Bryan gets spanked and then beaten, while Tami plays with his manhood.
By crohnsman67216 Bryan sneaks out after being grounded, so Tami spanks him for disobeying, and then discovers a new meaning for the term, "pleasure and pain," while she is beating him senseless. For anyone interested in emaling me. I somehow got locked out of my old account. is my new one."GET TO YOU ROOM BRYAN, RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Tami shouted. "Come on Tami, i didn't mean to be late. When the movie was over, we went and got a bite to eat. When we got back out to the car, i had a flat tire. So while i changed it, Marcy went back in the restaurant and started talking to some friends of hers. When i was through changing the tire, i went in to get her, but you know how she is. I couldn't get her to stop talking and come with me.
I couldn't very well just leave her there, it wouldn't be right. Then when i finally got her home, her dad wanted to talk to me. I'm nineteen years old and will be twenty in a few months. I couldn't very well tell him I'm sorry sir, but i can't stay. I have to get home or my sixteen year old sister will be mad and beat me up for being late. So give me a break Tami, please?"
"When i say be home by midnight Bryan, i mean midnight. You always have some lame excuse why you are late. This is the last time. Now get to your room, you're grounded for the rest of this weekend." "You can't do that, he said. Me and the guys have had plans for weeks to go to the rock concert tomorrow night. I've already got the tickets, and everything is planned out. I HAVE to go Tami, the guys are counting on me."
"You should have thought about that before you disobeyed me Bryan. I'm sorry, but the concert is out. Now mind me and go to your room like i told you to." "I'm sick of this Tami. You can't tel..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..Bryan hit the floor whimpering. "NOW SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GET TO YOUR ROOM YOUNG MAN!" Bryan began crying as he picked himself up from the floor. His large, broad shoulders slumped down in defeat, and his crying head rested on his thick chest, as he headed for his room. "I'm doing this for your own good Bryan, some day you will thank me," Tami told him.
The next morning, Bryan wouldn't come out of his room for breakfast. Tami decided to leave him alone and let him brood. He would get over it after a while, she thought. She spent the day cleaning the house and doing her laundry. A few of her girl friends called her, so she spent a few hours on the phone as well. Bryan stayed in his room all day. She decided to take a nice hot shower before fixing them some dinner, and it really revived her. When she had dinner prepared, she went to get Bryan to come out and eat.
He hadn't eaten a thing all day. So brooding or not, she wanted him to get something in his stomach, even if he didn't want it. She knocked on his door, and he didn't answer. She peeked in to see if he was sleeping, or just being stubborn and not answering her. His room was empty. She threw open the door and stormed into it. His wallet and keys were not lying on his dresser where he normally kept them, and the concert tickets were also missing. His car was still in the garage, so he must have walked to someone else's house and road with them.
Tami just stood there shaking her cute, brown haired head. Her pretty face was screwed up in a scowl of frustrated anger. "How could that fool pull a trick like this. His ass is going to be very sorry he disobeyed me," she said to herself. "If this is how he wants to play it, then it's fine with me. How can i make a better person out of him, when he pulls stunts like this. When that boy gets home, he's going to learn a very painful lesson."
She went to eat her own dinner, but she was so upset that she soon gave up on eating. She cleaned up the mess and stored the food in the fridge. Going to her bedroom, she picked up her heavy metal backed hair brush and went to his room. Turning off his light, she sat in the chair in his room and waited. "That boy is in for one hell of a surprise when he gets home," she thought to herself.
A little before 2:00 AM, Bryan was sneaking back in through his window. He was being as quiet as he could be. After making it in, he shut his window and walked toward his bed. The look of surprise on his face when the light was snapped on, was priceless. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN BRYAN?" Seeing he had been caught, he turned and ran back to the window, hoping to get back out before she could reach him.
He didn't have a prayer. Tami was on him in a flash. She grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him away from the window..SMACK..she smacked him between the eyes, and he stumbled back to land on his bed. When she came after him, he kicked out with his legs, trying to keep her from him. Tami faked to her right, and as his legs went that way to kick at her, she darted around to her left and grabbed him.
