Boxing Day Games By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. When you make your own kind of extra fun after Christmas! Boxing Day Games Christmas is a time for family, and for the Pedler family that meant getting together with the Thompson family and then spending what had now become their kind of family Christmas. This meant going away, staying somewhere different over the festive period and making it all something new, wonderful, and special. This had taken many forms, it was a trip away to more sunny and hot climates, or maybe even a cold and snowy landscape. And then of course there was everything in-between. But it also meant that there was always something different to do, skiing, climbing, water-skiing, scuba-diving, long walks, even potholing. The reason for these two families getting together for all this was because Nick Pedler and Hayley Kennedy were Brother and Sister, so it was always good to spend Christmas with family.Nick was just a couple of years older than his Sister and in many ways the two families got on so well and were so close was because, where it mattered everyone was of a similar age. Firstly, there was the Pedler family consisted of Nick, Hayley's Brother, and his wife Amber, then there were their children. Paige, the Daughter who'd just starting college and last, but not least was Toby the schoolboy Son. Next there was the Kennedy family which was made up of Victor and his wife Hayley, Nick's Sister, plus there were the children. Their Daughter, Eva who'd started college recently and last of all their schoolboy Son Rikki. The families lived on either sides of The City, and that meant that they regularly saw each other. But there was still something special about the families coming together for Christmas to enjoy something extra over the festive season. So, what could and what would this year bring? Well, this year it was going to be a home grown 'festive getaway', but it was still going to be somewhere 'special!' Nick who worked in personal management was someone quite important in a company that 'looked after' people and their interests! Which in its own way could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But it also meant that the man moved in some influential circles and rubbed shoulders with a few well know people. So, being as he was into managing people and their lives when the opportunity to spend a week or so in a very luxurious celebrities county home came up, and at Christmas, well ... ... ! And the reason for all this, was! A certain celebrity, who will remain nameless for obvious reasons, well he was in a bit of 'trouble.' So, it would be good if he went away and got 'better' and while he was away, no one should find out about it as reputation is everything isn't it? So, as Nick was the main man in the company dealing with all this, he came up with an idea. As with all 'celebrities, the press where always interested in their personal lives and suspicious of something and everything. So, with the celebrity away for a while, if 'someone' moved into his home over the Christmas holidays, then it would make it look as if everything was normal here. And if anyone from the press did come calling, then as Nick was already known, due to his job and could be associated with the celeb, he could bluff his way with any reporters! But most important in all of this was that Nick, his family, his Sister and her family all got to go away to a celebrity's, very large, expensive and luxurious county home to spend Christmas there! Now what could go wrong with that? The celebrities house, his county manor lived up to everyone's expectations, there was even a couple of house servants to make the whole experience even better! The house, the manor was big, there was an indoor swimming pool, gym and training rooms as the celeb was once an armature boxer before 'fame' took over on one of those reality TV shows. There was an indoor cinema, games room, even a stable out just past the rear garden. Not that anyone rode here but, you never know do you, who knows what they might try this holiday! With the families settled in it was time to start enjoying the festive holiday and have some fun, and that's what they did. But maybe some of the old Christmas fun, when the children where a lot younger and everything was more 'innocent', maybe some of that had gone now, as a different kind of 'fun' started to take over! There were a few moments during the early part of their stay that showed just how times had changed, and where changing. How 'grown up' especially the 'kids' where now, and how this was no longer a kid's 'Santa Claus is coming' kind of a Christmas! There was the time in the kitchen when Victor was getting himself a coffee, at the same time his Daughter and Niece where there, getting themselves another Buck Fizz, well it was Christmas. There was some laughing, some messing about, water from a running tap was flicked and splashed over at the man. Laughter and then a chase around the large central old wooden kitchen table in the middle of the very large kitchen, it was all that kind of thing. The chase around the table lead to Victor reaching out and grabbing onto the slender waist of his blond Niece Paige! She stopped, laughed, turned her head to looked at her Uncle, in a way that ... ... ! There was a moment when the man thought to himself, when the Niece looked, grinned, giggled and also thought! A moment where you shouldn't think like that. The man broke the moment up by letting go and slapping the backside of his Niece saying "off you go!" More giggles, a look from Paige as she said "chase me any time Uncle!" then went off with her cousin. Looking back at her Uncle still smiling, while Victor was also thinking, 'shouldn't have slapped her arse, but it was a good firm arse!' Another 'moment' was when it was 'Secret Santa' present time. Another bit of a tradition where between these two families, and as you would expect everyone got a name of someone else to get an extra present for Christmas. This always took place on Christmas Eve, and was the start of the present giving. It was Nick who organised this and he'd come up with a way of giving out random names to everyone and without anyone knowing who got who's name. Plus, it was another tradition not to ask, so everyone had fun trying to guess who they'd got their gifts from? And this year was no exception, except that some of the gifts this year were a bit more ... ... ! For example, Hayley got quite a lovely and sensual lacy red and black basque! As things had got more personnel over recent years, these Secret Santa gifts were opened privately as some of the gifts, like this, where a bit ... ... ! The brunette, with just a hint of red in her hair, was intrigued, oh so much, as to who this could be from? Well, it certainly wasn't