Family Gathering By Crossmanx at - Comments and ideas welcome The only way to sort out an issue in this family, was to 'Take it outside! Family Gathering The McGuire family had their own way of sorting out family problems, issues and disputes, it was a method that had gone back generations. Everyone agreed it was the best way, for this family, and there was no need to change it just because it was different to how 'normal' people sorted things out. Generations of McGuire's had dealt with their differences with their fists, or with anything else they could lay their hands on and the rules where simple, the last one standing won, the fight and the argument, Final! To some it may seem a harsh, brutal even medieval method, but for this family it worked well. Disagreements between Father and Son's, quarrelling Brother's, spiteful Sisters and even issues between Husbands and Wife's had been sorted out this way. And anyone that married into this family had to prove themselves with their fists, just so the rest of the family got to know them better and could see that they were indeed 'suited' to the family and how it done things! The family had originally been farmers, and they still owned land and some of it was used for livestock, but over the years they had diversified, as the roads came a garage was set up, along with one shops, then a couple more. A legal cider press had taken over from the old moonshine distillery that great great grandpa Jon had set up many years ago. Even the old farm hands cottages by the north fields had been turned into holiday bungalows for those town people with too much money. So over all things weren't that bad for the McGuire's, but even in this family, or especially in this family, arguments and disagreements still happened. That was when Big Tony, the Father, the Grandfather and the boss of this clan would say "Take it outside!" 'Outside' meant the old north barn, where countless fights had happened over the years, where everything was sorted out. Now many years ago Big Tony had managed to 'obtain' a boxing ring, he'd had it brought to the farm, and set up in the barn, so now in this ring all the disagreements where sorted out. The rules where still the same, anything counts and the winner is last one standing, the one that does not give in. If you submit, you lose, you get knocked out, you lose but it was now all done inside the ring, simple! Now it was a special weekend, if only for the reason that the clan had gathered around Big Tony's place, the farm, for a family get-together, any excuse to eat lots, drink lots and enjoy themselves. But as always during these gatherings there was sure to be one or two disagreements that would surface, and this weekend would be no exception! It was a large family, with Big Tony at the top and his wife Jean by his side, the quiet woman who stood behind the head of the family and gave him a sharp slap when he was wrong! Then there were the three sons and one daughter, all of whom had grown up, married and had their own families and children, who were themselves on their way to full adulthood. First of the sons was John, married to Jackie and with their children, Phil and Sammy. Then, in age order was Toby, and his wife Tricia who again had children Jacob, Ethan and Mandy. Finally, with the sons, was Billy, along with his wife Eva and their children Annie and Ben. Last but not least was the baby of the McGuire family Eleanor and her husband Tommy, plus their children Francine, Charlotte and Frasier. So it was a large family, especially when they all got together, now there wasn't that much of an age difference between the three boy and Eleanor, and so it was the same with their children, all were of a similar age. Which in one way was a good thing but as the children where all now reaching or in that 'young adult' bracket, there was also a creeping in of 'attitude'. Like 'I'm no longer a child' and in a couple of cases 'Not long now and I'll no longer be a teenager!' Which in turn meant there was a lot of troublesome adultolescents about! So far the 'children' had not been brought into the world of 'sort it out outside' but everyone could see that it wouldn't be long before the first of them stepped into the ring. The children had always fought amongst themselves and there had been many cuts and bruises, bloody noses, black eyes and cut lips long with the odd stitch or two put in by grandma Jean a few times. By that was all child's play, compared to the real fights the adults had when they had real issues to sort out. But it was only a case of when, not if, the first of this younger generation of McGuire's entered 'The Ring!' So it was the weekend of the family gathering, John and Jackie, with their kids had arrived first on the Thursday night, then Eleanor and Tommy had arrived with their family. Even then it hadn't taken long before John had rubbed his younger sister up the wrong way. As he hadn't seen her for a while he though a comment about how 'Little Sis' was looking as if she needed to spend more time at the beauty parlour was in hand. This 'joke' hadn't gone down well as it had been a long journey for Eleanor and she wasn't in the mood so she greeted his 'brotherly' comment with a sharp slap across her older siblings smirking face. John, of course reacted and it all started