She jumped on the bed and straddled his body. She took his large muscular arms and pinned them to his sides with her knees. In his panicked state, his huge, muscle filled arms were easy for the young fired up, pissed off brunette to pin down. When he was securely pinned, she placed her hands on her shapely hips, and chastised the frightened young man.
Tami raised her hard feminine fists and beat him the time he went to sleep, his face was pretty beaten up. She had broken his nose and busted up his mouth and lips so much that they had already started to puff up. His eyes were cut and beginning to swell, while his cheeks and jaw were marked up and bruised.
Her anger finally cooled down some, so she stopped beating him. She just shook her pretty head when she looked at him and thought of how foolish he was. Well, his foolishness would be stopped tonight. He was going to learn who was in charge, and it was going to be a very painful lesson for him to learn. When she was through with him, there would be no doubt left in his foolish mind, who the boss was in this house, and who had to obey the boss and her rules.
She climbed off of his sleeping body and went over to the chair she had been sitting in. She sat down and removed her white socks. Taking one of the socks with her, she picked up the metal back hair brush and went back to Bryan. She laid the brush and sock down for a minute, and unbuttoned his jeans. She pulled his jeans and shorts down to his ankles, and flipped his body over on his stomach.
Tami positioned his large frame so his bare ass was on the bed and his thick hairy legs were hanging off of the edge. She climbed back up on the bed next to him and stuffed her white sock in his slightly swollen mouth. Taking his huge muscular arms, she placed them up on his back in a double hammerlock, and shoved them up high on his back. She straddled his body at his shoulders and grasped his two arms at the wrists with her strong left hand easily holding them in place. She reached back and slapped the sleeping young man awake.
When he came to, he seen the position he was in and tried to struggle out of it. Tami had him pinned securely, and he was unable to free himself. His tears began to fall then, when realisation settled in, that he was about to get a bare ass spanking. Humiliation spread over him, knowing he was not man enough to stop her. His younger, smaller sister was going to spank him like a naughty, unruly child, and he would have to accept it because he was weak. He was also forced to taste the odor of her foot in his mouth while she shamed him, which was degrading as well. He was sobbing loudly when she began.
"Prepare yourself Bryan, this is going to be very painful. You brought this on yourself, so i don't feel one bit sorry for you. You have to learn to obey me Bryan. I am in control around here." "I AM THE BOSS!" "The sooner you accept that, the less painful it will be for you. Sneaking out of the house against my orders, was a very naughty thing to do. And a very foolish thing to do too. Now you are grounded for a month, and you are going to be punished for disobeying me. You can't stop me because I'm much stronger then you are. So learn from this and behave yourself from now on."
Tami reached back and lifted his head slightly. She placed the soles of her bare feet under his face and lowered it back down. Making sure she had a firm grip on his muscular arms, she raised her feet in the air, bringing his head up with them. This way she could lean over a bit and get closer to his bare ass for his spanking. Picking up her metal back hair brush, she began to beat his bare ass hard.
WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..he tried to scream through his sock filled mouth, and bare foot covered face, but it came out a muffled whine. The searing hot pain on the cheeks of his bare ass was unbearable. He tried to wiggle and struggle to get away from it, but she had him pinned securely. His only choice was to try and get through it until she decided he had been sufficiently punished.
WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..his tears were drenching the soles of her bare feet as he cried and cried from the awful pain. Her arm seemed to go up and down like a machine that would never break down. His bare ass became redder and hotter while she punished him without remorse. The hot searing pain became to much for the young man to bear and his muffled screams of pain ceased, as he mercifully passed out..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK.
Tami didn't stop spanking him until his entire bare ass was red and raw all over. He had passed out and slept through the last half, but she wanted him to remember this for a very long time. He probably wouldn't be able to sit down for quite a while. She climbed off of his sleeping body and went to the bathroom to get some soothing lotion to put on his raw ass. She dried his tears off of her soaked bare feet and took the lotion back to his room.
She poured some lotion on his red, raw ass, and gently rubbed it in. She could feel the heat on her soft feminine hands, coming from his red ass cheeks. She smiled to herself, thinking he would probably never forget this the rest of his life. In fact, she probably wouldn't either. When she had covered his raw ass pretty well with the lotion, she returned it to the bathroom and washed her hands. When she reentered his room, she decided to let him sleep for a while, so she sat in the chair and waited for him to wake up.