her husband as it fitted just right, tight to her body so her already large breasts were pushed up and out even more. Now who had such a good eye for her body to get it to fit so well and who'd want the see her dressed liked this? She opened her present in her room, trying the garment on and getting somewhat worked up by how it felt. Then changing she went downstairs to have tea with the others. Looking around Hayley wondered just who it was that had given her this sexy present. Her Sister-in-Law Amber, maybe? Or her Niece Paige, there was a defiantly chance it could be her! But then again, her Nephew Toby, she caught him as he looked at her and he went a bit red in the cheeks. Yes, Toby the Nephew, he did have a bit of an eye for her and what boy wouldn't want to see his Aunt dressed this way! Someone else who had an eye for an opportunity was the young darkhaired Eva, who'd brought mistletoe with her. Keeping it nearby so she could, spring a surprise on anyone, when she fancied it! She'd teased Cousin Toby with a kiss on his cheek then as he went red, she quickly ran her tongue along the side of his face. Then just, and only just as if she'd practiced this before, her tongue, with just a soft touch, ran over his lips! She laughed, turned and walked away, now leaving her very red-faced blushing cousin there to ogle at her. But it was Uncle Nick that got the 'full works', a kiss under the mistletoe, while they were all alone, a tongue that slipped in, quite easily and then an excited girl who jumped up, wrapped her legs around dear 'Uncle' and kissed him some more! Then she broke it off, hoped off her good old dear Uncle, turned and walked away, and now leaving her very red-faced blushing Uncle there to ogle at her Not to be left out Amber, the fair-haired older woman and the rest of the families had decided to go out for a walk around the grounds. The woman having gone into the cloakroom, when the door had closed behind her and unable to find the light switch it was pitch dark. She stumbled and fell into a group of hanging coats and jackets. Then the door had opened again as someone else came to get their coat and also couldn't find the light switch. The door swung closed it was dark, again! Amber thought she'd have some fun and grabbed 'whoever it was and kissed them, 'Hmmmmm soft lips!' The kiss ended, this 'person', confused, stumbled and grabbed a coat, then fell against the door and was out of the cloakroom. A second or two later and another 'someone' came in, again, no light switch was found, the door closed by itself. There was some more stumbling, hands reached out people were dragged together and more lips met, 'Hmmmmm juicy lips! A jacket was grabbed and the second person stumbled out the cloakroom. Amber giggle, she'd enjoyed that, then a moment or two later as she sneaked out of the cloakroom, there was the two families gathered in the hall ready for their walk and looking a bit sheepish and over towards the cloakroom was her Niece Eva and Nephew Rikki. Was it them? Who knew, but it made Amber smile! So that was how it was now, there were a few signs' that this was going to be a bit of a 'different' Christmas for the two families, different in many ways! But one of the things that wasn't going to be different was the traditional Boxing Day 'games day!' This was when everyone played games, lots of different games, hide & seek, that was when they were all kids, board games, lots of board games and of course parlour games like charades. People played games in two, threes, fours or everyone together, it was one of those kinds of days and traditions. No, it wasn't going to be different this year, Boxing Day was still going to be 'Games Day', but now everyone was a bit older, maybe some of the games would change this year. And so, after breakfast the games had stared on Boxing Day, snakes & ladders in the kitchen, where a comment from Hayley about 'snakes in pants' made young Toby blush. While in the sitting room Monopoly was being played and when Eva landed on Uncle Nick's property and enquired just how he wanted her to 'pay the rent!' A grin from Uncle told the Niece he knew what she was saying too! There was also a pool competition in the games room down in the revamped basement area of the house. Plus, some hard-fought games on some of those old-style arcade video games that the celebrity who lived here liked to collect. That was really good fun. As the day went on more games where played and back in the kitchen it was now turning into a more competitive game, as the two men were engrossed in an arm-wrestling contest. While in the living room the two women where engaged in an intense game of chess. Back with the arm wrestling and both men were evenly matched, that was until the girls came in and decided to join in! "This is how to win!" Giggling and laughing the girl's hands now went pushing on either side of these manly arms to 'gain an advantage!' They carried on pushing, more giggling, then a chair started to slide, some shoving, with more over assertive pushing by the girls. Which all ended up in everyone toppling over and falling down onto the kitchen floor! The blond Paige landing onto top of her Uncle Victor, while the dark-haired Eva, manged to stumble onto her Uncle Nick. There was a moment of 'Oh!' and then some giggle as they all got up off the floor, and that was when Paige said, "well that didn't work did it, why not have a different test of skill instead?" "What kind of skill?" Nick asked and then as if it had all planned and he'd just walked into it, "how about a wrestling match or something like that?" Eva said, then was joined by Paige "your manly strength verses our girly skills!" In the sitting room and the two boys walked in to see their Mum and Aunt hunched over a chess board in total silence as the next move was thought through and planned. The boy walked up to the table, stopped and watched, and watched and "is someone going to make a move then?" The woman looked up for their 'battle ground', with a slightly annoyed expression on each of their pretty faces. "It's a battle of strategy!" Hayley said, followed by Amanda with "it's a bit like that boxing you boys have taken up, but more of a thinking fight!" The boys laughed at this, again much to the annoyance of the females. The women now looked at each other, then back to the boys, "so we'll have a boxing contest then, your brawn versus our brains!" The boys laughed, then as the expression on the older women faces didn't change, they stopped, looked at each other and wondered, 'were going to fight women!' Not just any women, their Aunt and Mum! So that's how these new and very different kinds of games came about, the two girls having a wrestling match with the men, Daughters versus Dads, Nieces versus Uncles! While elsewhere the boys where