to get out of hand, "can't be around each other for long can you 'till one of you says the wrong thing?" Big Tony knew there was only one way to sort it out "off you go, go and sort it out outside!" Although these events weren't compulsory for the others to attend, whenever one happened it was always sure to bring the family together, to watch and enjoy. Even the younger generation of McGuire's could come and cheer on whoever they wanted, after all these fights were a family tradition and Big Tony was very keen on family traditions. In the ring stood John, tall, broad and fit, a man who worked with his hands and knew how to use them, opposite him was Eleanor. The youngest and smallest, but a woman who had been brought up with three older brother, so don't be fooled by her good looks, fit body and petite frame, she could look after herself. In the ring there were no seconds, no bell, no timed rounds, just a fight, Big Tony just looked at each of them, 'yes they were ready' "OK, begin!" Tony in his jeans and bare chest slammed his fist into his open hand as he made his way towards his 'little Sister.' Eleanor also came forward, in her tight jogging bottoms and tight t-shirt, which was appreciated by the young Phil as he secretly routed for his good looking Aunt. As her big Brother got close the woman rushed at him and slid across the floor, she got low and out of reach from her brother's fist as she slipped across the canvass floor and between John's striding legs WHACK! As she skidded under the oncoming man her fist shot up into his groin, there was a loud crunching sound and a holler from the man as his Sister had claimed the first blow. Jackie, John wife was not impressed and called out, shouting at her husband to get up and fight back. But the blow was a god one and John was already on his way down onto his knees when Eleanor had slid through and past him. She jumped up quickly onto her feet and WALLOP! A spinning kick that had come screaming around and slammed into the back of her Brothers head dropping the man to the floor. With John on the floor and in quite a lot of pain the younger Sister now had time to go about her beating of her tormenting older, bigger Brother THUD! WHACK! SMACK! He tried to roll out of the way but due to his Sister's vicious first strike he was winded, hurt and on the floor and so at her mercy CRUNCH ARRRRRRHHH! All the time the gathered 'crowed' cheered on their close family member, John was encouraged on by wife Jackie and daughter Sammy, but Phil, his son was still secretly willing his gorgeous Aunty to win. Eleanor was applauded on by her husband Tommy and her children Francine, Charlotte and Frasier. Mind you both Francine and Charlotte where getting to that stage where picking a fight with a bare chested Uncle John might be something they would consider, he was a good tall, hunk of a man! THUD! OOOOWWW! Eleanor's foot came down once more hard into her Brother's chest, again she raised her foot and CRUNCH! UUUUFFFFF! Down again, this time into his groin, both Francine and Charlotte hoped their Uncle wasn't too damaged down there! But Phil liked the way his Aunty took control! This was too much for the man, "enough, enough!" That was it, he's given in, it was all over Eleanor had won. Just then and right on time there was a mass entry into the barn by Brother's Toby and Billy along with all of their families as they all came in. The two Brothers had both arrived at the McGuire farm together and seeing that the main house was empty meant only one thing, the weekend had already started off with a fight! So they all headed to the north barn, well where else would anyone from 'this' family be? They had all came in just as Eleanor had got her victory and she was helping her 'poor' injured older brother up. But as it is with this family this fight was over and that was the end of it, Eleanor had beat John before and would again, and John had won on numerous occasion against his younger Sister. Such was the way of doing things around here, have the disagreement, have the fight and then it was forgotten, and as sure as the sun rises each morning there would be another argument and another fight just around the corner. And it wasn't long until the next issue needed to be 'addressed ... ... !' With the family all inside the main house and a few drinks now being freely available it wasn't long before Toby was in a 'light hearted' discussion with his Brother Billy and Billy's wife Eva. It wasn't long before the discussion became a bit more serious and a bit more vocal and animated, and as it was with this family nothing was straight forward. So there were three differences of opinion and three very enthusiastic people with their own point of view. So it wasn't long before Big Tony was forced to step in "take it outside!" A short while later and there was three of them in the ring Toby, Billy and Eva, each in a corner, each waiting for Big Tony to start this one off. Now as there was a husband and wife there that didn't mean anything, you couldn't rely on any loyalties or anything like that once inside the barn and especially once inside the ring! Each of them looked at each other and made their decisions as to who to go for first, Eva could feel both men's eye fall on her so she had to think fast. Big Tony leaned over the