Sherry beats two brothers senseless at once.

By Crohnsman2

Blond sixteen year old Sherry beats her two older brothers, to stop their bullying of her and her sister.

sixteen year old, blond haired sherry, beats both of her older brothers to a pulp at once, so they won't bully her or her younger sister samantha any longer. The young men are then humiliated in front of samantha. Sherry becomes the new bully of the house to them.

Sherry was doing the house work for her mother who was in the hospital recuperating from major surgery. She was not going to be released for another week, so Sherry was helping out like a good daughter should. She knew she wouldn't get any help from her two brothers, John and Ronnie, because they were two of the laziest people Sherry knew.

As she was vacuuming behind the curtains and around the big lounge chair, she noticed something red sticking out from under the back flap on the chair. Checking it out, she found the rag doll her sister Samantha had been looking for. She had been walking around the house crying for three days because she couldn't find her doll Molly. Sherry knew she would be happy now.

Turning off the vacuum, she started across the living room to find Samantha and tell her the good news. "I see you found that ugly doll we hid from her", John said as he and his brother Ron entered the room. Stopping dead in her tracks, Sherry asked, "you two knew where this doll was for the last three days while Sam has been crying, and you didn'y say anything"?

"We were teaching her a lesson", Ron said. "Yeah, John chimed in, she seen us smoking in the garage and told dad. We had to sit through one of his MY HOUSE, MY RULES speech. So we did it to teach her not to rat on people". Sherry was fuming.

"First of all you shouldn't be smoking, and second, Sam is only ten years old and has had this doll since she was three. Its like her best friend, and you two idiots make her cry for three days because she tells dad you are doing something you shouldn't be doing in the first place", she said sarcastically.

"Why don't you two try and grow up". "Hey, watch that mouth girl, mom's in the hospital and dad's away on business, so shut your trap if you know whats good for you". Sherry decided it was time to straighten these two fools out.

She had learned to fight with her fists from a friend of hers named Lisa, for just this reason. To put these two in their place where they belonged. Lisa had proved she could beat up her Father, and a flock of young girls had heard about it and asked Lisa to teach them, so they could handle the people who were bullying them.

John and Ronnie had bullyed her and Sam long enough, it was their turn to see how it felt to be shoved around all of your life. Lisa had made her Father fight Sherry so she could tell if she had learned enough to handle herself. She had beaten up Lisa's Father and made the man afraid of her. So Lisa said she was ready to fix her own problems, namely John and Ron. Today was as good a day as any.

Fortunately she was wearing unrestricted clothing. Her cut off jean shorts that barely covered her shaply female butt, and her green halter top was just the thing to fight in. She removed her light green socks to get good traction, and taking the doll and the socks over to the sofa she laid them down and went back to the center of the room to face her older brothers.

John was 20 years old, 5 foot 11 inches tall, and weighed about 192 pounds. While Ron was 18, 5 foot 9 inches, and weighed 178. Sherry was sixteen years old, 5 foot 3 inches tall and weighed 94 pounds. Her blond hair fell to her shoulders and her grey eyes were focused on her two brothers she was about to teach a lesson..

Standing between the two, she looked at John and said, "would you repeat that please". "What, that you better watch your mouth, and shut your trap", John said grinning? "Yes, thats the words i wanted to hear just one more time, so you would remember what you said that got your ass kicked".

John and Ron just stared at her for a second, then burst out laughing. "Are you serious you idiot, i think you have finally turned into the dumb blond everyone talks about". "Yeah John, i think her brains have been scrambled or something", Ron said as they both laughed. "OK boy's, this is your last chance".

"Apologize to me, then find Samantha and see if she will forgive you, or your ass will be mine", Sherry threatened. The two large young men bent over, holding their stomach with laughter. Tears were coming to their eyes. Little did they know that those tears were going to be common place for the rest of their miserable life.

Sherry took a deep breathe to calm herself, then turned to John and punched him in the mouth..SMACK. John staggered back, holding his hand over his mouth to see if it was bleeding. Sherry heard Ron, who was standing behind her yell, "HEY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SHERRY". She slightly turned side ways and threw a back fist that caught Ron in the mouth also..SMACK.. He staggered back screaming, "owwwwww, damn you Sherry your dead".

