Mary Lou beats the tar out of her Pa's moon shine competitors.

By Crohnsman2

The Dooley brothers try to move in on her Pa's moon shine business, so Mary Lou sets them straight with a terrible beating.

Paul and Phil Dooley are a pair of the meanest, orneriest, trouble makers in the County. They are also the only competition Mary Lou's Pa faces in his moon shine business. They have been trying to steal her Pa's customers for years. But her Pa makes the best shine in the state, and the Dooley brothers shine doesn't come close to matching it for taste, for smoothness, and for kick. But that doesn't stop them from trying.

The brothers have tried everything. First they tried slander. They began spreading rumors that her Pa put unnatural ingredients in his shine to give it more kick. But what he was adding would eventually make everyone sick. Then they said his customers would develop cancer if they drank his shine. Then brain tumors would grow in your head and kill you if you drank his shine. Next, it was fuel oil he was adding to his shine to make you hallucinate and think it tasted better. But none of this worked, because everyone knew and trusted her Pa.

So they stepped up their efforts in a more drastic manner to run him out of business. Like running Tyrone off of the road so they couldn't make their deliveries. Shooting out his tires, hoping he would wreck his delivery cars. Snooping around their property, trying to find the still and bust it up. They even set a road block trap for Tyrone once, and beat him to a pulp when he got out of the car. It took him a month to heal up from the beating they gave him. But her Pa made the deliveries himself. And he was to smart to fall for their tricks.

But they never gave up. They were constantly thinking, trying to come up with a way to steal his customers. Even if their shine didn't come close to her Pa's in quality. If they were the only ones in the County and surrounding area to have shine to sell, then people would be forced to buy theirs. So putting Mary Lou's Pa out of the shine business was their number one priority. Their "ONLY" priority.

Then one day, Paul came up with a brilliant idea. Or at least HE thought it was. They had searched their property a dozen times and never found the still. So Paul came to the conclusion that the still had to be in the cabin, or in one of the buildings near their place. Like the chicken coup or the tool shed. If they could find that still and bust it up, they would stand to make a fortune as the only shine suppliers around. They could charge what ever they wanted.

"Listen Phil. That there still has ta be in the cabin or one of the buildings. Once we bust it up, we'll be sittin pretty and gettin rich. People would have ta buy our shine ifen they wanted some. Ain't nothin else worked, so bustin up that there still is our last chance. So what do ya say we pay a visit ta their cabin and finish the old man once and fer all."

Phil looked at his brother and shook his head. "I got a question fer ya Paul. Ifen we bust up that there still of his, won't he just build another one?" "Sure he will. But it will take him a spell ta get the parts fer a new still. Then he'll have ta build it and get it runnin. By then we'll have taken some of his customers. And when he gets the new one built, we just bust that one up too. Sooner or later, we'll have all his business."

"I dunno Paul. You and me can take the old man and probably Tyrone out, be he's got two other sons too. I don't think we can whup em all at the same time. It sounds kinda dangerous ta me." "We won't take em all on at the same time ya dimwit. In fact, we don't need ta take anybody on but the women folk. Ya can take out an old woman or a young gal can't ya? "Well yeah, sure I can Paul. But I don't foller ya."

"The old man and Tyrone got jobs in town ya knuckle head. And the young boys go huntin and trappin every day. Ifen we hide out in the woods and take the young boys by surprise. Then we can knock em out and tie em up. With the old man and Tyrone in town at their jobs, the only ones in the cabin will be the women folk. Do you understand now ya meat head?" "Ah, yeah Paul I get ya. It'll be like shootin fish in a barrel. I think ya might have a good plan Paul. And I sure would like ta get me some of that young gal of his too." "After we find and bust up the still, ya can do what ever ya want." "OK Paul, count me in."

So the Dooley brothers made their plans with evil grins on their ornery faces. Paul was dreaming about all the money they would have once the old mans still was out of operation. He had plans to live high on the hog with his share of the money, and figured he could con Phil out of some of his. After all, Phil wasn't to bright, and was always asking him for advise. It would be real easy to put the shaft to the idiot and get some extra money for himself.

