A Dogs day at the shops By Crossmanx at crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk comments and ideas welcome. A trip to the shops but with a difference A Dogs day at the shops Craig was bored, he had been dragged out shopping by his Mum, well it was his own fault, when your Mum says "what are you doing today?" The answer is "not a lot", "Oh good! You can come with me then" was always going to be the reply. They had gone from shop to shop and back again, Craig was there to say yes to everything his Mum picked out and to carry the bags. They had gone into one of the towns large department stores, mostly to get out of the rain, but also for his Mum to have a wondered around, just as they had done in all the other shops. They headed up to the first floor and came to the Lingerie department "I'm just going o look around here" 'Lingerie department with your mother!' "You go on I'll wait over here ... Don't know why your looking there anyway!" "Well that's not what your friend Lewis thinks" her reply was soft and just out of earshot of her son. He stood by the balcony and was aimlessly staring around, he could see down onto the ground floor, nothing much going on, his eyes panned across the open planned floor, there was men's wear, household good, the side entrance doors, the woman in red ... ... His eyes flashed back ... ... His attention had been grabbed by the woman who had just walked through the side entrance door below. Elizabeth Manning stepped out of the rain into the department store, she was on a mission, she knew what she wanted and was in a rush, she still had hold of Lady a fully grown and beautiful Dalmatian bitch. Lady was as striking and stunning as her mistress; Elizabeth was a mature woman, tall, with long straight fair hair, she was good looking, a long slender face that showed off her maturity, but in a radiant, even beautiful way. She was heading for the first floor and made straight for the escalator, she flow right past Henry, the floor manager, he saw the woman enter the store and knew straight away she would be trouble, and she brought a dog inside! He hated dealing with women, especially ones like her; she had that certain air about her one of confidence, authority, and control! Craig couldn't take his eyes off her as she and her Dalmatian rode up the escalator, he reckoned she must have been about his mother's age or there about, but he couldn't think how old his mother was, woman always like to keep things like that to themselves. She worn a bright red, but wet, rain coat, tight black leather trousers and high black boots with a high heel that just made Craig's jaw drop, she certainly looked good ... No she looked sexy! As Elizabeth got off the escalator she noticed the young lad at the top 'cute' she thought as she walked past him, Lady had a sniff, and didn't bark or growl so she approved. 'The Black dress!' That's what she was after, she headed straight for it. "Excuse me madam but we don't allow dog in the store you'll have to ... " She turned and looked, piercing eyes, Harry had followed her and now swallowed hard, and just by looking at him she made him feel small and insignificant. "I'll have to do WHAT?" The man's mouth dried, he was unable to speak for a brief moment which gave the older woman the upper hand. "Do you really expect me to leave Lady out there in the cold and wet!" "I ... I ... " Elizabeth just turned back to the dress. A couple of customers and one of the sales assistance where near by and could see that the manager was having problems. He was now forced to take action, he hated dealing with customers like this but now as people where watching he had no other choice. Craig was transfixed by how this attractive woman had dealt with the man, as she had turned her back on him the young lad saw how embraced the manger was. He could either just walk away, with his tail between his legs or he would have to stand up to her. Craig smiled; he couldn't see the man standing up to such a strong woman. But there had been a sales assistant that had witness the 'encounter' and she had called over another woman to show her what was going on. Harry saw the other assistant turn up, she spoke to the first girl and both had giggled, he had to do something or he would 'loose face.' Again he swallowed hard, 'You have to do this Harry' he told himself. He grabbed hold of the dogs lead "Madam! You can stay in the shop but this dog has to go outside." Elizabeth turned; she was a bit shocked at the manager's actions, as she was not use to someone interrupting her after she had spoken! Harry could see she was surprised so took advantage; he grabbed Lady by the collar. "I'm going to have to remove this ... " "Take your hands off of her!" If Harry had been watching the woman instead of concentrating on the dog, he would have seen her expression change in a flash. Craig, the two sales assistances and now three bystanders all saw Elizabeth's look change from one of annoyance then in a flash to anger and rage "I said ... TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!" Harry looked up; her tone sent a shiver down his spin ... ... SMACK! Harry was stunned by the woman who had slapped him hard across the face, he had been in sales business for nearly 20 years, he was 38, a manager and he had never been struck by a customer, let along a woman before. It was time for him to get angry "Right! Miss!" He let go of the dog and stood up straight he was maybe an inch of two taller than the woman and wanted her to know it! "You and your mutt get out of my store ... NOW!" He raised his voice, so gaining the attention of more nearby staff and shoppers. Lady starts to bark, she's now upset with him as well, she jumped up at him, Harry's take a back, as he doesn't really like dogs, so it instinctive for him to lash out, he catches Lady with the back of his hand. She winces; Elizabeth's incensed at his action THUD! She doesn't hold back as her knee drives up into his groin, 'always hit them in their 'soft' spot!' Harry's eyes well up, a large lump in his throat and he drops to his knees, he's in agony and so pleased when the woman's attention is taken away from him by a hand being placed on her shoulder. As Elizabeth turns round she's met by the sight of two 'security guards', two men in their mid twenties. Dressed in grey uniforms with loads of 'security' badges all over them, "OK Miss now that's enough you'll have to ... " Two more people telling her what to do! One of them grabbed her by her arm, instinctively she throw his arm off and WACK! A hard fist that send the man staggering backwards, the other guard's shocked, he didn't see the woman kick out, a high kick that connects with the side of his jaw. He's sent spinning, straight into a mannequin; he tries to grab onto it to save himself but only manages in dragging it down with him as he falls to the floor. Elizabeth watched as he smashes into the dummy and then the