Princess Rala and her Amazon sisters were frolicking under the waterfall when a member of the hunting party stumbled out of the brush and keeled over. Rala was immediately at her side. "ZORA! SPEAK TO ME ZORA! WHY ARE YOU INJURED?" She frantically asked. "Rala. Tell Queen Califa.." "Uunnhhh..cough..cough." "We were attacked by a horde of Gr.Greeks. Those of us they didn't sl.slaughter.." "Cough..cough." "Were carted off as prisoners. I was the only one who managed to escape their evil hands." "Cough..cough..uunnhhh" "We must rescue our sister warriors before those filthy Greeks.." "Uunnhhh." "Kill themmm.." She said before passing out. "Dalia, take care of Zora. I must report this to our Queen." Rala told her friend as she hurried off to deliver the message. Dalia and several others gently picked up the bleeding Amazon warrior and carefully carried her to the village.
Queen Califa was instructing her youngest daughter Sela how to attack and protect herself while fighting in close quarters with a knife. Both of the Amazon beauties were startled when her eldest daughter Rala rushed in screaming. "MOTHER! THE GREEKS BUTCHERED ZORA'S HUNTING PARTY AND CAPTURED SOME OF OUR SISTERS! WE MUST GO AFTER THEM IMMEDIATELY!" "Calm yourself Rala. We mustn't panic at a time like this. We'll get our friends back and make those worthless Greek pay with their lives. Now gather the warriors and meet me in the glade in an hour. Tell them we travel light, so only bring their weapons and food they can eat while on the run. Now go." "Right away Mother." Rala replied while scurrying out the door. "Come Sela. It's time we find out if your vigorous training has made you an Amazon warrior." She said smiling at her beautiful daughter. "Yes Mother. I promise not to disappoint you. I was trained by the best fighter we have you know." The two females hugged each other and began preparing for the journey.
An hour later there was fifty warriors waiting in the glade when Califa and Sela appeared. "WARRIORS OF THE AMAZON! TODAY WE FREE OUR SISTERS AND RID THE WORLD OF ANY GREEK PIG WHO STANDS IN OUR PATH! MAY OUR BELOVED GODDESS ARTEMIS PROTECT YOU FROM HARM WHILE SHE GUIDES YOUR HAND AND STRENGTHENS YOUR ARM IN BATTLE! DEATH TO THE GREEKS!" Califa shouted as she raised her spear in the air. A mighty Amazon war cry spread out over the valley as the fearless female army set a rapid pace. A pace which they could easily maintain for many hours without tiring. Their magnificent female bodies were honed to withstand an incredible amount of physical punishment and suffer no consequences. Each one began the rigorous training exercises as soon as they could walk to mould them into a formidable fighting machine. No male army could come close to matching the mighty Amazon warriors in tests of strength or endurance. They simply didn't have the stamina.
It was near twilight when they cautiously approached the Greek stronghold. "We must take out the sentry's as quickly and quietly as possible. Then we'll show these filthy Greek pigs how Amazon warriors vanquish their enemies." Queen Califa motioned to the right and Rala scurried off with two warriors on her heels. Then she sent Sela to the left with two more while she slipped into the brush with the remainder of her army. Rala silently moved through the tall grass until she was right on top of her targets. Two guards were in the vicinity about thirty feet apart. The one further away from her had his sword drawn and was pretending to fight an imaginary opponent. The other one was about three feet in front of her with his sword still in it's scabbard. He was smiling as he watched his buddy chop and slice his ghostly enemy. Rala decided to take him out with her bare hands and then hopefully reach the other guard before he could call out a warning. She readied herself and lunged like a deadly striking cobra.
Her arm was around his throat before the muscular male knew he was in danger. Her tight grip kept him from calling out while she choked the life out of him. The frightened male struggled as hard as he could to break her hold and breathe. But Rala was simply to strong for the beefy guard to escape her death grip. She patiently waited for his pitiful struggles to cease while she securely held the weakening male under her control. He finally succumbed to the pressure and his mighty arms flopped lifelessly to his sides. Rala gently laid him down in the grass and advanced toward the unsuspecting guard who was hacking away at a tree. As she stalked toward him the guard turned to speak to his friend. "Ah Demetrius. This new sword feels as if it's part of my han.." He cut his sentence short when he spotted his friend lying on the ground and saw Rala coming at him with her sword drawn. "Today is a good day for you to die Amazon whore." He said while firmly clutching his sword in both hands and attacking with a smile. Rala was relieved the macho male decided to face his enemy alone and not call out a warning to the stronghold. "Let's see if you can boast with your head separated from your shoulders you over confident Greek pig." She answered squaring off against him.
