Tiara the Amazon warrior Princess. By Crohnsman Crohnsman67216@yahoo.com This story was requested by a fan. I want to thank him for taking the time to write. I hope you and he enjoy the story. Tiara was pacing in her hut with a worried look on her beautiful face. Her eighteenth Birthday was fast approaching and she hadn't yet proved herself worthy of being an Amazon warrior. It was her misfortune to be nearing womanhood when there was no one to fight so she could prove herself. For the first time in over two hundred years the Amazons were at peace with every former enemy surrounding their Island. She knew her sister Amazons would accept her as a warrior because she had passed all of the tests with very high marks. But without the conflict of battle to prove she was truly worthy it was merely a gesture of charity as far as she was concerned. Which left Tiara with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. There was only one possible solution to her dilemma and she had long ago made up her mind. But explaining it to her mother Queen Hippolyta was going to be a very difficult task. Somehow she had to make her understand. Just then the Queen entered the hut. "Ahhh there you are my daughter. I have been searching for you for over an hour. Your sisters and I are about to go on a hunt. Would you care to come along?" "Mother. I must speak with you concerning an urgent matter." Tiara replied wringing her sweaty hands. "Of course my love. What troubles you?" The Queen asked. Tiara steadied her nerves and plunged ahead. "I have decided to seek a quest mother. I can't fully embrace being called a warrior until I have proven myself. I will know in my heart it isn't so. How can I hold my head high as an Amazon Princess if I haven't earned the right in battle. Please mother. You must understand how I feel and allow me to do this." Hippolyta simply smiled and hugged her daughter. "I was wond ering when you were going to tell me. I've known what you were planning for weeks." "But how could you? I told no one." Tiara asked in shock. "A mother senses these things my love. You'll understand as you grow older and have children of your own. Now as for your quest Tiara. I support your decision and you have my blessing. So seek your battle and come home a true Amazon warrior." Tears of happiness trickled down her rosy cheeks while Tiara embraced Hippolyta. "Thank you mother. You are truly a wise Queen." "I know daughter." She said with a smile. About a hundred miles away a group of King Lombard's soldiers were hunting in the forest. They spotted a huge buck in the distance and readied their cross bows while they spread out and began to track him. Forty five minutes later the soldiers were being as quiet as possible while they closed in for the kill. His tracks led into some dense brush. So they were scanning the thick foliage for any signs of movement. Unknown to the soldiers, a band of Dwarfs had also sighted the large buck and were approaching from the other side. When the soldiers saw the brush rustle they fired a hail of arrows towards the moving target. Four of their arrows hit the buck and dropped him in his tracks. Unfortunately seven others flew into the midst of the Dwarfs. Five of them were killed and two others was seriously wounded. The Dwarfs weren't armed or prepared for a battle so they grabbed their dead and wounded and carried them off. One remained behind to identify the murderers before catching up to the others. The unknowing soldiers butchered the buck and built a campfire for a feast. While the soldiers were sitting around the campfire enjoying their meal they were attacked by a hundred angry Dwarfs. The soldiers were taken completely by surprise. But they were hardened veterans of many battles so they kept their heads and didn't panic. Only two lost their lives before they could grab their weapons to defend themselves. The soldiers stood back to back and fought bravely. But they knew they were in a battle they couldn't win because of the overwhelming odds against them. The only course of action available was to attempt an escape. They slowly retreated back towards their horses while trying to keep the angry Dwarfs at bay. Three of them made it to the horses and quickly rode off. Nine of their comrades were lying on the ground dead or dying. The Dwarfs celebrated their victory while they carried their dead and helped the wounded make the trip home. That may have been the end of the fighting and dying except for one unfortunate detail. During the battle the soldiers campfire was scattered all over the forest. Most of the embers died out when they were trampled on or got covered with dust. But a few got kicked around and ended up in a bed of dry leaves. The Dwarfs had cleared the forest and were climbing the mountain trail to their village. So they never saw the fire that was rapidly spreading out of control. And the thought of a fire never entered the minds of the hastily retreating soldiers. The only ones who did notice the fire was the animals who were scurrying to get out of it's path. Until Gollnab the giant smelled smoke. He leaped to his feet and hurried to the mouth of his cave. When he saw his