Lesbian Rebekah gives me another terrible beating. By Crohnsman Crohnsman67216@yahoo.com Rebekah gives me another beating because I injure Jeanie. Three months have passed since my wife's lesbian lover Rebekah gave me a terrible beating and turned me into their maid and play toy. She's taken over my home, and my place in my wife's heart. I now sleep in the back room where Rebekah used to sleep, and haven't touched my wife sexually since that fatal day. The thing that really breaks my heart, is the fact that my wife Jeanie is satisfied with the new arrangement. I do all of the cleaning, have started to learn how to cook so I can take over that job, and now they're trying to teach me how to do laundry. But I don't reap any rewards or even receive a kind word from my wife. Jeanie has sex with Rebekah only. The only thing on my mind is getting my life back. Even if that life is without my beautiful Jeanie. I miss that gorgeous female body lying next to me. Her flowing mane of chestnut colored hair, and her mesmerizing light blue eyes are always on my mind. And that lovely face of hers is always in my dreams. But that lesbian bitch Re bekah has stolen all of that away from me. And my beautiful Jeanie doesn't seem to care about me at all anymore. The only reason the two women keep me around, is because of the large fortune I recently inherited. Fortunately for me, the money is in my name. My dear Aunt Gertrude passed away and left me ten million dollars of her great fortune. When Jeanie and I first got married, we opened a joint bank account. But luckily for me, she suggested we keep our own personal accounts that we had before we were married. That decision has come back to haunt her. When the money I inherited was deposited in the bank, they put it in my personal account, because the check was in my name only. So Jeanie and Rebekah can't get their hands on it without my signature. And I have flatly refused to let them have what they want. I call the bank each month and have them move six thousand dollars into our joint account to handle the bills and groceries. That leaves very little for them to squander away on things they would like to have. So even though I am a slave in my own home and take orders from my wife and her lesbian lover, I have them over a barrel. They can't throw me out because they would be penniless. And I don't try and escape their clutches, because I want to protect the investment I have in my home. I am also hoping my beautiful Jeanie will come to her senses some day and return to the life I once loved. But judging by the way she has acted toward me since Rebekah took over, I don't really see that happening. Rebekah is the only thing on he r mind. It's hard for me to comprehend how a beautiful woman like Jeanie, could give up a normal sexual relationship with a loving husband and become a lesbian. I can't help thinking that Rebekah somehow hypnotised her or something. Our marriage was on solid ground, and we were a very happy and satisfied couple. For Jeanie to suddenly give all of that up and become a lesbian over night, just boggles my mind. I can't understand it, and I won't accept it. I must do something to get my life back, and hopefully Jeanie in the bargain. Unknown to the two women, I have been strengthening my body at night in my room. I do countless push ups, pull ups, and stomach crunches every night to get stronger and in better condition. When I feel like I'm ready, I'm taking my life back and throwing that fucking lesbian bitch Rebekah out the door on her ass. If I can't convince my beautiful Jeanie to stay with me afterwards, then I've resigned myself to let her go too. With ten million dollars, I can buy plenty of happiness and hopefully get over Jeanie. My opportunity came the next Saturday afternoon. Rebekah and Jeanie had stripped down to their bra and panties, and were lying on the sofa fondling each other. I happen to be carrying a clothes basket around, picking up any dirty laundry that needed to be washed. As I picked up the clothes they had just discarded, I noticed Rebekah lying on top of Jeanie with her head down. She was kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear lobes. The site of her black lacy bra and panties lying on top of my Jeanie and doing things to her that I should be doing, enraged me beyond belief. I decided it was time to get rid of the lesbian bitch, once and for all. I quietly laid the basket down and sneaked up on the two women. The back of Rebekah's neck looked like an inviting target. It should stun her long enough, to give me the chance to flop her over and beat her fucking face in. I was smiling like a Cheshire cat, when I raised my fist to deal the blow that was going to resurrect my life. Jeanie's eyes suddenly came open and she saw me about to strike. She quickly shoved Rebekah off of her and into my legs, just as my fist was descending on it's target. Rebekah hitting my legs with her body threw off my balance, and the punch landed on Jeanie's shoulder. It also dropped me to my knees at Jeanie's side. Jeanie shrugged off the pain in her shoulder and wrapped her