ropes, looked at each of those inside the ring and a quick look around to make sure the gathered audience was settled "OK begin!" The woman rushed at Toby, hurling towards him at great speed and WHACK! Toby hit out, his foot shot up and out, catching Eva just right and sending the woman staggering back THUD! He was quick and followed up with another hard blow, this time it was his fist that pounded into the woman and sent her tumbling down to the floor. Toby was a bit surprised as he suspected that his brother Billy and his wife would gang up together against him to start with. Even though this was every man, and woman, for themselves it wouldn't be the first time that in a larger fight a few 'temporary alliance' had been formed! So Toby was half expecting a double attack at first, and was a bit relived that it had just been Eva, and as he looked down at her on the floor he was quite pleased with how he'd handled the normally feisty woman SMACK! But it was now Billy's turn to attack, his wife had distracted Toby and now Billy had the advantage as his brother wasn't prepared for his strike WALLOP! Billy's fist slammed again into his Brother's body, and again, Toby had been taken by surprise and had taken a few good opening blows from his Brother but now it was his turn. Toby reached out grabbed onto Billy CRUCNH! 'Yes! Now it was his turn to strike back.'WHACK! The two Brother traded blows with each other as the gathered audience eagerly cheered them on. Francine and Charlotte were joined by Sammy and the girls eagerly watched as their rough and ready Uncles knocked ten bells out of each other, the girls quite liked this. They were also joined by Mandy who was cheering on her Uncle Billy instead of Toby her Father, and then there was Annie, keen to see her Uncle Toby win this rather than her Father, Billy. It was becoming easy to see that the younger females in the McGuire family where enjoying watching their testosterone filled Uncles fight it out. The girls were certainly lapping this all up and there was the odd little thought of 'I wonder what it would be like in the ring with Uncle ... ... ?' In the ring Toby's foot slammed into the side of Billy THUD! Followed by Billy's fist smashing into Toby's jaw the young lads in the McGuire family where more interested in the fighting methods and skills on show here. The way Uncle Billy used his knee into his Brothers gut and chest and how Uncle Toby brought his elbow down hard on the back of his Brother head and neck. The lads, Phil, Jacob, Ethan, Ben and Frasier would have much preferred to see one of their Aunt's in the ring, but as each lad had his own particular favour Aunty then they would have probably wanted to have seen all 4 women in the ring at the same time! The boy's watching had been disappointed when Eva had been taken out so easily and so quickly at the start of this one, but it was then that the nudges went around the lads as it was noticed and pointed out that Eva, far from being down and out was very much with it. She was squatting in a corner and watching as the men slogged it out. They were getting tried, hurt and weakened, as one man smacked the other and the other whacked him back. The two men hit out at each other, each man refusing to give up, they looked like a pair of heavy weight boxers who just stand there and see who's capable of taking the most hits. Eva could see that her little plan was working, the men had forgotten about her and where to interested in fighting each other now. They had smashed, hit, thumped and pounded each other, they had drained each other and there wasn't much left of either man, that's when she made her move. The woman jumped up on to her feet and ran over towards the men, as she ran she jumped, she got really high and then came down, an angry smile on her face, and as she came down so did her fist WALLOP! Toby hadn't seen her until the last moment, his head had turned upwards, but all he saw was the fist that was now coming down hard into his face. Toby was taken down, completely by the blow, his legs went from under him and he was sent hurtling down and across the canvas floor and out through the ropes to the floor below. The was aloud gasp from the disappointed girls watching, as one of their dishy Uncles went down, and a sharp intake of breath from the excited boy's watching as the sexy Aunty had struck so ferociously and so destructively. As Toby went flying Eva came down on her feet, now it was just her and her husband, Billy, he was shocked as he looked up from his fallen Brother to his now grinning wife! WOOSSHHH! SMASH! Eva throw herself into a spin and brought her leg around fast, her foot slammed into the side of Billy's head and her 'loving' husband was the next one sent off his feet and catapulting across the ring. Billy hit the floor, bounced, rolled and ended up in one of the corners, a tangled mess of defeated male. Eva stood there as the 'last man ... ... Woman standing!' She's won this one, there was a cheer from the lads and another, disappointing, gasp, followed by moans from the girls, unhappy at not seeing their Uncle's carry on slogging this one out. Another fight over with and the family made their way back to the main house for some more fun. Also with this family there was a bit of a flirty side, it wouldn't be unheard of for