A Peaceful Sunday Drink By Crossmanx at - crossmanx@hotmail.co.uk - comments and ideas welcome. A peaceful drink turns into something more serious! A Peaceful Sunday Drink Lee pulled up in the carpark of the local pub the 'Dog and Duck', he was here for a nice peaceful Sunday afternoon drink, nothing else. It was sort of his local, as it wasn't too far from where he lived and it was handy when the weather was bad, or, when the sun was out as it had a beer garden and he could stagger back home, or when it was a quiet Sunday afternoon. It also made a bit of a change from the clubs and bars that he would normally frequent on a Friday and Saturday night. Yes, the Dog and Duck was his 'quite local!' Lee was a good-looking man, 35, tall, single and the type of man that liked his women and they liked him, but he was not one to be tired down so never seemed to have a 'steady' girlfriend. But that was Lee for you, a man who liked the women but couldn't bear to be with one for too long as his roaming eye would always find someone new. A man who liked his weekend partying but also liked that quiet Sunday afternoon time, when we could get himself ready for the weeks work that was coming his way. He looked out the window, the rain had just about stopped so that was a good thing, then he got out his car. As he walked through the carpark towards the gate that lead into the beer garden and then on into the rear of the pub, a slight shiver went down his back. It had been a few weeks ago now, when Lee had ended up on the receiving end of a good beating in that beer garden. Not that he was a wimp or anything like that, he could handle himself, which only made 'that incident' even more humiliating. Lee had been beat up by a girl, a young woman in her early 20's or so and one of the lesbian couple that came to the pub. In fact, it was even worse than that, in fact, he'd been beat by both the lesbian girls! The young woman who'd started all this was Kelly, she'd not liked the fact that Lee had been eyeing her girlfriend, Alice, up over a number of weeks. Lee however had thought, as the girlfriend, Alice, who'd spoke to him, saying 'Hi', once or twice, was obviously 'fair game!' Well she'd spoken to him, so she must like him, so he must have stood a chance there! The typical way a man thinks. The idea had formed in his head, he'd have Alice, a lesbian, then once he'd had Alice her girlfriend would follow and he'd have both girls into his bed. That idea, had sort of run away with him, again, typical male thinking! On that cold day, with some snow still lying around, he'd been out in the deserted beer garden finishing off his cigarette. When Lee had turned around and bumped into Kelly, but now that he thought about it he was sure it was something the woman had planned! Then it had all started, she yelled at him, he'd tried to ignore it and it all kicked off, literally! The woman had shown the man, quite surprisingly, just how fitter, stronger and more skilled than a man she was. Lee had been shocked as he'd never thought it possible a female was better than him! So, just to make her point and show him, she'd kicked his arse, luckily the beer garden had been deserted, so no one saw this, that was until Alice had turned up, then it got nasty! Only a few minutes earlier and Lee had still been working on his plane to talk Alice into his bed. After all, all a lesbian needed was the right man to sort her out and he was sure he could do that! Then he'd get Alice to bring Kelly along and he'd sort her out as well, now that would be a great threesome, him and two lesbians! But it hadn't worked out that way, first there was Kelly who'd beat him, then when Alice turned up and she joined her girlfriend in teaching Lee a lesson! A double kick in from a pair of dykes! The man hadn't expected that to happen! (Reader may wish to read the previous story, Quiet Afternoon Drink). So, it was with some trepidation that he walked trough the gate into the beer garden, and again the garden was empty. The ground was wet, puddles here and there, not the sort of time to be sat out here. The weather was gloomily, there was still a chill in the air as it had been raining heavily early that day, but at least there was no snow like 'last' time! And if the forecast was to be believed it was again going to rain later on as well, so a trip to the pub was just what he needed. Last night out in town hadn't gone that well for the man, for some reason he didn't manage to pull, which was strange. Normally he would have said something like, 'must all be lesbian's out tonight', or something like that, but due to recent events, he stayed clear of saying that now! As he walked through the rear door and into the pub everything was how it should be, the barman said hello as he was making his way from sorting out the fire that was going nicely, yes there