beloved forest in flames he couldn't control himself. "AAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed in frustration and watched it burn with an angry heart. Two days later he set out to investigate. Who ever was responsible would answer to Gollnab the mighty. He was going to make damn sure of that. Gollnab disliked all races of people. Even his own kind. When his wife Fala died he separated himself from the world and lived in solitaire. As long as people left him alone he didn't bother them. He had his cave in the mountain side for comfort and the cold stream to quench his thirst. And he had his beloved forest to supply him with food and entertainment. He loved watching the animals while he trekked through the forest to enjoy mother natures wonder. But now his beautiful forest was gone. In it's place was a hideous black scarred earth as far as the eye could see. He found the charred bodies of the soldiers with their armour and weapons. On closer inspection he found broken clubs and short axes which were the preferred weapons of the Dwarf's. So he stormed up the mountain trail to the Dwarf village with revenge on his mind. By the time he was through the village was a pile of rubble. Many Dwarf bodies were scattered among the wreckage and the remaining Dwarf's were huddled against the mountain side with terror stricken faces. Their King was finally able to convince Gollnab the soldiers were at fault before he wiped them out. The angry giant left the mountain and stomped across the country side to King Lombard's land. Gollnab started with the farms on the outskirts of the village. He destroyed the buildings and killed the inhabitants living there. Then he slaughtered their cattle and oxen before ruining their crops. By the time he was ready to enter the village the outskirts was nothing more than a desolate wasteland. The frightened villagers scattered while Gollnab wrecked havoc on their homes and places of business. Many of them were killed before they could escape the vengeful giant. Their tradin g goods were ripped to shreds and their vegetable gardens were trampled down. Even their household pets felt the wrath of the mighty Gollnab. The screaming villagers fled to the castle to alert King Lombard and hopefully find safety. He gathered his troops to mount an assault on the huge giant and end his reign of terror. But Gollnab waded through them like they were merely flies. Now King Lombard was in dire trouble. His castle and his people were in danger and he had no idea how to save them. Luckily there was an ally in his castle who was looking for a way to prove herself. Tiara had traveled far and wide in search of her quest. But so far it had eluded her. She found herself in the land of King Lombard so she decided to pay him a visit. King Lombard and her mother Hippolyta were the best of friends. Maybe the great King could use an able bodied adventurer to complete a mission for him. But he sadly informed Tiara there was nothing on his agenda at the present time. She decided to enjoy his hospitality for the night and resume her quest the next day. Little did she know that decision would bring her search for a quest right to King Lombard's doorstep. Tiara was visiting some of her other friends in the castle when she heard the loud commotion outside their door. She hailed one of the soldiers and asked what was happening. Her beautiful face lit up like a bonfire when he explained the situation. She instantly hurried off to the throne room to seek an audience with King Lombard. "I will handle this giant for you King Lombard. I have been searching for a quest to test my skills for weeks. This is exactly what I seek." "I couldn't allow you to fight Gollnab Tiara. He's over eighteen fo ot tall and weighs more then seven hundred pounds. He just strolled through a squad of my soldiers like they were no more than ants. Your dear mother would never forgive me." He answered. "If he defeated one squad of your soldiers then what makes you think the others will do any better. One of your men told me about Gollnab and I clearly saw his face. The man was scared to death. Do you have another champion who can defeat Gollnab on the field of battle to save your people and your castle?" She asked. "Well no. My son is on a trading expedition and he took my best fighting men with him. We're at peace so I saw no reason to keep them here." He replied. "Then the matter is settled. Send a message to the giant with my challenge. If he has any honor at all he will agree to fight me. Then your possessions and your family will be safe." She said with confidence. King Lombard saw no other way to end the conflict. His soldiers informed him it was probably their fault the forest burnt down. So he knew exactly why Gollnab was so upset. He thought up a compromise that would hopefully satisfy the angry giant and quickly jotted it down. Then he called for a courier to deliver the message. An hour later Gollnab was standing on his drawbridge. "I HAVE READ YOUR PATHETIC SCRIBBLING KING LOMBARD!" He bellowed. "I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE MADE BY YOUR CHAMPION WITH A FEW CONDITIONS! YOU SAY IF I WIN YOU WILL PAY ME