Dojo Aunty By Crossmanx The youth is drawn into a side of his Aunt's life he didn't know existed By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. A follow on from Dojo Assistant (sort of!) - Reader may well wish to read that story first. Dojo Aunty Victoria was at home thumbing through a file when the phone rang, she really didn't want to be disturbed so begrudgingly put the folder down to answered the call. Immediately her face dropped as she recognised her sisters voice, the conversation was straight to the point "look you know Simon's going into hospital and I can't leave Ed alone!" Simon was Julie's husband and Ed was their son, and Julie was the sister who panicked too much and certainly didn't trust her young son to look after himself while she and her husband where away on the other side of the country for Simon's back operation. Victoria wasn't too happy she had remembered something of this conversation some weeks ago but as normal didn't take that much interest in what her sister said. Then she remembered agreeing to look after her Nephew or something, at the time she'd though if she said yes she sister would stop going on about it, not thinking that she would actually have to do it! "OK, OK when is it then?" The answer wasn't what Victoria had expected "Today!" "Yes today, you agreed to it remember when we spoke on ... ... ... " Victoria looked over to the file that was on the settee 'Shit!' she thought 'this puts a god almighty spanner in the works.' Julie was still going on as Victoria ran a number of different ideas through her head all at the same time, all about how to get out of this situation; her eyes fell onto the only photo in the room of her sister and her family. A photo taken on holiday on the beach, Julie, Simon and Ed, her nephew Ed, in a pair of shorts on the beach taken a year, two years ago, when he would have been ... ... Victoria's eye shot back to the file, she went over picked it up, flicked through a few pages ... ... and then a smile came over her, the sort of smile where the whole face just lights up. It wasn't just a smile of 'yes done it' it was a smile of 'Oh yes I have it, I have the perfect solution!' "Yes, yes that's fine ... " Victoria cut her sister off in mid-sentence "I'll pick him up in, Oh in half and hour if that OK with you?" Julie was shocked, but agreed, as she put the phone down she thought 'what Vicky up too?' Julie knew her sister too well, Victoria agreeing and so quickly like that, she had to be up to something, but what? Victoria had made a quick call; she grabbed the file, smiled again and picked up the sports bag in the hallway as she made her way to the front door. A couple of minutes later she was in her car and making her way across town to her sister's place. At Julies, Ed had just been told about his Aunty looking after him, he wasn't impressed "did you really think that we would leave you here on your own whilst we were away!" So much for the party that Ed was planning to have, the young lad feel into his normal sulking mood "who's looking after me again?" Sometimes he could be a bit slow at taking things in " ... Your Aunt, you know Victoria, my sister!" Julie called out from the hallway where she was obviously doing something. 'Oh! ... ..OHHH!' At first it didn't sound too bad Aunty Victoria was quite hot, but then he realised she was also a bit offish, they'd never been close, there was something about his Aunt that he couldn't put his figure on. "Right she's here and I've packed your stuff ... what clean clothes I could find" Ed mother stood there in the doorway with a suitcase by her 'Oh Crap!' Ed was getting less and less impressed and more and more pissed off, as he was herded out of the home and down to the car. Victoria stayed in the car and spoke briefly to her sister as Ed put the case in the boot wondering what his mother had put in there 'I'll have nothing to wear!' Ed got in the car, there where papers scattered on the passenger's seat that he gathered up and placed on his lap as he fastened the seatbelt. Aunty and Nephew went through the normal formal greetings and Victoria drove off. Julie waved her son off think 'what have I done putting him in her care!.... Well it's only for a few days, what can happen in a few days?' She dreads to think about it and goes back inside. "You're going to have to come with me today" "Oh that's alright Aunty you can drop me off I've got stuff to do myself and ... ... " Victoria turned her head to look at Ed "I said you're coming with me today, it wasn't a requests ... " 'Oppps!' " ... I've to go to ... " there was a pause " ... work and although I don't like it any more than you ... ... " Her tone was getting harsher with each word and all the time her eyes where fixed on Ed and not on the road, which was really starting to worry the lad. " ... ... So just do as I ask, I'm sure you find it interesting!" She turned her attention back to the road just in