A Presentation of Pain By Crossmanx at - crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk - comments and ideas welcome A young man regrets looking too much at the older woman A Presentation of Pain As Neil sat down he wondered just how boring would this presentation be, he sighed. The youngster had 6 months left of business degree course. It had been a long, hard and sometimes very boring course, so he was pleased to be able to see the 'light at the end of the tunnel', almost over. He was a bright student and his tutor had taken to him and tried to encourage the young man with his studies, even getting him to sit in on various presentations and meetings that would go to help him with his studies. This was one such presentation 'How business can adapt to the changes in the Far East markets.' Neil wasn't that overly impressed, he just wanted to get the course over with now. But his tutor had been good to him and so he was obliged to smile and attend anything that was arranged for him, no matter how tedious he thought it might be. As he made himself as comfortable as he could in the auditorium seat he looked around the gathered audience. He liked to sit near the back so he could study the people that came to these presentations, some of them where just as dull as the presentations, some where strange, some business 'nerds' and some where just plain weird! He found it amusing to watch their excited faces when the really boring stuff came up on a powerpoint. Sat at the back also meant he could sneak out when it became too overbearing and when the breaks came he was the first one out. He watched as a couple of people arrived and sat down, people began to introduce themselves to each other and talk, he hated all this, the talk would all be about the presentation and what business everyone was in. As he scanned the room, he took in the 30 or so people that where there, what a sight they where, he wondered why he had even chose this course and career path sometimes. Then out the corner of his eye a woman walked by, she walked ahead and sat on the opposite side of the aisle and few rows in front, she was a older woman, much older than him but something about her had grabbed his attention. Just then a man stepped onto the stage area, tapped the microphone and started to speak his was talking about.. Well Neil wasn't interested he looked over to where the woman was sat 'SHIT!' someone was now sat blocking his view "Now may I introduce our guest speaker Ms Jenny Wright." Neil's attention was drawn back to the stage as a woman's name was mentioned. On walked a woman dressed in a dark skirt and white blouse, she was in her late 30's ... 40's difficult for him to see from that distance, she looked ok. Shoulder length fair hair, dark glasses that gave her a certain look that Neil though 'yer I'd do her.' Body wasn't bad, wasn't bad at all 'Yer he would definately do her.' The woman introduced herself and went through the normal list of what she had achieved and why she was in a position to be stood at the front giving the presentation and not sitting down listening to it. The powerpoint started! Neil found himself slipping back into his chair, he had gone past the point of guessing how many slide, looking for the mistakes etc. So his gaze started to wonder, it fell onto the woman Ms Wright to start with, then over to the older woman. But the man was sit blocking his view. Suddenly a mobile phone went off, with a really horrible ring tone, everyone looked, it was the man who had been blocking Neil's view. He looked embraced, Jenny went silent and gave a stare that even made Neil feel guilty. The man fumbled with his phone an apologetic look on his face as he quickly got up and went outside to take the call, must have been important. Neil felt a bit sorry for him, Jenny's face returned to normal as she carried on. But now he had a clear view of the woman that had caught his attention. She was an older woman, he couldn't tell how old 40 something at the youngest, she had a thin face, faint lines around the eyes and mouth. She looked her age, what ever that was, but there was something good about that, something even attractive. She had thin lips but a largish nose, that Neil found quite cute, in a strange way, long wavy fair hair, with a hit of grey or was it white around her forehead. She was having the strangest affect on the youngster, he just couldn't make out what it was about her that grabbed his attention so much. He got the impression she was posh, some may have said well to do, smart, even elegant to Neil it was just posh. It was her look, she was perfect in her appearance, her posture, there was this 'something'! An 'air' about her that told everyone she was special, and she knew it. She sat side on in the seat her arm resting on the back rest, she seamed total uninterested in Jenny and what she was saying, Neil became fascinated with the woman and her manner. Her hand would brush her face every now and again, then pick up the handout and glancing at it for a few seconds. The woman didn't look around, she didn't seem to look at anything or was it that she didn't take any interest in anything around her. This older woman had completely fascinated Neil, he was captivated by her, in a strange and sexual way, he found himself becoming very turned on by her and her mannerisms. Then the woman on stage came to the end of her presentation, she asked for any questions, there where the normal couple of really irrelevant ones, then the older woman asked 3 or 4 very detailed and dare he say even interesting questions. So she had been listening to Jenny! That in itself was a shock, but the women seemed to now be having a one to one conversation ignoring the rest of those present, wired! Questions over and a new speaker came on and the presentation carried on, and Neil carried on with his surveillance of the older