A fan requested story.
Ruby Redd is a beautiful Southern Belle who lives on a fabulous Plantation in Mississippi. Her rust colored hair cascades down her back like strands of finely woven silk. And her deep brown eyes seem to put you in an hypnotic trance if you stare into them for very long. Which was totally impossible for any male to resist. Because Ruby wasn't a female who warranted a mere glance as she walked by. Her radiant beauty compelled you to constantly focus your eyes on her while drooling excessively until she was completely out of your sight. And her well defined figure perfectly complimented her flawless beauty like no other woman you've ever met. Her lovely smile would have you eating out of her hand like a loyal puppy. And if you were lucky enough to engage her in conversation, you would suddenly get the urge to fall on your knees and worship her like a Goddess. Ruby completely took over your mind when she was in your presence.
Unfortunately beneath her movie star looks and super model body beat the cold black heart of a cruel and ruthless female. Ruby absolutely loathed men. In her eyes they were merely objects to be used as door mats and foot stools. Worthless flesh and bone who's only purpose in life should be to unconditionally serve the superior female sex. They had no rights and certainly wasn't capable of making a rational decision without a females guidance. Ruby didn't always feel this way about men. Until the age of fourteen she was a bubbly young girl who couldn't have been more happy with her existence. She was best friends with her mother and her adoring father was wrapped around her little finger. But her father's indiscretions drastically changed her way of life. His repeated affairs with the female servants and several ladies in town drove her mother away. Her mothers departure broke her heart and drove a wedge between she and her father that couldn't be removed. She thoroughly despised the man and never forgave him.
For two years they lived under the same roof but barely spoke to one another. Thomas wanted to give his daughter time to adjust to the situation but he didn't plan on it lasting this long. He desperately wanted to make amends with Ruby but she had completely shut him out. Her sixteenth Birthday was coming up next week, so he decided to give her an elaborate Birthday party and hopefully work his way back into her good graces. He had the servants decorate the Ballroom and told the cook to bake an enormous cake and prepare an exquisite meal. Then he hired a band and mailed invitations to every elite family in Mississippi. But despite his efforts, Ruby was brooding over the fact her mother wasn't there and she flatly refused to have a good time. Thomas was at his wits end and very annoyed with his spoiled daughter. His fatal decision to chastise Ruby for her unruly behavior turned out to be an extremely painful and humiliating experience.
Ruby was lying on her bed sulking when her bedroom door suddenly flew open. Her father was standing in the doorway with his arms folded over his chest and an irate look on his manly face. "Ive had it up to here with your disrespecting attitude young lady. I'm sorry your mother left and I know it was all my fault. But frankly I'm sick and tired of repeatedly apologizing for my actions. She's gone for good and you'll simply have to accept it. I went to great expense to give you a sweet sixteen Birthday party you would remember for the rest of your life. And you repay me by totally ignoring our guests and retiring to your room after fifteen minutes. Your presents are unopened and the beautiful cake I had cook prepare for you is uncut. I've put up with your foul mood for two years and kept my temper in check. But I refuse to do it any longer. Tomorrow morning you will thank the cook for baking your cake and open your presents with a smile on your face. Your attitude will change or else young lady. That is an order. Now go to sleep."
Ruby lie there glaring at her father during his entire lengthy speech. She didn't realize just how much she hated the man until he burst through her door running his mouth. How dare he come into my bedroom giving me orders and issuing ultimatums. He's the one who ruined our happy home with his adulterous affairs. My mother would still be living with us if he had been a faithful husband and loving father. So as far as I'm concerned he willingly forfeited his right as a parent to tell me how I can or can not behave. She said to herself. The stern look on his condescending face made Ruby want to hurt him more than anything in the world. And his smug attitude was so irritating she couldn't stand it. So she surrendered to the angry feelings quickly building up inside of her and reacted on impulse.