time to see the lights turn red and stop. Ed was relived Aunty Victoria's attention was off him and back on her driving, the car radio was tuned to the news station 'not even music to listen to!' He looked down at the stuff on his lap, it was a file or document, something, he read the first line 'Dojo Assistant'' and the next line 'By Cross ... ' He lost interest and looked up, he knew his Aunt had done some martial arts thing or something, but it wasn't anything he really cared for. The journey was a long one, especially as the traffic at that time of the day was at its worst, so it made a long journey even longer, and made for a board youth even more bored. Eventually his eyes fell back down onto the paperwork on his lap and he picked out a couple of words 'all-female Martial Arts groups' his interest sparked a bit and started to read more, then he realised this was a story. He read on drawn into a world of female superiority over men and of seduction of a ... ... SCREECH! The breaks where applied quickly as a cyclist darted in-between the slow moving traffic. Ed's eye went quickly back to the story, he found it different, weird, he'd never read anything like this before, but also found it somehow exciting and stirring. But this was in his Aunt's car, did she read this stuff? After scanning through the story he looked up, he wondered 'had his Aunty seen him read it?' She was looking at the traffic, turning at a particularly busy junction, he didn't know if she'd seen him, but she did have an unusually strange grin on her face. Under the story was a file, at the top it read 'Dojo Assistant - Screenplay, First Draft Written By Marcia Green.' 'A screenplay!' Ed became interested and as the journey continued the lad did everything he could to read through the screenplay without been seen by his Aunt. Every time she turned a corner or he though she was looking the other way he turned a page. The youth was drawn into the script, having read the story he was now living a moment by moment version of it, detail, people speaking, descriptions of places, movement and objects, acts of strength, ferocity and passion. He completed reading through it as best he could, he felt hot, sweaty and excited, but what the hell was this doing in his Aunties car what had she to do with ... ... SCREECH! This time the car came to complete stop "right were here" Aunty Victoria grabbed her phone and the pile of paperwork off Ed lap, his hands quickly came up to cover where the files had been, he hadn't realised just the effect reading the story and script had had on him! Victoria got out the car "come on I don't have all day." Ed adjusted himself and got out, Aunty and Nephew walked down a quiet street, filled with many small offices and business. "Now I'm going to be working so you'll just have to read a magazine or something but stay out the way" they came to a barren wall with just one red door in it, a small sign next to the door read 'Green Studios - Dedicated to strong and skilful filmmaking' Aunty Victoria went through the door, Nephew Ed followed 'Filmmaking, Screenplay and wasn't that ... ' "Come on Ed" his Aunt called, they walked down a small corridor that opened up into a reception area, Ed looked around, there was a desk, a couple of coffee tables covered with magazines, chairs and notice boards and an attractive woman sat behind the desk on the phone. The good looking redhead woman looked up and smiled, waved on seeing Victoria and carried on with her conversation. Victoria told her Nephew to sit down and he'd have to wait here as she went off through a side door. The woman behind the desk finished her conversation smiled and carried on with her duties, she got up a couple of times to put papers in a small filing cabinet just out of reach, so Ed got a good look at her. Average height, plainly dressed in tight jeans and a white top, but with a very nice body, should length red hair and a good looker. Ed tried not to make it obvious he was looking at her...BANG! The main door slammed closed and the sound of speedy footsteps came up from the corridor, a woman walked into the reception area "morning Miss Green" the secretary called out, the woman stopped turned and barked out some orders to the two men behind her, they were carrying various boxes and bags and headed quickly through another door. Just then Aunty Victoria returned to the reception area, she was dressed in a white martial arts suite, just like the women in the story Ed had read. "Hi Marcia" Aunty Victoria greeted the woman they did that kissing on the cheeks bit, and chatted. Ed eyed up Marcia, tallish, 30 something? A brunette, long hair tied in a ponytail, a plain looking woman, she was nothing special and worn no makeup but this also gave her a natural beauty that Ed quite liked. However she was dressed quiet sexy, with a pair of small black stiletto boots, tight trousers, Ed though they might be leather, lager black belt and a tight black vest top and a black bra, the second strap was very obvious. She had a good body, well stacked on top and the way she was dressed made Ed reach out for a magazine to place on his lap. 