City Take Over 200th Story By Crossmanx at - Comments and ideas welcome 'When you move in on the City, beware that you might be treading on someone toes, and you wouldn't want to do that here!' City Take Over The City's a big place and is home to many people, all different in their own way, except in this city there are more 'different' people than most places! But for the most part this was a nice place for the average 'normal' person to live in. It generally had low crime rates and didn't have any noticeable large organised criminal gangs running around either. Not that it didn't have its own, unique, and sometime violent and vicious individuals, but for some reason the 'big boys' had seemed to have stayed away from this city! That was until now, as now Mario had taken a key interest in the city and what it had to offer, the potential was there and as there was none of the other main criminal groups here, he could just walk in and take over! But, even, Mario wasn't that stupid as to just stroll in without doing a little homework beforehand. A city like this with no large scale racketeering, protection rackets, prostitution ring or drug dealing going on had to have something else going on. Why was there only low level crime, why hasn't any of the other major crime syndicates moved in, what was 'special' or 'unusual' about this city? So to find out what you want to know you hire a 'consultant' and in this line of business a consultant had better do a good job as there was always lot of money at stake in this type of business ventures. Mario had gone for a new consultant for this job, even if he didn't like using people from outside his own organisation, but he knew he had to find a local person, someone who knew the city and knew all its secrets. He told the consultant what he needed to know about the city and given them a very brief outline of some of his intentions to maximise the information he was going to get back in the report. One of the main pieces of information he needed to know was who were the 'players' in this city, those involved in crime and policing, the local Politian's and main businessmen and most important of all those who would stand up to him or get in his way? He needed to know all their names, where they lived, worked and most of all when would be the best time and place for his 'boy's' to pay them a visit! The consultant's report hadn't taken long to put together and he'd spent a number of hours pouring over all the information, especially the part about those people in this city who would cause trouble for him. There were a number of names on the list of 'potential problems' should Mario's organisation move into the city, and this list was indeed a bit of a surprise to the man. But as with everything, even an illegal business move like this, you talk to the opposition first, allow a peaceful take over, even let the capable people come over and join you. It was always a good idea to get 'talented' people to join you, nothing wrong with bringing in people with new skills, experience and ideas, it only goes to improve your own work force. Mario sent out messages to all those on the list, it was simple he was coming into the city to take over either you join or you get eaten up and destroyed by his organisation. With that done he now set out a new list, if there was no reply or an unfavourable reply he would send his men in to deal with these 'negative people.' He divided his men up into who would be responsible for who on the list, and with that he sat back and waited, they had two days to reply to his 'offer' after that he would send his men into the city to take it over! On the third day Mario was not happy, either the replies he received where 'unfavourable' or he'd been ignored, so that hadn't gone down well at all. The consultant had warned him that with all these people on the list he would not get the answer he hoped for. So Mario called in all his main men, he dished out the list as to who was to deal with who and sent them on their way, by the end of the day this city would be his, no one was going to stand in his way, no one! The City at 40 In a part of the city ... ... ... Alison Chambers, the self-made woman was in the lift that was raising through the floors of the tall building and up towards the floor where her office was. She was a strong, successful and attractive woman who had got to where she was today through hard work, determination and through some good old blood, sweat and tears. But this had only been a recent development, just before reaching 40 she had taken a good long look at herself and her life and not liked what she'd seen. The tried, drab woman in the beige raincoat whose body and looks had faded as she sat comfortably in her job as a plain ordinary secretary in the firm her husband worked for. She wasn't even her husband's secretary, which meant he could still have a younger woman around him all the time. She stared at herself, Alison looked 50 rather than 39 and with 40 coming up she was dreading it! But Alison had changed all that, turning 40 had meant a new start, she'd found a gym that was 'different' and a woman there who could help her turn her life around, and boy had she done that. Alison had hit the gym hard, her body had changed, she was now strong, broad, toned and developed. She had got her old looks back if a bit more mature now, she had gained the confidence and now knew how to use it all to her advantage. The blood, sweat and tears had all paid off, it had been her sweat in the gym and all those workouts, it had been the tears of the men in her firm that she had then walked over, backstabbed and double crossed to get to the position she now held today. And it had been the blood of the men that had got in her way that she had spilt! The only reminder of the old Alison was that beige raincoat, the one she kept and wore all the time, the one that was now a bit tight on her firm, well developed body. When she wore it now and pulled that belt tight everyone could see how she had changed and the men knew to get out her way. As the lift arrived at her floor the doors opened, two men were talking and just about to step inside when they saw 'her.' They immediately went silent and stepped out the way giving the woman the space and respect that she commanded around here. She ignored them as she stepped out, not even a 'thank you', well they didn't deserve one, after all they had only done what was expected of all the men around here now, move out of her way! Following on behind Alison was a very tired and bedraggled young lad, he followed the woman like some lost sheep or hesitant puppy, not looking or concerned with anything else around him, only following her. The men didn't know who the lad was, but they both knew why he was there. Alison had instigated a 'bring you son to work' scheme, only this one was a 'bit different'. The firm that Alison worked for and the department she now run had a large amount of male employees, all of whom were at Alison's beck and call, if you were summoned and it was not work related it meant you had to provide the woman with a gift to please her 'or else!' One bright man had brought his son alone, a good gift especially for this woman, now that had started the ball rolling 'Bring you son to work' was now instigated. A cute lad that was pleasing to the woman and who could help her to 'relax' from the stresses of work would earn the Father a reprieve from her displeasure as well as a few 'brownie points.' The especially adorable lads might even be taken home by Alison for some further enjoyment! This particular lad had done extremely well and the older woman had been greatly impressed by his youthful body, determination to please her and his staying power. She had enjoyed him, a lot, and over the last previous couple of days he'd been tied to Alison's bed and now all that 'enjoyment' was staring to take its toll on the exhausted lad. In her secretary's office Alison told the sparkly blond and busty Jodie to arrange for the lad to be delivered back to his Father, before entering into her own office. The secretary jumped at the opportunity as she had a detour via the stationary room already planned for this lad! In her office Alison smiled to herself, knowing full well what Jodie would be up to. She'd 'inherited' the secretary from her husband, before Alison had changed herself into the current strong, lusty, dominate women she now. Her husband had been screwing Jodie, but now she was the one bedding the busty blond and Jodie much preferred Alison to any man she'd come across, but now and again the odd horny lad was never to be turned down! Alison was also just wondering where her 'husband' was, she'd not seen him about for a while so where had she left him? Then the door to her office opened and in stepped a man, and tall, well-built man in a sharp suit and with all the looks of someone with style and confidence. This 'man' even though he only looked 20 or so also had that 'cocky' air about him, maybe too much style and confidence and certainly someone who was new here as 'everyone' knew not to just walk in on Alison! The woman picked up her phone and looked at it, as if checking back on something, she put it down and stood up, then walked towards the man. George was indeed a man who was sure of himself, and when he saw the older woman in the raincoat walking to him he knew this was going to be an 'easy job.' Each of them kept eye contact with the other, each of them knowing what was going on here and what was about to happen next WHACK! OOOHHHH! But only one of them could be right, and it was Alison that made the first strike, the woman had claimed the first blood from a hard blow, a cut lip, so Alison was the one who was right. George, the young, confident