was a chill in the air. Ans as normal there was the usual group of 'old boys' sat on stools next to the bar, putting the world to rights. There was also a couple there, with their young child, this was a couple from the 'younger' generation, more his age group, that came to the pub. He nodded a 'hello' in their direction, as he sort of knew them, mostly form here in the pub. Then turned to the bar and there was the barman, right on cue ready to serve him. As he enjoyed his beer and a few more people came in, Lee got into conversations with a few of the regulars and settled himself in for the afternoon, well Football was on later. That was until the girls came in, the lesbians! Kelly and Alice walked past and over towards the far end of the bar where there was a space for them, along with a couple of free stools. The girls both grinned, smiled at the 'man', but said nothing, they didn't need to, and as for Lee, he just kept his head down and tried to ignored the girls, 'all round it was the best thing to do!' Lee turned his head and now quickly scanned the rest of the pub, seeing if he could move further away and put some distance between him and ... ... It was just then when he saw who else was just about to turn up. Through the window he could see a couple walking up towards the pub, and without knowing it Lee grinned. Probably because there was 'something' about the woman in this couple, something he couldn't put his finger on, but something he liked about her. The main door opened and in came rushing a young kid, the child belonging to the couple. Now the kid looked around and found her friend, the kid from the first couple that Lee had nodded a greeting to earlier. Then followed the parents, the other couple, he was tallish, rough looking with a bit of a belly, mid 30's or maybe a bit older Lee guessed. He was a tough, rough looking man, not good-looking, not handsome, just rough looking. With his broad shoulders, big arms and a belly to go with it. He was a man who looked as if he'd had a tough upbringing, and knew how to look after himself, he was Terry. Following on behind was his wife, Joanna, she was the one that Lee had his eye on. She was a tall woman, taller than her husband you could see that quite clearly, and she was a sturdy looking woman, broad shoulders, firm arms and legs. A woman who wasn't some power goddess, but she was bigger stronger looking than your average woman, that was for sure. But she wasn't the most beautiful or gorgeous looking woman either, but saying that she wasn't ugly or horrible, just not that great in the looks department. Because she was a big, strong looking woman she had the looks that matched her body, and she was certainly a woman that Lee had noticed more than once before. But 'why', he was too sure himself. But she did look somehow 'good', with her dark straight hair that was long, down past her shoulders, quite a way down past those broad shoulders and sturdy looking body, she was quite fit indeed. Joanna was a tall, broad woman with good sized breasts, good sized tits, and she had legs! Again, this was something that Lee had noticed, as she normally wore either tight jeans and long suede boots or a quite short dress. And today it was turn for the dress. Her legs look good, like the rest of her body, they here tough, well tones, good strong looking legs, and Lee liked that. He didn't know why, but he liked that and he'd noticed her. She was taller than him and possibly a coupe of years older than him, whereas normally Lee liked his ladies somewhat younger and more petite. But she was a robust looking woman, she had muscle, nothing over the top but she looked strong. Again, this wasn't the sort of women when he was down town he went for, but Lee was drawn towards Joanna in a strange way. As Terry, Joanna and their kid came in they made their way to the first couple and their kid that were already there, this was quite normal, a few minutes later and another couple came in, kid in tow and now the normal families that gathered in the pub where all here. Lee got caught up in a conversation about football and luckily for him, he was in just the right place now, out of sight of Kelly and Alice which was good. But in a good place to see, watch, the group of families that where sat down, not that far away from him. The kids where running around the place, but not being too much of a nuisance and Lee had a clear view of the three women there, one of them was quite good looking indeed, dressed as if she was going out down town and had a great, sexy body. Even if she was about Lee's age, he'd do here. The other woman was not quite, but almost as good looking as her friend, a bit plainish, but OK, and again Lee thought 'Yer, she'll do." But it was Joanna that his eyes keep sneaking back too, that glace over to where she sat, when no one was