going to have a boxing match against the two women, Sons versus Mums and Nephews versus Aunties! The fact that everyone knew that this celebs house had a selection of sports and fitness rooms down in the basement probably hadn't influenced how this had all come about! Well, no one would have planned it would they! Everyone went off to change and get ready for the next round of Boxing Day games, these new and different games that had just been arranged. A short while later and the two men, Nick and Victor both dressed in joggers and t-shirts strolled down the corridor of the large smart and expensive looking re-designed basement area of the house. Apart from the games room, sauna room, fitness room, there were also a couple of other rooms down that corridor. It was the first of these rooms that the two men now went into, ready to take part in this new 'game' with the young girls, Eva and Paige. As the men went through the door to their room, coming down the stairs and into the corridor now came the two older women Amber and Hayley. The ladies dressed ready for their 'encounter', their game with the boys, Rikki and Toby. This was going to be an interesting couple of new games that where about to be played! In the room the men had entered Nick and Victor now stood there looking around. It was a fair size room and one that the celeb had planned to use to do some martial arts training in. That was before another TV job had taken his attention away from one more of his little whims. But before he'd lost interest, he'd got it all set up with the blue matting ready to start, but nothing had happened. So here and now was going to be the first time the room had been used for anything like that. The far wall of the room was all mirrored and there were some medium and large weights going down the two long sides of the room. As the celeb had been using this more for weights now, rather than what he'd originally planed for it. Not that the two men knew any of this, or would have cared, as right now there were more interested and concentrating, staring at the two girls who were already here and waiting. The Niece's where quiet a site for these Uncles, both girls wore the same kinds of outfits for this new 'game', there was just a pair of tight sports shorts and a matching and tight sports crop top. The main difference was that Paige's outfit was green and Cousin Eva's outfit was yellow. They both looked quite ... ... ! Well, the young girls where showing that they each had a fine looking youthful and fit bodies, very fit indeed. Maybe being college girls now suited these two. Plus, as the men entered the room, as the two girls stood there, they turned to look at them, and in unison they both said "Hello Uncle!" and said in such a way that ... ... ! Well, the men didn't, or should that be, did know where to look, and what to think! But one thing Victor and Nick didn't think about was why had the girls packed these kinds of sports outfits for a Christmas break away in a country house? But who cared, it wasn't as if any of this had been planned had it and after all this was Boxing Day and these games needed to be played, didn't they! A bit further down that basement corridor and it was now the turn of the women, Amber and Hayley to step through the door and into the room where they where going to play their own new game. This was the room that had been set up as its own little boxing training room. As well before fame had come to this celebrity, he'd been an amateur boxer and if he'd carried on with this then there were those in the fight game that thought he stood a good change of getting himself a belt or two! Nowadays the room was just used by the celeb to keep himself good shape, but today and here on Boxing Day, well who knows how that might change? The two young lads, the boys Toby and Rikki where already here, waiting, and as they had both recently joined a boxing clubs in the centre of The City, they were confident that their Mothers, their Aunt's had bitten off more that they could chew. After all, what woman was any good at boxing? The lads where dressed in their shorts and old T-shirts, and with boxing gloves on as if ready to ... ... ! But when the women arrived, stepped through that door the lads weren't ready for that! As Amanda and Hayley entered the room, they took in how it all looked, and it did look like it was, if not a smaller version, of a boxing training room. But it was a good size room, needed to be as there was an array of various training bags, various sizes, all hanging down all around the edge of the room. The far wall was a mirrored wall, which made the place look even larger than it was. But taking up a large part of this area was a boxing ring; it wasn't full size but still it was impressive an obviously a good size for some training to take part inside it. But all this was now lost on the boys as they took in how each of their Aunties now looked. It was almost as if these two older women where using their good, very good-looking bodies to distract the two boys. But as if a Milf, like these ladies, would try a low-down trick like that, and what boys would fall for it? Well, the gawping eyes of Rikki and Toby told the story that the woman's 'plan' had indeed worked! But maybe it wasn't a plan, maybe these women just dressed for the game they were about to take part in. Dressed for the occasion, after all whatever they'd put on they would still have looked good in it! The two boys couldn't look at their Mums, but they could and did look, stare and drool over their Aunts. The young blond lad Toby took in how Aunty Hayley looked, which was quite amazing. But of course, the boy already knew his Aunty looked and was hot, but now seeing her like this well there was an extra flow of blood going around his body. The woman, his Aunt was dressed in her bare feet and a short white silk dressing gown that was all open as she obviously didn't mind who saw how she looked. In a matching beige, brown outfit, tight shorts, that hugged her firm arse. Then and the boy had not noticed this before, there was her toned abs going up to the sports top she had on. One that seemed to crisscross, tightly across her chest. A top that looked to emphasise her large, round and full breasts. The brunette, with that hint of red in her long hair that came down just past her shoulders, and her mature, Milf, Aunty good looks, it was all quite a sight! If that wasn't enough to take you breath away, there was always the Milf Amber, with her short, fair, curly hair. The eyes of young Rikki where fixed solid on his Aunt as she walked in. Looking, staring at her gave the boy this 'warm' feeling all over, of course he knew just how gorgeous, the mature sexy woman was. But now there was an extra 'Oh My God!' she had. Dressed as she was in, again bare