An Evenings Work By Crossmanx at - - comments and ideas welcome. Another evening with not much going on, except work! An Evenings Work In the corner of the large room eyes moved across the empty room as if waiting for something to happen. Something to start, in this boxing hall, this large, open room with its traditional high ceiling. Even though now it was empty and looking a bit unused, in its heyday this hall had seen so many busy, full to the rafters and overwhelming events, many years ago. It now only really saw a few odd, much quieter fights now days. But that didn't mean that these fights weren't any less furious and maybe, just maybe there still might be a really tough fight ready to be played out in this old, almost forgotten fight venue. The boxing hall was now a little thought about 'off shoot' of an equally old gym that was located just off the main city centre of that infamous place, The City. Terry's Gym was located in, as it and the boxing hall had been for many, many years, in a very old, and from the outside, dishevelled looking line of buildings. In front of these old building was, too most people here the most important area. A large open area used as a car park that served as good access for the city centre and to all those shops, restaurants, clubs, pubs and bars. But anyone parking here and if they didn't know any better, might look over at the old rundown looking buildings, and would probably think nothing of them. Or think they needed to be pulled down, to make room for something new. But there was a lot going on in these old buildings. On the far hand right side was a large, tall, four, five storey disused warehouse, well it had been many things in its time, a factory, workshop, a warehouse and now it was empty. But with its high central area, going all the way up to the roof and with those upper floors that all circular this main area so you could look down into it, it made a perfect arena. Perfect for when the mixed martial arts championship had brought its tour around the country match here. But the firm that ran these events had been 'persuaded' to leave the large main cage they'd set up there. Yes, just to leave it there! Apparently, some of the ladies from Terry's gym had 'convinced' the firm it was in their best interest to leave it, and so it was still here, and left with the lighting, seating and all that. The men who'd started to pack it all away must have left in a rush to just leave everything else there too! So, this area, this 'arena', as it became known now, was there and being used by certain ladies from Terry's gym. Used for a few of their extra 'activities!' Moving alone and between the large 'arena' building there was a narrow alleyway, that lead to the special members only area entrance, at the rear of Terry's gym. This was for that group of special ladies that came and used the gym, their own private area of the gym, and of course they needed their own entrance. Pass the alleyway was the smaller, longer building where you'd find Terry's Gym, the sign outside the plain door was the only real indication that this was even here. The gym was a good size inside, it had everything you would really need but it was a 'old school' gym, a proper gym! Real gym equipment, not this fancy electronic stuff, but equipment to make you work and sweat! At the rear of the gym, past that back wall was the private gym area, with its plain, simple inner secondary entrance door. The private area reserved for a very select group of ladies indeed! Further along this building on the far left side was the part that housed the boxing ring, the boxing hall. Where once all those matches, events and shows, had been staged. But now it was a quieter place and although it was still part of the gym, it wasn't used liked it had been years ago. Now days it was more of a place that someone could 'book.' So, they could have a venue, a full-size ring, their own little arena if you like, a place where they could, in private, sort out anything they might need to! Yes, the boxing hall was now a place where an argument or disagreement could be settled, in some kind of privacy. All you had to do was book the hall through Terry's Gym and it was your, just like tonight as there was an issue that needed to be settled and the boxing hall, the ring was where it was going to happen. (Reader may wish to read the pervious story about Terry's Gym - When Rivals Meet, Induction Time, Gym Visit, When Rival Clash, Man Down, Join Me & And The Winner Is) For this evenings booking there wasn't anyone there, yet, and the hall was, as it was most of the time, mostly in the dark. As normal for these low-key private fights only the dim lights over the ring in the centre of the room with the high ceiling were on. Well with no audience there was no need for any more lights, and so a short while past as the eyes in that far corner waited patiently. Then the doors over in the far wall opened, one at a time, as if releasing those who were here to take part in this evening little event. The first door to open allowed a flood