Super Heroines rule the world. (Illustrated)

By Crohnsman

Part 1-- Supergirl gathers support for her hostile take over.

This story was requested by a fan. I would like to thank him for the request and for taking the time to write. I hope you and he enjoys the story.

After Supergirl beat Superman senseless in her Volcano Fortress the first time, she realised she loved being the dominate one in their relationship. So much so that she continued to beat him like a dog anytime the whim struck her. Turning him into a whimpering little pussy and finally her devoted slave, gave her a sensuously wicked appetite for cruelty that couldn't be sated. The thrill of dominating a much larger, more muscular male was erotically satisfying. Seeing the fear in his eyes and his muscular body tremble when she was near him, was enough to sexually stimulate her to an orgasm. She liked being in control. She loved being his boss. And she adored being his Goddess. Having that kind of power was intoxicating. After you've obtained an exulted position like that, it was impossible to return to the person you once were. Which is why the events that were about to take place was justified in her mind. She felt she was a natural born Ruler.

The worlds leaders were very agitating to Supergirl. Every time a Super villain reared his ugly head, she was summoned to take care of him. If terrorists struck anywhere in the world, she was asked to round them up. It was her job to handle all of the criminals breaking the law and incarcerate them. She had no problem with the responsibility of corralling the bad guys. Hell, she rather enjoyed it. It was the bringing them to justice part that irritated her the most. None of these villains had a compassionate bone in their body. The concept of right and wrong didn't exist in their minds. They were pure evil. Insane individuals who killed people without remorse as easily as if they were stepping on a bug. If you got in their way, you were dead. They would have killed her without batting an eye if it were possible. But she was asked to bring them in unharmed so they could stand trial. Then some slick Lawyer would find a way to get them off. So the idiot leaders would have to set them free to terrorize innocent people once again.

That's why she was so aggravated with the morons running their respective countries. What was so wrong with snuffing the life out of some asshole that would kill hundreds of innocent people and not give it a second thought. They were nothing but incurable monsters whose only agenda was satisfying their insatiable appetite for ultimate power. They were greedy, malicious, selfish, and inhuman. Why waste time and money on lengthy trials to prosecute them for their evil deeds. Even if they were found guilty and put in prison, it meant we would have to feed and house them for the rest of their lives. The entire process could be averted in a split second. A simple twist of the neck and the lunatics would never harm another person again. But nooooooo. She wasn't allowed to do somethi ng that terrible. Their ridiculous laws made her sick. Not to mention angry as hell. And she had just about had enough of their foolishness.

The final straw came when the Army was stupid enough to allow some terrorists to steal a truck load of nuclear bombs. Of course they called on Supergirl to retrieve the dangerous weapons before they could be detonated on American soil. The latest Intel the Army had was that the truck was last spotted somewhere in the Mojave desert. So Supergirl headed for California to clean up the Army's unfortunate mess. She located the terrorists at a secret missile silo deep in the heart of the Mojave. They somehow gained access and were in control of the place. Supergirl flew in to put a stop to their evil plan. While she was taking care of his men, their leader managed to launch a missile with one of the nuclear bombs attached and aimed it at San Francisco.

When Supergirl grabbed the leader and dragged him out to tie him up with his men, an overwhelming urge came over her she couldn't shake. Smiling sweetly at the frightened man, she grabbed him by the collar and flew off after the missile dragging his screaming body with her. When she caught up with the missile she knocked it into outer space where it wouldn't do any harm when it went off. Then she hurled the terrorist leader into deep space to join it. He was never going to harm a hair on another innocent souls head again. Satisfied she did the right thing, she returned to pick up his men and deposit them with the proper authorities. Word quickly found it's way to the commanding officer who sent her on the mission. The General wasn't pleased with the way she handled things. He called high command and br anded Supergirl a criminal.

Then the man was dumb enough to contact Supergirl and tell her she should be severely reprimanded for the unforgivable act of deliberately killing a prisoner of the United States. He went on to say he would no longer associate himself with her and would only deal with Superman in the future. When Supergirl told him in no uncertain terms where he could shove his reprimand, the idiot called her a common criminal with no conscience. Supergirl responded by saying she would be right there to make him eat those words. His face turned as white as a sheet. When Supergirl arrived, there was a full battalion of soldiers and a line of tanks to greet her. Laughing out loud at the foolish males, she waded through the soldiers like they were ants and swatted the tanks out of her way like they were merely flies. When she entered the Generals office, he was shaking in his boots and ready to piss his pants. He was thoroughly scared to death.