feet, with bright red nails, he noticed that. His eyes moved up her naked firm looking long legs, up to the pair of hugging shorts she had on. Green shorts and past these her firm, flat, strong looking stomach, followed by a yellow tight, quite small crop top. A top that struggled to hold her ample full breasts, she also had bright red finger nails too. All covered with an open grey silk short robe. This all made the boys lovely Milf Aunt look so good to stare at, so, so good! The women, being that Milf kind of older woman who can be devious in a very sexy way. Well, they knew all too well this would take the boys breath away as they walked in dressed like this, it was why they did it! Not that needed any advantage over the boys as their fit body showed that they were regular members of a good gym. And the boys knew this, knew that their Mums and their Aunts were the kind of women that went to the gym so they looked good, and they did, they looked so good. Now as Amber and Hayley made their way further into the room, over to the 'ring', they both took their robes off and tossed them over the ropes of it, "cat got your tongues?", "close your mouths boys, your catch fly's!" The women where use to getting looked at, especially in the gym, but when it a boy looking with that young lusting look in his eyes, and the boy is your Nephew, well it a bit more 'fun' isn't it! Unrobed the women looked even more amazing and it took a few seconds for the lads to pull themselves together and remember that they were here to take part in a Boxing Day 'game!' A boxing, Boxing Day game, match, fight! It was about now that the boys started to think this through, and 'are we actually going to box, going to fight our Aunts and Mums?' Now it was all starting to sound very strange, very strange indeed. But with everyone now where they needed to be it was time to start the next set of Boxing Days games off, wasn't it? In the first room, the martial arts room, with the Uncles and Nieces, the two girls moved outwards so that they were still on the blue mat but they'd given themselves some room now. Seeing that the girls moved into position and seemed ready to go through with this, the men chuckled and moved onto the edge of the mats, then it was Victor who took a step closer as he grinned at his Niece Paige, turned and smiled at Nick, that knowing smile of 'watch this, over in a flash!' Nick looked over to his Niece Eva, who just grinned back at him. Then Victor turned back to his quite 'nice' looking Niece Paige and, THUD! WHACK! In the other room, the boxing room, the Aunties and Nephews found themselves on opposite sides of the ring, stood outside those ropes. Looking across grinning, smiling at each other, the women seemed to speak quietly to each other and then Hayley ducked down and through the ropes and was now in the ring. The boys jostled each other, Toby now ducked through and was in the ring. He looked back at his cousin, grinned, even though he wasn't too sure about all this he moved closer to his Aunt, raised his boxing gloves, but the realised that both women weren't wearing gloves, and, SMACK! WALLOP! Back in the martial arts room and as his head had came back to look again, and smile at his Niece, the girl had started this 'game.' Started it in a way that set the tone for how it was going to be played out and what the rules were. She'd kicked out sent her bare foot into the gut of her Uncle as he stood there, with that grin on his face. Even if, to the girl she liked her Uncle's grin, as it didn't hide his thoughts and she liked what he was thinking! As her foot pounded his gut, caught him off guard, forced the air out of him. It also made him double over, his head falling forwards and it came down just right for the Niece to swing her arm around and send her clenched fist hard into the side of Uncle's face. Hardly wrestling but it had worked! Well just because this was taking place in a martial arts room, it was meant to be a wrestling game, no one said it couldn't change a bit! But of course, there were rules to all this and the girl had already laid down the main rule, that 'there were no rules here', everything counts. Those first couple of blows had done their trick, the older, taller, bigger, muscular man was staggering after his lovely blond Niece's strikes. Victor shock his head to try and clear it and just as he was getting his eyes to focus, OOOHHHH! CRUNCH! As his eyes focused, as Uncle Victor went to look up there was his Niece Paige, with both her arms reaching out grabbing onto his head. Yanking him upwards as he was about to stand up straight, and just before he did, there was a twist in her body as she raised a leg. A leg, then a knee that now went thrusting into Uncle's body, to drive the rest of the air out of him. Making his gasp and shudder at his Niece's shock, hard, even violent attack on him. The girl released her hold on him, so allowing her Uncle to gently, as he was in some pain right now, to stagger, slowly with short and timid steps backwards. Back in the boxing room and it was the woman, Aunty Hayley who was the one to made the opening move in this game, almost as if it was a game of chess that was being played! Like the man in the other room, the boy here wasn't truly ready and so it was easy to catch him out. He'd been ready for a boxing match, well kind of ready, he'd not thought it was actually going to happen, but the women where here for a thinking game, OK a vicious, but thinking games, and she'd thought about it, her move and then she made it. It had been a simple open hand slap across his face, nothing 'too much' to start with, she wanted to get warmed up first! As her Nephew's head shock, and his body shuddered after the strike it was now that young Nephew Toby realised this was all 'for real!' But before the boy could even try and think of what to do about this, Aunty got her boy again, with her next move, THUD! THUD! THUD! The older woman let loose with a session of fists into the boy, pounding his upper body and it hurt! But just what the lad needed now, his training, those couple of months of his boxing training kicked in as he raised his arms to protect himself. But it was only protection for now, as he didn't know if he could strike a woman, hit his Aunt! He also took a few steps backwards, still holding his arms, gloves up and still receiving strikes from Aunty Hayley. But this was getting even weirder as his Aunts hits actually hurt! She wasn't holding back; it was almost as if she was really trying to fight him! Then one of her fists made it through his defences and, CRACK! Her bare fist caught him, hard, fast and sent the boy tumbling back towards the ring ropes. His head spun as his lay against the ropes, and realised that 'she's really hit me, she ... ... ', WHACK! OOOWWWHHH! Then