Trish battles a bully's father. By Crohnsman Tired of her daughter being picked on by the school yard bully, Trish has a confrontation with his father when the boy gets expelled. This story was requested by a lady who thought the fights in my stories were a bit one sided. So this story will differ from my usual style. The female will prevail, but only after a knock down drag out brawl. I want to thank her for the request, and I hope you and she will enjoy it. Trish was promiscuous and wild in her teen years and never gave a thought to the problems her non caring attitude might cause her. Eventually her daring fun filled life resulted in a pregnancy. She was only sixteen at the time and was devastated by the fact she was going to have a baby. Her parents finally got over their shock and anger of her irresponsible and reckless actions, and sat her down to have a long talk. Getting an abortion was out of the question. They were church going, God fearing people, so that option was quickly abandoned. They discussed the possibility of putting it up for adoption, or maybe raising it themselves. Trish was undecided. The father of the child was completely taken out of the equation. He was someone Trish had dated for a few months, until she realised he was nothing but a total asshole. Even if he was made aware of the child, she was sure he wouldn't want to have anything to do with it. Trish was thoroughly confused about the situation staring her in the face, and had absolutely no idea what the right decision would be. She would only be seventeen when the child was born, so her thoughts were leaning towards adoption. She didn't want to put the burden of raising a child on her parents, and she certainly wasn't prepared to raise it herself. Adoption seemed to be the answer. Her decision was made and nothing was going to sway her from it. At seventeen, her best partying years were directly on the horizon. She couldn't wait to deliver the child and pawn it off. It was time to get back to fun and games and leave all of her worries behind her. All she had to do was be more cautious this time to ward off any other problems. Better safe then sorry became her new motto. Enjoy myself to the fullest, but think before I act. Choose my male companions carefully and avoid anymore mistakes. Use my brains when having fun and protection while having sex. It was simple advice and easy to follow. Nothing could go wrong this time. Nothing at all. But the day they placed that little bundle of joy in her arms, her heart melted. All of her well laid plans went down in ashes. She took one look at the sweet little girl in her arms and knew she couldn't give her up. Her motherly instincts took over and drastically chan ged her life forever. With tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, she named her sweet daughter Tasha. Having fun and partying dwindled in comparison to little Tasha. Trish vowed to take care of and protect her sweet little daughter against anything the world might throw at her. She began forming plans to make a life for her and her precious daughter. Tasha's happiness was first and foremost in her mind. Nothing else in her life mattered anymore. Trish returned to school to finish her education and get her diploma. She took a part time night job at the local Burger King to help with the expenses. After Graduation, she moved them into an apartment and went to work full time for Burger King. But she wanted a better life for her and Tasha. She was very good with math, so she decided to take night courses in Accounting. By the time Tasha was six and ready to start grade school, Trish had landed a good job as an Accountant in an Import Export business. Things were looking up for Trish and young Tasha. And her parents were proud of what she had accomplished. Having Tasha turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to their foot loose and fancy free daughter. Everyone was thoroughly happy. When her finances were on solid ground Trish went house hunting for the two of them. She found a nice two bedroom home in a really good neighborhood, that was close to the grade school and within easy driving distance to her job. They moved in the summer before ten year old Tasha was to begin the forth grade. The two females were delighted to have a home of their own. With their lives settled and on track, Trish had more time to spend with her daughter. That summer, the two became best friends as well as mother and child. Tasha loved to go swim ming, so Trish joined the local YWCA and took her there every weekend. She would spend two hours watching Tasha swim, then Tasha would stand and talk to her mother for an hour while she used the equipment to keep her body in shape. They loved each others company and were