Blind Date By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. Half the fun is finding out just how the date will end? Blind Date Arnie looked down at his hands they were aching, sore and marked, there were starches, cuts and bruises on them and they hurt. A sure sign he'd defiantly been in a fight! In fact, he'd been in more than one fight and the effects where now taking their toll on him, his bare hands where testament that. And if his hands felt and looked bad then the rest of his body wasn't far off that either. He rolled his aching shoulders and looked up from his hands and across to the other side of the boxing ring that he was in, in that far side and making their way through the ropes and into the ring was a woman. Arnie recognised her, she was known to him, he didn't 'know' her, they hadn't been formally introduced, but he had 'experience' of her! Yes, he had experience of the blond woman that was now inside the ring and looking at him, with that stare of hers, and it was all bad experience that he had of her. She was a strong woman, as strong as him and just as tough, but with a cruel streak that only went to bring the 'best' out of her. Arnie could see that she was looking good, not just because she was quite attractive and was dressed in a pair of dark boots, tight shorts and matching green and yellow crop top, but that she seemed to have recovered well since their last 'meeting!' Arnie pushed himself up and off the ropes as he readied himself for this next bout, just as he did so there was a sharp tug at the chain that was securely attached to his right ankle. The man looked down at the grinning figure just outside the ring who had pulled on the chain to get his attention. It was another woman, she was very similar to the blond woman, except the short fair hair had been replaced by long dark hair. This second woman was also 'known' to Arnie and he suspected that both women where Sister's or somehow related. But again, he'd not been formally introduced to the brunette either, so he hadn't had the opportunity to ask that question. Not that that would have been the first question he would have asked given the opportunity, rather it would have been 'why am I here?' or 'what the hell is going on?' But somehow, he didn't 'need' to ask those questions, after what had happened here he had a 'rough' idea what was going on, but still he would have probable asked! As now his eyes moved up from the grinning brunette to the focused blond again those questions raced around in his head 'why was he here and what was going on? 'Just to be actual told might bring some kind of relief in all this!' It had all started, as he knew, the other day, or was it two or three days now, he'd lost all sense of time. The last real clear thing he could remember was the date he'd gone on, 'that was it that blind date!' A friend of his had said something about his girlfriend had a friend, who had an Aunt who ... ... or was it his friend had had an Aunt who had a girlfriend who ... ... ? 'He couldn't remember it all now' but 'somehow' and through his friend Arnie had ended up going on a blind date! Now Arnie didn't normally have any problems with the ladies so going on a blind date was a bit of new thing for him, and what made it worse was that his friend and girlfriend wouldn't be there, it would just be him and this woman! But even though he still couldn't work out how he'd been dragged into all this Arnie decided 'what the hell, if she's that bad I can always just walk away', so he went on his first blind date since ... ... ? Well it must have been since he was at school, and that seemed such a long time ago now. So, it was Friday night and Arnie turned up at the bar to meet his blind date, he looked around and there she was, the woman sat by herself at the table in the bay window, wearing a red top and with a large glass of wine. Arnie took a second before he walked over and introduced himself to study his blind date, after all if he didn't like what he saw he could always walk away. But, to be honest, she wasn't that bad looking at all, so he decided to go through with it. Cynthia was her name, and one that Arnie thought was quite amusing, as it seemed a bit old fashioned! Mind you as he sat down and got a closer look at her she did seem to be quite old, not that she wasn't attractive, far from it, she defiantly had the looks, but she was old! Older than him and over the time they spent talking that was obvious, as time went by it was also obvious that they were two very different people. Arnie was 32, single, never been married and was into his sports, he was football mad and couldn't quite understand why this woman, in fact any woman he'd met wasn't as excited about it as he was! He was some kind of tech guy in IT, and again one of those things that he could never understand was why women didn't find this also interesting. But then there were a couple of things about him that got the women's, and this woman's interest going, he was a bit of a boxer and martial arts expert ... ... well almost an 'expert', sort of, he wasn't too bad at it, but admittedly he could do with doing a lot more practice. That was the only thing about him that seemed to raise any interest in the woman, the fact he was a bit of a fighter. Arnie reckoned she was one of these stuck-up women that deep down wanted a bit of rough, a real man, 'yer, that was it!' As for Cynthia, she was indeed an older woman but wasn't so common as to give away her actual age, but he reckoned she must be, at least, mid 40's. But somehow, he wouldn't be surprised if he was even older, not that she looked it, no in fact she had that