strong man wobbled at the strong strike that had come thundering into the side, then across his face. This was quickly followed up by the woman throwing her knee up hard and making contact with the man's body THUD! She caught him just right, catching him off guard, hurting him and winding him. He would take a second or two to catch his breath back, ample time for Alison to now whip off her raincoat. The man was bent double after just two blows form the woman, 'maybe she was ... ... ' SMACK! She got her third strike in as George's head had come up and he'd seen just how Alison was dressed now, if it wasn't for the fact that her fist blows had stunned him the way she looked now certainly would have. The beige raincoat was on the floor and Alison was stood there in a pair of tight white shorts and matching crop top, this in itself was wonderful as it showed off her powerful, shapely and toned mature body. But also there was the added extra here, a pair of shiny black leather boots, the kind with high heels and where the boot went on and on. They went up and up, finishing off half-way up her strong thighs. This was a very stunning sight and she looked ... ... WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Three forceful blows from her leather clad knee slammed into him as she now grabbed onto the stunned man and brought him closer to her so she could inflict more pain THUD! CRACK! CRUCNH! The bent over man was now struck again, but this time Alison was bringing her arm down on him, driving her elbow deep into his back and onto his spine. The man called out in agony, as she knew just where to strike him for 'maximum effect!' The third strike made the man shudder and drop down to his knees, allowing Alison to quickly take a step backwards and WALLOP! She flung her foot forward, allowing her shiny leather boot to swing up and into the man's jaw's, George was catapulted backwards, he flew off his knee and was sent across the floor of Alison's office. He moaned on the floor, that was until the woman went over to him and CRUNCH! OOOUUGGHHH! Her high heel came down across his throat, he wouldn't be making those silly noises anymore! Alison went over to her desk, grabbed her phone set it up and placed it back on the desk in the right place, she returned back to the man, place her foot on his chest and SNAP! The photo was taken, the older woman in her tight white shorts and top and those lush, long black boots, with her foot on the downed younger man, that was defiantly one for the album. She liked the photo a lot, you always had to look good when either ravishing a cute lad or beating a man! That reminded her, her next 'bring your son to work' lad would be dropped off to her shortly, hence why she was dressed this way in the first place! The man on the floor was still conscious, although now not capable of moaning, he was still, just about, moving around. Alison moved over to her desk and the pile of parcels next to it, all the different boots and shoes she had been ordering and with the man still here she had time to 'break in' at least two new pairs of boots! George had been the young lion in the organisations 'pack', the youthful, strong one who had never been beat before, but as with all young pretenders they always met their match and their betters! For George it had been meeting the boot loving mature Alison and now he was going to pay for it. Alison walked over to George, she'd changed into a pair of blood red boots that went up to her keens, and just then there was a firm knock on the door "come in." A figure entered the office of Alison as the older woman was about to complete her punishment of this young wiper snapper of a man, a man who had dared to enter her office unannounced! The Dark City In another part of the city ... ... ... Enzo had his instruction; he knew where to go and was there well before the given time so he could look over the area, get familiar with the surroundings and get the high ground. The area was an old disused warehouse on the east side of the city, he'd broken through a wooden wall that had been set up around the building and ignored all the 'keep out' signs. Inside the building it was a damp dirty old place, littered with boxes, pieces of metal, old machinery and all sorts of junk. He looked in a large, dirty broken mirror and adjusted his tie, he looked good and smiled as he made his way up onto a gantry that ran although the building 'a good place for an ambush and to take down his target.' He moved up onto the metal walkway and found the best position, out the way and in the shadows, he made his way there and waited. But the big man didn't have long to wait long as soon the sound of footsteps could be heard, they got louder as his target had obviously entered the old building. But as the footsteps got louder he noticed there was two sets not one, 'two targets!' He again smiled, double the pleasure he thought, and not the first time he's had to deal with more than one mark at a time. The footsteps where now even louder as the targets appeared as they entered that part of the builder where he lay in wait. But it was at this point that Enzo got a second surprise as his targets moved into the centre of the room and into clear view of the man. For these two 'target's where two females, young females, girls, schoolgirls! He was for a moment shocked at this, he never expected this 'oh well it's still just a job!' The man got out of his position, he's seen enough 'this would be even easier' no need to waste time weighting up his opposition, this would be over very quickly. Enzo liked not knowing about his target, he enjoyed the 'thrill' of making quick decisions on the spot, hence why he was not told his target was two schoolgirls. The man leaped over the rail of the walkway and down to the floor THUD! The two girls turned sharply at the loud sound from behind them and could see the man now stood there dusting of his suit. He grinned as he removed the jacket and loosened his tie, placing the jacket neatly over an old box. He eyed up the two girls, both young, black and attractive, and also very 'fetching' in their uniforms, he could even 'enjoy' this one! The girls, Devon & Clover studied, as schoolgirls do, the man, he was tall, strong looking, older looking, a man of strength and experience. One man, two girls', he was twice their age, twice their size, bigger, stronger, in fact the two of them couldn't make one of him ... ... But he was still just a man! Enzo returned the girls stare as he assessed these 'little girl's' in front of him, not that it took long, they were no threat to him but more interestingly was how these two tantalising black girls looked. On the left was Devon, the smarter looking girl with her attractive face, short dark hair with the quiff fringe, he liked that. He also liked her bright red lips and dark eyes peering over her large red glasses. Dressed in her shiny shoes, long white socks up to her knees, a pair of tight grey shorts with a short shelved white blouse tucked into them and then a matching grey waistcoat. Both the waistcoat and blouse were unbuttoned quite away and the school tie loosely tied that lay there as if inviting him to move it. Very nice, as was the second girl, Clover, who stood next to Devon. Clover is the rough, untidy looking one, but still very pretty. With her good looks and longer, full bodied dark hair that had vibrant red streaks running through it, then there were her large succulent pink lips. The lips that were moving all the time as she was obviously crewed on gum. She had her own style of dress, small ankle boots, long grey socks to the knees, up to a short tartan pattern skirt. Then a short sleeved white blouse, a little too short & untucked, for the scruffy look, but also with the top and bottom buttons undone. Add a red bra that thrusts her ample chest out and again a tie, but this time undone and just hung there over her breasts. Enzo thought it would be a shame to 'deal' with these girls but orders where orders, but even so he could still have a bit of 'fun' first of all with them! He made his way towards the girls, who looked at each other then back to the grinning man. The girls smiled and ARRRRHHHHH! They rushed forward and straight at Enzo, the old building now echoed with the screams of the girls as they charged at him and WHACK! CRACK! UUUUHHHH! Devon and Clover throw themselves at the man, Devon jumped up, her leg came up and out, while Clover dropped down, her arm came all the way back then she drove it forward. Devon's foot and Clover's fist made contact with the man, a double blow, in more than one way. Not only had he instantly found out that these girls where not what they at first seemed, they could fight, they could strike and they could indeed hurt him! Enzo went flying backwards, the girls blows had taken him off his feet and sent him down to the floor some way away. As the stunned man landed and skidded across the dirty floor he realised that ... ... ... OOOWWWHHH! THUD! CRUNCH! Well the girls didn't give him any time to think, they were on to him in an instant grabbing onto the man, hauling him back up onto his feet and slamming their knees and fists into him as he came up. They set about the man in a hash, vicious, wicked schoolgirl way, slamming their feet, knees and fists into him, pounding his face and body, hammering his weak spots, kneecaps, kidneys, groin, gut and face The girls punched and kicked, Clover hauled the man upwards by grabbing onto his head then WALLOP! She throws her thigh around and into the side of his face, sending Enzo spinning around and SMASH! Straight into the spinning kick from Devon, that dropped the man back down to the floor. The girls slapped him around the room, each hit, punch and kick fills the old