A Quiet Day at the Office By Crossmanx at crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk comments and ideas welcome. Jake's quiet day ends up with him baby sitting a young girl with a different! Other stories featuring Jake - Encounter with a stranger, A 'da jar vu' encounter, The Business Trip & A Day off. A Quiet Day at the Office Jake opened his car door, for a moment he had no interest in getting out or doing anything, it took a lot of effort to get himself motivated. But finally he did it. Up to recently Jakes life had been going just fine, but a few unfortunate meetings with some young women and his life had started to plummet downhill. His marriage was patchy, to say the best, Jake's wife had suspected that he had been seeing other women, he had been seeing one woman then his 'encounter' with a very fiery young girl had changed everything (Reader may wish to read some of the previous stories about the women in Jakes life). It was a Saturday and the Law firm where Jake worked was not normally open, well not to the public anyway, Saturdays where when anyone could 'drop in' and get work done in quiet. Even with everything going on in his life, the suspicious wife, the strained marriage and the different feisty women that he had 'bumped' into recently Jake had still managed to be on top of his work. In fact he had pulled off a number of good deals and had some profitable results for the firm. At least something was going right in his life. Jake didn't really have to be in work that morning but it gave him a chance to get out the house; he knew his wife was going to check up on him, she had left to go 'shopping' just as he had left. So being at work would only help him convince her he wasn't having an affair. If only he was seeing another woman and not being beaten up by them, as he slowly entered Sinclair and Sinclair Law firm his mind wondered ... ... The petite young schoolgirl with dark hair, Abbey the tall young brunette girl that now worked in the firms 'typing pool', Vicky the young blond who's father now used Jakes firms and Lindsey the girl with dark hair with that hint of red. He smiled to himself, they where all very sexy and young women, all had stirred him sexually and all had beaten him physically. He winced at the though of the pain that each had inflicted into his body, and also the fact that Vicky was due in town shortly and wanted to come to the office to see him. That could be a painful experience especially if she was to meet Abbey his 'adopted' secretary, if those two where to meet ... he would be in trouble! "Good morning Mr Perry" Jake nearly jumped out of his skin, the thought of Abbey and Vicky had put his mind on edge and then when Mrs Brown had suddenly turned up out of nowhere and spoken. His heart jumped and was still up in the air when he turned to see the office 'dragon' Mrs Brown stood there by his office. "Mrs Brown ... You startled me" there was a faint glimpse of a smile on the older woman's face, she had been at the firm since the time of the dinosaurs and was the one that kept everyone in their place, no one crossed her! "I'll be in my office for a few hours ... if that's alright?" She now had her normal expressionless face "there's no one else in this morning and I'm not expecting anyone. I'll be in my office if you need anything." Mrs Brown never got anything for anyone so in other words don't disturb her. Jake settled down and checked his e-mails, it had only been ten minutes when Mrs Brown appeared at his door, she had a different expression on her face "Mr Perry." This was strange "I have to go out and finalise the arrangements, hotel etc, for when Mr Thompson comes to visit next week." Jake had managed to get a very lucrative deal with Mr Thompson. "I have my young niece in my office, her mother, my sister is in hospital, she won't be any trouble and will stay in the office." For the first time Jake felt as if he had 'one over' Mrs Brown bringing a family member into the office, she would never allow anyone else to do that. A large grin came over him "that's not a problem Mrs Brown" he finally felt that the 'dragon' was in fact a real person! Mrs Brown could see and hear his joy in catching her out at something, just as she left "I'm told Miss Vicky Thompson will also be here with her father, you'll be able to reacquaint yourself with her." The though of Vick sent feelings of hurt and pain across his body, he was sure that Mrs Brown knew something about what had happen to him during 'that' trip (Reader may wish to read 'The Business Trip'). It may have bee a hollow victory, as Mrs Brown got in that last remarks about Vicky but he felt he had gained a minor triumph over the old dragon with the news about her niece being there. He'd been working for about another ten minutes when "Hi" he looked up to see Mrs Brown niece stood there in the doorway to his office. "You might want to close your mouth" she said as she leaned against the door frame. "Your ... Your Mrs Brown niece!" Jake couldn't believe that what he was looking at could be related to that stuffy old woman. There stood a young girl, she must have been ... well he couldn't quite make out how old she was, probably ... maybe a bit older ... or she could be ... She was shortish, a small framed woman ... girl, not too small and still very feminine, he guessed she was a bit shorter than him, she was dressed for the good weather outside, small black feminine boots, led to a pair of young firm legs, that really grabbed his attention. Tight fitting white shorts and a brightly coloured yellow top. Which was just as tight as her shorts and showed off a very large bust. 