one of the older men, or women, to 'have a bit of fun' outside of the confines of their marriage vows. And the odd indiscression was often 'sorted out' inside the ring such was the McGuire family way of doing things. But also this up and coming younger generation of the family were not only keen to engage with what went on inside the ring, they were also edging closer to the more flirty, excitable and 'adventurous' side of what went on in the family! To the point where a few moves were made to see what response they got ... ... ! During that weekend John's son Phil had seen his opportunity to get close to Aunty Eleanor, they had been the only ones in the kitchen and he moved in close to squeeze past her. Even if the kitchen was quite large and they were the only ones in it, but he'd seen his opportunity, got close, placing both his hands on her fine hips and brushing himself against her. As his trousers had brushed against the back of her skirt, he was sure he felt her firm arse against him cock WHACK! OOUUUHHH! Eleanor knew a badly executed move on her when she felt one and slammed her arm backwards sharpish. Throwing her elbow into Nephew Phillip, winding the lad and doubling the 'keen' lad over, even though she had to admit she was a bit flattered, it wasn't the McGuire way to make things easy. She turned round to her gasping Nephew and throw her knee up hard into him, dropping the lad to his knees. She'd deliberately not aimed for his groin, as she didn't want to put him off 'too' much! "Better luck next time" and Eleanor walked off, knowing that Phillip would think about that and hope he could try his luck again with her, as she would have been very disappointed if he didn't try something else, and soon! Annie, Billy and Eva's daughter as also on the hunt, and in her sights today was Uncle Tommy. In the main house there were a couple of set of stairs, one set was very narrow and as Tommy's room was near there she had placed herself nearby ready for the chance. As Tommy was coming down the stairs a paper in his hand and his head buried in the sports section, he didn't see his inquisitive Niece come rushing up the other way THUD! They'd 'accidently' knocked into each other on the stairs "be careful where you're going Uncle, or you might ... ... " She pushed herself past him on the stairs and as she did so Annie's hand reached down and grabbed onto the front of his trousers, and gave a squeeze " ... ... just bang into me!" The girl then giggled as she quickly carried on up the stairs. Leaving a very confused Tommy there to wonder 'did that really just happen?' Elsewhere and Jackie was in her room when she heard a bit of a kafuffle from outside, nothing unusually in that around here. She popped her head round the door to see what was going on and there was her Nephews Ethan and Ben laying into each other, as these boy's do. "Stop it!" The older, strong woman reached out and grabbed onto each of the brawling lads, her hand had a firm grip on each of their arms as she pulled them apart. The two scrapping boys were now held away from each other, by the noticeably stronger woman. It was also now that Jackie noticed something else, one the boy's attention was now very much on her, two she was only half dressed in her jeans and bra. Jackie had been in the middle of changing when she'd heard the scuffle outside her door, that's when point three dawned on her. The door to her room had been slightly ajar, so she now knew what was going on, these two had been outside her room, spying on her as she was changing, something had happened and these two little peeping toms had argued. She wondered if they had fallen out as to who would 'have' her first, she grinned to herself about that, then dragged Ethan to her and kissed him, and she did the same to Ben. The boy's where shocked and very happy WHACK! THUD! Jackie hit out, slamming her knee into one lad then the other, dropping both of them to the floor, 'first tease them, then hurt them, that will keep them interested!' With the boy on the floor Jackie returned to her room, a dirty grin on her face as she closed the door behind her. Toby and Tricia sent their daughter Mandy off to find her Uncle Billy she was meant to just tell him that his tea was ready but the girl had other ideas as she went looking. The rascally girl found her Uncle out in the stable, she was a bit of a 'horsey' girl and liked a good ride and was use to stables and liked how they made her feel. As she entered the stable there was Uncle Billy, his top off and hot sweaty body on display for her, all that mucking out had warmed him up nicely! Billy hadn't heard her come in so when she spoke he turned round suddenly "Uncle Billy!" As he turned to seen his Niece 'stumble', falling towards him, she reached out grabbed onto Uncle Billy and both of them fell backwards THUD! Billy landed on his back in a pile of hay, Mandy had grabbed onto him and also fell, on top of her Uncle "Oh! Sorry Uncle I seemed to have slipped!" The cheeky girl smiled, then pouted her lips and blow a strand of straw out of her Uncles hair, and for a moment Billy though 'Oh! What next?' The smiling girl placed her hands on his strong chest and pushed herself off the man and up onto her feet, Billy though he was a 'bit' pleased about that. He was just about to get up himself