Aunties Secret By Crossmanx at Comments and ideas welcome Jason finds out his Aunties secret! Aunties Secret "Jason!...Jason!" "Oh sorry Mum" the young man takes the tray of drinks from his mum and heads off into the living room, placing them down on the table next to where his Aunties sitting. "Thank you Jason" she smiles, it sends a shiver down his spine, as he bends over placing the tray down he gets a close look at her, she's very attractive ... Gorgeous or so he thinks. But best of all he has a great view of her large breasts as she now bends over to pick up her cup, she's sexy! Oh so sexy! Aunty Clair, his dad's sister is in her early 40's, or so he thought, she's a few inches taller than him, short dark curly hair set off by dark eyes, She has a soft completion and a set of desirable red lips. It was her lips that he first really noticed, when he was much younger he had wanted to learn what all this kissing thing was about, his Aunty was surly the right person to ask. But the little boy had been too frightened to ask and so just thought about his Aunties red lips, as he had grown up her well toned and curvy body had become more noticeable to him. He had soon begun to think about kiss not just her lips but her ample breasts! His mother followed in from the kitchen, with a sigh he brought himself back to the present and headed off to the computer in the adjoining room to carry on with his college course work. When ever Aunty Clair came round his couldn't concentrate, the conversation from the next room floated in, he could make out bits and pieces of what was said, they laughed and his mind began to wonder about him and his Aunty. Before he realised he had typed into the search engine 'Aunty and Nephew' He looked at the results 'Auntie Seducing Nephew', he smiled at that thought "working hard?" His mother had come into the room, Jason panicked hit the keyboard to try and get rid of the screen ... Just in time his mother picked up a leaflet from the desk where he was working. As his Mum left his hearts started to slowly calm down 'that was close!' He hated to think what she would have said if she'd seen the screen! Laughter exploded from the other room, again panic gripped him 'No ... Mum would have gone ballistic if she'd seen that! ... ... She would have!' He moved closer to the door to try and listen to them "Oh here you are ... ... It came through the door the other day and knowing what you said this might be just the place ... For your little secret!" The women laughed ... ... "Looks ideal ... I'll let you know how it turns out ... ... I've found the" again she laughed "the volunteers for my ... ... " "Hold on Clair ... " Foot steps, he rushes back to the computer BANG! The doors closed by his mother, he can't hear anything just the odd laughter 'what's going on?' Jason tried to think 'what was that leaflet? The community centre!' It was about hiring the community centre; weddings, parties, sporting clubs etc? What was going on, what was Aunties secret? A few days later and still the business with his Mother and Aunty Clair was bugging Jason, he wasn't sure if his mother had seen the computer screen, and what was his Aunties secret? RING! RING! The front door "Hi Jason is your Mum in?" Aunty Clair, she looked gorgeous those deep red lips, her large breast almost falling out of her tight low cut top "er ... ... er ... ... No ... No she out." " Never mind can you tell her I've booked it for this evening and I'll tell her all about it later thanks ... ... got to rush." She leaned forward and gave him a kiss only it was on the lips! She gave him a kiss on the lips! He was still shocked, that Aunty Clair had kissed him, when his Mother got home he passed on the message, his mothers face beamed "that should be fun" "why?" "Oh nothing ... Now help me with the shopping." There was something going on and wanted to know what! That evening he went out and headed for the community centre, it wasn't the largest of buildings but big enough for the local community. Two stores, with a few rooms and a large areas used for sport groups, girl's gymnastics, that sort of thing. It was later than he thought when he saw a car heading down the narrow road, he jumped into a nearby bush, it was her. She pulled up, got out and headed for the building. He watched from a distance as his Aunt entered the sports centre, shortly after anther car appeared, this time three men got out, they also headed inside. This all seamed strange and made Jason even more eager to find out what was going, 'what was Aunty Clair up to?' The entrance was locked, a note on the door 'Closed for private function'. 'What was she up to ... What was her secret?' Jason scouted around the building, he found an unlocked door at the rear, he entered, it led into a small kitchen, he moved through into the main reception area. He can't see anyone, then BANG! The sound of a door slamming shut he looks down the corridor, the three men are heading away down to the far end that leads to the hall. Their all dressed in those white suites that people wear for judo or karate; they entered through the double doors into the hall. He follows, passing the men's changing room they came out of. Through the glass in the door he can see the men are grouped around a matted area, those large sports type mats. Their talking but he can't hear anything. Behind him a set of stairs and a sign 'Viewing Balcony' just what he needs. He shots up the stairs, as he reached the top ... ... BANG! Another door closing, out of sight he peers round the stairs, a figure passes at the bottom, also dressed in a judo suit, it's his Aunty! On the balcony, he finds a discreet place to look out onto the main area and he can't be seen, he can now also hear what's going on. The three men are all stood on the mats. All looking towards the main door where his Aunt had just entered, she doesn't say a thing, just walks into the centre of the mats. The men move out of her way onto the edge of the mats, she turns slowly to examine them. They started to move around her, it's as if it's a seen from some wild life programs, the