another fist landed, this time even harder! Just as Paige had struck her Uncle, then her shocked Father, Nick, had reacted. He'd moved, gone to help, to stop this, whatever 'this' was and that's when Eva had also moved and, SMACK! The dark-haired girl had stood back, just a bit, allowing her blond cousin to start the game off, as planned. Waiting and knowing what was going to happen next, and so allowing her the opportunity to join the 'game!' Eva had rushed, jumped and unseen by her Uncle Nick who was more concerned with what his Daughter had just done. So, he didn't see his Niece's foot coming his way, but he sure felt it as it hit him! A strike to the side of his body that not only being sharp and painful, had caught him out in the same way the other man had been caught. The blow to his side caused him to fall over onto his other side. But just in time his arm had gone out, his hand went down onto the mat and he was still, if lopsided, still upright, well sort of, WHACK! But not for long! As his hand went down to steady himself the dark-haired Niece had seen and thrown herself into a spinning movement. Her leg came up, so as she went around her foot came crashing into the man's head as he was lent there at that angel. But good for him his outstretched arm still held firm, so he didn't go down as some men might and should have from a blow like that. But as he tried to focus, looking down at the mats, his eyes focused onto the bare feet of his Niece, two feet, then one, then THUD! UUUHHHHH! As the girl's leg came up and her knee drove hard into his awkward bent over body. His outstretched arm, still holding him up shock, then THUD! Another knee, more shaking of his arm, THUD! Now Uncle dropped fully down to the floor of this new 'games room.' Outside the ring and Rikki was shocked with what he'd just seen, his cousin and mate getting hit by his own Mother! 'What the hell!' Enraged the boy had gone through the rope and was going to garb and drag his Mother off of ... ... ! THUD! OOWWHH! But his Aunt put paid to his interference, this was going to be one on one, woman verse boy, a bit of an Aunty hands-on Nephew type of a game. But that didn't mean you couldn't have two Aunties and two Nephew here in the ring at the same time, did it? Two Aunties getting their hands on their Nephews! As her Nephew had tried to interfere, the Aunt seeing and knowing what he was going to do, she'd acted. Through those ropes she slipped, then she was at him, rushing towards the boy, then a slight hop up, and at the same time swinging her upper body. Raising an arm and bring it around so she slammed him hard, Driving her forearm with some 'Oomph', across Nephew Rikki's face. Concentrating on what the others were 'doing', he'd lost sight of his own sexy Aunty, but now he'd felt her presence, felt her close up to him. The blow made the lad topple as his legs wobbled, falling on his side onto the top rope, by fortunately, maybe, he'd bounced off that rope and was now heading back towards, WHACK! Again, Aunty Amber twisted her fit body, but this time in the opposite direction and this time so she could raise a leg now and drive her bent knee up into her falling Nephews gut. As the boy fell onto the knee, Rikki's whole body shock, then as the Milf's arms came down and she took hold of him, WHACK! She drove the knee back in again, this time with even more 'gusto', more enthusiasm, as she got down to getting her hands on her quite cute little Nephew. This new game that the Aunt and Nephew where playing was going well! Back to that first room and the two men, the Uncles looked as if they where loosing this new game that the girls had come up with. Having tried to keep himself from going down to the mats, the girl, his Niece's had given him one more strike, which put paid to that plan. Lying face down on the mats and Uncle Nick grunted and groaned. He took in a couple of much needed breaths as he dealt with the pain that his 'lovely' darkhaired Niece Eva had sent through his body. But getting over that pain would have to wait, for now, as Eva still wanted to play some more of this game. She reached down and grabbed onto his top, pulled it back so it was now tight across his throat, then she dragged her Uncle upwards, WHACK! UUUUFFFF! Nearby and the blond Niece Paige was also having fun taking part in her game, with her Uncle. Victor's body was also hurting for the sudden and unprovoked 'attack' form his young Niece. The man finished staggering those few steps backwards then stopped to take a breath, but as he looked up at the bond Paige, his eyes widened as she came for him. Her arms reaching out, grabbing him, then in a flash she twisted, turned her body, Victor felt himself go up off his feet, then over, around and, THUD! In a flash he was now lying on his back looking up at the ceiling wonder 'what the hell!', CRACK! ARRRRHHHH! Both these men, should have really been able to defend himself for a 'girl', their Niece's. But it now seemed clear to both of them that this sport college course the girls where on was paying off, for the girls that is! In the other room, it was the Nephew's that were without doubt on the receiving end of a good thrashing in this game! The boy Rikki was regretting coming into the ring to help his cousin out, as he was now on the receiving end of a hard game of his own with his cousins, hot Mother! The last blow sent him back to the ropes, but this time, he managed to get one arm over the top ropes so he was held there. It also kept him up on his feet and hopefully would give him the chance to get a few breaths into his hurt body. His free hand, with that boxing glove on, now swished backwards and forwards in front of him, trying to ward off his Aunty. But she stood there grinning, waited, before she moved quickly in past his waving glove arm. She moved in and SMACK! At the same time and cousin Toby still on the ropes was falling down to one side after that last knock to the side of his face. Whatever he'd done wrong he was sorry, he just wanted Aunty Hayley to stop hitting him! But she didn't, even as the boy slid down the ropes from her last strike, as his head twired around inside as the pain still stuck to him, she carried on hitting her Nephew. As the boy fell, dropped down the Aunt did wait, for a second or two, just for when her boy was at the right height to, CRUNCH! As he slipped, his legs wobbled, her knee went up into his fall jaw, that would make his head spin some more! Both boys had thought a couple of months of boxing training, plus they were young, fit lads, would give them an advantage in any physical game with these older women, their Aunts and Mothers. But they were so wrong! Back with the Niece's and it was the Uncles who were defiantly on the loosing side in this new Boxing Day game that the girls had come