As soon as Bryan came awake, his tears started flowing again. His bare ass was still on fire, and the pain was very excruciating. He slid off of the bed to his knees, and whimpered when the slight movement caused the pain in his ass to increase. He dropped his head back to the bed and cried harder. Tami stood up from the chair, and walked over to her sobbing older brother. Grasping his hair, she pulled his upper body away from the bed enough to squeeze her body in between and sat on the bed. She removed her sock from his mouth.
Still holding his hair, she tilted his head back slightly and grabbed his chin with her strong right hand and squeezed his cheeks. Looking him in the eyes, she spoke to him. "Will you mind me now Bryan and behave yourself?" He glared at her through his tear filled eyes. "I HATE YOU TAMI," he screamed. "That is no way to talk to your loving sister that is doing things for your own good to make a better person out of you,"she said. "FUCK YOU BITCH!" "..SMACK.."now stop that Bryan, this instant!"
He threw a right hand punch at her and she blocked it..SMACK.."stop Bryan i mean it" He tried a left and then another right, and she blocked them too..SMACK.."this is your last warning Bryan, stop or you will be very sorry little man." He tried a straight right aimed at her pretty face. She moved her upper body to her right and clipped him on the chin with an uppercut..SMACK..he dropped to his back on the floor, and screamed when his red raw ass touched the carpet and he quickly flipped over to his stomach.
Tami flew off of the bed and stormed over to stand at his head. She reached down and grabbed his shirt at the shoulders with both hands and jerked him up to his knees. "That will be enough out of you Bryan, or i am going to hurt you very badly. Now stop this foolishness." He tried to push her away so he could get to his feet..SMACK..she punched him in the temple and he dropped back to the floor on his right shoulder.
"Fine, if that's the way you want it little man, then get your ass up. I'm going to beat some sense into you if it's the last thing i do." Bryan struggled to his feet, but forgot his jeans were down around his ankles. He collapsed back to the floor on his sore ass and screamed out in pain. Tami laughed at him as he crawled to his knees and pulled up his shorts and jeans. "Having a little trouble are you wimp," she asked smiling? "Fuck you bitch, I'll get you for this," he replied.
Finally getting his shorts and jeans over his sore ass, he grimaced as he climbed to his feet. His clothes were rubbing on his raw ass and was causing him great pain. He tried to ignore it so he could turn his attention to his fucking sister and kick her ass. But walking caused him even more pain. Giving up, he stripped off his jeans and shorts and went after her, naked from the waist down. Seeing him come for her with his limp dick swinging loose, made Tami laugh harder.He went after her with hate filled eyes and vengeance in his heart. All he cared about was kicking her ass and humiliating her like she had done to him. He was close to wanting to kill her, but thought that would be to easy on her. He wanted her to live and suffer for a long, long time. With visions of her crawling on the floor crying, and her bare ass beet red and on fire, he smiled and cut lose with a multitude of hard male punches with bodily harm behind everyone of them. But they connected with nothing.
Tami danced for a while and let him tire himself out a bit. When she thought he probably had spent half of his energy, she struck back..SMACK..SMACK..his eyes were in terrible pain..SMACK..his nose was wheezing and hard to breathe through..SMACK..SMACK..his cheeks were bruised up more and swelled a bit..SMACK..his mouth exploded with pain as blood came spurting out..SMACK..his jaw felt cracked as he dropped to his knees..SMACK..a right to his temple put him in the floor at her feet.
"GET UP WIMP, YOU WANTED TO FIGHT!" Bryan struggled to his feet. Moving cautiously he threw three hard heavy handed blows, and Tami batted them down..SMACK..his eye swelled further..he tried four this time and they too were batted away..SMACK..his other eye swelled more. Three more large male fists were chucked at the pretty brunettes face, and three more were slapped away..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his stomach was turned softer and his mouth swelled up bigger.