wild animals circling their prey before going in for the kill, but here it's different. The way Aunty Clair looks at the men, her whole demeanour, she's the one that's the hunter, and it's the men who are the prey! She holds out her arm, her fingers pointing out as she comes to each man she takes her time to look at the man and 'suss' him out then on to the next. She does this to each of them, a couple of times, then her hand came to rest and points at the tallest of the men, 6' plus, black, early 30's, broad with a hard looking face. She turned her hand over, palm up, her fingers beckon to him, the 'come on' motion. He steps forward, she still keeps her arm held out, they start to circle each other 'who's going first then?' It's obvious he will make the first move, which he does, a fist flashes out towards her, but she anticipated his action and moves out the way, far quicker than any of the men would have thought. She's indeed quick, in one fluent movement she has side stepped, turned, grabbed the black mans arm and thrown him to the floor. Jason's shocked to see his Aunty throw the larger man, 'Bloody Hell, she's fighting him! But she is good!' As the man lands on the floor THUD! Aunty Clair again moves quickly, she driver her foot hard into the mans stomach WACK! OOOHHHHH! Jason winced 'God that had to hurt' but his Aunt didn't give the man any sympathy, she grabs him by his jacked and hauls him upwards. Her Nephew's surprised at how easily she drags the lager man up, she must be stronger than he realised, and she's certainly was more skilled than he had ever thought. Not that he even knew she could do this judo stuff! As the man's pulled up the older woman sends her knee into the side of his head THUD! The man again falls back to the floor. Jason's impressed by his Aunty, he has watched her take down a much larger male opponent, it's shocked him and thrilled him, he felt a stirring in his cock. It's not the first time she had excited him, but this was something different, and he likes it. As the black man falls back to the floor, the other men both step forward, the dark hair one carries on towards this older woman fighter, he's just seen her take down his friend and is not happy. But he's in for this own 'older woman treat!' She can see him out the corner of her eye, he rushes in and as he gets closer she turns, balances on one leg and shots the other leg out viciously straight into the oncoming mans chest WACK! The impact of her foot takes the man completely off his feet, he felt as if he had been hit by a train and is sent flying backwards. Aunty Clair smiles at the impetuous man and his action, but it's short lived CRACK! She felt a sharp pain; the third male fighter hit her from behind. She staggers forward a bit, and then pair of strong arms seize her, she's been caught by the blond hair man, he's the biggest of all of then, not talk just bulky, strong, muscle. His arms wrap around her and he squeezes. He pulls her up off the floor; it's like a bear holding a doll. Jason's anxious he's about to rush down to help her ... when ... CRUNCH! Aunty Clair can look after herself, she flips her legs back, her foot connects with his groin, he's stunned, his grip loosens. In a flash Aunt Clair gets an arm free and WACK! She smashes her elbow into the side of his head, stunned but still standing the man lets go of her. She drop to her feet, the man staggers back a few steps, Jason can see the look on her face, she just waiting for the right moment, then WOOSSSHHHH! CRACK! A stunning roundhouse kick to his head, the man's sent spinning, he almost does a complete flip and smashes into the floor. Jason looks on in wonder, "Ye ... " He had to stop himself from shouting out and cheering his Aunt, he pulls himself out of the way quickly hoping that she didn't hear him or see him. A couple of second past, he tenderly goes back to where he can see, Aunty Clair surly doesn't know he's there. She's moved over to the dark haired man, he's on all fours trying to get up; the older woman soon puts a stop to that CARCK! Her knee drives hard into his jaw, and he back down. Jason can't believe how sexy all this is to him, there's his Aunty, in a judo suit, she's just taken down three larger, younger men, she now walks around as their squirming and moaning bodies litter the sounding area. Aunty Clair makes her way back over to the fallen black man; Jason's mesmerised by her wiggle in that judo suit, she steps over him then dropped on his stomach straddling the weaken man. She grabbed him by his hair pulls his head up and then goes about smashing her free fist into it. As her Nephew looks on he never realising before that his Aunty, although very sexy was also very brutal. She carried on inflicting such a violent beating into this hapless man, each hit echoes around the hall CRACK! The other two men where still down and dazed, leaving her able to enjoy her beating of the black man, Jason can tell she's also excited, as even with each hard hitting fist she's grinding herself in to her victims groin. Then with one last violent crashing fist, her whole body shuddered, she throws her head back and let out a gentle moan. She sat there for a moment then gets off her victim; Jason's taken aback, even though after watching all this nothing more could shock him, or so he thought. His Aunt proceeds to pulls down the black man trousers, to relive his erect cock. Jason's not surprise that the man's in that state, his Aunty is so sexy; he is surprised how small he is, compared to himself. His cock's much bigger, especially now, as he's just as excited. Aunty Clair then proceeds to milk the man, she keeps an eye on the recovering other men, and her expert hand soon brings the defeated man to climax. She makes him shot his load all over himself, the older woman stands "not very good are you" looking down at him "in any department" CRACK! The woman brought her foot up and then smashed it into his face. Jason recoils at his Aunties brutal act, but now she can turn her attention to the other two ... ... 