arm around my neck in a choke hold. I was able to break her hold in a few seconds, but it gave Rebekah the time she needed to climb to her feet and get her bearings. When I scrambled to my feet to meet her, she saw Jeanie rubbing her sore shoulder. A dark bruise was already beginning to form, and you could tell it was going to be a large one. Rebekah looked at me with those steel grey eyes of hers, and I saw murder and mayhem there. "You no good son of a bitch. I'm going to beat you half to death for hurting my sweet Jeanie." She screamed at me. "You've got a surprise coming to you this time you fucking lesbian cunt. By the time I'm done with you and throw your worthless ass out, you'll be a fucking bloody mess." I told her smiling. Rebekah's arms were hanging at her sides. She closed her hands into fists and confidently walked toward me. When she wa s in range, I let fly with a hard right that would have taken her head off. But she swayed her upper body to her left and flicked a left jab to my mouth..SMACK. It snapped my head back and my top lip began to bleed. I threw a left hook and straight right that would have broken her bones if they connected, but she was able to elude them. SMACK..SMACK..a right cross and left hook of her own, bruised my chin and reddened my right cheek. Anger boiled up inside of me. I started delivering heavy bombs that would nearly kill her if they landed. But unfortunately, they didn't. THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..SMACK..four solid blows hit me in the mid section. They were followed by a straight right that landed between my eyes and sent me reeling back. "That's just a sample of what I'm going to do to you asshole. By the time I'm through, we'll have to carry your unconscious black and blue body to your bed. Because you won't be able to make it under your own power." Rebekah said as she grinned and looked at Jeanie. "Fuck you bitch. The only thing you're going to be carrying is your fucking teeth that I'm going to knock out of your cunt licking mouth." I replied. I went back in swinging to show her I meant business. It was fucking impossible for the bitch to avoid everyone of the head splitting punches I threw at her, but the impossible happened. At least fifteen of the hardest punches I've ever thrown in my life, missed their mark completely. She was still standing in the same fucking spot, smiling at my incompetence. My heavy handed punches had whistled over, under, around, beside, or close to her fucking head, but none of them touched her at all. "That was a nice breeze you created you fucking loser, but I rea lly didn't need a fan. Why don't you let me give you a lesson on accurate punching." I stood ready to dodge her attempt and fire back with one she wouldn't be expecting. But the key to the unexpected punch was making her miss. That didn't happen. Her fucking hands moved so fast, I never knew where they were coming from or when they were coming. SMACK..SMACK..I squinted with pain when the two hard punches ripped into my eyes. They left me off balance and vulnerable for the next two she delivered. SMACK..SMACK..the straight right flattened my nose to my face, and the left hook swelled up my right cheek. While I was trying to defend myself from getting my face torn off, Rebekah switched to my unprotected stomach. THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..those female fists of hers drove into me so hard, I felt like I was being struck by two by fours. She nearly wrecked my stomach with her quick blasting fists. When I bent over from the excruciating pain, Rebekah went back to tearing my head from my shoulders. SMACK..SMACK..my mouth exploded open, and my left eye swelled up like a balloon. Again I was off balance and easy prey for her devastatingly powerful uppercut. "SMACK!" I dropped at her feet, and was sure my jaw had been broken. "That's where you belong you little pussy. Crawling on your belly at the feet of your superiors. But not yet wimp. I still have to repay you for injuring my sweet Jeanie. Now get your ass up so I can give you the terrible beating you deserve." I slowly climbed to my feet. This wasn't going at all like I hoped it would. She was destroying my harder, more solid male body again, and I still couldn't find any part of her with my wrecking ball punches. I knew I only needed to land just one of them. It would injure what ever part of her female body it struck, and leave her helpless and unable to stop me from taking her apart. But it was like trying to hit a wraith. A ghostly mist that wasn't there when my mighty punch reached it's destination. But when she took the offense, that ghostly mist became solid rock fists that caused me great pain where ever they landed. When I stepped up to resume our struggle for dominance over this house and my wife, Rebekah decided to toy with me for a while. She wanted to destroy my confidence and prove she could handle me easily. She evaded my first three attempts and taunted as she jabbed me in the mouth. "You missed me you big sissy." SMACK. Three more ham like fists of mine were dodged, and her taunting continued