very happy. Trish set her hours so she could drop Tasha off at school and be there to pick her up when she got out. The first few months, everything went along smoothly. Then one evening Trish picked her up and Tasha was in a bad mood. When she asked her what was wrong, Tasha told her the new boy at school was picking on her. She said Toby Watson was a sixth grader that was calling her names and being mean. Trish just told her to ignore the boy and everything would be fine. But a few days later, Tasha climbed in the car with a smudged dress and gum stuck in her reddish blond curls. Trish parked the car and took her in to see the Principal. Mrs. Carson said she had received a few other complaints concerning Toby bullying younger children, and she would take care of it. Toby Watson was put on one week detention and had to stay after school for one hour each night. He behaved himself after that, so everyone thought the problem had been solved. But a few weeks later Trish was called to the school. Toby Watson had pushed Tasha down in the dirt, and her dress was completely filthy. She also had skinned up hands and knees. When Trish demanded they do something about the older boy harassing her daughter, Toby was expelled from school for two weeks. Satisfied the problem had been handled, Trish took Tasha home to clean and dress her cuts and bruises. She was hoping Toby Watson would learn a lesson from this and not cause anymore trouble. Little did she know, that danger would be lurk ing on her door step in a few hours. The spaghetti was sitting in the dinner plates, the garlic bread was nestled in a bowl, and Trish was tossing the salad for their dinner. Tasha was out in the back yard playing on her swing set with her friend who lived next door. The door bell rang, so she wiped her hands on her apron before slipping it off. When she opened the door, there stood a large man with his muscular arms crossed over his chest. "Can I help you sir?" Trish inquired. "Is this where Tasha Martin lives?" The man asked hatefully. "Yes. I'm her mother Trish Martin. What can I do for"...that's as far as she got. The man pulled open the storm door and pushed her into the room as he entered the house. "There's plenty you can do for me bitch. I'm Hank Watson." "You and your fucking little brat just got my son kicked out of school for two weeks, and I want to know what you're going to do about that?" He asked sarcastically. "First of all Mr. Watson, your son Toby got himself kicked out of school for bullying younger children. And second, what do you expect me to do about it. It's not my problem." Trish calmly replied. "Look lady. My son and I just moved here a few months ago so I could take the job that was offered to me. A very good job I might add, that pays damn good money. I don't have anyone to watch my boy for two weeks, and I can't take off work or I'll lose my fucking job. So you better have a solution to my problem, or you and I are going to have trouble." "I repeat Mr. Watson, it's not my problem. You should have taught your son better manners. Then maybe he wouldn't have gotten himself into this trouble. He harassed younger children and now he has to pay the consequences for his actions. Although, I now see where he gets his bullying tactics. Now I'll thank you to get out of my home." She answered. The irate man got right in her face. "Keep your smart mouth shut bitch or I'll shut it for you. The next time you open your mouth, I'm going to shove my fist down your throat. I'm not leaving until you come up with an answer to fix my situation. So get to thinking and don't give me anymore lip." He threatened. Trish stared into his hate filled eyes and knew he meant every word he said. She walked over to the end table and picked up the phone. "Please leave my house Mr. Watson, or I'm going to call the police and have you forcibly removed." She told him emphatically. Hank lunged at her and yanked the phone out of her hand. He threw it against the wall breaking it, and back handed her across the face. "WHACK!" "I warned you bitch. Now I'm going to beat an answer out of you. Before I leave here, you're going to come up with a solution to my problem. So while I'm pounding your face in, you better be thinking real hard." Trish was very surprised when he jerked the phone away and struck her. She really didn't think he would resort to violence in her home. But now she knew he was deadly serious. And a very dangerous person. She sized him up as he stood there ranting and raving at her. He was probably 6 foot tall and approximately 200 pounds of solid muscle. Her 5 foot 7 inch 128 pound female body looked small compared to his massive frame. But she wasn't the type to just stand there and take a beating. When he grabbed her, she