up with. Paige's bare foot coming down on Uncle Victor had cause even more pain for the man. While Uncle Nick had all the air fully knocked out of him by his Niece's knee as she'd pulled him up off the floor. Niece Paige now smiled down at her Uncle, a dirty kind of a smile, that if the man had been in any position to look at her, he would have been worried with it. Then she moved again and, WALLOP! The young, fit girl jumped and threw herself down, onto Uncle lying there on the floor, a wrestling splash kind of a move, or a swimming pool belly flop! Almost as if the girl had changed the game, they were playing. Landing on him, hard like that made Victor almost shake and screech with shock, pain and a feeling of 'what the hell was that?' Niece Eva still had hold of Uncle Nick by his top, her keen had driven in and hurt him, taking his mind well away from what she might do next. Uncle fell down onto all fours, allowing the younger girl to throw her leg over him and almost sit on him, as if she was going to ride him! Maybe later ah! Then she leant forwards, and her arm slipped over his head, around his throat and now she flexed that arm and pulled back on it. Forcing his body upright as he was now on his knees with her behind him, using her arm wrapped him to choak her Uncle! At this point Uncle Nick was really starting to panic, he'd forgotten about 'why is all this happening' and was just thinking about 'Help! Get me out of this?' But his Niece Eva, as he knelt there being pulled back and choked by her, she was showing just how fully in control of this game she was. All he now could think of was 'how strong is she?' Uncle had never thought his little Niece could be anything like this! So, it was so much of a relief when her arm had stopped flexing, she'd whipped it away, and now he could fill his lungs. As he took a breath the girl threw her Uncle forwards and down to the matted floor. At the same time and over with Niece Paige and Uncle Victor, the man felt as if his whole body was on fire after being jumped, splashed, belly flopped on by the fit young girl. It wasn't quite what he had in mind if he'd known she was going to 'jump him!' The blond Niece grinned, but of course he didn't notice, not with his eyes closed tightly shut, she slapped his face hard trying to get rid of that screwed up look of pain on Uncle's face. Then she quickly turned, rolled off of him and was back up on her feet, reaching down and dragging him upwards. Coming up and at the same time tossing, flinging him away from her across the matted area. Returning to the Aunties and their Nephews and nothing was going well for the boys. That was maybe apart from being manhandled by a gorgeous older woman, now that could be considered a good thing, So, maybe it wasn't all bad! But even so having their Aunts hands on their bodies was still, at this point, quite a painful experience! Aunty Hayley also had control of her Nephew, Toby, the knee to his jaw sent a numbing pain through his head, plus a hazy mush into his brain. It took a moment before the boy had shock the haze away and could start to think. To focus again, and when he'd managed this! That's when he saw his Aunt once more coming for him, then he felt her fists. Her knocks, her punches, her slaps and the kicks from her feet. All this drove the lad further down along the ropes, as he tried desperately to get out the way, but he was only going one place, into the corner! Aunty Amber caught her Nephew Rikki hard with that last strike, getting through his 'defence' as he tried to ward off his dominating Milf Aunty, with his swaying gloved arm. The boy would have to improve ten, twenty, fold before he'd be anywhere near able to take her on, for real! Then Aunty lashed out with some well placed strikes, one to his jaw, one to his chest, a lower one to his gut and she even managed a real 'low blow' and caught the growing lad, just right! A blow that made him stagger backwards and towards another corner, ready to be trapped by her! So, Rikki was trapped, with nowhere to go, the faired haired older woman, Aunty Amber blocking his exit stopping him with her fit, Milf body. But he had to try something, so pushed himself out the corner and at the older woman to brag her out the way. But no, that wasn't going to happen, as Amber grabbed his arms, just above his boxing gloves, with a good tight, strong, female grip. So, she could control him. Then forcing his arms behind her and pushing herself into him. Placing his gloved hands on her arse, 'God why was he wearing gloves!' Then moving in closer to kiss him. Aunty Amber kissed, with her hot lips her Nephew Rikki! At the same time on the opposite side, another Aunty trapped another Nephew, the brunette, with the red tint, had driven her boy into the other corner with her blows. As he fell in there, she saw he was dazed so there was only one thing left to do. Aunty Hayley reached out grabbed her Nephew Toby's head and yanked it to her, pulled his face down into her chest. Into the crisscross crop top of hers where her round large breasts were overflowing out from. Buried his face deep into her tits! Every little boy and Nephew's dream, she buried his head there and held it there. Her soft yet firm breasts smothering his face fully, 'Oh God!' Now back to that martial arts room and the young girls were defiantly on top in this game they were playing. Well, they would be in a minute as both men where down on the mats and that just left the girls to ... ... But before they struck again, they had one last surprise for these men, it was time for the Dad's to ... ... ! Nick gasped on the floor as he filled his lungs with some much-needed air and just as his breasting and chest had just about settled down, THUD! A sharp blow to his back and his body jerked, another blow and he moved some move, one last time and he was now in the best position to, CRUNCH! ARRRRHHHHH! There was now a vice like grip around his body, a grip of fine young and stronger female legs clamping around his body. Nicks face screwed up in agony, it hurt like hell, how the girls had changed since going to college and starting that sports course. "So, Daddy going to give up yet?" Nick's eyes opened in flash, at the sound of his Daughter Paige's voice, it was her strong and supple legs around him and crushing him, 'Shit!' Then her young toned, strong leg crushed him some more! Which of course meant that Victor who stumbled down to the floor and had been instantly grabbed by his hair to yank him upwards, was indeed now being controlled by his Daughter too. He tried to resist as he was pulled up, but "behave Father and do as your told!" The voice of Eva, the one he recognised stopped his struggle, 'What?' CRACK! As he stopped struggling his Daughter took the opportunity to drive her knee up into 'Daddy Dear', to soften him up. He winced, screwed his face up again, and in that instance while he was preoccupied with the pain, THUD! The girl Eva swing her leg over around him and down clasped his head between her firm, young and quite strong thighs, AAARRRHHHH! She squeezed him, his head, then and she squeezed him even harder! In the boxing room, the opposite was going on, the older ones here, the females where truly in control of the young ones. But it was females in control so there were still similarities. But again, almost as if had been planned here too, it was time for the boys to now met, in a different way so to speak, to met their ... ... ! The boy Rikki had been kissed by his Aunt Amber! 