My name is Richard Eastwood and I'm the High School bully. Everyone is afraid of me because my eighteen year old body is very muscular and solid as a rock. They all do what I say because they know I will beat the hell out of them if they don't. I love the powerful feeling I get when I bully someone until they start crying. Seeing the fear in their eyes excites me like nothing else. It's extremely addictive and I can't get enough of it. I was really happy with my status as King bully of the school until I threatened Rachel Ames. That was the most painful and humiliating mistake of my life. Rachel is a pretty sixteen year old Sophomore with long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. She can't weigh more then a hundred and eighteen pounds so I definitely didn't see her as a threat. But sometimes danger comes wrapped in small packages and you don't realise you fucked up until it's to late. And boy did I fuck up. Rachel easily mopped up the gym floor with me and showed me who was boss. She turned me into a whimpering pussy and completely humiliated me in the process. Now I'm just a pathetic coward who's scared of his own shadow and constantly cries like a little baby. All because of Rachel Ames.
The beginning of my sad story takes place outside of a popular club in town. My girlfriend Tina was home sick with the flu so I was searching for a sweet piece of tail to tide me over for the evening. It didn't take me long to find one because I'm a veritable stud with a finely sculpted body. This chick was hot and really revving my engine. I turned on the charm and it wasn't long before she was all over me like a cheap suit. I took her by the hand and was squeezing her fine ass with the other one while I dragged her out of the club to satisfy my sexual urges. And ran smack dab into Rachel Ames. She disgustingly shook her head at me and walked off. Rachel lives next door to Tina and they've been friends since they were little. So I knew I would have a hard time trying to convince Tina that Rachel was lying. But I was to horny to pass up a piece of ass so I said fuck it and went ahead with my plans.
I was totally shocked to see Rachel in that part of town because she's not that type of girl. Now you have to know Rachel to understand what I'm saying. Princess Rachel as I call her is your typical goody two shoes. She goes to Church twice a week and serves up meals at the homeless shelter. Plus she volunteers as a big sister to some snotty nosed runt who needs a mommy. So that area of town is definitely not a place you would expect to see Rachel. Unfortunately she picked that night and that neighborhood to hand out Church flyer's and caught me red handed. Needless to say, Tina called the next day and broke it off with me. I think I was beginning to fall in love with the fucking bitch too. So Rachel was on my shit list and I couldn't wait to rub her face in it. My golden opportunity came when the Drama Club announced they were going to preform the Nutcracker this year. Rachel thinks she's a Prima Ballerina so I knew she would try out for the lead roll. As I suspected, when I walked into the gym after school on Friday there was a group of boys and girls practicing their moves. And right in the middle of them was my intended victim.
Rachel was twirling around on the tip of her toes and gracefully landing on her feet after leaping in the air. A group of girls were watching her in awe as I pushed my way through the crowd and got right in her path. "If you think you're dancing like a fucking Ballerina then you might as well pack it up and go home. You look more like a monkey waving his arms around while he jumps in the air." I hatefully told her. "You should know Richard. Monkeys and Gorillas are part of your family tree." She replied with a smile. "You better shut your mouth bitch." I hatefully threatened. "Make me." She confidently answered with her hands on her hips. "That's what I wanted to hear." I said as I smiled and charged like a bull to take her down and tear her apart. But Rachel was cunning and extremely agile. She side stepped my bull rush and tripped me as I went by. All I managed to do was rip off her top before I ended up sprawled out in the floor. "You'll pay for that." She said as she casually tossed the torn garnment aside. Rachel is such a prude I fully expected her to cover her naked breasts with her arms or the light sheer jacket she was wearing over it. But she proudly stood there without the least bit of embarrassment while the deadly silent crowd feasted their eyes on her firm, golden globes.