Now Phil was also thinking about what he would do when they had money to burn. He had read in a magazine in the General Store, that Russian women were dying to come to this Country, and would do anything to get here. The ad said something about mail order brides. That's what he was going to do with his share. Get him a pretty Russian gal as a mail order bride. She would be so grateful he brought her over here, she would do anything for him. And he had big plans for her and what he wanted. But first, that Mary Lou gal was going to get a big surprise when he got his hands on her. A VERY BIG SURPRISE!

Mary Lou was sunbathing on the hill next to the cabin. Her 5 foot, 6 inch, 117 pound body looked perfect in the new pink colored two piece bikini. Her Ma and Pa had bought her the bikini for taking charge of the family when her Ma was sick and bed ridden. She had straightened out the men and made them handle their responsibilities. They had been grateful to her for keeping the family from falling apart. Her Ma is better now, but had lost the fire she had to run the family. So Mary Lou is still in control and the boss. She rules it fairly with her hard female fists.

She smiled to herself, thinking about everything that had transpired. Her Pa and Tyrone have decent jobs in town now, because she had beaten some sense into their heads and forced them to go to work, instead of lying around drunk on their moon shine. Her other two twin brothers Carson and Caleb, had quit acting like children and were taking their jobs more seriously. She was the reason for that too. She had given them both a good beating and made them grow up. Everything was running smoothly now, thanks to her. And she aimed to keep it that way.

Everything was working out perfectly for the Dooley brothers. Paul had found a rabbit in one of the boys snares and was waiting behind a tree when Carson came to get it. When the boy knelt down to take the rabbit out of the snare, Paul jumped out and clubbed him in the head with a tree branch. He tied him up and went to check to see how Phil had fared. Phil had just as easy a time with Caleb. When the boy was walking down the river bank to his favorite fishing spot, Phil had surprised him and knocked him out with a tree branch too. He tied him up and went looking for his brother.

Phil couldn't believe his luck. There she lie on a towel getting a tan. She was nearly naked in the two piece bikini and his mouth watered when he looked at her well formed young body. After they busted up the old mans still, he was going to have fun playin with those firm tits and that fine lookin ass. Maybe their luck was changin and everything was going to work out just fine. So far Paul's plan had been a master piece of thinkin. Good thing Paul was smart.

Mary Lou was enjoying herself. The sun was nice and warm and her tan was coming along nicely. Her sky blue eyes were closed and her dark brown hair was splayed out on the towel, as she day dreamed while the sun did it's job on her smooth silky skin. Her chores were done, so she had nothin to worry about for the rest of the day. Just help her Ma set the table when the food was ready. Her Ma was cutting up the vegetables now to put in the meat stew for supper. Her Pa and Tyrone were at their jobs and the twins were out in the woods hunting and fishing. Everything was going smoothly. Just how she liked it.

All of a sudden a shadow blocked the sun off of her body. Mary Lou opened her eyes just as two big men grabbed her by her arms and hauled her to her feet. One of them placed his left hand over her mouth so she couldn't scream out a warning to her Ma. Then they lifted her off of her feet by her arms and carried her toward the cabin. Deciding to wait and see what was going on, she didn't struggle in their grasp. They reached the cabin and one of them kicked open the door. It scared her Ma and she jumped back.

One of them grabbed both of her arms from behind, while the other one ran to get her Ma before she got over being startled and reached for the knife she had been using to cut up the vegetables. That's when she seen it was Paul Dooley. The one holding her from behind must be his brother Phil, she thought to herself. Paul grabbed her Ma in a bear hug and pulled her away from the table and the knife.

"OK. One of you gals tell us where the still is and we won't hurt ya. Ifen ya don't. Phil there is gonna take yer daughter in the back room and make her scream while ya set out her and listen to her old woman. Then I'm gonna beat yer Ma's face and body so bad ya won't recognize her gal. So which one of ya wants ta talk first.?" Mary Lou and her Ma looked at him with hateful eyes and didn't say a word. "We ain't foolin ya dumb bitches. One of ya talk or yer both gonna be in a world of pain."

Mary Lou had to do something. Her Ma had just gotten better and hadn't been on her feet for very long. If Paul gave her a beating, she may not recover from it. She had to put a stop to these two idiots before they hurt her Ma. "Hey! I'll tell ya what ya want ta know if ya let my Ma go. When she's safe in her room, I'll show ya the still." "No Mary Lou. Ya can't give in ta these two. I'll be alright, just keep yer mouth shut." "Shut yer mouth old woman or I'll shut it fer ya." Paul told her. "It's OK Ma. Just go ta yer room."