'which one's first' she looks at both of them, then heads over to the blond muscle man. The young Nephew watched as his Aunty bears down on the blond man, he's trying to get to his feet when Aunty Clair grabs him by his head and helps him up; only as she gets him to his feet she delivers three sharp blows with her knee to his body. He's hurting, but this only goes to please the malicious woman. She grabs his arm, twist it AARRRRHHHH! Holding him in a 'goose neck' she has him at her mercy WACK! She kicks out, her foot connecting hard into his chest; she kicks out again and again, each time with more force and brutality. Behind her the dark hair man is up on his feet, he can see the black fighter who's still out cold and the beating that this older woman's giving his colleague. Jason can see that he's back on his feet but Aunty Clair can't! She delivers the final blow to the blond man CRACK! A sadistic kick straight to his jaw, his head shoots back and flies forward again, letting go of his arm he falls. A heap of defeated male on the floor before her. But as she delivers her killer blow the dark hair man is up and running at her ready to take her down, Jason is just about to cry out "Lo ... " He's too late, the man's almost on top of Aunt Clair, still with her back to him, but as he's just inches away CRACK! Without even looking behind her she sends her elbow smashing into the oncoming mans face, blood splatters everywhere as he's sent staggering backwards. The older woman turns, a round house kick to his chest, blood streaming from his face he again staggers backwards, again the mature beauty turns and sends another round house kick to his chest. Jason watches in awe as his Aunty again and again twists and kicks the man, each time he stumbles. Watching her has excited him in a way he never though possible, 'Yes she is sexy ... But yes she is devastating' Jason hopes she didn't hear his attempt to call out, but she seams to be focused on her opponent, 'she couldn't have heard.' The man must be tough to be able to take this kind of a beating, from this woman, and still be standing, but he's not standing for long, Aunty Clair positions herself just right, a straight kick up, her foot connects with his jaw and like the others he drops into just another heap of defeated male on the floor. Jason has watched his Aunty take three large men on, now she's the only one standing! He looks on from his vantage point, hot, sweaty and so excite by what he has witnessed. His cock's hard and almost at busting point. As he carries on spying on Aunty Clair, she places her foot on the downed mans groin, Jason can see she's massaging his cock with her foot. He so wants to be in that position, she looks around at the other men, a wicked smile comes across that pretty face. She reaches down, grabs the man by his jacket and effortlessly drags him over to his fallen colleague. She places the men side by side and as she did with the black man pulls down their trousers, grabs a cock in each hand and milks the two of them, so sealing her domination of them. The young Nephew watches, with envy, his heart beats faster and faster as her experienced hands goes to work, its not long before the older woman brings the two men off at the same time, 'she's fantastic' and he wishes he was there, his Aunty milking him! She get up a last look around at her 'handy work' and leaves, the three men beaten and humiliated by this incredible woman. Time goes slowly by for the young man as he waits for his Aunty to leave the building, his hearts still racing as he now fears of being caught by her! What would she do to him? He must have been there for an age, when a loud bang signals that she must had left by the front door. Even so he slowly begins to move. The sight of the three unconscious males scattered about the matted area, sends a cold shiver down his spine. Jason quickly makes his way out, he not going to check on the men, he just wants to get out and not be caught. As he makes his way home and all that night the images of his Aunties dominance of the men keeps flashing back to him. He can't shake the images ... He doesn't want to forget them! How could watching something so violent, so devastating be so exciting, was it wrong? No it was exciting; she had excited him in such a strange way. The following day all those images kept flooding back to him, the more they came back the more excited he became. Later that afternoon Aunty Clair came round to see his Mum. Again that cold shiver and a thrill gripped him as he answered the door to her. He was almost shaking as she passed by him and headed into the kitchen to speak to his mother. He hid by the door trying to hear the conversation. But only caught little bits "You should have been there ... ... " ... ... "What three of them ... ... " ... ... "It was such a rush ... ... " "Yes again tomorrow ... ... " 'Tomorrow!' Jason couldn't believe his luck! As Aunty Clair left she turned to Jason's Mum "I'll let you know how it goes ... ... Maybe you can join me some time" 'His Mum!' The rest of that day and the next nothing else entered his head apart from that of his Aunt Clair! That evening Jason found himself back at the community centre, Aunty Clair's car was parked outside, no sign of anyone else, he made his way inside just as had before. As he made his way back to the stairs BANG! A door closing he panicks the only place to go was the double door next to him ... Into the large hall, it's empty, just the blue mats already laid out as before. The other side of the hall is a fire escape and his only escape he heads for it ... ... BANG! The door behind him opens and slams shut, someone's entered the hall, Jason stops, he has to turn round and see who it is "Hello Jason" Aunty Clair! "Stay just where you are!" Her voice was clear and commanding, then he notices he's standing in the middle of the matted area. Aunty Clair is dressed in her judo suit and looking as stunning as she did before. "I expected you a bit earlier, but never mind you're here now" she can see the surprise and fear on her Nephews face. "Just you and me tonight ... And I'm going to let you in on my little secret ... .."