when THUD! Mandy placed her foot on his bare chest and pushed the man back down to the ground, she looked down at her Uncle and grinned "there's some hot tea on the go ... ... if you want it come and get it!" The she turned and left, leaving her Uncle on the floor watching her and thinking! There was defiantly an air that things where changing around here, but the weekend carried on, there were a 'few' more disagreements and arguments that required those taking part to also 'take it outside!' Nothing too much or out of the norm for around here, and there were a few 'extra' encounters with the younger generation making their 'presence' felt! It was coming to the end of the weekend, but there was always time for one last disagreement that needed to be sorted out before everyone could go home. In the north barn all eyes were on the ring where Jackie was sorting out her issue about who did the washing up with Tommy. The man had come out hard and fast, determined to prove that washing up was woman's work! But Jackie was also determined and let him have her foot to chew on CRUNCH! In the gathered audience the girls Francine and Charlotte had sat down either side of Uncle John and where in the process of 'distracting' him from watching how his wife was doing in the ring. Tommy had been knocked backwards but had recovered and had spun around and driven his foot into the back of Jackie's knee making the woman stagger and loss her balance. Whilst Francine and Charlotte where pushing in on either side of Uncle John to get close to him, then their hands started to move towards the man's legs, thighs and ... ... WHACK! Jackie had been knocked down to the canvas floor and Tommy was moving in on her now. Across on the other side and Eva was leaning against the open door watching when Nephew Jacob had come and stood next to her. She looked over to him and could tell the nervous lad was thinking something but was a bit too scared to either say or do anything CRACK! As Tommy had gone in to end the fight with Jackie still down on the floor the woman had seen her opportunity and thrusted her clenched fist upwards into man's crotch as he leaned over to 'finish' her off. Tommy's eyes screwed up in pain and Jacob's eyes shoot open wide as Aunty Eva had reached out behind her grabbed her Nephew's hand, giving him the 'encouragement' he needed and placed his hand firmly on her gorgeous arse 'Oh Yes!' Sammy had moved up close towards Uncle Billy who was stood watching and cheering on both contestants, he'd just taking a gulp of tea from the cup in his hand when the girl made her move. She got in behind him, pushed herself up on tip toes, as Billy was a bit taller than her and got her lips close to his ear, then she whispered "how would you like to pound me?" The man spat out his tea and coughed, then a very 'innocent' sounding Sammy continued "Oh Uncle what every did you think I said, all I meant was maybe you could give me some pointers in the ring!" With that she skipped away and accidently the back of her hand brushed against the front of his trousers. Back in the ring and Tommy was the one on the retreat now as the hurt man staggered backwards, Jackie was up her feet and about to lay into him WHACK! CRACK! Frasier was by himself watching the fight when all of a sudden Aunty Tricia came up next to him and for some strange reason he felt a bit nervous SMACK! In the ring Jackie's fist slammed into Tommy knocking the man down to his knees, Aunty Tricia turned her head to look at Nephew Frasier "that's where I like my men, on the floor ... ... and my boys!" Jackie throws her leg over the knelt, hurt man, stepping over him and placing him in a standing headlock between her strong thighs "or maybe that's a better position to be in, between my legs ... ... " The comment was still aimed at Frasier as the lad went bright red " ... ... what do you thing Frasier, which position would you like to be in?" Just then Frasier's Mum, Eleanor steps up on the other side of her son "what you two talking about?" The lad just walked off, hoping his Mother hadn't seen how red he'd gone and wondering if Aunty Tricia would tell her. As he walked away Frasier could hear giggles from the two women behind him 'Oh Great!' In the ring the pressured that Jackie's strong thighs was applying, was working, as Tommy slammed his free hand down and pounded the canvas floor to say he gave up. 'Yes, he would do the washing up!' Any victory to one of the women, this weekend had been quite good for them so far! And so the weekend was coming to a close and Big Tony had got his family together for a 'chat', first there was a talk with the adults then the younger generation of the McGuire's where all brought in. And Big Tony had an announcement and surprise for everyone. First of all, it was about the younger generation. It had been agreed that as form now these youngsters could sort out their differences in the ring, that caused an air of excitement. Each of the younger generation had been brought up knowing this would come about one day and their parents had of course prepared them for it. All of the youngster were strong, fit and knew how to fight, between them they played all sports going, they trained, went to gyms, worked out and were all ready. The second thing Big Tony had to say was that he'd been