'Marcia Green' wasn't that the name on the script Ed had read over here? This was a film company and his Aunty was now dressed in her martial arts get up! The lad could see all the clues but was finding it difficult to believe what the evidence was telling him. Marcia and Aunty Victoria went off through the door the men had scrambled through a moment ago as they went through Marcia clearly said, for everyone to hear "so who's cute one sat over there?" The door closed behind the women, Ed went red, the secretary smiled and the lad quickly looked down at the magazine 'was she really talking about him?' Time passed and Ed had read through most of the magazine, the redhead was busy on her computer either working or shopping, he didn't know, but every now and again a sound came from behind the door that the woman had gone through. There was sometimes a crash or slamming sound, like something heavy falling and sometime, he swore he could hear a dull moan or cry, 'what was going on? A bit latter and the secretary received a call, it was quick, and she got up and left the reception through the door Aunty Victoria had originally used ... ... ... oooooh! There it was again a faint groaning sound, Ed was intrigued as to what was going on here, and with the redhead gone he took his opportunity and headed for the door Marcia and his Aunty had used. As he reached it OOOOW! There it was again but this time much clearer, his hand hovered over the handle, a quick look behind him, she hadn't returned, his heart beat a bit faster as he turned the handle and step through the door. He slipped through, quickly closing the door behind him and sliding himself against the wall right by the door. The sight that greeted him was one that he had not expected, even after reading the story and script. He was now looking into a largish room, with a number of different doors leading off it, the room that had been sectioned off into various area, in one corner was lots of electrical equipment, scattered around a couple of tables, cameras, sound equipment, cables etc. Stood there working away was one of the men that had Ed had brief seen earlier, close by was Aunty Victoria, still in her judo suit, she was sat down thumbing through what could have been the 'script' next to her and stood up was Marcia, she was doing all the talking. But what really made Ed jaw drop was what was happing over the other side of the room! There was a blue matted area with two people, a man and a woman, the man was wearing just a set of white martial arts trousers, he was bent over and looked in quiet a lot of pain. The woman, she was black and also just had on a set of marital arts trousers, black ones, further up she wore a red crop sports top. Ed could see she was a toned woman with a good body and a pleasing large chest. She had long straight dark hair and an attractive face, even though at the moment she had a stern look on it. The woman had the man in what looked like a secure and painful hold; she had a firm grip on him, bending him over, forcing one of his arms upwards and using that as a lever to hold him in that bent double position. Her other hand was on his neck forcing his head downwards. At the same time as holding him there her legs kept coming up hitting the man hard, her knee driving up hard into the man's chest and gut, making an uncomfortable situation a very painful one. It was something that Ed hadn't expected to see, he just stood there, hoping no one would notice him as he watched the black woman again and again pound the white man's body. It was strangely mesmerising in a bizarrely and stimulating way, the woman stopped, the man's face was still screwed up in agony, but he was thankful for that at least. He tried to take in a breath, the woman stepped backwards and THUD! She kicked out, this time it was her foot the drove into his chest, the man was taken off his feet by a good few inches, Ed winched 'God she must be strong!' as he landed, his legs gave way, but before he could fall down the woman grabbed the man by his hair, yanking him back up onto his feet and upright, then SMACK! Just like in the TV wrestling that Ed sometime watched the woman slapped the man viciously across his chest with the back of her hand, his chest went bright red as he lumbered backwards. To finish the woman took a step closer she grabbed his arm and WOOOSH! THUD! The black female throws the battered white male over her shoulder in a classic judo throw, she smiles, it's a very sexy smile or so Ed thought as she looks at the defeated man at her feet. She looks up at the side of the matted area where there are two other men, both knelt down, both silent, they have, like Ed, been watching the black woman at her best. She points to