Thomas was completely taken by surprise when his daughter suddenly sprang off of the bed and attacked like a vicious wildcat. Her sharp claws were out and her beautiful face had changed into a hideous creature who was filled with rage and fury. Before he could defend himself, his cheek was ripped to shreds and he nearly lost an ear. When he raised his arms to protect his injured face, his stomach and balls were bombarded by her knee. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHOP!" The blow to his balls bent him over so Ruby could land a potent left cross. "SMACK!" Thomas dropped to the floor and curled up in a ball like an armadillo. Ruby used the opportunity to kick and stomp on any body part she could reach. "WHAM!..STOMP!..STOMP!..WHAP!..BAM!" The brutal kick to his temple caused him to bang his head on the floor. It left Thomas totally helpless and at the mercy of his angry daughter.
Ruby landing a solid left cross to put Thomas down.
Seeing her father laid out on the floor in a helpless state was an erotic thrill. The adrenaline pumping through her veins made Ruby feel amazingly strong and unbeatable. She climbed aboard his spreadeagled body and pinned his lifeless arms down with her knees. When she sat up and saw the fear in his eyes she damn near had an orgasm. Suddenly the whole meaning of life made perfect sense. This was her calling. Her destiny. She was tailor made to reign supreme over men and dominate their very existence. "Don't you ever tell me what to do again." "SMACK!" "I'm the one in charge from now on." "SMACK!" "I make the rules and you'll follow them or else." "SMACK!" "Is that understood daddy dear?" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Thomas was crying like a baby while he shamefully begged his beautiful daughter to stop hitting him. "I have to make sure you know your place. So I'm afraid your torture is far from over old man. Now let's continue your introduction into slavery."
Thomas was wailing like a broken hearted child when Ruby dragged his wilting body to his feet. "You can cry all you want you pathetic excuse for a man. It won't help you." Ruby turned him loose and raised her well tanned leg to inflict more pain on her defenseless father. "Let's try a little foot work you useless bastard." "WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!" Ruby's slapping foot moved with unbelievable speed to snap his head from side to side. Thomas finally lost his balance and collapsed to the floor in a heap. "Get your ass up old man we're just getting started." She ordered. "Please stop this nonsense Ruby, I'm your father." He pleaded. "Is your hard head to thick to grasp the truth of this situation? I rule this house along with you and everything you own. I'm the boss. While you're merely a slave of no importance who has no choice but to obey me. Now do as you're told and get up before you really piss me off." "Have you lost your mind?" Thomas asked in disbelief. "Not in the least slave. Actually I finally realized who I am and the exulted position I'm destined to hold. This is your final warning slave." "GET UP OR ELSE!"
Ruby slapping her father around with her foot.
Thomas looked at his daughters wild eyed stare and drew the conclusion she desperately needed psychiatric help. He was determined to put an end to her foolish notions and get the medical attention she needed when he slowly climbed to his feet. The first thing on the agenda was to subdue his daughter and tie her down if necessary. Once he was certain she was no longer a danger to him or herself, he would try to calm her down while contacting the best Psychiatrist available. Unfortunately there was a flaw in his plan which was doomed to fail from the start. He never dreamed that subduing his daughter was a task he couldn't possibly achieve. After all, it was male versus female in this battle of the sexes and he was twice her size. So the thought of losing the fight with his young daughter never entered his mind. Thomas stepped up and threw a punch with extreme confidence. That punch ended life as he knew it forever.
Ruby easily ducked under his ham sized fist and drilled him in the ribs with a solid left. "THUD!" Thomas grunted like a pig and left himself wide open for the wrecking ball uppercut that exploded on his chin like dynamite. "CRRRACK!" He momentarily lost control of his senses and was stumbling around in a daze. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Ruby cut him to pieces with numerous rights and lefts that accurately struck their target. His muscular arms immediately dropped to his sides, leaving Thomas completely vulnerable to her attack. Ruby used her bed as a springboard to launch her body towards her groggy father. When she made contact she wrapped her extended legs around his shoulders and locked her ankles behind his back. Thomas was unprepared for the acrobatic maneuver and couldn't control his balance. When he started to fall forward, Ruby whipped her gorgeous legs and flipped the man head over heels. "SLAM!" It sounded like a grenade going off when his back slammed into the floor.
Ruby about to flip her father to the floor with her legs.