ONE HUNDRED PIECES OF GOLD AND SUPPLY ME WITH PLENTY OF FOOD FOR THE REST OF MY DAYS IF I WILL LEAVE YOU IN PEACE! I SAY I WILL TAKE ALL OF YOUR PRECIOUS GOLD AND ANYTHING ELSE I DESIRE WHEN I DEFEAT YOUR PUNY CHAMPION! I WILL EAT MY FILL EVERY DAY AND LEAVE YOU IN PEACE AS LONG AS YOU MEET MY DEMANDS! THE FIRST TIME YOU DO NOT FULFILL YOUR END OF THE BARGIN I WILL TEAR YOUR CASTLE DOWN STONE BY STONE AND KILL YOU ALL! DO YOU AGREE?" The King nodded his appr oval. "GOOD! NOW FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE MESSAGE! YOU SAY IF I LOSE!" He stopped talking to laugh out loud at the ridiculous idea of losing. "YOU WILL FEED ME UNTIL I DIE AND YOU WILL GUARANTEE MY SAFETY! I WILL NOT BE HARMED BECAUSE I WILL BE UNDER YOUR PROTECTION! I SAY NONE OF THAT MATTERS! BECAUSE THE BATTLE WILL BE TO THE DEATH!" King Lombard was about to protest when Tiara cut him off. "I agree Gollnab. May you die with dignity." "SILENCE WENCH! OR I'LL CUT OUT YOUR TONGUE! YOU HAVE NO VOICE IN THE DEALINGS OF MEN!" Gollnab threatened. "Ahh but I do Gollnab. For it is I who will end your miserable life in battle this day." Tiara responded. Gollnab nearly fell over because he couldn't control his laughter. "YOU ARE THEIR MIGHTY CHAMPION? START BAGGING YOUR GOLD YOU USELESS SON OF A GOAT! IT WILL SOON BE MINE!" He told the King with a smile. "I have a request of my own Gollnab. Our battle will be hand to hand combat with no weapons allowed. And we will fight in the Arena where everyone can watch you die." The huge giant simply shook his head. "I WILL GRANT YOUR REQUEST TO CHOOSE THE PLACE OF YOUR DEATH! LEAD ON WENCH!" He replied while still shaking with laughter. Tiara Wasted no time. As soon as the King was seated she attacked. A shrill Amazon war cry escaped her lips as she sprinted across the Arena towards the grinning giant. When Tiara was nearly in range, Gollnab readied himself to bend over and snatch her up in his huge hands. In a few seconds her lifeless body would be crushed beyond repair and victory would be his. But Tiara had plans of her own. At exactly the precise moment, she executed a perfect front flip and drove her feet into the giants eyes. "WHAP!..WHAP!" Gollna b was caught completely by surprise and squealed like a stuck pig. "YEEOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!" Tiara went to work on his thick ankle while the huge giant rubbed his watery eyes. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" Four solid kicks landed before she dodged the giants sweeping arm and moved behind him. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" Another four struck the back of his heel with as much force as she could muster. Gollnab screamed in frustration and spun around. "AARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Gollnab grabbed for the irritating female but she was much to quick for the lumbering giant. She easily eluded his lunging grasp and sprinted between his tree trunk size legs. Then she performed an acrobatic back flip and smashed her toes into his dangling balls with astounding force. "WHOP!..WHOP!" "YEEOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!" Gollnab whimpered and clutched his aching testicles. While he was busy protecting his privates, Tiara used her pile driving feet to injure the inside of his sore ankle. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" She got in a few extra kicks before Gollnab was able to stumble away from her. "I'M GOING TO RIP YOU IN HALF YOU FILTHY HARLOT!" Gollnab screamed. "Save your foul breath for praying to your God ugly one. Your useless life ends this day." Tiara replied. The mighty giant exploded with fury. "AARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" In his haste to carry out his threat, Gollnab forgot all about his injured ankle. Terrible pain shot up his leg when he put his full weight it. It made him stumble and forced Gollnab to drop his huge hands to the ground to keep from falling. Tiara took full advantage of his awkward clumsiness to launch an attack on his reachable face with both fists. "SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" He r combination struck him over the eyes and made him grimace. But the crushing uppercut to his exposed chin was the painful blow. She put everything she had behind it and was rewarded with success. Gollnab saw a million tiny stars flashing when her pile driving fist exploded on his chin. He lost complete control of his senses for a few seconds and fell flat on his face. While he was down and vulnerable, Tiara took the opportunity to work on his kidney. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" The mighty giant finally came around and attempted to sweep Tiara away with his enormous arm. But she easily leaped over it and slipped out of range. Gollnab struggled to his feet but was standing very gingerly on his swelling ankle. Tiara smiled and taunted her injured victim. "You will soon be on your knees where I can reach your ugly face fat one. Then you will feel the wrath of a true Amazon warrior. Fear will strike your black heart and you will beg for your miserable life. But my ears will be closed to your pathetic pleading. And you will die a cowards death." Gollnab's face flushed with anger. The only thought on his mind was ripping her leg from her body and beating her to death with it. But he had to get his hands on her first. And so far that task had been impossible. His mind was whirling to come up with a plan of attack. But his ferocious anger and the pain in his ankle was very distracting. And the confident smile on the harlot's face was driving him insane. Tiara decided to go on the offensive while she had the mountain sized man confused. A blood curdling battle cry filled the Arena as she charged right at the befuddled giant. Gollnab was startled by her sudden attack and foolishly took a step back. Which turned out to be a fatal mistake. His swelling ankle gave way and dumped him right on his ass. The ground shook like an earth quake when Gollnab landed with a whimper. Tiara was on him in seconds with a smile on her beautiful face. A small leap in the air brought Gollnab's face in range. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Tiara struck swiftly and efficiently. Her lightening quick fists tattooed the downed giants face like a machine gun before he could regain his composure. Two of the blows caught him dead in the eyes and momentarily blinded him. Gollnab frantically groped the air in hopes of finding the irritating female. But Tiara was to fast for the lumbering giant. His futile attempts to grab her came up empty. She was already gone and attacking his ribs. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" When he tried to sweep her away she moved around to punish his kidney again. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" The painful blows were excruciating. Gollnab whimpered and rolled over to his hands and knees in an effort to get up. "WHHHAP!" Tiara blasted his wide open chin with a vicious kick that sent him sprawling over on his back. Gollnab was stunned and vulnerable. Tiara grabbed his left arm and fiercely drove her knee into his elbow with all the strength she could generate. "SNAP!" "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Gollnab screamed when the bone shattered to pieces. A jagged section of it was protruding from his broken arm while his life's blood soaked the ground around it. Tears were streaming down his cheeks when the mighty giant clutched his ruined arm and rolled to his right side. Tiara leaped in the air and came down hard on his temple with both knees. "WHAM!..WHAM!" The maneuver made him groggy and defenseless. Tiara vaulted off of his head and savagely drove the sole of her foot into both of his eyes. "THUNK!..THUNK!" They slipped out of their sockets and left him completely blind. When he reache d for his eyes with his good hand she quickly grabbed it and slammed her foot into his wrist with extreme force. "SNAP!" It easily broke under the pressure. Now the poor giant had useless arms and was totally unable to see. Gollnab was at her mercy. Gollnab sat up and gingerly crawled up on his knees in an attempt to get on his feet. Tiara bent her knee and crushed his balls with her foot to thwart his effort. "WHOP!..WHOP!" "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Gollnab squealed like a banshee and fell on his face. Tiara sprinted to his side and pounded his ribs with both fists. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" The sobbing giant flopped over on his back and firmly planted his feet on the ground. Using his strong legs to propel him, he continuously dug his heels into the earth and scooted his large frame backwards. He was hoping to reach the wall and use it to help him climb to his feet. But Tiara had victory within her grasp and wasn't about to let it slip away. The muscles in her strong legs were clearly visible when she sprang in the air. Gollnab didn't know what hit him when her butt slammed into his throat. His mouth flew open like a fish out of water as he fought to catch his breath. But his larynx was damaged by her forceful landing and it was useless. Tiara coiled her muscular legs around his neck and tightly squeezed. Then she leaned over to cover his mouth and nose with her breasts and stomach while wrapping her arms around his head. Gollnab was plunged into complete darkness. With Tiara draped over his face like a boa constrictor and his larynx crushed, Gollnab was unable to get any life sustaining oxygen to his lungs. Due to his badly broken arms his feeble struggles were absolutely p athetic. In less then a minute the mighty giants body was deadly still. Tiara stood and pumped her fists in the air while her victory cry interrupted the silence. The King and the gasping audience finally came out of their stupor and applauded her victory while they celebrated like young children. The menacing threat to their existence was lying dead at the feet of their Amazon savior. Word of her victorious battle with Gollnab reached the Island long before Tiara did. Hippolyta and her Amazon sisters gave Tiara a Heroines welcome when she returned. They gave a huge feast in her honor and congratulated Tiara on her triumphant adventure. She proudly stood at her mother's right side and accepted their praise. Now she was truly an Amazon warrior.