mature appearance that, as he looked at her, became more and more interesting. Yes, she was good for her age, for an older woman, not only in her looks but also in her body, the tight fitting, yet very smart dress, showed a very good body, and one which again Arnie found interesting. She didn't seem to have a job, but had obviously done something in the past, had travelled and done various things, she enjoyed skiing, dancing, all that posh ballroom stuff he guessed, and enjoyed a good ride out ... ... on her horse! Arnie smiled at that. Cynthia was obviously an educated woman, maybe a bit too educated for his liking, she had children, by the sound of it daughters but there was no mention of a husband? She had been talked into this blind date by her Niece, who Arnie guessed must be his friend's girlfriend or a friend of his friend's girlfriend or something like that! He was finding it difficult to follow all this as there was one of those large TV's on in the background with the football on it. And being a 'bloke' he was trying to listen to Cynthia and pay attention to the football! Well what else was he supposed to do? After a couple of drinks, it was obvious this was going nowhere, and during an awkward silent moment her phone went, 'thank God', and she took a call, stepping away to have a short but private conversation. Shortly after that the evening, for these two, came to an end and they said their goodbyes, with an unspoken but mutual understanding that this was going nowhere. Arnie stayed on in the bar for another drink, hoping that the evening wasn't a complete waste and Cynthia left, having realised early on that this had been a complete waste of time, as far as a date had gone. He was more disappointed than she was that the blind date had not gone that well. After all she might not be his normal kind of woman, far too old, but he was sure under all that poshness there was a dirty woman trying to get out. But he would not find out as he 'somehow' failed to impress her, very strange! After a couple more drinks, and trying to chat up a busty blond who was more his age group, things didn't get much better. He again failed as he was also still watching the rest of the game on the telly, so when the football finished it was time for Arnie to head off home. As he stepped out of the bar it started to rain, not too much but enough to make him quicken his pace. It hadn't been such a good night, the date hadn't gone well, but then again she was probably too old, and too posh for him. But even so he had missed out on giving it to a good looking, fit woman, even if she was an older one as well! By now the rain was starting to come down harder so Arnie decided to take a couple of short cuts, he turned off the main road down a side ally and again quicken his pace up. It was now the he was aware of the vehicle that was behind him, the one that had turned off the road and was following him down the alleyway. The vehicle headlights light up the dark alley as it seemed to get quickly up to him. Then there was a sudden screech of brakes, the side door of the now obvious van flow open and THUD! THUD! He wasn't sure what it was but something or someone had come out of the van and straight at him. Arnie was knocked down the floor, he was stunned a bit at this unprovoked and abrupt attack on him, then just as rapidly something was dragged over his head, a sack of some kind, SMACK! WHACK! A couple of hard blows where driven into his body to soften him up followed by CRACK! A painful blow across his head that dazed the man, the sack over his head had blinded him, it also muffled the sounds from around him and disorientated him very quickly. The blow to his head didn't help but he knew he was being grabbed and dragged up off the floor and pushed around. He was being manhandled about then was thrown forward and landed on something hard and metal, he tried to push himself up, but SMASH! Suddenly everything went black as his unconscious body dropped down onto the floor at the back of the van. The side door was slammed shut, followed by the vehicle carefully reverse back out of the alleyway and onto the main road. It would be some time before Arnie came too and then for him to start and make sense of what had just happened to him! Much later and Arnie gradually came out of his unconscious state, it was a slow process and took sometime before the events in the alleyway came back to him fully and he was able to take in his current situation. Arnie was lying on the floor, when he came too, but this was no ordinary floor this was a canvas floor, in fact it was the canvas floor of a boxing ring. That was the first 'unusual' thing he noticed, but there was more. It was a normal size boxing ring with a large light hanging over the ring and was bright enough to illuminate the ring and the immediate area just outside the ring. Further than that and Arnie couldn't make out anything clearly, there was an echo to the 'room' so he assumed it must be quite large. The more he stared out into the darkness the more his eyes played tricks on him, he thought he could make out a couple of doors and some large 'objects' but nothing was defiant. He would have gone and investigated but there was one 'small' problem, his leg was secured by a very strong and old looking chain, to the rings blue corner. Of course, he tried to free himself, but the shackle around his foot was locked tight and the chain was just as secure to the ring post. There was no instant escape for him. Time went by as Arnie did everything he could, with no success, he called out, shouted, screamed, but nothing. He tried to release himself from his