of light to shine out from the door and towards the ring in the centre. This sudden bust of brightness made those eyes in the corner squint and blink before they could focus on the figure who'd come out the door. As the door closed behind them it made it easier to look across the room to the figure now making their way across the room to the steps leading up to the boxing ring. Up the steps and into the ring came a good-looking redhead woman, a woman whose attractive looks hid the fact that she was probably a bit older that you might think. Seeing as this was all part of Terry's Gym, it wasn't surprising that Gill, that was her name, was not only a fit looking woman but also a physical fit woman. Her body was firm, strong, toned and in good shape which from the way she was dressed could easily be seen. Gill was wearing a pair of black ankle boots then there were her long shapely legs going up to a pair of tight blue jean shorts. Going that bit further was her flat, firm stomach as up on top she had a striped black and white shirt that was rolled up and tied in a knot just under her ample chest. A rolled-up shirt with buttons undone so her red bra and cleavage could also be seen clearly. The woman walked around the ring, pulled on a couple of the ropes as if she knew what she was doing then made her way to the centre of this roped arena. She stood there and waited for a moment and by the way she was dressed in that traditional black and white striped shirt, even rolled up like it was, she had the look of a referee about her and there was work for her to do this evening! There wasn't much of a wait, a moment or two that was all and then a second door in that far wall opened. More light flooded out and the eyes in the opposite far corner squinted again before they could focus. The doors closed and again the lights high above the ring where now the only source of illumination. A second or two later and now two figures came into view as they too moved up the steps and got into the ring. In the ring with Gill, the Ref, were now a man and another woman, the couple were Asian, she was Tam and her husband was Hoc. The couple where both in their late 20's and had been here in The City for the past two years or so. The man was average height, for a man, but he looked board, was heavy set and was probably a 'weights man' in the gym. He had a rough look about him, a bit of a miserable expression, by this was normal for him. He was dressed in a pair of old trainers, dark joggers and what looked like a faded old green sweat top. Next to him was his wife the much shorter and much prettier looking Tam. She was quite lovely and would normally have a happier expression on her pretty face but right now there was just this strong, focused look of concentration. The woman's long dark hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was in just her bare feet and a light pink coloured silk robe, the oriental kind with lots of brightly coloured patterns, figures and objects that decorated it. The couple stood there in the ring to the side of Ref Gill, Hoc bent down to listen to his wife as she spoke and then there was the last eruption of light as the final door opened and two more figures walked out. Then with the door closed and the light back to normal it was easier to focus better on these two last and new figurers as they also went up the steps and into the ring. This second couple were Desmond and Camilla, both were black and both had a certain air of confidence about them as they settled down on the other side of the Ref. This couple now stared across the ring to the Asian couple as if sussing them out, but for what? This new couple where both in their early 30's and native to The City. Knowing all about it, its strange ways and knew some of the more unusual people that lived here too. Desmond the man in this new couple was tall, he was the tallest person here now in the ring and he was a muscular, big black man. Strong with a hard stare and a determined look on his face, his bald head added to his strong, intensive look. He was dressed in just his bare feet, a pair of light blue shorts and a dark blue t-shirt. Then there was Camilla, and the black woman looked quite gorgeous with her attractive face, bright red lips and long dark hair that was made up of many long and braided strands. She was dressed as if she was going to use the gym, in her red trainers, dark blue leggings, tight and showing her fine legs off. Then further up there was her bare midriff and a light blue sports crop top held her firm, full chest. She had this thing for colour coordinating her and Desmond's outfits when they went out! The two couples now moved in closer to the Ref who went through the rules of all this, which were basically, 'there are no rules inside the ring!' This was a fight to sort out a difference between two of those here and the winner of this would be the one who walked out of the ring leaving the looser there on the canvas and leaving them there out cold! "OK, we all understand into your corners then." The black couple