Knowing that John would be the most trouble, because he was older and bigger, she needed to take Ron out of the way for a short while. She bent her knee and launched a bare foot right into Ron's stomach hard.."WHAM".. As he was bent over from the blow, her right foot exploded to his face..SMACK.. sending him to the floor moaning.

She turned around just in time, because John was throwing a haymaker of a punch at her cute blond head. Ducking under the punch, she came up and put a left and right to John's face.. SMACK..SMACK..which knocked the surprised young back again. Taking a quick peek to see if Ron was still on the floor, she stepped toward John.

He was furious and was getting over the shock of having his younger sister challenge him and Ron, instead of accepting what they told her to do like always. But before he could react, Sherry was on him punching like a madwoman. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..three more punches to his face, followed by two to his soft stomach..SMACK..and the final uppercut that sent him to the floor.

As John hit the floor, Sherry knew it was time to check on Ron. She rushed over to the young man just as he was gaining his feet. Still bent over and about to rise, Sherry reached out and grabbed him by the hair. Spinning him around, and while he was still bent over, she blasted an uppercut to his chin..SMACK.

Ron went stumbling back cart wheeling his arms trying to slow his steps. Failing to do so, he collided with John as he was getting to his feet knocking them both to the floor again. Standing there smiling, feminine hands on slim hips, Sherry issued this final warning. "This is your last chance boy's, apologize to Sam and i or its going to go very bad for you two".

Not believeing what they had just heard or what had just happened to them, they screamed at their young sister. "YOU CRAZY LITTLE BITCH, WERE REALLY GOING TO HURT YOU NOW". "You can't whip one of us let alone both together, so you're in deep shit girl". "Yeah" said Ron, "and when we get done with you, that little narc Samantha is going to get it too for starting this whole thing".

Sherry knew now that she had to beat these two idiots so they wouldn't dare touch little Sam. "I'm afraid i can't allow you to do that boys, so get prepared to have your faces rearranged". Still laughing at their dumb blond sister, they met her in the center of the room to beat her ass for her good.

Not being the sharpest knives in the drawer, they came at her side by side thinking they had nothing to worry about. Sherry stood waiting for them with a large smile on her pretty face. When they got near, Sherry sprang into action. She threw a right at Ron who was standing on her left and it connected to his nose..SMACK..a left was thrown to John's jaw and it snapped his head to the left..SMACK.

Shooting her foot out at John this time, she drove it into his soft stomach.."WHAM"..and he folded up like a card board box. Turning to Ron she let fly with four hard shots to his face faster then the young man could react..SMACK.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. He screamed in pain as his eyes were hurting like hell, and his mouth was cut open. Switching back to John, she dodged the combination he had fired at her and let him feel pain also.

Two hard rights and a left..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..caused him to stumble back with his nose very sore and his eyes in pain. Again turning to Ron, the nimble young fighter evaded the roundhouse punch he had tried to deliver when she wasn't looking, and punched him in the stomach with a combination..SMACK..SMACK..then a right cross..SMACK..sent his surprised body to the floor.

Back to John, a left hook followed by a right cross..SMACK..SMACK.. sent him back pedalling to land in the chair. Seeming to be more confused then John, Ron lie in the floor wondering what the hell was going on. Sherry went for John since Ron looked lost and was not getting up yet.

She reached John as he stood up from the chair. He was throwing a big roundhouse of his own, so Sherry ducked under it. His momentum from missing the punch carried him past the young blond fighter, and Sherry spun around to meet him. She now had both of them in her sights so neither one could surprise her.

Snapping punches to fast for the lumbering John to avoid, she drove him back toward Ron. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she busted his lip and marked up his cheeks and the last one made his legs get tangled up with Ron still lying in the floor. They both went down in a heap.

Smiling at her two big brothers she began to taunt them. "You two pathetic losers are really pitiful. You're slow and stupid, or you would realize by now, you're going to get a beating". "You haven't laid a finger on me in the last fifteen minutes, and you both have your faces marked up. You've been in the floor a couple of times where i put you, while i have never left my feet".

"Is it beginning to soak in you wimps that its useless to continue". "SHUT UP YOU IGNORANT BLOND BITCH, YOUR JUST GETTING LUCKY THATS ALL", John screamed. "Yeah Sherry, you really don't think you can beat us both do you", Ron added? "I would say i've done a pretty good job so far you morons", she replied giggling. "Well its over for you now", John stated. "Right", Ron added.