shackles but again that didn't work, he moved around as far as the long chain would let him, but nothing became clear, he even searched under the ring, but it was empty. Hours must have gone by, his watch was missing off his wrist so he couldn't tell if it morning yet, his phone and wallet had also gone, even his shoes. The only thing he had on was his socks, trousers, but no belt and shirt. Someone didn't want him to have anything! He'd almost given up hope of ever getting out of all this when, out in the darkness, there was noises. The sound of doors opening, closing, movement of a person or people, clattering of metal objects. He called out, shouted again and again, but no one came or answered him, 'were they ignoring his cries for help?' But then, there was a clucking sound and a door opened up, light flooded into the room, Arnie squinted his eyes as they had gotten too use to the low light of the room. But he could make out movement, there were silhouettes moving about, 'one, no two people!' He was sure there were two figures, or was it three? The door suddenly closed and his eyes once more strained to get use to the light that came from over the boxing ring. All the time he could hear footsteps moving about the room, there was defiantly more than one person here. "Who are you? "Why am I here?" "What's going on?" None of his questions were answered, there was just the sound of footsteps going up the wooden stairs over in the far corner of the ring. Then a figure climbed up into the light, through the ropes and into the ring, and into that opposite corner, in the pink corner, 'strange in a boxing ring shouldn't it be red?' In the pink corner the figure came into focus 'Oh!' There was stood a woman, and an attractive woman at that. She was around mid-20's, short fair hair and an attractive face, that was somehow familiar? Then he noticed the way she was dressed! A pair of high pink boots, the kind boxers wear, a tight pair of red shorts and an equally tight black and red crop top. Even with all this weirdness going on Arnie was struck by how good she looked, and how good her body was. He stepped forwards to go and 'talk', to find out what was going on, the sound of the chain dragging across the floor remined him of how unreal and strange this all was. As he walked to her, she now slowly started to walk toward him, a plain, even uninterested look on her face but her eyes where focused, staring, at him as she approached. "Right what is all ... ... " WHACK! As they got close to each other and as Arnie was about to get to the bottom of all this, the woman's fist came thundering around and pounded into the side of the man face. She caught him just right on the side of his jaw making the strong man's legs suddenly judder and wobble. His whole head burst into a hot, fuzzy, fiery ball of pain as he took a second to stagger around, taking one step one way the two in another direction and back again. He screwed up his eyes, shock his head, steadied himself, throw off the sudden pain and opened his eyes 'Shit!' Only to see those focused eyes staring at him and a fist heading his way THUD! The centre of his face took the blow, his head went hard backwards only to spring back forwards and leave his head spinning and nose throbbing with pain. Arnie didn't see what she did next, he just felt a sharp pain against the side of his leg as she swiped his legs away and toppled the man sending him falling down to the canvas floor and onto his back. As he hit the floor, and bounced at least once off of it there was another sudden pain, this time in his gut as the blond woman came crashing down onto him. She came down, knee first, driving it into his stomach, winding him and pinning him to the floor. Then she laid into him with her bare fists, pummelling his face and upper body, raining down on his with her strong clenched hands, pounding his body. He was about to thrust both his arms up into her to push her off him and make her stop. He stretched out his hands fully and was just sending them up and into the woman when CRUNCH! OOOOOHHHH! But the blond had got her killer blow in first, if only just, her clenched fist came steaming around and was rammed into the side of Arnie's temple, completely stopping him in his tracks and sending the man into a stupor. His head spun, his body went limp and weak, he had no control and could not think straight. If he'd been on his feet he would have been dropped there and then. But as he was already on his back all he could do was flip and flinch around on the floor doing his impression of a fish out of water. The blond was disappointed as she rolled off the man, across the canvas, under the ropes and out of the ring. Arnie could hear some kind of conversation going on but couldn't make out the words being spoken. Then there where footsteps, a sudden bust of light as a door was opened, then it close, and there was silence. Arnie lay there still juddering for quite a while until he must had fallen into a restful sleep, with still those questions about why he was here, going around his throbbing head. It was sometime later when he had recovered and was sat there leaning against the blue post, thinking about how he could escape when the door was opened again. He turned quickly towards it, but again the light coming in was too bright so he could only make out the outline of two figures. Once the door was closed there again where the footsteps that made their way across the room to the far side and the stairs leading up to the pink corner. Arnie called out his questions again and again but there was nothing in reply. Moments later a figure climbed the stairs and