The old woman seen the look in her daughters eyes and knew she had something up her sleeve. "OK Mary Lou. If ya think that is what's best, I'll go ta my room." "No tricks gal or we'll really hurt ya both. Do ya understand?" "I understand ya asshole. Just don't ya hurt my Ma and I'll show ya what ever ya want." "It's a deal. Ya can go ta your room old woman. And don't try anything either, or this is the last time you'll see yer daughter in one piece."

Mary Lou assessed the situation as her Ma went to her bedroom. They both were big men, but Paul was the biggest and probably the toughest. He stood about 6 foot, 5 inches tall, and weighed approximately 280 pounds. Phil wasn't much smaller. He was close to 6 foot 4 inches tall and maybe 265 pounds. Paul was in front of her, but Phil was still standing behind. She needed to get him out, where they both were in her line of sight.

"OK boys, foller me." She passed Phil and started for the door, which put them both behind her. Now when she turned around, they would be be where she could see them. Just as she got to the door, she spun around. "Oh yeah. There's one other thing I fergot ta tell ya. The two of you are more stupid then I thought." As they stood there trying to cypher what she had just said, she struck.

SMACK..her right fist landed between Phil's eyes and he was back pedalling before he knew what hit him. The surprise wore off of Paul's face quickly, but not fast enough that Mary Lou couldn't get him in range for her left..SMACK..her left cross exploded on his mouth and knocked him to his left. Before he could recover and regain his balance, her right hook caught him on the chin..SMACK..he was back pedalling now.

She quickly stepped up to meet Phil as he got his feet under him. A series of hard male punches came winging at her pretty face, but with his great bulk they were slow and easily avoided. She knew she couldn't stand there all day and dodge his attempts, because Paul would be after her in a second. When he missed his last right..SMACK..SMACK.. she drilled him in the stomach with a right left combination..SMACK.. an uppercut to his chin made him stagger back.

As soon as she sent Phil staggering back, Paul was in her face with murder in his eyes. "I'm gonna kill ya ya little bitch. I told ya no tricks. Now yer gonna pay fer not doing what I told ya ta do." Rights and lefts were coming at her from all angles, but his were just as slow and cumbersome as Phil's. After ducking and dodging a few, she seen an opening..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his nose was broken and his eyes were in pain..SMACK..her uppercut sent him reeling backwards in time to meet Phil again.

Phil was growling like a bear with hate spread across his ugly face. "Ya shoulda listened ta Paul ya fucking whore. Now I'm gonna beat ya within an inch of yer life before I fuck ya ta death." Heavy handed punches, delivered by large muscular arms, were chucked at the brown haired gladiator with bad intentions.

Swaying her pink bikini clad young body, she evaded them all as she waited for her chance to start her own offense. It came when he missed a hard right and slightly lost his balance..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..she broke his nose and marked up his cheeks and chin. He stumbled back into Paul.

Paul came at her mad as hell and screaming like a Cougar. "Ya might as well say yer prayers ya fucking slut, cause I'm gonna rip yer fucking head off and shove it up yer ass." His thick muscular arms began firing like pistons as he tried to take her fucking head off. Ham like fists were flying over, under, around and near her pretty face but none found their mark. She seen Phil right himself and start forward to join his brother in trying to bring about her destruction. It was time to get Paul out of her face and ready herself for Phil.

"WHAM!"..her right bare foot landed between Paul's legs and forced a loud scream out of his big mouth. He grabbed his balls and his face turned bright red from the pain..SMACK..her right caught him on the temple and sent him stumbling into Phil. Phil had to stop advancing toward her to catch his brother before he went down. It gave Mary Lou a chance to get her bearings and launch an attack against Phil while his attention was diverted elsewhere.

SMACK..her right slammed into Phil's jaw on her left, just before her left met Paul's jaw on her right..SMACK..both brothers staggered in different directions. Paul was in worse shape still clutching his balls, so she stepped toward Phil..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..the big mans head was flopping around on his neck like a rag dolls..SMACK..another right to his eye put him in the floor moaning.