the blond man who gets up and walks out to her, the second man, a black man, scrabbles across the mats to drags his fallen colleague out of the way quickly. Just then a door opens and another woman walks in, Mistress Jade, or the woman playing her. An attractive oriental woman, 30 something Ed guest, she was also small, but only in height, she wore a set of green judo trousers showing off a strong body and arms, with a pink sports top wrapped around a impressive set of breasts. Marcia breaks off her conversation with Victoria and looks over to the new female arrival "Oh, Mi Sun there you are, ready for your man?" The two woman walk over to the mats "excuse us for butting in" Marcia says to the black woman, who's a bit disappointed at losing the chance to get her hands on the blond guy. Marcia waves away blondie with her hand and beckons the black man to her; he obeys and rises to his feet. The blond man knells back down, as he does so the man who had previously suffered at the black woman's hands manages to drags himself up on to his knees next to blondie. The black woman smiles as she quietly and sexily saunters around to stand behind the two men. Marcia turns to Mi Sun "all yours hun" and walks off, the oriental woman, drops low and at the same time her clenched fist drives forward into the black man's gut WHACK! The man doubles over in shock and pain, he holds his stomach, Mi Sun shots upwards, jumps and throws her body backwards, at the same time flicking her foot and CRACK! A reversed summersault where her foot kicks out catching the man under the chin, the force driving his head backwards, along with his body. The woman controls her gymnastic move by landing on her hands and bringing her body back down under full control. Ed is awe struck by the woman's, stylish and skilled move, on the other hand the black man who was on the receiving end is now laid out on the floor. The black woman steps through the two knelt men, she drags the man back to his feet and easily propels the stunned man to towards her friend, Mi Sun. He staggers and tries to take up a stance but WHACK! CRACK! Out of nowhere two shape blows land on him, but this time he remains there on his feet, a third blow is blocked, he managed to see that one and was able to strikes out at the same time as blocking. The man lands his first blow, which both hits and embarrasses the woman, encouraged he follows this up with a successful second and third blow. "I didn't think that was in the script" the black woman calls out playfully mocking her friend, Mi Sun is now pissed 'how dare he' WHACK CRACK! Two high kicks one from each foot strike the man, one to his head one to his chest, this time he does go backwards then a furious spinning twist, as the oriental woman jumps high, swinger her foot round and crashes it into the side of the black man's head. The power of the blow takes him off his feet and hurtling through the air, he fly's and lands on top of the two other men knelt at the side. The black woman applauds, smiles and bows in acknowledgement of a great move by her friend. "OK Tanya, Mi Sun if you ladies want to take your ... " she tried to find the right word " ... your ... 'men' ... " her tone was mocking. "you know where your rooms are I think we have practiced the fight scenes enough for today if you what to get to work on the 'other' scenes, enjoy yourselves." Ed remembered back to the scrip's and the extra bit that had been written in, the part where the woman taken the men and enjoy them. Tanya grabs the man she'd taken down earlier and Mi Sun seizes the black man, they lead away their wobbly and stunned men ready for their next performance. "Right you" Marcia pointed to the blond man, who stands and walks onto the mats, Victoria walked over too "right then time for you to practice." Ed though what he'd seen before had was amazing, but this was going to something, to see his Aunt in action! Blondie throws the first punch, Aunty Victoria easily dodged it and struck back THUD! A playful tap to his belly, he retaliated with a dozen quick blows to the woman, his feet and hands moved fast, Ed felt himself wanting to jump in and protect his Aunt. But he need not worry Victoria parried each of the blows, then in the blink of an eye she spun around and around and to the side of the man, like a spinning top she goes around by the side of the man arriving at the back of him. She stopped facing away from the man's now exposed back, her arm shots forward then is driven backwards, thrusting her elbow forcefully into the back of the man. His whole body shook at her blow; the older woman had been too fast and pulled of a stunning move he'd not encountered before. She turned so now she was facing his back, she grabs his shoulders taking him by surprise again and forcing him back and down. As he falls she sends a powerful knee up so it collided into his back CRACK! ARRRHHH! The sound fills the room as the man dropped