floor OOOFFFF! A pair of hands land on her and start to manhandle her; the first guard had taken his blow well and come back for her. He tries to throw his arms around her to impede her whilst the other guard gets back onto his feet. As he gets back up off the floor the laughter of the female sales assistants rings in his ears. A sense of vengeance in his eyes as he approaches the struggling woman held by his partner. A small crowd has now gathered on the first floor to watch the 'incident' unfold, nothing this exciting had happened in the store since ... ... since ever! Sales assistance rush to phones to call their friends to come and watch. The security guard drew down on the woman; only if he had been paying attention he might have noticed that as the woman struggled she had pushed the guard holding her back against one of those large columns that are dotted around department stores. Elizabeth waited 'till the guard was just the right distance away, she sprung upwards, pushing the guard holding her hard against the column and SMASH! Bother her boots shoot out and into the face of the approaching guard. There was a large OOOHHHHH! From the gathered crowd as her boots connected, followed by a large cheer as the guard, was sent flying and landed in a heap on the floor. The fierce kick had taken out the guard; the cheer had brought more people to witness the action. The second guard had been forced back against the column hard, his grip had loosened as he had been knocked back, Elizabeth managed to get her arm free and THUD! She drove her elbow violently back into the man stomach, hurting and winding him. He released his hold; she grabs behind her, seizing his head, bending forward drags him over her shoulder. He lands at her feet, another cheer from the larger crowd. Craig's Mum was watching from the other side of the store, she could see by how her son watched the encounter how besotted he was with this devastating and skilled woman. She smiled to herself; she could easily see the woman's attraction. The look on her sons face was the same look that she got from Lewis, Craig's friend, which was why she was in the Lingerie department in the first place. Elizabeth kicks out, her boot connects with the guards chin and like his friends he's sent into oblivion. Craig's mesmerised by this strong, domineering woman, she goes to Lady to check she's alright, seeing Craig she takes her beloved dog over to him "would you look after her for me." He didn't have time to answer, he's amazed she even spoke to him; she turns and goes back to the manager. He's still nursing his aching groin; he's managed to get himself up onto his feet. He's just about aware of what's happened to his 'security guards', his attention has otherwise been on dealing with the pain this woman inflicted on him. As the crowd pleasing woman advances onto Harry, he tried to shuffle out of the way OOOUUUHHHH! He's still hurting though, "I ... ... I ... You have to leave now Miss ... ... Or ... " She stops "Or you'll do what?" A good question, as Harry looks around at the two guards on the floor, the crowd that's gather all seam hungry for some more 'action' for the older woman. The other staff members that have gather, and there's a lot now, all want to see the woman deal with Harry so he can't expect any help from them! "Now look here I ... ... " She doesn't listen, grabs him, pulls him downwards and drives her leather clad knee hard into Harry's gut, not once but three times, each harder than the last. He couched and spluttered, winded and stunned by her vicious attack WACK! She delivers a hard backhander across his face WACK! The other hand the other side of his face, the crowd are all excited, cheering the woman on. Elizabeth's angry with the man and lays about him, she shows off her strength, her fist and boots, show that even for an older woman she is a skilled fighter. The large crowd is still growing and enjoying the show of dominance that the woman is putting on; Harry stands no chance against the attractive, accomplished, devastating woman. Craig has a prime spot to watch the woman destroy the man, hard fists and boots tearing into his body. WACK! Another hard backhand that sends the man back down to the floor, blood flies out of the battered mans face as he coughs and splatters. It's as if every member of the stores staff is now in the crowd watching his misery. Elizabeth inflicts his final humiliation "kiss my boots", he can only obey her, she's shown what will happen if he doesn't, as his lips touch her boots the crowd give their loudest cheer. Craig's amazed ... ... amazed that he could be so excited by this amazing woman dressed so sexily, who has taken down and controlled three men, and now has one kissing her boot! 'What would it be like to be at her feet?' With Harry's final humiliation is over Elizabeth walks over to Lady and Craig, she removes her dog's choke collar and lead she looks up to the excited young man. "Look after Lady ... I shouldn't be long" with that she returns to the battered man, collar in hand, she grabs him, forcing the bedraggled man up onto his knees she placed Ladies collar around Harry's neck. Then pushing him back onto all fours "let's see how you like it outside ... ... come on 'Boy' time for walkies." She drags her new dog along by his lead, as she does so the assembled crowd clap and cheer at the sight of the 'Manager' being led away by the sexy woman. Elizabeth walks her dog along, down the escalator and heads towards the exit. Other shopper cleared a way for her as she walks through, people where shocked by what they saw, but everyone just stands and watches the attractive older woman and her 'dog' walk past. Elizabeth leads Harry out of the store, out into the side street where he had expected her to tie up Lady. It's still raining as she looks down at him "so this is where you wanted me to bring my dog was it?" He looks up at her, blind panic and fear in his eyes; he can't speak "well let's see how you like it ... ... " From where Craig's stood he can still see the exit that Elizabeth and her 'dog' left by, it's been nearly 10 minutes since she dragged him out there, what could she be doing? Just then she walks back in, a few people had gathered around the door looking out into the cold wet alleyway, they move aside for the woman in the red coat as she makes her way back in. It's as if a whispers spread through the store, everyone moves out of her way as she heads back up to the first floor. When she reaches the top she makes straight for Lady, Craig still stood next to her, he had dared not leave. She looks even more gorgeous, there's a faint cover of rain drops over her hair and that beautiful face, her coat glistens with even more rain drops. He swallows hard; he's captivated by her ... Elizabeth walks up to Craig and Lady; she looks at the pair of them, smiles holds out the dog collar and lead "so which one of you wants to wear this....?"