Thinking they had smartened up, they each went to a different side of their smart mouth sister, putting her betweem them. Sherry had been waiting for them to try this, as she stood with a smile on her face in anticipation. They both threw a hard right at the young girls pretty face, with the intention of doing great harm.

Bending her knees she squatted down causing them to miss, and shot both feminine fists straight out from her side catching them in their soft stomachs..SMACK..SMACK. As they bent over from the pain and the air escaping their lungs, she snapped an uppercut to the chin of each of them..SMACK..SMACK..dropping both young men to the floor on their backs.

Stepping over to John, she stomped him in the stomach with her bare foot.."WHAM"..and as his head came up from the pain, she kicked him square in the face..SMACK. He dropped back to the floor moaning. Moving to Ron as he gained his feet, she dodged the three punches he threw, and delivered hard feminine punches to his face..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..slamming him into the wall.

One more hard right to the jaw..SMACK.. sent the young man to the floor. Going back for John, he still had not gotten to his feet. She dragged him up and turning him toward the wall where Ron lay, she fired rights and lefts with extreme accuracy to the boys face and body.

SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. He stumbled back trying to defend himself, but the pretty blond warriors fist were to fast for him. He dropped next to Ron.

"Is it getting through to you two idiots that you don't stand a chance", Sherry said smiling. The two large young men looked up at there blond haired sister and confusion filled their small brains. Why were they in the floor while the blond bitch was standing over them running that smart ass mouth? This couldn't be happening.

They were not only older, but they were much bigger, and they had pushed her around all of their life. And they were MALES. She was a soft wimpy GIRL. They played with dolls and giggled all the time, and stressed out about what they were going to wear. They didn't punch you with those soft female hands and run their smart ass mouth to their bigger brothes. They were afraid of us. "Weren't they"?

Sherry burst out laughing as she looked into their blank confused faces. "Can't seem to figure this out huh you lame brains? This isn't how you thought it would go, Right? Well you are really going to be lost a little later, when you're begging me to stop hurting you". "Kiss my ass Sherry", Ron said. "That ain't ever gonna happen".

"Right", John agreed, "its you thats going to be begging us you stupid blond bimbo". Sherry's face flushed with anger. "You just made the biggest mistake of your worthless life". "NOBODY CALLS ME A BIMBO, GET UP NOW!"

John was the first to reach his feet. Surprise registered on his face when he threw a punch and Sherry blocked it with her left arm. She launched a hard right to his face..SMACK..and his nose exploded as he stumbled back. Ron had made it up, but before he had a chance to try anything, Sherry landed a left to his cheek..SMACK..a right flush to his face driving his head back into the wall..SMACK..and another left to his jaw..SMACK..dropped him to the floor again.

Turning back to John just in time, she ducked under his mighty right aimed at the back of her head, and his fist slammed into the wall. He screamed in pain, as Sherry grabbed his right shoulder with her left hand and drove four hard punches to his stomach and abdomin..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK.

Bent over, his face bright red as he was trying to get a breath, Sherry let fly with an uppercut from way down low..SMACK. John's upper body was thrown back and his feet left the floor as he slammed to his back two feet from where he had been standing. He lie there groaning in pain.

Ron had made it up and was coming at her. He tried a right cross which she evaded easily and smacked him with one of her own..SMACK..his mouth was split open. Next he tried a left hook and straight right, but Sherry's defensive skills were excelent. As he missed, she delivered two hard jabs to the young mans face breaking his nose..SMACK..SMACK.

When he grabbed his nose in pain, she punched him with three quick rights to his abdomin..SMACK.. SMACK..SMACK..and a right hook to his cheek..SMACK. He was slightly off balence from her attack, so she let him have it with a left right combination that marked his jaw and his eye..SMACK.. SMACK.

Taking a look at John, she seen he was on his knees about to rise. Deciding he could wait a few seconds she turned back to Ron. He was throwing a left hook, so she ducked under and stepped slightly to her right.

Having them both in her sight again, she fired four straight punches into Ron's face snapping his head back..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..another right to his eye..SMACK..and he dropped to the floor. John having to step around his brother to get to her, gave her the chance to get ready for him.

