Best Man for the Job By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. When it come to a new job, surly you need to find the best Man for it! Best Man for the Job James looked across the room at Haylee, even though he didn't know her, he wasn't too impressed with the woman. And the woman, she didn't know the man either and she certainly didn't think much of him, and all this before they had even been properly introduced! The man, James, adjusted his glasses as he moved his stare from the woman on the other side of the room back down to his newspaper. While the woman, Haylee, turned her nose up at the man and returned to her iPad and finishing off with the spreadsheet she was working on. A few minutes went by without anything else happening then a set of doors opened up and a woman, who looked as if she was probable the female assistant of someone important came in. She invited the two candidates to follow her into the managing director's office. It was a short walk from the reception room down the corridor to the MD's office, where inside Mr Jenkins was waiting for the candidates to arrive. When the female assistant or secretary, whatever she was, opened the doors, Mr Jenkins looked up from the two files he'd been going over again. He saw Sally, his secretary enter the room and behind her where the two candidates for the job that was on offer. It was a prestige position within the company, 'International Sales Supervisor.' A job, a roll, a position with many benefits, a very good salary, luxury company car and a driver when one was needed. And of course, all that travel to all those major cities and exotic parts of the world, all paid for by the company. And with all the other niceties, pension, dental care, key to the executive bathroom, all that kind of thing. So, it was a very sort after job, and today was the final stage in the recruitment process for this exciting roll and life changing opportunity. Today one of these final two candidates would get the job, but it would have to go to the right man! Sally introduced the two candidates to her boss, then turned and left the room. James eyes followed the secretary, with her long blond hair, intelligent look with her large dark rimmed round glasses, he liked that, and her attractive face and smile. Mid 20's, he thought and she was very nice especially with her looks, and smart in her appearance. High heeled shoes, black stocking, black skirt that hugged her arse nicely and that satin red blouse, with the top buttons undone enough to get a good glimpse of her cleavage that was so obviously there. James would enjoy working here and she, Sally, was defiantly one of the reasons he wanted, was going to get, this job! Mr Jenkins was also using his eye, but he'd seen Sally enough times to know what she looked like, he was more interested in the two candidates. James Murry, 27 and a business graduate who had experience of working in Europe and was already, in his current job, in charge of that firms' European market. He was a tall man, dark hair, broad shoulders, he carried himself well and with an air of confidence about him. Add the was he dressed, very smartly, formal and authorially in his light grey and stylish suit and this was a man with a take charge attitude. Mr Jenkins eye moved from the man's file to the woman's file. Next was Haylee Connors, again 27 and a finance graduate whose current role with the firm she was with at the moment was dealing with all financial transaction across Asia and the Middle East. She was a shade shorter than the man, good-looking with long alban hair that had been very smartly tied up and added a sort of sophistication to her look. Dressed in a pair of high heeled shoes and a very smart, and again stylish business skirt suit, she looked very much the business woman you didn't want to mess with. So, with the two candidates stood there Mr Jenkins sighed as he looked up for the second file. It was a sigh of frustration, not that there was anything wrong with these two candidates, far from it and he told them both that. It was a sigh of frustration as he could only take one of them on, that was it and they both deserved the job, he told them that too. The MD told James and Haylee that they both had excellent qualities, they both had impeccable background and he was sure either of them could take on this new job. They both looked, sounded the part and each had scores top marks in their assessment tests and their formal interview. Each candidate had something special about them that the other didn't, but there was only one position open and only one candidate could fill that position. That was the frustration problem, the MD could only hire one of them, but which one? Mr Jenkins leant back in his chair and looked at the candidates "now I think you can both do the job, but there is only one vacancy. You've both done excellently in all aspects, but there is one thing that we haven't tested you in or seen either of you demonstrate ... ... " 'James and Haylee were both surprised by this, the last two days of tests, assessments and interviews had been the toughest selection process either of them had been through before. What else did this MD want to see?' " ... ... I like to see a bit of a fight in all my members of staff here, especially those in high position such as what this job offers. The candidates with the most fight in them, the most determination to get it done, the one with the desire to do 'anything and everything' to win. Now that's what I want to see, in a contest who would come out on top, the one who wins would have shown their commitment to success over all odds, that sort of a person is what I want for this job ... ... " He looked at each of the candidates in turn and " ... ... do you understand what I mean, what I want to see from you?" There was a pause as now James head turned and he looked over at Haylee who was only a few feet to his left. At the same time the woman looked over to her right and at the man, she stared at him as she re-run the MD's words through her head one more time. The MD brought his hands up, placed his fingers together and looked, with a slight grin, at the candidates in front of him, he could almost see his words going around each of their heads by the expressions on their faces. "So, who wants to show me just how determined they are to fight for this job?", SMACK! The first blow was struck and Haylee felt it across her jaw as James had made that all important first move. He'd clenched his fist, brought it up, swung his