entered the ring, but this time it was someone different. Again, it was a woman, but this one was a brunette, she was just as attractive as the blond, even quite similar, except for the long dark hair tied back in a ponytail. She was maybe a year or two younger than the blond, he couldn't really tell as other things were going through his head at the time, like the way she was dressed. She was dressed in a pair of lime green boots, pale blue tight shorts and a blue and purple crop top. She also had a striking firm, strong looking body that was good to look at but Arnie had other things on his mind. He pushed himself up off the floor and took a couple of steps towards the woman before stopping. He wouldn't be caught out a second time! But as he stopped the brunette threw herself into a fast dash towards him. As she came at him he lurched backwards, shocked at the fact this new woman was running at him, then she jumped up and THUD! She came flying through the air and landed into the man, knocking him over and taking him down, but the man was better prepared and knew after the blond not to be on the floor around for too long, or else! He was up on one knee in a flash, confident as he pushed himself up and ... ... SMACK! But he wasn't quick enough! The brunettes boot had slammed into the side of his head and sent Arnie staggering across the floor and towards the ropes. His head fell onto the second rope and rested there for a second too long as CRUNCH! The brunettes foot came in again but this time it was well aimed as her boot came down onto the back of his neck, and pushed his throat hard against the rope. She pushed and applied the pressure, cutting of his air supply "there that will teach you to treat a lady better next time!" That was all he heard before he passed out as the woman's boot, with the assistance of the ring rope, throttled him, 'maybe there was a clue there as to why he was here?' Again, after a 'short' time out of it, Arnie finally came too, again! He was still in the room and alone, still chained up in the ring and with those words rushing around his head. Those words went around and around his head until the door opened again and in came the mysterious figures, Arnie jumped up and readied himself as the footsteps approached through the dark. But somehow each step made him more apprehensive, more nervous, 'was all this part of their 'game?' It was the blond woman who again came into the ring, dressed in the same style, but just a different outfit, this one was white and black in colour and with black boots. But she still had that intense look on her face as she came towards him SMACK! But this time he got the first hit in, he stopped the woman there in her tracks, but she was still on her feet. She wiped the blood away from her lip with the back of her hand, looked down at it and then smiled at the man. 'Shit!' CRACK! OOOHHHHH! Her boot shot out into his gut winding the man and doubling him over, she grabbed him, turned and throw the man over and down to the floor, ripping him shirt and hurting him as he fell back down to the floor WHACK! Her boots followed, hitting out and bruising, hurting, damaging his body and she now kicked him around the ring. She reached down dragged him up onto his knees and she now let loose with some hard right hands into his face "this is for Mother!" SMACK! CRACK! WALLOP! There was another clue to his fate, that sunk in just before she put him out with her thundering left hand as it was brought up into his jaw and took the man up into the air and out cold, once more. When he came too Arnie was not surprised to find himself still there in the ring, he lay there for a long while, thinking, then the door opened, the figures came in and soon he was looking across at the brunette, dressed in brown and orange with yellow boots, again. He got himself ready, he'd managed to land at least one good punch on the blond so maybe he could do the same again here, with the brunette? The pair of them slowly moved around looking at each other and Arnie was the one to make the first move, he throw himself across at her and grabbed hold of the woman, who tried to push him off her but couldn't, WHACK! Arnie got his arm up and slapped her hard across the face, his backhand stunned the brunette as she dropped down to her knees. He was on top here, grapping onto each of her arms he tried to push her down to the canvas. She was strong, maybe as strong as him, but he was towering over her and had the better position, he was forcing her down. He was winning this one, he was going to ... ... CRUNCH! OOOWWWW! The woman had thrown her head forward and headbutted the man in the crotch, it was a sharp and very painful blow, that took the overconfident Arnie by surprise and took his breath away. He dropped down to his knees and this allowed the brunette to take charge, WHACK! OOOHHHHH! She throw her forehead back into the man, this time into his face, stunning him and giving her time to get to her feet and take her revenge "this is for Mummy ... ... and also me!" UUUUUHHHHH! ARRRRHHHHH! Suddenly the chain that had held him securing to the blue post was now around his neck. The brunette had hold of it firmly with both hands, and with it around the man, and pushing against his throat, she pulled on it, hard. Was it that she had some sadistic pleasure in straggling him, or had she just been lucky, either way, Arnie was now being throttled into unconsciousness by the woman yet again. This went on and on, next was the blond coming back into the ring, followed by the brunette. Each session was the same, he would come around, think about what was happening to him, get