Shaking his right hand to get back the feeling in it, John threw a left hook and right roundhouse that Sherry dodged easily. Her attempts always seem to find their mark though. A jab to the young mans mouth..SMACK..and a right to his eye.. SMACK.. caused him to stop in his tracks.

Before he could mount another attack, her precise punches sent him realing..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his cheeks were really red and his chin was hurting like hell. Another jab to his broken nose..SMACK.. and a quick right to his mouth.. SMACK..sent him crashing to the floor.

Turning to Ron she blocked the first right he threw and dodged the left, not giving him a chance to throw a third, she put a combination to his stomach..SMACK..SMACK..and another combination to his face cutting his more right to his chin.. SMACK..sent him flying to the floor as he fell on top of his brother.

They lie there entangled in each other as Sherry was laughing and taunting them. "You fools are pretty clumsy. No wonder you boys can't accomplish anything, you're always tripping over one another". "NOW GET ON YOUR FEET WIMPS, SO I CAN KNOCK YOU DOWN AGAIN!"

Ron gained his feet and charged at her. Her shaply firm leg snapped out and her bare foot went into the young mans soft stomach deep.."WHAM.".stepping to the right a solid punch to his jaw,,SMACK..sent him to the floor again. John was up and throwing punches with abandon trying to hit anything, but his aim was still poor as Sherry bobbed and weaved causing him to miss them all.

Smiling, she laced into him with rights and lefts so fast he didn't have a chance to defend himself..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she marked his face up pretty good as he stumbled back from the onslaught. One more solid right to the young mans mouth..SMACK..sent him sprawling onto the sofa with a whimper.

Ducking under Ron's haymaker left, caused him to lose his balance and he stumbled past her. As he turned to meet her, he was met with a deluge of hard fast punches.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he was deposited on the sofa next to John with his face cut in several places. Grinning, She said, "you boys always seem to be lying or sitting somewhere trying to rest". "GET UP NOW!"

Sherry strolled back to the center of the room and waited smiling. This was going very well, she thought to herself, and it was only going to get better. John and Ron made it to their feet, but were slow to meet her out on the floor. They wern't sure what was going on, but were smart enough to realize it wasn't good for them.

Ron was the first to reach her as he slowly raised his fists trying to figure out what to do. She giggled as she looked into his bewildered face. Here's what you are trying to do with no luck Ron..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his lips became puffy and his eyes were changing color.

She dodged John's right and poured it on him too..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his eyes began to change color also, and his mouth was bleeding. Again Ron was throwing punches with everything he had but still missing..two jabs to his nose..SMACK..SMACK.. and a right hook to his mouth..SMACK..caused it to swell greatly.

John tried to sneak around to get to her back, but seeing him she kicked backwards and caught him in the stomach.."WHAM"..spinning to him, a right to his jaw..SMACK.. as he was leaning over, sent him slumping to the floor.

Back to Ron and his bewildered face, she snapped his head back and forth with hard punches SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..a left hook..SMACK..put him in the floor and he began to whimper. John was back up but his legs were becoming shakey. A left jab to his swelling eye..SMACK..another one to his chin..SMACK..and a right cross to the cheek..SMACK..drove him back.

Ron was up and coming for her as she turned. His punches were getting slower from his arms tiring slightly, so dodging them was a piece of cake. When he became winded and his attack stalled, she struck..SMACK..his cheek bone was laid open..SMACK..his lips were busted further..SMACK..SMACK..his stomach and abdomin turned softer.

SMACK..his eye was turning black..SMACK..SMACK..his broken nose became harder to breathe out of, and his chin felt like it had been hit with a sledge last punch to his jaw sent him sprawling at her feet whimpering.

John was just standing there as if he were lost. Confusion covered his face completely. Sherry smiled as she advanced on him and was sure she had seen fear when she started punching the confused young man..SMACK..SMACK..a combination to his swelling face made him grimmace and another combination to his stomach..SMACK..SMACK.. left it very hard for him to breathe.

A right hook to the eye..SMACK..made him close it in pain so she popped him in the other one..SMACK. his mouth sucked air from the awful pain in his face, so Sherry poured it on..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he back pedelled rapidily and finally dropped to the floor.

Ron had not made it to his feet, so Sherry helped him up. Turning him toward John, she smacked his head back and forth while she drove him back too..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he landed in front of John spread eagled on the floor.