doing the south barn up, and as of next week there would also be a ring in that barn, if you allow more people to take part then they needed and second arena, even more excitement. And so the weekend ended with a buzz around the place, and as they all left there were also a few thoughts and ideas going around! The next upcoming generation of the McGuire family took to this new idea of letting them take part, and the plans where forming, Amongst the girls Sammy was imagining giving Uncle Billy a bit of a pounding and putting him on his knees before her, Mandy had thoughts about getting up close and getting her hands on Uncle John and Uncle Tommy at the same time. Annie had her own thoughts about moving in close for a few 'intense' rounds with Uncle Toby whilst Francine and Charlotte thought a tag team match with Uncle's Toby and John was more than just an 'interesting' idea, double teaming the men could be fun! The McGuire boys were also having their own thoughts about all this, Phil was more than interested with a bit of grabbling and getting rough with Aunt Tricia, while Jacob and Ethan were well up for taking on Aunty Eva and Aunty Eleanor in a tag team match. Ben was keen to getting physical and down on the canvas with his Aunty Jackie and Frasier was so looking forward to a handicap match against Aunty Tricia and Aunty Jackie at the same time! Well that's what they wanted, hoped for and it was very plain to see as all the families said goodbye to each other that these youngsters had ideas. The looks, grins, smiles and smirks on all of the young McGuire's faces must have given something away to the effect that the family had defiantly moved into a new era! It was two weeks later, the south barn had all been done, well that's what Big Tony had told everyone before he and Jean had gone away on one of their various holidays. But as normal the house and farm where always open to family, so everyone decided to go down that weekend. There was a lot of anticipation in the air as they all arrived, this was the first weekend the youngsters could take part and there was a new ring to 'play' in. But as they all arrived there was also a strange feeling in the air, there were no arguments, no disagreements and everything was 'nice!' The women and girls all seemed especially nice and friendly, doing everything and it was almost as if they were trying to avoid any confrontation! That evening and the women and girls where all out the way and busy with makeup and other such stuff so the men and boy's found themselves at a bit of a lose end. The men decided to go and have a look at the south barn, whilst the boys all wanted to go up to the north barn and potentially look at where they would be having their first fight! So the men went south and boys went north and a minute later they had all arrived, each group went into their barn, surprisingly the main switch to both placed didn't seem to work, Big Tony wasn't the best electrician! But the small dim light over the centre of both rings was on. They couldn't see much but there was just enough light to guild the men up and into the new ring in the south barn and the boys up into the old ring in the north barn. The four men stood inside the middle of the new ring whilst the five young lads stood in the middle of the old ring ... ... CLUNCK! Suddenly the main lights went on inside both barns and the males there had a bit of a shock. Inside the south ring the four men stood in the centre of the ring but they were not alone, also there was the five girls, Sammy, Mandy, Annie, Francine and Charlotte. The girls were also in the ring and around the edge, in a corner or leant against the ropes. Each girl was dressed in a tight pair of shorts or joggers and a crop top or baggy low cut work out top, the girls looked very fine but also they looked intense, focused, ready and very keen. For the men is was all a bit unnerving, even strangely worrying as the girl's stood their staring at their Uncle's John, Toby, Billy and Tommy. In the north ring the five lads Phil, Jacob, Ethan, Ben and Frasier where in a similar predicament but for them they had Aunty Jackie, Tricia, Eva and Eleanor around them. One Aunty in each corner, and each woman dressed in a tight sports kit that displayed firm, strong, mature female bodies. The look on the faces of these women was one of hunger, power, lust and a downright wanting stare in their focused, yet lovely, eyes. The men and boys where encircled by the girls and women and it was obvious what was going on here. In the two barns and the two rings there was that moment of silence as everyone looked around and weighed up the situation, this was going to be a generational fight. Uncles versus Nieces, Aunties versus Nephews and in both rings it was the females that had more than just a bit of a glint in their eyes. It was the females who were the ones with the confidence, the ones that had the desire, there was a prize up for grabs here and that prize stood in the centre of both rings! Then as if it had all been planned the Aunties and the Nieces all pushed themselves off the ring ropes and out of the corners. The Niece's all picked an Uncle, or two, to grab, take down and then ... ... ... ! And the Aunties had their chosen Nephew to get to grips with, to overpower, dominate and then ... ... ... !