Supergirl grabbed the front of his uniform and lifted him in the air. "So you think I'm a common criminal with no conscience who should be reprimanded huh?" She asked the trembling man. The General was about to break out in tears and beg for her forgiveness when his face lit up like a Christmas tree. Unknown to Supergirl a distress signal had been sent to Superman. He didn't know what the emergency was all about, so he flew there as fast as he could. When the General saw him standing in the doorway, a feeling of relief washed over him. "Thank God you're here Superman. Supergirl has completely lost her mind." Supergirl turned to look at her cousin and smiled. She pointed to the floor behind her and casually snapped her fingers. "HEEL WIMP! " She commanded. The shocking look on the Generals face when Superman scurried over and dropped to his knees behind Supergirl was priceless.

"Put your forehead down on the floor and don't move until I tell you to." She ordered the docile man of steel. "Yes Kara." He replied as his forehead hit the hardwood floor. "Now, where were we General?" She asked the trembling man who was now crying like a baby. "Oh yes. I was in the process of explaining your punishment to you when my pet walked through the door. I believe you need to learn some manners big mouth. Your bad judgment is completely inexcusable. The proper discipline for unruly behavior is a severe spanking. So I sentence you to fifty swats for back talking your superior." Supergirl pulled his pants down and threw the sobbing man over her lap after she sat down in his chair. She blistered his ass while he wailed like a banshee. Superman remained on his knees with his head on the floor the whole time.

The entire world was up in arms when they heard the news. Supergirl's blatant disregard for the law was unacceptable. The callous act of destroying an Army base and disrespecting a four star General was unforgivable. Word quickly spread from one country to another that she was a Super Heroine who could no longer be trusted. Requests were sent to every Super Hero and Heroine on the planet to bring Supergirl to justice. But unknown to the powers that be, Supergirl wasn't the only Super Heroine who was unhappy with the way things were being handled by various world leaders. Wonder Woman and Batgirl spoke up on her behalf and emphatically praised her for her actions. They were followed by Black Widow, Catwoman, and Miss America. They also ag reed her actions were justified. Soon there was a multitude of Super Heroines ready to stand at her side.

Supergirl contacted the Super Heroines from all over the world and asked the ladies to attend a meeting to discuss Government policies and what could be done about them. Every single one was in total agreement that males had ruled the Earth long enough. It was time for females to take over the Governments and implement their own laws of justice. Several plans were drawn up and voted on to decide the best way to proceed with their mission. The first step to insure their success was to locate a base of operation. After a lengthy discussion, Cheyenne Mountain outside of Colorado Springs Colorado was decided upon as the perfect place. Everything they needed to over see the nations of the world was already in place there. The next logical step would be to eliminate the Super Heroes who would most certainly be against their take over. That however was put on hold until they were set up and ready. Supergirl did give orders that they were not to be killed. They were to be captured and brought back to the facility to be imprisoned.

Next they made a list of female personal who would be essential to running the base. First of all they needed a team of brilliant strategists to figure out what world leaders might do in certain situations. Computer experts and technicians were next to be added to the list. They were followed by experts in biology, chemistry, hand to hand combat, weaponry, and other fields of expertise. Then Doctors, nurses, cooks, and house keeping personal were added. Finally, a list of crime fighting females without super powers were jotted down to be invited to join their upr ising. These names included Lara Croft, Sheena the jungle Princess, and Buffy the vampire slayer. Lois Lane was also added because of her job as a reporter. Her many sources could provide valuable information on the movement of troops and possible head quarters of the men in charge of the Armed Forces.

With everything figured out down to the last detail, the powerful ladies put their plan in motion. Supergirl led a group of Super Heroines on the assault of Cheyenne Mountain, while others contacted and arranged transportation for the females and personal needed to run the base. By the time they all arrived, Cheyenne Mountain was in the capable hands of Supergirl and her super powered female Army. The soldiers who formally ran the facility were thrown in the brig. The base personal was set up at their work stations and told what was expected of them. As a precaution, Supergirl told them to make appointments with the instructors to learn hand to hand combat. She wanted the ladies to be able to defend themselves in case they were attacked. They all agreed and pledged their loyalty to the cause.

The General who had been in charge of the facility was a hard case soldier and war veteran. He had vital information concerning codes they would need to activate the intercept missiles on the base. If any branch of the Armed Forces decided to launch missiles at the facility, the interceptors would be essential in bringing them down. Not all of the Super Heroines had flight capability. So Supergirl set up a little demonstration to show all the females how you could control a male by fondling his manhood. She asked Lois Lane to accept the job of obtaining that information. Lois had some training in self defense. Snooping around as a reporter had landed her in quite a few sticky situations. So she learned self defense so she would be able to protect herself while trying to escape without being harmed. But other then the working personal, she was the least capable fighter on the base. Supergirl gave her the job so the others could see you didn't have to have super powers to be a valuable member of the group.