looking. That looking around the room and making sure he caught a good look at her, that sort of thing. There was something defiantly about the woman that he was drawn to! The couples had been talking for a while then as normal they seemed to move around the pub. It happened when the drinks where ordered, two would go to the bar and so the conversation was broken up and the others moved off to catch with everyone there. Then when the drinks where on the table and they all returned. This went on for a couple of drinks until the group kind of moved around more permanently, chatting to everyone they knew there, Lee got a few 'hello's' and a short chat about football with the men but that was normally about it. He never got the opportunity to say too much to Joanna, which did kind of frustrate him, but he couldn't really chat her up with her husband there, or could he? One thing that Lee had already noticed was that Joanna did, after a few drinks like to chat with some of the old boys and some of the younger ones, and boy could she talk! Lee had noticed something else as well, they had been a couple of times that he'd seen her talking to a young man there and then they were gone! They didn't exactly walk out the pub together, but you know what it's like in a pub, in a bar, one minute someone was then, then they where gone! Both of them, why? Was there something going on? It was something that Lee had defiantly noticed, one minute there was Joanna talking to someone, a younger man then one of them would be gone, you'd look again and they were both gone. Lee had heard a rumour or two, about her little 'walks around the pub!' There was the odd comment 'she off again', or 'wonder who she'll be talking too this time?' maybe 'how long do you thing this time?' As always it was the old boys who noticed these sorts of things, was it a reference to how long it would before you wouldn't be able to see her in the pub? But was there any truth to this after all, here in the pub in front of her husband, he may be a bit over weight but he was a hard-looking man. Surely, she wasn't going to look for something else, here in her local pub, so blatantly, would she? Just then, "excuse me", Lee was leant against the bar and talking to Old Tom, when he turned to get out of the way of someone who wanted to get to the bar, and he saw that it was Joanna! "Busy today isn't it, hasn't been this busy on a Sunday for a while ... ..." was she talking to him? " ... ... but I suppose its become more popular to go out for a drink on a Sunday now days and ... ... " Yes, she was defiantly talking to him, a proper conversation! Old Tom got ignored as Lee now turned around and was in full chat mode with Joanna, she even looked at him as they spoke, leaning against to bar to carry on with their conversation and only after a while did she remember the drinks and get the barman's attention. This was good, it was all going well, a bit too well! The drinks took a bit of time to arrive, which on this occasion was good. And when they did arrive out of nowhere Jackie turned up, she was the really good-looking one and took them over to the table, she even smiled at Lee and said "Hi!" Which left Joanna there to carry on talking with Lee! The man took this all in, and he took in what else was going around him in the pub. Over there was Terry, Joanna's husband, he was with the other two men for the 'families group', there was a coupe of the other guy's there and they were talking, discussing and watching the build up to the Football on the TV. That would be them for the rest of the afternoon, stood their watching the game. There was Jackie who just collected all the drinks and was setting them down on the table, she then sat down and took charge of the children there. Toni, the other woman in the group, the middle good-looking one, took drinks over to the three men then moves across the room to sit down next to another man and started talking to him. Lee wondered what was going on there, but more importantly that just left him to talk with Joanna, the tall, broad, strong, not so good-looking brunette. But he didn't mind that at all, in fact he was happy with that. The pair of them talked, Joanna and Lee, mostly about him, married, girlfriend, the man noticed those questions and he got this idea she was fishing for something! Was it an accident that Joanna's leg rubbed up against his, or the way she leant against the bar, her hand playing with her hair. Then her arm came down and her hand was on his arm as she laughed! But the more he talked to her the more he got to know Joanna, the friendlier she was to him. Getting friendly with the average looking woman, the woman with nothing special in the looks department, the tall, broad, strong woman. The woman whose firm, sturdy leg was against his, all this made the man think, 'Yes!' The conversation carried on to how bored Joanna now was in the pub and how her husband would be stuck in front of the TV watching the Football 'all afternoon' and her leg carried on rubbing up his! The woman looked across the pub to the windows and stared outside then, "I might make a move back to mine, it's only a short walk ... ... " 'interesting!' 