surprised him by striking first. "SMACK!" Her right cross caught him flush in the face and drove him back a step. The shock on his face when he looked at her, quickly turned to hatred. "Now I'm really going to hurt you bitch. You should have taken your beating like a normal fucking woman instead of pissing me off. You'll soon realise you fucked up." Hank attacked with pure venom in his heart. No God damn female laid a hand on him without paying for it ten fold. This bitch was going to be in a lot of pain before he was through with her. And he loved dishing it out. "SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK!" Large fists powered by male strength, drove Trish back. She managed to dodge his next hard thrown right and return his fire. "SMACK..SMACK!" Her right bloodied his bottom lip and her left marked up his chin. "Ahhh, a feisty one huh?" He said smiling. "It won't take me long to beat that out of you. And I'm going to enjoy myself while I do it. So prepare yourself for a bad beat down bitch. Ole Hank is going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget." Trish tried to side step him and get to her bedroom to use the phone in there. But he easily caught her and began to make his threat a reality. Smiling, he laid into her. "SMACK..SMACK..THUD..THUD..SMACK!" His powerful fists landed on her beautiful face and body with the strength of a sledge hammer. Trish was able to evade a few, but most of them hit their target. She was repeatedly knocked off balance and driven around the room. When she got the chance, Trish struck back. "SMACK..SMACK!" But they didn't slow him down or stop his onslaught of punches. "SMACK..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..SMACK!" He was relentless in his pursuit. "SMACK!" Trish hit the f loor and lie there moaning as he stood over her. "You could have saved yourself a lot of pain if you had just done what I told you to. But I don't mind forcing you to comply with my demands. In fact, I rather enjoy putting a smart mouth bitch in her place. It may surprise you how fast they learn to keep their fucking mouth shut after a good ole fashion beating." Hank grabbed a handful of her lustrous dark brown hair and dragged her to her feet. He looked into her hazel colored eyes expecting to see fear. But all he saw was contempt and hatred. "I can see you're going to be a tough one to tame. Well that suits me just fine cunt. I have plenty of time to straighten you out." While he was standing there bragging, Trish opened up on him. "SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK!" She managed to break his nose and swell up his eyes a little before he was able to grab her and throw her in the floor. "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT YOU FUCKING CUNT!" He began kicking her as hard as he could with both feet. "WHAM..WHAM..WHAM..WHAM..WHAM..WHAM!" Trish rolled into a ball and did the best she could to protect herself. Her back, thighs, ribs, and arms were taking an awful lot of punishment, but she saved her head and face from receiving any damage. He soon tired of that and hauled her to her feet. His huge fists went back to work, inflicting as much pain as he possibly could. Trish was helpless and hurting all over. "SMACK..SMACK..THUD..THUD..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK!" "SMACK!" Trish hit the floor again near the sofa. Her entire body was aching and badly bruised, and her face was quickly becoming a total mess. Her left eye was nearly closed and her right was well on it's way. Both lips were puffy and bleeding and she was pretty sure her nose was broken. The left side of her face was so swollen, it looked like a softball was in her mouth pushing out her left cheek. Numerous cuts and abrasions covered her swollen face from fore head to chin. But she bravely pulled herself to her feet with the aid of the sofa and stood her ground. It enraged Hank to the point of becoming a mad man. The bitch was defiantly challenging him instead of crawling at his feet begging for mercy. But Hank didn't get his reputation as a bad ass by showing sympathy for his victims. If she would rather receive more abuse then agree to his terms, then he was more then happy to continue beating her to a pulp. Trish was able to nail him with a couple before he resumed her punishment. "SMACK..SMACK!" Her right left combination swelled his left cheek and bruised his jaw. Then Hank grabbed her and began to beat her down with hard punches. "SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK!" No part of her female body was safe. Hank mercilessly punched her face, stomach, ribs, and breasts, until she collapsed to the floor again. Then he hauled her back to her feet and held her steady. "I think I have the perfect solution