moved over to the red corner, the Asian couple to the blue corner, one last moment to prepare before the fight started. In the red corner and Camilla handed Desmond a pair of sky-blue fingerless gloves. As he put these on his woman was already stepping through the ring's ropes leaving her man there, ready for him to get this all over with. In the blue corner, Hoc was already through the ropes with his wife's silk rope in his hand. Tam was dressed in matching tight shorts and sports crop top, both bright red, and was now pulling on her matching red fingerless gloves. With the 'seconds' out of the ring, the match could begin. This was a fight between Desmond and Tam and the eyes in that far off dark corner could see that this, on the outside, looked like a totally uneven match. The tall strong looking black man, with his broad shoulders, muscular arms was of course going to win this, he'd finish off the woman, no problem. After all the Asian looking female was so much smaller than him. With her slender, if somewhat sexy body, a body that still looked toned, firm, but how could she take on a man. Let alone a much bigger and stronger looking man like Desmond? It was a no brainer, the man would win, so why would this woman even contemplate stepping into the ring with someone like him? And the reason that this match was happening in the first place was due to an earlier disagreement about who was going to use the weights machine! Even though there was a second machine there, that wasn't being used, both Tam and Desmond had gone to the same machine at the same time and ... ... ! Well the woman, Tam and the man, Desmond where both as bad as each other, as stubborn as each other. So, this minor incident had started a bit of a feud between the two that had gone on for two, three, almost four weeks, until ... ... ! Until it led to this evenings little meeting here in the boxing hall, for a little private match, to sort out their disagreement. A man verses a woman, OK a tall strong man versus a much smaller, weaker woman, but there was still going to be a match here. Now both couples here where just normal members of Terry's Gym, but they were keen members. Coming to the gym three, four times a week, and always working hard, staying focused and improving all the time. The ladies here tonight, both the Asian Tam and the black Camilla although neither of them belonged to that 'special' group of women who had their own area at the rear of the gym. And of course, these ladies heard rumours about this select group of women and their own private club. Plus Tam and Camilla would both be lying if they hadn't thought it might be quite 'interesting' to belong to this select group! And what of Gill? Well she worked here, well not here in the boxing hall, she worked through that door over there, the one almost covered by the dark shadows, through that door and into Terry's Gym. Gill was a kind of personal trainer, of sorts! And because of the way that things worked around here Gill was the woman that would sometimes act as Referee, whenever there was a disagreement or something needed 'sorting out!' So, with Camila and Hoc on the other side of the ropes, in their designated corners and just there to watch. And with the two fighters, Desmond and Tam looking ready, Gill stood there in the centre of the ring prepared to perform her Referee duties. And with the eyes in the far corner, in the dark shadows, also ready to watch what happened next. A hush came down over the near empty boxing hall. Gill looked over to the blue then the red corners, checking each contestant was indeed ready. The redhead Ref raised both her arms, one each pointing at a contestant and indicated with her wagering fingers for each of them the come closer. Each fighter shuffled that bit nearer until the Ref's hands went up to halt them, 'that was far enough'. Then as they were indeed close enough now, everything was ready, there was work to be done this evening and it started here and now, "Fight!" That single word from the Ref filled the large room, she didn't have to shout as it was a word that just seemed to fill the room as if that one words was meant for this room, this hall. And it probably was! But before the echo of this one word had even attempted to fade away the female fighter, Tam, made her opening move. As soon as the Ref had opened her mouth to start this, the smaller Asian woman had set off. Tam ran, sprinted forward, only a few steps but enough to get her moving, to get the momentum going, and then she launched herself up into the air. The woman went up high as her opponent, the much bigger, taller Desmond was now starting to move forwards himself. Tam jumped, hurled herself up high and as this contest had started everyone's eyes where firmly fixed on just her. Desmond was coming forwards and he was also focused on her, as she went up, his head also raised up to follow her. He slowed down in his approach, not being sure what was going on, but his eyes followed her, and as she was now coming down and directly towards him, 'Shit!' He released