'Did she really say that?' Then, "Terry will take care of Kara, she likes to stay here with her friends ... ... " referring to her daughter, Joanna and Terry's child. "So, if you're interested and got nothing to do, why don't you come back with me, I'm sure it would be better than being here?" Lee couldn't contain his grin at the woman's 'invitation!' This was too good to be true, he followed her glare as she looked over at her husband, "don't worry about him, he won't know and he doesn't care anyway." Well that answered a few questions, and so it seemed the afternoon was planned! She said she would leave first, don't want everyone to know, it had nothing to do with them. He should leave a few minutes after her and meet her down the alleyway that lead to the housing estate. Joanna then headed off and out of the pub, by the front door, but as there was a good size crowd in today, so she sort of just melted into the background and disappeared through the door. Lee couldn't resist but to look over towards Terry, the woman's husband, he was still in the group of man watching the football and seemed oblivious of the fact that his wife had left. Over by the table the children of the family groups where there all being entertained by the middle attractive wife, Toni. As for Jackie, the really attractive one, she was off in a corner, she'd trapped the lad who worked here at the weekends. The 'pot boy' as he was still known, distracting the shy, nervous looking lad from his collection of glasses duty. It almost looked as if she had him ensnared and was waiting for the right moment to pounce! This all seemed too good to be true, 'he could get away with this?' Once that thought entered Lee's head there was no going back for him! As he was about the leave Lee caught sight of Kelly and Alice, who looked as if they were deliberately staring his way and talking about him. The girls smiled at him. It was a knowing kind of smile as if he'd just been caught out, but right now Lee didn't care, he didn't care one little bit. He managed to head towards the toilets, saying to Old Tom he'd be back in a bit and then sneaked out the pub via the rear door. As he stepped outside into the beer garden he felt the first spots of rain on his face, but somehow that didn't bother him in the least. Five minutes later and Lee was meeting up with Joanna at the end of the alleyway, the rain was now coming down harder, not too hard, but enough to want to get out of it. But there was a kind of advantage to his, Joanna's dress was getting a bit wet now and the material seemed to cling to her body in places! As they made their way back to her place, leaving the pub behind them and all those people there, Lee was still amazed that this was happening. It wasn't long before they reached the woman's house, where they went straight to the side gate and into the rear of the house. The garden at the back of the house wasn't much to look at, not that Lee noticed, the recent rain had tuned the once nice lawn into a bit of a sodden mess. But Lee had other things on his mind, he couldn't contain his excitement, but knew he had too, just for a little bit longer! At the back of his mind was still the thought of Terry, Joanna's husband, the slightly fat, but big, rough looking man. But even so it was Lee who was here and now, with this tall, sturdy, strong woman and that had to be worth it! In the rear of the garden Joanna went up the couple of steps that lead to the large french doors there and slid them open. Lee was grateful as the rain was now stronger, the woman stepped inside and as Lee was about to followed her inside into the dry, she stopped. She stood there for a moment blocking his way, then turned around, and looked at him, her face was straight laced, little emotion on it as she looked at him. Lee wondered for a moment what was going on, especially as he was now getting wet. Now there was this grin on her face as she kicked off her shoes, even though she was up the steps and higher than him, looking down at him, she looked and was still so much taller than him. Then her arms went back behind her as she was obviously unzipping her dress, and somehow Lee suddenly didn't mind standing there, in the rain, watching. Her arms went back and down, then she slowly slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She kicked the dress back behind her a stood there, hands on jaunty hips looking ... ... 