disused building, the sound spins around them just as they spin around and smack the man again. The girls like how this places sound, maybe they'll come here again! CRACK! Devon's fist land squarely in Enzo's face, driving the man backwards, he falls over and onto a large wooden packing box, his back jolted by the sharp impact. But Devon moves in quick she goes round him and grabs onto his arms, pulling the man backwards, dragging and stretching the injured man over the box and holding him there in that painful position. Then Clover come up, and up close, she raises her leg up high, almost vertical then WHACK! Her leg come down, sharp and hard, right into his gut, still with Devon holding him there over her improvised 'rack'. The man screams out in agony WHACK! But the girls ignoring his cries carry on, as Clover brings her leg up and down again across the man on the box CRACK! This time the box breaks and the man drops down through it and to the floor, in more torment and pain. Enzo is dragged back up and slapped around some more, but how much more can he take? The girls are in front of him their faces full of schoolgirl anger for him, they both reach out and grab onto his now dirty and torn shirt. Four strong schoolgirl hands grab his shirt and RIIIIPPPP! The girl wrenched their hands away, ripping his shirt, tearing it off him, now half naked the girls now see how much damage they can do to his bare chest and torso WHACK! THUD! ARRRRRRHHHH! After the girls have had their 'fun' they dragged the numb, battered man over to where the large old broken mirror is THUD! He's thrown down onto his knees in front of it, his bloody, bruised face is a mess as is the rest of body. His bare chest is cut, thrashed and discoloured and looks as if he's had a sound flogging, whipping and beating all at the same time. Then Devon stands to one side of him and Clover to the other, the man's trouser belt is firmly fixed around his neck and the attractive Devon is holding this like a leash in her hand, whilst his shirt might be gone but his tie is still around his neck and the good-looking Clover has her hand on this 'lead'. The girl's, in their normal mischievous manner now take out their phones for a couple of selfies! They grab hold of his weary arms and pull them up, grabbing a hand each, placing his arms around them, they hold in place one of his hands on Clover's firm thigh and the other on Devon's pert arse. Having the beaten man on his knees with the girls either side of him, holding his almost lifeless arms onto their stunning bodies only goes to make the humiliating photo's more degrading for the man. As well as to emphasise their total destruction of the man and their control of him as they even decide where his hands can go, now that's control! With photos taken the girls return back to the man, after all he had touched them, and that wasn't allowed! Any excuse to hurt him will do ARRRRRRRHHHHHH! As the destructive dark duo went about finishing off the man, a figure entered the old derelict build. The person entered the large open area and stopped, and just stood and watched as Devon and Clover completed their dominance, humiliation and final victory over the man. The Stern City In another part of the city ... ... ... A car headed out towards the outskirts of the city, the four men inside were all quiet as the vehicle carried on with its journey, they all knew where they were headed and what their 'job' was. But it did seem a bit of a strange place to go and to 'deal' with their boss's rivals, especially as this was a school? As the car pulled up in the carpark they all looked around, everything seemed normal, it was just a school, they had passed a sign that said 'The Stern Academy' at the entrance, nothing strange in that and here in the carpark again everything seems ... ... well normal! In her office the Headmistress of this establishment, Ms Stern, looked out of the window and saw the cars arrival, she looked down at her phone as if to confirm a message she'd already had on it, then made a few quick calls "they're here!" that was all she had to say. In the carpark three men got out, the one in charge, Franco, nodded to the driver as if saying 'you know, stay here and we'll be back shortly'. The driver nodded back, and picked up his paper and went to the crossword, as a driver you needed a pastime for all those waits you had to do and knowing the three men he had just dropped off he reckoned this would be a quick job and he wouldn't get through this one in time. Franco, Nico and Tony entered the main building and into the reception area, the only person there was a lad, a schoolboy, who was busy with a cloth furiously polishing a plaque on the wall. Franco went over and looked. The Stern Private School An educational establishment dedicated to providing a stimulating and disciplined environment for selected young girls and boys. Headmistress. Ms A Stern 'A. Stern', that was who he was here to see "where's this Headmistress?" The large man looked down at the lad, his voice rough, sharp and his words straight to the point. The lad looked up, his face was full of fear, the large scar that when across Franco's face made him look as hard and as scary as he really was. The boy pointed to a corridor off the reception area, the man smirked and pushed the lad out the way, he stumbled and fell to the floor as Franco pointed to two other corridors, instructing the other men to go off and investigate down there. The three men went their separate ways and when they were out of sight the lad pulled out his phone "they're on their way!" Franco soon found the office of Ms Stern and barged in, the door flew open, flying around and slamming into the wall, as the man made his way inside. The room was empty apart from a scared looking lad who looked as if he was pulling up his trousers 'strange thing to do in the Headmistress office!' But then again this man didn't fully understand or know what went on around here! "where is she?" the man growled at the lad as he panicked and was desperately trying to sort himself out. His scared eyes moved to the far end of the room where there was a door open, the man smiled, walked over to the lad and grabbed him by his shoulder and throw the lad towards the main open door a 'firm' indication to 'get out.' The lad, Noel, stumbled out into the corridor and out of sight of the man, as he did so he smiled to himself as he looked at his watch. Ms Stern had told him to comeback in an hour then they would continue with his 'assessment!' But for now he had a timely break from Ms Stern's passion, time to rehydrate, rest and build himself up ready for the next session with her! Back in Ms Stern's office and now Franco has his eye's firmly fixed on the door at the far end of the office, this had been a storeroom for documents and paperwork, but now it was the Headmistress walking in closet for her array of various 'work cloths!' There was a short pause then the sound of footsteps as Ms Stern appeared out of her changing room. The dominate Ms Stern was now out of her 'normal' school traditional Headmistress guise, she'd changed and was now more suitably dressed to meet this man. Gone where the high heeled shoes, tight skirt, white blouse, cape and Motor board, now replaced by high black leather boots, tight black leather trousers and a tight black sleeveless top. Her mature yet very well formed, toned and curved body on display, even the man who was normally so focused on his 'work' was taken aback a bit by how stunning this woman looked. Elsewhere in the school the other two men were also about to meet their fate ... ... In one of the many corridors, that all looked the same, Nico was making his way around the school, that somehow seemed very quiet! He turned a corner to see a woman at the far end, she looked up from the files she had in her hand, saw the man and started to make her way towards him. Tony was in a more familiar looking area of the school, the sports department by the looks of it, BANG! There was the sound of a door slamming behind him, he turned and went towards it, the man grabbed onto the door handle and yanked it open, then stepped inside. The room as a smallish activities type room with a few desks and chairs, some mats on the floor and various sports equipment along by the far wall. On one of the desks was sat a blond pigtailed schoolgirl and stood next to her was a ponytailed brunette schoolgirl. They both looked up at the man and smiled. Back in the Headmistress office and Ms Stern in her leathers was approaching the man who had so rudely entered her office without permission and dismissed the boy she was assessing! Now this was not the sort of behaviour she expected and this man needed to be taught a 'Stern lesson!' Franco wasn't sure why a Headmistress of a school should be dressed like this, even if he'd been told not to underestimate this woman as she was quite a ... ... THUD! OOOWWWHHH! Ms Stern's boot had 'opened' the lesson with a sharp blow to the man's groin area, his legs buckled and he doubled over at the sharp blow this woman had delivered. Franco was shocked, stunned, hurt by the woman, he braced himself, recovered and straightened himself back upwards again. He wouldn't let her get that close again, he'd underestimated this woman once and learnt his lesson, the hard way, he wouldn't be making the same mistake again ... ... SMACK! Now he staggered backwards as the 'older woman' had taken a step backward to allow the man some room and time to recover then thrown herself into a spin. Her other boot had come hurtling around and caught the man in the side of his head as he'd pushed himself back upright, sending him spinning around and backwards CRACK! UUUUHHHH! As he'd spun around and shown his back to her, Ms Stern