what she was doing and, CRACK! ARRRRHHHH! It had only taken a couple of second but by the time Desmond had realised what the woman was doing and stopped himself going forward. He was already just in the right area for the woman to complete her move, which she did is style! Going up, in a running motion, and holding that position as she came down to the figure of the tall man who'd stopped in his track and was looking up at her. She came down and twisted her body slightly to get in just the right position, her eyes focused on where she was heading. As the gawping man looked up at her she dropped her elbow into the top of the tall black man's head, well she did go up really high! It was a cracking blow, in more than one way, a lot of skill had gone into pulling the move off too. Plus, Tam made sure she'd also dropped her elbows down as hard as she could into the top of his head. A devastating blow that made the whole of Desmond's body shudder and wobble when it hit. His head burst into a million sharp shards of pain, making his eyes shut tight and his ears ring for another second or two. The blow had the effect of shocking, hurting and making the man unable to do anything. As that elbow had come down there was a yell of delight from Hoc as he shook the ropes of the ring from the outside, so happy with his wife's strike. But there was also a loud cry of anguish and a few choice words shouted out by Camilla. Also, still on the other side of those ropes, the woman angry, frustrated that her man had been so easily struck by the smaller woman, no matter how hot she looked! As Tam came back down on her feet, back onto the ring's canvas floor, Desmond legs were still trying to steady themselves. There was still something of a wobble in those legs and defiantly a thundering throbbing pain filling his head. He managed to steady himself and open his eyes, his hand went up to the top of his stinging head, bringing his hand back down as there was blood there. 'God that hurt, and ... ... ' But the hard blow had slowed the man down, enough for the smaller woman, Tam, to move again against her opponent. As she came down on her feet, there in front of him she was just close enough to reach out and grab onto him, OOOWWWHHH! THUD! Tam's hands gripped onto the closest of Desmond's arms. Her feet moved even quicker to get into a better position for her stance and showing some surprising strength for such a smaller female, or was it just show off some skill. Her hands rotated, spun around and so did Desmond, her hold was fixed, and her strength was a shock to this man, and her skill took him by surprise. His wobbling legs where no longer the problem as she brough him forwards, then spun him around, all the way around. The women turned, flipped the hurt man all the way over, rotating him, sending him spinning over, and landing him on his back on that canvas floor. As he went around, and was dropped down there were more cries of delight from Hoc and more shouts of frustration, anger from Camilla. Putting him on his back the impact had again made this one shut his eye tight, for just a second or two. It sent the air out of him so he had to take a quick, sharp intake of breath and as he did this and opened his eye at the same time, 'Shit!' CRACK! UUUUHHHHH! All Desmond saw was the small Asian woman up in the air, for the briefest of moments it seemed to him as if the woman was just hovering, hanging up there, floating, not moving. But of course, that was his hurt mind just playing tricks on him. As the next moment the woman came crashing down and drove her elbow, her other one this time, straight into the centre of his chest. Desmond's body had shook violently as the woman struck him this way, in fact it carried on jolting and shaking for a few more seconds after she struck. In between crying out in pain and trying to grasp for breath Desmond was desperately trying to deal the pain that now seemed to engulfed him. Again, there were cheers and cry of frustration from those on the other side of the ropes. Followed by calls of joy and encouragement, but also cries of anger and foul words to get him to, "get your arse up and hit her!" Yes, there was both excitement and frustration outside of the ring, and back in it! Tam having delivered her devastating pain into her opponent, now looked into his screwed-up face and smiled. It was a face that showed agony, so that did make the woman feel good. But there was still more to be done, more 'manners' to teach this man. With a quick twist of her body she was getting up onto her feet and at the same time, took a firm grip with her hands around Desmond's head and started to drag and bring him upwards with her. With Tam back up on her feet and Desmond doubled over as he tried to deal with all this pain the woman gave him now something more to deal with, WHACK! Her bare foot went around and drove into the side of the black man's body, at the same time she thrusted her hands upwards, and released her hold on Desmond's head. In doing so tossing the man away from her. He staggered backwards