Ruby held her position while performing the flip and now had her delirious father helplessly pinned down in a strangling neck scissors. He frantically clawed at her powerful legs to ease the pressure but his futile efforts were in vain. They were simply to strong for the weakened man to break her inescapable hold. Ruby was easily able to control his wriggling body while she tightened her legs like a vise. Gurgling sounds was all the poor man could make while he fought to catch his breath. But it kept slipping away and he was about to lose consciousness. Ruby didn't want to knock him out yet so she slightly loosened her tight grip so Thomas could breathe a little easier. "I own you old man. My word is law in this house and you'll obey me or be severely punished. Your pathetic male frame is totally inferior compared to my magnificent female body. I can bend you like a pretzel or beat you like a rug at my discretion. So accept your fate like a good little slave and behave yourself. Or I'll be forced to painfully prove my point. Now let's finish this."
Poor Thomas trapped in an unbreakable neck scissors.
Thomas could barely stand when Ruby released him from her fleshy prison and dragged him to his feet. A huge smile spread across her beautiful face as she gripped his shirt to hold him steady and looked into his swollen blurry eyes. "Your condescending big mouth has tread on my nerves for the last time slave. So the first rule I'm enforcing is that you must never speak without my permission from now on. Now be a good boy and go to sleep while I make plans for my exciting new life." Thomas was so far out of it he never saw the jaw breaking punch coming. "SMMMACK!" The devastating punch slammed into his chin and knocked him clean off of his feet. Thomas ended up sprawled over the back of the chair with his head just inches from the floor. Ruby smiled and raised her arms in a muscle pose while Thomas peacefully slept like a baby. "That should prove which one of us is boss." She said with a twinkle in her eye.
Ruby proudly standing over her fathers sleeping body.
Ruby lie down on her bed to contemplate the numerous possibilities available to her after seizing control. Anything her heart desired would be hers at the snap of her fingers. A fleeting thought passed through her mind to ask her mother to come back since she was in charge. But she quickly discarded it. Why should she share her dominate position with a woman who didn't have the back bone to fight for her family. The hell with her. She said to herself. While she was deep in thought, Ruby could feel the hatred boiling up inside of her every time she glanced at her father. Suddenly it wasn't enough to simply give the man a beating and take over. She wanted to thoroughly break him down and destroy him. Grind him under her heel until there was nothing left but a worthless pile of blubbering flesh who crawled at her feet in fear. A man without courage who's will belonged to her. And she knew exactly how to accomplish it. Ruby leaped off of the bed and ran to her fathers bedroom with an evil grin on her lovely face. She was really going to enjoy this.
When she was ten years old she heard moaning sounds coming from her parents bedroom while she was passing by. It was a females voice so she was concerned her mother might be hurt. But when she burst through the door she got the shock of her life. Her father had the upstairs maid bent over the table and he was standing behind her with an ugly looking thing strapped to his waist. She was to young to understand what they were doing and her father was screaming at her to get out. So she quickly left the room with hurt feelings and a confused mind. Ruby had considerably grown up over the years and now she knew exactly what was going on that day. Using the strap on dildo on her father like he was a common whore would be an excellent way to break his spirit. It would completely demoralize the useless prick and shame him clear down to his soul.
Thomas was crying like a lost child when Ruby slapped him awake and hauled him to his feet. "Come with me old man. We're going to adjust your attitude and show you your place in our relationship." The sobbing man stumbled along side his daughter with a broken heart. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to break free of her firm grip and fight back. But not a single ounce of courage could be found in his badly beaten body. He was deathly afraid of his domineering little girl. So he gave up and obeyed her command without a struggle. Ruby threw him down on her bed and planted a knee in his back to keep him in place. After strapping the dildo around her waist, she unbuckled his belt and yanked his pants down to his knees. Then she grabbed him by the wrists and pulled his arms back to use for leverage while she lined the head of the dildo up with the crack of his ass. "For as long as I can remember you've used females like your personal possessions without giving them any respect or consideration. Now that you belong to me, you'll learn how it feels to be used and abused like a common whore without having any say in the matter. So open up and say ahhh slut, I'm going to fuck your brains out."