angry and shout then remember what had happened before. He would think about a comment made 'about not being nice to their Mother!' He guesses this was all about the older woman from his blind date, but surly no one would go to all this length just over a bad blind date, would they? Then a while later the door would open and the women would come in, one would get into the ring, in the same style outfit, just a different colour, how many outfits did these women have? Then there would be the fight, which he would eventually loose! But Arnie was a strong man, he'd done boxing and marital arts and all that had come flooding back to him, he needed it to, as he knew he was in trouble here. Each fight he'd started off well, he got some good hits, even hurt each of the women a few times, but never managed to finish on top. He'd given the blond another cut lip and bloody nose, which he'd enjoyed, plus marked her cheek and eye. But each time she'd came back even harder and beat him to the ground and out cold. With the brunette, he'd taken her off her feet, even thrown her against the ropes and down to the floor. He's slapped, hit and bruised her, but she had a knack now of striking out into his groin, and her aim was very good, then when he was hurt she would take control. She would control him, hurt him and eventually throttle him. She enjoyed using her hands to finish him off so she could look down into his eyes as her strong arms flexed and her fingers tightened, she would grin as he panicked and then faded away. 'Had it been 5 or 6 times now he'd face both the women?' He couldn't remember, how many hours, even days had gone by, much of it was a haze. He'd come to a couple of times to find a bottle of water and chunk of bread by him, sustenance for the prisoner! He lay there a battered almost broken man "When would this all end?' CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! 'OH?' Suddenly all the lights, one by one, went on, Arnie was shocked and very surprised as the whole of the large room light up. It was indeed a large, high, room, mostly empty apart from the boxing ring in the middle and a number of different size boxes and creates scattered around the rest of the room. 'What was going on?' That was all he could think of, a door opened, it was the 'normal' door the women came in from, and there were both the women together and between them they were dragging a hooded unconscious man into the room! A fearful Arnie got to his feet, wondering what the hell was happening now. The two women dragged this new man towards the ring then dropped him to the floor, then the blond throw a key to Arnie. He caught it and realised it was the key to release his shackles. He didn't know what was going on but out of panic, fear and a bit of sheer joy he quickly undone the chain 'that felt good!' The two women just stood there looking at Arnie and he carefully, and a bit painfully, slid under the ropes and out of the ring. He hobbled along, making sure there was a lot of room between him and the woman and slowly made his way towards the open door. As he got to the door he came to a sudden halt as strolling in was the older woman, the one for his blind date, as if to confirm all this was indeed all about her! He stood there like a statue, as fear gripped him, she gave him one look, then ignored him and carried on towards the ring, where she watched as her two daughters dragged Arnie's 'replacement' into the ring and where now shackling him up! 'Good luck mate' was all Arnie could think of as he now made for the clear open door and freedom. He hurried out into a well light, long and empty corridor. There were several doors along it but one in particular stood out, right at the far end. Something told him to make for it, so he did. Suddenly the tired, hurt, battered man had a new lease of life and some energy about him, and it didn't take long to get to the door and open it. Arnie was surprised as he stepped out into a large underground car park, there were a dozen or so car parked there, and a white van, but the place seemed otherwise empty. He quickly scanned the area looking for an exit, when BANG! The sound of a car door slamming shut made him jump, and he nervously turn around. A little way away was a large meaty looking black 4x4 vehicle, complete with dark windows, and out of this vehicle had stepped a woman, well maybe a girl! There was stood a young girl dressed in a sort of uniform, a pair of ankle boots, long multi coloured socks up past her knees, a puffed out, but quite short skirt, plus a white blouse. The blouse was undone, plus tucked up and tied up just under her obvious chest, displaying her midriff and show a full cleavage and some of her red bra. Her school tie hung down quite low as not to spoil the view. She had a pretty face and her hair, although quite fair was dyed and number of different colours from blue, pink, red, green and orange. With tuffs of hair coming out on each side of her pretty head and giving her a bit of a 'Harley Quinn' look! The girl went into a forward cartwheel, slowly, steady and precise, she made three revolutions as she came towards Arnie. On the last one she came to a halt, raised her arms into the air, making a 'Ta Da!' stance and smiled at the man. Now a very worried Arnie could see the 'family' resemblance as the youngest of the daughters now stood in front of him! "I always love it when Mummy finds a new man for my Sisters to play with. It means I get the hand me downs!" A very cold chill went down Arnie's back, 'that didn't sound good', the girls smile became a grin, her arms came down and she took a step closer towards Arnie ... ... !