy lying on it, at the same time the females stood around Batman all reached down and grabbed onto the man. Who was quite hurt and unable to resist them. The Mayor placed her hands on her desk on either side of Robin, she looked at the boy, a hard stare on her gorgeous older woman face. "In a while I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to fuck you until I've worn you out. Then I'm going to give you to my girls, I know they all want to fuck you too, they all want a taste of a boy like you." At that moment the girls of Mayor Campbell's gang, or was that 'Mr Big's' gang, dragged a shocked Batman out of the office so they could ... ... 'play some more with the bat!' Mayor Campbell moved herself down, put her hands back on her large assets and slipped the boy wonders cock back where it belonged, where it belonged just now, back in-between her tits. "Maybe my girls will have you at the same time, or they'll take you one at a time, but that's for later. Right now, boy wonder I need to see you deliver for me, then I'm going to have you here on my desk, all night long I'm going to have you!" Robin wondered if the girls in the Mayor's gang would have him all together, now that would be one hell of a session, but for now there was Mayor Campbell to concentrate on and 'OOOWWWHHH!' 'God her tits feel so good!' For Batman all he was going to feel was a whole new world of pain as the lesbian girl gang roughly pulled him out of the office and took him to where they could beat him, play with him and get their own back for all those times he'd tried to arrest them. It was going to be one hell of a long hard night, for both Batman and for Robin ... ... !