Sherry was laughing her head off when she heard her young sister enter the room. "Hey sis, what ya doing"? "Oh, hi Sam, i'm teaching our brothers a lesson in manners", she said grinning. "You are huh, can i watch? My friend Sally just went home so i don't have anybody to play with, and there's nothing on TV, so can i watch please", the young girl asked?

"Sure sweety. I found Molly for you, she's waiting over on the sofa , so go sit down with her out of the way", Sherry said. "REALLY, YOU FOUND HER? Thanks a lot Sherry, you're the best", the excited young girl squeeled. "You're welcome Sam, i knew you missed her very much so i was glad to find her for you. I have to get back to these brothers of ours so stay there Sam so you don't get hurt honey,"OK"? "OK Sherry thanks again".

John made it to his feet, but his legs didn't seem to be working right. He had to shuffle slowly toward Sherry to reach her. She waited with that damn smirk on her smug face and all he could think of was wiping it off. His haymaker of a punch would have done that, but it hit nothing but air. Sherry smiled, as she peppered him with short hard punches, marking his swelling face even more.

SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his head bobbed up and down like a bobble head doll..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK.. Two solid shots to his soft stomach, and one to his jaw put the young man down again.

Ron was just getting to his feet and was also standing on trembling legs. He looked up just as Sherry's fists started tattooing him repeatedly..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his eyes were turning black, and his mouth was blown way out of proportion. last combination dropped him to the floor crying like a baby. Sherry was elated but John went crazy. "WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING MAN, SHUT THAT UP". "Don't worry John, you will be joining him in a little bit", the blond female fighter said grinning.

"GO TO HELL YOU BIMBO BITCH, I'LL NEVER CRY". "John, i told you about that name, but you're to stupid to listen, so i guess i'll let these do my talking for me," Sherry said, as she held up her strong feminine fists. "SO COME AND GET IT!"

Angry at his brother for crying, and sick and tired of hearing her smart ass mouth with that damn smug grin pasted on her face, John charged Sherry trying to tackle her and take her to the floor so he could pound on her there. As he got near, Sherry stepped to her left and grabbed the young mans right arm and swung him off balance toward Ron.

Cart wheeling his arms trying to stop himself didn't work. He flew past Ron stepping on his hand, which threw him more off balance and he slammed into the wall.."WHAM" He slumped to the floor totally dazed. Ron meanwhile, was crying even harder, shaking his hand that John had trampled.

Sherry picked the crying young man up and smiled. "Ohhh Ron, does it hurt little man, let me fix it for you". She grabbed his arm and quickly spun him around, wrenching it up behind his back in a hammerlock. Ron screamed in pain..AAARRGGHHHGH. Grasping his hair, Sherry run him at the wall as fast as she could travel, holding on to him. They reached the wall and Ron smacked into it with a loud thud.."WHAM".

He colapsed to the floor sobbing like a baby. John was coming out of his daze and trying to reach his feet. Sherry snapped her lovely firm leg out and popped him in the face with her bare foot..SMACK.. John's legs folded up and he slumped to the floor whimpering.

Sherry placed her feminine soft hands on shaply firm hips and slightly spread her pretty bare feet. "It must be clear to you sissy's by now that you're going to lose this fight. So why don't you just apologize to Sam and i, and i won't hurt you to much more", she explained. "Go to hell Sherry", John said, "you haven't won anything yet". "Yeah, Ron agreed, we're still gonna kick your ass bitch".

"Well you can't do it lying in the floor you little weaklings", so "GET YOUR STUPID ASSES UP AND FIGHT!" They rose together. John threw a mighty roundhouse that Sherry ducked, and it caught Ron flush in the face..SMACK..dropping him to the floor. As shock regestered on John's swelling face, she fired quick hard punches to John's head and body.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he slammed into the wall and slid to the floor.

Picking Ron up she turned him to the center of the room..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his face was changing colors rapidily, his eyes were getting black, and his cheeks and jaw were turning a nice shade of purple..SMACK..SMACK..a combination to the abdomin and an uppercut to the chin..SMACK..put him down hard.

Going back for John, she dragged him to his feet and started knocking him in the same direction.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his face was also looking battered and bruised as well as swollen when she deposited him next to Ron. They both were lying there whimpering loudly while she taunted them. "You boys are pathetic".