to my problem bitch. Since you and your fucking brat are the reason my boy was expelled, then you take off of work and watch him for me free of charge. Then I have someone to keep an eye on my boy while I go to work without any worries. Problem solved and everyone is happy. So what do you say bitch? Is that acceptable, or do I keep beating you like a dog until you say yes?" Trish stared at him through the slits of her swollen eyes and smiled. "Go to hell asshole. If you were to leave him with me, I would rush him down to children family services and get him a real home with responsible parents. I think that's what the boy needs to straighten him out. Because his father is nothing but a bully himself, and not fit to raise a child." "I'll give you this. You certainly are a stubborn cunt. But I have just the remedy to remove that stubbornness in my fists. So one cure coming up you stupid bitch." "SMACK..SMACK..THUD..THUD..SMACK!" Trish was stumbling around the room like a drunk. He repeatedly wailed on her without remorse. But Trish refused to tell him what he wanted to hear. Each punch that was followed by her silence, drove him more and more over the edge. It became a battle of wills. Trish's willingness to hold on and not give him the satisfaction of winning, against his determination to beat her into submission. Only one could be victorious. The others will would be broken. "SMACK!" "SLAM!" Her back hit the wall and she slid to the floor on her butt. Just as she hit the floor, they heard the back door open and close. "MOM! Alice had to go home for dinner. Is ours ready yet?" Tasha asked as she walked through the kitchen. When she reached the living room, she stopped dead in her tracks. "RUN SWEETHEART! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE AND GO GET HELP!" Trish screamed. Before she could move, Hank spoke to the frightened young girl. "Don't move girl, or I'll kill your mother." He threatened. "DON'T LISTEN TO HIM HONEY! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW!" "I swear kid. If you move towards the door, your mother will be dead when you get back." Tasha was frozen in her spot with fear. Hank turned to Trish with an evil grin on his cocky face. "Good. Now I have the two of you. As soon as I get through with you, I'm going to teach that little bitch to keep her fucking mouth shut too. She's as much to blame for the predicament I'm in as you are. The next time she'll think twice before she ruins someones life. Tasha was in danger. Mortal danger. All of a sudden the pain was gone. Numbness spread over her body as she quickly climbed to her feet. Nobody was going to harm her precious daughter. With adrenaline pumping through her veins like a drug, Trish stepped up to meet the bastard that was threatening the love of her life. Now, she was really pissed off. Like a female grizzly protecting her cub, Trish tore into Hank with renewed strength and energy. Male and female stood facing each other in the middle of the room and slugged it out. For two solid minutes, neither one gave ground. Punches were raining down on the two of them like a hail storm. Each combatant giving as much as they were taking. But Trish didn't feel his punches any longer. They had lost their sting and power. While her strength seemed to increase with each punch she landed. And she was landing them all. Hank gave an inch. Then two. Then a foot. Male and female were giving it everything they had, and it was the female who was taking control. Tasha stood rooted to the floor, watching the battle of the sexes with clashing emotions. She was extremely fascinated, yet totally in fear. Her poor mothers face was nearly unrecognizable, which filled her with worry and dread. But as she saw the big man backing up from her mothers fierce attack, her feelings changed to happiness and pride. She knew she should run and get help while the man was distracted, but she couldn't seem to move her feet. The scene in front of her grabbed her attention and wouldn't turn her lose. It was like a real life movie. Tasha watched in a hypnotic trance, as her mother and the man fought it out. Trish was elated when Hank began to lose ground. His punches were getting weaker and coming at her less frequent. "SMACK..SMACK..THUD..THUD..SMACK!" She kept up the assault, and poured it on with undying vigor and vitality. When she finally backed Hank up to the wall, his large muscular arms were dangling useless at his sides. "SMACK..SMACK..THUD..SMACK!" With him helpless and unable to protect himself, she increased her volume of punches. Her hard rights and lefts were pulverizing his face and tearing down his solid masculine frame. "THUD..THUD..THUD..SMACK..SMACK!" She no longer encountered muscle when she blasted him in the stomach