and to the side after that kick and as he went a couple more steps backwards Tam leaped up into the air and kicked out, CRACK! The woman's other foot went out and into the falling chin of her bigger, stronger opponent. The strike was powerful and accurate, a blow to his chin that now sent the man falling, staggering backwards and out of control. Back he went dropping down against the ropes of the ring and sending his head into a hazy mush. As he dropped back his arms fell over the top rope, which was now the only thing keeping him from sliding down onto his arse. Desmond shock his head, although he wasn't sure what she'd done, he knew he was in trouble and had to somehow get out of this. But now he had another problem, he'd fallen back against the rope near to Tam's corner. Where Hoc was nearby and quietly moving along the outside to get closer to his wife's opponent. The woman could see this and although there were no rules inside the ring, outside interference was something else. So, to distract the Ref, who up to now had just stood there, watching and enjoyed the show. Tam now had to make sure Gill didn't see what Hoc was going to do. The small, pretty Asian woman walked slowly towards her man on the ropes but as she passed the redhead Ref. Tam turned reached out with both hands and took a firm yet gentle hold of Gill's face. Pulling the Ref's face down to hers, so they could kiss. Gill was somewhat shocked by this, but she really didn't mind, not at all. So, as the women enjoyed, defiantly enjoyed, the kiss, Tam's husband went to work, now unseen, on Desmond! On the ropes the big black man's eyes where just focusing and he was trying to work out why his opponent the small pretty Asian woman and the attractive redhead Referee where kissing, and by the looks of it enjoying it! 'Why?' But that question was answered very quickly by something else, THUD! THUD! Hoc was on the outside of the ring and behind Desmond now and was slamming hard blows into the man's back and kidney area. Quickly followed up by some more heavy hits into the back of his already sore head, SMACK! SMACK! Over on the other side of the ring Camilla could see all this, the Asian woman's 'distraction' tactics, and her husband's sneaky attack. She kind of liked the 'distraction' but the black woman didn't like what Tam's husband was now doing out of sight and to her man. So, 'two can play at this game!' Camilla jumped down off her side, then raced around the outside of the ring so she could now play her part! Back up in the ring and the blows that Hoc sent into the back of the stunned Desmond, had been felt and also driven him staggering forwards. Out of the corner of her eye Tam saw this and to be frank she was a bit disappointed. As this brief distraction with the Ref Gill had been quite nice, to say the least. But it was now back to the fight and back to Desmond who was falling, tumbling her way. With the kiss, disappointedly broken, it was now back to taking the bigger, taller, stronger man on. Tam moved, she moved fast, and towards Desmond who was still falling, staggering, tripping over his own feet towards her. His eyes widened as he saw the woman rush towards him then, hop and jump up as she came in close. In a second, he saw her upper body twist, saw her raise her arm and then saw it come thrusting forwards with that fist clenched. Somehow this seemed all too clear to him, and then he tried to stop himself as he knew how this was going to all end. He tried desperately to stop himself, but he couldn't, so that meant there was only one thing going to happen as Tam's fist came around and then connected, WHACK! At the same time that the Asian woman's fist went slamming into the side of the black man's falling face. At that same moment the black woman, Camilla, had come around grabbed onto the feet, ankles of the Asian man stood there more concerned with how his wife was doing. And Camilla took away Hoc's feet, pulling them back making him fall suddenly, dropping him and his throat across the top rope for good measure, scaring him with her fast, unseen action. Camilla pulled, jerked his legs back again and the Asian man came tumbling, juttering, falling down. Down onto each of the ropes in turn, his throat catching on each rope, frightening him each time his windpipe hit the twisted ropes, then, THUD! Hoc's face fell into the edge of the canvas ring after he was pulled harshly back for the last time and came off that last rope. This falling down across the ropes and to the floor, not only scared Hoc with its suddenness, but it also hurt him too. As his feet came down on the floor and his face hit the canvas Hoc's body shock, his legs wobbled as he tried to steady himself. But he really needed to clear his head, take in some air and try to work out what had just happened to him? Unable to think he just fell forwards and onto the side of the ring, which kept him upright. But there was no time to rest and think as strong black female hands were quick to come down on him, and spin him around so he was now facing her. Then as his eye