She approached Paul just as he was collecting himself..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his head snapped up and down repeatedly..SMACK..her final right to his jaw put him down in the floor whimpering. "You two boys are kinda pathetic at fightin ain't ya. Maybe ya shoulda stayed home and played with yerself. Cause I'm gonna beat ya like mangy dogs. Ya been a thorn in my Pa's side fer a long time, ya weak little pussy's. But ya won't be no more when I'm through with ya. Yer gonna be good little boys and not cause no more trouble fer anyone. Cause you'll be to afraid of me ta open yer mouths."

"Now get yer asses on yer feet so I can teach ya how ta behave." Phil made it to his feet first and came out swinging. The little bitch was getting on his nerves with that smart mouth of hers, so it was time ta shut her up. It was hard ta concentrate though, with her almost naked body staring him right in the face. He couldn't wait to put the loud mouth whore down and get her legs spread out wide. He was gonna rip her a new asshole before he was done.

His mighty arms threw punches with bone breaking power behind them, but the little bitch wouldn't stand still long enough fer one of them ta land. His arms were beginning ta get tired and hard ta hold up. And his slow witted mind was lost in total confusion. She noticed Paul about to get up so it was time to put Phil down..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..blood squirted from his eye as he collapsed to the floor dazed and semi conscious.

Paul was met with a barrage of hard feminine punches as soon as he gained his feet..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..his mouth split wide open and both eyes swelled to an enormous size..SMACK..a right between his eyes and his large muscular body toppled over backwards to slam into the floor next to his dizzy brother.

With both brothers slightly out of it, she grabbed Paul's arm and flipped him over on his stomach to lie right next to his brother. With the two men lying on their stomach facing the same direction, she pulled their arms behind them and placed them straight out on their backs. Lying down with her feet pointed toward Paul's right side, she lifted all four of their arms and placed her right leg across their backs and under their arms. She then stretched her left leg across their backs on top of their arms and locked her slim ankles together near Phil's left side. She was ready to cause the brothers pain..

Mary Lou was lying on her left side with her butt jammed up against Paul's right side and all four of their arms trapped in her leg scissors. "You boys are gonna be sorry ya came here with this stupid idea of yers. You're both pathetic little weaklings and can't fight fer shit. And when I get through with yer arms, they ain't gonna be much good fer nothin. So get ready ta scream like little girls ya sissy's, cause this is gonna hurt a lot."

She clamped down on their arms with her strong female legs and rolled to her back as she lifted their arms in the air. Both men screamed as their arms were taken near the breaking point. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHH!"..."AARRGGGHHHHHHHHH!" "It hurts doesn't it ya weak little bitches. And I ain't even through yet. When I get done, you'll be crying like babies and beggin me ta let ya go." Mary Lou smiled as she rolled a little more until she was resting on her right buttock. Their arms were lifted higher and at the breaking point now.

"AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"...."AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!""Start beggin ya wimps. Or I'll roll on over ta my hip and break all four of yer pitiful male arms." "OK...OK...PLEASE...STOP...IT...HURTS...DON'T...BREAK...OUR...ARMS...OH...GOD...PLEASE...IT...HURTS!""I might be persuaded ta let ya go ifen ya apologize real nice ta me and my Ma." "OK...MARY...LOU...WE... WILL...APOLOGIZE...JUST...DON'T...BREAK...OUR...ARMS."She smiled and turned her head toward her Ma's bedroom door. "HEY MA, COME ON OUT!"

The woman opened her door and stepped into the room. She looked at her daughter perched up on her elbows, with her legs wrapped around the two whimpering men lying on their stomachs in the floor. "I do declare Mary Lou, you are an incredible young woman." "Well thanks Ma. But it was easy ta whip these two wimps. Why don't ya go get some of the rope in the shed that the twins use ta make their snares and traps. We'll tie these boys up and wait fer Pa ta get home and see what he wants ta do with em." "Right away Mary Lou."

Her Ma retrieved the rope from the shed and cut four lengths of it to tie their hands and feet. The boys lie there docile as a lamb, with Mary Lou's legs still wrapped around their arms. When her Ma was through, she turned them lose. "OK boys, let me hear them apologies. And they better be good, or I'll roll ya over and beat yer faces till I get tired of swinging my arms." "We are truly sorry ma'am fer breakin in here and treatin ya like we did. Please fergive us ma'am." Her Ma smiled at her daughter.