had jumped, kicked out and slammed her boot into the base of his spin, sending a shocking, electric pain up his back and dropping the man down onto his knees. Now the Headmistress stepped forward, with the man knelt down and his back to her, she knew he was hurting, and now it was time for some more pain. She reached down, her arm shot around his neck, grabbing hold of him CRUNCH! ARRRRHHHHH! On the other side of the school in the corridor Nico had just found Miss Steel, the deputy Headmistress. She'd seen the man and made her way towards him, as she got close she went for him, the strong brunette, both physically and mentally, liked everything in its place and this man didn't belong here, so had to be 'removed!' When she was within striking distance, she did just that, her arm went up, then came down hard across his face, taking him by surprise and dropping the surprised man to the floor. He was now nicely at her feet and just in the right position for her shoes to pound him THUD! WALLOP! Elsewhere, in the room next to the sports hall Tony wasn't fairing any better, but he didn't have one woman to contend with, he had two girls'! The devilish schoolgirl's Trixie & Dixie had 'tempted' the man over to where they were and when the grinning idiot had got there the girl dished out their own kind of 'welcome!' Trixie's fist had driven hard into his gut, dropping the man in front of the desk that Dixie was sat on, and allowing the pigtailed blond to clamp her legs around his head and squeeze hard OOOOHHHHH! Back in the Headmistress office and Ms Stern had got her now damaged man back up onto his feet and she was in full swing WHACK! WHACK! First her left boot smashed into his jaw, then she spun around and brought her right boot across his face. Franco tumbled back and slammed into the Headmistress large ornate desk, she wasn't happy about that 'if he's marked it!' The older woman rushes in and grabs him off her desk, takes a step back and falls backwards, holding onto the man she drags him down with her and WOOSSHHH! THUD! Her leg came up and into the man at the right moment and flipped, tossed him over, summersaulting Franc over her and through the air to the far side of the office. Ms Stern was back on her feet in a flash, he'd had no time to think let along recover before he's dragged back up on his feet and the older woman, the Headmistress, is throwing her knee into his body and then throwing him back down to the floor. So long as he's hurting, in pain and worried about what she'll do next then Ms Stern is happy! 'Oh and for good measure' WHACK! Back in the corridor and Nico's still on the receiving end of Miss Steel's displeasure SMACK! The man was sent staggering down the corridor and fell to the floor ARRRHHH! The deputy Headmistress' hand came down and with her iron grip she grabbed onto his crotch, she hauled the man up off the floor and onto his feet, tears of agony running down his bruised cheeks CRUNCH! She had full control of the man, her hand gripped tight as he yelled, for mercy and help, but around here that was a common sound to hear so no one would be coming to his assistance. The only person to take any notice of what was happen was Janet, Ms Stern's busty 'personal' secretary, she'd heard a disturbance and opened the door of the room she was in to investigate. She saw that Miss Steel had the situation 'in hand' as she literally manhandled the man with her vice like grip, so the gorgeous brunette closed the door and went back inside. The room was the school councillor's office, who was Mrs Barker, not only the school councillor but she was also the attractive mature Aunty of Tom. He was one of the school's 'special students, who roll was to satisfy all the needs of the female staff at the school, a popular lad Tom was also the firm favourite of Janet. But today he was sharing his 'duties' with his Aunt and Janet at the same time. As Janet moved back into the office she started to undo her blouse as she made her was to Tom, who was already laid out on Mrs Barkers desk. His Aunt had striped him and laid her naked Nephew their ready to enjoy him. Currently she was giving his large cock and good lashing with her tongue and it felt wonderful. Tom could see Janet undressing and making her way to him, this was going to be a very enjoyable time for them all! Back in the corridor and with the man still under Miss Steel's control, she easily led him away, still having that firm grip on him, around the corner into another corridor, they arrived at a door, Miss Steel slammed the man against the wall as she opened the door then WHACK! THUD! She slapped him hard, forcing Nico through the open door and down onto the floor of the room. As he lay there he realised she had not gone for him again, 'was he safe, what was this place?' Nico looked up 'Oh God!' There, stood nearby and tower over him, was a tall, broad, scary looking black woman! The deputy Headmistress had brought this man to the staff room, which was full of all the Stern Academy most diligent female teachers. He was here so that the other women could 'enjoy him' and by the looks of things the Head of Sports, Miss Rankin, was the first to have her turn with him ... ... ARRRRRHHHHH! Back in the sports hall and the troublesome twosome of Trixie and Dixie have also been having their own fun, but for the man it might not have been such a good thing. He was kicked by the brunette, then smacked by Dixie, followed by a number of hard fists delivered by Trixie and ending up with some furious backhands from the pigtailed blond. Tony had been hit, kicked and punched by the girls, then he'd been thrown and tossed by the Trixie and flung and chucked by Dixie. The two schoolgirls had played with him fully and now it had come to the moment to end his time with them. After being dragged up onto his feet from the floor the bedraggled man was put into position so that Trixie & Dixie could kick out at the same time, their firm feet crashing into the man's torso at the same time WHACK! THUD! The double blow sent him staggering backwards, but the girls certainly hadn't finished with him. They both stepped forward and towards the hurt man SMASH! CRACK! Now it was the girl's fists that struck him, two more hard hits into his gut that made him double over as the air was driven out of him. He grabbed his stomach that was now on fire after another double blow and at the same time his head came down and eyes screwed up. So he didn't see, but certainly felt, the two knees that where sent flying up into his falling face SMACK! CRUNCH! UUUUUHHHHH! His pounded head was sent flying up, as blood and drool came splattering out of his broken mouth, as he went catapulting upwards, and almost onto tip toes, his arms flew out to the side. The girl's where quick Trixie grabbed one arm, Dixie the other, then they finished him off WALLOP! POP! With the girls holding onto his arms he was going nowhere so he was just where Trixie & Dixie wanted him, they each shot a leg up high and smashed a foot into him, hard, so ending this man's 'participation' and finishing him off. Trixie's foot had slammed into his face, smashing his nose and sending it spreading across his face, while Dixie's foot found the man windpipe, the popping sound and the gurgling noise he made was quiet amusing to the girls as they released his arms and allowed the man to, at first, dropped down to his knees and then, overcome by the schoolgirls attack, he fell forwards THUD! He fell straight onto his battered and blood face, bouncing once as he hit the floor then coming to a final stop. He lay there motionless and the girls gave each other their normal celebratory hug as yet another man had come to his end at the hands of these two gorgeous, but deadly schoolgirls! Ms Stern was also having the same success with her 'man', as her leather boots and thighs had pounded hard into him, and then her legs had squeezed and griped him. The Headmistress' fists had pummelled and hammered him, and his body had been hit, bruised and broken. But even so she could still manage to get some more hits in and inflict more pain before he was done for THUD! Franco is again sent flying by the mature yet destructive woman, she slapped him hard across his face, grabbed him, turned and the man went over her shoulder. He flew across the room and down to the floor, unfortunately as he landed his leg knocked into one of the antique chairs that Ms Stern had purchased out of the school's IT fund. In an instant she was across the room to inspect for damage, to the chair of course and not the man WHACK! Her boot slammed into his face, blood splattered out as she was annoyed with him, but lucky for him, the chair was unmarked THUD! But still there was another boot to his face, to make sure he knew that 'she's not happy with him!' The Headmistress reached down grabbed onto his hair and pulled him halfway up off the floor, his face bloody and bruised, his nose smashed and broken from the many kicks and punches she'd sent to his head. He moaned and clutched onto his painful chest, probably a few broken ribs there, but still he was still good for a few more rounds with her, until she had 'finally had enough of him!' Outside and a figure stands in the carpark, they can see the car that had brought the three men here to the school. The three men, Franco laying on the floor in the Headmistress office being pummelled by the older woman, Nico who was currently being ripped apart by a group of very vicious female teachers in the staffroom and Tony who was now lying on the floor of one of the sports hall side rooms in pool of his own blood. The figure looked over to the car where the drive had almost completed his crossword, surprised at how long his friends had taken on this job. But suddenly the car was