upper body and drove his shoulders around all so that he could hit the woman, the other candidate, for this job, the job that he wanted. He'd hit Haylee hard across her jaw sending the woman staggering backwards as he'd caught her off guard, after all who would have thought that it would be the man that made the first move? The strike had sent the woman staggering backwards a couple of steps making her bump into the formal meeting table that was close by, but at least it stopped her from going any further back or even from toppling over and falling down to the MD's office floor. Her hand came up to the sore side of her face as she now looked, stared through gritted teeth back at the man, who was already turning fully around to face her and get this over with, so that he could get the job! Both the candidates had taken a good guess at what the MD was 'hinting' at and what he want to see and even if it all seemed to be quite unthinkable, this was too good a job opportunity to miss out on. But it had been the man, James that had been the one that took that first step, or thrown that first punch, he really did want this job and would do anything, even hit a woman! But also, there was Haylee and she wanted the job just a bad as the man did and, WHACK! And she certainly had no qualms about hitting back and taking this man on! James had stepped in closer to his opponent, for the job, and was about to ... ... ... when the woman made her first move, her free hand that was down by her side came rushing upwards and across. Striking the man just under his jaw then she drew her clenched fist across his face and now she sent him tumbling backwards. The MD, Mr Jenkins smiled, this was what he wanted to see a real fight for the job on offer. James also feel back, but this time against a comfy armchair, part of an intermate cosy area. Four chairs around a small glass top coffee table, an area that was a bit more informal than sat around the table. Now the woman and the man both stepped away from where they had fell and stood there, both had shown they could give a good hit and take one, now it was who could last the longest? James came rushing at the woman, he certainly hadn't liked the fact that his ones fights back. As he came at her Haylee spun around and to the side, making the man miss her. As she moved and he went past her, Haylee came all the way around, spinning so she could, THUD! UUUFFFHHH! She brought her arm up and drove her elbow into the side of the man as he went rushing past. Slamming that elbow of hers into his side as he went past, catching him just right and under the ribs, which hurt! The blow made James jolted and reach in pain, she'd done a good job of hurting him and manged to reward herself with a smirk as the man's body shock there. But his reaction where just as quick as hers, as his arms flew outwards as he juddered from the blow, so it only took a second before he was then in a position to, SMACK! His flaying arm now came around, he was in control of it as it whipped around and slapped the woman hard across her face. A backhand that made Haylee wobble and take a moment to steady herself on her feet. But that second was all the man needed as he came around and WALLOP! James followed up with a fast second blow that caught the woman and made her shudder once more. Haylee felt her body shake and the sudden numbing pain that now grabbed hold of the inside of her head. The woman was rocked and stumbled, one, two, three steps. Instinctively her hand reached out and grabbed onto one of those chairs that was around the formal table, so at least she was still up on her feet. Getting a couple of good blows in and the man's confidence was high, now it was time to go in for the kill, so to speak, and for him to finish this off and claim his prize, the job! James could feel the blood raising in his body as he moved in fast, his arm went back as the woman turned her head and she could see him approaching towards her. She was his target to finish off, he knew and she knew what was going to happen next, CRUNCH! OOOWWWHHH! But as his fist was about to drive forward, as he was about to win 'his' new job, Haylee made her move. The man's overconfidence was going to be his downfall. He'd 'thought' she was hurt and unable to fight back, was it because she was a woman? If so, that was defiantly a big mistake the man had made. But whatever it was, it was now the man that was on the receiving end, the fist the woman had thrown as he came storming into her landed direct in the centre of his face. Smashing his glasses, filling his head with a stunning and very painful dull, throbbing feeling and disorientating him so he now staggered around on the same spot from side to side. While he staggered form foot to foot, Haylee quickly whipped her suit jacket off, turning quickly and throwing it over one of those chairs. Now she felt as if she had a bit more freedom, she'd given herself some more movement and WHACK! OOOFFFFF! Her arm came around and there was a straight forward clenched fist that was driven into the side of the man's face, no style, no finesse just a thundering arm swinging around and pounded into the man's head. James whole body jolted and his expression showed that he hadn't a clue what had just hit him or where he was at that moment. He carried on wobbling there on that spot, still with a confused look on his face, SMACK! There was another sharp blow from the woman who was now making her claim for the job even clearer! Once more the man took the blow and this time he was forced, even though he hadn't realised it, he'd taken a couple more steps backwards before he was able to steady himself. But even so he knew he was still standing, so that counted for something. This all took a few seconds, which gave Haylee anther opportunity to 'adjust' her clothing again! The woman's hand moved quickly behind her and unzipped her smart business skirt, which fell and was quickly stepped out of. The woman was fast as she reached down grabbed hold of the garment, gave it a quick fold and tossed it over to where her jacket was on that chair. A keen eye meant the skirt landed nicely in place and wouldn't get wrinkled on the floor. Now just in her high heeled shoes and her white blouse the woman looked quiet something, especially those fine legs of hers! Well with the business suit gone she looked hot and very ... ... ! WHACK! UUUUUHHHHHH! With a lot more freedom the woman had room to move and her legs where impatient to get to work. With the man stood there having just