'God she had a great body' she really had knocked Jake for six with her figure. She had long curly red hair, but it was her face that now grabbed his attention. She was not the most attractive woman he had ever seen, but she was defiantly not the most unattractive either, she was ... she was just a bit plain, but it was just that that Jake found so appealing about her, without knowing it he was now fixed on her face. There was just something about her that he could not get out of his head. She had a great sexy body, boy what a body but her plain, simple looks gave her a strange beauty ... 'Oh God what was it about young females' that so grabbed Jake's attention and made him feel this way? "So what do you do here then?" She strolled into his office "well I ... I ... " 'Hold on!' Why was he even thinking of trying to answer her question! "I think you should go back to ... " "Aren't you meant to be the one who's baby sitting me?" "What?" Jake was confused with what she said. "There's no one in today and Aunty Mildred said that there would be a nice man here that would be baby sitting me while she was out." The young girl strolled into Jakes office "Aunty Mildred said that if I needed anything while she was out I should come and see you." 'Aunty Mildred! Mrs Brown the 'old dragon' her name was 'Mildred!' Jake couldn't help but smile at finding that out and it went to explaining why she was such a miserable old ... The girl jumped up onto Jakes desk, he shot out of his chair, this was getting a bit uneasy for him. She crossed her legs, those very nice legs, placed her arms behind her and leaned back, as if to over emphasise her large breasts. "I think that ... " She smiled, Jake's cock had already started to react to this young girl that entered his office and his mind started to follow. "I think that maybe you should go back to yours Aunt's office" her face dropped into a frown "Oh but I'm bored there." Jake moved round the desk, he knew that Mrs Brown would still be away for a while but also knew he should get this girl out his office. Even though his cock was trying its bets to change his mind. "There's loads of magazines around the place why don't you read those?" Now she had a real childish sulking face "but I want to play" suddenly her face lit up, she jumped off the desk, it startled Jake, he stepped backwards "And I want to play with you!" Jake didn't know what the hell she meant by that statement 'surly she didn't mean ... ' She stepped closer to him, nervous got the better of the man as he stepped backwards to keep some distance between him and her. But she carried on towards him "you do want to play with me don't you?" Her words had a sultry tone to them, and his cock was in no doubt as to what it wanted. He kept on stepping backwards then BANG! He backed into the wall, nowhere to go now, her smile was very inviting, there she was right in front of him. He could smell her perfume, she placed her hands on his chest and ran them over him "is it play time?" Her words brought the biggest smile to his face, 'what the hell, the old dragon was out, they where all alone' he nodded, placed his hands on her slim waist. He leaned forward to kiss her, the largest smile on his face; he was going to enjoy this CRUNCH! She shot her knee up into his excited groin OOOOWWWW! Jake fell to his knees holding his pride and joy, his eyes, screwed up tight as he tried to deal with the pain, obviously he didn't see the girls thigh that was sent crashing into the side of his face WHACK! Jake was knocked down to the floor, before he could even think about what was happening to him the young girl's boot slammed into the side of his head THUD! Jake's body was sent spinning across the floor before crashing into his desk. He felt like he had just been struck by a train, except this 'train' was a sexy young girl. "Come on Mr Perry I though we where going to play" 'God if this was her idea of playing!' Jake found himself being painfully dragged up by his hair, the young girl was not going to let him just lie there, she wanted her fun! He was soon up on his feet, his head, face and groin all throbbed in pain WHACK! Now his stomach was her target, she knocked the wind out of the older man making him gasp for air. Grabbing his arm the young girl twisted it around and forced the larger, older Jake into a 'goose neck' position she applied a little more pressure, Jake thought she was going to snap his wrist. Pushing downwards she forced the man onto his knees, then CRACK! Her foot shot up straight into his jaw, Jake head was sent flying backwards, then snapped forward. She still held him down on his knee in that position so she could repeat the action. He tried to put up his free arm across his face, she was amused by his pitiful attempt to try and protect himself. It didn't stop her kicking out again, and it didn't stop her inflicting more pain into the man. Jake couldn't believe that he was being set upon by yet another young girl, surly he couldn't be that lucky ... Unlucky! She released her hold and CRACK! That strong knee once again shot up into his jaw and Jake was sent flying back across the room. He rolled over, and over, there was the door just in front of him. He began to crawl towards the open doorway and away from the young girl. But powerful hands grabbed his foot and he was dragged back into the office, for a small girl she was surprisingly strong. A boot slammed down into his back CRUNCH! AAARRRHHH! "We haven't finished so you can't leave yet" the young girl mocked him, she pulled Jake back up onto his feet. Jake was still aware of how sexy the girl was, dressed