His strength was ebbing quickly and he still hadn't touched the bitch. Deciding to go fill throttle and hope something connected, he fired one huge fist after another until they were so weak she could let them hit her and not feel a thing. When his large muscular arms finally dropped to his sides, Tami took over..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he was deposited in the floor crying his swollen eyes out.
"Had enough little weakling, or would you like me to beat you until you have to crawl?" Somehow Bryan made it to his feet, but it was a useless effort. After he was there, he had nothing left to offer. Tami smiled and stood right in his face. "Drop to your knees Bryan and kiss my pretty bare feet, or I'll put you down there myself." He tried to raise a mighty male fist, but they wouldn obey him. Feeling dejected, he done the only thing he could.
His mighty arms wouldn't work, so he tried to kick her. His right leg shot up as quick as he could swing it, but it was much to slow for the nimble brunette fighting warrior. She stepped to her right and grabbed it with her left arm. He was dancing around on his left leg trying to maintain his balance. She let him bounce around while laughing at him, until he reached the wall. With his back and tired arms against the wall, he was able to control his balance while she still held his leg.
She then did something that totally took him by surprise. Tami calmly reached out and took his limp hanging dick in her hand. His eyes bugged out in shock, and fear spread over his face at the thought of what she would do to his manhood. But she surprised him again. Holding on to his leg and knowing he couldn't fend her off with his tired useless muscular arms, she smiled and began stroking his dick. He stood there in total confusion.
On one hand it felt really good, and was responding to her soft feminine touch. But on the other hand, he felt helpless and used and was to weak to try and stop her. His mixed feelings really screwed up his mind. Humiliation was felt clear to the core of his being because she could do what she wanted with him and he was powerless to stop her. But another part of him was enjoying it to the fullest. And the pleasure seemed to be draining the strength from his large, muscular male body.
His thick strong legs became weak and started to buckle from the pleasure she was giving him. Shudders of ecstasy shook his mighty frame as he was lost in the feeling of bliss. But the degrading feeling of shame and humiliation of being to weak and powerless against her, was overwhelming him as well. To have his entire bulky, thick, muscular male body, controlled by one slim, soft female hand and being unable to stop her was emasculating him.
It was like one half of his body was completely happy and content, and in pleasuring, blissful heaven. While the other half felt like a weak and helpless little milk sop mouse, that was being eaten by the female cat. And the two halves were tearing him apart with the conflicts of feelings. Tami could see what was going on in his overtaxed, foolish male brain, and was loving it. This never entered her mind until she caught his leg and seen it dangling there. All of a sudden she had hold of it like it was hers. And she seen the effect it had on his large husky frame.
She could also see that the pleasure she was giving him seemed to relax his body and put him in a state of euphoria. He was getting weaker and weaker with each stroke of her soft, smooth skinned feminine hand. His breathing quickened as his mouth was wide open and his eyes were shut tight while his head rolled on his broad shoulders. His hips were moving with the rhythm of her soft hand strokes, and the leg he was standing on was buckling while the one she held in her hand was slightly shaking. She could tell that he was getting close to exploding, and spewing forth his thick male sperm.
Some how she knew the exact moment to stop before he erupted. The look of anguish on his face when her strokes ceased, told her she had guessed right. She released his leg and took dead aim at the spot between his black swollen eyes..SMACK..he dropped to his knees and slowly crumpled to the floor out cold. The thought quickly grew in her mind that this was an excellent way to torture the naughty, disobedient young man. She made her plans as he slept.
When Bryan woke up, his strength seemed to be restored from the respite the nap had given him. He looked up and Tami was sitting on his bed smiling. He climbed to his feet while she came to meet him. With his mighty arms back in workable condition, he fired hard thick fists at his young sister he was beginning to hate. She evaded them all while she smiled. When he tired a little, she opened up on him.
SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..two hard punches to his weakened stomach, and a right left combination to his swelling face, brought him to his knees in a dazed state. Tami leaned over him and grabbed both huge arms and put them behind his back in a double hammerlock. Pulling them up his back until he screamed out in pain, she spread the fingers of her left hand around his thick wrists so she could control both arms with her left hand.