Searing pain filled his ass before Thomas could utter a word. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He screamed like a banshee and flopped around like a fish out of water. But he was helplessly trapped and unable to break her secure hold on him. Ruby smiled as she held him steady and pumped her shapely hips like a piston firing in an engine. "THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!" The unbearable pain was driving poor Thomas insane. But his begging and pleading cries of agony fell on deft ears. "Hush up and try to enjoy your new life slave. I am." Ruby teased. "THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!" He finally passed out and escaped the terrible torture she was inflicting on him. But Ruby continued to fuck him in the ass until she was satisfied he would learn a lesson from this unforgettable experience. Thomas slumped to the floor like a dead man when she turned him loose and removed the dildo. Ruby left him lying there while she took a refreshing shower and changed into her red night clothes. Then she stepped out on the balcony to get some fresh air.
Thomas adjusted to his new life as a slave as well as he could. Waiting hand and foot on his overly sadistic daughter wasn't an easy thing for the man to accept. For twenty five years he ran his plantation and other business affairs with an iron fist. The one in control of his destiny and completely in charge of everything and everyone around him. Having to cower down and take orders instead of issuing them left a bad taste in his mouth. He tried to regain his position as head of the household on one other occasion but received another severe beating for his attempt. So he unwillingly accepted his fate with a heavy heart. Even though Ruby was able to squash his rebellion when he tried to stand up to her, it wasn't as easy to handle him the second time around. So she decided to hire an instructor to teach her how to fight. For the next six months she went to the gym and studied the fine art of boxing under his tutelage. She was an excellent student who quickly and easily learned the skills he taught her. The lessons extremely built her confidence and made her feel invincible.
There was three loud mouth males who constantly hit on her every time she showed up. Ruby bided her time until she was absolutely sure she could discourage their unwanted advances by giving the pestering idiots a brutal beating. That moment came when the three men brazenly entered the female dressing room without any concern for her privacy. Ruby was nearly naked when a males voice startled her. She looked up to see the three men ogling her well constructed body. "There's no need for you to learn how to defend yourself little darlin. Just say the word and we'll protect you from anyone." The leader said with a huge grin. "He's right buttercup. Spread those fine looking legs of yours and nobody will ever fuck with you again." The second one chimed in. "Just think of us as your Knights in shiny Armour sweet thing. For the right price we guarantee you'll be safe from harm." The last one added with a smile. The three conceited morons had finally pushed Ruby past her limit. They needed to be taught a lesson and she was more than willing to accommodate the bone heads. Unfortunately for them, they had no idea just how well trained and capable she had become. But they were painfully about to find out.
Ruby casually picked up her gloves and put them on with a wicked smile on her beautiful face. Then she turned to face the three loud mouth assholes and issued a challenge. "You'll have to prove I need your protection if you boys want in my pants. So meet me in the ring if any of you have the balls to back up your big mouth." Ruby brushed past the shocked males and confidently walked out of the room. Seconds later the three men scrambled for boxing gloves and hurried out to meet her with anticipation. "OK sweetheart. Which one of us gets the privilege of riding you like a wild bronc?" The leader asked. "There's no reason to stand on ceremony gentlemen. My time is valuable and you assholes are wasting it. So I'll fight all three of you at once, with the prize going to the man who can knock me out." She confidently stated. "You must be joking?" They replied in unison. "Do I look like I'm laughing? Now get your sorry asses in this ring or I'll tell the whole town you great big muscle hunks were afraid to fight a girl." "Have it your way darlin." The leader said as they climbed into the ring.
Ruby faced the leader in the middle of the ring while the other two stood at her sides. She attacked without warning and totally surprised the three over confident males. After taking a step towards the leader like she was going to engage him in battle, she quickly pivoted to her left and fired a powerful hay maker punch with all of her strength. "SMMMACK!" The guy was completely caught off guard and never saw it coming. He back pedaled out of control until he slammed into the turn buckle. When he slumped down in the corner on his ass he was sound asleep. The other two were so stunned they merely stood there in a stupor. Which turned out to be a very painful mistake. Ruby leaped to the man who had been on her right and tattooed his mid section with jack hammer punches. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" The devastating blows forced him to bend over for her sledge hammer uppercut. "CRRRACK!" He was out cold before his seemingly jointless body hit the canvas.