with her solid female fists. They would sink so deep into his mid section, it was like striking a pillow. "SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..THUD..THUD..SMACK!" Fear spread throughout his body when he began to back up. His large fists were still striking their targets, but they didn't seem to faze the female hellion in front of him. Her punches on the other hand, were ripping him apart. No matter what he did, he couldn't slow her down or halt her devastating attack. Punch after punch was sapping his mighty strength and ruining his muscular male body. The bitch was fighting like a possessed demon, and he had absolutely no idea how to stop his massacre. Hank had never faced a problem like this before, and it scared him out of his wits. He was shaking from the terror he felt. He must be sleeping and dreaming this whole thing, because it was a complete nightmare. "SMACK!" Hank was out on his feet. Trish curled the fingers of her left hand in his shirt to hold him steady. She smiled as she looked at the damage she had inflicted to his mangled face. "Nobody touches my daughter you fucking asshole. She means more to me then anything in this world. Even more then my life. Tasha is my heart and soul, and I'm extremely proud I have her. I'll never let anyone harm a hair on her head. Especially a no good bastard like you and your rotten bully of a son. If this severe beating doesn't convince you of that, then come back and I'll gladly give you another one. So tell that boy of yours to keep his hands to himself. Because if he touches her again, I'll look you up the next time. And when I'm through beating you senseless, I'll throw him across my lap and whip his ass until he can't sit down." Trish drew her right fist back as far as she could and snapped it into his face with as much force as she could muster. "SMMMACKK!" Hank teetered on his buckled legs for a second, before he dropped straight down like dead weight. "SLAM!" He hit the floor at her feet, sound asleep. "MOMMY!" Tasha screamed as she sprinted to her mother crying. Trish knelt down and wrapped her in her protective arms. "Don't cry baby, it's all over." She said as she hugged her tight. "Oh mom. I was so scared. And your face looks really bad. Does it hurt mom?" She asked worriedly. Trish smiled at her precious daughter she loved with all of her heart. "Not anymore sweetie. Holding you makes it feel much be tter." Trish replied. Trish went to the bedroom and called the police and EMS. They patched her up the best they could, because she refused to go to the hospital and put Tasha through that trauma. The police hauled Hank off to jail while the officer in charge took their statements. "I'm telling you Miss Martin. It's a miracle you survived your encounter with him. We've been called quite a few times to stop Hank Watson from beating some poor guy to death in a bar. And each time it took four men to restrain him long enough to get the cuffs on. Hank Watson is one mean son of a bitch. So consider yourself lucky." "Actually I consider myself fortunate officer. I might not have survived if he hadn't threatened to harm my daughter. When I heard those words come out of his mouth, I knew I had to do something. I couldn't let him hurt Tasha. I was going to stop him or die trying. Thank God my daughter loves to swim. If I hadn't joined the YWCA so I could take her swimming every weekend, my body wouldn't be as healthy and well conditioned as it is because of using their exercise machines. With my conditioned body and my determination to keep him from harming Tasha, I was able to withstand anything he threw at me until I prevailed. So my miracle is my daughter. With Trish and her daughter testifying against him, Hank Watson was put away for a very long time. Besides the unlawful entry and assault and battery charges, they were able to pin attempted murder on him with the two females testimony. Toby Watson became a ward of the state, and they w ere trying to find him a nice home with decent parents. People that would teach him the values of good manners and respect for other people. Trish took a week off from work to heal her face and body. She and Tasha showed up at the YWCA on the weekend as usual, so Tasha could enjoy her swimming. Trish added an hour to her workout regimen, so she would be in perfect shape if she ever had to deal with another problem like Hank Watson. Thirty minutes of that extra hour was spent using the big bag hanging from the ceiling. She decided to hone her boxing skills if she ever needed them again. Because what ever it took, she was more then willing to do. Trish would protect her precious daughter until the last breath escaped her dying body. No one was going to harm Tasha. She would see to that. "NO ONE!"