focused, he could now see the black woman Camilla, there was a moment of shock, panic and disbelief all at the same time at seeing her and then, THUD! OOOWWWHHH! There was a blur as the woman went for him, all Hoc managed to see was the black woman's grin as she dived at him and then he was struck him, hard! Camilla had indeed lunched herself at Hoc and as she'd got close, around came her arm, so her forearm was driven, quite viciously into the side of the shocked looking man's face. The blow had literally made Hoc shake and shudder, his legs juddered and somehow, he managed to still stand, and Camilla wasn't happy with that, SMACK! Another blow struck Hoc and this time it took the broad man down onto his knees. He dropped like a stone as the pain filled and numbed his head, making it impossible for him to work out what was going on here, then, CRACK! UUUUHHH! A knee came up, around and drove hard into the side of his face, the blow sent Hoc flying into the metal steps nearby. There was the sound of flesh hitting metal, hard, a sound that filled the boxing hall and was heard by all those still up and inside the ring. In the ring and Tam had seen this, what the black woman had done to her husband. As she now had Camilla's man down on his knees in front of her, the Asian woman was going to show this other woman just what she could do too! Tam jumped up, at the same time she spun herself around, twisting, twirling and with a leg starched out. A leg that came around and CRACK! UUUUUHHHH! THUD! The smaller woman's leg came around as she spun, her bare foot went crashing into the side of the knelt black man's head and Desmond toppled over. Flopped down into a crashing heap of defeated man on the canvas floor. Tam came down on her feet, and looked over at Camilla, a smile on her face as she'd defeated and sent the black woman's man out cold! Camilla, looked down at Hoc, the Asian woman's husband who was a crumpled, bloody heap on those metal steps. He was also out cold, so it was 'one all' she supposed! But it was both women that had 'won' so it wasn't all bad, was it? Gill the Ref had watched all this, she'd even seen, out of the corner of her eye what Hoc had done to Desmond, but had been more interested in the kiss that Tam had given her to do anything about it. Gill had also seen what Camilla had done, so fairs, fair she thought. But there was still an electric tension in the air between the black woman and the Asian woman as Camilla stepped onto and over Hoc to get up into the ring. The Ref knew these two women also had something they needed to sort out! Desmond was forgotten about; he was down and out so didn't count now. In the centre of the ring was stood the Ref, and on one side of her was Tam, on the other Camilla, both these women just stood looking, staring at each other! So, it looked to Gill as if there was now another bit of a disagreement, and rivalry perhaps that needed to be sorted out! But surly women could sort out their differences in a more civilised, a better way, couldn't they. No need so any more evening 'work' was there? It was up to the Ref to settle this, so Gill leant over and kissed Camilla, very nice! Then leant the other way and kissed Tam again, and again very nice. Gill now leant a little bit back so the two women could look at each other and think? A moment passed then ... ... , then Tam and Camilla, leant forward, towards each other and they kiss. Gill smiled 'now this was how women should sort out their differences!' A minute or so later and Gill was out of the ring and walking back to her dressed room with Tam on one side of her and Camilla on her other side. The Asian woman and the black woman both with an arm around the redhead and there was some delightful giggling as if a new friendship was possibly about to start! The door to Gill's dressing room opened, light poured out and then it was gone as the three now new friends disappeared behind that door. Over in the far corner and out of the shadow stepped a youthful lad, who'd been stood there all this time watching. He had a broom in his hand and now started to sweep the floor of the boxing hall. Since his Mother had got him this after school, evening job here in Terry's Gym the lad had seen quite a few unusual things, and this evenings events had definitely fell into that bracket. But for now, he had a job to do, tidy up the boxing hall, he could leave the men there, he knew that, he'd done this before. But he wished his Mother, Gill wouldn't always walk off with the hottest looking women that came in here too. And those two women, Tam and Camilla where both hot and as the lad swept the floor, he couldn't help but think, 'what if he and one of them ... ... ?' 'Or maybe both of them ... ... ?' He laughed at that. 'But what if they found out he'd been there in the shadow, watching, what might they say? What might they do ... ... ?' His mind was running wild and he couldn't help but smile. Then there was a flash of light from behind him, as if one of the doors had opened, he turned around to see, 'Oh My! Oh ... ... !'