Princess Rala standing over the guard she choked to death.
The angry male was fiercely swinging his sword with his impressive muscular arms as he charged Rala like a pissed off rhino. But his imaginary battle with the defenseless tree had considerably sapped his enormous strength. Rala was easily able to avoid his crazed attack and mount an offense of her own. The bulky guard was doing his best to parry her blows as Rala drove him back. Fear began to cover his handsome face when he realised he was completely over matched against the relentless female warrior. Fortunately for Rala he was concentrating so hard on defending himself he never thought about shouting a warning to his comrade's. Rala smiled while she toyed with the outclassed Greek male and forced him to retreat. When his back met the wall of the ruins surrounding the stronghold she went in for the kill. "THUNK!" She buried her sword deep into his stomach and watched as the dying man slumped to her feet. While he lie there with his life's blood draining from his body, Rala raised her sword and viciously brought it down to chop off his head. "WHACK!" "You boast no more you filthy son of a goat." She said while wiping her sword off in the tall grass and slinking off.
Princess Rala dealing a death blow to the muscular Greek guard.
Meanwhile Sela had two guards of her own to deal with. She was extremely excited over the prospect of finally putting her strenuous training to the test. She took a few moments to calm herself down before springing her surprise on the unsuspecting guards. When her heart was beating normally, she stepped out of her hiding place and dropped the first guard with a powerful thrust to his chest. "THUNK!" He collapsed like a ton of bricks without making a sound. The second guard ripped his sword from it's scabbard and smiled as he faced off against her. "This is truly my lucky day. I get to chop another one of you Amazon bitches into stew meat for the pot. I really enjoyed myself this morning while I hacked up two of your friends. They squealed like mangy dogs while I cut them to pieces and spread their useless parts all over the field. And so will you." He said as he attacked.
Princess Sela viciously stabbing the first guard in the chest.
Sela was brimming with confidence when she stepped up to meet him. She had expected to be slightly nervous on her first encounter with an enemy but she was calm and collective. The guard was a hardened veteran of many battles who assumed his exceptional strength would easily carry him to another victory. Especially since it was a mere female who was opposing him. He never believed in the mythical tales told by the Bards about the mighty Amazon warrior women. So he attacked with a fierce determination to overwhelm his female adversary as quickly as possible. He was soon to find out the glorious tales were not exaggerated at all. Sela parried his continuous onslaught until an opening presented itself. Then she struck her target without warning. "THUNK!" The surprised look on the guards face when her blade pierced his heart was one of shock. He immediately ceased to breathe and slumped to the ground at her feet. Sela proudly stood over the two vanquished guards and praised the Goddess Artemis for allowing her to be victorious.
Princess Sela victoriously standing over the two slain guards.
With the sentry's out of commission the Amazon women slipped into the stronghold without making a sound. They spread out into small groups and went in search of their captive sisters. Califa's band came upon a dozen soldiers who were casually chatting in the courtyard. They launched a venomous attack and quickly cut the males to shreds. Queen Califa was surrounded by three of them who were smiling from ear to ear. The odds were drastically in their favor so any thought of losing the battle never entered their minds. But she rapidly showed the cocky males they had vastly erred in judgment. Her right leg shot around and crushed the jaw of the man behind her. "WHAP!" He dropped to the ground out cold. She deflected one mans sword with her shield while she ducked under the other mans wild swing and slashed his abdomen open. "SLASH!" Fear registered on his face when he grabbed his hanging entrails and collapsed in a heap. The third man was suddenly frightened to death when he realised he was alone. Queen Califa slit his throat while he stood there in a trance. Then she casually strolled over to the man she knocked out and cut off his head.
The mighty Amazon Queen surrounded by dead Greek soldiers.