woman. Before he knew it there was a break for coffee. Everyone started to get up to be the first out, but Neil didn't, as he would normally done. He stayed behind to get a better view of the older woman as she went by and he wasn't disappointed. She was quite tall, slim build, wearing a long cardigan that covered her up a bit. But from what he could see she didn't have that bad a body. Boots, trousers and a blouse all of quality and giving her that wonderful, attractive and stylish appearance. She walked out with an air of superiority, of confidence and of being posh, as he put it. An arrogance but she did it so well, he had to admire her for that. In the side room he grabbed a coffee and looked around. There she was 'Miss prim and proper' and she was talking to Jenny Wright, they seemed to be getting on quite well, he didn't know why but that surprised him a bit. But just as he was thinking about what these women where talking about he was spoken to and got dragged into a conversation about the presentation and some other boring crap. Neil noticed that Jenny called over to the man who's phone had gone off earlier, he looked nervous as the woman talked to him. Neil was still being bored by this businessman, but kept one eye on the woman talking to the 'phone man'. It was like watching a naught school boy being told off by two sexy headmistress's, and Neil became quiet thrilled by what he was watching. Coffee break over there was a now some group work sessions, Neil prayed that he was in 'the woman's' group, and to his amazement he was! As he was only a student he was there just to observe. For the half hour session he could not take his eyes off her and when Jenny came into the room in was double the pleasure. Then a phone went off, it was the man from early on, he was also in their group, his face was one of pure horror and he seemed to freeze for a moment as he stared at the two women who had been talking. The look on the women's face made the room go silent, the man fumbled and dropped his phone. Neil was surprised at his reaction, the look of 'panic' on his face was very bizarre! The session continued in a very subdued manner. With the group activity over there followed by a summary and evaluation in the auditorium and then everyone headed off, the older woman had disappeared, Neil was disappointed. He went to go and grab his jacket, he had put it in some side room when he first arrived. He seemed to be the last one there 'where did he put his jacket'? He passed a room and though he heard a cry 'strange what was that'? He open the door and looked inside, there was someone on the floor! He walked in to see if he could help, it was the man with the phone, he was on the floor in a ball as if trying to protect himself from something or someone. Then Neil noticed who else was in the room, Jenny Wright and the older woman! He spoke before he had thought "what's going on here?" The look on their faces told him that was probably not the best thing to have said, the man on the floor looked up. His face was bloody and bruised as if he had been hit hard several times, Neil was taken aback the man was obviously hurt. He stood there for what seemed like an age taking in the sight before him, but in fact it had been just a few seconds, but long enough for Jenny to storm over to where he stood WHACK! She slapped the youngster hard across his face, Neil was stunned and staggered backwards, he knocked into the door so pushing it backwards and closing it. Containing him in the room with the hurt man and the two women. Neil shook his head, the woman's slap had been quite forceful, in fact it had made the young man go quiet blurry, he hadn't been hit like that before. Even so he managed to take in the view before him, he still hadn't made sense of it, but he had taken it in. The woman who had hit him, Jenny, was now stood there, her hands on her hips looking very irritated at the fact that he had walked in on them. The man was still cowering on the floor, he was head down as if trying not to look at the women, hoping that this would make them go away. A table had been pushed against the side wall, next to it chairs stacked on top of each other, as if they had been pushed out of the way to make more room. Sat on the table was the older woman, even just sat there on a table she had an air of style about her. Neil's hand rubbed his sore face and with out thinking he took a step forward CRACK! The young man didn't know what had hit him, it'd been Jenny's boot! He hadn't even seen it as had dropped like a lead balloon, but realised that something must have as he tried to push himself upwards from the floor. Then he was aware of a great throbbing pain, the side of his head hurt like hell as if he had been hit by something, and hit hard! There was a blurred noise, then as he was able to think straight it became clearer "that's the one ... The creep that's been staring at me all day" CRUNCH! A very painful sharp pain, as Jenny's boot shot out into Neil's ribs sending the young man spinning over in agony. Before the poor lad could make any sense of what was happening to him another sharp pain as he was forced upwards, a strong forceful hand had grabbed him and dragged him upwards by his hair. He was then thrown across the room towards the table where the older woman sat, he put his hands out to stop himself from falling to the floor. On all fours he tried to shake his head clear and to understand what had just happened, he looked up to see the older woman sat on the edge of the table. Legs crossed arms out to the side to steady herself, she smiled it had been the first time he had see her smile and there was something quite warming, reassuring calming about her. She uncrossed her legs, her smile slightly broadened and then WHACK! Her boot slammed into his face knocking Neil clean over, the other side of his face smashed