The General was stripped of all his clothing except his thong underwear and placed in the room the soldiers used to practice hand to hand combat. The top half of all four sides of the room was made of glass. So the Super Heroines and other females crowded around the outside to watch with extreme anticipation. Lois stripped down to her white panties and entered the room to face the grizzled veteran. The General was a very large and muscular male. He weighed close to 300 pounds and his solid body was as hard as a rock. While Lois's nicely curved feminine body weighed about 110 pounds soak and wet. She looked like a child standing next to the beefy General. But Lois wasn't afraid at all. The experience she gained by controlling Superman left her confident she could handle the muscular General with ease.

Supergirl's advice was clear in her mind. Lois was to alternate using her self defense to beat the General into submission, with the power to weaken him by fondling his male organ. Together they were certain Lois would be able to force the man to talk so they could gain the valuable information they needed. She confidently strolled towards the General while he defiantly stood there with his arms folded across his barrel chest. "We need those codes General. You can give them to me an d go back to your cell in one piece. Or I can do it the hard way by continuously beating you senseless until you talk. It's up to you." She said with a smile. He looked at her like she was crazy. She had to be joking. "You're going to give me a beating? Now that young lady is funnier the hell. You should seek out a career as a comedienne. You're bound to make a fortune." He replied with a sneer.

"You really should have given it some thought before you answered asshole. But being a typical male, you let your big mouth get you into trouble. So you leave me with no other choice. I'll get what I want from you eventually. Your broken body will be in so much pain you won't be able to stop yourself from singing like a canary. You really should have taken the easy way out." She informed the proud man as she advanced on him. The General raised his mighty arms and smiled from ear to ear. They may have taken over his base and imprisoned him and his men. But he was going to get some satisfaction from being captured by giving this dumb bitch the beating of her life. He would be back in his cell laughing about it with his men in less then five minutes.

When Lois got near, he drew back his right fist to deliver a bone breaking punch to her lovely face. But Lois spoiled his plans by lifting her gorgeous left leg and snapping it into his face with a devastating front kick. "WHAP!" The unsuspecting General was sent reeling back. Lois smiled and walked after him. This time when she got close he threw a right cross designed to separate her head from her shoulders. Lois casually ducked under his murderous punch and took hold of his dangling limp penis. A few strokes from her silky soft hand and the General was completely surprised to feel his knees buckle. Lois straightened up and nailed him with a solid left hook to his manly chin. "SMACK!" The General staggered sideways and nearly went down. Loud cheers erupted from outside the room when her punch landed.

The General quickly got over the surprise of having his knees buckle on him and chucked a dozen thunderous punches at the dark haired female fighter. Lois calmly danced around them and waited for her chance. When the General stopped throwing to change positions, Lois opened up her lethal offense. Her accuracy was much better then his. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His mouth, nose, and both eyes felt the pain. While he was slightly off balance from her precise attack, Lois grabbed his dick again and gently stroked it. The General was in the process of firing a monstrous right hand when his mighty strength suddenly disappeared. His large muscular arm flopped to his side because he didn't have the strength to hold it up. Lois grinned and kept stroking.

When his eyes rolled shut and his head fell back on his shoulders, Lois turned him loose and attacked with venom. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" She beat his face and stomach to a pulp before landing a teeth shattering uppercut. The General stumbled back far enough for her to bring her feet and legs into play. "WHAM!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAM!" A front kick to his stomach was followed by four hard side kicks to his rapidly swelling face. The last kick was a solid sweeping arc kick that slammed into his temple. It knocked him flat on his back in a daze. Whistling and clapping reached her ears from outside the room as she strolled over to the Generals spread eagled body. Sh e knelt down between his legs and took control of his dick.

By this time the General was sporting an enormous hard on. Lois fondled it like an expert while he lie there groaning. His magnificent strength evaporated in seconds. The mighty warrior who was victorious in countless battles throughout his distinguished career, was completely helpless in the hands of the beautiful female. His painful groaning quickly turned to soft pleasuring grunts while Lois worked her magic. When he was thoroughly under her control, Lois stopped giving him pleasure and hauled him to his feet by his hair. Her fast moving fists and hard kicking feet went back to breaking the poor man down. While in a sexually induced stupor and unable to draw on his strength to save him, the General was totally defenseless against the much smaller female fighter. He began to cry like a frightened little boy when she resumed the beating.

"WHAM!" Her left fist nearly caved his barrel chest in. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Lois beat the muscular male all around the room. His huge arms remained at his sides during the entire beating. He didn't stand a chance. When she got tired of wailing on him with her fists, she used her strong legs and beautiful feet to continue the massacre. The General was continuously knocked in the floor and then dragged back to his feet to receive more punishment. He was up and down so many times he began to feel like a yo yo on a string. Blood was heavily seeping from his busted mouth, his broken nose, and his severely damaged ears. But the sign of his blood didn't stop the female gladiator from destroying him further.

"THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" Lois pounded his mid section until his rock solid abs were nothing but squishy jello. Then she put him down with an uppercut that sounded like a grenade going off. The General dropped to the floor like a thousand pound lead weight falling from the sky. "SLAM!" Lois smiled at her cheering section while she jerked the helpless man back to his feet. The General still had an erection that was as hard as granite. Lois softly rubbed it a few times to keep him sedated and weak. Then she held him steady to keep the weakened man from collapsing. "I believe you're about ready to give me the information I want. But I have to make absolutely sure. So I'm afraid you're going to have to suffer a while longer my pathetic little weakling. Besides, I'm enjoying myself to much to quit at the moment." She explained to the sobbing war hero.

"WHAM!" The front kick to his chest sent him staggering back. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" Three bone jarring side kicks caught him under the chin and almost crushed his wind pipe. It became difficult for him to breathe. "WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!" Lois slapped his face back and fourth with her foot. The General was teetering on unsteady legs and crying his eyes out. He desperately tried to raise his mighty arms to fight back but they wouldn't respond. Lois saw his feeble attempt to raise his arms, so she gently stroked his flag pole erection a half a dozen times to keep him docile. It worked perfectly. His muscular arms fell limp at his sides and remained there. She stepped back and blasted the side of his head with a spinning roundhouse kick that would have dropped an elephant. "WHHHAMM!" "SLAM!" He hit the floor like a ton of bricks and didn't move.

Lois pulled him to a sitting position by his hair and sat down on his right side facing his feet. She wrapped her gorgeous strong legs around his waist and gently slapped him until his eye lids slid open. Then she spread her hand over his swollen face and shoved his upper body back to the floor. She took hold of his rock hard penis with her left hand and smiled as she spoke to him. "It's time to let you release your male sperm sissy boy. Under normal circumstances this would be an enjoyable sensation for you. But the pain you're feeling because of your bloody, battered face must be unbearable. And I'm going to add to that discomfort by squeezing your stomach and ribs with my strong legs while I masturbate you. So I don't think the orgasm you're about to have will be that erotic." She said grinning like a minx.

Lois stroked his man hood several times until she heard his moans of pleasure. Then she tightened her vice grip legs and smiled when his moans turned to ear piercing screams. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She continued to stroke him while listening to his pitiful whimpers. When she felt him tighten up she knew he was about to shoot his load all over himself. She stopped stroking and clamped down harder with her python gripping legs. The General began flopping around like a rag doll and screamed his head off. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" His ejaculation died before he could spill his seed. Lois toyed him for nearly an hour. She would bring him to the brink of ecstasy, and then shut it down by squeezing his tortured body with her beautiful legs. When she finally allowed him to ejaculate, he was in so much pain he was to busy crying to notice.

Lois uncoiled herself from the whimpering General and walked over to the door. Supergirl opened it and handed her a folding chair. She smiled at Lois and gave her thumbs up for doing such a great job. Lois thanked her and returned to the whining General. She placed the folding chair in the middle of the floor and helped the General raise his tortured body from the floor to sit in it. Then she grabbed a hand full of his hair and got right in his face. "Are you ready to give me the codes my little weakling? Or would you like a repeat performance with my fists and feet?" She sternly asked the broken man. He didn't hesitate one second. He gave her everything she wanted while pitifully sobbing through the whole interrogation.

Lois politely thanked him and pecked the General on the cheek. "You could have saved yourself a considerable amount of pain if you had just obeyed my request and gave me the information at the beginning. But all you idiot males think a female is not powerful enough to force you to do or say anything you don't want to. By the time you realise you've made a terrible mistake, it's way to late. Hopefully you have learned from this painful lesson and will obey your superiors the next time a female gives you an order. You may return to your cell now wimp. I'll make sure a Doctor tends to your wounds as soon as she can. Have a nice day." She said with a sweet smile as she strolled from the room. Her humor was lost on the General.

Lois was congratulated by everyone for doing an excellent job. After watching Lois in action, the working personal couldn't wait to sign up for hand to hand combat so they would be able to handle themselves that well. The Super Heroines and ot her females were also delighted to find out about the males secret weakness. They discussed the subject for hours to find out every detail on how to keep the male under their spell. Supergirl assured them it would work on every male. From the strongest to the weakest. It thrilled the females to know any male would be putty in their hands as soon as they took control of his male organ. Finding out this secret reinforced their beliefs that they were the dominate sex and therefore had the right to take over the Governments and rule the world. With Supergirl as their leader and the Super Heroines and other capable females to back her up, they would be totally unbeatable. They all left the area to return to their responsibilities while chanting their new slogan. "LONG LIVE SUPERGIRL!"