surrounded by a large group of girls, the man startled, looked up from his paper and as he did so his door opens and there is the deputy Head Girl Amy. The passenger door also opens and the new girl Debbie was there. There was a moment where nothing happened, it all went quite, as the man just looked in surprise and horror at the two girls and all the others that surrounded his car, then ARRRRRHHH! The two girls reached in and grabbed at him, whilst the girls outside all banged on the car and rocked it, all the girls there are very eager to get their hands on him! The figure carried on and into the school, once inside it was the Headmistress office that was where they were heading for. Inside and Ms Stern had Franco tight between her thighs as she forced the last reaming ounce of his willpower and stamina out of him. He was desperately trying to cling on, fearful of what was going to happen to him as he could feel himself fading away. KNOCK! KNOCK! Ms Stern gave one last squeeze to finish him off CRUNCH! The man's limp body was released and fell to the floor "come in" the figure entered to see the leather covered mature Headmistress standing over the very still body of the large, defeated, man. City Hotel In another part of the city ... ... ... Well in a couple of parts of the city and scattered around where the Mason girls, they were the gorgeous entourage of one Jonathan Mason. This was the young entrepreneur who lived just outside the city on his large county estate but also owned a number of different business and companies based within the city and surrounding area. He also had in his extensive portfolio various other amenities and properties, such as the renowned Excelsior Hotel. Jethro had been the man that Mario had put in charge of sorting out Mr Jonathan Mason and his entourage, and along with a group of handpicked men Jethro went off to 'deal' with the young businessman. The only slight problem he could see in this was that his 'target's where spread over the place, but it wasn't that much of a problem, after all he had picked the men he knew could easily deal with these so called 'Mason Girl's.' After all what trouble could they really cause him and his men? First to get a visit was Sameera, the exotic Asian beauty of the Mason girls, the one who looked as if she'd just walked off a Bollywood film set. She was in one of the exclusive shops just off the lobby of the Excelsior Hotel, the lingerie shop. She was in one of the side changing room get a personal fitting for a lovely new set of lacy underwear when BANG! The door was thrown open and in walked an oriental looking man, badly fitting suit, shirt at least one size to small and a very out of date tie, Sameera noticed fashion mistakes like this. The girl that was measuring Sameera jumped in shock as the man now came in and headed toward the Asian beauty WHACK! OOUUHHH! Before he could get to her, Sameera dressed in just her underwear had jumped and brought he foot up into the bottom of the man's jaw. The stunning kick had dropped him down to his knees CRACK! Now the woman turned, twisted, brought her leg up and drove her knee hard into the side of the man's head, the sound of his head bursting filled the room. But before he fell to the ground SMACK! Sameera leaned forward and drove her fist into the man's jaw, break it and ending his attack. He fell to the ground, his face smashing into the floor of the changing room, his body jerked once then was still, he was finished. The Asian beauty stood there in just her pink lacy underwear, then turned to the pretty blond assistant and pulled the girl to her. Sameer's other hand quickly reached back and undone her bra "now then you were about to measure me wasn't you?" Sameera kissed the girl, beating a man always gave her a taste for something else! On the Mason estate Charlotte, the feisty redhead was out riding and once back from her gallop she was determined to do some more riding, only this time it was going to be with one of the stable boys! As the horse came to a stop in the courtyard of the stables the redhead noticed a car pull up and two men get out. And by the looks of them they weren't here for anything to do with horses, sunglasses on a dull day where always a giveaway! Charlotte steered her horse over towards the open doors of the large stable, jumped off and walked inside. The men looked around, no one about and followed her inside. As they entered the stable there was Charlotte stood there, hands on her hip, riding whip in one hand looking stunning. Those boots, tight jodhpurs, red jacket and matching red hair made her looking amazing. The men made their way to her WHACK! CRACK! But the redhead's boots struck first, she caught one man in the groin, doubling him over, the other in his gut dropping him onto his knees SMACK! SMASH! She followed up quickly with two harsh blows from her whip then two hard driven knees, both found their mark of the men's faces, and both men were sent flying. With the men on the stable floor Charlotte jumped, literally, at the chance to finish them off, CRUCH! One boot landed on one of the fallen man's throats, he jolted, gurgled and then was still WALLOP! Her other boot came down onto the second man's face, he shuddered and fell silent. The redhead was pleased with her work, even more please as she spotted the cute stable boy who'd just walked into the building, she felt another 'ride' was now required! Back over in the Excelsior and the beautiful oriental Su Ling had just finished off her workout in the hotels gym, the personal trainer was out cold and laying on a set of blue mats in the exercise room. Su Ling had challenged him to a 'friendly' judo match, even though she knew he was no match for her, but it had been amusing to see his eager face light up when she'd mentioned it. But now the woman steps onto and over the fallen man, then makes her way to the sauna, as she did so the door opened and in walked a tall and confident black man. As he's dressed in a suit it's a giveaway that probably he's in the wrong place, but as he takes off his sunglasses and looks at the woman, she can see in his eyes that it is indeed her he's after! He goes to put his glasses inside his jacket, but WHACK! Su Ling runs, jumps high, and kicks out, her bare foots lands squarely in his face. The man's stunned both at how quick she moves, how high she jumped and how hard this tiny woman can kick CRUNCK! As she falls to her feet Su Ling's fist shots out into the man's groin, then she grabs his flapping arm, turns and over he goes, over her shoulder and down to the floor the much bigger man goes SMACK! On the floor her foot smashes into his face SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Again and again, blood splatters, his body jolts and jerks around until finally WALLOP! It's a final hard kick to his head that finishes him off, two men on the floor, not bad for an easy workout. In the sauna and her friend, Beverly, is waiting along with her two Nephews, they're already all hot and sweaty, anticipating the arrival of the oriental woman. Su Ling's ready and looking forward to another steamy 'workout!' In the main house on the Mason estate and Sade the tall, strong and beautiful black woman is relaxing by the side of the indoor swimming pool, this beauty has a thing about water, she' always dipping in and out of something wet. The woman has done her lengths for the day and is lying back on one of the loungers with her eye's closed, taking a moment to relax. As she lays there the patio doors are slowly and quietly opened as two men stealthily sneak inside. They make their way towards the woman lying there who looks as if she's asleep now. The men go to reach down and grab her THUD! CRUNCH! But no one sneaks up on this woman! As they leaned over, Sade sent her fist into one man's face, grabbed the other around his neck, then spun him round and over, flipping, summersaulting him and dropping him to the floor. With both men stunned the black woman goes for them, she's off the lounger in a flash slamming her fist back into the first man and grabbing him, she reaches down hauling the second man upwards. Then with a tight grip on both men she runs towards the deep pool, SPLASH! She takes both men in with her, holding them as they sink to the floor of the pool. As they slowly drift down to the bottom Sade has a sense of 'dajar vu' as if she'd done this before, but of course she has. But now there are two men to hold, control and ultimately overcome at the bottom of the pool. A while later and the pool boy comes in to see if everything is OK SPLASH! Sade rockets up and out of the water, she makes her way up and out of the pool, her strong body drips with water and the boy can see her intense smiling face looking at him! On the outskirts of the city Maria, the Latin beauty, is out in her 4x4 Jeep, she gets a trill racing down narrow lanes then around sharp bend in the countryside. Enjoying fast cars, rough driving and the danger of not know what's around the next bend, she drives hard and fast, then around the next corner SCREEECH! She slams on the breaks as there's a car blocking her path, suddenly another car appeared behind her, boxing her in. A man in a suit gets out of both cars and now two men make their way towards her, anyone would think this had been planned! As the first man get to Maria's door WHACK! She throws the door open straight into him, dropping the stunned man to the floor. Maria jumps out of the car and as she gets out the second man's there and grab her THUD! She drives her elbow back straight into his gut winding the man and doubling him over. Then she turns sharply throw her knee up into the man, followed up by her fist into the bottom of his jaw, sending this second man flying and down to the