while she broke my nose with her straight right. "You are such a wimp." SMACK. I went out of my mind and fired six body damaging blows that she avoided before cutting me over the eye with a right cross. "Do you call those pitiful little pitty pats punches?" SMACK. I decided to drill her with body shots to slow down her movements. But she easily blocked my hard thrown punches and swelled up my other eye with a left cross. "You look like you're playing patty cake instead of in a fight." SMACK. Not giving up, I again attempted to land a few to her mid section and ribs. But they too were slapped away like they were annoying insects, and my sagging body paid the price with pain. "If that's all you have to offer you pathetic little pansy, you might as well leave your arms at your sides." THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD. My face turned pale green from the sledge hammer blows she blasted my stomach with. All the stomach crunches I had done to make my abs rock hard, was completely wiped out in seconds. My mid section was turned to oatmeal. "It's time to crawl at my feet again little man." "SMACK!" Her solid right to my temple, dropped me at her feet like she wanted. I was gasping for breath and whimpering like a little boy. "That's my girl Rebekah. Give it to the sneaky little bastard. I am so proud of you my love." Jeanie told her new lover. "Why thank you Jeanie my sweet. How is your shoulder my darling?" "It's fine Rebekah. It was worth taking that punch, to watch you beat the hell out of that little bitch on the floor." My face was painful as hell and my hard male body was ruined. I couldn't seem to get my breathing under control, and my muscular legs didn't want to support my weight. I had absolutely no business getting up from the floor. But listening to Jeanie praise that fucking dyke bitch, was to much to take lying down. I struggled to my feet and staggered toward Rebekah to resume the battle. "Oh look Jeanie my sweet. The little bitch wants to play some more. I think I'll oblige him." "Get him Rebekah my love. Beat the lousy bastard until he begs you for mercy." Jeanie said with a beautiful smile on her lovely face. "Your wish is my command my sweet." Rebekah replied. "Come to Rebekah wimp and get your beating." My head told me I was beaten and didn't stand a chance of winning. But my h eart wouldn't believe it. It drove me forward to my massacre. Rebekah smiled and blocked my pitiful right. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..I hit the floor on my back. "Get up little boy. My sweet Jeanie wants you beaten down like a dog." I somehow managed to make it to my feet, but I don't know why I bothered. SMACK..I was deposited back at her feet. "You must try to stay on your feet you little sissy. I'm getting tired of waiting on you to get up." I shook my head to try and clear it, and pulled myself up again. It done me no good. SMACK..Back in the floor I went. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY ON YOUR FEET! NOW GET UP!" Rebekah screamed. I made it to my hands and knees and tried to stand up. But I lost my balance and ended up back in the floor on my face. "YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF LITTLE MAN!" Rebekah grabbed me and jerked me to my feet. "SMACK!" Then she easily knocked me back down again. "GOD DAMN IT WIMP! STAY ON YOUR FEET!" She hauled me to my feet once more and let me have it on the chin. "SMACK!" I landed at her feet crying like a spoiled brat. "GET UP DAMN YOU!" "Pl.please.. R.Rebekah.. I've.. h.had.. en.en.enough." I pleaded. "Well I haven't you fucking little sissy." "SO GET UP!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PL.PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!" I begged. Her anger scared me to death. "You can cry and beg all you want. But you better get your ass up before you really piss me off." When I didn't move she angrily grabbed me and yanked me up. She curled her left hand in my shirt to help me stand, and began to drastically change my facial features. SMACK..SMACK.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..I was defenseless against her angry onslaught.."SMACK!" I dropped like a lead weight, and lie there sobbing. "Get up you pathetic little weakling , I'm not through with you yet." "OH GOD REBEKAH! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "GET UP GOD DAMN IT!" "AAAWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff." I was squalling like a new born baby. I don't know how I made it up, but I did. I was begging and pleading with her the whole time I was trying to get to my feet. "St.st.stop.. R.Rebekah.. pl.please.. st.stop. I.. g.give.. up.. I.. g.ive.. up." "SMACK!" Down at her feet I went. "GET UP WIMP! RIGHT NOW!" "AAAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff." "I.. c.c.can't.. pl.please.. R.Rebekah.. I.. c.can't." "MIND ME BITCH AND GET UP!" "AAAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff." I was scared more then I've ever been in my life. The crazy bitch was going to kill me, and I didn't have the strength to stop her. She grabbed the back of my collar and