The Amazon Queen led her band into the stronghold after dispatching with the men in the courtyard. They were immediately engaged in battle by a group of angry Greek soldiers. The fearless Amazon warriors bravely met their challenge head on. Their sharpened blades sliced through male flesh and bone as easily as they would cut up goat cheese. Loud shrieks of pain filled the air as a multitude of Greek soldiers died a terrible death and landed at the feet of their female conquerors. Queen Califa chopped her way through a horde of muscular males like they were no more then boys. "HACK!" "SLASH!" "CHOP!" The Greek soldiers never stood a chance against the well trained Amazons. In just minutes there was only a handful of men left to oppose them. Queen Califa led her band onward while a few smiling females stayed behind to toy with the remaining males who were meekly begging for mercy. But the word mercy wasn't in the Amazon vocabulary. They cut the sobbing men down like dogs and scurried after their Queen.
Queen Califa cutting down Greek males right and left.
Princess Rala and her group of Amazon warriors didn't encounter any opposition as they slowly made their way through the stronghold. She ordered them to fan out and seek the place where their sisters were being held. They instantly followed her command while she chose a direction and disappeared through a doorway. She made it about ten feet into the room when she came face to face with two beefy soldiers. They were coming from their quarters and were unarmed. So Rala tossed her sword aside and prepared to meet them in hand to hand combat. "Throwing down your weapon was a huge mistake you Amazon cow. We will rip you apart with our bare hands." One of them said with a large smile. "I need no sword to deal with sons of Greek whores." Rala confidently replied. The two muscular males spread out to attack from different angles. Rala placed her hands on her hips and calmly waited for them to strike. The one on her left made the first move towards her. He was quickly dispatched with a flying foot that clubbed him on the side of the neck. "WHAP!" "SNAP!" The kick broke his neck and dropped him like a rag doll. The other one was so surprised he wasn't prepared when her fist crushed his Larynx. "THUMP!" He was dead before he hit the floor.
Rala killing the Greek soldier with a deadly blow to his throat.
Sela and her Amazon band were assaulted by a group of soldiers on the other side of the compound. They too were cocky enough to think they could easily handle the much smaller females in a battle of strength versus strength. Which turned out to be their undoing. The mighty female warriors were born and bred from the day they took their first step to fight with their hands and feet. "WHACK!..SMACK!..WHAP!..WHAP!..CRACK!" Dead or unconscious Greek soldiers were quickly lying at the feet of the amazing female gladiators. It was a total massacre. "SMACK!..CRACK!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAP!" The muscle laden arms of the Greek soldiers were simply no match for the lightening quick Amazon women. One of her sister warriors held the last man standing in a choke hold while Sela applied a claw hold to his hardened chest and viciously punched him right in the balls. "WHAP!" "SNAP!" The warrior woman broke his neck as he crumbled to the floor. Sela and her band continued their search without anymore resistance.
Sela attacking while the warrior holds their prey in a choke hold.
Meanwhile, Queen Califa and her warrior band had found the dungeon where their sisters were being held. A great battle was in progress with muscular Greek soldiers grappling hand to hand with lithe Amazon females. "WHAM!" Califa drove her foot into her opponents chest and sent him stumbling back to the bars. He was quickly grabbed in a deadly choke hold by the smiling warrior who was imprisoned in the cell. His thick, muscular arms fought like crazy to break her grip so he could escape. But his useless efforts to free himself were in vain. In a very short time he took the last breath he would ever take in this world. His lifeless body slid down the bars when the female released him. "SMACK!..SMACK!..WHAM!..WHAP!..CRACK!" Dead or out cold male bodies littered the floor while the mighty Amazon warrior women searched for their next victim with a smile. It was no contest at all.
The smiling warrior killing her male adversary from inside her cell.
"THUD!..CRACK!" Califa easily disposed with the badly beaten male she had thoroughly tortured before finally knocking him out. There was a triumphant smile on her beautiful face as she gazed around the room. The last remaining soldier was feebly struggling on his knees while one of her warriors firmly held him in a sleeper hold. A mighty Amazon victory cry filled the room when he surrendered his life to the superior female and slumped to the floor in death. The imprisoned women were immediately freed and embraced by their sister warriors. "Our mission here is complete. Let's round up the other two parties and make our way home." Califa told the extraordinary fighting females under her command. They were carrying on like young girls as they gathered their things and skipped out the door.
The weakened soldier succumbing to an unbreakable sleeper hold.
Queen Califa and her band passed dozens of slain Greek soldiers as they searched the section of the compound where she sent Rala and her warriors. They burst through the door to one room when they heard scuffling going on and smiled at the scene they were witnessing. One of the Amazon women had a defeated soldier pinned to the floor with her knee across his throat. He was continuously begging for mercy while she snuffed his life out with a smile. It wasn't long before his pitiful begging and useless struggling came to an abrupt halt. His lifeless arms flopped to the floor and his dead eyes slowly rolled back in his head. The conquering warrior sang her victory song as she released the breathless male and joined her sisters.