"NOW I'M REALLY GONNA HURT YOU!" I threatened as I jumped up and ran at her again. This time Rachel met me head on. I laughed when we came together because I couldn't believe how stupid she was. I out weigh her by at least seventy pounds and my arms are five times larger then hers. Not to mention I was a muscular male who knew how to fight, while she was femininely soft and fragile. But Rachel surprisingly threw me down on the floor and wiped the smile right off of my face. Then she jumped on top of me and pinned my flailing arms to the floor with her hands. "You're not so tough big boy." She said smiling at me. Her well rounded melons were a huge distraction while I fought to lift my arms off of the floor. But Rachel was stronger then I expected and was easily able to hold me down. I bucked and squirmed to throw her off but that didn't work either. The gym was half filled with students by now and they were openly laughing while Rachel kept me under control. I lifted my legs and tried to drag her off but Rachel grabbed them and quickly scooted up to pin my arms down with her knees. Then she bent me in two and I was completely pinned down and helpless.
"What you gonna do now tough guy?" She asked while looking me in the eyes. "Get off of me you bitch." I gasped as I feebly struggled to free myself. But she had me securely pinned down and I couldn't budge her at all. "Make me." She repeated while everyone laughed hysterically. I was so embarrassed to be helplessly pinned down by a girl who was younger and smaller then I was. The frustration of not being able to get loose and the shame I felt because I was losing to a girl brought tears to my eyes. "Look you guys the big bully is crying like a little baby. What's the matter cry baby do you need your diaper changed?" Rachel taunted with a smile. "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I screamed while I fought like hell to get up. But my useless efforts were in vain. Rachel was in control and there was nothing I could do about it.
"I'm going to let you up and give you another chance cry baby. Try and put up a better fight this time." She teased. I tried to kick her when she climbed off of me but I missed by a mile. This time I approached her cautiously so she couldn't pull any of her tricks. Rachel simply smiled and waited for me to attack. When I lunged for her she avoided my grasp and punched me in the stomach. "THUD!" When I bent over in pain she quickly turned her back and reached behind to wrap her arm around my neck. Then she slightly leaned forward and flipped me over her shoulder. "SLAM!" I hit the floor hard and was really stunned. Rachel took her time to lift me to a sitting position and sit down behind me. I was still groggy and unable to stop her when she put me in a full nelson and wrapped her legs around my waist. Now that I was firmly trapped in her hold she whispered in my ear. "This is way to easy Richard. You're kind of weak for a bully aren't you?" Her condescending mouth pissed me off. "Your ass is mine you little bitch." I confidently bragged while I struggled to free my arms. But Rachel easily held me in the full nelson with no trouble at all.
"I rather like this combination hold." She told the crowd. "Your opponent is at your mercy and you can hurt them at your discretion. If pressure is applied properly you can cause them excruciating pain. Let me give you a demonstration." My chin hit my chest and my shoulders began to hurt when she raised her arms. Then she tightened her strong legs and I felt a terrible pain in my ribs. "Are you ready to give up tough guy?" She asked. "Kiss my ass bitch. You'll never make me give up." I answered with bravado. "We'll see about that." She said while exerting more power. Pain shot through my shoulders and my ribs were screaming to be released. I whimpered like a pussy and doubled my efforts to escape. But it was useless. "Does that change your mind?" She casually asked. "Fuck you." I answered with a painful look on my scrunched up face. "If that's the way you want it." She increased her strength and I nearly passed out from the terrible pain. "Do you give up now?" She asked with a smile. I couldn't stop myself from crying while I screamed out my submission. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" "Then let me hear you say it." "I GIVE UP! I GIVE UP!" I whimpered with tears pouring from my eyes. "Thank you Richard. I knew you would." She teased while turning me loose. I flopped down on my back and laid there crying like a bitch. "Stay down cry baby. If you get up I'll make you cry some more." She warned as she walked off.
The gym was completely full now and all the students were having fun at my expense. I couldn't let her talk to me like I was a pussy in front of them so I was determined to shut her up for good when I climbed to my feet. Rachel was near the wall with her back to me talking to some girls. I sneaked up behind her hoping to surprise the bitch and end the nightmare I was in. But when I went to grab her she unexpectedly threw a back fist that landed flush in my face. "SMACK!" The punch caught me off guard and hurt like hell. Rachel casually turned around shaking her head while I stood there rubbing my painful nose. "You're a naughty little boy Richard. Attacking me while my back was turned is not very nice." She scolded while wagging her finger in my face. "FUCK YOU!" I screamed as I threw a hay maker with mean intentions at her face. She leaned her upper body back and made me miss. I growled and threw a powerful left to take her head off but she leaned back again and it harmlessly sailed on by. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I angrily yelled as I threw another destructive right. Rachel blocked it with her slender left arm and drilled me in the mid section. "THUD!" When I bent over she grabbed my shirt collar and the back of my pants to ram my head against the wall. "BAM!" I was totally dazed and disoriented when I dropped to the floor on my face and stomach. "PLOP!"