to the floor in agony, Aunty Victoria undoes her belt, it fall to the floor next to the man, her judo top followed. The young Nephew stared in wonder and admiration at his Aunty, she is something else, she's excited and stirred him in such a way he couldn't begin to describe. Aunty Victoria's body is as toned and as splendid as any of the other women, her breasts, in that blue sports top where as large and as desirable as the other women's. But there was something else about Victoria, that mature look and experience, that sexual aura and knowledge of pleasure and she was his Aunt! "He won't be much use for a while!" Marcia stepped over to Victoria who's standing over the man waiting in vain for him to get back up, the 'director' beckons to the man who's been straying out of the way doing the electrics. He rushed over CRACK! As he got there Marcia had delivered a well-aimed blow to the man's jaw, still on his feet he staggered around holding his face "see you don't have to take them all down straight away we need some to still be in one piece." Victoria grabs the man by his arm, turns and send him over her shoulder THUD! Crashed the man into the mats, "that's where I want my men!" "Yes Vicky ... " Marcia placed her stiletto shoe on the man's chest " ... that's where any man should be, but do you think I could finish my film first before you put them all there?" Aunty Victoria smile "for you dear I'll try to keep some in one piece" the women laugh. "Now then, what about him?" Both women turn towards Ed, he went very red and became very, very nervous ... ... As if he really thought he wouldn't be noticed stood there all this time! Aunty walks over to her Nephew, looking stunning and dangerous all at the same time "Marcia, we haven't managed to cast any suitable lad for the part of Grant, have we?" "You know we haven't hun, and yet we have auditions quite a few hopefuls, none really made it all the way, they lacked stamina! Why do you have someone in mind?" Marcia teased. Just then the woman from the reception area came in, she's now dressed in a pink judo suits, just like in the story "the other hopefuls are here, should I bring them in?" Marcia smiled at Victoria "why don't you do an 'audition' we can take care of these." Aunty Victoria dressed in her judo trousers and tight blue sport top stepped up close to her Nephew Ed, the lad could almost feel that sports top touch him and could feel the hot breath of his Aunty as she spoke "come with me." The Aunt took her Nephew's hand and lead him away through a side door, down a short corridor, passed two other days where Ed thought he heard the sound of moans and gasps. They reached the door at the end and entered, inside was a blue matted area and a large raised part like a bed or seated area. Aunty Victoria swung her Nephew round to face her, she grabbed the lad and held him, moulding her body into his nervous, excited youthful body. She tenderly and gently placed her lips on his neck and cheek, kissing him "I watched you as you read the story and the script ... " 'God she was so hot! " ... you know what happened to the boy in the story?..." He could remember it ending ... "well boy what do you think I should do ... ... ?" and it being left to the reader's imagination as to what happened next. " ... And do you remember what happened to him in the script?..." Still gently kissing him, his head was spinning; he remembered there were two endings ... ... Blurs and images of the script came back to him ... ... Versions 1 - Mistress Ivory Dominates Mistress Ivory takes hold of Grant; she used her strength to drive the youth into the mat ... ... ... ... Grant is hit and throws by Mistress Ivory, she pulls him up and drives her fist hard ... ... Its difficulty for Ed to concentrate with his Aunts intensive attention from her soft lips and now her hands were exploring his body, one hand has found his excitement! His body trembles at the touch of his Aunt and his swirling mind tries to remember the second version ... Version 2 - Mistress Ivory seduces Grant explores Mistress Ivory's breasts with his mouth and tongue ... ... ... ... The Mistress holds the lad down as she mounts and rides him ... As Aunty Victoria takes his excitement in hand, literally ... Ed smiles as he also remembers ... ... The older woman takes the lads hard cock, she opens her mouth and ... ... THUD! Ed falls through the air and hits the floor hard, Aunty Victoria puts her Nephew on the floor, with the simplest of moves the older woman now stands astride the enthusiastic youth. "Now Ed what shall I do, do I have you now, rip your clothes off and fuck you long and hard ... " He couldn't help but smile 'Oh yes please!' " ... Or do I treat you like all the other males have been treated around here, beat you till you fall and stay at my feet?" She lowered herself down to sit on him, grinding into his groin "Well Ed what do you think Aunty Victoria should do ... ... ?"