'God that's amazing!' Forget the beating she'd given him, 'She'd kissed him!' Breaking this, she could now see the look of shock and delight all over his boyish face, Aunty then grinned and SMACK! A backhand across his young face to put him in his place, then THUD! A knee to his groin to soften him up. Amber twisted herself and now went running over to the other corner, the one where her Son was being held there and crashed into him, still holding and hurting him there. The Mother, Amber threw her body against her Son's, winding him, then she leant in as her tongue ran along and licked the side of his face. Then grabbed his head with both hands and thrusted it down into her full bosom, holding him against her large mounds to drain the air and suffocate her boy. Toby's head was buried deep in Aunty Hayley's breasts, and he didn't care he was suffocating. But when Aunty pulled his head up, so he could breathe again, it was a relief. He looked dazed and very happy, Aunty smiled and SMACK! An open hand slap across his face to show him she's still the boss here, then WHACK! His crotch struck by her knee. Hayley spun around and she was now off, fast, to the opposite corner where her Son was trapped there, she slammed into him, pounding him back into the post there. The blow knocked the wind out of Toby, as he tried to take in air, his Mother Hayley grabbed his head, pulled it to her and kissed him, the lad eyes bulged with 'Oh My God'. Then she slammed her Son's face down into her firm round full breasts. Holding his head down there firmly, as he tiered to gasp for air. So it was that there was a swop that happened in both room, time for Aunts to give up Nephews and Niece to relinquish Uncles! But that didn't mean that the fun had to stop, did it! The delightful blond Paige had used her strong legs to crush her Father, and to show him that she was now a woman to be reckoned with! Having made her point to Daddy, she realised her hold, rolled over, got to her feet and went back to play with her Uncle Victor, CRACK! A good hard, fast bare foot went driving into Uncle's body, just to let him know that she was now back! Sweet dark haired Eva's thighs squeezed her Father's head, in such a painful way he knew he needed to be fearful of his Daughter from now on. Having taught Daddy something, the girl let him go, she swopped over and was back onto her Uncle Nick, SMACK! Her toned, firm thigh went into the side of her Uncle's face as she pulled him up, taking control; of him once more. Gorgeous Amber released her Son Toby, so he could take in air and breathe again. After this the boy wouldn't, couldn't look at his Mother in the same way again. But it was time for Amber to go back to the other corner and her cute Nephew to carry on playing with him. She ran back into the boy, slamming her Nephew with her body, ready to squeeze, hurt and maybe tease him some more! Stunning Hayley let go of her Son Rikki, he gasped for breath and filled his lungs. Now the Son had a different view of his Mum, a completely different view! Turning now Hayley was heading back to her sweet Nephew in the opposite corner, as she wanted to play some more. Crashing her body into him, the Milf was ready for some more hard action with, who knows what kind of an outcome! The games carried on for a little longer, but as in any game there had to be a winner and of course a loser, just here in this house on Boxing Day there were four losers and they were all male! In that martial arts room as Niece Eva had Uncle Nick, lying there on the floor, on his front with one arm, that the girl had grabbed, pulled and forced behind his back. Gripping that arm firmly, she had the man yanked rearwards, pulling him back as she had her other hand gripping him by a good handful of his hair. She was curving his upper body backwards as she sat there on the base of his spine. As she pulled him back the darkhaired girl leant forwards to whisper into Uncle's ear, "submit to me Uncle dear and everything will be alright, probably!" She yanked hard on his arms and hair at the same time, OOOWWWHHH! "Yeees ... ... Submit!" The Niece's tongue licked her Uncle ear's "Good boy, now say, 'I submit to you' ... ... " ARRRHHHHH! She pulled that arm, and his head back even further back, forcing her Uncle to curve his body even more, to increase the pain, the hurt, the agony he was going through ... ... "I submit ... ... I SUBMIT TO YOU!" The girl was pleased that Uncle had made the right decision! In the boxing room and Nephew Rikki was still at the mercy of Aunty Amber. With the boy still against the corner post and no escape possible all the Milf had to do was to break the boy! She took a firm hold of the ropes and now pushed her firm mature body into his youthful frame, pushing hard and even harder until the lad thought she was going to break his chest, and ribs with her firm tits, UUUUHHHHH! She released her hold, just a bit, so the hurt, exhausted boy slid down a bit, then pushed back into him. Her breasts again smothered him, pounding his head back against the post. Released some more so he slid further down to allow her firm abs now to thrust into his face and crush him! As he caried on sliding down, the rest of her body in turn did their part to hurt him. Until he was all the way down on his arse. The Milf stuck her foot in her nephew face, "Do it and it all ends!" So, left with no option, the boy kissed her foot, sucked her toe, to show she'd fully defeated him in this game. To show that Aunty had beat her cute Nephew. Back on the blue mats and Uncle Victor was still having a bad time with his Niece Paige. The girl had the man down on the mats and was turning this back into a wrestling match as she gripped him in a session of painful and agonising moves, to break him. She grabbed his arm, got her legs around his body, threw herself backwards and put him in an armbar move. The man hollowed but didn't give up, just yet. Or was it that the girl wanted to try some move moves before allowing him to lose! Next, she rolled him and her, got on top of him and slapped a crossface hold on Uncle dear, the cries of agony