Rachel took hold of my wrists and stretched my arms out behind me while she sat down on my lower back. Then she leaned back and pulled on my arms until my head and shoulders were off of the floor. While she held me there she put her legs over my shoulders and braced her bare feet against the wall in front of me. When she lowered my head down my mouth and nose was resting on her disgusting feet. The whole gym was laughing so hard they had to hold their stomachs. Rachel smiled and wiggled her toes in my face to humiliate me. I began crying again while I fought like a demon to get away from her stinking feet. But she had me securely pinned down and under her control. "I told you to stay down or I would make you cry some more. You should have listened." She scolded. "Fuck you bitch." I blubbered while I continued to squirm.
"You have a potty mouth Richard. I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap if you don't stop swearing." She threatened. "Try it you fucking bitch." I hatefully replied. "If I hear one more bad word come out of your mouth I will. I mean it Richard." She said in a very stern voice. "Kiss my ass you fucking whore. I'm not afraid of you." I courageously told her. She tightened her grip on my wrists and viciously twisted my arms as soon as it came out of my mouth. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed like a girl and bawled like a baby. "You asked for it Richard. I'm not playing with you. Now do what I say and keep your dirty mouth shut." "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I squealed while I violently struggled to free myself. Rachel pulled my head back with her feet until my neck was stretched to the limit. Then she twisted my arms again and laughed at my muffled screams of pain. "MMFFFHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "You're a stubborn little wimp but I'll make you mind." She said with confidence. Rachel was making a fool out of me in front of the whole school and they were having a ball watching her humiliate me. She was stronger then any girl or boy I've ever met and I couldn't get out of her hold. I was completely lost and didn't know what to do.
"Some bully you are. You're not very strong at all." She said as she turned me loose and climbed to her feet. Everyone was congratulating her while I laid there crying. "Get up and show me what you've got tough guy." She commanded. I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself for crying. And I was beginning to get scared for the first time in my life. Every time I attacked, Rachel would easily get the upper hand and make me look like a wimp. Like I was the frail little girl and she was the big strong boy. But I had to beat the fucking bitch and save my reputation. So I did what she told me and got up. It made me feel a little better when I screamed at the other kids for laughing and saw their faces turn white with fear. "Why don't you pick on someone who will fight back?" Rachel confidently challenged. God I was sick of listening to her fucking mouth. I wound up and threw a powerful hay maker at her smiling face to shut her up. But she dodged the punch like it was child's play and fattened both of my lips. "SMACK!" "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" I stood there squalling like a spoiled brat. "I don't know why everyone is afraid of you. You're nothing but a big bawl baby." She teased. The kids started laughing again.
"SHUT UP!" I yelled while I swung at her again. She avoided that one just as easily and hurt both of my eyes. "SMACK!..SMACK!" "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW1 HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" I grabbed my sore eyes and cried harder. "Do you see what I mean you guys? Listen to the big baby cry." Rachel said as she strutted around the gym. "SHUT UP GOD DAMMIT!" I screamed. "THUD!..THUD!" She buried her fists deep in my stomach before I could stop her. I clutched my mid section with both hands and bent over gasping for breath. Rachel's bare foot exploded in my unprotected face. "WHAP!" I hit the floor like a ton of bricks and cried my eyes out. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" Sniff, sniff. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "You still think you can beat me up?" She asked standing over me. I tried to kick her again but she jumped out of the way. "Look you guys he even kicks like a little baby." They all laughed until they cried. "Get up and fight cry baby this is fun." She said while inviting me to attack with her wiggling fingers.