"I should have done this a long time ago. At least Sammy won't have to put up with your crap as she grows older because when i get through with you two, you're going to be meek little boys afraid of your own shadows". "NOW GET UP HERE AND FIGHT YOU PANSY'S!"

The two young men were lost on how to stop this massacre. Ron was already sobbing like a baby, and even though John had given him hell for crying, he felt like doing it himself. The shame of being beaten up by Sherry was more then he could take. He was always the one feared around here, and most places in town.

Ron was even afraid of him like Sherry used to be. But if Sherry won this fight and it got around, his life would be over. That would be very very humiliating. So he had to do something. But what? He climbed to his feet and threw a right trying to take her head off. Sherry tilted her head back slightly and it sailed harmlessly by in front of her beautiful face.

Cranking up her feminine fist she hit John with a bomb right in the middle of his swollen face..SMMM..ACK. His head snapped back and his body teetered a few times before he slammed to the floor at her feet, sound asleep.

Ron had watched the whole thing and when he seen his big brother John hit the floor out cold, a shiver went down his spine. He turned to look at Sherry with his mouth wide open in shock, and she could see the fear all over the young mans battered face. Still in total shock he really didn't see the uppercut coming that was going to put him to sleep next to his brother.."SMMM..ACK".

He was out on his feet when his body folded up and crumpled to the floor, sleeping peacefully at her pretty feet. Samantha was yelling at Sherry with a big smile on her cute young face, "WAY TO GO SHERRY, GIVE IT TO EM GOOD"! Sherry smiled at her.

"How about some lunch Sammy, while these two little boys are napping"? "Yeah Sherry, i am kinda hungry. What ya gonna fix"? "How about some of those pizza rolls you like so much, we can have a party in here while we watch these two sleep"? "YEAH", "YEAH, i like that sis, you really are the best Sherry, i love you". "I love you too Sammy girl", she replied.

The two girls ate pizza rolls and drank grape juice while they laughed and had a ball. Sam was giggling like crazy having the most fun she had had in a while. She felt much better now that Molly was back with her, and she was happy talking with her sister Sherry.

She really loved Sherry and the way she treated her. Not like those two bully's John and Ron. She hated when they teased her, but was to young to stop them. Maybe Sherry was gonna make them nice.

Sherry heard John moan and walked over to where he lay. John's eyes fluttered open and he was disoriented as to where he was. Leaning up on his elbows and shaking his head, he seen Sherry's bare feet right in front of his face. The memories came back to him now. She had knocked him out. He tried to stop the tears from coming, but the humiliation of being put to sleep by his sixteen year old sister was to much to bare.

Sherry backed up a few steps so John couldn't try and tackle her. "Wakey wakey little Johnny, time to get up", she said giggling. John climbed to his feet. Renewed determination on his face. He had to stop this bitch now. Raising his body to its full height, he stalked toward his tormentor.

New energy filled his strong muscles and he fired punches in bunches trying to end this nightmare. Smiling, Sherry ducked and dodged, bobbed and weaved, and evaded everything the crazed young man threw. He slowed his attack as he tired and Sherry went on the offensive.. SMACK..his eye turned more black and started to close..SMACK..his lips were split and puffy ..SMACK..his other eye began to close.

SMACK..SMACK..his stomach was non existent..SMACK.. his nose had been desintegrated..SMACK..his mouth was wheezing as he breathed..SMACK..SMACK..his jaw felt lose and unhinged..SMACK..a final right dropped him to the floor whimpering. Again the tears started coming and he couldn't hold them back.

"Is that tears i see in your black eyes there Johnny boy", the young warrior asked? "Fuck you Sherry, i'm going to kill you". Samantha heard him and said, "Sherry, John said a bad word". Before Sherry could reply, John told her to shut her fucking tattle tale mouth. That made Sam start to cry and Sherry went crazy. "GET YOUR ASS UP JOHN, I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU SENSELESS!"

She reached down and grabbed him by the hair and shirt and hauled him to his feet. SMACK..she knocked him back to the wall. He stepped forward and tried to throw a right, but Sherry caught it in her left hand. He tried a left and she caught it in her right hand. Spreading his arms out to the side, she drove her bare foot deep into the young mans stomach.."WHAM".. driving him back to the wall with her foot still buried deep in his guts.