proved that one hurt! Now she rolled him over, so easily, so Nick was dragged up into a good old fashion camel clutch. A college girl putting an older, stronger man in a move like that, just goes to show who's in charge here! Ready to finish Uncle off, she rolled off, swung her legs around and used them for that final head scissors move! A move to send Uncle off to sleep before he'd been given the chance to surrender to his Niece. In the ring and Aunty Hayley, as you would expect defiantly had the upper hand over Nephew Toby, SMACK! The lad went staggering back into his corner, one that the older female wasn't going to let him out of, just yet. She reached out grabbed onto his jaw with her hand, dragged him staggering towards her and kissed the boy. Well, who said she couldn't 'like' him and beat him at the same time? Then breaking that sweet kiss, moving their lips apart she thrusted the boy back where he belonged, followed by WHACK! Another blow, that made her delightful Nephew now drop down onto his knees. With him there she grinned, twisted herself around and shoved her firm, arse into his face, the boy natural instinct took over as he kissed her full backside, well who wouldn't. Then she shoved back, using her arse, his face was buried in, to smoother him as his head was pushed hard back against the post. Her firm Aunty arse smothering her Nephew there in that corner, until he could take no more and passed out, possibly through the joy of all this! So that brought an end to the Boxing Day games ... ... well not quiet! All of this had stirred something up inside all of those that had taken part in these 'games' here today. And as they were games that meant the winners could claim their prizes! And was the loser's job to make suer the winners got what they deserved too! In the martial arts room and the only two there now was one of the victor's in the particular game that had taken place there earlier and of course one of the losers. The winner was the young blond Niece Paige and the loser, her Uncle Victor. Right now, it was a case of the victor, who was having Victor! The Uncle had been ordered out of his joggers and top, and of course he obeyed without question. He didn't want to get on the wrong side of his surprising strong Niece again, did he? The girl, the Niece Paige was fully in control here and Victor, after being shoved back down to the floor, was lying there, naked on the mat. His Niece was once more on top of him, this time riding Uncle for all he was worth! Then once she was warmed up, she'd grab hold of him by his head and she'd have more work for Uncle dear to attended to! In the boxing ring and back in the corner was the youthful boy Toby, the Nephew right now was getting his gorgeous Aunt's arse pumping backwards and forwards into his crotch. The Nephew who'd had his cloths and gloves striped off of him by Aunty Hayley, the Milf that this lad was now doing from behind, or in this case was it the older woman who was fucking the boy, banging herself rearwards onto his cock as she took all he had to offer! After stripping her Nephew, the Milf Aunty had found a couple of old skipping ropes, then eagerly she'd used them to tie the naked boy to the ropes so there was no escape from her or that corner! Now she pulled out, turned, dropped down, clamped her large breasts around his amazing boy tool, and now pounded his cock with her tits. Just to see what he can give her as a prize! In the games room across the corridor and it was the darkhaired girl Eva who was enjoying receiving her winnings in here, and it was Uncle Nick who was provided them! After some tearing of clothes and general stripping off it was down to some good old fashion fun and games! Right now, and Eva was laying back over the pool table, with Uncle Nick stood there at the end, holding onto the girl's legs, most of which were wrapped around his body. While he stood there giving his Niece her 'reward' for beating him, and as she'd beat him hard, he was returning the favour and thrusting her with a good amount of vigour and determination! The pool table hadn't seen action like this for a while and as this was a 'games room' the Niece already had a really good idea as to what Uncle could do next for her! Lastly and in the sauna room down that corridor and it was getting hot for Aunty Amber and her Nephew Rikki. You could say that the 'ambers' were scorching in that stream room, so there was no need for any clothes here. The boy was laid out there on the long sauna seat, while Aunt laid over him, so she could take his big boy cock in her mouth and the Nephew could use his tongue to lick and lap the woman up into a hot frenzy. With tongues and mouths doing so well, with the sweat level increasing and enjoyment of all kinds oozing out of both those two taking part, it would be soon time to cool down. The shower room would see the next part in Amber getting her reward for winning from her dear boy. But the Nephew was hoping that Aunty wouldn't cool down too much as he had so much more hot stuff to give her! So, that was the Boxing Day game for this year, but it would be fair to say that after today things for both the Pedler and Kennedy had changed. Maybe some members of these families wouldn't, couldn't wait until next year to take part in some more 'games!' Maybe there might be a few extra kinds of a games played here and there, and sooner rather than later, who knows! But it wasn't all over just yet, it was still 'Boxing Day' well it was close to midnight so it was technically. And there was still time to start one last game today. The men and boys had all gone off to bed, after all they'd been through a lot today and given a lot too, so they deserved a bit of a rest, that left the ladies downstairs to finish the day off with a last glass or two of something bubbly and to maybe talk a bit about the games they'd played today! Then after a few more glasses of bubbly an idea, which they were all thinking about and now it had now been mentioned. They all looked at each other, grinned, smiled, giggled and discussed this. The ladies now all agreed that maybe it was all OK, maybe it was time to ... ... ! So just before midnight and the doors to four bedrooms where opened. The men and boys, now had this uneasy sense, after their beating they were a bit on the nervous side, and after giving out those rewards to the winners they were still buzzing with some excitement. So, when the doors to their rooms opened, and the light from the hallway flooded in, they were all awake. Victor and Nick woke to see the small sharply figures of ... ... 'Oh!' and the boys stirred in more than one way when they saw the outline of a real woman and ... ... 'Wow!' Yes, it defiantly had been a very different Boxing Day this year, who knows where this would all lead ... ... !