Placing her right hand over his face, she pushed his upper body back until his head was under her left armpit. She then knelt down on her left knee, bending his upper body backwards. She now had his large body immobilized as he was bent backwards with his two big male arms held behind his back, and she could control him with her left hand and arm. Smiling, she reached down and took his dick in her right, silky soft hand and began stroking him again.
Again, the conflicting feelings of pleasure and humiliation began to battle with each other for control of him. He started to struggle, but they were feeble attempts because part of him didn't really want to loose the pleasure. After a few minutes, his body began to act like it had before. His hips were moving with her sweet strokes, while his eyes drooped shut and his mouth fell open. His breathing quickened and became raspy, as his blood filled, rock hard dick started to pulsate.
Tami smiled as she brought him to the brink of external exploding bliss, and stopped. She stood up and released his arms and body. He knelt there on his knees, his body still slightly shaking and his mouth and eyes were still open and shut respectively..SMACK..a hard straight punch to his open mouth and he slumped to the floor again fast asleep. Tami was beginning to really like this game. She sat back down waiting for him to revive so she could play it again.
Bryan woke up about fifteen minutes later. He climbed to his feet, shaking his head to clear the cob webs. Tami was there in front of him smiling. His strength restored even more after the second nap, brought large ham like fists flying at the brunette fighting gladiator with renewed vigor. She began dancing and avoided all of his futile punches until he tired again. Taking the intuitive, she started taking him apart again.
SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she swelled his face further and colored his eyes and cheeks more, as she pounded him relentlessly. He was soon on his back in the floor whimpering. Tami walked up by his head and lifted him to a sit up position. Sitting down behind him, she took his muscular left arm and pulled it behind his back. Pushing her firm feminine body up tight to his back, she trapped it between their bodies.
Slipping her slender female right arm under his larger male one, and placing her hand on the back of his thick neck, she put him in a half nelson. with his arms now trapped, she spread her fine looking legs around his waist and over his thighs. She hooked her feet under his inner thighs and pulled his legs apart so they wouldn't get in the way. Tami smiled again, as she reached around with her smooth, silky left hand and grabbed his dick once more.
Pinned and helpless, he tried to struggle, but it was useless. Her holds were just to secure and firm. His inner feelings began to clash with each other again, and it seemed to take a shorter period of time, before the pleasure side overtook the humiliating side. His dick became blood red and rock hard much quicker every time she she got him pinned and took control of it.
He was getting to his sexual peak faster each time too. It was less then three minutes from the time she pinned him and took hold of it, that he was near his eruption. When his breathing became heavier and faster, and his hips picked up speed with her rhythm, she released his dick. This time a loud whimpering whine escaped his mouth as he feel over on his back when she moved out from behind him.
He lie there weak and helpless, while she pulled his head up by his hair and put him back to sleep..SMACK. She went to the kitchen to get a cold soda to quench her thirst. Bringing it with her, she went back to his room and sat down. She felt delighted with herself for discovering this wonderful game to play. At least wonderful for her, she thought to herself as she laughed out loud.
This time when Bryan finally came to and gained his feet, he felt divided. His upper body was strong and ready for battle, but his lower half seemed shaky and unsteady. It was like she was sapping the strength out of his lower half each time she frustrated his sexual desires by bringing him to the brink of release, only to stop and knockout his weak, sexually peaked, motionless body.
This time Tami didn't waste any time. He threw a mighty right cross at her and she blocked it and went to work on his stomach..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..five hard female fists tore into his weak stomach and dropped him to his knees with a grimace on his face. An uppercut sent his upper body flying back to his feet..SMACK..she quickly stepped around and placed a hand on his chest, keeping his body bent over backwards.
Kneeling down, she pinned his huge muscular arms to the floor. Raising his head slightly, she placed the soles of her bare feet under his head. Bending her knees, her feet brought his head up to be firmly planted in the crease of her soft shapely ass. With his arms pinned and his face buried in her ass covered by the grey cloth of her short outfit, she reached down and took hold of his dick once more. Her smooth even strokes brought his dick alive and very hard in five seconds.
His pitiful struggles were very weak because he couldn't move much of his pinned body. She held him there helpless, while she again brought him up to his release point in a very short time. He was trying to move his hips to match her rhythm, but bent over on his knees like he was, he could hardly move them. His breathing became irregular again due to the fact that she was bringing him near his ejaculation point and his face was buried in her grey short covered, fine looking ass.