As he bent over from the pain, Sherry blasted him with hard rights and lefts..SMACK..SMACK.. ..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..each punch was followed by a hard shove with her foot keeping him bent over. Finally dropping her foot, she planted a solid right in the middle of his face..SMACK. and he flopped to the floor face first.

Ron was beginning to get up but Sherry was to pissed off at John to mess with him. So turning to him as he got to his knees, she kicked him in the face as hard as she could with her right foot.."SMM..ACK"..and put him back to sleep. Turning back to John as he was trying to get to his feet she kicked him in the ass and he stumbled forward about six feet before he dropped on his face.

Stalking over to him she grabbed his hair and pulled him to his knees, SMACK.."DON'T"..SMACK.."YOU"..SMACK.."EVER"..SMACK.."TALK"..SMACK.."TO"..SMACK.."HER"..SMACK.."LIKE".. SMACK."THAT"..SMACK.."AGAIN"..SMACK.."YOU"..SMACK.."WEAKLING"..SMACK..her anger subsiding a little, she looked at his face and she could see she had destroyed it. It was twice its normal size, his eyes were half closed, his face was purple, black, and blue all over, and blood was seeping from his mouth, nose, and several cuts.

John was sobbing like a baby and begging her to quit. "S.S.Sherry.. st.stop.. h.hitting.. (sob) S.S.Sherry.. i've.. h.had.. enough.. pl.please.." (sob). "SHUT UP!" "NOOOO.. pl.please.. S.S.Sherry.. st.stop.. m.more.. pl.please..". (sob). "I SAID SHUT UP!" Dragging him over to where Samantha sat on the sofa, she dropped him to the floor.

Snapping both of his arms up his back in a double hammerlock she wrenched them as high as they would go, as he screamed in pain, sobbing like a child. Placing her thumb and first finger around the top wrist and the other three around the bottom she was able to hold both of his weakened arms with one feminine right hand. Grabbing a handfull of his hair with her left she dragged him to his knees in front of Sam.

"TELL HER YOU'RE SORRY FOR TALKING TO HER LIKE THAT OR I'LL BREAK BOTH YOUR PATHETIC ARMS!" "i'm.. s.sorry.. S.Sam.. f.for.. t.talking.. to.. pl.please.. f.for.g.give..". (sob) "Sam, sit back on the sofa and bend your leg as far as you can and kick him in the face with your foot", Sherry said. "NOOOOOOOO.. S.S.SHERRY.. PL.PLEASE.. NOOOOOOO". (sob)

"SHUT UP WIMP!" She screamed, as she yanked on his arms. ARRRRGHHH. "Do you understand what i mean Sammy", the pretty blond asked? "Yeah Sherry, but he will get me later and hurt me". "Don't you worry about that Sammy, they will never hurt you again, i guarantee it".

"Really Sherry, never", the cute little girl asked? "Never sweety, because they are going to be very afraid of me when i get through with them, and they will do what ever i tell them from now on, so go ahead Sammy let him have it good". "OK, if you say so Sherry". "Good girl Sam, don't worry".

As Sherry held the sobbing young man in position, Sam drew back her cute little bare foot and slammed it into John's face mashing it with her sole.."WHAM".."do it again honey", Sherry told her. "WHAM".."again".."WHAM".."again".."WHAM".."once more".."WHAM".."good girl Sam, thank you". "That was fun Sherry, really fun, his face felt funny on my foot", the little girl said giggling.

"I bet it was Sammy", Sherry laughed. Picking John up, Sherry held him by his shirt and bore into his swollen half closed eyes with her steel grey ones. "If you ever treat her bad again, i will beat you to death". "IS THAT CLEAR YOU PATHETIC WIMP!" "Y.Yes.. S.S.Sherry.. its.. c.c.clear.. pl.please.. more.. i g.give.. up.. pl.please.. S.S.Sherry". (sob)

Ron had awakened and was getting to his feet to help John out, but when he heard his big brother begging and crying like a little child. All hope and courage drained out of the young man as his shoulders slumped and his head drooped to his chest. Tears flowed like a waterfall and he couldn't stop them. If John had lost his will to fight, then everything was over for him too. He was smart enough to know he couldn't take Sherry on his own.