Big mouth finally woke up and threw a massive right cross at her jaw. Ruby easily ducked under his clumsy attempt and rat tat tatted his ribs with machine gun like punches. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" The unbearable pain made him lower his arms to protect the vulnerable spot. Ruby took advantage of his stupidity to massacre his unprotected face with countless rights and lefts. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The man was helplessly staggering around on rubbery legs in no time. Ruby grabbed his stumbling body to hold him steady and smiled as she stared into his glassy eyes. "It looks like you boys are the ones who need protection. Wouldn't you agree wimp?" The poor man didn't hear a word she said. Ruby gently lifted his chin until she had the angle she wanted and drew back her right fist. "Say good night beef cake. It's past your bed time." "SMMMACK!" The enormous punch struck his jaw with the power of a locomotive behind it. It spun his unconscious body around and left him hanging over the top rope. Ruby proudly stood there with lifeless male bodies sprawled at her feet.
Ruby surrounded by beaten and unconscious muscle hunks.
Ruby decided to build herself a stable of slaves and these three idiots were perfect candidates for the position. They were constantly hanging around the gym hitting on women so they had no life to speak of. She rationalized by making them her slave it would give the useless assholes a purpose and enrich their lives. So she was actually a savior of sorts who was doing them a favor. After showering and dressing she found some tether rope and tied the three men up like calves at a rodeo. Then she hauled them out to her car and drove off. After making preparations she untied each one individually and gave him a terrible beating. They fought like cornered jungle cats but were simply no match for Ruby's excellent fighting skills. Eventually their will was broken by the beautiful female and they grudgingly accepted their fate. Ruby assigned household duties to her newly acquired slaves and walked off with a smile. Life was grand as ruler of your domain.
Ruby liked to stay in shape and hone her skills as often as possible. So when they least expected it she would attack the muscle hunks and engage them in combat. Each time the three men would do their best to defeat her and hopefully gain their freedom. When she found the three men building muscle mass in the home gym she had built after enslaving them, she decided it was a good time to remind them who was boss. The first man was caught off guard when she approached him with a disarming smile and crushed his jaw with a solid right cross. "SMACK!" He crumbled like a smashed up cracker and landed at her feet. The other two men instantly charged her in an attempt to gain the upper hand. Ruby was prepared for their assault and easily dispatched the two men with a powerful kick and a jabbing elbow. "WHAP!" Her fast moving foot slammed into the leaders chin and dropped him like a jointless rag doll. "WHAM!" At the same time her elbow drilled the man behind her in the mouth and stopped him dead in his tracks. It stunned him so bad his muscular arms flopped to his sides and left him unprotected. Ruby smiled and took him apart.
Ruby delivering a powerful kick and an elbow smash.
While the poor man stood there in a daze she beat his abs to a pulp. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" Then she switched to his face and rearranged his features. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" The finale was a wrecking ball uppercut that snapped his head back and dumped him in the floor like a sopping wet dish rag. "You pathetic wimps have to put up a better fight than that. I barely got any exercise at all. Now get on your God damn feet and try to fight like men." She scolded. Their leader was already up and the first man she knocked down was beginning to stir. But the one she had just finished pounding on had to be rousted from a deep sleep by his comrades. Ruby impatiently waited until the three of them were ready to face her. "Alright. Now put some effort into it this time. Fighting with you three pussies is like fighting with children. So bring it on." They gathered themselves and attacked with a vengeance.
Ruby landing a vicious uppercut to his exposed chin.
"SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..WHAP!..CRACK!..WHAP!" In less than five seconds the three muscle hunks were sprawled out in the floor. One was rapidly blinking his blurry eyes trying to focus them while the other two were simply lying there groaning. "You three are absolutely useless. I tell you to bring your A game and you stand there like practice dummies before you topple over like bowling pins. You know better then to piss me off but you manage to do it every single time. I've had it up to here with your incompetence and I refuse to put up with it any longer. So you morons only have yourself to blame for the consequences." She straddled the groggy leader and pinned his arms down with her knees. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Then she beat him black and blue. She rolled the next guy up on his side and viciously twisted his arm while she nearly choked him to death. "SMACK!" She finally put him out of his misery with a destructive right.
Ruby position her victim to strangle him close to death.