When she could tell he was about ready to explode and send his male sperm shooting through the air, she stopped. Climbing off of him, his upper body began to slowly rise up, while his eyes were still shut and he was in a defenseless weak state of condition. When his body reached the vertical apex, she put him asleep again with a solid female right..SMACK.. His body went back a ways and then sprang forward and slumped to the floor on his face, sleeping like a baby.
Immensely enjoying herself, Tami went to sit on his bed where she left her cold drink on
his bedside table and relaxed, waiting for the sexually deprived young man to wake up again. She felt evil about what she was doing to poor Bryan, and it rather surprised her that she liked the feeling. She had stumbled on another way to control her naughty brother, until he accepted the fact that she ruled his life and would obey her.
Now she wouldn't have to beat him so much, which she was happy about. She didn't really enjoy beating him up, but he had to learn she was the boss. This way she could pin him down and control him sexually while achieving the same obedient results. She would make a better person out of him any way she could.
This time when Bryan woke up, his dick was still hard and throbbing. Being close to her feminine sex and inhaling her female scent while she sat her firm ass in his face, had kept it from going limp. The intoxicating smell lingered in his mind and nose, even as he slept. Everything else forgotten now, the only thing on his mind was beating the hell out of her so he could fuck her and get sexual release.
Since it was his sister, his thoughts strayed to her soft sweet ass that had been planted in his face. He could fuck her up the ass and get sexual satisfaction, while she would feel degraded and humiliated like she was doing to him. Yes, that was the answer. It really wouldn't be incest if he took her in the ass, he thought, and he could still relieve the frustrated feeling that had built up in his loins.
While he was away from her, the conflict in his mind would swing toward the humiliation side of his feelings. Her using him like a toy to amuse herself, while degrading and humiliating him, made him feel weak and ashamed. But the minute she had him pinned and took his dick in her soft smooth female hand, the pleasure side would take over. Which also made him feel weak and ashamed because he couldn't stop her. His mind was being controlled by her either way.
She was rising from the bed when he made his feet, and he charged at her. He needed to beat her quickly and get the relief he so badly needed now. With renewed energy and thoughts of humiliating her while he achieved sexual release, he fired punch after punch to end this nightmare and obtain his goal of filling her nice looking, soft female ass with his hot male sperm.
Tami stood at the side of the bed and batted away or dodged his mighty thunderous male blows, until he started to slow his attack. Then she retaliated with accurate female punching..SMACK..SMACK..his eyes turned blacker and swelled a great deal more..SMACK..SMACK..his cheeks were turned a dark shade of purple while they also swelled up nicely.
SMACK..SMACK..his mouth and lips ballooned up with pain and it became very hard to receive air to his lungs through his broken, crooked nose..SMACK..his jaw felt cracked and caused him a great deal of pain. He tried a mighty roundhouse punch which Tami ducked under, and as he missed he was totally off balance. She grabbed him by his shoulder and spun him around so she was looking at his back.
She grabbed his left wrist with her left hand and held it steady. Slipping her right arm through his right arm and stretching it across his back, she grabbed his left arm with her right hand. She now controlled both of his large muscular arms with her feminine right arm and hand behind his back. She sat down on the side of the bed, bringing him with her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and hooked her bare feet under his inner thighs and spread them open to hold them out of her way.
She again had him pinned and in position to reach around and take his already rock hard dick in her silky soft left hand. Just a few strokes, and he was turned weak and docile while she held him and done what she pleased. His feeble struggles lasted only a few seconds before his breathing became heavy again and his head rolled back to rest on her right shoulder. His eyes were closed tight and his mouth wide open with whimpering moans escaping through his swollen lips.
She again brought him to the edge of sexual release very quickly. This time though, she slowed down her strokes and just gently played with it. She was keeping him at the high sexual peak, but he dropped below the erupting level. His head rolled back and forth on her shoulder and his whimpering moans increased. She was doing enough to keep him weak and under her spell, but not enough for him to build up to a climatic exploding sperm release.