my shoulder and hauled me to my feet. "I SAID GET YOUR ASS UP!" "SMACK!" "YOU WILL MIND ME OR ELSE!" "SMACK!" "YOU HAVE NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER!" "SMACK!" "CRYING WILL NOT HELP YOU!" "SMACK!" "BEGGING WILL NOT HELP YOU!" "SMACK!" "ONLY OBEDIENCE!" "SMACK!" "SMACK!" I hit the floor hard, screaming like a lost little boy. "PL.PL.PLEASE.. ST.ST.STOP.. R.REBEKAH! I.. CAN'T.. T.TAKE.. ANYM.M.MORE! Y.YOU.. W.WIN.. PL.PLEASE.. YOU.. W.WIN! I.. G.GIVE.. UP.. I.. G.GIVE.. UP!" I begged through my sobbing, swollen mouth. "I don't care what you do. Giving up is not an option. Now obey me and get your ass up. Before I beat you to death right there on the floor." I pleadingly lo oked at Jeanie through my badly swollen, tear filled eyes. I was hoping she would show some sympathy and intervene to stop this slaughter. But she was breathing heavily while she caressed her breasts with one hand and played with her pussy with the other. The bitch was getting turned on by watching Rebekah beat me until I was a useless pile of human flesh. Rebekah jerked me to my feet again, because I was taking to long to suit her. Holding on to my shoulder with her left hand, she finished destroying my soft stomach with her right. THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD. I slumped to my knees and nearly passed out from the awful pain. "SMACK!" Her hard left caught me just above the ear and dumped me at her feet again. "Up little boy. We still have some unfinished business to take care of." I was frightened out of my mind. I began to think she really was going to kill me. And I wasn't even close to being man enough to stop her. I threw my self esteem, my male pride, and my ego out the window. I didn't want to die. I slithered over to her like a snake, and planted slobbering kisses on her bare feet. "Pl.please (kiss) R.Rebekah (kiss) don't h.h.hurt me (kiss) anym.more. (kiss) I'll do (kiss) wh.what ever (kiss) y.you w.want. (kiss) Just pl.pl.please (kiss) st.stop b.beating me." (kiss) "That feels real nice you pathetic little worm. But it's not going to save you. Now get on your feet like I ordered you to." I groveled faster and harder, determined to save my life. "Pl.please (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) R.R.Rebekah (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) pl.pl.please." (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) (kiss) Rebekah placed her hands on her slender hips and looked down at me smiling. She was enjoying watching me humiliate and degrade myself. She glanced at Jeanie and asked. "What do you think Jeanie my sweet? Should I stop beating him senseless, or continue teaching him a lesson?" Jeanie had worked herself up to a frenzy. The breast rubbing and pussy probing she had been doing, was building up to give her a glorious climax. And the bitch didn't want to lose it. "No Rebekah my love. (pant) I don't think (pant) he has learned (pant) his lesson yet. (pant) You need to make (pant) sure he never (pant tries anything (pant) like this again. (pant) Beat him my love. (pant) Beat him. (pant) Beat him. (pant) Beat him." "You heard her you little sissy. Get your ass up so I can carry out my sweet Jeanie's wishes." "OH GOD! PLEASE!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HOO! HOO! HOO! HOO!" Sniff, sniff, sniff. Rebekah smiled at my screaming pleas and pulled me to my feet. I was completely helpless in her grip. I had no strength or will to try and resist her. My only hope, was that she show me some mercy. But thanks to my beautiful Jeanie and the mind blowing climax she wanted to reach, that wasn't going to happen. I bawled my heart out. "SMACK!" She put me in the floor. Smiling like an evil little minx, she picked me back up. "SMACK!" Then dropped me at her feet again. I was yanked back up. "SMACK!" I was put back down. Up I came. "SMACK!" Down I went. Up. "SMACK!" Down. I was beginning to feel like a yo yo. And if she didn't quit soon, I was going to be a broken yo yo. But Jeanie hadn't experienced her climax yet, so Rebekah continued to help her reach it. "You ne ed to help my sweet Jeanie you big pussy. So try to stay on your feet." Who was she kidding. I was only able to stand up when I was on my feet, because she was holding me up there. Somehow the humor in her statement, eluded me. "SMACK!" I slumped to the floor at her feet, and wailed like a frightened little boy. "AAAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff." My squalling didn't faze her one bit. She hauled me back up to my feet. "SMACK!" Only to drop me back at hers. "I'm getting tired of telling you you pathetic little bitch. You're upsetting my sweet Jeanie and that makes me very angry. Now try and stay on your feet." Once more she dragged me to my feet. "SMACK!" And once more she knocked me off of them. When my tortured and battered body hit the floor, her anger overflowed. "GOD DAMN IT YOU WEAK LITTLE SHIT! YOU'VE WENT AND PISSED ME OFF!" She began to repeatedly stomp on my battered head and badly bruised body. "STOMP..STOMP..STOMP..STOMP..STOMP!" I didn't have the strength to roll away from her. I could only lie there bawling my head off, while she punished me for not obeying her and staying on my feet. 