She dragged the last guy up on his knees and pinned his muscular arms behind him with her statuesque body. Then she wrapped him up in a sleeper hold and applied enormous pressure. The poor man thought he was going to die so he repeatedly pleaded for his life before he lost consciousness. Ruby was angry enough to end his miserable life but a dead slave wasn't any use to her. So she reluctantly turned him loose and stomped on him while he slept. "STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!" Ruby felt much better after venting her anger on the three useless hunks so she went looking for her father. She was in the mood for a good fucking and her fathers ass hadn't been reamed out in nearly a week. When he saw her coming with the dildo strapped around her waist he instantly laid his upper body down on the table and softly cried. He had long ago given up and surrendered his will to his domineering daughter.
Ruby about to apply a sleeper hold and knock the muscle hunk out.
Ruby stepped up behind him and gently rubbed the cheeks of his ass. Thomas trembled at her touch, but remained in the submissive position like a slave who knew his place. "You really have a sweet ass daddy dear. No wonder I love to fuck you so much. I wish my other slaves were as well behaved as you. Although in their defense, I haven't disciplined them nearly as often as I do you. For some reason you seem to bring the worst out in me. But let's forget about that for the moment and enjoy ourselves. I'm really in a horny mood." Ruby lined the dildo up and rammed it in to the hilt." Thomas tightly gripped the sides of the table and suppressed the ear piercing scream about to escape his mouth. "THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!" Ruby ran her tongue over her luscious lips and closed her beautiful green eyes while she moved her perfectly shaped hips like a jack hammer. Thomas closed his tearful eyes and painfully grimaced. But he kept his mouth shut. "THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!" About twenty minutes later she ended his torture.
"You may resume your duties slave." She said while removing the dildo. "Yes Miss Ruby. May I please use some ointment to soothe my rectum?" He asked with his head hanging down. "Yes you may. But don't dawdle and fall behind on your work. You know how much I loathe an unkempt house. So do it quickly and return to your duties." "Yes Miss Ruby. Thank you." He replied with a broken heart. "Good boy. By the way, while you're in the bathroom you might as well clean this for me." She said while handing him the soiled dildo. "Yes Miss Ruby. Right away." Thomas scurried off to obey her orders and didn't see the amusing smile on her lovely face. She loved to mentally humiliate her father by forcing him to perform degrading acts. Like making him clean the object she used to torture him. It was another devious way of proving he was totally inferior to her. Ruby happily strolled off to plan the rest of her day. Various forms of punishment to inflict on her muscle hunk slaves were definitely at the top of the list. And of course another brutal beating.
Molly Windham and her family had just returned home from spending their summer vacation in Hawaii. She could barely control her bubbling enthusiasm while she showered and changed clothes. Molly couldn't wait to tell her best friend Ruby about the amazing things and wonderful places she had seen. She drove to the Mansion at break neck speed and charged up the walk carrying the numerous souvenirs she brought back with her. But Molly dropped the souvenirs and nearly went into shock when Thomas Redd opened the door wearing only a pink apron and a thong. Molly couldn't seem to find her voice as she slowly walked in like a zombie in a trance. She finally snapped out of it when Ruby spoke and gave her a big hug. "Welcome back Molly. Did y'all have a good time in Hawaii?" Molly simply pointed at Thomas and began to stutter. "Why is he.. your father is.. a pink apron is all.. what the hell is going on?" She finally blurted out. Ruby was amused by her stricken face so she let her rant until she broke down laughing. "Come with me and I'll explain everything." She said as she grabbed Molly by the hand and dragged her off.
Molly listened with her mouth gaped open until Ruby finished with her explanation. "You're joking right? You have to be. Your father is a man and more than twice your size. It would be physically impossible for you to beat him up and take over." She said shaking her head. "It's more than possible Molly it's true. And I'll tell you something else. I have three more slaves who are much larger then daddy and I can whip their ass just as easily." She said with a smile. "You know I love you Ruby but you must be delusional if you think I'm going to believe a story like that." "Then I shall prove it to you." Ruby grabbed Molly by the hand and dragged her off again. She followed along behind her while trying to determine the proper way to seek help for her best friend. Molly swore an oath to stand by Ruby while the specialists administered what ever treatment she needed to get better. Even if her case turned out to be hopeless she would never abandon her friend during her hour of need.