"Did that sound sincere ta you Mary Lou?" Mary Lou smiled back. "I dunno Ma. I can beat fer ya somemore and see if I can't make em do better." "OH...GOD...PLEASE...MA'AM...WE...REALLY... ARE...SORRY...DON'T...LET...HER...HURT...US...AGAIN." Her Ma burst out laughing. "I think maybe they mean it Mary Lou. What do you think?" "Well, ifen yer satisfied Ma, then I guess I am." "OK boys, ya done a good job. I'll not hurt anymore." She said grinning.

Her Ma went back to cutting vegetables for the stew and Mary Lou placed a chair up near the Dooley brothers heads. She sat down and put a bare foot under each mans face. "Ya ain't apologized ta me yet fellers. So why don't ya give my bare feet some sweet kisses ta show me yer real sorry. The two men had sickening looks on their swollen, black and blue faces, but fear over rid their disgust. They both started kissing her soft smooth skin and pretty bare toes like they enjoyed it.

"The twins should have been back by now Mary Lou. I wonder why their so late getting home today." "I dunno Ma. If their out there playin around and not doing their job, I'll beat them fer the rest of the day." The slow witted Phil spoke up, not thinking that what he was about to say would anger Mary Lou immensely. "They is tied up in the woods. Paul and me clubbed em over the head and tied em up so they wouldn't show up and surprise us when we was bustin up yer Pa's still."

"YA DID WHAT?" "There's bears and wolves in them there woods ya stupid morons. Ifen one of my brothers is hurt or dead, I'll kill ya with my bare hands." Mary Lou slipped on her moccasins and ran out the door. About an hour later she came back with Carson and Caleb in tow. They were scratched up and both had headaches, but they were alright. "Both of ya go lay down and get some rest." "NO MARY LOU, we owe these two ornery critters fer whoppin us in the head. We wanna make em pay fer that." Carson yelled. "YEAH MARY LOU, we owe em." Caleb replied.

"I'll take care of these two. Just do as I tell ya or I'll put ya ta sleep myself." The twins hung their heads and walked toward their room. "OK Mary Lou. What ever ya say." "That's better. Now be good boys and go ta sleep fer a while. I'll call ya when supper is ready." Mary Lou grabbed Paul and turned him to his back. Smiling, she straddled his tied up large body and raised her fists.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" "PLEASE MARY LOU, WE DIDN'T MEAN NO HARM!" "Shut yer mouth ya lying wimp"..SMACK.."I know this was yer idea Paul."..SMACK.."Ya coulda got my brothers killed."..SMACK.."All fer yer greed of money."..SMACK.."So keep yer mouth shut while I change yer looks a bit."..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK. The big man began to bawl like a baby while her fists turned his face into a swollen, battered mess..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..mercifully, he went to sleep after her first ten punches and couldn't feel the awful pain she was inflicting on him.

"There. That looks a lot better. I think I made ya more handsome Paul. Maybe the next time ya get a hair brain scheme, you'll think twice before ya go through with it." She climbed off of his sleeping body and flipped Phil over on his back. He was already crying in fear, because of what she was going to do to him too. "PLEASE...MARY...LOU...WE...DIDN'T...MEAN...TA...HURT...ANYBODY...DON'T...BEAT'''ME'''PLEASE." "Ya didn't mean ta hurt anybody huh?"..SMACK.."Well as I recall, ya was gonna rape me when ya was done bustin up Pa's still."..SMACK.."Or has that slipped yer mind ya stupid sissy."..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK..SMACK.

Phil went to sleep too, while she beat his face to a mangled, multi colored pulp. "That should teach these two pansy asses not ta fool with this family." She climbed off of his badly beaten body just as her Pa, Tyrone, and his wife walked through the door. After hearing the women's story, her Pa sent Tyrone back to town for the Sheriff. He later showed up and took the Dooley brothers to jail.

"Mary Lou, I don't know how ta thank ya. You've saved this family again. Ya really are a special gal Mary Lou. And we love ya with all our hearts." "Ah shucks Pa. It weren't nothin. They was messin with my family and I won't take that from anybody." "Well all I got ta say girl, is I'm glad yer on our side and part of this here family." "Me to Pa. Me to."