I jumped to my feet and went out swinging. My big arms were pumping like a well oiled machine to smash her into pieces. Rachel moved her graceful female body like an arobic dancer and avoided everyone of my destructive punches. When I paused to get my bearings she took over. I was utterly defenseless against her attack. "SMACK!" She broke my nose with a straight right. "SMACK!..SMACK!" My jaw was bruised and my right eye began to swell. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" My stomach ached and my left eye swelled up. My knees were shaking while I held my sore stomach and puffy eye. Rachel proudly stood in front of me tapping her bare foot. "You want some more?" She asked with a smirk. I tried another kick but she easily dodged it and landed an uppercut on my chin. "CRACK!" I really broke down and cried. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" Sniff, sniff. "Have you had enough cry baby?" God I hated hearing her smart ass mouth. "FUCK YOU RACHEL!" I screamed while I shut my tear filled eyes against the shame I felt.
"I told you to stop swearing." "SMACK!" She blackened my left eye and knocked me in the floor. I laid at her feet and squalled with my slobbering mouth wide open. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" Sniff, sniff, sniff. "Please get me a bar of soap from the girls shower room Tina." Rachel told my ex girlfriend. Tina was having a giggling fit when she scampered off to get it. I was crying so loud I didn't hear Rachel ask for the soap. So I had no idea what she planned on doing until Tina returned with something in her hand. "Here ya go Rachel." My face turned as white as a sheet when I saw Tina hand her a bar of soap. I quickly leaped to my feet and shoved bodies out of my way while I made a dash for the door. I made it about twenty feet before Rachel snatched the back of my shirt collar and jerked me into her arms. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed in terror while laughter filled the gym.
"Why were you running away tough guy?" Rachel asked while she wrapped her arms around mine and dragged me back to the middle of the gym. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I squealed like a bitch. "I will after I wash your potty mouth out." She said as she wrestled me down to the floor. "NO! NO! NO!" I screamed while I helplessly fought to escape. "I told you I would wash your mouth out with soap if you didn't stop swearing. But you didn't listen did you?" Rachel forced me to sit up straight and scooted up behind me. She bent my arms up my back and pinned them there with her slender female body. Then she wrapped her gorgeous legs around my waist and locked her ankles together. I struggled with everything I had to stop her from tying me up in knots but she was to strong. When she had me under control she cupped my chin with her left hand and pulled my head back to rest on her left shoulder.
"Open your potty mouth." She ordered while staring at my frightened red face. I closed my teary eyes and clamped my mouth shut. "I'm not going to tell you again Richard, now open your mouth." She said in a stern voice. "MMFFFHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I mumbled in defiance. She calmly laid the bar of soap down and tightened her legs around my waist like a vice. Then she doubled up her fist and gave me a matching set of black eyes. "SMACK!" I whimpered like a sissy while huge tears ran down my swollen cheeks. But I managed to keep my mouth shut. "If you don't open your mouth I'll beat you to a pulp and knock you out. Then I'll wash your mouth out while you're asleep. So take your choice." She threatened. I was scared out of my mind and about to piss my pants. But I refused to willingly open my mouth and let her humiliate me in front of all the laughing faces crowded around us. "Have it your way then. But you're going to be sorry." She said as she carried out her threat and beat me senseless.
"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" My battered face swelled up like a balloon and turned a rainbow of colors. I squealed like a frightened little girl and fiercely struggled to escape her painful fist. But Rachel had me securely pinned down and I was completely helpless against her strength. I finally opened my badly swollen mouth and wailed like a banshee. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" Sniff, sniff. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "AAAWWWKKKKKKKKK!" I nearly choked when Rachel put the soap in my squalling mouth and shoved it down my throat. Heavy tears poured from my swollen black eyes while I listened to the roaring laughter. Rachel firmly held me in her grip and continued to humiliate me. Soap bubbles were popping out of my blubbering mouth and running down my gagging throat while I shamefully cried my heart out. I've never felt so helpless in my life. My spirit was crushed and my foolish male pride completely dissolved in Rachel's strong hands. I no longer had the courage to defy the beautiful female warrior. Everyone saw the fear on my frightened face and instantly knew she had broken me.