They found the leader of the muscle hunks dusting off the vintage bottles of rare wine down in the wine cellar. "SNAP!" Ruby snapped her fingers to get his attention. "Get your ass over here wimp and be quick about it." He passively started walking towards her until he noticed Molly standing in the shadows. He suddenly found the courage to confront his tormentor and hopefully save himself from being humiliated in front of an audience. "Go to hell bitch. I'm through taking orders from you." "Is that so? Well we'll just have to see about that." Ruby replied as she began walking towards him. The big man fired a massive right that was aimed to take her head off. Ruby simply snatched it out of the air and drilled him in the bread basket with a solid right that nearly reached his back bone. "THHHUD!" The poor man went weak in the knees and collapsed against her. Ruby got right in his face and chastised him for his stupidity. "You really shouldn't run your mouth if you don't have the skills to back it up." She spread her hand over his face and shoved him away from her. "SNAP!" "Now let's try this again. Get your ass over here and kneel at my feet where you belong."
Ruby caving his stomach in with a devastating punch.
Molly stood there in shock while she watched the amazing spectacle going on in the wine cellar. The muscle bound man was built like Mr. Universe and Ruby dwarfed in size compared to him. But he seemed to be afraid of Ruby and was hesitant to engage her in a fight. If she wasn't watching the scene with her own two eyes she never would have believed it. "You heard me wimp. Move your ass like I ordered or you'll be severely punished." Ruby said with confidence. He finally had his breathing under control and her sarcastic voice was irritating him all to hell. But reason told him to be cautious as he approached his adversary. She may be small and appear fragile but he knew she packed dynamite in her fists. Several painful beatings had thoroughly convinced him that Ruby was extremely dangerous. It was better to be safe than sorry. When he was in range he threw a straight right at her beautiful face which he was hoping would surprise her. Ruby merely ducked under it and whacked him in the balls with the edge of her hand. "WHOP!" His face turned green and his knees buckled.
Ruby busting him in the balls with a slicing Karate chop.
"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Ruby went to work on his scrunched up face with hard and accurate punches. The poor man was staggering around the room like an inebriated drunk. He was unable to protect himself while she quickly swelled his face up like a balloon filled with air. When his muscular arms were dangling at his sides and his bulky legs were threatening to collapse, a powerful uppercut exploded on his chin. "CRRRACK!" He toppled over like a falling statue and landed on a wooden crate. Ruby grabbed his enormous legs and swung his body around until she was next to the wall. She lifted his legs up and propped them against the wall so they would remain in place. Then she smiled as she raised her arm high in the air and brought her elbow crashing down into his exposed balls. "WHAM!" The poor man immediately passed out before the ear piercing scream could escape his throat. Ruby couldn't stop herself from laughing when she looked over and saw Molly's eyes were as big as saucers and her mouth was wide open in disbelief.
Ruby slamming her elbow into the beaten mans balls.
Ruby dumped the unconscious man off of the crate and dragged him up on his knees. She grabbed a fist full of his hair to kept him from falling and roughly slapped him awake. When he finally opened his swollen eyes they were filled with tears and fear. "Are you going to behave yourself and obey my orders slave? Or do you need further proof that I'm superior to you pathetic males?" She asked in a menacing tone. "No ma'am. I surrender. Please don't hurt me. I beg you." He passively answered. "This is your last warning slave so pay attention. If you ever disobey me in front of my guests again I'll beat you to death. Is that understood?" "Yes ma'am." He whimpered. Ruby drew her fist back and put him in the floor with a solid right to his jaw. "SMACK!" The big man curled up in a ball and cried like a baby. Molly finally came out of her trance. "GOD ALMIGHTY RUBY THAT WAS AWESOME!" You really did enslave the men and control their lives. I sincerely apologize for not believing you." "Think nothing of it Molly. I understand completely. Now let's take him upstairs and have some fun. You need to feel how erotically exciting it is to totally dominate a male. And I have just the tool to help you achieve that blissful feeling."