the way she was, even though he was on the receiving end of this vixen's onslaught he was still stirred by her. CRACK! She smashed him with a very unfeminine uppercut, Jack though his head had been knocked clean off as he swayed around. He staggered backwards, forwards and to the side. How was such a petite young woman capable of such devastating actions with her fists WHACK! Her other fists took Jake clean off his feet; he landed with a heavy thud on his arse. The man rolled around on the floor, in agony at the beating the young girl was giving him and also in pure confusing. Her attack on him had been direct and quick, Jake had not been given anytime to think. He was confused, one second he had been hit and was on the floor, now he was back on his feet, he didn't know how he had got there. The young girl was once more giving the man a up close and personnel first hand experience of what a female could do. SMACK! THUD! BANG! There was no skill in her actions now just pure hard force, fists and boots battered Jacks aching body. As those fists and feet smashed into his face he wanted it to end so badly, but knew there was nothing he could do, she was in charge, she was doing what she wanted. He had made no effort to try and stop her, she had struck him hard and fast and knocked him down so quickly he was in no position to recover from her initial attack. All he could do from now on was to try and survive! She carried on knocking the man around his office; she knew what she was doing and how to inflict pain into his body. "I like you; you can take a good beating" THUD! She drove that strong knee hard into his chest again "most men don't last this long" WHACK! Another knee, 'cough' 'that hurt' they all hurt but that one in particular she put more force behind, as if enforcing the fact that 'most men don't last long.' WHACK! CRUNCH! THUD! Her knee slammed into his chest, he though she was going to break his ribcage with the force she was using, then CRACK! A devastating uppercut that sent Jake flying back off his feet and landing him squarely on his desk. It was a blow that any of his recent female encounters would have been proud of. As he lay hurting on his desk THUD! The young girl jumped onto the desk and straddled the battered man; he had hoped to be in this position but in completely different circumstances! She started to grind herself into him, 'Oh God what a feeling' "this is what you want wasn't it?" SMACK! She slapped Jake across his face "but all you're going to get is this" CRACK! The other side of his face gets an equally sharp backhander. She grinds some more and THUMP! SMACK! Her hands slaps and clouts his face; she plays with the poor man, exciting him and then slapping him down, literally! It was quiet a sight the man laid out on his desk with the young girl across him, her gyrating movement sending out one message, her fists sending out another as she constantly slapped him. She knew she had stirred the man, but he wasn't there to get excited, she moved off him and pushed his beat-up body off the desk to the floor. Jake reprieve was short lived, the young girl leaned down grabbed him by his hair and dragged him up; her legs clamped round his head in a vice like grip. She squeezed to the point he though his head would explode and then applied even more pressure. When she let go, Jake's body dropped to the floor, the man was totally oblivious of anything now, a numb feeling now covered his body, the pain was no longer there, everything was just a blur, he couldn't even think anymore. He was on his feet but didn't know how he got there WHACK! The young girl kicked out hard, her well aimed boot connected with the right part, Jakes jaw, the older man was sent spinning around, he spun right round and landed with a thud into his chair. Her smile beamed across her face, happy with the way she had dispatched the man and he had landed in his chair, even better. She had knocked the man around, literary, and put him in his place, mostly on the floor at her feet, she was more than happy with her performance. If Jake had been conscious he would have seen the satisfied look on the young girls face. Some time later Jake started to come round, his painful body let him know exactly what had happened to him. He could just about move, then the sound of footsteps and footsteps that he recognised, Mrs Brown, they where unmistakable! He dragged himself upright as the woman appeared at his door "Is everything alright Mr Perry?" Her face was expressionless and her tone of voice normal, he must have looked as if something had happened, 'cause his face felt like he had been through hell. "Yes ... Yes thank you Mrs Brown" he did look a state, he knew it, she knew it but nothing was said about it "I'll be off in a moment, will you be alright to lock up?" "Yes I'll be ok" she was just about to leave "did my niece disturb you?" His face must have said it all "No ... No problem at all" a faint smile came over the womans face "good.. Oh don't forget Mr Thompson and Miss Vicky Thompson will be here next week." With that she left. Jake's heart almost missed a beat at the sound of Vicky's name, another fierce young woman, he slumped back into his chair. A few minutes passed and he heard Mrs Brown and her niece head down the corridor towards the stairs "He was just like you said Aunty." The young girls words echoed down the corridor 'Mrs Brown had to know what her niece had done to him', life would not be good here in the firm with the old dragon knowing what had gone on here. RING! RING! His phone went? Who could that be on a Saturday, who knew he was even here ... ... .