She could have kept him in this docile weak state without letting him relieve himself of his sexual tension and hot sperm for as long as she wanted. He was to out of it to struggle at all, and as long as she kept her soft hand on his dick and fondled it, he would stay that way. He became that toy to amuse herself with, that Bryan had fretted over a few minutes ago. She was humiliating him by controlling his manhood, and not letting him get the satisfaction of release. And he was totally powerless and helpless against her.
Tami kept him there for fifteen minutes to prove to him that she had control of his life whether it be sexually or dominantly over his every day living. When she was satisfied he had learned that fact, she went back to stroking him and quickly brought him back up to the release point. Again, when his breathing and body movements told her he was close, she stopped. And he again wailed like a small child that had not gotten his way.
Tami rolled his helpless body to her right and got out from behind him. He lie on the bed whimpering and wailing, with his eyes still shut and his mouth still open. She lifted him up a little and punched him between the eyes..SMACK..back to sleep he went while he lie on his bed with his cock still blood red and rock hard. Tami took her cold drink and went to the chair to sit and wait for him to awaken.
Twenty minutes later he finally came to. She walked out to the middle of the floor and waited for him to climb off of the bed and engage her. He slowly rolled to his feet and stood on shaky legs. Seeing her standing there smiling, brought the rage back up in his heart. He went out to meet her with his hate growing with every step. Huge male fists were delivered from large muscular arms with bodily damage behind every one of them.
Tami ducked and dodged while she punched back periodically. She jabbed him in the eye..SMACK..she avoided four hard throw fists and jabbed him in the mouth..SMACK..five were heaved at her this time and five more missed..SMACK..she sent a right hook to his cheek. Four more destructive male missiles came at her and she evaded them with ease..SMACK..his broken nose was flattened as the cartilage was scrambled inside.
Bryan missed a huge roundhouse left and Tami ducked under it and came up slightly to his left. A right cross..SMACK..spun his body around and he began to fall back toward her. She bent down and let him fall across her right shoulder as she grabbed his legs. She turned his body a little and swung her left arm down, around, and up across his right shoulder and throat and grabbed his left shoulder on the other side. He was now resting on her right shoulder and upper back in a back breaker.
She pulled down on his legs and upper torso and bounced him a few times as loud piercing screams escaped his swollen mouth. With his mind on the pain, she adjusted him a bit and was able to reach his rock hard cock with her soft right hand. Within five seconds, his screams of pain turned into moans of pleasure. She stood there easily handling his weight, and brought him back up to the brink again.
His mighty muscular arms were flopping around useless and his head was rolling back and forth, with whimpering moans coming from his busted swollen lips. Again his eyes were shut and his mouth open as he enjoyed the feeling of pleasure she was giving him. The humiliation forgotten with the pleasure taking over his entire being. At his erotic sexual peak, she stopped again and he had a moaning, whining, whimpering fit as loud pitched sounds came from his open mouth. His body still rested on her shoulder in a helpless state, but his head was rolling around wailing like a spoiled child..
She rolled his lifeless body off of her shoulder and he immediately dropped to his knees, unable to stand on his unsteady release deprived legs. She lifted his drooping head and punched him on his left eye..SMACK.. he collapsed to the floor at her feet sound asleep again. Back to the chair she went, to rest and wait for him to come to. God she loved this new game of hers.
His moaning brought her out of the chair as he was lying there shaking his head to clear it. Finally climbing to his feet, he looked around for her and found her standing behind him. He slowly raised his fists and waited on wobbly legs for her to come to him. Tami smiled and stepped up to meet him. His lumbering punches were slow and easy to evade. The sexual draining of his body was taking it's tole on him.
After his sixth slow heavy punch was avoided, Tami took the offensive..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..two straight punches to his swollen battered face caused him to stumble around. Two more to his weak soft stomach, bent him over in agonizing pain. The fifth was an uppercut that sent him reeling back to land on his bed. It was so strong that when he landed he did a back somersault across the bed to end up on his stomach on the far side.