about steadied himself and having almost cleared his head ready to ... ... ... The woman had set about him again! Her arms came up high to balance herself, she'd twisted her body, her hips, brought her leg up and around in one fast smooth movement and slammed her foot, her shoe into James face. Blood, spit all flew out his mouth as she struck him with her swivel kick, his head exploded due to the force she put behind the strike and it had hurt like hell. Again, James took a few more unsteady steps backwards, knocked back by Haylee's strike, then, SMACK! UUUFFFFFFF! The woman followed the kick up with another, this time she used her other leg to hit him, and once again it was a powerful swivel kick that forced the man to stagger even further backwards. Those couple of hard blows had left his face bloody, bruised and hurt, one of his eyes was already starting to close up. He didn't see properly as Haylee now just stood in front of him, smiling, then she jumped, throw her leg forward and up. Bringing the tip of her shoe upwards, driving it into the bottom of his jaw. The kick sent James head flying back, his body followed, the man was taken off his feet and went flying backwards until, SMASH! Flying through the air James had to land somewhere and he did! He came down hard onto the glass top coffee table behind him, smashing it and making the whole of his body jolt as he impacted and smashed the table. Mr Jenkin also jolted, not through shock or even horror at what he'd just witness, but through an almost sense of excitable enjoyment at all that he'd seen, so far. James lay there, he coughed and sputtered a few times but even that hurt him. The thought of now getting the job had all but been beat out of his body and mind by the woman. But there was still one final thing that Haylee needed to do, James felt his head being yanked upwards by his hair and although he vision was somewhat on the blurred side. He really didn't need to see to know who it was that had a grasp of him! The half dressed Haylee now hauled the bedraggled man up off the floor and the broken coffee table, pulling him out it a more open area. She dragged him along on his knees, then still leaving him on his knees and so he was facing towards the MD's desk. Mrs Jenkins was interested to see what the woman had planned, what she was going to do next, AAARRRRHHHHH! Haylee faced towards the MD as well, then swung her leg over the knelt man, pulled his head up a bit and into the right position where she now trapped him between her strong thighs. James face screwed up once more in agony, as the woman applied the pressure, through those thighs and onto his head, holding his head up, gripping it hard by his hair and making sure that the MD could see the pain on the man's face. She was showing Mr Jenkins that this woman could get the job done! Haylee held James' battered head up, crossed her feet over and squeezed hard again so that the man cried out in agony. Again, she made the 'man' call out, for a second and third time as she put more pressure to his already sore head. Then she leaned down and whispered something into his ear, Mr Jenkins wondered what his new employee was saying to the obvious failed candidate? Then suddenly Haylee leant backwards sharply and pulled hard up on James hair, she had hold of and squeezed so hard with her thighs around his head. It even made her smile broaden as if she was enjoying this bit. There was a whimpering cry of such pain and hurt then a mumbling tearful voice said "I ... ... I quit this ... ... I resign ... ... I'm not good enough for the job ... ... " ARRRRRHHHHH! Then James' eyes rolled over as his body shock and he suddenly went limp as he passed out under the extreme force of Haylee powerful thighs! At his desk Mr Jenkin, with a large grin on his face, leant forwards onto his desk and pressed a button on the telephone system. Haylee released her hold on the failed candidate, who's body dropped with a thud onto the MD's office floor. Just at that moment the MD's secretary, Sally, came back into the office with a folder in her hand. She walked up to Mr Jenkins desk, placed the folder in front of her boss and step out the way behind his chair. Haylee calmly, as if all this had just been a normal part of the recruiting process, went over to the chair with her skirt and jacket on it and started to dress herself. As she stepped into the skirt, pulled it up, tucked her blouse in and zipped it up. Mr Jenkins congratulated her on getting the job and welcomed her to the company. He pushed the file forward and told the woman here was her contract and after such a 'busy' day she should take the file read through it overnight and come back tomorrow where she could sign it and the job was hers. Haylee put her jacket back on, moved over to the desk, picked up the file, nodded to the MD and told him that she'd be back tomorrow. She turned and left, moving pass a mirror on the wall where she stopped to check her hair. Pushing a loose strand back up it now looked perfect again, which it was and then she left. The MD's eye didn't stray from her arse, from the moment she turned around to when the door closed behind her and he just knew he had a real 'good girl' working for him now. Looking over to where James still lay unconscious the man chuckled to himself, 'yes, the best 'man' certainly did get the job!' ARRRRHHHHH! THUD! But what Mr Jenkins had forgotten about was his secretary Sally who was still stood behind him. Having watched the new woman leave the office and the fact that her 'boss' had watched her rear the whole time. The secretary though it time she remined him just who was in charge here! Sally grabbed onto the MD by his hair and yanked him hard backwards, overturning and tipping the man out of his chair and onto the floor, he was the second man to go down in that room today! The man was a bit stunned at first as he now lay there on his back on the floor of his own office! His eyes now focused onto the figure leaning over him and THUD! UUUUFFFFF! Sally brought her spiked heel shoe down firmly into the centre of her 'boss's' chest, she leaned further forwards placing a forearm across the knee that belonged to that foot on his chest. The secretary's other arm moved up, her hand came up as she adjusted her glasses and looked down at Mr Jenkins. "Now tell me why you were looking at that woman in the way you were?" OOOOWWWHHH! She pushed her food, her heel, harder into his chest as she was waiting for him to give her a good answer to her question ... ... !