ground. Now Maria turns back to the first man, she's on him quickly bringing her boot down hard on his chest making sure he stays down CRUNCH! ARRRHHH! With both men down she jumps back into her Jeep, reverse gear THUD! OOOHHH! Forward gear THUD! UUUURRRR! Reverse gear again, Forwards gear again! All done and dusted! She now goes to move her Jeep around the parked cars, then sees a farm boy sat on the gate eating his lunch, watching in amazement. She smiles "Hi cutie, know of any haystacks or barns around here where I can take you?" The gobsmacked lad nods, he points to an old barn, not quite sure what she's intending to do to him! In the Excelsior Hotel, Ms Scarlett the hotel manager, or Mistress as she's known is doing her rounds of all the floors and departments. Making sure everything is as it should be and the high standards of this luxurious establishment are maintained. On the top floor, that is reserved for only the best guests and caters for all of their desires, the Mistress is delivery a new bellboy to the room of a regular guests. Who's very appreciative of Ms Scarlett's thoroughness in supplying only the best and loveliest youth's to her. As she leaves the lads to his 'fate' with the very eager woman, Ms Scarlett spies a man down the far end of the corridor, and he's not someone she recognises. Unusual? As she has good memory for people and faces, especially those of her guests, so she investigates. "You!" she calls out, the man stops "what are you doing, you're not a guest here?" He removes his sunglasses and she can see his eyes and he has the look of trouble about him! As she gets closer, the tall, attractive, sophisticated brunette in her smart, sexy, business suit peers over her glasses, she sees his smug grin, and doesn't like it! WHACK! OOOOHHHH! Ms Scarlett's smart shoe kicks out, catching the man just right, causing him to stagger backwards and against the wall. Only it's not a wall it's the service elevator doors SMACK! Ms Scarlett hand slams against the control panel, the doors open WHACK! She spins and kick him, he falls back, through the open doors ARRRHH! There's a long fall down the shaft to where the elevator is at the bottom 'must get those doors seen too, they shouldn't open so easily like that!' All that dealt with Ms Scarlett goes back about her duties, she spies someone else "you boy!" a bellboy is seen, he freezes at the sound of her voice "I have a message for you Miss." The Mistress used her keys to open an empty room "In here boy" she ushers the lad into the unoccupied room "you can give it to me in here, then I'll read the note!" Back on the Mason estate and a car pulls up outside the large Mason family home, the person inside the car looks at their watch, they can just see three men, two making their way towards the rear of the house to were the large indoor swimming pool is and the other man entering the house through a slightly open window. The figure in the car waits, 'give it ten minutes and then ... ... ' In the main house Jethro has made his way unnoticed into the house, the security information he'd been given all seemed to be right, and now to find the office of this Jonatan Mason kid. How someone that young could own all this and be worth so much was beyond the man, but it didn't matter, soon Mason wouldn't be in any condition to spend any money or enjoy all this. Down another hallway and there's a set of doors, that should be the office, Jethro checked his watch, at this time Mason should be in there doing his business stuff, so time to get this job done. The broad man put his hands on the two handles, pushes and enters the office. It's a big room, at the far end was a large desk and sat behind it was Jonathan Mason, he was just a kid, this wouldn't take long at all. And as Jethro made his way across the room to his target "can we help you?" The voice of a woman, he stopped and looked around. There sat on old chair was a woman, the blond Louise "was there something you was after?" Another voice behind he, he spun around sat opposite in a similar chair was the brunette Donna. A woman either side of him and Mason in front of him, still no problem! Donna & Louise where the first of the Mason girls and very loyal and protective of their Jonathan Mason. Donna pushed herself elegantly up and out of the chair slowly, whilst Louise swung her leg over the arm of the chair and cartwheeled out of the chair, 'good move!' The two women now stand there looking at the man, waiting. But he had no time for games like this he was here to deal with Mason and that's what he was going to do. He ignored the women and moved forward, but before he knew it WHACK! THUD! Donna had leaped forward, taking a couple of large steps then spun around and brought her foot round hard, smashing it into the side of Jethro's head. At the same time Louise had also moved in on the man, spinning around and around from one foot to the other as she move in close and finally shooting her foot into the man's kidneys as hard as she could. The double blow took Jethro down to his knees and delivered him into the hands of the blond and brunette who now set about him SMASH! CRACK! Louise drove her fist into the back of his neck, sending his head flying forward and straight into the upcoming knee of Donna, his head exploded from the two strike and blood flew out as his nose was smashed. Now the women grab an arm each and haul the stunned man upwards WALLOP! THUD! The brunette's foot steams into his gut doubling him over which is followed by the blond's foot going high then crashing down, bringing her heel into the back of his head, and dropping Jethro face first into the floor. Donna and Louise inflict more savage blows into the man, as they beat him, their wrath is only matched by their anger about the fact that this man dear to come into their home and try to hurt their Jonathan. Soon he is just a bloody, mushed up mess, a battered and broken man who should have stayed at home and now he was no more. As the women completed their show of annoyance for him, they was a knock at the office door, Hedges the long serving family butler came in. The sight of a man being beaten by one or even two of these Mason Girls was something the old man was getting use to now. But it was never like this when Mr Jonathan's parents where running the estate! "There is someone to see you Sir" just then a figure enters the room, the same person that had been waiting in the car outside and their timing looks as if it was spot on. City Nights In another part of the city ... ... ... The light had started to fade as evening draws in now, and with it came a slight chill to the air and some moisture, it was going to rain. And right on time as the car pulled up the rain started, the man inside looked around as the droplets started to appear on his windscreen, he didn't like this weather one bit. Pedro was originally from Mexico, so this cold, damp weather didn't sit well with him, what he did enjoy, was doing his job and tonight his job was to send his bosses 'warm regards' to Nikki. She was on his list of those who might be a problem, but the man couldn't see how after all she was just one little schoolgirl, what could she do? As he got out his car the bit of drizzle was now turning into light rain and he knew it would only get worse. Pedro was parked just down from the local youth club, where this girl was supposed to be going to this evening, so all the man had to do was wait until she turned up. He placed himself by the side of the alleyway that ran down by the side of the youth club, his bag of sweets in his hand. He was quite partial to these now, it was one of the only good things this place had to offer as obviously the weather was so dismal he needed something to lift his spirits. But he didn't have to wait that long until he could hear the faint sound of footsteps, then in the distance and turning around a street corner was the figure of a schoolgirl. As she got closer he checked her over to make sure she was the right one. She was a plain looking girl, still dressed in her school uniform, sensible shoes short white socks and a slightly short skirt that showed off her steady legs. There was a white blouse but it was covered over by the girl's school blazer, further up and her top button where undone and school tie, with its large knot was hanging down. Yes, she was plain, a girl still waiting to fully bloom with her looks, her long dark hair was in pigtails that came out to the side, all set off by her dark thin rimmed round glasses. But it was her look, her face, plain but still he wasn't sure just how old she was, one moment she looked young then the light caught her and she looked so much older. She also had a mischievous and innocent look at the same time, so yes this was defiantly her, Nikki. The description matched perfectly, so he'd identified his target all he had to do now was eliminate her, that would be simple enough. Then he could get out this miserable weather! As the girl got close and was just about to head up the steps and into the youth club, Pedro stepped out of the side alley "Hey!" Nikki stopped and turned towards the stranger "little girl how about you and I step over here, I have something for you." He shook his bag of sweets as a bit of a joke, the sly grin on his face an obvious sign that he thought he was being funny. Nikki realised who this man was and still decided to follow on as he turned around and slowly headed down into the alley, halfway down he stopped and turned back to face the girl. She stood there all innocent, with her hands tucked into her blazer pockets and one leg at a jaunty angle to give this even plain looking girl a bit of a cute appearance. Pedro was not a sentimental kind of man, so man, woman, boy or girl, it didn't matter