'STOMP..STOMP..STOMP..STOMP!" "BANG!" The back of my head bounced off of the floor and blackness overtook me. It didn't stop Rebekah. "STOMP..STOMP.. STOMP..STOMP..STOMP!" She stomped my unconscious body until her anger cooled down. Rebekah peeked over at Jeanie, and saw she was fingering herself at a faster pace. Her head was rolling around on her creamy shoulders, and satisfying moans were escaping her full, rich lips. Rebekah smiled, while she straddled my sleeping body and pinned my lifeless arms to the floor with her knees. "SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK." My face was turned into a rainbow of colors. It was so badly swollen up, it looked like I had elephantitis. Just as Rebekah raised her fists to continue, Jeanie screamed with erotic pleasure. Rebekah decided to help her make it a fantastic climax. She started beating my battered face again. "SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK." Jeanie screamed with pleasure again, and slumped over on the sofa. Rebekah climbed off of me and went to take care of her. After kissing and petting each other for at least twenty minutes, Jeanie informed Rebekah she wanted to help her get off. "You stay here my love, and reach your own fabulous climax. I'll take care of Brett for you." Jeanie gently slapped me awake, and helped me to my feet. I was sobbing on her creamy shoulder, delighted she had finally found some sympathy. Boy was I wrong. Jeanie turned me to face her and gave me that sweet smile I loved so much. "Stand still Brett darling, my lovely Rebekah needs to have her own wonderful climax. She deserves one, after what she did to you and for me. So lets make sure she has one that she will always remember." She raised her fist and fear spread across my terrified face. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "SMACK!" I landed at her feet, sobbing uncontrollably. "Ohhhhhh, that was a good one Jeanie my sweet. I have taught you well." "Thank you Rebekah my love. Now concentrate my darling, it feels absolutely wonderful when it comes. I want you to feel the pure ecstasy of it my love." Rebekah went to work bringing herself to a climax, while Jeanie picked me up from the floor. "Isn't my lovely Rebekah the most beautiful creature you've ever seen Brett darling?" "SMACK!" I dropped like a chopped down tree, right on my swollen face. "AAAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff." I was to badly beaten to even try and defend myself. And being beaten by my beautiful Jeanie so Rebekah could reach a climax, completely broke my heart. Jeanie dragged me back to my feet, and I saw her red flushed cheeks and the excitement in her eyes. She was getting a thrill out of beating me up. "SMACK!" I landed at her feet a broken man. I completely gave up in that moment. Jeanie repeated the actions of Rebekah. She would pick me up and repeatedly knock me back down. I bawled, begged, pleaded, and groveled at her feet, but she ignored me just like Rebekah did. I was a toy to be used, so the two beautiful women could reach a fulfilling climax. "SMACK!" I hit the floor and bounced. My grotesque, swollen lips ended up on my wife's cute toes, so she ordered me to kiss them. It was something she knew I totally despised doing, but I didn't care any more. I had no feelings left. The two women had turned me into an obedient zombie. I kissed her soft feet like I was in love with them, until Jeanie heard Rebekah moaning. "As good as that feels Brett darling, my lovely Rebekah needs us. So I'm afraid you'll have to stop and get up." She helped me to my feet and grabbed me by the front of the shirt. "SMACK!" I collapsed to my knees in front of her. "That will work just fine Bret t my dear. It takes to long for you to get up each time anyway." "OK Rebekah my love. This should help you reach your satisfying climax in no time. So listen carefully my darling." "SMACK..SMACK..SMACK.. SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. Jeanie absolutely destroyed what was left of my face. Her female fists hit just as hard and hurt just as much as Rebekah's. I was out cold on my knees when Rebekah screamed with pleasure. "SMMMMACKK!" Jeanie finished me off. By the time my battered head bounced off of the floor between my legs and rose back up to flop on my face, Jeanie was kissing and petting Rebekah. The two beautiful women made love to each other while I slept in the floor. When their gorgeous bodies were sated and satisfied, they each grabbed a shoulder and dragged me to my bedroom. I woke up over an hour later, lying on my bed with the light turned out. I lay there crying, ashamed of what I had become. If you told someone you were living in a house with two beautiful women, the last thing they would picture would be you lying in your bed with your face and body destroyed. And they sure as hell wouldn't believe it was the two women that destroyed you. My life was over. And without the love of my beautiful Jeanie, I didn't seem to care. They had broken me.