The Greek soldier dying under the knee of the female warrior.
As they continued on their search they were met by the warriors who accompanied Rala. But she wasn't with them. They fanned out to check every passageway and door in an attempt to find Princess Rala. Eventually one of them found her torturing a soldier and alerted the others. The female warriors crowded into the room and watched Princess Rala finish off her victim. She had the man securely pinned to the floor and he was unable to escape. Her perfectly shaped ass was firmly planted in his face and sufficating the life out of him. He was excessively crying and repeatedly begging the beautiful Princess for mercy. But Rala ignored his pathetic whining while she pounded his cock and balls with her clutched fists. About a minute later he lost the battle with Rala's gorgeous ass and died a face sitting death. Rala shouted her victory cry and climbed to her feet. They all congratulated her and went looking for Princess Sela.
Princess Rala killing the pleading soldier with a lethal face sitting.
They found Sela and her warrior band in the soldiers mess hall. Greek soldiers were scattered all over the floor with expressions of a horrifying death etched on their faces. Princess Sela was finishing off the last one using her female assests like her older sister had. The weakened soldier was desperately trying to unseat her but having no luck. Princess Sela roughly ground her pussy in his face and laughed at his feeble struggling. The poor man finally lost the battle and joined his Ancestors. She raised her arms to stretch while she savored the glorious feeling of defeating an enemy in battle. "Well done my child. I am proud to call you daughter." Queen Califa said while hugging Sela. "Amazons. Are mission here is accomplished. Let us make haste for home." The warrior women raised their weapons in the air and loudly cheered as they left the Greek stronghold.
Princess Sela grinding her pussy in the helpless soldiers face.
When the Amazon warriors neared home they saw smoke rising from the valley below. They hastened their pace to reach their destination with worried looks on their faces. As they approached one of the many villiages surrounding their Island, they were appalled at the total destruction they saw. Dead bodies and animal carcasses were strewn all over the field. Every hut was either on fire or smashed to bits and scattered on the ground in pieces. Queen Califa heard one woman moaning and rushed to her side. She was badly hurt and barely holding on by a thread. "What happened here? Who did this?" She asked. "Z.Zolton. Zolton and his evil horde of Giants." She managed to gasp before dying in the Queens arms. "LOOK!" One of the warriors screamed as she pointed towards the North. More black smoke filled the air in the distance. The next peaceful villiage had been attacked as well.
Queen Califa stood and faced her warriors. "We have traded with these kind people for years. They have always welcomed us as friends and treated us fairly. Avenging their death is an honor I vow to accept with my life. What say you warriors of the mighty Amazon? Do you follow your Queen?" An enormous cry erupted from the fighting women as they raised their weapons in agreement and danced around. "So be it. Death to Zolton and his cowardly band of Giants." Another loud war cry filtered through the valley as the Amazon warriors took off after their prey. By cutting across the valley they hoped to intercept the Giants before they reached the next villiage. Unfortunately they were a bit to late. When they emerged from the trees about a hundred yards from the next villiage they saw Zolton's band was already there and tearing it apart. It slightly surprised them to see the Giant raiding party included the Giantesses as well. They rarely accompanied their men when they ventured out to wreck havoc on the helpless villiagers. But Queen Drusilla and her companions were right in the thick of it and having the time of their lives. They were laughing as they played with the puny males who were trying to defend the villiage.
Queen Drusilla and a friend toying with the much smaller males.
Queen Califa split her party into two groups. One to face the male Giants and one to take on the females. Sela had proven herself to be a true Amazon warrior at the Greek stronghold. But Califa's motherly instincts took over none the less. She took Sela with her so she could keep an eye on her in battle. Rala and her group went off to deal with the Giantesses. The twenty five Amazon warriors fearlessly approached the towering Giantesses with their heads held high. Each one was out weighed by hundreds of pounds and at least ten feet shorter. But confidence in who they were and what they were capable of filled their hearts. The Giant females laughed out loud as they looked at the tiny women who were threatening to challenge them. After all, the muscular males of the villiage had been dispatched with easily. So these females would merely be a pesky nuisense to swat aside like flies. Under estimating their opponent turned out to be a huge mistake for the over confident Giantesses.