to him, it was just a job to him, that's all. He took a sweet out of the packet and throw it into his mouth "now little girl I don't know what you've done but you have upset my boss and that ... ... " WHACK! OOOOWWWW! And that was enough from him, Nikki was getting bored she had boy's waiting for her in the youth club and wanted to get this over and done with, so her sensible school shoe flung into his crotch, taking the man by surprise. It had also hurt him and made him gasp for breath as he almost chocked on the sweet still in his mouth. But this gave the schoolgirl the advantage and also the opportunity to do it all again CRUNCH! But this time it was her knee, she'd quickly stepped forward and drove her firm knee hard up into the man, pounding him and hurting him some more. He staggered back, taking a few steps to steady himself and also given Nikki another opportunity CRACK! The schoolgirl had spun around and slammed her shoe into the side of his face, blood splattered from his mouth as he staggered and wobbled then CRACK! Nikki's other foot came around and drove into the other side of his face, she didn't give him a second's rest bite as the schoolgirl set about him some more THUD! WHACK! Unbelievably the man, the hard, strong experience man was on the receiving end of a schoolgirl battering, one he'd never had before and one, if he survived, he would never forget. Pedro was struck again and was about to tumbled backwards when the girl reached out, she grabbed onto his arm, pulling the disorientated man to her, she turned and THUD! Over he went, over the schoolgirls shoulder and down into the alleyway floor, the rain had already formed some small puddles and she made sure he found one as he hit the ground. Pedro struggled on the floor, he jolted and jerked and looked a bit like a fish out of water as he gasped for air and tried to deal with his injuries. Nikki walked around him, unimpressed, her Uncle Owen could take a better beating than this man, also her two 'new' play things were also more satisfying than him. He was a bit of a poor excuse and had failed to impressed Nikki, so she would end this now. She bent down and grabbed hold of the battered man by his hair, pulling him upwards. Then showing her more vicious side, rather than the normal mischievous, playful and cheeky side, Nikki drew her hand back and still holding onto him by his hair she threw her hand towards the nearby wall SMACK! The girl slams the man's face into the wall, hard, there was a muffled cry, moan of pain as he connected with the brickwork, then SMACK! She threw his face back into the wall, now there was silence, Nikki let go of his hair and the man slid down the wall, his face leaving a trail of blood as it slowly descended down the brickwork. Nikki was about to leave when there was a moan from him, she turned back to the still, if only just, conscious man 'Hmmm, maybe he could impress?' She looked down at his battered face and though 'maybe not.' The girl dragged him up onto his knees SMACK! She slapped him hard, so hard he started to fall backwards, then the girl moved she stepped forwards and over him, straddling his head in-between her strong steady thighs as he lean backwards. Still on his knees he was bent over backwards, in a U shape, his head trapped in her tight as he was forced to look up into the falling rain and at her. Nikki gripped him hard, and as she squeezed her thighs tight she pulled out a packed from her blazer and lit a cigarette. "Having fun?" Walking down the alley was Jess the feisty redhead friend of Nikki, it wasn't the first time that she had seen Nikki with a man in this position before so nothing unusual there! As Jess got close Nikki smiled she blow smoke at her friend who then leaned in and they enjoyed a girly kiss. As they kissed Nikki's grip on the man's head increased, a few minutes later the kiss was over and so was the man, he'd stopped moving he was limp and silent, so the girl released him. He fell to the floor and Nikki rolled the man over onto his back with her foot, then placing in on his chest, she struck a victory pose and got Jess to take a picture. The schoolgirl though she might start a collection of these pictures! But for now it was off to the youth club and to see the boy's. As they came out of the alley a car pulled up and a figure got out, the person instantly recognised Nikki and called her over! The City knows no bound Throughout that day, evening and night the rest of the men that Mario had sent out 'to take over' also met with similar fates ... ... In the underground basement of an old building where the older oriental woman, Mistress Wendy, had set up her 'special' Dojo the group of nearly twenty or so men from Mario had met their 'destiny.' The woman, the sensei, along with her four other senior women had ambushed the men as they had entered, it had been carnage as the men had been thrashed, beat and stomped into the ground. They had been thrown around like a bag full of ragdolls by the women and beat to within an inch of each of their lives. Then the Mistress Wendy and her friends had decided to teach these men a real lesson! Similarly, Miss Heatless had proved to be an unstoppable tyrant for the four men that had be assigned to deal with the petite mature woman and her young female companion. The woman had looked so sophisticated and refined dressed up in her leopard skin coat and her young companion had been so quiet, yet ever present at the same time. But when the men had made their themselves know to this woman she, and her companion, had laid waste to them. Destroying the men for having the audacity to dare challenge her, once she had beat them, she then dragged them away and tortured each of them, slowly. Breaking each man until they could take no more, then taking their punishment even further! It had been a similar story in the normally discreet, out of way gym known as 'Terry's Gym.' In the back of the gym was a quiet area, set aside for the female 'special' gym members who had taken objections to the 'invasion' of men in suites, it was as if the place had been raided. But as with any invading raiders the local woman fought back, they took no prisoners and it was a gym battle to the death here. The fight was furious and fast as the men where whittled away one by one, some had even tried to surrender, but the call had gone out 'show no mercy' and every last man was sent down deep into the heart of hell itself! There had also been 'one or two' other occurrences ... ... ! The police had received a number of strange calls throughout the day, about certain 'incidents' occurring around the city, but a helpful figure had already contacted the police and explained how all these should just be ignored, for today. Apparently the police where quiet happy with this and decided to stay in their cars and stations for the rest of the day! Day's End In another part of the country ... ... It was the day after Mario's men had gone into the city 'to take over' but it was quickly becoming clear that things had not gone to plan! He'd had reports of his men being taken to hospital, administered to intensive care and even worse, the list of injuries, hospitalisations and even fatalities had grown throughout the morning. And those where just the ones he knew of and had heard from, he'd lost contact with most of his men, phones either just rang or where permanently dead! Thing's had certainly not gone to plan and he wasn't happy about it at all, so Mario was 'interested' to hear that his new consultant was on their way to see him. There were some questions he had that required answers! The consultant made for Mario's office on arrival, carrying a large file under their arm as if they had come with another report. But this time it was to do with the success, or lack of it from Mario's takeover bid. The file was opened and a number of photos were now laid across Mario's desk, images of how his men had got on the day before, or to be more precise how they had failed and what had really happened to them. The boss poured over the photo's in front of him and was shocked, his eyes scanned over the images of his defeated men in all sorts of different 'positions and situations!' The photo's where varied, detailed and kind of strange ... ... One showed four of his men hanging upside down by their feet from the celling in what looked like a dark prison cellar, what was going on there?' Another had one of his best men, beaten to a pulp on his knees with two young black girls either side of him, how could 'they' do that to his man? There was a photo of a number of his men strewed around a large matted gym like room, they were all down on the floor while a group of women in different coloured outfits walked around the fallen men. Inspecting them to see if any were still conscious! A photo had two of his men floating, face down, in what looked like a large swimming pool! The photos went on and on, all the same, all showing his men either on their knees, on the floor or in various 'other positions' and all put there by what looked like a woman or a girl! Mario ripped up the photo in his hand of Pedro, a man who'd worked for him for over 10years, the man was on his back, lying on the floor in an alleyway with a schoolgirl's foot placed on his chest! "What the hell's going on here?" Mario screamed at his consultant "you told me these women, girls, would all be problems but nothing like this!" As he stood there Mario's anger showed, his fists shacking in rage "and what of this one woman the one you said 'that would' be the biggest trouble I don't see any photos of what happened at her place?" The consultant brought out another photo from the file and handed it over, he snatched it quickly and looked hard. It was of the inside of a building