'Wow!' The tall woman, her long dark hair over her broad shoulders, her strong, fit looking body in a set of frilly black underwear. Her toned arms, her large breasts pointing his way, her flat stomach, noticeable abs, those long sturdy, solid legs. 'Oh My God!' Lee couldn't believe just how good she looked, an amazon, a xena, but only better. OK, she wasn't the prettiest of woman, she wasn't a gorgeous catwalk model, she was a bit rough in the looks department, but that body, 'WOW!' Having stood there for what seemed an age taking in this woman and how she looked, but in reality, it was only a couple of seconds, Lee stared to notice just how much the rain was coming down now. He looked up at the sky and the rain, and he took a step forward, couldn't wait to get out of the rain, inside and out of these damp, wet cloths of his! As his gaze came back down from the sky and he looked back at the strong woman, WHACK! OOOOWWWHHH! Joanna's foot flew forwards and struck the unprepared man straight in the middle of his chest. The blow thundered into him, catching Lee completely by surprise, it struck hard and fast and sent the man sprawling backwards. Unable to catch his balance he stumbled and trembled down to the ground. He lay there on the grass in the woman's garden, shocked, in pain and wondering, 'What the hell?' Lee shook himself and looked up, there was the tall, strong Joanna now walking out of her house, out into the rain, into the garden, still in just her underwear and straight towards him! She came right at him, straight for him, leaning down to get close, as he lay there on his back, Lee instinctively tried to scramble backwards out the way. His hands pushing himself back as his feet kicked the ground in front of him to get himself away. But it wasn't going to work, Joanna was 'after' him, she was on top of him, she had him! The tall woman reached down, both her hands grabbed onto Lee and she now showed just how strong she was by yanking the man up off the ground, so his face was close to hers. Then she raised her body sharply, and him up with her. Halfway up the woman made her next move she fell over to the side, but still holding onto Lee and closer to her. As she twisted to the side, she spun the man around with her, then as her back was almost facing down to the floor she gave an extra tug on the man and flipped him completely over and send his flying through the air, OOOOOOHHHHH! THUD! She flung him around, over with her and Lee flew halfway across the garden and landed with a hard thud into the now very wet ground. Joanna had landed on her back but was up on her feet in an instant, it would take more than a man like Lee to get her on her back for any length of time! All the time the rain was now coming down harder and harder, Lee was now wet through and Joanna's in just her underwear was soaked. The water ran off her firm body, washing away some of that mud that had found its way onto her back. She stood there for a moment watching the man struggle on the ground, having flipping him, tossing him over, sent him flying and landing hard, having had hurt the man, she now grinned. Lee rolled over onto his front, him hands went out and he tried to push himself up, but one hand slipped on the now muddy, slippery ground. The ground that hadn't recovered from the earlier rain and was now being churned up by the struggling mans outstretched hands and feet. But a sound caught Lee's attention the sound of feet squishing on wet grass, wet ground. The man instinctively turned his head towards the sound and THUD! A, muddy, bare foot came thundering into his face and he was sent spinning, rolling, turning over, and across the wet, muddy ground. Lee came to a halt with his face in a puddle of dirty water, he lay there for a second until the realisation where his face was, UUUUHHHH! He quickly raised his head up and gasped for clean air. As he raised his head the strong female hand of Joanna came down and grabbed him by his hair, yanking the man upwards and backwards until, THUD! The woman came down on him straddled him across the lower part of his back, parked her frim hard arse on him, pinning him to the ground. It carried on raining, it still poured down, the ground around Lee was filling with water and mud, as he was trapped by the tall, strong woman there, the woman holding him by his hair and quite possibly in full control of him! The woman's free arm then slipped around the man's neck as his head was being pulled back. Then she tipped herself over to the side, fell and took the man with her. As the pair of them fell, rolled over, Joanna legs moved. They slid, slipped around the wet man, around his stomach, his body, she wrapped her legs around him, but not in the way he'd earlier hoped. Joanna dropped into the muddy ground on her back, Lee was now on top of her, his back now pressing down on her front, on her firm body, he could feel her large breasts pushing into his back. He could