The Amazons spread out and attacked with a fierceness the Giantesses had never encountered before. Swords and spears were constantly slicing and poking at their calves and ankles before the agile warriors slipped away. The Giantesses were quickly brought to their knees where the fighting females could easily reach their targets. They tossed their weapons and shields aside to face the angry monstrocities in hand to hand combat. Which greatly pleased the powerful female Giants because they thought it gave them an edge. Their arms were larger then any Amazon's frail body. So defeating them would be as easy as a stroll across the meadow. They had absolutely no idea how cunning and resourcful the Amazon warrior women were in hand to hand combat. But they were painfully about to find out.
"Discarding your weapon will prove to be an error in judgment you Amazon slut. I will rip you apart with my bare hands and knaw on your bones." Drusilla boasted as she smiled at Rala. "I need no weapon to defeat an ugly freak of nature. Pray to your powerless God you over grown cow. Because you die on the field this day at the hands of a mighty Amazon warrior." Drusilla swiped at Rala in an attempt to grab her up and crush her bones. But the acrobatic female warrior avoided her groping hand with a perfectly executed front flip and body twist. When she landed on her feet, she was right below the surprised Giantesses chin. Her hard fists immediately went to work. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Two sledge hammer punches connected with her jaw and rattled Drusilla's teeth. While she was distracted, Rala stepped to the side and pounded her unprotected ribs. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" Drusilla grunted in pain and tried to sweep Rala away with her forearm. But the agile female was already gone and standing behind her.
Rala leaped on her back and grabbed a handful of Drusilla's hair to hold on. Then her punishing right fist repeatedly smashed into the side of her neck like a jack hammer. "THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!..THUMP!" When Drusilla reached for her she swung to the other side and drilled the helpless Giantesses on the temple and ear. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The Giant female vigorously shook her head to try and dislodge the pesky Amazon. But Rala had a firm grip on her hair and remained in place. When Drusilla stopped shaking her head and reached behind her with both hands, Rala performed an athletic somersault to the top of her head. As soon as she landed she leaned over and jabbed her fists into both of Drusilla's eyes with extreme accuracy. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She immediately squealed in pain and clutched her damaged eyes with both hands.
Rala took advantage of the opportunity and wrapped her strong legs around Drusilla's throat while sitting on her right shoulder. She tightened her muscular legs with enormous power and began to totally destroy the poor Giantesses ear drum and face with exceptionly hard punches. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Drusilla was clawing at Rala's python legs because she couldn't catch her breath. But the beautiful Amazon was firmly attached like a leach and couldn't be pried off. Large tears spilled out of Drusilla's damaged eyes and rolled down her enormous cheeks. She was getting weaker and weaker as she frantically fought to escape the death grip Rala had on her throat. But her mighty arms simply didn't have the strength to break Rala's vice grip hold. Her face quickly turned blue and her eyes bulged from their sockets. Then they rolled back in her head and her arms lifelessly flopped to her sides. Rala vaulted off of her dying prey and gracefully landed on her feet. Drusilla dropped over on her face and didn't move.
Rala scanned the field and noticed the exact same scene was unfolding in front of her eyes. Amazon warriors were either standing over their dead victims or quickly finishing them off. Huge female bodies cluttered the field where ever she looked. While none of the Amazons was lying dead or injured. The female Giantesses had been completely massacred by the agile warrior women. They sang their songs of victory while they proudly stood over their defeated enemy. Rala gathered her troups and hustled to the other battle taking place. If her mother and Sela along with her Amazon sisters needed her help, then she desperately wanted to come to their aid. As it turned out, she could have taken her time to reach her destination. Queen Califa and the warriors under her command had the situtation well under control.
Giant male bodies were dying on their knees or already lying dead on the field. Only two were left standing and one of them was in the process of dying at Queen Califa's hands. She was hanging by his tunic with one hand and beating him to death with the other. Both of his monstrous arms were severely broken in several places and uselessly dangling at his sides. So he had no way to protect himself from the red haired female demon who was rapidly draining his life from his wilting body. "SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!..CRACK!" Her machine gun like punches were completely rearranging his manly facial features. Nearly every bone in his face had been reduced to powder as Queen Califa kept up the barrage. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" His tree trunk legs finally buckled and deposited him on his knees. Califa grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head down until her feet touched the ground. Then in an extroidanary move of agility, she pried his mouth open with both hands and shoved her entire right leg down his throat. The mighty Giant tried to bite her hands off but his jaw couldn't match the strength in her powerful arms. Califa hung on and literally choked him to death with her leg while her warriors cheered from the sidelines. In less then a minute the mighty Giant toppled over in death.