Molly looking on while Ruby punishes her disobedient slave.
"Get up slave." She said to the weeping man lying at her feet. He slowly climbed to his feet and followed the two females up the stairs with his sorrowful head resting on his chest. When they entered her bedroom, Ruby opened a drawer and pulled out her favorite disciplining toy. Molly grinned in surprise while her well developed body tingled with anticipation. But the muscle hunk had an entirely different reaction. His face turned snow white while fear held a tight grip on his trembling body. "No Mistress. Please no." He pitifully begged. "SILENCE!" She screamed while giving him an icy glare. He immediately shrunk in defeat and quietly sobbed like a lost child. "Give me a minute to lower his resistance so he'll be easier for you to handle. Then you get the privilege of fucking him like a dog so you can experience the wonderful sensation you receive from being totally in control. I guarantee you've never felt anything like it in your life." Ruby said as she handed Molly the dildo. She was slightly nervous when she put it on but overly excited as well.
Ruby led the muscle hunk over to the sofa to prepare him for Molly. He began to bulk when they were nearly there so she wrapped her arm around the back of his neck and flipped him over her shoulder. "SLAM!" The hard landing took all the fight out of him. Ruby pinned his arms down with her knees and planted her gorgeous ass in his face. The poor man was suddenly deprived of oxygen and frightened out of his mind. But his useless struggles were weak and feeble because of the terrible beating she gave him in the wine cellar. It wasn't long before the muscle hunk quieted down and was completely under her control. "That should do the trick. Are you ready to tame your first male Molly?" Ruby asked her friend. "Oh yes. I'm so excited I feel like a child who just received exactly what she wanted for Christmas. Let me at him." She helped Ruby drag him over to her bed and throw him down. Then the two girls adjusted his semi conscious body until his ass was up in the air and his chest was resting on the bed. Molly crawled behind him and lined the dildo up with the crack of his ass. Then she grabbed him by the thighs for support and buried the artificial dick up his ass to the hilt.
Ruby face sitting the muscle hunk to soften him up for Molly.
"AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He instantly came out of his stupor and screamed like he was dying. Ruby helped hold his bucking body down while Molly moved her slender hips until she had the exact rhythm she desired. "THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!" His face was buried in the comforter to help silence his painful screams and his huge hands were repeatedly beating on the mattress. Heavy tears poured out of his sad eyes and drenched the bed because he knew there was no escaping the torture he was in. He was trapped in a horrible nightmare controlled by two evil females and he wasn't man enough to save himself. He simply gave up and surrendered his will to the beautiful girls. "THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!" Molly was having the time of her life. Never again would she return to the shy and timid girl she used to be. In that moment she knew her purpose in life was to show men their place and completely control them. A smile appeared on her lovely face when she accepted that fact. "THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!"
Ruby ordered her slave to return to his duties while the two gorgeous females flopped down on the bed to discuss the event that just took place. The poor man could barely walk as he slowly hobbled out of the room feeling completely humiliated and shamed. "Well? Was it as exhilarating as I said it would be?" Ruby asked with a smile. "WOW!" "I've never felt so alive in my life. My insides are burning with desire and I never want it to flame out. Being in control of a man that size while you completely degrade him is an ultimate high. And listening to his pathetic whimpering because he was totally helpless and at my mercy made me feel exceptionally powerful. It was absolutely incredible Ruby. I can't wait to do it again." She breathlessly replied. "Luckily I have three more slaves who's only purpose is to serve us until we're satisfied. So your wish is granted my friend." "God I love you Ruby. Do you think you can teach me to fight like you so I can beat men into submission? I must have my own slaves to please me." "Sure Molly. Females are far superior in every way. It's our destiny to dominate men and rule their very existence. Now let's go find those useless wimps and have some more fun." "You read my mind girl. Lead the way." Molly replied while briskly rubbing her hands together. The two beautiful females left the room to hunt down their next victim.
I feel compelled to leave you with one final warning before I end this tragic tale. "ALL MEN BEWARE!" Especially those of you in the south. Two domineering females who have absolutely no concern for your wishes or well being are on the prowl. So keep your eyes open and stay alert. Because if you to fall into their evil hands only death can save you.