Hell they both hadn't been able to take her. A glimpse of his future flashed before his eyes and it frightened him to the core. Sherry held John's beaten and battered body up and he was sobbing pitifully as she drew back her hard female fist and punched him between the eyes..SMACK..he colapsed to the floor at her feet, sound asleep again.

She slowly walked to Ron swaying her firm feminine body so there was not a doubt in his mind that a young beautiful female was coming to beat him to a pulp. He threw his arms out in front of him and began to whine, "no sherry, lets talk about this please, OK"?

"I'm sorry for everything really i am Sherry, please....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..he dropped to the floor like a lead weight. She sat on his chest and grabbing his useless arms pinned them to the floor with her knees. She looked into his fear filled swollen battered face and issued orders that he must follow, "you will never try to bully Sam or i again"..SMACK.."you will treat us and all girls with respect"..SMACK.

"You will start helping around this house"..SMACK.."you will never try smoking again"..SMACK.."you will mind me from now on"..SMACK.."you will never argue about an order i give you"..SMACK.."you will not hesitate"..SMACK.."trying to stand up to me will get you a very thorough beating"..SMACK.."every order will be followed to the letter"..SMACK.."your old life is over boy"..SMACK.."HAVE YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON WIMP!"..SMACK.

She slapped the sobbing young mans swollen busted up face hard, to make him answer her. "WELL, WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER WEAKLING!" "Y.Yes.. S.S.Sherry i h.have.. l.l.learned.. pl.please.. st.stop.. i'll .. g.g.good.. pl.please". "YOU HAD BETTER WIMP, OR ELSE!" Climbing off of the beaten cowering young man, she grabbed the ottoman and carried it over near the sofa.

Going back for Ron, she grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar with both hands and lifting him slightly off the floor, dragged him over near the sofa. "Sammy, go sit on the ottoman please", she asked the young girl. Sam climbed down and went to the ottoman. Sherry pulled John's sleeping body over to the ottoman where she wanted it.

Slapping John awake she explained to Sam what she had in mind. Ron started to raise his battered body up to see what she was going to do. "STAY!" Sherry commanded, as she snapped her fingers and he dropped his sobbing swollen face back to the floor. Putting John in the position she wanted him at the front of the ottoman, she knelt down and picked up his useless weak arms, pulling them behind him and then up in the air. Telling Sam to sit on the ottoman and place her bare feet firmly on the floor in front of John's face.

She placed his wrists in her small hands. "Now pull on his arms as hard as you can sweety", she said. The young man screamed in pain..AAARRRGHHHHHHH as the young girl pulled on his arms and giggled. "KISS HER BARE FEET JOHN, RIGHT NOW, AND YOU BETTER DO A GOOD JOB OR ELSE I WILL START YOUR BEATING AGAIN". The sobbing, screaming young man kissed for all he was worth.

Shame and humiliation flooded his mind and soul, but he could not face those hard feminine fists again. Sherry seen that Sam was going to be able to handle John, as the young girl was wiggling her toes in his face while giggling. Sherry smiled to herself as she went back to Ron.

Placing her pretty bare foot on the floor near his head, she snapped her fingers and ordered, "KISS OR GET BEATEN RON". He dropped his battered face to her bare foot and kissed the smooth silky skin and pretty toes of his blond warrior conquering sister, like he belonged there. He felt humiliated and embarrassed as hell, and the taste and smell of her bare foot was disgusting to him but he knew better then to disobey.

Sherry sat back and enjoyed the feeling as she listened to Sam giggle. Lisa was right this was the greatest feeling she had ever experienced. These boys were going to do a lot of this.

Closing her eyes she relaxed and sighed with pleasure as she felt his swollen busted lips on her toes and soft smooth skin. After a while she made him switch to her left foot so she could enjoy the feeling on it too. She noticed that Sam had quit giggling and opened her eyes in alarm thinking something was wrong. But she smiled and closed her eyes again when she seen that Sam had closed her little eyes and was enjoying the feeling on her bare feet too.

The humiliated brothers groveled at the feet of both of their sisters for about two hours. Finally letting them stop, Sherry ordered them to bed and they scurried off to obey her even though it was only seven thirty. Sleeping in their beds was much better then sleeping on the floor after being put there by a female fist. Sherry and Sam went back to their party laughing.