into the floor dazing the young man. His head spun, he felt physical sick and in pain, but those where the least of his worries, he felt is hair nearly being put right out of his head as the older woman leaned forward and dragged him up onto his knees. He was now looking at Jenny, she was stood next to the man still cowering on the floor. She reached down and like him the man was dragged up onto his knees. Neil knew it was the older woman still sat on the table that had pulled him up and had hold of him. THUD! He felt a sharp pain in his spine as the older woman's knee drove into his back, then her other leg came round and like a snake it curled around his neck. She leant back on the table, one leg forced into her victims back pushing him forward the other leg hooked around his neck pulling him backwards. There was no escape for the youngster, his hands shot up and grabbed onto her leg, but her firm hold of him was too strong her him to break, he was now at her mercy. She held him there, her strong legs holding him in on his knees, she must be some kind of a contortionist to have one knee in his back, one leg around his neck. Either that or she's practised the position many times. The woman held him there facing Ms Wright, she had her own practice session going on she was practising dishing out pain! SMACK! THUD! Her fists where devastating as they pounded into the unfortunate man, Neil saw blood splatter out as she once more let loss with an onslaught into the man CRACK! WHACK! SMASH! He tried to protect himself but he wasn't able to she was something else, a woman, a stronger, dominate woman! THUMP! One last hit and she stepped backwards, Neil thought that the mans beating was over, then he wondered what would become of him! But he was wrong, it wasn't over for the man, just yet. Ms Wright expression changed, a concentrated look then WOOOSSSHHH! CRACK! Her leg swung round and connected hard into the side of the mans head THUD! He dropped instantly to the floor, face first 'SHIT!' Neil began to shake, he couldn't believe what he has just witness and what was happening, he was gripped by pure terror now. He struggled even more, he had to get away, the leg tightened around his neck, he wasn't strong enough to break the woman's hold on him. The body of the man lay motionless on the floor, Jenny Wright had tuned and was now watching Neil as he attempted to free himself for the older woman's firm grip. Even though he was now more than just worried about his predicament he could clearly see the look of delight on Jenny's face, she was obviously enjoying watching the spectacle of the young lad struggling against his fate. She pulled up a chair and carried on watching the 'show' he was putting on. As much as he tried he could not break the grasp she had around his neck, the more he struggled the more his strength sapped away from him. Now he did not have the strength to even hold onto the woman strong leg, his arms dropped away and he became like a rag doll, almost lifeless. The woman where talking but it was all just a blur to Neil, he was incapable of making out anything clearly, even the sight of Jenny on the chair was now just one mass haze of shapes and colours. Then the leg let go and realised him, but still far too weak to be able to do anything, he just sat there, his body balanced precariously on his knees leaning back against his legs. It was amazing that he was indeed still upright, even if he was just in a slumped heap, air had rushed down into his lungs, his senses started to come back to life, if not his body. His was aware that there was something to the side of his face, it was her! The older woman. She bent down and spoke, he could just make out her words "good night little boy" she slowly ran her tongue up the side of his face, even in his pitiful state his senses came alive at her touch, it felt good! She gently kissed the side of his face "now sleep" before he knew it there was a sharp blow to the side of his head. He hardly felt it, in his state she could have pushed him and he would have dropped to the ground and into unconsciousness. It was some time before Neil came too, the room was empty, there was no sign of the two woman or the man. He took some time to get himself together and to get over the initial shock of the pain that his body was still felling. Not only was the room empty but it seemed that the whole building was too, it was late as he stumbled around for a while gathering his strength. He found a fire exit and left in a hurry as the alarms went off. He managed to get back to his room and collapsed into a deep and humiliating sleep as the events of that day went through his mind over and over again. He had a couple of days to recover before he had to go back to university and speak with his tutor. His body still ached as they talked about his progress and what he still had to do to complete the course. He was asked about the presentation on 'How business can adapt to the changes in the Far East markets.' A cold shiver raced through him, he just said it was fine and changed the subject. Everything done he prepared to leave, as he got to the door it opened, he nearly bumped into the person entering, his mind was still not fully focused after recent events. He dropped one of his files, bending down to pick it up he looked up at the person who has just walked in ... It was her! ... ... the older woman from the presentation, Neil froze, he was unable to get up as fear took over at the sight of her again ... "Arrh Neil I almost forgot" his tutor broke the silence "this is Ms Wright" 'Oh God!' "She's a long term friend and I managed to get you to spend your last six months working with her at her firm ... Isn't that great?" The young mans mouth went dry he was unable to speak he just looked up at the woman, she smiled as she looked down at him, it was a very wicked smile ... !