that had once been a public gym but now belonged to just the one person who used it as their own private facility. The large room had a matter area one side and on the other was a boxing ring and around the side of all this was various sports and exercise equipment. Nothing unusual in all that, except here in this photo there was the 'extra' touch of seeing men, lots of men all scattered and lying around the place. The men had all been beaten, and by the looks of it they had be beat bad. They littered the floor and where lying inside the ring, somewhere hanging from the rings ropes, either from their necks or from their feet. It looked like a bloodbath, his men had been slaughtered here! Mario looked up, amongst these men here, who he had sent to deal with this woman, was his own brother. He could clearly see his brothers battered body in the picture, but couldn't believe it. "This woman who lives here, JJ was her name right? Where is she, where is this woman, I want her, what does she look like? You gave me information and photos on all these other women, but there was no photo of her, what does she look like?" The consultant gave a description of the woman, tall, black, strong with a muscular body, very attractive with a firm, yet well-formed body. The sort of woman that would turn the heads of every man, woman and youth around her, a determined, smart woman, who knew what she wanted and would take it. The consultant handed over the last photo that Mario took, it showed his young, good looking son and his third wife, the busty blond he'd married less than a year ago. Both were laying in a bed and either side of, and cuddled up to, an attractive black woman, who had a very big grin her face! Both Geno and Gabi, by the look of the photo, seemed to be exploring the black woman's stunning body with their hands whilst adoring her large breasts with their mouths and tongues! Mario looked up from the photo to his consultant, the tall, black woman, with the well-formed body and the very attractive face! He was stunned and all his could say was "You! It's you ... ... Your JJ!" JJ just stood there and smiled, she loved the moment when the penny dropped in these situations. Sometime ago she had heard of Mario's intentions to move into the city, so she had made herself know to the organisation as a 'expert' on the city, well it wasn't a lie was it? She had consulted with some of her 'friends' about this, and everyone agreed they liked the city just as it was, that was when JJ's put her plan into operation. She made sure she was approached as the city's expert and hired to produce the report, then she had just stepped back and waited. Everything had gone to plan, her plan, JJ and her girlfriend Cindy had dealt with the visitors to her gym and then she had taken a tour of the city to see how the rest of her friends had done. Everything had gone exactly as she had thought it would, even to the point of enticing both Mario's son, Geno, and his step mother, Gabi, to her place for some 'fun.' All those visits as the 'consultant' hadn't been wasted, JJ had made sure she'd 'bumped into' the lad and the trophy wife. She had easily seduced the youthful lad and his step mother, and both where very eager to climb into her bed as soon as they had laid eyes on her. That had been her final victory, not only had JJ stopped Mario taking over 'her' city, she and her friends had broken his organisation and the men in it, literally. Then she had bedded the youth lad and the lusty, busty blond, what a way to end it all, but not quite, Mario was the only one left to deal with! The man was still stood there, in shock, mouth wide open as the realisation that 'his consultant' was the woman JJ, she had done him over, completely! Suddenly he focused and called out for his men, he called and called but nothing, JJ stood there and just grinned "you only had four men left here, four that was all." Earlier ... ... Out in the car park when she'd arrived the first man had been taken by surprise as he'd been hit by JJ, who had then grabbed the man and slammed his face into the nearest parked car, but not hers. She'd smacked and punched him some more, then flipped him over her shoulder straight onto the bonnet of a very old looking classic car 'OUCH!' As he lay there she'd brought her elbow down across his windpipe CRUNCH! So ending his participation in anything else! As she entered Mario's house she met man number two, her open hand had sliced across his throat stunning the man and making him gag for air. JJ had shot her knee up into his groin dropping the man down onto his knee, then quickly grabbing onto his head she'd twisted it, hard. His limp body had fallen to the floor and man number two had been taken care of! In the main hallway JJ saw the third man coming down the stairs, she rushed up and at him, leaping up the staircase and taking him by surprise. Her strong arms had reached out, grabbed hold of him as she got close and WOOSSHH! THUD! She thrown the man down the dozen or so steps the to the bottom, he bounced and landed awkwardly, upside down and with his neck across the bottom step. JJ came down, raised her boot and CRACK! The heel of her boot had come down sharp and that was the end of number three! Man number four had though he'd heard something and came around a corner heading towards the hallway WHACK! He'd met JJ's strong fist as it drove into his gut winding the man and almost taking him off his feet at the same time SMACK! THUD! Then he'd met her backhand and other fist, which together sent his down to his knee CRUNCH! JJ's knee was next to dish out pain as it came up hard into the bottom of his jaw. With his jaw bone sent backwards he fell to the floor and was yet another man down. Back in the office and Mario realised he was now alone, his men, all of his men were gone, his organisation was no more, destroyed by these women and especially JJ. In rage the man reached out at the woman, he went for her WHACK! SMACK! But this woman knew the signs, knew what he was going to do and stopped him in his tracks. The blows knocked Mario down onto his desk and amongst all those photos of his defeated men, then JJ reached down grabbed onto the man's head, pulled in up sharply and then WHACK! She slammed Mario's head into the desk below, blood splattered out and the man's body jerked. Still holding onto his head, JJ, used her strength and flung the man, by his head, across the office, dropping him to the floor. The sexy, attractive black woman slowly made her way over to the man on the floor WALLOP! Her strong leg swung out and smashed into his head, sending the man summersaulting over and into a corner of the room. JJ looked down at the pathetic man slumped there in the coroner of his own office, a few 'little taps' and he was down and out, a bit like his organisation, they were both weak! She turned and made her way towards Mario's 'secret' safe and opened it, the thing about 'strong' men like Mario was that most of them neglected their children and a lad like Geno then became distant and even resentful. But these 'forgotten' children often go unseen and these are the ones that see and know all the secrets of any family, JJ knew this, and how to use it to her advantage. Where there was a hard man, a 'boss' there would be a forgotten son who, with the right 'encouragement' would relevel all the secrets. And JJ knew that having his young, large, eager cock in-between her large, succulent tits would bring that information out, eventually, after she'd worked him a bit! And best of all she would enjoy it almost as much as the lad would! She'd milked the lads with her tits for the information and he had delivered it all to her. JJ had also 'delved' into Gabi, the dominate black woman had lapped up all the information that this the busty blond could provide, so that JJ was fully informed about Mario, his organisation and all its secrets. Once all this 'research' had been done the 'consultant', JJ, had lead Geno to her bed and waiting for them was his gorgeous step Mom, someone the lad had had his sight on since his Father had married her. Geno had wanted Gabi for a long time and when he had seen his father new 'consultant' he had wanted her as well, and now he was going to have them both! If all that hadn't been just the most wonderful thing ever, to later be joined by Cindy, JJ's girlfriend, was a perfect 'extra' for the lad, and Gabi! JJ opened the safe and found quite a lot, this would all be useful at some stage. With the safe empty JJ turned and looked over at Mario, blood was still running down from his face, that boot to his head had caused a lot of damage. The dark beauty then left, she left Mario there, he would either fade away or if he had a bit of something about him he might even survive this, 'If' he survived he might come back, reorganise and come after her, she though that might be kind of fun after all she and her friends had had an enjoyable day with all this so maybe he should try and 'entertain' them all again sometime later! Outside in front of the house JJ placed all the files and information in the boot of her car, for safe keeping and then got inside, she would read through all that lot later. But for now she had a party to go to tonight, there was going to be a bit of a 'bash' that evening all of her friends where coming along to a get together and enjoy themselves. A bit of a party, there would be food, drink, dancing, boys and girls and lots more, any remnants of the organisation would be dragged along to provide some extra entertainment, so it would be a lot of fun. But for now JJ was off home, she had the lad Geno and his step mum Gabi waiting for her, Cindy was keeping them warm for her and now JJ really fancied a bit of relaxation. Until next time ... ... !