Tami reached over and grabbed his semi conscious body and dragged it back to her. She flipped him over on his back and eased his upper body off of the bed to the floor. Keeping his legs on the bed, she turned and stepped over his body and sat down on his legs facing his head that was resting on the floor along with his broad shoulders.
Taking his large hands in hers, she brought them up in the air and put the palms together. She took the two middle fingers of each hand and held them tightly with her left hand, so that she controlled both hands by holding on to his four middle fingers. With his mighty arms under her control and his thick legs pinned to the bed with her weight, she took his pulsating cock in her smooth, silky right hand.
The pleasuring moans instantly escaped his wide open mouth, and his eyes fluttered shut like before. Tami put her pretty bare feet on his swollen battered face and rubbed them all around. In his state of erotic sexual bliss, he didn't even know they were there, so he didn't struggle to get away from them. Even when she put three of her cute toes on her left bare foot in his mouth, he remained oblivious of them being there.
Her long even strokes took him to great heights again, in record time. His rock hard red cock, was beating with it's own pulse as she deftly stroked him to greater and greater heights. Tami decided that she had tortured him long enough. With him sucking on her bare toes, and the other bare foot being rubbed all over his face, she thought this would be the most humiliating way to end his suffering.
To finally be allowed to release his overdue hot sperm, and bring his pleasurable erotic bliss to an end, while she was degrading him with her toes and bare foot, would be the ultimate way to humiliate and shame him. Even if he was so out of it, while on a sexual storm ride to the erupting finish, and didn't realise he was being humiliated and shamed while he came. Her strokes became rhythmic while he lie there in erotic heaven, waiting for the exploding fire work finish.
She sensed the end, when his whole body stiffened and a loud scream of pure erotic pleasure came from his wide open, toed filled mouth. She removed her feet just in time as he spewed sperm all over his chest, stomach, chin and face. It lasted for at least two solid minutes while his throbbing cock completely drained his long overdue sperm. After six times of being brought to the brink, only to be dropped back in total frustration, the sensation of finally getting release, brought him to such great heights of euphoric sexual pleasure, that she didn't have to knock him out this time, because it hit him so hard that he passed out.
Tami went to the bathroom and returned with a warm wash cloth and towel. She took his legs from the bed and laid them on the floor. She cleaned him up completely, taking great care not to get any on her. He slept soundly, with a peaceful grin on his face. She took the wash cloth and towel back to the bathroom, and dropped them in the hamper. She scrubbed her hands real good with soap and water, to be sure they were clean, after handling his cock all of that time. Satisfied, she went back to his room.
She sat on the bed, next to his sleeping body, waiting for him to come to. She wondered if he had come to his senses yet, or if she would still have to straighten him out with her hard feminine fists. Over thirty minutes later, his large body began to stir. She looked down at him, and readied herself for battle, while she spoke to him to see what frame of mind he was in.
"Have you had enough Bryan, or do i have to bea"..that's as far as she got, because he had rolled over and prostrated himself at her feet groveling, and began kissing her soft smooth skinned left bare foot like he belonged there. He then repeated the act with her silky soft right. Tami smiled to herself. She had won. If he was kissing her bare feet on his own, without being ordered to, or frightened of what she would do to him if he didn't, then she had broken him.
"That feels nice Bryan, I'm glad you came to your senses." "I know my place now Tami. (kiss) And i know why i belong there. (kiss) Because I'll never be a match for you and your fists. (kiss) I will mind you from now on. (kiss) And you won't have anymore trouble with me. (kiss) I want you to make me a better person.(kiss) And i will work hard to make you proud of me. (kiss) I swear it." (kiss)
Tami reached down and gently took his head in her hands and brought him up to his knees, to look into his eyes. Tears were forming in hers when she spoke to him. "I am so proud of you right now Bryan. You finally realised i was doing all of this for your own good. Now i don't have to beat you anymore, because whether you believe it or not, i didn't enjoy doing it. We can go back to being a loving brother and sister now. You have made me very, very happy Bryan."
She leaned down and kissed him on the fore head as her tears gently trickled down her cheeks. He wrapped his arms around her slim waist and laid his head in her lap. She stroked his head while she sat there and cried. She loved happy endings, and she had just received the happiest ending of them all. Tami was in heaven.