also feel her powerful legs wrapped around his body, this kind of ... ... frightened him! Then those legs squeezed, her thighs tightened and now she hurt the man, ARRRGGGHHHH! The woman had him, those strong legs weren't going to let him go they were going to SQUEEZE him ARRRRRRRRHHHHHH! Now she rocked from side to side as she applied the pressured, her body rolling in the grass, the ground, the mud and all the time the rain carried on coming down onto the pair of them, soaking them, drenching them. The rain came down, the mud built up and Joanna moved, rocked from side to side, hurting, squeezing Lee, holding the man, gripping him between her powerful legs. Those legs gripped him tightly, and the man couldn't believe that a woman's legs could hurt this way. But knowing what had happened to him recently, by two other girls, the man should have known better what a woman could do! Joanna's grip was firm she wasn't going to let go, not just yet, not until she made her point, had her fun, just a bit more, and as she griped and rocked from side to side, she hurt him more and more. She rocked harder and harder, to and fro she went, slamming the man down on one side then flinging him over, with those tight, strong legs to the other side, Lee was shocked at how a woman could be this strong and manhandle him so easy, 'A Woman!' Then still holding him tight, she added something else, a new move. She rolled over, completely over and over, across the sodden ground, rolling his face into the water, the mud. Using, pressing her powerful body down on him, pushing his worn body further into the ground. Then rolling over to allow him to gasp for breath before again turning him over and sending his face, body back into the ground. If the man had been in any state to take anything else in, apart from his fear of being suffocated in the mud, he might have heard the woman chuckling, laughing, as she rolled the man over. As she came out of her last revolving move, this time at some speed she again added a little something else! Showing just how strong she was she flung him from out between her sturdy leg, threw him away and to the side into a nice muddy area of the sodden ground. There was a loud 'SPLOSH' as he was catapulted out of her legs and landed, but at least the pressure was off Lee's body. His guts weren't now being crushed and he could take in air and breath again. His stomach hurt like hell, but he was glad to be out from between the tall, strong woman's legs, he never thought he'd hear himself thinking that before! As he lay there and tried to take this all in and to recover as best he could Joanna was already back up onto her feet, she swept her long, wet, dirty hair out of her face and looked down at the man, pleased with the look of pain and hurt on his face. She took a couple of steps and now the dirty, wet woman was towering over Lee; the man had his eyes closed but somehow, he knew that she was there next to him. As he lay on the ground, on the soaking wet grass, in the mud, with the rain still coming down hard all around him, but not falling on him, on his face, he just knew she was there leaning over him, HHHUUUUUU! Joanna's hands came down, grabbed him and pulled him sharply up from the ground. Lee felt the rush as his hurt body came upwards, and somehow, he knew he was in for a bad time. As he came up something hard rammed into his already hurt stomach, the blow drove the air out him making his splutter and gasp. Just Joanna's way of showing that her knee could be just as effective on him as the rest of her body! With the man only, hallway up and doubled over, she proceeded to demonstrated this again and again to him. Her powerful leg came up, her forceful knee drove into him, she pounded him some more, just because she could. The woman allowed Lee to drop to his knees, a pause, a sense of calm, then WHACK! A muddy, powerful, female thigh slammed into the side of the man's face. It struck so hard it sent the man thundering back down to the murky floor. Lee's body lay there and jolted, she'd clearly hurt the man, but who cares, he was soon being dragged upwards to be 'played' with again by the woman. As he'd laid there, Lee had struggling to take in air, but for a moment she'd stopped hitting him, so that was good, 'Thank Christ!' even if it was only for a brief moment it had felt good, not to be hit. But good things don't last and there was a sudden rush to his body as the strong woman pulled him all the way up onto his feet, followed by SMACK! UUUHHHHHH! Nothing fancy just a good old fashion fist, a smack to his jaw, Lee's legs buckled and he dropped into the soggy mud ground, and again down onto his knees. Once more he was knelt there, his hurt limp body, his head bowed down. The wrecked man on his knees in front of the tall, powerful woman, dirty, muddy, wet woman and for some