The only Giant left standing was King Zolton. He was in a battle to the death with the beautiful Princess Sela who had requested to be his adversary to prove her worth as an Amazon warrior. Queen Califa was slightly hesitant to allow the request because Sela was their least experienced warrior. But she quickly changed her mind after realising it would seriously demoralize Sela's confidence if she refused. As it turned out there was no reason for concern. Zolton was staggering around on rubbery legs while the blond beauty merely toyed with him. Blood was seeping from numerous places on his magnificent body and countless dark bruises covered it as well. Sela was moving like a graceful Gazelle while she crippled one side of his body and then the other. The clumsy Zolton couldn't catch up to the nimble female as she broke him down a little at a time.
"WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" The lovely Sela relentlessly speared into his ribs and thighs with both feet and hands. Zolton was doing his best to scoop her up or mash her into the ground. But Sela was to quick and agile for the mountain sized male to catch. "THUD!..THUD!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" The last sequence of kicks and punches nearly caused the mighty Giant to loose his footing. When he stumbled and left his hanging jaw unprotected, Sela sprang up like she was shot out of a cannon and clubbed him on the chin with a jaw breaking uppercut. "CRRRACK!" Zolton momentarely lost control of his senses and hit the ground like a thousand pound boulder falling from the sky. "SLAM!" Sela pounced on him before he could recover and severely damaged his ribs and kidney with pile driving kicks. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" When Zolton rolled to his side and tried to grab her, she flipped over his gigantic frame and ended up standing behind him. Before he could change directions she mounted another attack with extreme prejudice.
Princess Sela crushing Zolton's jaw with a powerful uppercut.
"WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" Her mule kicking feet slammed into his back and nearly snapped his spine. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Zolton screamed in pain and tried to roll away from the furious female who was completely destroying his finely sculpted body. Sela quickly grabbed his right wrist and drove her foot into the side of his elbow with astounding force. "SNAP!" Jagged pieces of broken bone ripped through his skin when the mighty Giants arm snapped in two. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Zolton screamed again and cried like a baby. While he lie there sobbing Sela savagely wrenched his left arm up his back and viciously twisted it. "SNAP!..SNAP!" It broke in several places and became useless to him as well. Now that Zolton had no way to protect himself, Sela calmly rolled him over on his back and climbed up on his heaving chest. The badly beaten Giant laid there whimpering with heavy tears pouring from his sad eyes.
She snatched him by the hair and pulled his head up while she proudly stood on his chest. "Your reign of terror ends today you worthless pile of goat dung." "SMACK!" "These simple villiagers never did a thing to rile your anger." "SMACK!" "Yet you march in here and destroy their lives." "SMACK!" "Why don't you pick on someone your own size." "SMACK!" "Are you afraid they'll find out you're nothing but a useless coward?" "SMACK!" "Attacking and killing innocent people is an unforgivable sin." "SMACK!" "Today you pay for that sin with your miserable life." "CRRRACK!" The bone shattering uppercut put the mighty Zolton to sleep. Sela released his droopy head and formed her right hand into a ridged weapon. Then she drove it into his chest and pulled out his still beating heart. Every Amazon warrior erupted in a screeching victory cry as she proudly held it in the air.
The Amazons helped the people reconstruct their villiage as best they could. They were repeatedly thanked for soundly defeating the Giants to save the lives of the people who were left. When everything was in order the Amazons left for home. Queen Califa hugged her amazing daughters and told them how proud she was to be their mother. "Especially you my sweet young Sela. Your actions today will be etched in our glorious history for centuries. The beautiful Goddess Artemis shined her light on you today and moulded a couragous warrior who will some day make a fine Queen of the Amazon Nation. I am extremely proud to call you daughter." "Thank you mother but I must wait my turn. Rala is in line for the Throne before I. And she will make an fine Queen as well." "No Sela." Rala said interrupting her. "I have no desire to sit on the Throne. I wish to venture out into the world and see what wonders await me. I was going to tell you of my plans when we got home. So the Throne is yours for the taking. And our mother speaks the truth. You will make an excellent Queen who will guide our Nation wisely." The three beautiful women hugged again and continued the trek towards their Island home.