Rachel finally took the soap out of my slobbering mouth and released me. I felt so humiliated I covered my tear filled eyes while I collapsed in the floor and cried like a baby. She knew I was no longer a threat so she casually laid down and talked to her friends. When my body stopped trembling Rachel dragged me to my feet. She curled her fingers in my shirt and jerked my battered face up to hers so she could look me in the eyes. "Do you see how it feels to be bullied by someone who's stronger then you? It's not funny is it Richard?" "N.No." I meekly whimpered. "Good. You better remember this lesson and stop being a bully. Or I'll beat you up every day and make you cry like a baby for the rest of the year. Do you understand me?" She sternly asked. "Yes R.Rachel." I passively answered while shaking in my shoes. "Good boy." She smiled and patted my swollen red cheeks like I was a toddler.
Rachel grabbed me by the ear and marched me over to the bleachers. "Everyone in this gym is afraid of you because you've bullied them. I think they deserve to get even so here's what I want you to do. Pull your pants down and get on your knees. Then I want you to put your head down on the floor and stick your butt in the air so they can give you one good smack." "Only one you guys." She said addressing the crowd. I came out of shock and held my trembling hands in front of me to beg Rachel for mercy. "Please Rachel don't let them do that to me." She shook her pretty head and laced her fingers with mine. "Do I have to remind you again who's in charge?" She gave me a stern look and viciously bent my fingers back. I instantly dropped to my knees screaming. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Now do as you're told or I'll teach you another lesson. Understand wimp?" Fear covered my battered face as I quickly shook my head yes. "Good boy. Don't ever argue with me again." The tone in her voice sent cold shivers running down my spine.
I quickly pulled down my pants and dropped my head to the floor while I shoved my ass in the air. Rachel let me keep my underwear on so I wouldn't be totally embarrassed. She sat down on the bleachers and raised my head so she could put her left foot under my face. Then she lowered my head until my mouth and nose was touching her silky smooth skin. She crossed her right leg over her left and placed her toes on the back of my head to keep my face pinned against her foot. "Stay in that position until everyone has had their turn. If you move I'll beat you senseless and we'll start all over again. Is that understood?" She asked in a no nonsense tone. "Yes Rachel." I pitifully whimpered. I was so ashamed of myself for not being man enough to stop a girl from degrading me. But Rachel had turned me into a coward and I was afraid to challenge her authority. "OK you guys line up and get ready." She told the crowd. The girls were cheerfully giggling in anticipation as they formed a line. But the boys were uneasy over the situation and hesitant to comply. They were happy to see me get what was coming to me, but they felt I had been punished enough. So they declined Rachel's offer to participate and stood aside. She shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention back to the girls. "Alright girls give him your best shot."
"SWAT!" A soft hand painfully struck my ass and made me squirm. My mouth and nose rubbed against Rachel's bare foot to increase my humiliation. I fought back the shameful tears that were threatening to spill out and fearfully waited for the next girl to take her revenge. "SWAT!" She stung my ass good and thanked Rachel for beating me up before she skipped away with a contented sigh. I whimpered when my mouth was once again mashed against Rachel's silky smooth skin. I was so depressed I hated myself for being such a pathetic little pussy. "SWAT!" "AAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The next girl hit my ass so hard it made me squeal in pain. When I opened my mouth to yell I tasted Rachel's bare foot and wallowed in self pity. I completely gave up in that moment and surrendered my will to the tough little female who was humiliating me.
The terrible ordeal was finally over. Rachel clutched my shirt in her strong hands and jerked my tear stained face up to hers. "Pay attention Richard because I'm only going to tell you once. You're not as tough as you think you are so behave yourself and stop bullying people. Or I'll repeatedly give you a severe beating until you learn. And if I hear your potty mouth one more time I'll put you across my knee and blister your butt until you can't sit down. So you better mind me if you know what's good for you. Is that clear?" She asked while daring me to challenge her authority. "Yes R.Rachel. I'll do what ever you say." I submissively whimpered. "Good boy. Now get down in the floor and kiss my feet while I talk to my friends. And stay there until I tell you you can get up." I immediately obeyed her orders when she threw me in the floor. Rachel had easily proven I was to weak to stand up to her. Princess Rachel owned me and we both knew it. In fact, so did everyone else.