reason Joanna did like this! She looked down at the broken man, reached out and grabbed each of his wrists with one of her hands. She pulled his arms out and held him there in a knelt, bent forward, crucifix position. There was a moan from the man as she stepped forwards and placed her wet, muddy, legs around his bowed, painful, confused, numb head. Holding him there for a moment so he was able to take this all in and realise what was going to happen, he wimped, pathetically tried to call out and at that moment she squeezed, hard! It was like having his head placed in a vice, the numbing, electrifying pain was intense and unbearable. As she squeezed those strong legs, all Joanna could hear was the pathetic, whimpering, grunts, sobbing and moans of the 'man' between her legs. Still holding onto his arms, she pulled them out further and now really clenched her legs, even tighter, around his head. There was one, loud, high-pitched, whining, groan, it was more pain than Lee had ever felt before and then, suddenly ... ... it all went dark, black, cold! Lee's arms became lifeless and now he made no more, silly, whimpish noises, Joanna had finished this man off. She let go of his arms, which dropped like stones, down to his side, then she relaxed her legs, stepped away and the man fell, dropped forward. His limp body tumbled and his face went thundering straight down into a large puddle of water and into the muddy ground. He made a quiet loud splosh sound as his head fell, and this made Joanna smile. But the woman thought she'd be 'kind' to him, so kicked him, rolling Lee over so at least he wasn't face down in the puddle anymore. All finished, she now walked away and back towards the house and thought, 'OK, Yes, I'm being kind to him, but not next time!' At the french doors there was a pair of indoor shoes and a long dressing gown, waiting, strategically placed for Joanna to cover her wet, dirty, muddy body. It was almost as if they were there 'ready' for her! She covered herself and entered the house, ready to clean herself up after her bit of dirty afternoon fun. Inside her house she closed the doors and drew the large curtains as if to forget, disregard the man that still lay there in her garden. The defeated man, the one covered in mud, wet through and unconscious. And even though he was now looking up to the sky and all that rain was falling on his face, he wasn't going to be coming around for a while yet! It was much later when indeed Lee did finally come too. His body hurt all over, he shivered with the cold as he'd been laying out there in the open, in the muddy wet ground and in the rain for an age. The sky was dull, cloudy and dark, but thankfully it had stopped raining. Slowly, carefully Lee pushed himself up off the ground, the curtains where drawn on the other side of the french doors. But there was a light on and he could make out faint voices coming from inside, so probably everyone was back from the pub. Lee decided it was best to just get himself out of here as quickly as his hurt body could take him. As he staggered towards and through the side gate he wondered why had Joanna done this to him. What pleasure did she get out of humiliating and beating him in this way? Had she done this to other men she'd 'chatted up' in the pub? What game was she playing luring men to her home and beating them up? And what about Terry, her husband, did he know what she was doing, did she do the same thing to him? All these questions spun around Lee's painful, numb head as he now made his way, slowly, painfully, back to his own place. He looked in a terrible state as he trundled on, still not having made up his mind whether to walk home or go back to the pub and pick his car up, it was all too confusing for him to think straight. Back at the house and a now very clean and smartly dressed Joanna was pottering around in the kitchen, she could here her husband and daughter messing around in the living room and smiled to herself. Then her eyes moved over to the backdoor that lead out into the rear garden, she stepped over to it and took an inquisitive look out into the garden, the now empty garden, and she grinned. Joanna turned back and made her way back to the living room, she must get her husband to tidy up the garden, sort it out, it was starting to look a right mess, what would the neighbours think? By the door her eyes moved up to the shelf nearby, with a few odd and ends on it, a few jars, an old tin, and a set of car keys! Joanna thought to herself 'how long it would before, 'what was his name again?' before he missed them?' She also wondered if he'd work out where they were and would he come back for his keys? That made her smile, she hoped he'd come back! She really didn't want the keys to end up in that old tin with all the others, she liked it so much better when they came back ... ... !